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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.05.2013 um 16:02
Joe erscheint jetzt auch wieder auf der Bildfläche ... :)

Wade Robson's Getting

Joe Jackson
Wade Robson's Gewinn

5/23/2013 12:50 AM PDT

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Joe Jackson -- Wade Robson's Getting PAID TO LIE

Wade Robson is getting paid big money to destroy Michael Jackson's reputation with child abuse allegations ... so says MJ's dad Joe Jackson.

Joe was at the airport in L.A. Wednesday when we asked about Wade's claims against the MJ estate -- that the singer sexually abused him as a child for years -- but Joe doesn't buy Wade's story for a second ... and he's not placing the blame entirely on Wade's shoulders either.

Joe's got his own conspiracy theory about who's REALLY behind Wade's allegations ... and whoever it is has a massive wallet.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.05.2013 um 16:08
Michael Jackson called 'the freak' in email from top AEG lawyer

By Jeff Gottlieb and Corina Knoll
May 23, 2013, 6:59 a.m.

An email shown to the jury in the Michael Jackson wrongful-death lawsuit revealed the top attorney for AEG called the pop star "the freak" before he signed multimillion-dollar contracts for his London concerts.

The email was shown to the jury during the third day of testimony by Shawn Trell, general counsel and senior vice president for Anschutz Entertainment Group.

Jackson attorney Brian Panish asked Trell about his visit to the singer's house to sign the contracts. "It was exciting to meet Michael Jackson," he said.

Panish built toward a climax, asking Trell if it were company policy to speak in derogatory terms about an artist it was about to sign to a huge deal.

"I may not have necessarily agreed with some of the life choices Michael Jackson made," Trell said, "but I certainly had enormous respect for him as an entertainer."

Panish asked Trell, "Did Mr. Fikre say to you that Michael Jackson was a freak?" a reference to Ted Fikre, chief legal and development officer and a member of the board of parent company AEG, before slowly unraveling the emails.

The email chain starts Jan 28, 2009, with AEG Live executive Paul Gongaware writing to Randy Phillips, president and chief executive of AEG Live: "MJ still on today?"

Phillips emails back. "Yes. 5 p.m. 100 Carolwood Dr. You and Shawn should be there," referring to Trell.

Trell forwarded the email to Fikre, who replied two minutes later: "Does this mean you get to meet the freak?"

Trell replies: "Apparently. Not sure how I feel about that. Interesting for sure, but kind of creepy."

Panish then scolded Trell as he sat in the witness box: "Didn't your mother ever tell you if you don't have anything good to say about someone not to say it?"

Asked outside court about the email, Jessica Stebbins Bina, an attorney representing AEG, replied, "I think it speaks for itself."

The Jacksons are suing AEG, contending the company negligently hired and supervised Conrad Murray, the doctor who administered a fatal dose of propofol to Jackson in June 2009. AEG says that Jackson hired Murray and that any money the entertainment company was supposed to pay the doctor was an advance to the singer.

Murray is in jail after being convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

Earlier in the day, Trell testified that he had been told that Jackson passed a medical exam for an insurance policy "with flying colors" a few months before his death. A second insurance exam had been scheduled for July 6, 2009 -- about two weeks after Jackson died.

The exams were necessary so AEG could buy cancellation insurance for Jackson's "This Is It" concerts.

Cancellation insurance, Trell said, is a typical way to recoup advances made to an artist when an event falls through. According to its contract with Jackson, AEG had advanced the singer close to $30 million.

Insurance carriers, however, were "skittish" due to tabloid reports about Jackson's health, Trell said. Stebbins Bina said their concerns did not include drugs, painkillers, alcohol or sleep disorders.

In addition to the tour contract, Trell said Jackson and AEG had an agreement that proposed developing as many as three films together, one of which was related to his "Thriller" video.

When nothing was developed by the agreement's June 1, 2009, deadline, AEG sent a proposed amendment to extend that date to Jackson's representatives, Trell said.

"I think the interest was still there on Mr. Jackson's side, and I know we were interested in helping him realize what he wanted to accomplish," Trell said.,0,3492909.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.05.2013 um 16:17
Quelle: Jackson.CH - Schweizer MJ Forum


22. MAI 2013

Als Michael Jackson Off The Wall aufnahm, war er fest entschlossen, der grösste Entertainer aller Zeiten zu werden und das Image des ehemaligen Kinderstars hinter sich zu lassen. Eine schriftliche Aufzeichnung, die CBS News in ihrer “60 Minutes” Tour durch Michaels Besitztümer zeigte, verrät Einzelheiten.

Auf der Rückseite eines Tour-Reiseplans hielt der damals 21-Jährige fest: “MJ wird mein neuer Name sein. Nicht mehr Michael Jackson. Ich möchte einen vollständig neuen Charakter, einen völlig neuen Look.

Ich sollte eine vollständig andersartige Person sein. Die Leute sollten nie an mich denken als das Kind, das ‘ABC’ [oder] ‘I Want You Back’ sang.” “Ich sollte ein neuer, nicht fassbarer Schauspieler / Sänger / Tänzer sein, der die Welt erschüttert. Ich werde keine Interviews geben. Ich möchte Magie sein. Ich möchte ein Perfektionist sein, ein Rechercheur, ein Trainer, ein Meister. Ich möchte besser sein als jeder grossartige Darsteller in Einem zusammengefasst.”

Hier ein Video, in dem die Handnotizen zu sehen sind. (Ganz nach unten scrollen.)

Wir hatten hier die TV-Sendung von CBS News angekündigt.


Weiterlesen unter
Copyright ©

ein Video (Archiv-Version vom 08.06.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.05.2013 um 16:22
Janet Jackson Is a Billionaire

May 23, 2013

She married billionaire retail tycoon Wissam Al Mana in 2012, but Janet Jackson is is bringing home plenty of dough herself. According to Variety, she’s now a billionaire!

The magazine reports that Janet is one of the best-selling artists of all time and has earned $458 million from touring, $304 million from acting, $260 million in album sales and $81 million from tour sponsorship and licensing fees.

Jackson is in good company. Other celebrities in the billionaires club include J.K. Rowling, Oprah Winfrey and Steven Spielberg.

In 2012, Janet's brother Michael Jackson came in second on Forbes' list of highest-earning dead celebrities. His earnings for the year were estimated at $145 million.

ähnliche Berichte (Archiv-Version vom 07.06.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.05.2013 um 16:28
bei LSA "entdeckt" ... :)

Paris & ihre Freundin Emma

tumblr mn5qewKyu41qlutfoo1 500


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.05.2013 um 02:42
Huch, was will der olle Joe in LA? Geht der auch vor Gericht? Oder nach Hause nach Encino?

OMG ist das ein Zirkus, aber sie, die Jacksons, wollten es so und das nur für Geld und keine Gerechtigkeit. Sie hatten sich das sicher so vorgestellt, daß sie ohne Verhandlung davonkommen und die Dollars fließen. Tja Pech gehabt.
Selbst wenn AEG schuldig gesprochen wird ist noch lange nicht gesagt, ob sie dafür auch zahlen müssen. Mein Wunsch wäre, sie werden verurteilt, weiß nur nicht wofür und sie bekommen als Auflage, ein Krankenhaus zu bauen. Ja, das würde mir gefallen. Damit wäre Michaels Wunsch erfüllt und gut ist´s.
Die Jacksons sollen für ihr falsches Spiel nichts bekommen, Michaels Kinder bekommen eh ausreichend Unterstützung und die anderen können selbst sehen, wo sie bleiben.

So, hier hab ich noch was zu dem "Freak" gefunden. Sag ich doch, so schlimm ist das gar nicht, gibt es doch hier viel schlimmere Äußerungen von Latunta:

Das habe ich schon früher mal gesehen und fand es unglaublich:

Michaels Mutter nannte ihn "Schwuchtel" und die Latoilette sagt das auch noch öffentlich im Fernsehen, na da ist ja die "Freak-Äußerung" in einer Mail noch harmlos!!! Aber wirklich!
Zu beachten auch die anderen Vids., Latoilette wird für ihre Anschuldigungen im italienischen Fernsehen von Fans angegriffen usw.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.05.2013 um 02:53
auf dem einem Profilbild von Paris sieht sie ihrer Mutter schon ähnlich, vorgeschobenes Kinn genau wie sie oder wie König Drosselbart. :D

Ich bin in freudig-giftiger Erwartung der Familie-Jackson-Aussagen. Da wird der Quatsch noch Quätscher, denn wir werden sicherlich viele Dinge hören, die sie vor kurzer oder vor längerer Zeit entgegengesetzt erzählt haben.
Bei MJJC steht im Diskussionsforum ein Beitrag, da wird behauptet, die Jacksons hätten die Michael-Computer gleich nach seinem Tod geplündert, also Kopien von seinen Gedichten, Liedern und privaten Dingen gemacht. Ob das stimmt? Vorstellen könnte ich es mir.
Genau in dem Beitrag stehen noch andere Dinge, auch daß Randy Michael dazu bringen wollte, seinen Katalog 2005 zu verkaufen uvm.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.05.2013 um 03:03
Nächster Gerichtstag erst wieder am Dienstag!!!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.05.2013 um 09:35
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #19 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 17 – May 23 2013 – Summary

Katherine Jackson and Rebbie Jackson are in court. Katherine becomes emotional when Panish asks about Michael being pressured, leaves court during lunch and does not come back for the afternoon session.

Shawn Trell Testimony

*source info: all of the below information comes from ABC7 twitter account. As it's one single source I did not repeat ABC7 after every paragraph

Jackson redirect

Trell said when he met Michael Jackson in January of 2009, the singer didn't appear to be in pain.

"I approximate the number of tours I've been involved in to be about 100," Trell testified. Trell said AEG has done other smaller productions as promoter and producer, only on two occasions for singers (Prince and MJ). "We promoted and produced Prince's 88 tour," Trell said. Panish: Is that a yes, one time you did promote/produce a tour? Trell: Yes Panish said Prince's tour did not go well. "I wouldn't agree with that statement," Trell said. "I've never spoken to Prince, ever.

Trell said AEG never hired physicians for tours before.

Trell said he didn't know if AEG has a written contract with attorney Kathy Jorrie, who drafted Dr. Murray's contract. AEG did not deduct any payment from Jorrie for making mistakes in the contracts, Trell said.

"I think Mr. Jackson asked us to engage his (Dr. Murray) services for him and his family on the tour," Trell explained. "We weren't aware of a conflict of interest," Trell said. Panish: You, AEG Live, could've said you should hire your own doctor with your own money, right? Trell: Yes

Panish: Do you believe a threat to lose $150,000 month could exert pressure on anyone? Trell: I don't know that

As to Dr. Murray's contract, Trell said it was prepared by AEG Live attorneys and never sent to any attorney representing MJ. "I believe there were three or four drafts," Trell explained. Panish: Did Dr. Murray sign and fax back the contracts? Trell: Yes, he did.

As to mistakes in contracts, Panish said there were a lot made in several contracts. He highlighted a few of them. Panish: How many shows were in the tour? Trell: In the tour agreement, 31. Panish: But you sold tickets for 50 shows? Trell: The agreement contemplated in excess of 31, based on artist's approval. Trell said he didn't have written approval from MJ for 50 shows. "But you wanted to get fully executed contracts right sir?" Panish inquired

Trell said he never reviewed any of the drafts of Dr. Murray's contract because Jorrie was handling the negotiation. Trell explained that before AEG were to sign the final version, though, he would've reviewed everything to make sure there were no mistakes.

Panish asked if Trell knew Randy Phillips talked to Dr. Murray for 20 minutes on the phone. "I'm aware he had spoken with him, but didn't know the length of the calls," Trell said.Panish asked if MJ ever signed a release of authorization for Randy Phillips to speak with Dr. Murray. Trell said he was not aware of one. Panish asked if Trell thought it was ok for Phillips to speak with Dr. Murray alone. He said it depends on the substance of the conversation Panish: About their physical conditions? Trell: I don't know that. I think it would depend on the nature and substance of the conversation. If they are talking about generalities, Trell said he doesn't think there's need for an authorization that Panish was talking about. Panish: Are you familiar with HIPPA? Trell: I'm generally familiar with it, but don't know what the acronym means. Panish: You have no idea what the law allows what a physician can discuss or someone can ask about a patient's condition, sir? Trell: Yes

Panish: Do you know if Mr. Phillips ever threat Dr. Murray? Trell: No, I don't know that.

Panish referred to the email from Gongaware on June 14, 2009 saying AEG was the one paying Dr. Murray's salary and what's expected of him. Panish: Is it a conflict of interest to tell a doctor you are paying how he needs to treat his patient? Trell: I don't know if that would rise to a conflict of interest. There are facts and circumstances that would bear on this.

As to independent contractors, Trell said the indemnity provision is always included in the agreements. Panish: That's because it's your job to protect the financial interested of the company, rights? Trell: It's part of my responsibility, yes

Panish: Isn't it important to put everything in writing, sir? Trell: Not necessarily, I don't think you can put everything in writing

Trell said he doesn't expect the CEO of a company to know everything within the company, as Phillips wrote that they 'checked everyone out'.

Trell said the people whom AEG contracted are either known to them, to the artist or in the business.

Trell said AEG had a management agreement with Dr. Tohme, a management agreement. "It was an agreement between us and Tohme regarding the service he would render on the tour," Trell said. "It was a fee for whatever services MJ wanted him to perform according to the agreement," Trell explained. Panish asked if Dr. Tohme was an employee of AEG. Trell: He was not an employee. Panish: Is he an independent contractor? Trell: He's a party to an agreement. Panish pressed Trell for an answer, since he testified people working on the tour were either employees or independent contractors. "It's hard for me to describe, he was not an employee, and not independent contractor either," Trell.

Panish showed an email where attorney Kathy Jorrie expressed reservations about Dr. Tohme. Jorrie questioned if he was the "real McCoy", meaning the real deal, and recommended a background check to be performed. Did you perform background check on Dr. Tohme? Trell: No Trell said there was no reason to believe Dr. Tohme wasn't telling the truth when he said he represented Michael Jackson. Trell said he saw Dr. Tohme call MJ numerous times about the tour. Trell: I don't know what she meant with the reference to "real McCoy"

Email on 6/23/09 from Timm Wooley to Bob Taylor (insurance broker): Kenny Ortega has responsibility only for the show content and structure Randy Phillips and Dr. Murray are responsible for MJ rehearsal and attendance schedule. Looks like there might have been an issue in KO either not being demanding enough.

"Timm Wooley's statement is inaccurate, in my opinion," Trell said, but agreed he never spoke with Wooley about it, never saw it before. "Meaning MJ showed up whenever MJ wanted to," Trell opined.

"I testified that I was inquiring of ways that might be available to breach the gap," Trell said about looking for additional insurance.

Trell doesn't know the exact number of the tickets sold. Estimating 15K seats for each of the 50 shows, Trell said it was about 750K tickets. Trell testified the venue typically holds the money of the sold tickets. In this case, AEG was the owner of the venue, withheld the money.

Panish asked Trell if he knew Randy Phillips threatened to take away Michael's house if he didn't perform. Defendant's attorney asked for a sidebar. They claimed Panish was misrepresenting the evidence. After the sidebar, they changed subject.

Trell said he didn't know how much MJ's assets were worth. He agreed they were underinsured for the tour.

Email from Ortega to Phillips on 6/20/09 at 2a: My concern is now that we have brought the doctor in the fold and have applied tough love, now or never card, that the artist may be unable to rise to the occasion.

Panish: Was MJ pressured psychological and needed to be checked? Trell: I don't know that. This is the same email showed yesterday where Ortega said MJ was frightened that everything was going to go away. "I don't know why Kenny was referencing that, I don't know about mention of ending the tour," Trell said. Panish: Was Mr. Jackson feeling pressured? Trell: The email says he was frightened, it doesn't say he was feeling pressured. "I have no idea what he felt," Trell said. Panish: No one ever pressured him, right? Trell: That's my impression.

Trell said he doesn't think AEG was under pressure to lose $34 million. "It was Michael Jackson's obligation to us." Panish: Were you concerned? Trell: There's always a concern Panish: Have you ever lost $34 million before? Trell: No The agreement was the tour agreement, Trell said, where it contemplated it could be expanded based upon artist's approval.

Brian Panish asked Trell if to work for AEG Live a person needed to have an executed contract. "There are employees that are hired by AEG who don't have contracts; they are at will employees," Trell explained. Panish asked Trell about several people who worked for AEG but didn't have fully executed contracts. Panish: You told us every person who got paid had fully executed contract, right? Trell: That's my impressionPanish said he wants to show all the unexecuted contracts as June 25, 2009. Michael Bearden, Alfred Dunbar, Orianthis Panagaris

Email said: "Contract still under negotiation. Timm gave verbal Termination notice" Panish: Did everyone who were paid for TII tour without fully executed contracts? Trell: I don't recall

Email on 6/19/09 from John Hougdahl to Randy Phillips: My laymen's degree tells me he needs a shrink to get him mentally prepared to get on stage and then a trained to get him in physical shape... (Kobe's should be available) I have watched him deteriorated in front of my eyes over the last 8 weeks. He was able to do multiple 360 spins back in April. He'd fall on his ass if he tried it now."
John Houghdahl was the stage manager of "This Is It" tour.

Trell said Phillips never told him about this email. "This email is an indication from Houghdahl to Phillips that he feels that way."

Panish: Were you trying to stall Dr. Murray in getting a contract? Trell: Me? Panish: You and AEG Trell: Not to my knowledge

Email on 5/26/09 from Timm Wooley to Brigitte Segal: Brigitte, Any joy with an agreement for Murray to sign. He's pinging on us for payment but we can't without a contract in place. Would like to stall him with something for him to look at & mull over. Brigitte dealt with the housing in London.

"No, we did not have sickness insurance coverage that day," Trell said. "The insurance would be one way MJ's company would repay us," Trell explained. Panish said there's a lawsuit pending regarding the insurance. AEG is no longer a party in the insurance last, Panish said. Trell: We were dismissed from the case because we don't have a financial interest.

Panish: Do you have anything in writing authorizing you to extend the tour to 50 shows? Trell: Yes, we have the verbal approval
Panish showed Trell the contract with MJ and the provisions showed any change needed to be in writing.Panish: Do you have anything in writing from Mr. Jackson for costs in excess of $7.5 million? Trell: No

On April 14, 2009, Michael Jackson wrote a "Notice of Revocation of a Power of Attorney" that Tohme was no longer representing him. As of May 5, 2009, Trell was made aware of MJ's request regarding Dr. Tohme, Panish said.

"We would not pay on an agreement until there was a fully executed agreement," Trell said. Tohme signed a letter on 6/28/09 on behalf of MJ's company approving the expenses of $34 million to go to Jackson's estate.

Panish: Do you deny telling Mr. Taylor before MJ died that AEG employed Dr. Murray at the request of MJ? Trell: I don't recall

AEG recross

Jessica Bina did re-cross of Trell, who said Dr. Murray's agreement required medical licenses both here in the US and in the UK. He also needed proof of insurance, Trell said. If Dr. Murray didn't provide them, there were grounds for termination of services. Bina: Did AEG Live ever provided him with medical equipments? Trell: No. Two reasons: the agreement never went into the effect. And had it come to existence, Trell said, the equipment would've been provided in London. Equipment requested: CPR machine, saline, catheters, needles, gurney and other mutually approved medical equipment necessary 4 the Services

Trell said Bearden's contract was eventually fully executed. It was under negotiation when MJ died. No contract needed MJ's consent and signature, except for Dr. Murray, Trell testified.

Bina: Does the fact that you are negotiating means you have a contract? Trell: No, it's just that, negotiation. Bina: Does the agreement have to be in writing to exist? Trell: Yes, of course

Bina: When did you have an agreement with MJ? Trell: As of January 28, 2009

Trell said he didn't know if MJ and Dr. Murray talked about the contract. He said he didn't know whether MJ was going to sign it.

Trell said there were dozens and dozens, North of 50 contracts done in "This Is It" tour. Contract: Artistsco hereby per-approves thirty one shows or such greater number as agreed by artistco and promoter.Trell said there was an ongoing discussion about the expenses incurred to mount the show; impractical to get everyone's signature.

As to the expense report sent to the estate and approved by Dr. Tohme, Trell said Frank DiLeo also signed it.

Bina showed a document from DiLeo saying he was MJ's manager from March 2009 until his death. "For instance, MJ asked AEG Live to retain services of Dr. Murray as his personal physician," DiLeo letter said. Trell said DiLeo was acting in some management capacity for MJ.

Bina: Did anyone ever tell you MJ had not approved the costs for TII tour? Trell: No

As to Dr, Murray, Trell said he didn't feel there was a conflict of interest, the interest of all three parties involved were the same. "There were no inconsistencies in the agenda," Trell said. "Second, even if the agreement was in place, effectively MJ was hiring Dr. Murray, just using our money," Trell said.

"We had entered into a multi-faced, multi-year agreement with MJ and wanted nothing but for it to be successful," Trell testified. "The Michael Jackson company, in first instance, would be responsible to pay the money. Then MJ had guaranteed it," Trell testified. Trell said that if MJ had any royalties, AEG would have rights on it to recoup the money, but couldn't take interest in his music catalogue.

Bina played deposition from Trell were he said he didn't supervise people who performed personal services, like hair and make-up artists. His job, Trell explained, was to supervise the what-you-see-on-stage.

Bina talked about Hougdahl's email. She asked if it mentioned drug abuse, medication, anesthesia. Trell said no. The email, Trell said, had to do with MJ being mentally prepared and about a trainer to get him in shape.

Trell said HIPPA law is an intent to protect a patient. He doesn't have any more knowledge about it. Bina: Did Mr. Phillips say he discussed treatment of Mr. Jackson with Dr. Murray? Trell: No, not at all

Bina: Did Mr. Jackson to your knowledge died from being too skinny? Trell: No
Bina: Did Mr. Jackson died from being sick? Trell: No
Trell said AEG Live never supplied any equipment or paid for any drugs given to MJ.
Bina: What was MJ's cause if death? Trell: I believe it was acute Propofol intoxication, given by Dr. Murray in MJ's bedroom.

Jackson redirect

Panish, in re-re-cross: Did you know AEG paid Frank Dileo $5 million after MJ died? Trell: No

"I don't recall me being involved in approving such payment," Trell testified. Panish showed emails regarding DiLeo's revised payment
10/13/09 from Shawn Trell to Rick Webking: Approved $5 MM bucket. $50k payment to Frank would have to do with motion picture, Trell said. It would be taken out of the 5 million dollar bucket. "That does not mean Frank was paid $5 million," Trell said, explaining DiLeo was paid $50,000 but he didn't know what for.

Regarding the approval of TII tour expenses: Panish: You had no signature before Mr. Jackson was dead? Trell: Correct . Panish: You took the position, to satisfy the contract, that DiLeo and Tohme could sign after MJ was dead, yes or no? Trell: Yes Trell said Dr. Murray's expenses were included in the expenses DiLeo and Tohme approved.

"I'm not aware of any payments to Dr. Tohme, and only aware of $50,000 to Mr. DiLeo for something related to the movie," Trell said.

"Of course Michale Jackson was necessary for a MJ tour," Trell explained. "It's his show, it's MJ show, he's the most important person."
Trell said he doesn't recall anybody else, other than Dr. Murray, at the rate of $150,000.

Panish: Did Randy Phillips ever call your doctor to see how you're doing? Trell: No


Judge ended the session and excused Shawn Trell, subject to recall if needed. Paul Gongaware takes the stand on Tuesday morning. There will be no trial tomorrow. It was agreed upon in the beginning that court would be dark tomorrow due to Memorial Day holiday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

24.05.2013 um 09:54
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Michaels Mutter nannte ihn "Schwuchtel" und die Latoilette sagt das auch noch öffentlich im Fernsehen, na da ist ja die "Freak-Äußerung" in einer Mail noch harmlos!!! Aber wirklich!
na "Schwuchtel" wird meistens als abwertendes Schimpfwort für Schwule verwendet ... hat die Familie gewusst, dass MJ vielleicht doch eher dem eigenen Geschlecht zugetan war ???
aber wenn, dann hätte man ihn doch nicht beschimpfen müssen ...
letztendlich ist es doch ganz egal, welche sexuelle Orientierung bei MJ gegeben war ...

ja, die Bezeichnung "Freak" ist harmlos ... entscheidend ist wohl immer, was man dann daraus macht, man kann soviel negatives hineininterpretieren ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

25.05.2013 um 08:25
ich glaube schon, daß die Familie alles weiß, was die Öffentlichkeit nicht wissen soll! :D
Ich will auch nur damit sagen, daß das Wort "Freak" aus anderen Mündern als den eigenen, eben auch betroffen machen kann. Für mich ist jedenfalls "Freak" kein bad Word, noch dazu, daß es in einer E-Mail geschrieben wurde, die nicht für die Öffentlichkeit bestimmt war.

Ich denke, Joe ist nach LA gekommen, um alle abzuwatschen! Er gibt die Anweisung, was zu tun ist. Keiner darf irgendetwas in der Öffentlichkeit sagen, amen.
Latoilette hat ja in ihrer neuesten Aussage im Interview auch nichts zur Verteidigung ihres Bruders gesagt, aber warum soll sie auch, da kommt eh nur Sch...... und blödes gackern.

Michael gibt es jetzt als Hologramm in "ONE" Las VegasB]
Er verschwindet am Schluß im Goldstaub(Klingt wie Märchen), bin gespannt, ob man davon mal irgendetwas sieht.

Bei LSA gibt's sogar ein Foto, aber das hat jemand privat aufgenommen, ich weiß nicht, ob das erlaubt ist, es zu übernehmen? Derjenige kann ja auch Ärger bekommen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.05.2013 um 10:47
Oh, Michaels Vater chattet durch die Welt, vonwegen krank und er muß sich schonen. Wie letztes Jahr war er wieder bei den Filmfestspielen in Cannes, seinen Tünnef vertreiben für seine "Family-Foundation". Jetzt wollte er doch auf den roten Teppich und durfte nicht, ach was!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.05.2013 um 13:21
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Was gab’s diese Woche sonst noch Interessantes?

26. Mai 2013

Wie sich diese Woche herausgestellt hat, hat die Jackson Familie im Januar und März diesen Jahres AEG Live angeboten, sich vor Prozessbeginn zu vergleichen. Kevin Boyle, Anwalt der Jacksons, gab keine näheren Details bekannt, sagte jedoch, dass AEGs Versicherung gezahlt hätte, “was bedeutet, sie hätten sich vergleichen können, ohne dass [AEG] auch nur einen Rappen aus der eigenen Kasse hätte bezahlen müssen”.

Boyle sagte, AEG selbst habe nie einen Vergleich angeboten und sie hätten sich auch nie bei der Familie entschuldigt. Die Antwort von Marvin Putnam, Anwalt für AEG, daraufhin war: “Wir vergleichen keine Ansprüche, die vollkommen unbegründet sind. In diesem Fall sind wir der Meinung, dass dies zutrifft.”

Ich bin ehrlich gesagt recht überrascht über diese News. Bis anhin war ich der Meinung, AEGs Strategie sei, die Jacksons zu einem Vergleich zu bringen bzw. alles dafür zu tun, damit es am Ende nicht an den Geschworenen liegt, ein Urteil zu fällen. Denn meines Erachtens werden die Geschworenen grundsätzlich schon mal auf Seiten der drei Kinder sein, die ihren allein erziehenden Vater frühzeitig verloren haben. Hinzu kommt, dass wenn man den ersten Monat im Prozess anschaut, AEG alles andere als einen guten Eindruck macht. Ich weiss nicht, ob AEG naiv, arrogant oder einfach nur dumm ist — oder eine Kombination davon — bzw. was sie noch in petto haben, um die momentane Beweislast zu ihren Ungunsten auszugleichen. Und wie sauber und sachlich diese Argumentationen dann sein werden, bleibt ebenfalls abzuwarten. Aber bleiben wir gespannt, was die nächsten Wochen noch alles ergeben werden. Experten gehen davon aus, dass der Prozess bis zu drei Monate dauern könnte. Das heisst, einen Drittel haben wir hinter uns und zwei Drittel liegen noch vor uns.


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27.05.2013 um 13:27
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 9. Teil

24. Mai 2013

Die Befragung von Shawn Trell, dem Leiter der Rechtsabteilung von AEG Live, ging diese Woche weiter. Für den ersten Tag siehe Teil 8 vom 21. Mai. Trell hatte am ersten Tag keineswegs einen soliden Eindruck hinterlassen unter der Befragung von Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish. Auch die folgenden zwei Tage liessen AEG alles andere als gut aussehen.

Zum einen wurde aufgezeigt, dass Thome Thome, Michael Jacksons Manager vor Frank DiLeo, mit einem Salär von USD 100’000 pro Monat auf der Gehaltsliste von AEG stand. Dies sei gemäss Trell das einzige Mal gewesen, dass AEG solch eine Vereinbarung hatte, was nicht erstaunt, da Gehaltszahlungen des Konzertveranstalters an den Manager des Künstlers einen potentiellen Interessenskonflikt darstellen, weil der Manager die Interessen des Künstlers zu vertreten hat.

Es wurde ebenfalls aufgezeigt, dass AEG Live USD 30 Mio. von der Nachlassverwaltung von Michael Jackson verlangt hatte für einen Vorschuss, den sie Michael Jackson gegenüber gestützt auf den Vertrag zwischen Michael und AEG Live geleistet hatten. Um die Kosten für einen solchen Vorschuss wieder reinzuholen, sei es üblich, dass eine Versicherungspolice auf den Künstler ausgestellt würde, für den Fall dass die Konzerte ausfallen würden. Bedingung für den Abschluss einer solchen Police war ein Gesundheitscheck des Künstlers, den Michael, so wurde dies Trell ausgerichtet, einige Monate vor seinem Tod mit Bravour bestanden haben soll. Ein zweiter Gesundheitscheck war für den 6. Juli 2009 vorgesehen. (Betr. AEG Lives Verzicht gegenüber Lloyds siehe unsere Meldung vom 10.9.2012.)

Zudem sagte Trell aus, dass AEG keinen Background Check von Conrad Murray gemacht hatte. Als Panish Trell fragte, ob irgendwer bei AEG jemals Dr. Murray interviewt hatte, verneinte Trell dies. Daraufhin zeigte Panish Trell eine E-Mail von Randy Phillips, CEO von AEG Live, an Kenny Ortega, datiert vom 20. Juni 2009 als Antwort auf Kenny E-Mail, dass er darauf bestehe, umgehend einen Psychiater beizuziehen (siehe Teil 8 vom 21.5., letzter Abschnitt). Die Antwort von Randy Phillips an Kenny Ortega lautete: “Ich hatte ein langes Gespräch mit Dr. Murray, für den ich je länger je mehr einen enormen Respekt gewinne. Er sagte, Michael ist nicht nur körperlich in der Lage zu performen, aber dass wenn man ihn davon abbringen wollte, dies seine Verschlechterung nur noch beschleunigen würde… Dieser Arzt ist sehr erfolgreich (wir überprüfen jeden) und braucht diesen Job nicht; er ist also vollkommen unparteisch und verhält sich dem Berufsethos entsprechend”. Als Panish Trell dann nochmals fragte, dass diese Murray nie überprüft hatten, bestätigte Trell, dass dies korrekt sei. Und was sei dann mit der Aussage von Randy Phillips? Diese sei falsch, so Trell, und er wisse auch nicht, woher Randy Phillips Verständnis und Eindrücke stammten.

Als nächstes ging es um den Vertrag zwischen Conrad Murray und AEG Live. Mittels E-Mail vom 23. Juni 2009 hatte AEG Anwältin Kathy Jordie die Endfassung des Vertrags zur Unterzeichnung an Murray geschickt. Trell bezeugte, dass Michael Jackson keine Kopie davon geschickt worden war. Trell sagte ferner aus, dass vor der Unterzeichnung des Vertrags zwischen AEG und Michael Jackson letzterer ein Tourangebot von AEGs Hauptkonkurrent, Live Nation, in Betracht gezogen hatte. Im Eröffnungsplädoyer vor über drei Wochen hatte Panish AEG als eine Bande rücksichtsloser Geschäftsleute dargestellt, die nur damit beschäftigt seien, zu Live Nation, dem weltweit grössten Konzertveranstalter, aufzuschliessen. Damals sagte Panish: “Sie machen, was immer sie müssen, um die Nummer eins in diesem harten Geschäft zu werden” — auch wenn es auf Kosten der Gesundheit ihres 50-jährigen Stars ginge.

Aber als ob AEG so nicht schon einen weiterhin schlechten Eindruck vor Gericht vermittelte, so kam es in den letzten 15 Minuten des letzten Befragungstag von Shaw Trell noch deftiger. Angefangen hatte es mit Panishs scheinbar unschuldigen Frage, dass Trell ihm von seinem Besuch in Michael Jacksons Haus zwecks Unterzeichnung des Vertrags Anfang 2009 berichten solle. “Es war aufregend, Michael Jackson zu treffen”, so Trell. Panish fragte Trell dann, ob es üblich war für AEG, in herabwürdigender Weise über einen Künstler zu sprechen, mit dem sie gleich einen riesigen Deal unterzeichnen würden. “Ich war nicht unbedingt mit einigen von Michael Jacksons Entscheidungen, die er in seinem Leben getroffen hat, einverstanden, aber ich hatte natürlich einen enormen Respekt für ihn als Entertainer,” so Trell. Panish fragte Trell dann: “Sagte Mr. Fikre [Chief Legal and Development Officer und Verwaltungsratsmitglied von AEG Lives Muttergesellschaft] zu ihnen, dass Michael Jackson ein Freak sei?” Die E-Mail Kette, auf die sich Panish bezog, begann am 28. Januar 2009, als Paul Gongaware Randy Phillips fragte, “MJ still on today?” Ja, antwortete Phillips, um 17 Uhr bei Michael Jackson zu Hause. “Du und Shawn [Trell] sollten dabei sein.” Trell leitete die E-Mail anschliessend an Fikre weiter, der zwei Minuten später antwortete: “Heisst das, du wirst den Freak treffen??” Trells Antwort an Fikre lautete: “Scheinbar. Ich weiss nicht, was ich davon halten soll. Sicherlich interessant, aber irgendwie gruselig [Original: creepy].” Daraufhin wies Panish den Zeugen zurecht: “Hat ihnen ihre Mutter nie beigebracht, dass wenn man nichts Gutes über einen Menschen sagen kann, man lieber nichts sagen soll?”


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27.05.2013 um 13:30
The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 10. Teil

25. Mai 2013

Brian Panish, Anwalt der Jacksons, rief Shaw Trell, den Leiter der Rechtsabteilung von AEG Live, am Donnerstag nochmals in den Zeugenstand. Seine ersten drei Tage im Zeugenstand waren alles andere als glorreich für AEG Live.

Auch am vierten Tag legte Brian Panish dem Zeugen und den Geschworenen wieder einige E-Mails vor. John Houghdahl, der Production Manager für “This Is It” schrieb Randy Phillips, CEO von AEG Live, sechs Tage vor Michaels Tod, dass er bemerkt habe, wie Michael Jackson in den vergangenen acht Wochen körperlich und mental schlechter geworden war und der Performer einen Fitnesstrainer sowie einen Psychiater benötige, um ihn mental vorzubereiten. “Im April konnte er mehrfache 360 Grad Spins machen”, so Houghdahl in der E-Mail. “Wenn er dies jetzt versuchen würde, würde er auf seinem Hintern landen.” Weniger als eine Woche später schickte Ortega eine E-Mail an Phillips, in der er schrieb, dass Michael Anzeigen von Paranoia, Angst sowie zwanghaftem Verhalten zeige und er darum vorschlage, dass umgehend ein Psychiater miteinbezogen werden soll. “Es ist, also ob zwei Leute da drin sind”, so Ortega in seiner E-Mail. “Einer (tief drin) der versucht an dem festzuhalten, was er war und immer noch sein kann und der nicht will, dass wir ihn aufgeben, der andere ist in diesem geschwächten und aufgewühlten Zustand”.

Panish bezog sich auch nochmals auf die E-Mail vom 14. Juni 2009, in der AEGs Paul Gongaware an Kenny Ortega schrieb, dass sie auf ein Meeting mit Conrad Murray bestehen, “um ihn daran zu erinnern, dass AEG und nicht Michael Jackson sein Gehalt bezahlen. Wir wollen, dass er versteht, was wir von ihm erwarten”. Dies lässt AEG insofern schlecht aussehen, als deren Position in diesem Prozess ist, dass Conrad Murray von Michael Jackson angestellt wurde und sie somit nicht zur Verantwortung gezogen werden können. Trell sagte am Donnerstag zudem aus, dass die Verhandlungen betreffend Murrays Vertrag zwischen dem Arzt und AEG stattgefunden hatten und weder Michael Jackson noch seine Vertreter die jeweiligen Vertragsentwürfe gesehen hatten. Als Brian Panish Trell sagte: “Sie hätten ja sagen können, ‘Mr. Jackson, wir sind der Meinung, dass die Anstellung eines Arztes etwas Persönliches ist und sie sollten ihren eigenen Arzt mit ihrem eigenen Geld anstellen’”. Ja, das hätten sie sagen können, so Trell. Ob die Firma etwas davon abgehalten hatte, Michael zu sagen, dass er den Deal mit Murray verhandeln solle und ihm dann einen entsprechenden Vorschuss zu geben wie für die Produktionskosten oder die Miete von Michaels Unterkunft, so Panish. Nein, nichts, so Trell. Als Panish Trell dann fragte, ob er glaube, dass der Gedanke, USD 150’000 pro Monat verlieren zu können, jemandem Druck aufsetzen könnte, antwortete Trell lediglich: “Dazu kann ich nichts sagen”.

Und was hatte AEGs Anwalt Marvin Putnam zu den vergangenen vier Tagen zu sagen? “Wenn Du keinen Fall hast, dann zieh eine Show ab,” denn seiner Meinung haben die Beweise der Jackson Seite nichts mit dem Fall zu tun, sondern dienten nur dem Zweck, die Geschworenen aufzupeitschen. Na ja, wenn Sie davon überzeugt sind, Mr. Putnam. Bitte schön. Mein bisheriger Eindruck sieht da etwas anders aus.


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27.05.2013 um 14:28
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 7h
can't satisfy anyone
7:12 AM - 27 Mai 13

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 9h
take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty🙊💕
BLPU0UyCIAA4KCf zpsdda01bae

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 13h
taking selfies with my favorite chicken🐔💕
BLOqPpaCcAAdkLa zps9cb2ee0e

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 16h
there's this person that i have never met before and he's been in my dreams every night .. idk who he is , anyone know what this means ?

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 26 Mai
ever ride a penny board barefooted ? don't . you will fall .

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 26 Mai
paparazzi doesn't like pizza🍕

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 26 Mai
i'd go to venice any day just to see @MorgueOfficial!!

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 25 Mai
annoying the crap out of him✌😋

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 25 Mai
BLFjtJQCEAAGHj2 zps44b43305

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 24 Mai
dr feelgood on 95.5 ? thank you god
9:42 PM - 24 Mai 13


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27.05.2013 um 14:46
Ashlee soll Debbies Tochter sein ????? und somit eine Halbschwester von Paris ...

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 16h
Love my daughters cold stone after losing the paparazzi alone @ Cold Stone Creamery

parisundashley zps09f6f3ffOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

9:43 PM - 26 Mai 13

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 26 Mai
Love my girls

400835 10200594456401128 1950995074 n zp

6:17 AM - 26 Mai 13

Ashlee and Paris
2:48 AM - 26 Mai 13

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 26 Mai
@parisjackson sooooooo your half sister Ashlee can haul ass in the desert F'''' the paparazzi #eat#dirt
2:27 AM - 26 Mai 13

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 26 Mai
My daughters Paris and Ashlee
Meine Töchter Paris und Ashlee
2:07 AM - 26 Mai 13

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 25 Mai
annoying the crap out of him✌😋
Retweetet von Painted Desert Ranch

Painted Desert Ranch ‏@DJRJPDR 25 Mai
@ParisJackson you crack me up. I love you


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27.05.2013 um 14:56
Billy jeans! Paris Jackson dons cowboy outfit with ripped denim and Stetson hat as she strolls outside her mother's rural home

By Shyam Dodge
PUBLISHED: 07:04 GMT, 26 May 2013 | UPDATED: 07:04 GMT, 26 May 2013

Paris Jackson has been spending more and more time at her mother Debbie Rowe's home in Palmdale, California, in recent weeks.

And the rural environment appears to be rubbing off on the youngster.

Sporting a Stetson hat, ripped denim trousers, and cowboy boots the daughter of the late Michael Jackson looked every bit the country girl as she strolled outside Debbie's home, on Saturday.

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Cowgirl style: Paris Jackson donned a cowboy hat and a Jack Daniels tank top as she took a stroll outside her mother Debbie Rowe's home in Palmdale, California, on Saturday

The 15-year-old was on a lone jaunt - kicking up dust on the dirt walkway bordering her parent's property - in the tumble weed strewn city best known for its agricultural products.

As most young girls do during their teenage years, Paris is currently experimenting with her style.

The cowgirl look is not the only recent development as she recently dyed her black hair to a new orange red tint.

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Multi-tasking: The freshly countrified girl texted while walking down the roadside

But it wasn't just the hat and torn denim that lent her the aura of the American West.

Adorning her slender torso was a Jack Daniels Whiskey tank top and hawk feather necklace.

Despite these raw hide accoutrements she still managed to imbue her appearance with a punk rock flavour as she sported multi-coloured fingernail polish that leaned more towards dark tones.

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In transition: The cowgirl look is not the only recent development as she recently dyed her black hair to a new orange red tint

Meanwhile, reports have emerged that Paris has moved in with Debbie.

According to CelebrityFix, Paris packed her bags at the home of her grandmother Katherine and settled into her new abode just a few short weeks ago.

‘There has been a string of turbulent rows in the Jackson home over the past few weeks and it’s all coming to a head,’ a source told the website.

article-2331116-1A00CA27000005DC-142 634
Mixing it up: Despite her raw hide accoutrements Paris still managed to imbue her appearance with a punk rock flavour via dark fingernail polish

Paris recently opted to spend her 15th birthday with Debbie instead of Katherine, and the teen is apparently becoming more independent by the day.

‘Whilst she loves her grandmother Katherine, Paris thinks she has some extremely old-fashioned beliefs,’ the insider said.

‘Paris is an extremely independent young woman and as she’s got older, she’s starting to voice her opinion more and stand up for herself and her beliefs.’

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Big move: Paris has moved in with Debbie after spending her 15th birthday with her previously estranged mother

According to the reports Paris is encouraging her two brothers to follow suit and also move in with Debbie.

The source said: ‘Paris is trying to persuade Prince and Blanket to join her. Debbie has told her they would all be welcome, but there are certain laws which have to be obeyed and Paris knows that whilst she may be able to leave, it would be far more difficult for the boys due to the legalities.

‘Debbie has called for talks between her, Paris and Katherine. She thinks they all need to sit down and discuss the situation to avoid any more rows and try to make any transition as easy for Paris as possible.’

Apparently Paris is not just enjoying the chance to bond with her mother, but also the freedom of not being surrounded by security all the time.

‘For years she was forced to wear masks, protected by a harem of security and surrounded by entourage,’ the source said.

‘She hates that life and knows that was something Michael wanted to protect all of them from. She feels that by separating herself from her grandmother, she could have a more normal life.’

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27.05.2013 um 19:40
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

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27.05.2013 um 20:24
auch von LSA ... Paris mit Jessica, einer Nichte von Debbie ... und die soll angeblich an @HarveyLevinTMZ Tweets gepostet haben, mit dem Hinweis, Familienbilder von Paris verkaufen zu wollen ... zwischenzeitlich ist der Twitter-Account aber geschützt und nicht mehr für jeden zugänglich ... :)

das ist Jessica

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