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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 11:37
Jackson death case is "extortion," AEG exec agrees

By Jeff Gottlieb
June 4, 2013, 9:58 p.m.

AEG Live’s chief executive testified Tuesday that he thought the wrongful death suit brought against the company by Michael Jackson’s mother and children was an extortion attempt.

While he never uttered the word, Randy Phillips said he agreed when a Jackson family attorney asked if that was how he felt.

Phillips’ acknowledged his feelings during his first few minutes on the stand, which came at the end of court Tuesday, giving a preview of what promises to be hours of contentious testimony.

“You believe this case is an extortion?” Jackson attorney Brian Panish asked.

“Yes,” he answered.

As he continued under his questioning, Phillips at one point said, “I wish you wouldn’t keep calling it a baseless shakedown.”

His short time on the stand, though, was not without humor. At one point, Panish handed Phillips an article from Forbes magazine, saying, “Your picture looks good.”

Phillips: “That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me today.”

Panish: “Just give me a chance.”

But in another instance, when Phillips appeared to crack a smile, Panish asked, “You think this is funny, sir?”

“No,” he replied. “I think it’s tragic.”

Several emails Phillips wrote at the time of the pop singer's planned comeback tour are central to the Jacksons' case in which they contend AEG negligently hired and supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who is serving jail time for administering a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to the singer.

AEG, though, says Jackson hired Murray and that any money the entertainment company was supposed to pay the doctor was part of an advance to the singer.

After receiving an email from Kenny Ortega, the director of the planned “This Is It” concert series in London, saying Jackson needed psychiatric help, Phillips wrote back, "I had a lengthy conversation with Dr. Murray, who I am gaining immense respect for as I get to deal with him more.

"He said that Michael is not only physically equipped to perform and, that discouraging him to, will hasten his decline. ... This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig so he [is] totally unbiased and ethical," Philips wrote.

Phillips on Tuesday said he described Murray as successful “because that’s what I was told.”

Murray, who closed his practice to minister to Jackson for $150,000 a month, was actually deep in debt and facing foreclosure on his home.

Phillips testified he wrote that Murray had been checked out because “I thought at time he had been. I still think he had been to an extent.”

The Jackson family attorneys are sure to return to the email as testimony continues.

Phillips also testified that AEG tried to set up a Jackson tour in 2007, but the pop star’s representatives said he wasn’t ready to go on the road.

The company got involved the next year after the investment firm Colony Capital bought the note on the singer’s Neverland Ranch.

Phillips said that Philip Anschutz, the owner of parent company AEG, knew Tom Barrack, Colony Capital’s chairman. Anschutz told Phillips to set up a meeting, which took place in Colony Capital’s Century City offices in June 2008, leading Phillips to write a strategic plan.

“I caution you that MJ is not fast and a total perfectionist (needs to be controlled as much as possible)…I believe he can net, at least $1 M per night after all costs including professional fees and, possibly, more,” Phillips wrote in an email to a Colony Capital partner.,0,7206757.story


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 11:45
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #25 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 23 – June 4 2013 – Summary

Katherine was at the court with Austin Brown.

Paul Gongaware Testimony

AEG cross

He was asked about Jackson’s final two rehearsals at Staples Center. Gongaware couldn’t details about recall the first one. He said he wasn’t particularly attentive about Jackson’s health, appearance. This was 1st rehearsal after Jackson missed one 4 days earlier. (AP) Gongaware said MJ rehearsed on June 23rd. "He was fine," Gongaware described, saying his understanding was that MJ was okay. Gongaware said he wasn't being specifically attentive on the 23rd because he didn't think there was a problem with Michael. MJ rehearsed on Jun 24th. Gongaware watched "Thriller" in its entirety, it was the 1st time they were using costume. He said MJ seemed fine. (ABC7) The second rehearsal on June 24, 2009, Gongaware watched Thriller. “He was fine,” he said of Jackson. (AP)

Putnam: Was he engaged? Gongaware: Yes P: Any physical issues? G: No, I didn't see any "He did a good rehearsal," Gongaware testified. (ABC7)

On June 25th, Gongaware got a call from Randy saying he had a call from DiLeo asking him to go to MJ's house because something was going on. As Randy got to Michael's house, an ambulance was leaving and Randy followed it to the hospital, Gongaware said. "I didn't know what was going on," Gongaware said. "At that point I was apprehensive because I didn't know what was happening." Gongaware said he didn't hear anything for a while, so he called Randy to see what was going on and he said Michael had died. "I was in shock," Gongaware recalled. "The artist was gone, he just passed away. How did this happen?!". Gongaware said he no idea what caused MJ to die, never contemplated the idea of Michael Jackson dying. (ABC7) Gongaware talked very matter-of-factly about the day Jackson died. He said he heard about the death from AEG Live CEO Randy Philips. “I was in shock,” Gongaware said. “The artist was gone. He just passed away.” Gongaware said he questioned how it happened. He said he never contemplated that Jackson would die. He said he went to Staples Center, where the mood was somber. (AP) "I called Kenny right away and told him. He was at Staples Center," Gongaware recalled. "The atmosphere at Staples was very somber." (ABC7)

After MJ's passing, Gongaware said they had to shut down production. He was then involved in Jackson's memorial service. (ABC7)

Gongaware said AEG never considered having Jackson start concerts in United States, due to “all those child allegations and all that stuff.” (AP) As to why TII was happening in London, Gongaware explained it was MJ's best market. "We didn't know how strong it would be." Putnam asked Gongaware if AEG considered tour in US. "No, he had all those child allegations flying, it was the wrong thing to do" he said. (ABC7)

Gongaware: He didn't tour very often, I don't think he liked it very much. There were lots of things he would be rather doing. MJ never did "meet and greet", according to Gongaware. (ABC7) He said he didn't believe that Jackson liked to tour, and that he didn't do meet-and-greets with fans and sponsors. (AP)

The exec said Michael came out with the phrase "This Is It" because this was the last tour he was going to do. (ABC7)

MJ only agreed to 50 shows, but Gongaware said AEG Live was interested in more shows. (ABC7)

Gongaware said “Dangerous” tour lost money due to cancellations. He said he thought “HIStory” nearly broke even. (AP) Gongaware worked on "Dangerous," "HIStory" and one Jacksons tour back in the 80s with MJ. Dangerous lost money, Gongaware said, because a lot shows were canceled. History was probably pretty close to break even, the exec explained. MJ did the "Bad" tour, but Gongaware was not involved in it. MJ's primary concern was not making money off his shows, Gongaware said. His primary concern was with the art, the performance. (ABC7) Attorney Marvin Putnam asked Gongaware of Jackson: “Was making money his primary concern?” Gongaware: "That wasn’t his primary concern.” (AP)

"This Is It" was supposed to be spectacular, Gongaware said. He would be doing 8-10 shows a month, so about 3 a week. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he never saw MJ take drugs. Aside from drug use in 93, Gongaware said he didn't have any other knowledge of MJ using drugs. "He was lively, engaged, he seemed happy," Gongaware said about MJ. (ABC7)

Putnam asked Gongaware about the day he thought Jackson was impaired after an appointment with Dr. Arnold Klein. The questions prompted a sidebar. He said Jackson “wasn’t quite the same” but didn’t testify about Jackson’s demeanor in detail. (AP) Gongaware described the time where he was at MJ's house for a meeting and MJ was late. When MJ arrived, Gongaware said his speech was a little slurred, he wasn't quite the same. He was told Michael was at Dr. Klein's office. Gongaware said he was not familiar with the doctors who treated MJ. Putnam announced be had no more questions at this time. (ABC7)

Jackson redirect

In response to Panish question, Gongaware said “This Is It” was only second tour that AEG Live would promote and produce. (AP)

Jackson's atty Brian Panish began re-cross of Gongaware. He asked if the exec was concerned about MJ. "I certainly wanted him to do well". Panish: Were you concerned about his children and his family, sir? Gongaware: I was concerned about him (MJ). Panish: How about his family and children, sir? Gongaware: I supposed. I was focused on MJ. (ABC7)

Panish then asked Gongaware whether he cared about Michael Jackson. “I believe so. I certainly wanted him to be well, yes.” Panish: “Were you concerned about his children and his family?” Gongaware: “I suppose.” Gongaware added, “I was focused on Michael Jackson.” Brian Panish asked Gongaware a couple different ways if he was concerned about Jackson's mother, children. Gongaware looked up toward the celiling and then said he’d thought about it and he was concerned about Jackson’s mom & children (AP)

"I believe he was a good father," Gongaware said about Michael Jackson. Panish: Did you know he was a great son to his mother? Gongaware: I believe he was. (ABC7)

Panish asked if Gongaware ever called Katherine Jackson to express his condolences. The executive said no. Gongaware said he also didn’t think that he sent Katherine Jackson or Jackson’s children a condolence card. (AP) P: After MJ died, did you ever send a card to his mother? G: I don't think so P: Did you ever call her to express your condolences? G: No (ABC7)

Panish asked Gongaware several questions about the executive changing elements of his deposition testimony. (AP) "I believe I testified truthfully," Gongaware said. "I don't believe I changed my testimony substantially." (ABC7)

Panish then started pointing out what he said were inconsistencies in Gongaware’s testimony. (AP)

This led to questions about whether Gongaware was mistaken when he wrote in an email that AEG was paying Conrad Murray’s salary. Gongaware said he didn’t necessarily think he was mistaken. He also said he didn’t remember writing the email. (AP)As to the email Gongaware wrote that AEG, not MJ, paid Dr. Murray Panish asked again if Gongaware recalled writing this email. He said no. Gongaware said he spent 2 days with his lawyers preparing for his deposition, one-two hours discussing the email about AEG paying Dr. Murray. Panish pointed out several answers Gongaware gave on his deposition and the changes he ask to make to transcript after meeting with attorneys. Panish said Gongaware changed his testimony several times as a result of meeting with AEG's attorneys. Panish said Gongaware also changed his testimony again while on the stand and under oath. Panish tried to impeach Gongaware, which is a legal way to call into question the witness' credibility. Later in the case, judge will instruct the jurors that if they think a person lied, they may disconsider part of all of his testimony. As to the email about AEG paying Dr. Murray, Panish pointed out that Gongaware changed his answers several times throughout his testimony. One time he said the email was shorthanded, normal course of business and didn't really think it was a mistake. Yesterday, Gongaware answered the same question saying he was mistaken when he said AEG was paying Dr. Murray. Gongaware explained he thinks he said the same thing but different ways. (ABC7) Gongaware was also asked about a key email he wrote that has come up several other times during the trial. Talking about Murray, he wrote, “We want to remind him that it is AEG, not MJ who is paying his salary. We want him to understand what is expected of him.” Panish asked, “Do you have any idea why you might have written that AEG is paying his salary?" "No," replied Gongaware. "I mean, I was mistaken there. We weren’t going to pay his salary. We would have advanced the money on Michael’s instructions.” (LATimes)

Panish then asked Gongaware about Lou Ferrigno and whether he was an employee of AEG Live. No, Gongaware said. Gongaware reiterated his testimony from Mon. that he made a deal with Ferrigno. He said Ferrigno would have been an independent contractor. Panish asked whether Ferrigno had a contract with AEG Live. Gongaware said he didn’t know. (AP) Panish asked Gongaware if he hired Lou Ferrigno to be MJ's trainer. "I made a deal for Michael," Gongaware said. Ferrigno was an independent contractor, Gongaware said he didn't know whether Ferrigno was submitting bills to his office. Panish: So you stiffed Lou Ferrigno, you didn't pay the Incredible Hulk? (Everyone in the courtroom laughed out loud) Gongaware: I don't know how he would get paid, if he would submit bills or not. (ABC7) Panish asked whether Ferrigno submitted bills directly to Gongaware to be paid. I hear the response, but it prompted this exchange. Panish: “You stiffed Lou Ferrigno? You didn't pay The Incredible Hulk?” Lots of laughter in gallery, from the jury. AEG Live exec Paul Gongaware said he didn’t know if Lou Ferrigno was paid. (AP) Gongaware said he also made a deal with actor and bodybuilder Lou Ferrigno to serve as Jackson's trainer. When he said he didn't know if Ferrigno had been paid, Panish replied, “So you stiffed Lou Ferrigno? You didn’t pay the Incredible Hulk?” (LAtimes)

Panish said Gongaware testified yesterday that he was not concerned with MJ because he was working out with a trainer. Today Gongaware testified MJ was going to work out with Lou Ferrigno. Gongaware said he didn't know whether Ferrigno had an independent contract agreement or not and if he got paid. Panish inquired about AEG only paying people with fully executed contract. Gongaware said he didn't know the status of Ferrigno's contract. "I don't know specifically when Mr. Jackson saw trainers, but I believe he was seeing trainers," Gongaware explained. Panish: He was seeing Lou Ferrigno to be in the next Incredible Hulk? Gongaware: I don't think so. Panish said Gongaware testified he was not concerned about MJ because he was working out with Lou Ferrigno. He said he didn't say that. (ABC7)

"When he was sick on June 19, I didn't know what was happening," Gongaware explained. "After that, MJ was great." (ABC7)

Panish asked Murray about whether he ever received Conrad Murray’s contract. Gongaware, when shown an email from June 16, 2009, that he received that included Murray’s contract, said he didn’t generally read contracts (AP) "Dr Murray wasn't supposed to get paid. If MJ would've signed the deal, Dr Murray would've been paid for his work in London," Gongaware said . Panish: You didn't have time to ready budgets, you didn't have time to read contracts, right? Gongaware: I didn't read budgets early on. Panish asked if Gongaware had any doc to prove that Dr. Murray was told that anyone else, but AEG, was paying him. Gongaware didn't recall. Panish: Did you have anything in writing saying it was MJ, not AEG, paying Dr. Murray? Gongaware: I don't know. (Panish then asked Gongaware about whether he’d ever sent Murray anything saying it was Jackson, not AEG paying him. PG said he didn’t know. AP) Gongaware said he believed Dr. Murray signed one version the contract, but doesn't know whether the one showed to him was it. (ABC7) Gongaware said he knew of no document that said his company's payments to Conrad Murray were actually part of a loan to MJ. Gongaware, on the stand for the sixth day, said he didn't know what Murray assumed about who was paying him. (LAtimes)

The jury was shown an email from Timm Woolley, the AEG accountant on Jackson's "This Is It" concert series in London, sent Murray June 6, 2009, 19 days before the pop idol's death.

“I am sorry for the long delay in getting this to you, but I hope that, with your input and comments, we can dispose of the agreement quickly and arrange for payment of the May & June fee instalment,” Woolley wrote.

Gongaware testified that although he made the deal with Murray, and that the contract was emailed to him in 2009, Tuesday's court appearance was the first time he had seen it. Gongaware repeated his contention as he has through his testimony, that “he was working for Michael Jackson. He wasn’t working for us.” The contract shown to the jury said it was between AEG Live and Murray. The contract also said Murray was to "Perform the Services reasonably requested by Producer," AEG. Trell testified earlier that this was one of several mistakes in a draft that would have been cleaned up in the final version. (LATimes)

Panish: You expected Dr Murray, just like Ferrigno, to get paid for services provided to AEG right sir? Gongaware: He wasn't working for AEG. Gongaware said he was tasked to make the deal, determine compensation for Dr. Murray. Panish: If he was MJ's personal doctor, why hire him? Gongaware: I think he wanted to set up the payment. "I was told to negotiate his compensation," Gongaware said about Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

Plaintiff's attorney Brian Panish asked Gongaware about his contention that Jackson was always able to perform and nail shows when necessary (AP) Gongaware repeated he believed when lights went on, MJ was always there. Panish pointed out MJ canceled several shows in Dangerous tour. (ABC7) The lawyer cited several shows over Jackson’s career that he missed: Bangkok, South America and the need to move a couple in Mexico City. (AP)

Panish then asked Gongaware about Dr. Stuart Finkelstein, who the lawyer kept referring to as Gongaware’s friend of 25 years. Finkelstein, a possible witness in the trial, was on the last leg of the “Dangerous” tour before it was canceled. (AP) Gongaware said Dr. Finkelstein is now a drug addiction specialist. "There were two occasions where he (Dr. Finkelstein) told me he treated MJ, but never talked about Demerol or injections," Gongaware said. "I believe he's mistaken," Gongaware said if Dr. Finkelstein gave deposition to the contrary. Panish: Did Dr. Finkelstein tell you he put MJ on a 24 hour morphine drip? Gongaware: No. (ABC7) Gongaware denied that Finkelstein told him that he thought Jackson was suffering from a prescription drug addiction. He also denied that Finkelstein told him that another doctor on the “Dangerous” tour was giving Jackson Demerol shots. Lastly, he denied that Finkelstein told him that Jackson had been placed on a 24 hour morphine drip at one point. (AP) Dr. Forecast, from London, was MJ's doctor treating the artist during Dangerous tour.(ABC7)

Gongaware said he was never alarmed about Jackson’s health and said he say the musician as being well. (AP)

Panish: Is safety paramount to AEG live? Gongaware: Safety should always be expected, act safe. Gongaware said he didn't know if there was a person in charge of safety at rehearsals.(ABC7)

Panish asked about Dr. Murray's contract. Gongaware said he received an email with it attached but never read it. Under responsibilities of Dr. Murray, it said Dr. Murray was to perform the Services reasonably requested by Producer. Panish: Do you know it MJ would've agreed to that? Gongaware: I don't know. Panish inquired if Dr. Murray asking $5 million was a red flag. Gongaware said no, people asked more than their value because it was MJ. (ABC7)

Panish asked Gongaware about why he didn’t review emails before his deposition in Dec. 2012. He said he relied on his attorney’s advice. (Later, in questioning by defense attorney Marvin Putnam, Gongaware said he had no idea which of his 13k emails he would be asked about.) (AP)

Panish: In your opinion, this is a baseless, shakedown lawsuit? Gongaware: I don't understand the merit in it
Panish: You answered interrogatories in this case blaming everything on Mrs. Jackson? Gongaware: I don't recall
Panish: Did you sign anything in this case saying that Mrs. Jackson was trying to extort money from AEG? Gongaware: I don't recall (ABC7)

Gongaware was asked whether he remembered signing court docs in which he called Katherine Jackson an extortionist. “I don’t recall,” he said. Regarding the court case, Gongaware said, “I just don’t understand the merit of it.” Regarding whether Jackson’s children suffered a loss after their father’s death, Gongaware said, “I believe they suffered a great loss.” (AP)

"I believe they suffered a great loss," Gongaware said about Michael's children losing a father. (ABC7)

Gongaware agreed that the best recollection of what happened in 2009 is the emails, but said he remembers from his head too. "He was always amazing," Gongaware said about MJ. Gongaware: I thought he was great Panish: Despite Bugzee saying MJ was deteriorating in front of his eyes? G: My eyes told me differently (ABC7)

Gongaware said the demand for tickets for MJ's memorial service was huge, comparable to the demand for TII tour. Gongaware said the amount of people still in line to buy tickets for TII could've sold out 100 shows. (ABC7)

Panish: Do you remember what you said Elvis died of? Gongaware: Heart ailment. But Panish recalled Gongaware giving a different answer earlier on, saying he believed it was prescription drugs (ABC7)

After questions about other emails, Gongaware acknowledged they were the best evidence of what he was doing at the time. Gongaware was asked about extending the “This Is It” tour. He was shown emails from promoters wanting MJ concerts in India, Australia. Gongaware said he would have liked the "This Is It" tour to continue, but they only had agreement for 50 shows. (AP) On 3/18/09 -- asking about MJ going to India for show, Phillips responded: "Thanks, Thomas. MJ will definitely be heading your way. Gongaware said he thinks they were making plans in case MJ said ok, let's go. Email on 3/17/09 from Phillips: We have a 4 year plan that included Australia, however, we have to finish London first. Gongaware, who didn't like Australian's promoter, responded: "Over my dead body. But let's see what he says before I p**s on his parade." (ABC7)

Panish: Did you ever see MJ under the influence of prescription medication on Jun 2009? Gongaware: When he came back from Dr. Klein's office. Panish: Did you investigate? Gongaware: No, he was coming from his doctor, I didn't think there was a need (ABC7)

Email on 3/23/09 from Gongaware to his secretary: Figure it out so it looks like he's not working so much. "I didn't want him to think he was working more than he was," Gongaware testified. (ABC7)

Panish: your goal was to have as many shows as possible? Gongaware: I would've liked that. Panish: The more shows you had, the more money AEG would've gotten, right? Gongaware: Yes (ABC7)

Panish asked Gongaware if he had talked to Phillips since he’d been on the witness stand. He said he hadn’t discussed case. Panish then asked if Phillips was aware Gongaware said he was content with AEG Live being #2 concert promoter behind Live Nation. Gongaware said he’s expressed his opinion that AEG Live doesn’t need to be #1 promoter. (AP)

AEG recross

Marvin Putnam, in re-direct, asked Gongaware if he tried to give his best testimony possible in deposition. Gongaware said yes. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he saw MJ with slurred speech after seen Dr. Klein, not Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

He asked Gongaware why he never sent a condolence card to Jackson’s family. “I’m not good with cards,” he said. (AP) As to the card to Mrs. Jackson and children, Gongaware said he's not good with cards, couldn't recall ever sending a condolence card. (ABC7) He said the memorial service was how he wanted to honor singer. Gongaware said he spent a lot of time thinking about Jackson after his death (AP) "What I did, I tried to put the memorial show together," Gongaware said. "I think it was the best thing for me to do, commemorate his life." Memorial was at the Staples Center with 15,000 people, live feed to Nokia Theater with 5,000 people. Gongaware said he worked directly with Randy Jackson on the memorial. It cost over a million dollars, AEG and MJ's estate bore the cost. (ABC7) Gongaware said AEG and the estate spent more than $1 million on Michael Jackson’s memorial service. (AP) "I'm glad I did what I did," Gongaware said, adding memorial was shown to millions of people interested in MJ around the world. (ABC7)

Putnam tried 2 rebut all the claims that Gongaware changed his testimony. Gongaware said he feels he hasn't changed his answers (ABC7)

Putnam also showed jury Gongaware’s police statement. Panish had said his comment to police was different from testimony. Panish keyed in on whether Gongaware testified that it was five weeks or two weeks between his 1st two conversations with Conrad Murray. The police statement said Gongaware told detectives a few weeks separated the calls regarding Murray and the contract. (AP)

Another document that defense attorney Marvin Putnam showed Gongaware was Lou Ferrigno’s contract. Ferrigno’s three-page contract designated him as an independent contractor. It was signed by AEG accounting exec Julie Hollander. (AP) Putnam showed independent contract agreement with Ferrigno fully executed. Julie Hollander signed on behalf of AEG effective April 27, 2009. (ABC7)

Putnam finished his examination of Gongaware by showing him Conrad Murray’s contract. (AP) Putnam questioned Gongaware about Dr. Murray's contract. The exec said MJ had to sign it in order for it to be valid. (ABC7) Putnam showed Gongaware language in the agreement that said Michael Jackson had to sign agreement for it to be a valid contract. Putnam also keyed in on language that said Murray was being engaged “on behalf and at the expense” of Michael Jackson. (AP)

Jackson redirect

Then it was Brian Panish's turn again. He said there isn't a date on the contract showing when Julie Hollander signed Ferrigno's agreement. (ABC7) Panish questioned Gongaware about whether Ferrigno’s contract may have been signed after Jackson’s death. Gongaware said he didn’t think he sent any contracts to Julie Hollander after Jackson’s death. (AP) Panish pointed out that Hollander was signing contracts after MJ had died. He asked to see the original contract. Panish: Lou Ferrigno was retained by AEG, right? Gongaware: Yes (ABC7)

Panish asked Gongaware whether he thought it would have been better for him if he had reviewed documents and e-mails before testifying. "I relied on the advice of my attorney," he said. "All this legal stuff, I don't understand it," he said. (CNN) Gongaware said he expected his lawyers would act on his best interest and that testified truthfully and factually in his deposition. Panish asked if Gongaware expected to be believed now when he wouldn't recall his answers in deposition. Defendant objected, judge sustained (ABC7)

Panish also repeatedly referred to the number of AEG Live defense lawyers in the courtroom. He was later admonished to stop mentioning them. Putnam had noted that Katherine Jackson's side was being represented by four law firms. Panish said he didn't care if Putnam brought it up (AP)

With that Paul Gongaware was excused, subject to recall if needed.

Randy Phillips Testimony

Jackson direct

Phillips said he met w/ 6 attorneys to prep for testimony between 6-8 times over the last two weeks, probably for about 30 hours. Phillips said he went through a bunch of emails, probably 30, from the period in question. He also read his deposition. Phillips said he didn't prepare for the deposition. "They (attys) felt it would be better if I went in without any preparation." (ABC7) Randy Phillips, the chief executive officer of AEG Live, disclosed that his lawyers advised company executives not to review old e-mails before testifying. "They felt it would be better if I went in without preparation," he said, referring to his lawyers. (AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putman said outside of court that the volume of documents they would have needed to review was massive, making it impossible for them to
prepare. ) (CNN)

Panish asked Phillips whether he was eager to tell his side of the story.
"I believe you called me as a witness, so I'm here," Phillips said flatly. (AP)

Phillips attended two years of law school, but didn't graduate. (ABC7)

Panish: Who's higher up than you at AEG Live? Phillips: No one at AEG Live P: You are the top dog, so to speak? P: Yes. Phillips reports to an executive committee who would then report to Tim Leiweke. Phillips said he doesn't know why Leiweke left the company. Phil Anschutz now belongs to the executive committee. (ABC7)

Panish at one point asked the executive whether he was familiar with the music industry.
"Familiar with the music industry? I was working in it," Phillips replied. (AP)

Phillips said he agreed with statements attributed to him and defense attorney Marvin S. Putnam that the case was a shakedown. "Yes or no, answer? Yes," Phillips said in response to a question by Katherine Jackson's attorney Brian Panish. (AP)

Panish: Do you think this is an extortion, shakedown lawsuit? Phillips: Yes or no answer? Yes. Panish: Did you sign a document under the penalty of perjury saying Mrs. Jackson aided and abetted Joe Jackson to extort money from AEG? Phillips: It's possible, I don't remember. "I wish you wouldn't keep calling it a baseless shakedown lawsuit," Phillips told Panish. Panish: You believe this case is an extortion, correct? Phillips: Yes (ABC7)

Panish: You told Mr. Ortega that AEG checked everyone out, including Dr. Murray? "I wrote in an email to Kenny Ortega that I thought Dr. Murray had been checked out. I still do, to some extent," Phillips said. Panish: You said he was a great doctor? Phillips: Because that's what I was told. Panish: Did you write email that AEG checked everyone out? Phillips: Yes, I did Panish: That was not true Phillips: In retrospect, not 100%. "It's what I knew at the time," Phillips said. (ABC7)

"I wrote it in the e-mail that I thought at the time he had been checked out," Phillips testified Tuesday. He wrote that Murray was successful "because that's what I was told," he said. "In retrospect, it's not 100% true," Phillips said. "There's what I thought at the time versus what I learned afterwards. (CNN)

Panish: Isn't it true you said AEG live doesn't lose money, sir? Phillips: Among other things I said. Panish showed Phillips a Forbes article where he said AEG is about making money, since they are a business. Live Nation is the largest concert promoter in the world, Phillips said. Panish: Do you like being number 2? Phillips: Love it! I'd rather be a successful number 2. Panish: You don't want to be number one? Phillips: Not if it means losing money. Phillips said Mr. Anschutz told him he's happy being a number 2. (ABC7)

Panish asked if it was true Phillips wanted 2 meet with MJ to tour in 2007. Phillips answered it was the opposite, they asked for a meeting. Panish: Please don't argue with me, I'm going to argue w/ you and will get in trouble Phillips: That's an incentive now (Everyone laughed) (ABC7)

Jackson lawyer Brian Panish, who has been previously told by the judge not to argue with witnesses, quickly tangled with Phillips.
"Please don't argue with me because then I will argue back and get in trouble," Panish told Phillips at one point.
"Then that's an incentive for me," Phillips joked. (CNN)

Panish: Did you learn Colony Capital purchase note on Neverland? Phillips: Yes BP: Is Barrack one of principals on Colony Capital? RP: Yes. On 6/13/08, Phillips sent email to Colony Capital with a summation of plans for MJ for four years. Email: I caution you that MJ is not fast and a total perfectionist (needs to be controlled as much as possible). Phillips said he was referring to MJ's spending. (ABC7)

Panish: Neverland was his beloved home, right sir? Phillips: Hard to answer, because of the things MJ told me. (ABC7)

When the executive appeared to crack a smile, Panish asked if he thought the proceedings were funny. "No, I think it's tragic." Phillips replied. (AP) Panish: Do you think any of this is funny, sir? Phillips: No, I think it's tragic (ABC7)

Tohme Tohme was a business associate with Colony Capital, who was also working with MJ. Panish asked if Phillips thought there was a conflict of interest with Tohme working for Colony and MJ. He said no. (ABC7)


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05.06.2013 um 12:07
He still has time for the guys! Prince Jackson spends a day out with friends after a string of dates romancing girlfriend Remi

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 05:28 GMT, 5 June 2013 | UPDATED: 05:28 GMT, 5 June 2013

Even the most love sick Romeos need an afternoon with the boys.

Prince Michael Jackson has been repeatedly spotted out with girlfriend Remi Alfalah over the past few days but on Tuesday as the King of Pop's son was spotted out with his guy friends.

The 16-year-old and his buddies spent some time in Beverly Hills grabbing a slice for lunch at Mulberry Street Pizzeria on swanky Canon Drive.

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Boys day out: Prince Michael Jackson was joined by his guy pals (plus a bodyguard and film crew) for lunch in Beverly Hills on Tuesday

Also along for the sunny day out were Prince's bulky bodyguard and a film crew for a mystery project shooting footage of the teen and his entourage.

Dressed in a green T-shirt printed with a snarling snake wrapped around a capital letter E, cargo shorts and sturdy trainers, Jackson looked just like any other high schooler enjoying the summer break.

While Prince was scruffy and casual, his friend dressed up in a pink buttoned shirt, black trousers and a baseball cap.

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Filming friends: Prince and his entourage were joined by a film crew when they picked up a slice at Mulberry Street Pizzeria
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One of the lads: Prince looked like a typical teenager in a green T-shirt and cargo shorts, with only the microphone jutting out from his neckline suggesting he was on camera

Only the thin microphone sticking out of the neckline of his top revealed that the shaggy-haired boy might be a budding celebrity.

Although still in school, Jackson is no stranger in front of the cameras and has already kick started an acting career with a guest spot on TV drama 90210, which he filmed in March.

Sadly his episode on the series was the last one that they shot as the reboot was cancelled after five seasons.

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Scruffy and smart: While Prince wore a casual army green combo, his friend dressed up in a pink buttoned shirt, black trousers and a baseball cap

Currently attending privately-run Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California, where he met fellow student Remi, Jackson has refreshingly escaped the intense spotlight that haunted his famous father during the latter years of his life.

The freedom from overwhelming fame has meant that the young lovebirds have been able to enjoy sweet and simple dates such as enjoying ice creams in a shopping mall, but on their latest night out Jackson upped the stakes and took his girl for a romantic Italian dinner.

The 16-year-old couple looked tanned, happy and relaxed as they entered Madeo, an Italian restaurant in West Hollywood on Monday.

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Sweethearts: Michael Jackson's son Prince Jackson and his girlfriend, Remi Alfalah were spotted on a dinner date
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Elegant: Remi Alfalah had made more of an effort to dress up than her boyfriend
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Loved up? Prince looked as if he was enjoying the date

Remi, who is believed to be a Kuwaiti princess, looked suitably dressed up, wearing a navy zipped skater dress teamed with silver jewelled sandals and a Chanel handbag.

She wore her long dark hair loose around her shoulders for the intimate meal.

In contrast, Prince wore a black and yellow Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy T-shirt, which is now on sale, reduced from £16 to £11.

He matched the sporty tee with a pair of scruffy blue jeans, which were a little frayed around the bottoms.

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Foodies: The young pair regularly dine out and enjoyed fro-yo at The Grove shopping mall last week

The sweethearts dined at the same eatery last week, when Prince also sported a casual look.

Evidently a devotee of the Gracie Jiu-Jitsu Academy, he wore a similar T-shirt in blue and yellow.

The young couple have been together since meeting at the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California, where they are pupils.

Italian-owned restaurant Madeo has an established celebrity clientele, which includes Denise Richards, Kevin Costner, Emma Roberts and Hilary Duff.


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05.06.2013 um 13:03
5 June 2013 Last updated at 09:51 GMT

Michael Jackson mother accused of 'extortion'

The head of concert promoters AEG Live has admitted in court in Los Angeles he believes a legal action filed by Michael Jackson's mother Katherine is a "baseless extortion" attempt.

Katherine Jackson claims the concert promoters failed to investigate the doctor who was later convicted of causing her son's death in 2009.

AEG Live are being sued for $40 billion (£26 billion).

Randy Phillips says AEG bear no responsibility for Jackson's death.


When asked on Tuesday by Katherine Jackson's lawyer whether he thought the case was a "baseless extortion, a shakedown of AEG Live", Phillips answered: "Yes."

It is likely he will be asked about numerous emails he sent and received about Jackson's health in the final weeks of the singer's life, as well as any interactions he had with his physician Conrad Murray.

AEG Live claims it was not responsible for the hire or supervision of the doctor and has called the legal action "preposterous".

AEG denies hiring Murray and agreeing to pay his fee as an advance to Michael Jackson.

Murray agreed to serve as the pop star's doctor for $150,000 a month while he performed shows at London's 02 Arena in 2009 and early 2010.

He was convicted in 2011 of involuntary manslaughter after supplying Jackson with a surgical anaesthetic.

The civil trial is now in its sixth week.


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05.06.2013 um 13:08
By Clare McDonald On June 5, 2013

Michael Jackson's Mother Katherine Accused Of 'Extorting' Money Over Death In AEG Trial

The concert promoters claim Katherine is only interested in the money

Michael Jackson's mother has been accused of "extortion" by the CEO of AEG Live during the case investigating the King of Pop's death.

82-year-old Katherine Jackson has taken the concert promoter to court for the wrongful death of her son in 2009 through hiring and neglecting to supervise Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for the Thriller singer's death.

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Katherine Jackson has been accused of "extorting" money over attempting to Michael Jackson's death (WENN)

The lawsuit seeks to claim damages of up to $40 billion and was filed by Katherine and Michael's two eldest children, Prince Michael and Paris. According to the NY Daily News, during the trial, AEG CEO Randy Phillips said was asked by Katherine's lawyer: “You think this case is a baseless extortion, a shakedown of AEG Live?” to which he gave a straight: "Yes,” making it clear that he thinks the matriarch is digging for money she isn't entitled to.

This claim comes despite evidence that the company did not run a background check on Murray before hiring him, claiming that Michael selected him and monitored the former physician himself.

There has also been controversy over how the defendants have planned for the case, with the co-CEO Paul Gongaware giving many "I don't recall" answers to questions from the opposing lawyers.

Michael Jackson passed away in 2009 after overdosing on anesthetic propofol (WENN)

It is thought this is due to advice from the AEG legal team not to review e-mails featured in the case. Phillips explained why he had not reviewed his e-mails, stating that his lawyers had thought it better to take to the stand "without preparation."

Michael died in 2009 after taking a lethal overdose of powerful anaesthetic propofol, administered by Murray. The trial continues.

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05.06.2013 um 13:16

Michael Jackson's mother is money hungry: AEG CEO

Michael Jacksons Mutter ist geldgierig: AEG CEO

Randy Phillips said Tuesday the King of Pop's mom is engaging in 'extortion' by asking for money she doesn't deserve.

Published: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 2:10 AM
Updated: Wednesday, June 5, 2013, 5:47 AM

Katherine Jackson was accused of extortion by the CEO of AEG in the ongoing trial.

Michael Jackson's octogenarian mom is engaging in “extortion” with her wrongful death case against concert promoter AEG Live, the company’s CEO told jurors Tuesday.

Randy Phillips took the stand for the first time in the megabucks trial unfolding in Los Angeles and made it clear he believes Katherine Jackson is after money she doesn’t deserve.

“You think this case is a baseless extortion, a shakedown of AEG Live?” asked Katherine Jackson’s lawyer, Brian Panish.

“Yes or no answer? Yes,” Phillips replied.

Phillips said he “wished” Panish wouldn’t use such a derogatory description of the famous matriarch but again answered “yes” when asked if he considered her lawsuit an "extortion."

The civil suit seeks millions, possibly billions, in damages over the “Thriller” singer’s June 2009 overdose death.

Katherine Jackson claims AEG negligently hired Dr. Conrad Murray, the doctor who overdosed her son, and should be held liable.

Murray is now serving four years for involuntary manslaughter.

AEG has denied any wrongdoing, arguing that Jackson personally selected Murray and agreed to refund any money advanced to him through AEG.

Ultimately, neither AEG nor Michael signed Murray's contract, and the Las Vegas cardiologist never received a dime.

Panish grilled Phillips over a June 2008 email he sent to an outside business contact, asking multiple times about a line stating that Jackson “needs to be controlled as much as possible.” Phillips said he was referring to Michael’s out-of-control spending and gave an exasperated laugh when Panish quoted the line again.

"Do you think any of this is funny, Sir?" Panish asked.

"No, I think it's tragic," Phillips responded.

Earlier Tuesday, Panish questioned Paul Gongaware, also a high-level AEG executive, about the company's relationship with Murray.

Panish repeatedly invoked "Incredible Hulk" actor Lou Ferrigno, suggesting to jurors that AEG hired Ferrigno as Jackson's personal trainer in 2009 and paid his bill without a signed contract.

Gongaware confirmed he "made the deal" with Ferrigno but wasn't sure whether the muscle man ever received payment.

"You stiffed Lou Ferrigno? You didn't pay the Incredible Hulk?" Panish asked with mock horror as jurors laughed.

Outside court, Panish said he had evidence AEG eventually paid Ferrigno.

Given a chance to re-question Gongaware, AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam produced a contract for Ferrigno that was signed by yet another AEG exec.

It wasn't immediately clear if the contract was executed before or after Jackson's death. Putnam promised to check on the signature date.

Ferrigno's hiring could prove important because Katherine Jackson must convince jurors AEG had a binding, good-faith agreement with Murray before she can prove negligence.

Gongaware was adamant his company never hired Murray.

"He was working for Michael Jackson," Gongaware testified Tuesday.

"Like Lou Ferrigno, right?" Panish asked.

"He was under Michael's direction, yes," Gongaware said.


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05.06.2013 um 13:22
Doctor Who: Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris, to replace Matt Smith as 12th Time Lord?

June 5th, 2013 by Anna Howell.

If you thought the rumour mill was already in overdrive following the announcement that Matt Smith has quit the role of Doctor Who, then hang on to your seats, it is about to get a lot crazier!

Current Time Lord Matt Smith announced earlier this week that he would be bowing out of the hit BBC family entertainment sci-fi show, and since then all anyone can talk about is who will replace him.

Currently the fans choice for the 12th doctor is Sean Pertwee, the son of the 3rd Doctor John, but Bookies are naming Ben Daniels as firm favourite, with the likes of Harry Potter star Rupert Grint and Russell Tovey coming in close at 10/1.

Other actors linked to the role include Sherlock star Martin Freeman, Hot Fuzz star Simon Pegg and, most surprisingly, former Doctor’s companion, Billie Piper.

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Piper’s name was thrown into the ring after bookies William Hill placed odds on the next Doctor being a woman at 8/1, despite the BBC denying this would happen as it didn’t want to cause awkward conversations between its younger fans and their parents.

However, bets are still being taken and it would now seem that Piper has some serious competition in winning the title of first ever female Doctor, as Michael Jackson’s daughter, Paris, has also expressed an interest in the role.

Having been kept out of the spotlight all of her life until her father’s untimely death a few years ago, Paris has blossomed into her own, proving once and for all that she is her father’s daughter when it comes to fame.

And, much like her father, the 15 year old has grand designs when it comes to her own career.

After hearing the news that BBC bosses were on the lookout for a new Doctor, with gender possibly not an issue, Paris took to social networking site, twitter, to submit her application for the job.

The aspiring actress tweeted a picture of the Tardis along with the caption: “Omg I wanna be The Doctor. They said any age and gender, right?”

This tweet was taken seriously by many as, not only does she have the backing of her Hollywood agent Rick Yorn – who is the success behind the likes of Leonardo DiCaprio and Cameron Diaz, she also started receiving tweets of encouragement, with one follower posting:


Whilst another wrote: “You would be awesome.”

Meanwhile Paddy Power named her as a contender, with odds of 18-1.

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If Paris were to land the role, which would make her not only the first ever female Doctor, but also the youngest by 15 years, it would not be her first taste of acting.

She is about to hit our screens later this year in the fantasy film Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys, which is her acting debut, and is confident that her performance will help her shake off her father’s fame and pave a way for her own status, commenting recently:

“I want to show I do have talent and I can make it if I try. I want to be my own person.”

A BBC spokeswoman has told the Daily Star newspaper: “I’m afraid I can’t give you any idea on who they’re looking for and if Paris would fit the role.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 13:27
na, war da vielleicht ein Tweet von Paris der Auslöser !!!!!!!

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 4 Jun
omg i wanna be The Doctor 😱 they said any age & gender , right ?

1:50 AM - 4 Jun 13

ein weiterer Bericht:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 14:58
ob da Taaj Malik & Co. mal wieder ihre Hände im Spiel haben ?????

Michael Jackson
Superfan Anted Up $16K
To Fly Banners Over Trial

6/5/2013 12:30 AM PDT


One of Michael Jackson's biggest fans is SO CONVINCED there's something fishy about his death ... that she dropped $16,800 on her credit cards to have conspiracy-theory banners flown all over the L.A. area ... TMZ has learned.

The message-towing planes mysteriously started buzzing L.A. 2 weeks ago with banners like, "FOLLOW THE $ TO MICHAEL JACKSON'S DEATH" ... and "LAPD -- HONOR BOUND TO TELL TRUTH FOR MJ."

Sources connected to AirSign, the company flying the banners, confirmed to TMZ ... a Hollywood costume shop worker paid for 11 flights over several locations including the downtown L.A. courthouse where Michael's wrongful death lawsuit is going on right now.


The woman, who wants to remain anonymous, tells us ... "I'm hoping that someone will look at those messages and say, 'If someone feels that strongly about it, maybe this is worth looking into."

As for the massive cc debt ... she says she can handle it because she's single and kid-free.
And in case you think she's totally nuts ... she does have one connection to MJ. The shop where she works supplied some costumes for "This Is It."

Totally worth it.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 15:12
vgl. dazu auch den Eintrag von heute um 11:26 Uhr ... :)


5th June 2013
By Meg Jorsh

parisdailystar zpscfb89bde

WACKO Michael Jackson’s daughter Paris has been lined up to be the next Doctor Who.

The 15-year-old tweeted her job application to the BBC after becoming a massive fan.

The wannabe actress has backing from Hollywood agent Rick Yorn who signed her up in April.

Yorn is said to be determined to make her a major star like his other clients Leonardo DiCaprio, 38, and Cameron Diaz, 40.

Schoolgirl Paris tweeted a snap of the Tardis, saying: “Omg I wanna be The Doctor. They said any age and gender, right?”

Last night bookies Paddy Power gave odds of 18-1.

She is up against the likes of Skyfall actor Rory Kinnear, 35, to take over when current Time Lord Matt Smith, 30, leaves in December.

Paris bagged her first major role in fantasy film Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys, out later this year.

The teen wants to break out of her late dad’s shadow.

She added: “I want to show I do have talent and I can make it if I try. I want to be my own person.”

Yesterday she was flooded with support urging her to audition for Doctor Who, which is screened in the US.


And Amrai wrote: “You would be awesome.”

Paris would be the first woman to play the Doctor, as well as the youngest by 15 years.

Sources close to the show said the next star could be announced as early as next month.

A BBC spokeswoman said: “I’m afraid I can’t give you any idea on who they’re looking for and if Paris would fit the role.”

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05.06.2013 um 15:32
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 15. Teil

5. Juni 2013

Wie erwartet ging’s am Montag weiter mit co-CEO Paul Gongaware. Angeblich jedoch gab es nicht wirklich etwas Neues zu berichten. Entsprechend kurz war der Bericht der LA Times. Gongaware sagte aus, dass AEG noch nie von Conrad Murray gehört hatte, als Michael Jackson auf sie zukam und darauf bestand, dass ihn dieser als sein persönlicher Arzt nach London begleiten solle. Als Gongaware im April 2009 vorschlug, einen Londoner Arzt anzustellen, der vor Ort und entsprechend günstiger sei, lehnte Michael dies ab. Gongaware sagte aus, dass Michael ihm damals gesagt hatte: “Das ist die Maschine. Wir müssen der Maschine Sorge tragen.” “Ich glaube, was er meinte, war, dass sein Gehirn die Show kreieren konnte, aber sein Körper musste jeden Abend top fit sei für die Show”, so Gongaware. Kurz danach rief Gongaware Murray an, um ihm zu sagen Michael wolle ihn nach London mitnehmen. Murray habe keine Fragen gestellt und sie gingen umgehend dazu über, über das Gehalt zu sprechen. Als Gongaware Murray fragte, wieviel er für den Job wolle, sagte dieser, er brauche USD 5 Mio., da er seine Arztpraxen in Houston, Las Vegas und San Diego für den betreffenden Zeitraum schliessen und Leute entlassen müsse. Als AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam Gongaware fragte, ob er der Meinung gewesen sei, dass diese Summe vernünftig war, antwortete Gongaware, “Es war lächerlich… Michael konnte es sich nicht leisten und so musste ich [Murray] sagen, dass das nicht drin liegt”. Am Ende war Murray, wie wir wissen, mit USD 150’000 pro Monat einverstanden.

In einer persönlichen Sache möchte ich Euch an dieser Stelle kurz mitteilen, dass ich nun eine Woche weg sein werde. Wir lassen Euch aber nicht im Stich. Ueli wird mich in dieser Zeit bei der Prozessberichterstattung würdig vertreten – nebst dem, dass er im Moment auch noch die volle Coverage der sonstigen News macht. Vielen Dank, Ueli, und ich freu mich, Euch nach meiner Rückkehr wieder auf dem Laufenden zu halten. Sind wir mal gespannt, wie’s weiter geht. Insgesamt wird ja angenommen, dass der Prozess bis zu drei Monate dauern könnte.


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05.06.2013 um 18:53

Paris Jackson
Possible Suicide Attempt
Rushed to Hospital

Paris Jackson
Möglicher Selbstmordversuch
schnellstens ins Krankenhaus eingeliefert

6/5/2013 9:05 AM PDT


Paris Jackson was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday morning, and sources tell us it was a suicide attempt.

Paris was taken out of her Calabasas family house on a stretcher at around 2 AM and taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

The 911 call came in at 1:27 AM. We're told the caller reported a possible overdose, although a source connected to the emergency response said there were multiple cuts on one of her wrists.

On Tuesday night ... Paris posted some cryptic tweets, including, "I wonder why tears are salty?" ... and "yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay."

We're told she's doing ok.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 19:03
OMG, was ist da los??? Sie hat doch gestern und heute so merkwürdiges Zeugs getwittert?

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 19:06
es hat ein UPDATE gegeben ...

Paris Jackson
Possible Suicide Attempt
Rushed to Hospital

52 minutes ago


UPDATE ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
9:51AM PST: A source closely connected to Paris tells TMZ ... she has "tried this [a possible suicide attempt] in the past" but "this was far more serious. It was not a cry for help."
Paris Jackson was rushed to the hospital early Wednesday morning, and sources tell us it was a suicide attempt.

Paris was taken out of her Calabasas family house on a stretcher at around 2 AM and taken by ambulance to a nearby hospital.

The 911 call came in at 1:27 AM. We're told the caller reported a possible overdose, although a source connected to the emergency response said there were multiple cuts on one of her wrists.

On Tuesday night ... Paris posted some cryptic tweets, including, "I wonder why tears are salty?" ... and "yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay."

We're told she's doing ok.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 19:11
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:OMG, was ist da los??? Sie hat doch gestern und heute so merkwürdiges Zeugs getwittert?
nach einem UPDATE, soll Paris ja schon in der Vergangeheit einen Selbstmordversuch vorgenommen haben ... es gab keinen Schrei nach Hilfe ...

man will wohl jetzt alles wieder runterspielen ?????


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 19:17
Exclusive: Paris Jackson Suicide Attempt Confirmed

June 05, 2013

Debbie Rowe has confirmed exclusively to Entertainment Tonight that Paris Jackson tried to commit suicide and is currently in a Los Angeles hospital.

She was rushed to the hospital with cuts on her wrist in the early morning hours. Rowe tells ET that Jackson has had "a lot going on [lately]."

A source close to the family tells ET exclusively that the reason Paris attempted suicide is because she wasn't allowed to go to a Marilyn Manson concert. The rocker is set to play Gibson Amphitheater with Alice Cooper on June 6.

LA County Fire confirms to ET that they received a 911 call for an overdose at 1:15 a.m. and one person was transported to hospital.

10 hours ago, Jackson Tweeted, "yesterday , all my troubles seemed so far away ... now it looks as though they're here to stay."

This month was already set to be a tough one for Paris as June 25 marks the fourth anniversary of Michael Jackson's passing.

EntertainmentTonight ‏@ETonlineAlert 10m
A Jackson Family insider says Paris attempted suicide because she wasn't allowed to attend a Marilyn Manson concert =
7:08 PM - 5 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 19:20
d.h. sie hat sich wirklich geritzt in der Vergangenheit und dieses Mal ist es schlimmer.
Na vielleicht war sie auch allein im Haus.
Die Oma wohnt vielleicht gar nicht mehr da. Sie ist doch mit diesen Leuten, die der Prince auf Twitter blosgestellt hat jeden Tag abwechselnd vor Gericht. Gestern war es Austin!

Es hat sicher etwas damit zu tun, vermute ich. Oder sie wollte zu ihrer Mama und durfte nicht. Zumindest hat sie ein Problem mit allen dort, weil sie in letzter Zeit mit keinem Angehörigen der Jacksons mehr gesehen wurde. Wer weiß, es können auch bösartige Twittermobbings ein Ausschlag gegeben haben. Ja, hab das auch gelesen, das das nicht der erste Versuch war.
Ich hoffe, Debbie schaltet sich jetzt mit ganzer Kraft ein!
Man da haben die 2 Erziehungsberechtigte und was passiert, die werden auch noch fürs Aufpassen bezahlt!!!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 19:25
ich meine diesen Eintrag von Prince, mit denen ist die Kathrin jeden Tag unterwegs:
Auf jeden Fall ist Paris unglücklich und ihr sollte geholfen werden, nein ihr muß geholfen werden.
Ja natürlich werden die das alles wieder runterspielen.

40d6f0 AywvOqQCMAAScUK


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 19:37
Vielleicht fällt dann heute der Gerichtstag aus?

Aber morgen gibt es im gleichen Gebäude die Anhörung von dem Wade Robeson, hat die
Witch of the North getweetet, die hat aber inzwischen so viel geschrieben, daß ich das nicht mehr finde.

Die Jacksons schieben es natürlich jetzt darauf, daß sie in der Öffentlichkeit jetzt als Erpresser dastehen, wollen wir wetten? Ich meine das mit Paris.
Huch, kann gerade keine Sätze mehr formulieren, bin so aufgeregt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 19:37
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Es hat sicher etwas damit zu tun, vermute ich. Oder sie wollte zu ihrer Mama und durfte nicht. Zumindest hat sie ein Problem mit allen dort, weil sie in letzter Zeit mit keinem Angehörigen der Jacksons mehr gesehen wurde. Wer weiß, es können auch bösartige Twittermobbings ein Ausschlag gegeben haben. Ja, hab das auch gelesen, das das nicht der erste Versuch war.
Ich hoffe, Debbie schaltet sich jetzt mit ganzer Kraft ein!
Man da haben die 2 Erziehungsberechtigte und was passiert, die werden auch noch fürs Aufpassen bezahlt!!!
Debbie hat gesagt, Paris wurde verboten zu einem Marilyn Manson Konzert zu gehen ... ich denke, das war dann die "Spitze vom Eisberg" ...
man kann nur vermuten, was dieses Mädchen alles zu ertragen hat ... und vieles was sie uns täglich so zeigt, könnte einfach nur ein Versuch sein, die psychische Qual irgendwie zu kompensieren ...

ich denke, sie bräuchte dringend psychologische Hilfe ... hoffentlich bekommt sie
auch die richtige ... :(

leider sind es oft die nahestehen Personen, die Warnsignale nicht richtig wahrnehmen ... manches falsch interpretieren ...
wie ich schon mal geschrieben habe, ich spreche aus Erfahrung ... :(
