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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 19:28
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
AEG Live executive denies he pushed Michael Jackson to rehearse for "This Is It" _ (brief update.)
12:45 AM - 4 Jun 13

AEG exec denies he pushed Jackson to rehearse

Posted: Jun 03, 2013 9:26 PM
Updated: Jun 04, 2013 12:57 AM

AP Entertainment Writer

LOS ANGELES (AP) - An AEG Live LLC executive denied Monday that he pushed Michael Jackson to rehearse for his ill-fated comeback concerts, refuting earlier testimony by the singer's longtime makeup artist and stylist.

Paul Gongaware said he never told Jackson's assistant to get the singer out of a locked bathroom and to a rehearsal, an incident that was described to jurors by makeup artist Karen Faye.

"Never, never happened," Gongaware said, shaking his head.

Faye testified last month that she overhead Gongaware tell Jackson's assistant to do "whatever it takes" to get the "Thriller" singer to a rehearsal. She described Gongaware as sounding "angry and kind of desperate" on the call.

Gongaware told jurors hearing a negligent hiring case filed by Jackson's mother that the entertainer was under no obligation to rehearse.

The differing accounts are just one of several pieces of contradictory information jurors will have to consider when testimony in the case concludes. Katherine Jackson is suing AEG Live, claiming it failed to properly investigate the physician convicted of administering an overdose of the anesthetic propofol to her son.

AEG denies it hired Conrad Murray, or could have known that Murray was giving the singer propofol as a sleep aid.

Faye, whose testimony was interrupted when other witnesses had to be called, will return to the witness stand before the trial's conclusion and is likely to be questioned by AEG's attorneys about the Gongaware incident.

Gongaware also said he was mistaken when he wrote in an email that his company was paying for Murray.

"We want to remind him that it is AEG, not MJ who is paying his salary," Gongaware wrote in the email, which was sent after Jackson missed rehearsals. "We want him to understand what is expected of him."

Gongaware said AEG agreed to advance Murray's $150,000 a month fee to Jackson, but the costs would have come out of the singer's share of "This Is It" earnings. He said he never instructed Murray about how to care for the singer.

The promoter and producer also told jurors on Monday that he never considered doing a background check on Murray, or anyone such as Faye, who was working directly with Jackson.

Murray had several liens and child support judgments and was facing foreclosure before agreeing to work with Jackson.

"I just expect doctors to be ethical," Gongaware said. "Their financial side of their life shouldn't affect their medical judgment."

The executive was shown several emails that he was sent less than a month before Jackson's death in which tabloid newspapers were speculating the singer was suffering from cancer.

Gongaware urged his company not to respond. "Our redemption will be when he does his shows," he wrote about Jackson. "We don't have to sell tickets, so we can just sit back and prove them wrong by just doing it."

The trial is entering its sixth week. AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips is expected to testify later this week.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 18h
AEG Live executive denies he pushed Michael Jackson to rehearse: (longer story update) (Archiv-Version vom 28.09.2013)
Yahoo! News
AEG exec denies he pushed Jackson to rehearse

LOS ANGELES (AP) — An AEG Live LLC executive denied Monday that he pushed Michael Jackson to rehearse for his ill-fated comeback concerts, refuting earlier testimony by the singer's longtime makeup...
1:14 AM - 4 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 20:01
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Hahaha, welch ein Patzer!!!
Ich könnte mir aber vorstellen, daß Paris rebelliert hat, sie will keine Gürtel zum Verkauf anbieten!
nach diesem Bericht ist Paris vermutlich verhindert ... hahaha
ja, der Terminplan wird wohl "straff" sein ...

die Kids können einem schon leid tun, denn dass sie die Kinder von MJ sind, haben sie sich ja nicht ausgesucht ... ist natürlich auch keine besondere Leistung, aber das Interesse der Medien ist gewaltig und davon lassen sie sich bestimmt auch noch beeinflussen ... :)
Wenn sie älter sind, kommen sie vielleicht auch mal auf den Trichter, sich aus der Medienwelt zurückzuziehen ... ist anderen Kids von Prominenten doch auch gelungen ...
von einer Caroline Kennedy oder einer Athina Onassis hat man nie allzu viel gehört ...
man wird sehen, welchen Weg sie eines Tages mal einschlagen ...

´Wetten, dass...?´ auf Mallorca: Statt Paris kommt nun Prince Michael Jackson

Das ZDF hat den ältesten Sohn des verstorbenen "Prince of Pop" eingeladen
04.06.2013 | 16:40

Am Freitag (31.5.) hatte das ZDF noch Paris Jackson, die 15-jährige Tochter des vor vier Jahren verstorbenen Michael Jackson, als Gast bei Markus Lanz auf Mallorca angekündigt – doch sie scheint verhindert. Als Ersatz kommt nun voraussichtlich ihr ein Jahr älterer Bruder Prince Michael Jackson jr zur Mallorca-Ausgabe von „Wetten, dass..?" am 8. Juni in der Stierkampfarena in Palma.

Bei den restlichen Gästen gibt es aber bisher keine Änderungen. So wird der aus Schottland stammende Hollywood-Schauspieler Gerard Butler erwartet, der in Palma vermutlich seinen neuen Film "Olympus Has Fallen" vorstellen wird. Neben Busenwunder Pamela Anderson nimmt auch die ehemalige Co-Moderatorin von Thomas Gottschalk, Michelle Hunziker, auf der Couch Platz.

Doch den Zuschauern wird nicht nur was fürs Auge geboten: Comedian Paul Panzer und Pro-Sieben-Moderator Stefan Raab dürften für den ein oder anderen Lacher sorgen. Als musikalische Gäste erwarten die Zuschauer die britischen Sänger Olly Murs und Passenger sowie ein Nummer aus dem Queen-Musical „We will rock you".

Auch in Sachen Eintritts­karten für das Sommerspecial gibt es Neuigkeiten: Wer kein Glück bei der Ticketverlosung des ZDF hatte, kann es am Donnerstag vor der Show noch einmal versuchen. Laut ZDF-Sprecherin Silke Blömer werden am 6. Juni an der Kasse der Stierkampfarena ab 10 Uhr Restkarten verkauft, ­für Erwachsene kostet der Eintritt 55 Euro, für Kinder (2 bis 11 Jahre) 28 Euro.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 20:02
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2m
let me be crystal clear - any "Michael is alive" talk at my mentions, you'll get blocked
8:03 PM - 4 Jun 13
und da ist Ivy sehr konsequent ... :D

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 17m
@NenehJackson @SimPattyK @ellyd7 "Flavor Flav has been wearing a dinner-plate-sized clock around his neck since 1987"

Yahoo! Music
Flavor Flav Explains Why He Wears a Clock as a Necklace

Hip-hop's most famous hype man, Flavor Flav, knows the value of time. The reality star, author, and member of 2013 Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductees Public Enemy has been wearing a dinner-plate-...
7:46 PM - 4 Jun 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 44m
I never thought I would one day tweet a song from Flavor Flav about Michael Jackson Youtube: Flavor Flav - Michael Jackson
Flavor Flav - Michael Jackson
Externer Inhalt
Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.

7:16 PM - 4 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 20:23
„Wetten, dass..?“ auf Mallorca: Prince Michael ersetzt Paris Jackson

Keine Freigabe der Schule?
Geschrieben am: 4. Juni 2013

Am kommenden Samstag macht „Wetten, dass..?“ für seine Sommer-Ausgabe Station auf Mallorca. Nur vier Tage vor der Show wurde noch mal die Gästeliste auf Hochglanz gebracht. Statt Paris Jackson (15) wird nun ihr Bruder Prince Michael Jackson nach Palma reisen.

Ursprünglich wurde Paris, die Tochter von Michael Jackson, von offizieller Stelle als Stargast genannt. Plötzlich wurde aber ihr Gesicht von der Sender-Webseite genommen und stattdessen ihr Bruder abgebildet. Die simple Aussage darunter, „Auch Prince Michael Jackson (16) ist in Palma de Mallorca dabei.“ Anm.: na, vielleicht werden doch beide anwesend sein ... hahaha

Über die Gründe für die Ausladung ist nicht viel bekannt. Allerdings wird gemunkelt, dass Paris keine Freistellung von der Schule bekam, um einen Flieger nach Spanien zu besteigen.

Bei Twitter schrieb Paris diese etwas mysteriöse Nachricht: „Toller Tag, abgesehen von den Höhen und Tiefen, aber trotzdem toll. Ich werde euch bald davon berichten.“ Anm.: der Tweet ist nicht von Paris, den hatte Prince gepostet

Weitere Gäste bei „Wetten, dass..?“ werden unter anderem Gerard Butler, Michelle Hunziker, Stefan Raab und Pamela Anderson sein.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 20:32
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 15h
we don't goof around i swear
5:01 AM - 4 Jun 13

Bilder bei LSA "entdeckt" ... das sind wohl die Musik-Freunde von Paris ... :)


das hat Paris auch als neues Hintergrundbild bei Twitter verwendet ...



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 20:42
der Fantasie der Medien sind mal wieder Tür und Tor geöffnet ... :)

Statt Paris Jackson kommt nun Prince Michael

04.06.2013 - 18:46 Uhr

Die Tochter von Michael Jackson (†50) hat nach BILD-Informationen ein kleines Schulproblem..

Paris Jackson (15) war als Star-Gast für die Sommer-„Wetten, dass..?“-Ausgabe aus der Stierkampf-Arena als Stargast angekündigt.

Jedoch: Auf der Homepage der ZDF-Sendung tauchte plötzlich das Gesicht von ihrem Bruder Prince Michael (16) in der Gästeliste auf!

Bei Paris soll es in der Schule gerade nicht so gut laufen, dass ließ zumindest das Management der Jacksons verlauten.

Freistellung für den Ausflug nach Mallorca? Bis gestern abgelehnt. Ob's stimmt oder ob Paris doch noch nach Mallorca kommt, ungewiss. Jetzt soll planmäßig erstmal der große Bruder die Lücke auf der Couch füllen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 20:48
Jermaine kann doch immer wieder wunderschöne "Luftschlösser" bauen ... darauf scheint er sich spezialisiert zu haben ... :)

Michael-Jackson-Hotel in Planung?

Veröffentlicht am 04.06.2013

AUSGEFALLENES - Der verstorbene King of Pop wird in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten mit einem Themenhotel verewigt.


Laut arabischen Medien laufen mit der Familie des verstorbenen King of Pop Verhandlungen über ein Luxus-Resort mit der Jackson-Familie als Thema. Jermaine Jackson, der Bruder von Michael, gab bekannt, dass das Themenhotel auf Yas Island in Abu Dhabi geplant sei. Bisher laufen jedoch noch Gespräche mit Investoren.

Das Resort soll laut Jermaine den Namen seines zwölfjährigen Sohnes Jermajesty tragen. Zu den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten hat die Jackson-Familie eine starke Verbindung, da Michael Jackson einige Zeit dort lebte und Jermaine Jackson gläubiger Moslem ist. Das geplante Fünf-Sterne-Haus soll jedoch nicht das einzige Michael-Jackson-Hotel bleiben, auch mit Investoren in China laufen Verhandlungen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 20:52
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 25m
Break is over in Jackson vs AEG Live trial. I'll have more updates later.
8:23 PM - 4 Jun 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 28m
In response to Panish question, Gongaware said “This Is It” was only second tour that AEG Live would promote and produce.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
With that Putnam ended his questioning. Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish started his questioning.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
The questions prompted a sidebar. He said Jackson “wasn’t quite the same” but didn’t testify about Jackson’s demeanor in detail.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
Putnam asked Gongaware about the day he thought Jackson was impaired after an appointment with Dr. Arnold Klein.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
Attorney Marvin Putnam asked Gongaware of Jackson: “Was making money his primary concern?” Gongaware: "That wasn’t his primary concern.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
Gongaware said “Dangerous” tour lost money due to cancellations. He said he thought “HIStory” nearly broke even.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
He said he didn't believe that Jackson liked to tour, and that he didn't do meet-and-greets with fans and sponsors.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
Gongaware said AEG never considered having Jackson start concerts in United States, due to “all those child allegations and all that stuff.”

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
He said he never contemplated that Jackson would die. He said he went to Staples Center, where the mood was somber.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
“I was in shock,” Gongaware said. “The artist was gone. He just passed away.” Gongaware said he questioned how it happened.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 30m
Gongaware talked very matter-of-factly about the day Jackson died. He said he heard about the death from AEG Live CEO Randy Philips.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
The second rehearsal on June 24, 2009, Gongaware watched Thriller. “He was fine,” he said of Jackson.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
He said he wasn’t particularly attentive about Jackson’s health, appearance. This was 1st rehearsal after Jackson missed one 4 days earlier.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
He was asked about Jackson’s final two rehearsals at Staples Center. Gongaware couldn’t details about recall the first one.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
Katherine Jackson returned to court this morning. She is sitting in the front row, with a clear view of the witness box and jury.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
He was questioned by AEG Live attorney Marvin S. Putnam, who covered the last few days of Michael Jackson’s life.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 31m
We’re on a break in Jackson vs AEG Live trial. AEG executive Paul Gongaware is expected to be on stand most of the day.
8:17 PM - 4 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 21:45
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
MJ rehearsed on Jun 24th. Gongaware watched "Thriller" in its entirety, it was the 1st time they were using costume. He said MJ seemed fine.
9:40 PM - 4 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Gongaware said he wasn't being specifically attentive on the 23rd because he didn't think there was a problem with Michael.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Remember on June 19th was the day Gongaware said Michael Jackson had the chills and was apparently sick.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
Gongaware said MJ rehearsed on June 23rd. "He was fine," Gongaware described, saying his understanding was that MJ was okay.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. Day 23 of Jackson Family vs AEG trial. AEG exec Paul Gongaware is on the stand for 6th day.
9:33 PM - 4 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 22:02
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45s
MJ's primary concern was not making money off his shows, Gongaware said. His primary concern was with the art, the performance.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
MJ did the "Bad" tour, but Gongaware was not involved in it.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Dangerous lost money, Gongaware said, because a lot shows were canceled. History was probably pretty close to break even, the exec explained

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Gongaware worked on "Dangerous," "HIStory" and one Jacksons tour back in the 80s with MJ.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
MJ only agreed to 50 shows, but Gongaware said AEG Live was interested in more shows.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
The exec said Michael came out with the phrase "This Is It" because this was the last tour he was going to do.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
MJ never did "meet and greet", according to Gongaware.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
Gongaware: He didn't tour very often, I don't think he liked it very much. There were lots of things he would be rather doing.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Putnam asked Gongaware if AEG considered tour in US. "No, he had all those child allegations flying, it was the wrong thing to do" he said.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
As to why TII was happening in London, Gongaware explained it was MJ's best market. "We didn't know how strong it would be."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
After MJ's passing, Gongaware said they had to shut down production. He was then involved in Jackson's memorial service.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
"This Is It" was supposed to be spectacular, Gongaware said. He would be doing 8-10 shows a month, so about 3 a week.
9:59 PM - 4 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 7m
"I called Kenny right away and told him. He was at Staples Center," Gongaware recalled. "The atmosphere at Staples was very somber."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Gongaware said he no idea what caused MJ to die, never contemplated the idea of Michael Jackson dying.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
"I was in shock," Gongaware recalled. "The artist was gone, he just passed away. How did this happen?!"

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Gongaware said he didn't hear anything for a while, so he called Randy to see what was going on and he said Michael had died.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
"I didn't know what was going on," Gongaware said. "At that point I was apprehensive because I didn't know what was happening."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
As Randy got to Michael's house, an ambulance was leaving and Randy followed it to the hospital, Gongaware said.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
On June 25th, Gongaware got a call from Randy saying he had a call from DiLeo asking him to go to MJ's house because something was going on.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 8m
Putnam: Was he engaged?
Gongaware: Yes
P: Any physical issues?
G: No, I didn't see any

"He did a good rehearsal," Gongaware testified.
9:47 PM - 4 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 22:10
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
"I believe I testified truthfully," Gongaware said. "I don't believe I changed my testimony substantially."
10:06 PM - 4 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
P: After MJ died, did you ever send a card to his mother?
G: I don't think so
P: Did you ever call her to express your condolences?
G: No

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish: Did you know he was a great son to his mother?
Gongaware: I believe he was

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
"I believe he was a good father," Gongaware said about Michael Jackson.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Panish: How about his family and children, sir?
Gongaware: I supposed. I was focused on MJ.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Panish: Were you concerned about his children and his family, sir?
Gongaware: I was concerned about him (MJ)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Jackson's atty Brian Panish began re-cross of Gongaware. He asked if the exec was concerned about MJ. "I certainly wanted him to do well"

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Gongaware said he was not familiar with the doctors who treated MJ. Putnam announced be had no more questions at this time.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
When MJ arrived, Gongaware said his speech was a little slurred, he wasn't quite the same. He was told Michael was at Dr. Klein's office.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Gongaware described the time where he was at MJ's house for a meeting and MJ was late.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
"He was lively, engaged, he seemed happy," Gongaware said about MJ.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
Gongaware said he never saw MJ take drugs.

Aside from drug use in 93, Gongaware said he didn't have any other knowledge of MJ using drugs
10:00 PM - 4 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 22:18
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 50s
Today Gongaware testified MJ was going to work out with Lou Ferrigno.
10:16 PM - 4 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish said Gongaware testified yesterday that he was not concerned with MJ because he was working out with a trainer.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Gongaware: I don't know how he would get paid, if he would submit bills or not.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 45s
Panish: So you stiffed Lou Ferrigno, you didn't pay the Incredible Hulk? (Everyone in the courtroom laughed out loud)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Ferrigno was an independent contractor, Gongaware said he didn't know whether Ferrigno was submitting bills to his office.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish asked Gongaware if he hired Lou Ferrigno to be MJ's trainer. "I made a deal for Michael," Gongaware said.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Gongaware explained he thinks he said the same thing but different ways.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 52s
Yesterday, Gongaware answered the same question saying he was mistaken when he said AEG was paying Dr. Murray.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
One time he said the email was shorthanded, normal course of business and didn't really think it was a mistake.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
As to the email about AEG paying Dr. Murray, Panish pointed out that Gongaware changed his answers several times throughout his testimony.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Later in the case, judge will instruct the jurors that if they think a person lied, they may disconsider part of all of his testimony.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 56s
Panish tried to impeach Gongaware, which is a legal way to call into question the witness' credibility.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish said Gongaware also changed his testimony again while on the stand and under oath.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Panish said Gongaware changed his testimony several times as a result of meeting with AEG's attorneys.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Panish pointed out several answers Gongaware gave on his deposition and the changes he ask to make to transcript after meeting with attys

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Gongaware said he spent 2 days with his lawyers preparing for his deposition, one-two hours discussing the email about AEG paying Dr. Murray

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
As to the email Gongaware wrote that AEG, not MJ, paid Dr. Murray Panish asked again if Gongaware recalled writing this email. He said no.
10:09 PM - 4 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 22:27
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Lunch break is almost over. Would love to hear your thoughts so far. We'll tweet more about the testimony as soon as we are allowed.
10:24 PM - 4 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish: You expected Dr Murray, just like Ferrigno, to get paid for services provided to AEG right sir? Gongaware: He wasn't working for AEG

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Gongaware said he believed Dr. Murray signed one version the contract, but doesn't know whether the one showed to him was it.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish: Did you have anything in writing saying it was MJ, not AEG, paying Dr. Murray?
Gongaware: I don't know

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish asked if Gongaware had any doc to prove that Dr. Murray was told that anyone else, but AEG, was paying him. Gongaware didn't recall.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish: You didn't have time to ready budgets, you didn't have time to read contracts, right? Gongaware: I didn't read budgets early on

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
"Dr Murray wasn't supposed to get paid. If MJ would've signed the deal, Dr Murray would've been paid for his work in London," Gongaware said

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
"When he was sick on June 19, I didn't know what was happening," Gongaware explained. "After that, MJ was great."

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish said Gongaware testified he was not concerned about MJ because he was working out with Lou Ferrigno. He said he didn't say that.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Panish: He was seeing Lou Ferrigno to be in the next Incredible Hulk?
Gongaware: I don't think so

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
"I don't know specifically when Mr. Jackson saw trainers, but I believe he was seeing trainers," Gongaware explained.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Panish inquired about AEG only paying people with fully executed contract. Gongaware said he didn't know the status of Ferrigno's contract.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Gongaware said he didn't know whether Ferrigno had an independent contract agreement or not and if he got paid.
10:18 PM - 4 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.06.2013 um 22:34
Jackson promoters hired 'Hulk' to train pop star

Last Updated: 4:18 PM, June 4, 2013
Posted: 4:18 PM, June 4, 2013

LOS ANGELES -- Michael Jackson’s concert promoters hired Lou Ferrigno as the late singer’s personal trainer, a company executive said today, acknowledging “The Incredible Hulk” was on board MJ’s team even if he didn’t have a signed contract.

That fine, technical admission by AEG Live co-CEO Paul Gongaware could be key in helping Jackson’s family in its lawsuit against the concert giant.

“I made a deal with him (Ferrigno) yes,” Gongaware told jurors.

Jackson’s family is suing AEG, claiming it should be held accountable for employing Dr. Conrad Murray, who was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection to Jackson’s 2009 death.

AEG insists it can’t be held liable for Murray because the company never had a signed contract with the disgraced Doctor Feelgood.

Gongaware admitted he hired “The Hulk” even though there’s no record of any signed deal or payment to the world-famous bodybuilder.

Ferrigno is best known for “The Incredible Hulk” TV show, playing the angry green monster on CBS between 1978 and 1982.

“You stiffed Lou Ferrigno? You didn’t pay `The Incredible Hulk?’ “ Jackson family lawyer Brian Panish cracked, drawing laughs from the courtroom audience.

Today was Gongaware’s sixth grueling day on the witness stand, as Panish hammered him for the upteenth time about Murray’s connection to AEG.

Panish reminded Gongaware, again, that he wrote a 2009 email demanding more work and accountability from Dr. Murray: “We want to remind him that it is AEG, not MJ who is paying his salary.”

A frustrated Gongaware lashed out today, saying his words - written weeks before Jackson’s demise - were being taken out of context.

“If I had known it was going to be torn apart by lawyers four years later, I would have chosen my words more carefully,” he testified.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 00:15
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #24 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 22 – June 3 2013 – Summary

No Jackson family member was at the courthouse.

Paul Gongaware

AEG cross

Putnam asked Gongaware if MJ was comfortable with all the show dates. "Yes, I went through all of the dates with him," Gongaware said. Bugzee, the tour manager, had big calendar on the walls, Gongaware explained, saying they changed the dates of the shows four times. As to the email about changing coloring on calendar so it didn't look MJ was working too hard Putnam asked if he was trying to fool MJ. "No, I was trying to make it clear, trying to get it just the way I wanted it," Gongaware responded. (ABC7) The jury was shown an email in which Gongaware worked with a staffer to create a calendar to show Jackson. He wanted colors changed. He wanted the calendar to be changed so that it reflected Jackson's show dates and off days differently. Gongaware email: “Figure it out so it looks like he’s not working so much.” He told jury Jackson was comfortable with the show schedule. (AP)

After changing 4 show dates Gongaware said MJ was comfortable with it. He would do 8 shows in July, 10 in August, 9 in September. There would be no shows in October, November and December, resuming with 10 shows in January, 10 in February and three in March. Gongaware said the O2 Arena had previous commitment in Oct-Dec of 2009 and they could not have the MJ's concerts. (ABC7) In July 2009 there were 8 shows scheduled, 10 in August and 9 in September. Then they’d take rest of ’09 off. In Jan. and February of 2010, there were 10 shows planned per month. Three were planned in March 2010. No back-to-back shows. Gongaware said this wasn’t a rigorous schedule since there would be no traveling. On “HIStory” tour, he said they did 10-12 shows per month (AP)

Putnam: Was this a rigorous schedule? Gongaware: No, not at all. Gongaware recalled that on the HIStory tour they did 10-12 shows per month, from country to country, but this one would stay in London only. Gongaware said he wasn't concerned with MJ's age. "He seemed great to me," he said, and this was stationary show, didn't have to travel. (ABC7)

Gongaware: The reason MJ wanted to delay the 1st show was he wanted more time to rehearse in the O2 Arena where the show would take place. Gongaware said MJ and Kenny Ortega would decide the rehearsal schedule. Gongaware explained MJ didn't have to attend rehearsals, since it was not part of his deal. He said they never require an artist to rehearse. "I didn't have any expectation," Gongaware said regarding MJ rehearsing.(ABC7) Gongaware said there wasn’t a requirement for Jackson to rehearse. Said he’s never seen a requirement for musicial artist to rehearse. (AP) He said that during the HIStory tour, MJ didn't rehearse, nailed it. "When it was game time, he would show up," Gongaware explained. (ABC7) For instance, Gongaware cited an outdoor concert in Bangkok in in high heat, humidity. “He nailed it,” he said of Jackson. Gongaware: “When it was kind of game time, he was going to show up,” he said of Jackson's London shows. (AP)

As to the email Gongaware wrote about calling MJ lazy, he said he used unfortunate choices of words, Michael didn't like to rehearse. (ABC7)

Putnam: Why weren't you concerned? Gongaware: When the house lights would go up, he would show up (ABC7)

Talking about the elements of the show, Gongaware described what they wanted to do for the opening of the show. He said Michael would be dressed up in a LED suit, like a television, flashing on him brief movie about things that happened in history. Michael would be lower down onto the stage, Gongaware described. He called the LED suit a "Moon man" suit, but Ortega called it "Light man." Putnam showed a presentation of how the LED suit idea would work. Footage is not on TII documentary because it was early stages of prep. Gongaware said 1st idea was to make MJ float from the audience, but they couldn't make it work. So they decided to lower him down on stage. Gongaware said the big screen on the back of the stage was 3D capable. The audience would be given glasses when they entered the show. The 3D songs would be Thriller, Earth Song and Smooth Criminal. Email from Ortega to Gongaware saying MJ had big dreams for the shows. "He wanted to do biggest, best show ever, live show," Gongaware said. (ABC7)

Putnam showed email chain from Ortega to Gongaware asking to make a deal with choreographer Travis Payne. Answer from Gongaware: This is not AEG money, it's MJ's money so it takes a lot of time to get approvals. (ABC7)

Defendants were trying to establish a pattern that all the money spent was actually MJ's money, not AEG's, just like with Dr. Murray. (ABC7)

At one point Gongaware said he learned from MJ about doctor named Murray. "He came to me and said he wanted his personal doctor on the tour". Gongaware said he suggested to Michael to get a licensed doctor in London who would know the lay of the land, in case of need. "This is the machine, we have to take care of the machine. I want Conrad," Gongaware said Michael responded. (ABC7) “He came up to me and said he wanted to take Dr. Murray to London as his personal physician,” Paul Gongaware testified. When Gongaware suggested during the late April 2009 conversation it would be easier and cheaper to use an English doctor, Jackson vetoed the idea. Gongaware said Jackson told him, "'This is the machine. We have to take care of the machine.' I think what he meant was his brain could create it but his body had to deliver the show every night.” (LATimes)

Putnam: Were you surprised he wanted to take his doctor on tour? Gongaware: No P: Why not? G: He had doctors before. Gongaware said other artists take doctors as well, so he was not the only one and it didn't surprise him. Gongaware said he's been on tour before where an artist had chiropractors, but couldn't remember being in one with a doctor. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did you worry MJ might have a health issue? Gongaware: No P: Why not? G: He seemed fine to me, had a physical and passed. (ABC7)

Gongaware said the suggestion for London doctor was due to the cost; paying doctor full time was much more expensive than hiring local doctor. As to MJ asking to take care of the machine, Gongaware said he understood it to be that every night MJ would have to do be ready to perform. Gongaware said Dr. Murray treated MJ for about three years before 2009. He knew the doctor was from Las Vegas but said he was in LA. Gongaware said he then called Dr. Murray to work out a deal. Gongaware testified he didn't have MJ's direct phone number, would go through Michael Amir Williams, MJ's personal assistant, to reach him. Gongaware called Murray on behalf of MJ saying singer wanted to take him to London. "What do you want to be paid for that," Gongaware asked. Gongaware said he thought Dr. Murray was expecting his call and was aware of MJ's desire to take him on tour. "He said he would need $5 million," Gongaware recalled. "He said he has 4 clinics to close, would lay off people, need $5 million for that." "It was ridiculous," Gongaware said about the amount asked. "It was a lot of money for something like that and Michael could not afford it." Gongaware said he responded that it wasn't going to work. (ABC7) “I asked him what he wanted." Gongaware testified. "He said he’d need $5 million." Murray told Gongaware that he'd have to shut down his clinics in Houston, Las Vegas and San Diego and lay people off. Asked by AEG attorney Marvin Putnam if Murray's price was reasonable, Gongaware replied, “It was ridiculous… Michael couldn’t afford it, so I had to tell him it wasn’t going to work.” (LATimes) He said this was the first time he spoke with Dr. Murray. After that, Gongaware said he told Michael Amir and Randy Phillips what the doctor had asked. He also told Frank DiLeo. Putnam: Would you be doing this if Michael had not asked you? Gongaware: No . (ABC7)

Putnam: Did you contemplate bringing a doctor on tour? Gongaware: I didn't think he needed one, we didn't have one in History, he was fine. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he called Michael Amir Williams to report back to MJ what the doctor had asked to go on tour. "We couldn't afford it," Gongaware said. He spoke with Phillips and called Frank DiLeo, MJ's manager at the time. Gongaware said a lot of people who wanted to work for MJ asked for huge sums of money, thinking he had a lot. (ABC7)

"He was Michael's doctor, Michael wanted him. That was it," Gongaware said. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did you think about checking the doctor?
Gongaware: No
P: Why not?
G: He was Michael's doctor (ABC7)

" I'm not going to tell Michael Jackson who his doctor should be," Gongaware explained. (ABC7) "It wasn't my place to say who his doctor was going to be," Gongaware said. "It was his decision." (AP)

Gongaware said he doesn't think a doctor's financial situation has anything to do with being an ethical doctor. Gongaware said it never crossed his mind to either do a background check on Dr. Murray or to suggest to anyone to do it. "I just expect doctors to be ethical, the financial side of their lives shouldn't have impact on their medical decision," Gongaware opined. (ABC7) Paul Gongaware testified that he didn't think it was necessary to conduct background checks on anyone working closely with Jackson. He said in Conrad Murray's case, he wasn't concerned about his background because he'd been recommended by the entertainer. "I just expect doctors to be ethical," Gongaware said. "Their financial side of their life shouldn't affect their medical judgment." (AP)

Gongaware said he never did background check on anyone he hired and had he done one on Dr. Murray, it would've been out of the ordinary. (ABC7)

He also said he never considered performing background checks on Jackson's makeup artist, a choreographer who worked one-on-one with the singer or Kenny Ortega, the tour's director. "I didn't see the need for it," he said. (AP)

As how MJ was, Gongaware said he was great. He didn't think he had relapsed, was using painkillers again and said MJ had always been thin. "It wasn't surprising he wanted a doctor," Gongaware expressed. (ABC7)

Dr. Finkelstein, a friend of Gongaware, said a doctor should charge $10,000 a month for the tour work. But Dr. Finkelstein would've done it for free, since he was on the Dangerous tour before and had a lot of fun.(ABC7)

The second call about Dr. Murray came from Michael Amir Williams saying they were going to need to get a deal done for the doctor. Gongaware said he heard MJ in the car saying "offer 150, offer 150." Gongaware understood that to be $150k/month. Gongaware called Dr. Murray, said he was authorized to offer him $150k a month. He said Dr. Murray responded that he couldn't do it for that. Gongaware told him the offer came directly from the artist and Dr. Murray responded: I'll take it. Gongaware said Michael approved the amount of compensation. "Michael told me offer 150," Gongaware recalled. "And that's what I did." Gongaware inquired Dr. Murray how he would get a license in London and the doctor told him not to worry about it. They talked about Dr. Murray's request for a house in London, and the doctor said he would need a three bedroom house. Gongaware recalled Dr. Murray saying he would probably need an assistant and some equipment, but no details were given at this point. After the call, Gongaware said he let Michael Amir Williams know what the result was in an email. "Done at 150k per month, per MJ." Gongaware said this was a message for MJ, that he had done what he asked. He didn't receive any response back from Michael Amir Williams. (ABC7) Gongaware wrote a May 6, 2009, email to Jackson's assistant after cutting the deal with Murray: “done at $150k per month, per MJ. He needs about 10 days to wind down his practice then he will be full time.” Gongaware said the email was a message to Jackson "that I had done what he asked." (LAtimes)

Asked why he had negotiated with Murray, the AEG executive replied that he was "instructed to by Michael Jackson." Gongaware said there was no other reason for him to deal with the doctor. Marvin Putnam asked Gongaware why he didn't tell Jackson he couldn't take Murray on tour with him."Because he could if he wanted," Gongaware said. (LAtimes)

Gongaware said he passed Dr. Murray on to Timm Wooley, never had any other conversation with Dr. Murray about him possibly going to London. Putnam: Do you have any understanding as to whether a contract with Dr. Murray was executed?
Gongaware: One never was
Putnam: Did AEG pay Dr. Murray any kind of money?
Gongaware: No (ABC7)

Gongaware said MJ was ultimately responsible for his own health: "I think everyone is responsible for their own health and well being." MJ was a grown man with capability to make decisions regarding his health and medical care, Gongaware explained. (ABC7)

Putnam showed Gongaware a frame from “This Is It” film in which Jackson’s manager, Frank Dileo, was sitting in on dancer auditions. (AP) Dancers auditions took place at the Nokia Theater on April 13, 14, 15. MJ attended the last day and made the final decision, Gongaware said. Putnam played a clip of the dancers audition. Gongaware said MJ was very involved and chose the dancers. Gongaware said Ortega wanted to film the audition to use fresh footage on The cost for crew to shoot the audition was very high, so Gongaware bought couple of cameras and use his own crew to shoot the rehearsals. He said he wasn't sure what he would use the video for, but thought the website would be a good platform. (ABC7)

Gongaware said during the period at Center Staging, MJ was good, engaging, didn't think MJ had any health issues or was using drugs. (ABC7)

Gongaware said the media in the UK was going wild with gossip about Michael Jackson. "They just lie about things.". The Sun claimed MJ had skin cancer on his chest. "It was sport over in London," Gongaware said about MJ's stories on tabloids.(ABC7) Gongaware testified about emails in which UK press agents working on “This Is It” sent him tabloid reports on MJ’s health. Gongaware said he urged the press agents not to respond. He wanted Jackson’s performance to speak for itself & silence skeptics. (AP)

Gongaware was shown emails he was sent less than a month before Jackson's death in which tabloid newspapers were speculating the singer was suffering from cancer.
Gongaware urged his company not to respond. "Our redemption will be when he does his shows," he wrote about Jackson. "We don't have to sell tickets, so we can just sit back and prove them wrong by just doing it." (AP)

Gongaware on 5/27/09:
The Kid is healthy and rehearsing every day. He was still there at dance rehearsals at 9pm last night when I left. Our redemption will be when he does his shows, that makes all of this build up so damn sweet. We don't have to sell tickets, so we can just sit back and prove them wrong by just doing it. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he was not concerned. "If there was something going on, if he had cancer, we would've heard about it." He said if the rumor about the cancer were true, they would've to deal with a lot to accommodate the shows. Gongaware said while they were rehearsing at Center Staging, he was not concerned with MJ's health. (ABC7)

Michael Jackson rehearsal venues: Mar 28- Center Staging, May 27- Forum ,June 23 - Staples Center , July 13 - O2 Arena (ABC7)

Putnam also asked Gongaware about an incident Karen Faye testified about, that she heard PG yelling at MJ's assistant one day. The incident occurred while "This Is It" rehearsals were happening at The Forum in LA. Faye claimed she heard Gongaware yelling about Jackson being late to a rehearsal and told his assistant to get him there. "Never, never happened," Gongaware said, shaking his head. (AP) Gongaware said he never told security guard to get MJ to rehearsals, whatever it takes. He said he never told anyone to get MJ 2 rehearsals. (ABC7)

Putnam went through chain of email about tabloid reports in the UK regarding MJ. In one, it said MJ had asked AEG to reduce the number of shows by half. Gongaware said that such a discussion never happened. Gongaware testified he woke up to one gossip headline pretty much every day. His idea was simply to ignore the tabloids. An amazing show would be the answer, Gongaware said. (ABC7)

Gongaware: “With MJ we don’t’ have to react to the press. We can decide what we want to do and then do it.” His email continued laying out his strategy: “We can only make this work, of course, if MJ puts on the best show of his life.” Gongaware: “I’m here to tell you that he will. I have seen it for myself,” he said of Jackson's performances. He described a rehearsal in which MJ performed 9 songs. Gongaware: “He was amazing, captivating, riveting. And he’s just getting started.” (AP)

Gongaware on 6/5/09 in response to Sunday Mirror Query: "We can only make this work, of course, if MJ puts on the best show of his life. I'm here to tell you that be will. I have seen it for myself. Last night he ran 9 songs with full band, singers and dancers. Sang every one, he was amazing, captivating, riveting. And he's just getting started. Taking it one step further. When people realize that bulls**t the press has been, they will be in receptive mood for the truth Hey look. No skin cancer. He's just a good dad, loving raising his kids. His art and his craft are paramount. Email cont'd: A gentile, loving man who does care about people. (ABC7)

"The shows were going to be spectacular," Gongaware said. Putnam showed clip of MJ in front of green screen with 11 dancers, who would become 11,000. Gongaware said MJ was great at this point. (ABC7)

Gongaware was shown some “This Is It” film footage. He denied any footage was taken out or altered. He was asked about CEO Randy Phillips’ email where he described Jackson in a red leather jacket and looking like a skeleton. Clip from “Thriller” mini-movie shoot for “This Is It” was played for jury, and Jackson was there, wearing red leather jacket. He denied that “This Is It” feature film presented a skewed vision of Michael Jackson. (AP)

Regarding email Phillips sent Gongaware directing to remove MJ's "skeletal" scenes Gongaware said he didn't take anything out of the movie.
Putnam: Did you remove anything from the movie?
Gongaware: No (ABC7)

Putnam showed clip from TII with making of Thriller 3D and Jackson wearing red jacket.
Putnam: Did you try to alter in anyway how Mr. Jackson looked, appeared?
Gongaware: No
Gongaware said he didn't remember any of the footage been removed because of how MJ looked. "We just let the footage speak for itself." (ABC7)

The mini-movie of "Earth" a bulldozer would come out from a ramp in center stage. Putnam: A real bulldozer?
Gongaware: I wish, it would've been cheaper, but it would have crushed our ramps. Gongaware said they had to build the bulldozer like a prop. It would appear at the end of the song on stage. "I think the live audience would be just captivated by it," Gongaware said about the little girl running after the last plant on Earth song. (ABC7)

End of the show would be 3D animation. An airplane taxis up, door opens, Michael entered the plane. The airplane door closes, MJ would actually take an elevator down and out of the building, but plane would take off over the audience. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he didn't know if anyone was responsible for MJ's nourishment. Tour would be demanding and exhausting. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he met Dr. Murray once at MJ's Carolwood house and ran into him at The Forum during rehearsal. There was a meeting scheduled to discuss MJ's nutrition with Randy Phillips, Kenny Ortega, Dr. Murray, MJ, Gongaware and DiLeo.
Putnam: Do you recall anyone in that meeting ever tell Dr. Murray how he should be treating MJ?
Gongaware: No (ABC7)

Gongaware said he didn’t have any medical training and wasn’t qualified to tell Conrad Murray how to treat Jackson. (AP)

Gongaware said neither Dr. Murray nor MJ talked about the treatment singer was receiving. The meeting was about nutrition, vitamin, therapy. Gongaware said he had no idea Dr. Murray was giving MJ Propofol and first heard of the anesthetic after Michael died. Gongaware said Dr. Murray was really engaged in the meeting, seemed like a very intelligent guy and wanted to take care of MJ very much. This was the first time Gongaware had with Dr. Murray. He said there were no signs of MJ being poorly treated by the doctor. "Michael was engaged in the meeting, attentive, seemed happy we were having this meeting," Gongaware opined. "He's a doctor, he'd know better than anybody how to treat his patient," Gongaware said about Dr. Murray. Gongaware said he was never present on any meeting where anyone told Dr. Murray how to treat MJ. (ABC7)

As to Gongaware's email saying AEG, not MJ, paid Dr Murray he said he mistaken. "We wouldn't pay his salary, we'd advance Michael's money". Gongaware said he didn't remember writing/receiving the email, but never denied he did it. "Michael Jackson would be paying his salary, but AEG would advance the money," Gongaware testified. (ABC7)

As to MJ being habitual late, Gongaware said the singer worked on his own schedule, did things his way. (ABC7)

Gongaware said his understanding was that MJ hired a trainer of his choice, Louis (Lou) Ferrigno. "I made the deal with him (Ferrigno). He was supposed to be paid certain amount of money per session," Gongaware said. (ABC7) Paul Gongaware said Ferrigno was working with Jackson as a trainer. He said he negotiated Ferrigno’s deal. Gongaware: “He was to be paid ... a certain amount, per session.” He didn’t elaborate on fee, how many times he worked with MJ. (AP) Putnam showed email from Travis Payne, he suggested massage chair 2 be put in MJ's dressing room. Gongaware said it wasn't callous treatment. (ABC7)

As to Bugzee's email saying MJ needed cheeseburgers, brats and beers, Gongaware said Bugzee was joking, Bugzee cared very much for MJ. Gongaware testified he didn't recall having any concern about MJ's health/using painkillers as of Monday 6/15/09, 10 days prior to his death. (ABC7)

Gongaware was asked about several emails that have been shown before, including messages related to MJ missing rehearsal on June 19, 2009. The executive was on the East Coast for a family wedding, but responded to one message questioning why Murray wasn’t at rehearsal. Gongaware email: “Take the doctor with you. Why wasn’t he there last night?” He then explained his thinking to the jury. Gongaware: “If his patient is having is problem and he’s sick, and he’s his only patient, it seemed like he should be there.” (AP) Gongaware said on 6/19/09, he was out of town. "This is the day Michael had chills at rehearsal and was apparently sick," Gongaware recalled. "If the meeting was going to be about what happened that night, the doctor should be there," Gongaware said. Gongaware: If his patient is sick and he's your only patient, doctor should be there! (ABC7)

Gongaware said he believed MJ wanted to go on tour. He said he doesn't remember anyone talking about pulling the plug on the shows. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did anyone tell you at this point that MJ needed a drug addiction specialist?
Gongaware: No
Putnam: Did anyone tell you they were concerned with the care Dr. Murray was giving to MJ?
Gongaware: No (ABC7)

Gongaware said that on 6/20/09 he did not think MJ's health was deteriorating. Gongaware and Phillips were concerned with MJ's well being. (ABC7) With last questions of the day, AEG attorney Marvin Putnam asked Gongaware if he was concerned about Jackson’s well-being. He said yes. (AP)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 07:13
na das geht aber heute wieder als Schlagzeile um die Welt, Du hast ja auch schon den "Erpressungsversuch" von der NY-Post hier reingesetzt.

Der Nächste:
AEG Live-CEO: Jackson Klage ist ErpressungsversuchText

Das ist von dem ANTHONY McCARTNEY, der auch täglich vom Prozess berichtet, zu beachten sind die vielen Kommentare, 99 % sind auch der Meinung.;_ylt=A2KLOzLzxq5RczsAeinWwOZ_

Zu den deutschen Berichten zu der Absage von Paris bei "Wetten dass......!" und zu Jermaine´s Hotel im Nahen Osten: Da kann man mal sehen, wie die Sensationspresse alles verdreht, wenn wir es nicht anders gelesen hätten, würden wir das jetzt glauben, hahaha.
Paris hat doch gar keine Schule mehr und der Jermaine will kein "Michael-Jackson"- Hotel eröffnen, er will sein eigenes Ego dort verwirklichen mit dem "erpressten" Geld von AEG, hahaha.

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 07:15
wenn das eine Band ist, mit der Paris Musik macht, finde ich es niedlich, warum nicht?
Sie kommen alle sympatisch rüber! Richtig süßes Bild.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 11:09
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:na das geht aber heute wieder als Schlagzeile um die Welt, Du hast ja auch schon den "Erpressungsversuch" von der NY-Post hier reingesetzt.
na, da bin ich aber irritiert ... ich habe gestern um 22:34 Uhr den Bericht
Jackson promoters hired 'Hulk' to train pop star

Last Updated: 4:18 PM, June 4, 2013
Posted: 4:18 PM, June 4, 2013
eingestellt ...

kurios daran ist, klickt man auf diesen Link, dann kommt man nun auf diesen Bericht

Head of AEG live calls Michael Jackson lawsuit 'baseless extortion'

Last Updated: 8:22 PM, June 4, 2013
Posted: 4:18 PM, June 4, 2013

LOS ANGELES -- The head of AEG Live took the stand Tuesday and admitted he thinks the case brought against his company by the family of Michael Jackson is a "baseless extortion."

Randy Phillips -- the CEO of the concert company that was producing and promoting The Gloved One's doomed "This Is It" tour in 2009 -- stunned the Los Angeles courtroom when he answered "yes."

AEG lawyer Marvin Putman recently shot down rumors that AEG would settle the wrongful death case, telling reporters: "Why would AEG settle a case that we consider to be a baseless shakedown."

Jackson family lawyer Brian Panish asked Phillips, "Have you ever stated under oath that Mrs. Jackson aided and abetted Mr. Joe Jackson to extort money from AEG?"

Phillips replied, "I don't recall."

Michael Jackson's mother Katherine and the King of Pop's three children claim AEG is responsible for hiring Dr. Conrad Murray, who is serving four years for giving Jackson a lethal dose of anesthetic.

Phillips testified that the idea of the tour started with a phone call in June 2008 from Tom Barack of Colony Capital to AEG chairman Phil Anshutz. Barack's company had recently bought the note on Neverland, after Jackson was unable to make payments on his huge ranch in Santa Barbara.

Philips met with Barack and laid out a plan in a June 13 email to several execs in which he said, "I caution you that MJ is not fast and a total perfectionist (needs to be controlled as much as possible)."

Soon Phillips was dealing with Jackson's new manager, Dr. Tohme Tohme, who was described by Phillips as a longtime business associate and consultant with Colony Capital.

"Did you think that was a conflict of interest?" Panish asked. "No?" said Phillips.
[ .... ] zu beachten sind die vielen Kommentare, 99 % sind auch der Meinung.
ja, die Kommentare sind sehr interessant ... :D

stelle den von dir genannten Bericht von ANTHONY McCARTNEY auch noch ein ... :D

AEG Live CEO: Jackson lawsuit is extortion attempt

Associated PressBy ANTHONY McCARTNEY | Associated Press – 22 minutes ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The head of AEG Live told a jury on Tuesday that he believes a lawsuit filed by Michael Jackson's mother against the concert promotion company was a baseless extortion attempt.

CEO Randy Phillips also said the company bears no responsibility for Jackson's 2009 death, as his mother contends.

Katherine Jackson is suing AEG Live LLC, claiming it failed to properly investigate the doctor who was later convicted of her son's death. AEG denies wrongdoing.

Phillips said he agreed with statements attributed to him and defense attorney Marvin S. Putnam that the case was a shakedown.

"Yes or no, answer? Yes," Phillips said in response to a question by Katherine Jackson's attorney Brian Panish.

Phillips is the highest-ranking AEG executive to testify in the case, now in its sixth week.

He will likely be asked about numerous emails he sent and received about Jackson's health in the final weeks of the superstar's life, as well as any interactions he had with former cardiologist Conrad Murray.

Murray agreed to serve as Jackson's doctor for $150,000 a month while he performed 50 shows titled "This Is It" in London's 02 Arena in 2009 and early 2010.

AEG denies hiring Murray and agreeing to pay Murray's fee as an advance to Jackson.

Phillips' testimony came after several days of often tense testimony from AEG Live executive Paul Gongaware, who told jurors he did not remember numerous details about Jackson's rehearsals and emails he sent about the singer.

Panish sparred with Gongaware, and pointedly questioned Phillips, whom he called to the stand as a hostile witness.

Panish asked Phillips whether he was eager to tell his side of the story.

"I believe you called me as a witness, so I'm here," Phillips said flatly.

Panish at one point asked the executive whether he was familiar with the music industry.

"Familiar with the music industry? I was working in it," Phillips replied.

At another point in his testimony when the executive appeared to crack a smile, Panish asked if he thought the proceedings were funny.

"No, I think it's tragic." Phillips replied.;_ylt=A2KLOzLzxq5RczsAeinWwOZ_


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 11:26
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Zu den deutschen Berichten zu der Absage von Paris bei "Wetten dass......!" und zu Jermaine´s Hotel im Nahen Osten: Da kann man mal sehen, wie die Sensationspresse alles verdreht, wenn wir es nicht anders gelesen hätten, würden wir das jetzt glauben, hahaha.
genau, es ist manchmal drollig, was die Tabloidblätter so für Storys erfinden ... :D na ja, leider ist es auch das, was viele Menschen lesen WOLLEN ...

dazu passen auch einige neue Tweets von Paris ...

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 2h
yesterday , all my troubles seemed so far away now it looks as though they're here to stay

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 3h
i wonder why tears are salty ?

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 4h
that conversation escalated quickly 😐

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 6h

BBC News (UK) ‏@BBCNews 11h
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11:34 PM - 4 Jun 13
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Amber Shannon ‏@ladyrose837 10h
“@BBCNews: Daily Star: "Jacko's girl lined up to be new Dr Who"" @ParisJackson you would rock it!!

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 6h
@ladyrose837 WHAT

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 6h
@BBCNews ??!???!!!?!?!,!?!,!!?,!, asdfghjkl

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 10h
🎼you say i need therapy ,
well , my darling , so do you .
don't need for you to tell me
what is wrong in all i say or do
12:22 AM - 5 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.06.2013 um 11:32
AEG exec accuses Michael Jackson's mom, kids of extortion

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 10:08 PM EDT, Tue June 4, 2013


* AEG Live CEO Randy Phillip is testifying in the Jackson wrongful death trial
* Feisty chemistry between Jacksons' lawyer and Phillips should keep jurors attention
* AEG lawyers advised him not to review old e-mails before testimony, exec says
* The Jacksons accuse AEG Live of negligently hiring Dr. Conrad Murray

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Claims of extortion and laughter-inducing testimony stemming from legal advice on e-mails highlighted Tuesday's proceedings in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial.

Randy Phillips, the chief executive officer of AEG Live, disclosed that his lawyers advised company executives not to review old e-mails before testifying.

That strategy could explain the high number of "I don't recall" answers by Paul Gongaware, the concert promoter's co-CEO, during his deposition and six days of testimony that have just concluded.

Phillips, who followed Gongaware on the witness stand Tuesday afternoon, said he believed Jackson's mother and three children were trying to extort money from his company, which he insisted bears no liability in the pop icon's death in 2009.

The Jacksons' lawsuit accuses the company of negligently hiring, retaining or supervising Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's drug overdose death.

AEG lawyers contend Jackson chose, paid and controlled Murray, who infused him with the surgical anesthetic propofol almost every night for a month to help the singer rest as he prepared for his comeback "This Is It" concerts.

AEG exec: I didn't know Michael Jackson abused drugs

Jackson lawyer Brian Panish, who has been previously told by the judge not to argue with witnesses, quickly tangled with Phillips.

"Please don't argue with me because then I will argue back and get in trouble," Panish told Phillips at one point.

"Then that's an incentive for me," Phillips joked.

The feisty chemistry between lawyer and witness promises to keep jurors, who often chuckle at Panish's courtroom behavior, on the edge of their seats for the next day or so.

Gongaware's testimony was punctuated with so many "I don't recall" responses that jurors began laughing at one point. He frequently said he couldn't recall sending or reading key e-mails in the case, although his e-mail address was on them.

Panish asked Gongaware whether he thought it would have been better for him if he had reviewed documents and e-mails before testifying.

"I relied on the advice of my attorney," he said.

With his testimony concluded, Gongaware will resume his responsibilities as tour manager for the Rolling Stones.

"All this legal stuff, I don't understand it," he said.

Phillips, a law school dropout, seemed ready to rumble when he entered court after Gongaware. But he acknowledged that until two weeks ago, he had not looked at any of his old e-mails to refresh his memory.

"They felt it would be better if I went in without preparation," he said, referring to his lawyers.

AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putman said outside of court that the volume of documents they would have needed to review was massive, making it impossible for them to prepare.

E-mails that AEG Live executives sent and received in the months before Jackson's death include one in which Phillips assures show director Kenny Ortega that the company has "checked out" Murray and found him to be very successful.

AEG Live executives later acknowledged they did not do a background check on Murray, who a police detective testified was in debt for more than $1 million dollars and faced foreclosure on his home.

"I wrote it in the e-mail that I thought at the time he had been checked out," Phillips testified Tuesday. He wrote that Murray was successful "because that's what I was told," he said.

"In retrospect, it's not 100% true," Phillips said. "There's what I thought at the time versus what I learned afterwards."

Phillips, Gongaware and other AEG Live executives ignored red flags that should have alerted them that Jackson's life was in danger, the Jackson lawsuit contends.

Murray signed and faxed his $150,000-a-month contract back to AEG Live, but with Jackson's death the next day on June 25, 2009, Phillips didn't sign it. AEG lawyers argue that means it was not a fully executed agreement and Murray was never hired by them.
