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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.04.2013 um 19:05
Rob Marciano ‏@RobMarciano
At LA courthouse where jury selection begins today for Jackson vs AEG Live. Court saying opening statements in ~2 weeks.
die Eröffungsstatements sind in ca. 2 Wochen zu erwarten ...
Retweetet von Ivy
7:54 PM - 2 Apr 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
See people, Diane Dimond might not be an official reporter for CNN but CNN would be using her as an "expert" on this upcoming trial.
7:25 PM - 2 Apr 13

Louis Gonzales ‏@Rockybalboa211
@MJJJusticePrjct @Mindsthemagic Well, Diane Dimond is on CNN right now and they just promoted her stupid 'be careful who you love' book!
Retweetet von Ivy
7:09 PM - 2 Apr 13

andjustice4MJ ‏@andjustice4some
@gracemjjfan … just sign your name in the comments and thanks for your support!
1:45 AM - 31 Mär 13
Saturday, March 30, 2013
Open Letter to CNN: Diane Dimond
Dear CNN,

Michael Jackson's fans are more than displeased with your choice of the "expert" special commentator for the Jacksons v. AEG Live trial, Ms. Diane Dimond. As you are aware, the duty of a journalist is to seek the truth by providing a fair and comprehensive account of an event or issue. Professional integrity is the cornerstone of a journalist's credibility.

Ms. Diamond's lack of professional integrity is precisely what has marred her credibility. Michael Jackson himself filed a lawsuit for $100 million against Diane Dimond, for releasing a story that the Los Angeles District Attorney was reopening the 1993 child molestation case after a sex tape was found involving Jackson and his accuser. The DA immediately denied the story. The story was completely false.

This is only one example of the clear bias Ms. Dimond holds against Michael Jackson. As you are well aware, journalists are not required to report their own opinion, but rather to report the truth to the public. Over a span of 20 years, Ms. Dimond has ridden on the coattails of Mr. Jackson, in the name of "fair and truthful" journalism. Nothing could be further from the truth. Even in 2012, three years after Jackson's death, when Jerry Sandusky was convicted of multiple child molestation counts, Ms. Dimond again refers to Michael Jackson as a pedophile, although he was acquitted of all charges.

We, the below signed Michael Jackson fans, respectfully request that only fair, unbiased and credible journalists are allowed to qualify as special commentators on the Jacksons v. AEG Live trial on CNN. If you continue to use Diane Dimond as an "expert" on Michael Jackson, we plan on boycotting CNN, resulting in the loss of millions in viewership and subsequent advertising dollars.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.04.2013 um 19:08
Debra Opri on CNN - Conrad Murray/Michael Jackson Case!
DebraOpri . Veröffentlicht am 31.03.2013

Debra Opri appears on CNN to comment on the upcoming Conrdad Murray Case.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.04.2013 um 19:11
Jonathan Wald ‏@jonathanwald
Is Dr. Conrad Murray to blame for the death of Michael Jackson? @piersmorgan talks to defense attorney Tom Mesereau & @AlanDersh LIVE 9pm.
1:15 AM - 3 Apr 13

Thomas Mesereau on Piers Morgan Live (04_02_2013)
marco b . Veröffentlicht am 02.04.2013


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.04.2013 um 19:58


Inmate Freed by Mistake; Michael Jackson Family Lawsuit; NRA Plan for Guns in Schools; News on Late Night Wars

Aired April 2, 2013 - 21:00 ET


PIERS MORGAN, CNN HOST: Tonight, you just heard Conrad Murray. This is what Michael Jackson's mother says.


KATHERINE JACKSON, MICHAEL JACKSON'S MOTHER: He did a terrible thing. And it might have been others involved, I don't know that, but I feel that.


MORGAN: Now she's suing the company that produced Michael's comeback for $40 billion. It says billion with a B. Does she have a case?


MORGAN: Why have you given me the big exclusive interview?


MORGAN: Good evening. This is PIERS MORGAN LIVE. And a lot coming up on the Michael Jackson case. An extraordinary interview with Dr. Conrad Murray with Anderson Cooper conducted earlier. We begin in Colorado tonight, where investigators are faced with the question. How could it have happened? How could a man who was behind bars for robbery and menacing who was written up 23 times for disciplinary issues behind bars, who was once a member of a white supremacist prison gang, who threatened to kill guards and beat up other inmates? How could someone like that be set free four years too soon on a technicality, a mistake, an accident?

[ .... ]

Coming next, why Michael Jackson's mother is suing for $40 billion. Who's to blame for the death of the king of pop? I'll ask his former attorney.



ANDERSON COOPER, HOST, CNN'S AC 360: At the heart of this trial, of the AEG trial, is a simple question. Were you an AEG employee, someone they had a responsibility for, or were you an employee of Michael Jackson? Can you answer that question?

VALERIE WASS, DR. CONRAD MURRAY'S LAWYER: I don't want Dr. Murray to answer that question.



COOPER: Okay. I understand that. Can I ask you, do you know -- I mean, do you know the answer to that question?

MURRAY: Absolutely.


MORGAN: Anderson Cooper just a few minutes ago talking to Conrad Murray and asking him the key question, who hired him? Murray's lawyer wouldn't let him answer, but the Jackson family is suing concert promoter AEG, saying the company is to blame for hiring Murray in the first place.

Joining me now, a man who knows Michael Jackson pretty well better than most people. Thomas Mesereau, who represented him, of course, during his molestation trial. Tom, fascinating interview that he had there with Anderson Cooper. What did you make of it, in particular that first clip there which I guess is into the key of all this. Who was employing Conrad Murray to be a practitioner for Michael Jackson?

THOMAS MESEREAU, MICHAEL JACKSON'S FORMER ATTORNEY: Well, there's no question in my mind, Piers, that the concert promoter employed Conrad Murray. Michael Jackson may have introduced Murray to them. But they had their lawyers draft an employment agreement, they sent that agreement to Murray to sign, he signed it. Apparently there's e-mail correspondence where they're admitting they had employed him. And I think they'll have a tough time getting out of that position.

MESEREAU: How will that affect the litigation that's about to start tomorrow with the family led by Michael's mother suing for $40 billion? How will that affect that, if you assume that what you've just said is correct, which I concur with? MESEREAU: I don't think this Conrad Murray interview is going to affect that case at all. I think everyone knows that Murray was incompetent. He was convicted of criminal negligence. He caused the death of Michael Jackson.

The question is, was AEG, the concert promoter, also negligent, and they can't just hide behind Conrad Murray. I think there's an e-mail trail where they're taking responsibility for hiring him. They're instructing him what to do, they're reminding him that they pay him his money. I think they'll have a tough time. I think Katherine and the kids have a strong case.

MORGAN: Let's listen to another clip. This is where he talks about Propofol, which is of course the killer drug.


MURRAY: Yes, indeed, I did order Propofol to his home, but I was not the one that brought Propofol into his home. I met him at his own stash. I did not agree with Michael. But Michael felt it was not an issue because he had been exposed to it for years and he knew exactly how things worked. And given the situation at the time, it was my approach to try to get him off of it. I never knew he was an addict. He was going to Dr. Kline's office and being loaded up with humongous -- you know, levels of Demerol. That was his addiction. And basically, this was causing his insomnia and -- because that's a huge side effect.


MORGAN: And you hear -- I listened to Conrad Murray when he came out. He obviously didn't testify in his case but he then gave an interview to the Today Show at the time, and it's sort of more of the same, I guess. Very much you can't blame me, you know.

But in the end, he was the doctor who was being paid to care personally for Michael Jackson. It all comes down to him, doesn't it, in the end?

MESEREAU: Well, not all of it. He is the doctor that treated Michael Jackson. He's responsible for his death. The question is, should AEG, the concert promoter, have hired him? Should they have supervised him properly, and did they have enough information to know that he was a danger to Michael Jackson, should they have fired him?

There are three theories the plaintiffs are relying on. They're saying they negligently hired him, they negligently supervised him and they negligently kept him around. Three different theories. They had agreed to provide medical equipment. Murray actually had asked for a CPR equipment, portable equipment. He asked for a gurney. He wanted saline. He wanted syringes. They agreed to provide this equipment to him and never did.

So, I think the negligent supervision issue and negligently keeping him on when it was obvious he was deficient and they had problems with him, I think is going to be a big hurdle to overcome. MORGAN: I have two clips to play. This is from interviews with Jermaine Jackson and then Latoya Jackson. Both talking about the people around Michael Jackson, including AEG. Let's listen to these back-to-back. First Jermaine, then Latoya.


JERMAINE JACKSON, BROTHER OF MICHAEL JACKSON: They were only concerned about the show, moving the show forward.

MORGAN: These are people working for AEG?

J. JACKSON: These are people working for AEG, working for him, working for the show.

LATOYA JACKSON, MICHAEL JACKSON'S SISTER: They controlled everything that he did, the people that were around him. They knew he wasn't healthy enough to do those shows, but yet they said he was fine.


MORGAN: Now, when you hear the family talk like that, not entirely surprising, but certainly a familiar pattern. From Michael's father to his mother to the siblings, all repeating this same pattern about how they believed all these people were around Michael, forcing him against his health, really, to do this tour. How significant will any of that be when this trial starts?

MESEREAU: Could be very significant. Apparently, there are e-mails from his choreographer, Ken Ortega, warning AEG that he's not well. He has serious physical problems, serious psychological and emotional problems, he's asking for professional help. And I'm informed that there are some e-mails from AEG basically telling Murray you better get him to rehearsals.

So I think this issue is well founded by the siblings, and I think it's going to be a big issue for the plaintiffs. And I think AEG will have a tough time explaining it.

MORGAN: AEG's lawyer, Marvin Putnam, said it was the 2005 child molestation trial which you obviously were involved in, which caused Michael to dramatically increase his drug use. Do you think there's any truth in that?

MESEREAU: I really don't. Now, I was his lead criminal defense counsel in that trial. I talked to him throughout the trial. He was lucid, he was articulate, he was cooperative. I never had a problem working with Michael. My co-counsel, Susan (INAUDIBLE) and I both thought he was one of the nicest clients we ever represented. And I did not see drug use as a problem during the trial.

Now, the verdict day, he didn't look well, I will say that. He had been through over five months of trial, all the stress and strain, we were in court five days a week. And I do think that he suffered physically and emotionally during the trial. But I never saw him take a prescription drug. It would not have been unusual if he had, because people in situations like that are sleep-deprived, they are depressed, they have anxiety. If he did take something, it would not have surprised me, and it would not have been abnormal.

But he never was a problem for us when it came to talking to him, getting information from him, telling him what was going on. He was a delightful client to represent.

MORGAN: One of the e-mails you alluded to is from AEG Live CEO or co- CEO Paul Gongaware, which says, "We want to remind Murray it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him." Quite explicit really there, you would think, in terms of who's responsible.

I suppose on the flipside, Michael Jackson was a very well known, highly temperamental pop superstar prone to canceling concerts, having a variety of health issues of various types of severity, unpredictable. All those things, like many pop artists. Could that work against the family's claim in the sense AEG may say look, we did try to get him to work but he was a bit flaky?

MESEREAU: Well, if they thought he was that flaky and they thought he was that disturbed, why did they enter into a contract with him to do all these concerts? They invested over $30 million before the concerts even began. If they thought he was that bad and they thought his reputation was suffering from all these other issues, why in the world did they go into business with him? I think it's an uphill battle for AEG.

MORGAN: Let's just play the final clip from the Anderson interview. Quite extraordinary moment when Conrad Murray burst into song.


MURRAY: You know what surprises me, Anderson? Let me sing something for you. This is important to me. (SINGING) He's a little boy that Santa Claus forgot. And goodness knows he did not want a lot. He wrote a note to Santa for some crayons and a toy. It broke his little heart when he found Santa hadn't come. In the streets, he envied all those lucky boys. But goodness knows he didn't want a lot. I'm so sorry for that laddie who hasn't got a daddy -


MORGAN: I mean, it's almost comical on one level, that. You can quite see why he didn't testify, because clearly, I suspect his legal team weren't entirely sure how he would behave on the stand. But when you hear Conrad Murray behave like that, that's not the behavior of, as he would pitch himself to us, being a decent, honorable, straightforward physician, is it?

MESEREAU: No. He has never taken responsibility for what he did. He has always blamed Michael Jackson for everything that's happened to him. He wasn't professional. He violated medical ethics. When the paramedics came to the scene, they asked him what did you give him? He never mentioned Propofol. There was evidence that he tried to hide Propofol from the paramedics and the police. He can't get out of this. He's responsible for his death. AEG should not have retained him. They should have checked him out beforehand, and if they had any problem with him, they should have gotten rid of him. No, he's not a good doctor. He shouldn't be a doctor and I think he's where he belongs.

MORGAN: Final question and very quickly, if you don't mind. Is she going to win, Katherine Jackson on behalf of the family?

MESEREAU: She and the children are going to win, in my opinion. They have a very strong case. They have a great lawyer, Brian Pannish, the best in Los Angeles, for a case like this. And I think they have the evidence on their side. And I think they have morality on their side. So, I think the defendants have a tough go.

MORGAN: Tom, great to see you, as always. Please come back soon.

MESEREAU: Thank you very much, Piers.

MORGAN: Tom Mesereau. Can't think of a better guy to talk to about Michael Jackson.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.04.2013 um 21:44

Conrad Murray
Leave Me Out of MJ Wrongful Death Suit ...
Or Face Destruction

4/3/2013 12:20 PM PDT
22 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

VIDEO im Bericht

Dr. Conrad Murray believes his testimony in Michael Jackson's wrongful death lawsuit would lead to catastrophic consequences for one side -- and he's not saying which -- so it's best to leave him the hell alone.

Murray made the veiled threat last night in a bizarre, rambling voice mail he left on a friend's machine -- obtained by TMZ -- and you have to hear it to believe it.

The doc who's serving time for manslaughter says, "If I am compelled to speak [in court] I can cause one party or the other to experience the impact of an immediate seismic shock" resulting in "a total and complete debacle" for both sides.

Murray -- who was subpoenaed to testify in Katherine Jackson's $40 billion lawsuit against AEG -- has pled the 5th because he doesn't want to incriminate himself in any upcoming legal proceedings stemming from his appeal to overturn his manslaughter conviction.

Which begs the question ... what's he NOT saying? You gotta listen to this thing.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 05:27
Hahaha, das ist doch mal ne Ansage, dem stimme ich voll zu!!!

MJ4evermore ‏@Coleen4MJ 1h
LOOOOOL RT @sosodeaf: Korea gonna kill us and u guys worried about mj and whisperetta Jackson?

5x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 07:11
Bild von gestern 10.16h Jackson Kids: Family Fun at Legoland
mein Gott, das ist nur ein kleiner Teil von der Jackson - Familie und wenn die alle immer an diesen Ausflügen beteiligt sind, ist es doch wohl klar, daß die 40 Milliarden Dollar brauchen. :D
Das wird ja sicher immer alles "Michael" bezahlen. Wenn man das so beobachtet, sie sind immer auf irgendwelchen Festen oder Reisen, Veranstaltungen und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, daß sie überall freien Eintritt haben.

Da passt ja das auch noch dazu, tzzzz, tzzzz, tzzzzz
jetzt werden diese widerlichen Gürtel doch zum Verkauf freigegeben und ich hoffe, daß keiner kauft und die sich daran selbst "erfreuen" können 1156fe haeh

Sehr aufschlussreich ist auch, daß keiner aus Paris' Verwandtschaft über Twitter zum Geburtstag gratuliert hat. Wirklich aufschlussreich! Nicht mal Prince.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 07:28
Oh, ich habe gerade bei LSA gelesen, Paris verbrachte ihren Geburtstag mit ihrer eigenen Mama Debbie. Na das finde ich ja wirklich mal schön. Ich hoffe, Paris findet ihren Frieden und kann sich mit ihret Mama austauschen.
Jetzt wundert mich auch nicht, daß ihr keiner zum Geburtstag gratuliert hat. hahaha

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 07:33
So, wann beginnt denn nun der Prozess? Ist das jetzt schon bekannt?

Morgen gibt es noch eine Dokumentation auf CNN. Es wird gemunkelt, daß es da pikante Aussagen geben soll. Vielleicht wird die Aufnahme von Michael veröffentlicht, wo er sich über seine Familie beschwert und Murray vor 2 Jahren für diese Aufnahme schon mal Geld angeboten bekommen hat und jetzt dringend Geld braucht für seine Freundin.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 08:52
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Oh, ich habe gerade bei LSA gelesen, Paris verbrachte ihren Geburtstag mit ihrer eigenen Mama Debbie. Na das finde ich ja wirklich mal schön. Ich hoffe, Paris findet ihren Frieden und kann sich mit ihret Mama austauschen.
Jetzt wundert mich auch nicht, daß ihr keiner zum Geburtstag gratuliert hat. hahaha
ja, habe ich auch gelesen ... und folgende Bilder wurden bei LSA eingestellt ... sie sollen von Debbies Instagram Account sein ...

BG9J8YmCIAAKy0M zpsf59aba2d
ryuru10 zps73e051d8
1ee0b36a9ca811e2bd0222000a9e514f 7 zps96

auch Ivy hat gratuliert
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ
@parisjackson I hope you had a wonderful birthday & enjoyed hanging out with your mom.I bet you probably heard this a million times today :P
2:53 AM - 4 Apr 13
Paris bedankt sich für die vielen Geburtstagsgrüße!!!!!
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
thank you everyone for all the birthday wishes !! you guys are beautiful and i love you !! <333
7:15 PM - 3 Apr 13

ja, es scheint nicht einer von den lieben Verwandten Grüße gezwitschert zu haben ... auch die liebe Tante LaTunta nicht ... :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 09:03
wow, finde ich toll, daß sie Geburtstag mit Mama verbringt. Hat sie sich vielleicht gewünscht? Ich denke es zumindest, ich denke aber, daß sie ihre Party auch noch bekommt.
Ich glaube nämlich immer noch nicht, daß Debbie nichts von ihren Kindern wissen wollte. Vielleicht werden solche Fragen auch unter ihnen geklärt. Ich finde es schön. Happy-End.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 09:14
Ich habe in den RTL-Nachrichten die Moderatoren gehört, sie sagten sie freuen sich auf die Schlammschlacht und werden darüber berichten. Lüsterne Medien - gefundenes Fressen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 09:25
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:So, wann beginnt denn nun der Prozess? Ist das jetzt schon bekannt?
die Eröffnungsstatements soll es in ca. 14 Tagen geben ... vgl. a. den Eintrag von gestern um 19:05h

in anderen Tweets wurde bereits der 15.04.2013 genannt ...
die Auswahl der Juroren ist ja noch nicht abgeschlossen ... :)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts
Jurors ordered to answer the questionnaire are to return on Wednesday, April 10, for the next phase, when they will choose the 12 jurors.
1:41 AM - 4 Apr 13

s. a. Eintrag #24
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Morgen gibt es noch eine Dokumentation auf CNN. Es wird gemunkelt, daß es da pikante Aussagen geben soll. Vielleicht wird die Aufnahme von Michael veröffentlicht, wo er sich über seine Familie beschwert und Murray vor 2 Jahren für diese Aufnahme schon mal Geld angeboten bekommen hat und jetzt dringend Geld braucht für seine Freundin.
da wird es doch bestimmt wieder Videos drüber geben ... lassen wir uns überraschen ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 09:36
Da passt ja das auch noch dazu, tzzzz, tzzzz, tzzzzz
jetzt werden diese widerlichen Gürtel doch zum Verkauf freigegeben und ich hoffe, daß keiner kauft und die sich daran selbst "erfreuen" können t7fc831 1156fe haeh
stelle mal den Bericht dazu ein ... und es wird wieder Leute geben, die diesen Schei* für viel Geld kaufen ... schön blöd ... :D :D :D

MIchael Jackson tribute belt cleared for sale

By Alan Duke, CNN
April 3, 2013 -- Updated 2358 GMT (0758 HKT)

A limited run of 7,000 leather belts designed by Simon Tavassoli are on sale through his website for $1,600.


* Jackson's estate blocked sale of the crystal-encrusted belts in May 2010
* End of the belt dispute marks a better relationship between estate and Jacksons
* Michael Jackson's mother is no longer a partner in the tribute belt sale
* 7,000 leather belts are for sale at $1,600 each

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A Michael Jackson tribute belt blocked from sale three years ago by the singer's estate is now cleared for sale after an out-of-court settlement.

The belt dispute was one of several between Michael Jackson's estate and members of his family that erupted in the year after the pop icon's death. The agreement suggests that nearly four years after his death there is a calmer relationship between them.

The trustees of Jackson's estate issued a cease and desist letter when the crystal-encrusted belts initially went on sale in May 2010, saying they had not approved a contract between Katherine Jackson and the marketers.

Michael Jackson's mother is no longer involved as a partner with B.B. Simon, the California company that makes the belts, under the deal reached with the estate clearing way for the sales, according to the company.

The spokesman for the estate declined to comment on the belt agreement.

Jackson's mother and her grandchildren Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson are the chief beneficiaries of the Michael Jackson estate. Charities yet to be chosen will also get 20% of the estate's profits, according to the will signed by Jackson.

A limited run of 7,000 leather belts, designed by Simon Tavassoli, are handmade at his Newport Beach, California, studio. They went on sale again this week through the designer's website for $1,600.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 09:48
Also da steht, daß die Juroren erst am 10.April ihre Fragebögen abgeben müssen, d.h. jetzt ist nur Säbelrasseln.

Weshalb wollen die Jacksons Kameras??? Das macht mich ja schon stutzig.

Ja gell die Gürtel für § 1.600,00 pro Stück, ist ja ein richtiges Schnäppchen, wenn man bedenkt, daß nichts davon von Michael ist! Tolles Erinnerungsstück!

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 09:49
ein paar informative Threads in anderen deutschen Foren, die sich auch mit dem aktuellen Thema
beschäftigen ... :D
teilweise sind auch Berichte übersetzt worden ... Danke den Usern


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 10:10
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Weshalb wollen die Jacksons Kameras??? Das macht mich ja schon stutzig.
na, sie wollen doch der ganzen "Welt" die Wahrheit zeigen ... ob sie der "Welt" damit wirklich einen Gefallen tun ????

aus dem Eintrag von gestern um 11:45h
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Brian Panish, Anwalt für Katherine Jackson und die Kinder, plädierte für Kameras. "Alles, was wir verlangen, ist, dass die Wahrheit von jedem gesehen werden kann."
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos also was urged by attorneys for the defendants, AEG Live, to consider issuing a gag order preventing the lawyers on both sides from commenting to the media during the trial.

die Richterin wurde von den Anwälten der Angeklagten, AEG Live, gebeten, zu prüfen, ob eine Gag Order(Redeverbot/Maulkorberlass) erlassen werden kann, die den Anwälten auf beiden Seiten verbietet, während des Prozesses Kommentare an die Medien zu geben ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 10:19
na das wäre doch mal was, wenn die nicht in den Medien Interviews geben dürfen, hahaha, da ist ja die Einnahmequelle für Jermaine Jacksun und Lie-tunta weg. :D
Da ist nichts mit auf die Tränendrüsen - Drücken, weder in den Medien noch im Gerichtssaal, oh das täte mir aber leid. :D
Jaja, habe gerade gelesen, daß die Jacksons das schon gern hätten, wenn die Kameras im Gerichtssaal wären, denn 3 trauernden Kindern und einer trauernden Mutter kann man nichts böses tun und auch keine Fragen stellen, weil sich da die ganze Welt drüber aufregen würde.
Zumindest ist das die Meinung von anderen Usern.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 10:20
diese Links der deutschen Foren werde ich mir auch noch zu Gemüte führen, aber erst später. :D
Danke fürs Einstellen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.04.2013 um 10:31
na die Plaudertasche ist genau dort richtig, hahaha
er kann alles ausplaudern, was er weiß, gerade bei Ivy gefunden: (Archiv-Version vom 07.04.2013)

1x zitiertmelden