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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.05.2013 um 00:01
Das hier war ein Kommentar unter den zahlreichen Berichten in den letzten Tagen. Der hat mir gefallen und leider weiß ich nicht mehr, wo ich den zuordnen soll. Aber zumindest finde ich ihn sehr ergreifend und ich glaube, wir denken mittlerweile alle so. Genau da, an seinem Todestag hätte diese reißerische Ausbeute eines menschlischen Wesens aufhören müssen. Aber was ist geschehen, es wird noch schlimmer! Wie wir sehen können, ist sein ganzes Umfeld damit beschäftigt gewesen, Michael als Geldmaschine zu mißbrauchen und das 45 seiner 50 Lebensjahre.
Ja, er wurde schon mit 5 Jahren als Geldmaschine mißbraucht, ein kleiner Junge, der für den Unterhalt seiner Familie sorgen mußte. Wenn er nicht funktionierte, gab es Prügel. Ja und jetzt kommen alle Looser aus ihren Löchern gekrochen und versuchen noch seine Leiche auszupressen, einschließlich seiner Familie.
Es ist gar nicht absehbar, was für Schmutz noch geschleudert wird, bis dieser verdammte Prozess beendet wird.
Ich glaube, Michaels Legacy ist durch die letzten Tage sehr beschädigt worden und seine Familie äußert sich nicht dazu. Was für eine Schande.


We can love our heroes forever, but we have to admit that they are human. MJ had a lot of problems and decades of drug problems combined with his life of seclusion took away much from what he was able to accomplish in the 80s. He only appeared superhuman, but his death proved he was, indeed, human.

(((TWir können unsere Helden für immer lieben, aber wir müssen zugeben, dass sie Menschen sind. MJ hatte eine Menge Probleme und jahrzehnte Drogenprobleme kombiniert mit seinem Leben der Abgeschiedenheit nahm viel von dem, was er in den 80er Jahren erreicht hat. Er erschien nur übermenschlich, aber sein Tod hat bewiesen, dass er tatsächlich menschlich war.)))


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19.05.2013 um 08:35
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:na da bin ich ja mal gespannt, was in diesen E-Mails von Dileo steht. Wenn die die erst auswerten, wird es noch länger dauern, als vorhergesagt. Aber die Mails werden bestimmt doch mehr Einblick geben.
ja, die Zeugenaussagen ziehen sich ganz schön in die Länge ... da dürfte der Ansatz der Prozessdauer von 3 oder 4 Monaten gar nicht haltbar sein ... aber es gibt ja immer wieder Überraschungen ...
bin gespannt, ob die Mails wirklich etwas mehr Einblick geben werden ... :)
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Also hat der Murray gar kein Geld von AEG erhalten, weil Michael den Vertrag nicht unterschrieben hatte.
Da habe ich ja wieder den Verdacht, daß Michael nicht unterschreiben wollte und es deshalb zum Streit kam, der Murray hat für mich noch mehr Dreck am Stecken. Es ging schließlich auch bei ihm nur ums Geld und ich wette, die Tour stand auf der Kippe und genau darüber haben die vor Michaels Tod gestritten.
Michael hat gewußt, daß er die Konzerte nicht macht, das ist meine Überzeugung 100 %.
war denn dieser Vertrag schon Unterschriftsreif ??? hatte nicht Murray selbst, noch ständig Änderungswünsche zu den vertraglichen Vereinbarungen ???
Wurde eigentlich jemals bekannt, ob Murray sich bereits um eine ärztliche Lizenz in UK gekümmert hatte ???

ja, dein Verdacht ist auch eine Version, die so hätte sein können ... aber ich habe eher das Gefühl, durch den Prozess wird nichts geklärt, es wird eher immer verworrener ...


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19.05.2013 um 08:56
Quelle: Jackson.CH - Schweizer MJ Forum

The Jackson vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 7. Teil

18. Mai 2013

Am Freitag wurde Marty Hom, ein Konzerttourdirektor und Tour Manager mit über 25-jähriger Berufserfahrung, befragt. Bevor ich näher auf Marty Homs Aussagen eingehe, sei erwähnt, dass es sich hierbei um einen ungewöhnlichen und raffinierten Zug der Jackson Anwälte handelte. Denn ursprünglich war Marty Hom als Experte von AEG einvernommen worden und seine eidesstattliche Aussage wurde (wie üblich) vor dem Prozess auf Video aufgenommen. AEG bezahlte Homs dafür USD 500 pro Stunde. Das Videomaterial wurde vor dem Prozess an die Gegenpartei ausgehändigt und nun hat Brian Parish, der Jackson Anwalt, gestern für die Geschworenen 45 Minuten dieses Videomaterials abgespielt und Marty Hom anschliessend im Zeugenstand befragt. Brian Parishs Begründung für dieses ungewöhnliche Vorgehen war, dass er sicherstellen wollte, dass die Geschworenen Homs Aussage vorgespielt bekamen, falls AEG sich am Ende dazu entschliessen würde, Hom nicht in den Zeugenstand zu rufen. Ein (wie sich herausstellte) recht kluger Präventivschlag, wenn man die nachstehenden Aussagen liest. Jacksons: 2, AEG: 0.

Marty Homs bestätigte, dass die ursprüngliche Lohnforderung von Conrad Murray über USD 5 Mio. ungeheuerlich war und ein Warnsignal dafür hätte sein müssen, dass etwas nicht stimmte. Homs sagte u.a. auch, dass bei den Konzerttourneen, für die er verantwortlich war, der Künstler nie einen Arzt mit sich gebracht hatte. Beim Grossteil seiner Aussage ging es um die Beziehung zwischen einem Tour Manager, Künstler und Arzt. Homs sagte aus, dass es nicht angebracht gewesen sei für einen Tour Manager oder Promoter, sich in die Beziehung zwischen dem Arzt und seinem Patienten einzumischen. Als Parish Homs fragte, ob es in Ordnung sei, dass jemand in Abwesenheit des Künstlers mit dessen Arzt spreche, antwortete Homs: “Ich dachte, es läge in der Verantwortung des Arztes, nein zu sagen.” Homs war kein anderes Beispiel bekannt, wo der Promoter oder Produzent ein privates Gespräch mit dem Arzt des Künstler geführt hätte. Wenn ein Performer krank wäre, wäre es Homs natürlicher Instinkt, dessen Arzt zu fragen, ob der Künstler in der Lage sei, in einer Woche aufzutreten. Ferner sagte Homs aus, dass ihm kein Fall bekannt sein, bei dem der Promoter oder Tour Manager das Gehalt des Managers des Künstlers bezahlt hätte. Ausserhalb des Gerichts sagte Brian Parish später, dass er zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt Beweise vorlegen werde, dass AEG Michaels Manager, Frank DiLeo, bezahlt hatte und dies einen Interessenskonflikt dargestellt hätte.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.05.2013 um 09:00
Quelle: Jackson.CH - Schweizer MJ Forum

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Was gab’s diese Woche sonst noch Interessantes?

18. Mai 2013

Am Donnerstag wurden nicht nur Zeugenbefragungen vorgenommen. Am Vormittag ging es unter anderem auch um die E-Mails von Michael Jacksons Manager Frank DiLeo. DiLeo war bekannterweise Michaels Manager in den 1980er Jahren bis ihn Michael 1989 entliess. Im Rahmen der “This Is It” Shows tauchte DiLeo wieder als Michaels Manager auf. Die Jackson Seite argumentiert, dass DiLeo nicht Michael sondern AEG gegenüber verantworlich war und dass die E-Mails von DiLeo wichtig seien, dies zu beweisen. Mit anderen Worten, die Jackson Seite geht davon aus, dass AEG Michael Jackson dazu gezwungen hatte, DiLeo als seinen Manager anzustellen (da diese nicht mit Leonard Rowe zusammen arbeiten wollten, den Michael Ende März 2009 angestellt hatte, um Tohme Tohme zu ersetzen).

Die ganze Angelegenheit um DiLeos E-Mails stellt sich beim näheren Hinschauen aber als noch weitaus brisanter und komplexer heraus. Nach Frank DiLeos Tod im August 2011 wurde dessen Witwe Linda von AEG Anwälten vertraten. Nachdem das Gericht in Ohio die Nachlassverwaltung von DiLeo beordert hatte, dessen Laptop und E-Mails an die Jackson Anwälte herauszugeben, sagten die AEG Anwälte in ihrer Funktion als Vertreter des DiLeo Nachlasses, dass sie weder den Computer noch die E-Mails finden könnten. Die Jackson Anwälte hatten jedoch erfahren, dass der Anwalt, der den Nachlass am Anfang, bevor die AEG Anwälte aufgetaucht waren, vertreten hatte, David Regoli, im Rahmen der Inventarisierung eine Kopie aller E-Mails von Franks Laptop gemacht hatte. Während der letzten paar Wochen hatten die AEG Anwälte argumentiert, dass David Regoli nicht berechtigt sei, diese E-Mails an die Jackson Anwälte herauszugeben, damit diese sie im Prozess gegen AEG verwenden könnten. Während eines Telefonats mit Richterin Palazuelos sagte Regoli, dass er DiLeos Witwe geraten habe, dass seiner Meinung nach ein Interessenskonflikt für die AEG Anwälte bestünde, Linda DiLeo in dieser Sache zu vertreten. “Sie sagte, sie habe nie etwas unterzeichnet, dass [die AEG Anwälte] bevollmächtigte, sie zu vertreten und dass diese Linda DiLeo von diesem Moment an nicht mehr repräsentieren”, so Regoli. Anschliessend stellte DiLeos Witwe Regoli wieder an, was ihn entsprechend dazu ermächtigen würde, die E-Mails den Jackson Anwälten zuzustellen. Regoni versicherte dem Gericht, dass er alle Dokumente durchsehen und selbstverständlich alle E-Mails, die für den Prozess relevant seien (dh. den gesamten E-Mailverkehr von Frank DiLeo mit AEG und sonstigen involvierten Parteien im Rahmen der “This Is It” Shows) aushändigen würde. Dies soll voraussichtlich in ca. einer Woche erledigt sein. Jacksons: 1, AEG: 0.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 08:23
AEG execs face questions about Michael Jackson's death

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 20, 2013 -- Updated 0533 GMT (1333 HKT)


* AEG Live's top lawyer will testify as trial's 4th week begins
* Jackson lawyer will question AEG Live general counsel about negotiations with Dr. Murray
* AEG Live's controller confirms the company budgeted $1.5 million to pay for MIchael Jackson's doctor
* An AEG expert testifies the promoter should have seen "a red flag" when Murray asked for $5 million

Los Angeles (CNN) -- AEG Live filed an insurance claim to recover losses from Michael Jackson's death the same day he died, according to a lawyer for Jackson's family.

That revelation may not relate to the heart of the wrongful death lawsuit against Michael Jackson's last concert promoter, but Jackson lawyers hope it could sway jurors to see AEG Live executives as motivated by money over the pop icon's needs.

It is one of many points Jackson lawyers will try to make Monday when they call AEG Live's top lawyer to the witness stand as the trial's fourth week begins in a Los Angeles courtroom.

Jackson's mother and three children contend AEG Live is liable in the singer's death because its executives negligently hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

The promoters ignored a series of red flags that should have warned them Jackson was in danger as he was pressured to get ready for his comeback concerts, the Jackson lawsuit claims.

AEG Live lawyers counter that it was Jackson who chose, hired and supervised Dr. Murray, and that he was responsible for his own bad decisions. Its executives could not be expected to know Murray was using the surgical anesthetic propofol -- the drug the coroner ruled killed him -- to treat his insomnia, they argue.

Jackson lead lawyer Brian Panish will question AEG Live general counsel Shawn Trell about his company's negotiations with Murray to be Jackson's personal physician for his "This Is It" shows in London.

The doctor signed the contract prepared by AEG lawyers and sent it back to the company a day before Jackson's death. The company argues it was not an executed contract because their executives and Michael Jackson never signed it.

The Jackson lawyers argue that e-mails, budget documents and the fact that the doctor was already working for two months showed a binding agreement between AEG and Murray.

Panish, speaking outside of the courtroom Friday, said he would also ask Trell about AEG's insurance claim, which he said his team recently discovered was filed with Lloyds of London on June 25, 2009 -- hours after Jackson was pronounced dead at UCLA Medical Center.

A Lloyds of London underwriter later sued AEG, claiming he company failed to disclose information about the pop star's health and drug use. AEG dropped its claim for a $17.5 million insurance policy last year.

Monday's court will start with AEG Live controller Julie Hollander completing her testimony about the company's budgeting, which she acknowledged included $1.5 million approved to pay Dr. Murray.
The doctor's costs were listed as production costs -- expenses that AEG is responsible for paying -- and not as an advance, which Jackson would ultimately be responsible for giving back to the company, she testified.

The controller's testimony appears to contradict the argument AEG lead lawyer Marvin Putnam made in a CNN interview days before the trial began.

AEG Live's role with Murray was only to "forward" money owed to him by Jackson, just as a patient would use their "MasterCard," Putnam said. "If you go to your doctor and you pay with a credit card, obviously MasterCard in that instance, depending on your credit card, is providing the money to that doctor for services until you pay it back. Now, are you telling them MasterCard in some measure in that instance, did MasterCard hire the doctor or did you? Well, clearly you did. I think the analogy works in this instance."

Jackson lawyers played video testimony of one of AEG's own expert witnesses Friday -- 25-year veteran tour manager Marty Hom.

The opinion Hom submitted for AEG concluded he saw no red flags that should have alerted the promoter that something was wrong with Dr. Murray.

He was asked if AEG Live should have realized something was wrong when Dr. Murray initially asked for $5 million a year to work as Jackson's personal physician. "That raised a red flag because of the enormous sum of money," Hom testified.

Hom acknowledged he had not seen many of the documents and depositions in the case -- and AEG was considering him for a job as the Rollings Stones tour manager at the same time he was asked to testify.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 08:28

Lynn Douglass, Contributor
LIFESTYLE | 5/19/2013 @ 4:35PM |

Michael Jackson's Neverland Contents Almost Up For Sale

Tonight, May 19, CBS CBS +3.97%’s “60 Minutes” will air a segment on Michael Jackson’s legacy and personal possessions.

Jackson accumulated a half-billion in debt at the end of his life says a CBS news website promoting the show. But now it seems The Michael Jackson “The Immortal World Tour” earns Jackson’s estate millions, but his possessions sit in storage, specifically in five 20,000-foot California warehouses.

One fan who saw a clip of the upcoming segment on a CBS news website commented online, “I couldn’t believe the reporter was handling those clothes when OBVIOUSLY they shouldn’t have been handled without gloves.”

Darren Julien of Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills, which auctioned off an autographed version of the “Beat It” jacket this weekend for $10,000 at New York City’s Hard Rock Café offered, “Michael Jackson fans are very passionate and outspoken.”

Julien said that for the short term, not wearing gloves to handle the gloved ones’ items is not that serious. “Long term,” he said, “oil on hands expedites deterioration, but only for clothing.”

Julien would know firsthand about Michael Jackson memorabilia. He told me that Jackson hired him, when he was still alive, to “clear” his beloved Neverland of its contents.

“It took 90 days, 30 men and 10 semi-trailers,” said Julien. The folks at Julien’s Auctions catalogued the items and put them on exhibition. But then it seems Jackson had a change of heart…

“It was the greatest auction that never happened,” said Julien. Apparently, concert promoter AEG came through with an advance for the “This Is It” tour and Michael Jackson no longer needed to sell. The LA Times reported the advance was about $30 million. (AEG is presently being sued for Jackson’s wrongful death.)

Jackson and Julien settled for an undisclosed amount and “ended on good terms,” reported Julien who estimated that the Neverland items his company cleared were worth somewhere between $2 to $6 million.

Why broadcast a segment about Jackson memorabilia now? “The estate is trying to reach out to fans and make them feel more part of the singer’s career,” offered Julien. (My money is on the AEG suit as another reason.)

According to the Daily News, tonight’s “60 Minute” broadcast will show a crystal glove Jackson wore on tour, estimated at $80,000. So how many legitimate sequined gloves are out there? Julien estimates there are 20 and that each true glove is heavily documented.

“The designer did something special to each glove that no one else would know about,” said Julien.

In 2009, Julien’s Auctions sold the glove the King of pop wore during the 1983 “Motown 25” celebration where he performed the “moonwalk” for the first time. The glove sold for $420,000 to a Hong Kong businessman.

Clearly, lots of money has changed hands in the name of Michael Jackson. What’s nice is that, in this case, the children, and not some overseas collector, will have their father’s things.

I’m thinking any Dad, Michael Jackson or not, would want that—even if that means 5 full warehouses.

Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 20.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 08:47
Prince Jackson ‏@princemjjjaxon 14h
Amazing time last night 5-18-13❤
6:41 PM - 19 Mai 13

Prince Jackson ‏@princemjjjaxon 9h
I love you @chefkaichase
BKqJ3tkCIAAFES .jpg large
11:31 PM - 19 Mai 13 ·

kai chase ‏@chefkaichase 8h
@princemjjjaxon I love you more sweetie! Anything for you! XoXo!😄❤💋💐
11:59 PM - 19 Mai 13 ·

Team Prince Jackson ‏@princemjjjakson 8h
@chefkaichase Thank you to be here for Prince!
2:05 AM - 20 Mai 13

kai chase ‏@chefkaichase 8h
@princemjjjakson Love you guys!!
12:11 AM - 20 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 08:53
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 1h
no matter which way you go ,
no matter which way you stay .
you're out of my mind , out of my mind .
7:48 AM - 20 Mai 13

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 1h

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 5h
kurt cobain is jesus

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 5h
i hate when people tell me to change… it's hurtful to know that someone you care about can't accept you the way you are .

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 7h
coolest dude ever

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 11h
what do you want ?
what do you want ?
i want rock'n'roll , alright
long live rock'n'roll \m/
8:51 PM - 19 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 08:54
Paris hat ein neues Profilbild bei Twitter eingestellt ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 08:59
bei LSA "entdeckt" ... :)

tumblr mn291ocCUZ1s5bv52o1 500
tumblr mn2sio97MH1s45d2vo1 500
2dc32084c0f711e2af8422000a9e28e9 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 09:09 (Archiv-Version vom 17.01.2014)

Susanna ‏@SantaBarbara4MJ 6h
John Branca answering Q about MJ's "weirdness": "I knew the real Michael, the artistic genius, the visionary"
Retweetet von Ivy
2:40 AM - 20 Mai 13

Susanna ‏@SantaBarbara4MJ 6h
Lara Logan: "John Branca chooses his words very carefully." You got that right, Lara;) #BrancaRocks
Retweetet von Ivy
2:38 AM - 20 Mai 13

morinen ‏@MorinenMJ 6h
Nice photo:
Retweetet von Ivy
BKq07vDCUAAsVrW.jpg large
2:39 AM - 20 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 6h
Michael fired everybody during Thriller -

MJ4evermore ‏@Coleen4MJ 6h
We are not sellers. We are not selling any assets."
-John Branca
MJJ Estate.
Retweetet von Ivy

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 6h
MJ's "manifesto," penned in 1979 - (Archiv-Version vom 20.05.2013)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 6h
"I will be a perfectionist, a researcher, a trainer, a masterer [sic]. I will be better than every great actor roped into one"

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 6h
" I should be a new, incredible actor/singer/dancer that will shock the world. I will do no interviews. I will be magic. "

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 6h
"I should be a totally [sic] different person. People should never think of me as the kid who sang "ABC," [or] "I Want You Back."

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 6h
"MJ will be my new name. No more Michael Jackson. I want a whole new character, a whole new look"

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 6h
My week on twitter: 680 retweets received, 67 new followers, 260 mentions. Via: (Archiv-Version vom 03.11.2021)

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 7h
Branca also said they have no plans to sell any assets - especially mentioning Sony/ATV catalog.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 7h
The majority of the new earnings would be from Cirque MJ Immortal. Estate and Cirque is 50% partners.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 7h
They said Estate earned $600 Million. In second accounting gross earnings as of May 2012 was $475 Million. So Estate earned $125 M more

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 7h
Reporter was really pushing Branca with the negative stuff but he kept his cool saying they don't pay attention to tabloids

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 7h
@MissChiviouss Cirque Immortal income will be in this accounting. Didn't they say $300 Million, half of it would be $150 M minus the costs

Toni ‏@MissChiviouss 7h
so they pulled another 200M in 2012 @Ivy_4MJ RT Michael Jackson's estate has made over 600 million dollars since his death in 2009
Retweetet von Ivy

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 7h
Michael Jackson story is the last segment of 60 minutes and Branca was on it as well. He mentioned MJ sold 50 Million albums after death.

KT ‏@caramelicedtea 11h
The "expert" the Today show used to vouch for Wade is not a psych or Dr, but an activist for SNAP who has targeted MJ in the past.
Retweetet von Ivy
9:54 PM - 19 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 16:30
ein Hinweis von Prince ?????

Prince Jackson ‏@princemjjjaxon 42m
They don't care about us
Sie kümmern sich nicht um uns
Sie haben uns nicht gern

3:38 PM - 20 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 16:34
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
Karen Faye Testimony Transcript..

2:55 PM - 20 Mai 13

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
ABC7 - But if the tour went forward, MJ was responsible for repayment of 95% of the costs and AEG would pay 5%

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 1h
ABC7 - Hollander testified MJ was responsible for 100% of production costs should the concert not go forward.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
My understanding is Michael was also responsible for production costs - at least 95% of it.

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
CNN: " Doctor's costs were listed as production costs AEG is responsible for, not as an advance, which Jackson responsible for giving back "

Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 2h
CNN: "AEG filed an insurance claim to recover losses from MJ's death the same day he died" Lloyds lawsuit: Claim was dated July 1st.
2:27 PM - 20 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 16:39
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #1289 . User: Ivy

Jackson lawyers:
Anwälte der Jacksons:

Brian Panish, Kevin Boyle, Robert Glassman , Jenny Farrell, Deborah Chang from Panish, Shea & Boyle LLP
Michael Koskoff , Bill Bloss from Koskoff & Koskoff
Perry Sanders from Sanders Law Firm LLC
Sandy Ribera from Ribera Law Firm
K.C. Maxwell from Maxwell Law Office

AEG lawyers:
Anwälte von AEG

Marvin Putnam, Sabrina Strong, Jessica Stebbins Bina, Kathryn Cahan from O'Melveny & Myers LLP


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 16:49
nochmals Bilder von Prince und seiner "Prinzessin" ...
Prince scheint abgenommen zu haben ... "steht" ihm gut ... :) (Archiv-Version vom 08.06.2013)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

20.05.2013 um 17:01
TV on the Web: Michael Jackson's secret warehouse

Daniel Hurwitz, special for USA TODAY10:02 a.m. EDT May 20, 2013

Today's pick: MJ's "manifesto," penned in 1979 on 60 Minutes Overtime (Archiv-Version vom 20.05.2013)

The topic: A behind-the-scenes look at 60 Minutes correspondent Lara Logan's tour of the secret warehouses filled with Michael Jackson's personal belongings.

Why we're watching: Logan unearths many gems in Jackson's five-warehouses' worth of belongings, but a personal manifesto handwritten by Jackson is particularly interesting. "I will be magic. I will be a perfectionist, a researcher, a trainer, a masterer (sic). I will be better than every great actor roped into one, " a then-21-year-old Jackson wrote.

WATCH: More TV on the Web top picks

<embed src=" (Archiv-Version vom 20.05.2013)" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" background="#333333" width="425" height="279" allowFullScreen="true" allowScriptAccess="always" FlashVars="si=254&contentValue=50147121&shareUrl=" />


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21.05.2013 um 09:17
AEG paid Michael Jackson's manager $100,000 a month

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 20, 2013, 1:53 p.m.

The promoter and producer putting on Michael Jackson's ill-fated "This Is It" concert series was paying his manager $100,000 a month, the only time entertainment giant AEG made such an agreement, a company lawyer testified Monday.

Shawn Trell, senior vice president and general counsel for Anschutz Entertainment Group, testified in the Jackson family's wrongful-death lawsuit that the money was paid to Thome Thome.

The payments appear to be a potential conflict of interest, since a personal manager is supposed to represent the performer's interests.

In addition, Trell was shown a report AEG sent Jackson's estate that included a request it be repaid $300,000 it had given Conrad Murray, the doctor who administered the fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol to Jackson.

"To me, it's a mistake," Trell said.

Previous testimony showed AEG never paid Murray.

Brian Panish, an attorney for Jackson's mother and children, who filed the lawsuit against AEG, said in court that the company had been seeking $30 million in advances from Jackson's estate.

Earlier in the day, an AEG executive testified that Murray's salary was never listed on a budget as an artist advance.

The Jacksons say in their suit that AEG negligently hired and supervised Murray, while the company says that Jackson wanted him hired and that any salary it was supposed to pay him were advances to the singer.

Julie Hollander, AEG's vice president and controller also testified that she didn't know of any other instance in which the firm had hired a doctor to go on a concert tour.

“I know in my experience it is not typical for the promoter and tour producer to hire a doctor,” she said.

She also testified that when Jackson died in June 2009, shortly before his 50 concerts were set to begin in London, the production was about $2.5 million over budget.,0,1590136.story


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21.05.2013 um 09:20
Michael Jackson paranoid, anxious, obsessive, director says

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 20, 2013, 6:10 p.m.

Five days before he died, Michael Jackson was in such a sorry mental state that the director of his ill-fated “This Is It” concert series said he needed a psychiatric evaluation.

Kenny Ortega sent the June 20, 2009, email to Randy Phillips, president and chief executive of AEG Live, which was putting on the 50 London concerts. He wrote “trouble at the front” in the email’s subject line.

“I honestly don’t think he is ready for this based on the continued physical weakening and deepening emotional state,” Ortega wrote. “There are strong signs of paranoia, anxiety and obsessive-like behavior. I think the very best thing we can do is get a top Psychiatrist in to evaluate him ASAP. It’s like there are two people there. One (deep inside) trying to hold on to what he was and still can be and not wanting us to quit him, the other in his weakened and troubled state … I honestly felt if I had encouraged or allowed him on stage last night he could have hurt himself. I believe we need professional guidance in this matter.”

The email was shown to the jury in the Jackson wrongful death lawsuit during the testimony of Shawn Trell, AEG’s senior vice president and general counsel. He said he learned of Jackson’s frail condition from Phillips and Paul Gongaware, another top executive, at a meeting of AEG Live’s executive committee.

Trell said the company’s response was to hold a meeting that day with Jackson and his doctor, Conrad Murray. “…so I think they took it seriously,” he said.

Phillips turned down the request for a psychiatrist. In emails previously published by The Times, Phillips wrote, "It is critical that neither you, me or anyone around this show become amateur psychiatrists or physicians."

At the meeting, Jackson said he would improve and Murray agreed to help. Others have said that Jackson did great during the next two days of rehearsals. "Michael and the doctor stressed that he was OK. They had it under control," Marvin Putnam, AEG’s attorney, has said.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter for giving Jackson a fatal dose of the anesthetic propfol to treat his insomnia. His mother and three children have sued Anschutz Entertainment Group, saying the company negligently hired and supervised Murray. AEG says that any money it was supposed to pay Murray was an advance to Jackson.,0,926891.story


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21.05.2013 um 09:25
AEG execs face questions about Michael Jackson's death

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 20, 2013 -- Updated 2046 GMT (0446 HKT)


* NEW: AEG Live exec says listing doctor's fees as "production costs" was a mistake
* NEW: AEG Live asked Jackson estate to repay $300,000 for the doctor
* AEG Live's controller confirms company budgeted $1.5 million for Michael Jackson's doctor
* An AEG expert testifies it should have been "a red flag" when Murray asked for $5 million

Los Angeles (CNN) -- AEG Live asked Michael Jackson's estate to repay the concert promoter $300,000 for Dr. Conrad Murray's fee three weeks after Jackson's death, court testimony revealed Monday.

The revelation contradicts AEG Live's defense that it did not hire or pay the doctor convicted in Jackson's death.

"To me, it's a mistake," AEG Live Senor Vice President and General Counsel Shawn Trell said when confronted with a letter sent to Jackson's estate.

Trell, testifying Monday in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial, also said his company's chief financial officer made another major error by classifying Dr. Murray's fees as "production costs" and not "advances" in all of the budgets for Jackson's "This It It" tour.

"Mistakenly, yes," Trell said.

Despite these "mistakes," Trell called the CFO "a very detailed-oriented guy."

Jackson's mother and children are suing AEG Live, contending the concert promoter is liable in the singer's death because its executives negligently hired, retained or supervised Dr. Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

The promoters ignored a series of red flags that should have warned them Jackson was in danger as he was pressured to get ready for his comeback concerts, the Jackson lawsuit claims.

AEG Live lawyers counter that it was Jackson who chose, hired and supervised Murray, and that he was responsible for his own bad decisions. Its executives could not be expected to know Murray was using the surgical anesthetic propofol, the drug the coroner ruled killed Jackson, to treat his insomnia, they argue.

Testimony from Trell -- and, earlier, AEG LIve controller Julie Hollander -- showed the company's budgets included $1.5 million to pay Murray $150,000 a month.

The budget terminology could be key in the jury's decision on AEG's liability, since production costs were the promoter's responsibility, while advances were basically loans to Jackson. The revelation that the doctor's fees were designated as production contradicts the defense that AEG lead lawyer Marvin Putnam shared with CNN before the trial.

AEG Live's role with Murray was only to "forward" money owed to him by Jackson, just as a patient would use his "MasterCard," Putnam said. "If you go to your doctor and you pay with a credit card, obviously, MasterCard in that instance, depending on your credit card, is providing the money to that doctor for services until you pay it back. Now, are you telling them MasterCard in some measure in that instance, did MasterCard hire the doctor or did you? Well, clearly you did. I think the analogy works in this instance."

Jackson manager's e-mails found, could be key in AEG trial
The doctor signed the contract prepared by AEG lawyers and sent it back to the company a day before Jackson's death. The company argues it was not an executed contract because their executives and Michael Jackson never signed it.

The Jackson lawyers argue that e-mails, budget documents and the fact that the doctor was already working for two months showed a binding agreement between AEG and Murray.

Panish, speaking outside of the courtroom Friday, said he would also ask Trell about AEG's insurance claim, which he said his team recently discovered was filed with Lloyds of London on June 25, 2009, hours after Jackson was pronounced dead at UCLA Medical Center.

That revelation may not relate to the heart of the wrongful death lawsuit against Michael Jackson's last concert promoter, but Jackson lawyers hope it could sway jurors to see AEG Live executives as motivated by money over the pop icon's needs.

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A Lloyds of London underwriter later sued AEG, claiming the company failed to disclose information about the pop star's health and drug use. AEG dropped its claim for a $17.5 million insurance policy last year.

Jackson lawyers played video testimony of one of AEG's own expert witnesses Friday -- 25-year veteran tour manager Marty Hom.

The opinion Hom submitted for AEG concluded he saw no red flags that should have alerted the promoter that something was wrong with Murray.

He was asked if AEG Live should have realized something was wrong when Murray initially asked for $5 million a year to work as Jackson's personal physician. "That raised a red flag because of the enormous sum of money," Hom testified.

Hom acknowledged he had not seen many of the documents and depositions in the case, and AEG was considering him for a job as the Rolling Stones tour manager at the same time he was asked to testify.


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21.05.2013 um 09:29
Lawyer: Michael Jackson’s doctor not only person working on ill-fated tour without contract

By Associated Press, Published: May 20

LOS ANGELES — A corporate attorney for AEG Live LLC says Michael Jackson’s doctor was not the only person working on the singer’s ill-fated “This Is It” tour without a fully executed contract.

AEG General Counsel Shawn Trell told a Los Angeles jury on Monday that the tour’s director Kenny Ortega was being paid based on an agreement laid out solely in emails.

Jackson’s mother is trying to show AEG was negligent in hiring Conrad Murray, the doctor later convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with Jackson’s June 2009 death.

Michael Jackson died before signing a $150,000 a month contract for Murray to serve as his doctor on the “This Is It” tour.

AEG’s attorneys say Jackson’s signature was required to finalize Murrays’ contract.


Check back soon for further information. AP’s earlier story is below.

Documents prepared by a concert promoter that were detailed in court on Monday indicated the company had budgeted $150,000 a month for a doctor to treat Michael Jackson as he prepared and delivered a series of comeback shows.

However, Jackson died of an anesthetic overdose before he signed the agreement, and no payments were made to Dr. Conrad Murray by AEG Live LLC, testimony and the records show.

The documents were presented by lawyers for Katherine Jackson, the singer’s mother as they attempt to show an employment relationship existed between Murray and AEG.

Katherine Jackson is suing AEG, claiming it was negligent in hiring Murray and that it missed numerous red flags about the singer’s health before he died.

Murray was later convicted of involuntary manslaughter after he administered a fatal dose of a powerful anesthetic to the singer.

AEG denies it hired Murray and says it bears no liability for Jackson’s death. Attorneys for the company have said Jackson concealed his addiction to propofol, the drug that killed him

Julie Hollander, a vice president and controller of event operations for AEG Live, testified Monday that Murray’s contract was the only one she had ever seen that required approval by an artist for services on a tour.

She believed Jackson’s signature was required because of the personal nature of the doctor’s services.

In total, Murray was projected to receive $1.5 million in payments over the first few months of the “This Is It” shows.

Hollander was the first AEG executive to testify in the lawsuit. The company’s general counsel Shawn Trell began testifying later in the day.

Panish questioned Trell about a July letter sent to Jackson’s estate asking for more than $30 million in reimbursement, including $300,000 for Murray’s services.

Trell said it was a mistake to include Murray’s payments as production costs.

Hollander also testified that Jackson was responsible for 95 percent of production expenses if his comeback shows were canceled.

The budget documents showed the company had spent $24 million producing the concerts through October 2009, roughly three months after the singer’s death. The production was more than $2 million over budget, the records show.

In recent years, AEG has received 10 percent of the proceeds from the film “This Is It” that was released after the death of Jackson.
