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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 09:06
Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 9h
Still waiting for this to go up at the HuffPost, but in the meantime... … #WadeRobson #MichaelJackson
Retweetet von Ivy
11:39 PM - 17 Mai 13

Michael Jackson, Delayed Allegations and Witch Hunts

by JOE VOGEL on MAY 17, 2013


A shorter version of this article is cross-posted at the Huffington Post.

When Michael Jackson died unexpectedly in June of 2009, then-26-year-old choreographer Wade Robson – who has recently made headlines for accusing the pop star of molestation – wrote about his longtime friend and mentor:

Michael Jackson changed the world and, more personally, my life forever. He is the reason I dance, the reason I make music, and one of the main reasons I believe in the pure goodness of humankind. He has been a close friend of mine for 20 years. His music, his movement, his personal words of inspiration and encouragement and his unconditional love will live inside of me forever. I will miss him immeasurably, but I know that he is now at peace and enchanting the heavens with a melody and a moonwalk.

Such a gushing statement came as no surprise to those who knew Robson’s backstory. During Jackson’s Bad World Tour in 1987, five-year-old Robson won a local dance competition in Australia. The reward was attending a backstage meet-and-greet with the King of Pop and the opportunity to join his idol on stage at the end of the concert.

wo years passed before Robson saw Jackson again. This time he was performing at Disneyland when his mother, Joy, decided to reach out to Jackson’s secretary to see if they could meet again. Jackson allowed the Robson family to visit him at the recording studio at Record One where he was working on his Dangerous album. He also invited them to stay at his Neverland Ranch. This hospitality was not unusual for Jackson. Around this same time, Jackson also spent countless hours at his Ranch with AIDS victim, Ryan White, who had been shunned, taunted and bullied at his school in Kokomo, Indiana. “Those trips to California kept me going,” Ryan White said. Similar positive experiences have been shared by hundreds of others.

Not long after their visit to Neverland, the Robson family decided to move to California to allow Wade and his sister, Chantal, more opportunities in the entertainment industry. Over the subsequent years, a friendship blossomed between the Robsons and Jackson. Wade Robson was ambitious and talented, and Jackson took on the role of mentor, teaching him the nuances of his craft and signing him to his MJJ Productions label. Jackson also gave him small parts in his music videos, including “Black or White.”

Robson went on to have a successful career in the industry, choreographing for the likes of Britney Spears and ‘N Sync, and later having his work showcased on shows like So You Think You Can Dance. In 2005, he married Hawaii native Amanda Rodriguez.

That same year, Robson, who had every reason to avoid the circus that was the 2005 Michael Jackson child molestation trial, decided to testify under oath about his experiences with the singer. First questioned by Jackson’s attorney Thomas Mesereau and then under rigorous cross-examination, Robson matter-of-factly gave his account of his time with the artist. Robson repeatedly and adamantly denied being molested or of any other inappropriate sexual activity.

After Jackson was acquitted of all charges a few months later, Wade Robson’s mother Joy spoke of their family’s relief about the verdict. “We were crying and screaming and crying and screaming…We all believed ultimately the truth would come out…I’ve always said to Michael, ‘I wished the world could know the Michael we do.’”

Wade Robson invited Jackson to his wedding later that year, but Jackson decided not to attend because he did not want to turn the joyous occasion into a media circus.

Jackson and Robson, however, remained good friends. Whenever asked, Robson continued to praise Jackson as his biggest inspiration.

They last met in Las Vegas in 2008. Jackson was living there with his three children and Robson was working on a show in the city. “Me, my wife and him and his three kids had a barbecue,” recalled Robson. “It was the most normal thing in the world.”

It had been over twenty years since they first met, and Robson was still, by his own admission, completely unaffected by any past abuse or trauma. His life and career were thriving. He also seemed to have no concerns about Jackson’s own young children.

According to initial reports, Robson’s attorney, Henry Gradstein, claimed the reason his client lied under oath and continued to praise the pop star following his death was because the alleged abuse was a “repressed memory.” Repressed memories — instances in which an individual believes they have blocked or forgotten a traumatic event before “recovering” it years or decades later — has become a highly controversial subject in the field of psychology. According to the American Psychological Association, “experienced clinical psychologists state that the phenomenon of a recovered memory is rare (e.g., one experienced practitioner reported having a recovered memory arise only once in 20 years of practice).” The overwhelming consensus by experts is that such “memories” are not reliable without corroborating evidence. Dr. Richard McNally, Professor and Director of Clinical Training in the Department of Psychology at Harvard University, describes the phenomenon of belatedly recovered memories as “the most pernicious bit of folklore ever to infect psychology and psychiatry.”

In his interview with Matt Lauer on the Today Show, however, Robson claimed that that his memories of abuse were not repressed; he was simply unable to process them emotionally or psychologically. Robson claims that he was fully aware Jackson was a child abuser at the time of his 2005 trial, but decided to lie under oath because he didn’t yet realize what happened to him was wrong. Robson was 22 at the time. But perhaps, one might assume, in the months or years to come he regretted his decision and went to authorities — at least to prevent further “victims.” Nope. Instead, he was barbecuing with MJ and family in 2008, and praising him without any pressure or prompt in 2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012.

It goes without saying that accusations of abuse must always be taken seriously. When an individual has told one story very credibly and convincingly as an adult, however, and then suddenly changes it with no corroborating evidence (letters, photos, phone conversations, witnesses, etc.) to file a creditor’s claim, it deserves a healthy dose of skepticism. Believing such claims on faith can be dangerous, destroying lives and reputations with absolutely no proof beyond the accusation.

According to Wade Robson’s attorney, Henry Gradstein, it was sometime in 2012 when the choreographer had a mental breakdown, and “collapsed under the stress” of his recovered memory. Robson’s career had also taken a downturn with the choreographer mysteriously dropping out of many projects. Soon after, Robson decided to file a creditor’s claim against Jackson’s estate. Robson also filed a civil lawsuit in L.A. County Superior Court, in which he is reportedly targeting companies associated with Jackson. Whatever one makes of his allegations, then, they are not simply to heal. Robson clearly wants a payout.

In a statement, Howard Weitzman, an attorney representing Jackson’s estate, called Robson’s accusations “outrageous and pathetic…This is a young man who has testified at least twice under oath over the past 20 years and said in numerous interviews that Michael Jackson never did anything inappropriate to him or with him. Now, nearly 4 years after Michael has passed this sad and less than credible claim has been made. We are confident that the court will see this for what it is.“

Jackson’s attorney, Thomas Mesereau, feels Robson’s claims are shamelessly motivated by money, given the timing (a high-stakes trial between Jackson’s mother and concert promoter AEG Live, is currently being litigated) and the enormous amount of wealth the Jackson estate has generated since the singer’s death.

Regardless of one’s views of Jackson, Robson’s case raises serious questions about the nature and validity of decade-delayed allegations, especially when attached to money.

Dr. Elizabeth F. Loftus, a renowned cognitive psychologist and human memory expert from the University of Washington, notes that these memories can often be triggered by therapist suggestion. “Some contemporary therapists have been known to tell patients, merely on the basis of a suggestive history or symptom profile, that they definitely had a traumatic experience…Once the ‘diagnosis’ is made, the therapist urges the patient to pursue the recalcitrant memories.”

Wade Robson, then, could very well believe he was abused even if it never happened.

In any case, objectivity and fairness should compel at least some burden of proof. Robson’s own family members have repeatedly defended Jackson over a period of twenty years. Were all of them completely oblivious to what happened until just months ago?

Numerous other individuals who were close to Jackson as children continue to defend him with no apparent incentive for doing so. Since the latest allegations, several people who visited Jackson’s Neverland Ranch as children, have once again spoken out in support of the artist, including Alfonso Ribeiro, Frank Cascio, Brett Barnes, and Jackson’s nephews, Taryll, T.J. and Taj Jackson.

In defense of his uncle, Taj Jackson wrote movingly on Twitter:

I will not sit back and let someone flat out lie about my uncle. PERIOD. I am writing these words knowing that the minute I press send, my life will never be the same afterwards…I was sexually abuse[d]. By an uncle on my mom’s side of the family when I was a kid. My uncle [Michael Jackson] was a support system for me and my mom. He wrote a letter to her that many have seen already, u just didn’t know what it was about. That is how I KNOW Wade is lying. Because I AM a survivor. My hands are still trembling. Don’t forget I was living at Neverland when Wade testified during my uncle’s case. I sat there and ate dinner with him and his family. I will not let them smear my Uncle’s legacy. I don’t want to go on TV. I don’t want publicity, I just want the truth. I hate that Wade made me do this, this way. But since my uncle Michael is no longer here to defend himself. I will.

The letter Taj Jackson referred to was written by Jackson some time in the 1980s. It reads:

Dee Dee Please read this article about child molestation and please read it to Taj, T.J., and Taryll, it brings out how even your own relatives can be molesters of children, or even uncles or aunts molesting nephews or nieces, please read. Love MJ.

Later faced with the public perception that he himself was a child molester, Jackson wrote these lyrics to an unreleased song, called “An Innocent Man”:

If I sail to Acapulco

Or Cancun, Mexico

There the law is waiting

And God knows that I’m innocent

If they won’t take me in Cairo

Then Lord where will I go?

I’ll die a man without a country

And only God knew I was innocent now.

As an eccentric, wealthy man who opened his home to thousands of people, including disadvantaged and ill children, Jackson was an undeniably easy target. But is it conceivable that of the hundreds of children who spent time with him, only a handful were abused? Is it possible that after two unannounced, scouring searches of his homes, in 1993 and again in 2003, resulting in no child pornography or other corroborating evidence, that the artist was nonetheless masterfully hiding criminal behavior?

Or have we, as a society, conflated Jackson’s difference and eccentricity with criminality? In 2005, infotainment pundit Nancy Grace infamously deduced Jackson’s guilt from his strange appearance and childlike sensibility. It was inconceivable to her that a grown man would want to spend so much time with children without wanting to have sex with them.

No doubt, after hearing these latest accusations, some will likewise conclude that “where there is smoke there is fire.”

Jackson, of course, is no longer here to defend himself. The unacknowledged tragedy the fair-minded person must at least consider is this: the life and career of one of the most talented and creative artists of the past century was derailed and ultimately destroyed by allegations, innuendo, sensationalism and speculation, but no concrete evidence and no witnesses or accusers who didn’t want money.

The term “witch hunt” is often used to describe the moral panic and hysteria caused by individuals who threaten our sense of normalcy, order and social assumptions. They must be disciplined or punished to allow people to feel safe, regardless of actual guilt or innocence. So, for example, in the Salem witch trials, women were profiled, accused and sentenced to death for a range of perceived “suspicious” behaviors or traits. Or, historically, African American men have been unfairly targeted and lynched because of myths and culturally-ingrained hysteria about their “predatory” intentions with white women (see D.W. Griffith’s The Birth of a Nation).

Over his lifetime (and now in death), Michael Jackson faced more frivolous lawsuits than any individual in American history. During the Thriller era, dozens of women claimed he was the father of their children. As recently as 2010, a woman named Billie Jean filed a $600 million paternity lawsuit against Jackson’s estate.

In 2010, part of Jackson’s FBI file was released under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) at the request of media, including British journalist Charles Thomson. “A lengthy report,” writes Thomson, “shows that when Jackson’s Neverland Ranch was raided in 2003, the FBI went over every computer seized from the property with a fine tooth comb looking for any incriminating files or internet activity. Jackson’s file contained individual summaries of the FBI’s findings for each of the 16 computers. Scrawled in capital letters across each of those 16 reports – ‘NOTHING’.”

Rolling Stone‘s Matt Taibbi, an incisive cultural critic with no investment whatsoever in Jackson’s legacy, described the 2005 court case against Jackson like this:

Ostensibly a story about bringing a child molester to justice, the Michael Jackson trial would instead be a kind of homecoming parade of insipid American types: grifters, suckers and no-talent schemers, mired in either outright unemployment…or the bogus non-careers of the information age, looking to cash in any way they can. The MC of the proceedings was District Attorney Tom Sneddon, whose metaphorical role in this American reality show was to represent the mean gray heart of the Nixonian Silent Majority – the bitter mediocrity itching to stick it to anyone who’d ever taken a vacation to Paris. The first month or so of the trial featured perhaps the most compromised collection of prosecution witnesses ever assembled in an American criminal case – almost to a man a group of convicted liars, paid gossip hawkers or worse…

In the next six weeks, virtually every piece of his case imploded in open court, and the chief drama of the trial quickly turned into a race to see if the DA could manage to put all of his witnesses on the stand without getting any of them removed from the courthouse in manacles. Sneddon’s hard-on for Jackson was a faith-based vengeance grab every bit as blind and desperate as George Bush’s “case” against Saddam Hussein…

Jackson, of course, was acquitted of all charges in 2005 after two grueling years of investigations, testimony and proceedings. Four years later, in 2009, after years of living as a cultural pariah, a vagabond drifting from country to country, he died at the age of fifty in Los Angeles. The silver lining, one assumed, was that at least his many troubles would end and the focus could return to his rich artistic legacy. But as long as big money is involved, it seems, the relentless stream of grifters will continue.

And in the court of public opinion, the Michael Jackson witch trial goes on.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 09:31
weiterer Gesprächsverlauf unter (Archiv-Version vom 21.09.2012)

Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 8h
Michael Jackson, Delayed Allegations and Witch Hunts
( (Archiv-Version vom 07.06.2013))
12:40 AM - 18 Mai 13

Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 8h
I'll try to run it somewhere else. Hopefully sooner rather than later.
Ich werde versuchen, ihn irgendwo anders ausführen zu lassen. Hoffentlich, lieber heute als morgen.

Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 8h
They said it was too long; I cut it 1,000 words and re-submitted, but apparently it is still too long.
Sie sagten, er sei zu lang; Ich kürzte ihn um 1000 Wörter und habe ihn erneut eingereicht, aber anscheinend ist er immer noch zu lang.

Joe Vogel ‏@JoeVogel1 8h
Unfortunately, HuffPost has decided not to publish my recent piece.
Leider hat HuffPost entschieden, meinen neuesten Beitrag nicht zu veröffentlichen.
12:34 AM - 18 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 09:43
vgl. a. Eintrag von gestern um 21:17h

MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct 12h
RT- Britney 2008 "circus" Wade out - Jamie in hmhm

Wade Robson Out, Jamie King In For Britney Spears Circus Tour -...

I reported back in November that Wade Robson and his wife were directing and choreographing Britney’s upcoming tour as Wade himself stated in a video, but plans have changed. Wade was actually only...
9:24 PM - 17 Mai 13


Wade Robson Out, Jamie King In For Britney Spears Circus Tour
Fri, Dec 26 2008 - 1604 days ago by Lauren Croteau

I reported back in November that Wade Robson and his wife were directing and choreographing Britney’s upcoming tour as Wade himself stated in a video, but plans have changed. Wade was actually only hired to direct Britney’s Circus promotional tour which had ended in Japan.

Jamie King, who also directed Madonna’s Sticky and Sweet Tour which by the way raked in A LOT of money is now replacing Wade and his wife as Britney Spears Circus’ Tour Director while Simon Ellis is the Musical Director for the tour.

This is some sort of a reunion between Britney and Jamie as well. Britney has worked with Jamie in her "Oops, I Did It Again World Tour" in 2000. I have Jamie’s hip hop exercise "Rock Your Body" DVD. If you are not a natural dancer then it’s better you stick to CRUNCH videos because Jamie King’s steps are so hard to follow even for a dancer like me. Having said that, Britney Spears Circus Tour is definitely going to rock.

Read more:


MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct 12h
If true, this willl NOT be hard for MJEstate to confirm- From a Britney Spears message board back in 2008; (cont)
9:18 PM - 17 Mai 13

If true, this willl NOT be hard for MJEstate to confirm-

From a Britney Spears message board back in 2008;

"We do know the truth, Wade is a pot head, and more.
Wade would have never been able to pass a drug test, bottom line.
Paid tons to keep his mouth shut? I don't think you have to pay him to not say "I was fired from a huge project that would have paid me tons because I failed a drug test"

Now Wade worked for Cirque (Immortal) briefly and last year tried to get the gig for the new MJ Cirque show called One. Both require drug testing.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 09:53
na, bis jetzt ist wohl noch nichts aus dem "neuen Schlabber-Drink" geworden ... :)

Von Michael Jackson bis neues Heilwasser

17.05.2013 20:12 Uhr

Nach dem endgültigen Aus für den Lauchstädter Heilbrunnen im Frühjahr 2011 hat es diverse Versuche gegeben, das Areal wiederzubeleben. Immer wieder diskutiert wurden dabei Überlegungen, die Produktion wieder anlaufen zu lassen und in Lauchstädt abgefülltes Mineral- oder Heilwasser erneut am Markt zu etablieren.

Diesen Plan verfolgt auch eine Investorengruppe aus München, die die seit Jahren still stehenden Anlagen erneuern und den Lauchstädter Heilbrunnen mittelfristig am Markt etablieren möchte.

Ein weiteres Konzept sah vor, den sogenannten „Michael Jackson Mystery Drink“ in der Goethestadt abzufüllen. Eine Beteiligungsgesellschaft, die die Lizenz für das Pfirsich-Guarana-Getränk besitzt, wollte dementsprechend vor Ort investieren.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 10:05
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #14 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 12 – May 16 2013 – Summary


There was a motions hearing during the morning session about Frank Dileo emails and Conrad Murray’s police interview.
Jacksons is trying to get Frank Dileo’s emails. Jacksons believe there may be discussions between DiLeo and AEG about MJ/his health (ABC7). David Regoli, a lawyer for Mrs. Dileo, said Mrs. DiLeo asked him to review the subpoena by Katherine Jackson's attorney, go thru the emails and produce anything relevant to the parties. Media (AP) also reported that the same law firm represented Dileo family in regards to the subpoena but they no longer represent Mrs. Dileo.

Jackson's attorneys want to make sure AEG turned over all the email conversations AEG had with everyone about MJ. If it's proven they didn't, it could be a problem for AEG's attorney. Everyone is on standby. (ABC7)

Judge ruled that Murray’s June 27 LAPD interview is considered hearsay and it can’t be presented to the jury. Judge said Murray’s statement might be admissible if the former doctor testified in court.

Julie Hollander Testimony

Jackson Direct

In the afternoon session Julie Hollander, AEG's VP of Controller and Event Operation, has testified. She has been called as an adverse witness by Jacksons. (ABC7)

First part of her testimony was explaining who hired her (Timm Wooley) and what a CEO/CFO does. She works for AEG Live, under AEG.(ABC7)

Hollander said that in 2009 Wooley was more than just a tour accountant. Wooley came back to work in the "This Is It" tour. (ABC7)
Hollander says she reports directly to the CFO. She is in charge of financial report and accounting for the events produced by AEG Live (ABC7)

Hollander said she was responsible for overseeing 'the books' (accounting term) for anything related to the project "This Is It." "I'm responsible for making sure the books are maintained for the tours," Hollander described. The book is an electronic accounting system. (ABC7)

Hollander was responsible for the financial/accounting for "This Is It" tour. She estimated she worked on about 20 tours --several concerts. Hollander said she didn't prepare the budgets for TII tour. Wooley did. (ABC7) Hollander was responsible for overseeing the books and the general ledger of all transactions related to “This Is It,” but said it was AEG executive Timm Woolley who actually created and managed the budget and made sure people got paid. (LATimes)

She reported the budget primarily to Paul Gongaware. Hollander said budget was the costs expected to incur in the tour with developing the shows, taking show on the road, getting gear to London. Other budgeted costs: traveling for people involved, housing for some people involved and insurance. (ABC7)

Hollander said the company had a policy manual saying payment would be predicated upon the execution of the contract. “We had situations where contracts were signed later," Hollander said. "Due to abrupt end of the tour the contracts were being negotiated." (ABC7) She said, however, that there were situations where contracts were signed after Jackson’s death because “due to the abrupt end of the tour, deals were renegotiated.” (LATimes)

Hollander: "My role was to execute payments pursuing to executed contracts." (ABC7)

Hollander: "My understating was that Dr. Murray was part of the budget, is listed on the budget for the tour at the request of the artist." (ABC7)

She agreed she saw Dr. Murray's contract, but says it was un-executed, since it was not signed by all parties. (ABC7)

Panish: you don't know whether Dr. Murray was performing services for MJ?
Hollander: I don't know, I can't say for sure, not me, personally (ABC7)

Woolley advised her that Murray was “engaged at the request of the artist,” Hollander said, and added that the budgets were ultimately approved by Gongaware. (LATimes)"Timm Wooley advised me that Dr. Murray was being engaged at the request of the artist," Hollander testified, saying contract with AEG Live (ABC7)

Julie Hollander, vice president/controller of event operations for AE Live, testified in the wrongful death trial that Murray’s salary of $150,000 each for the months of May and June that year was included in a budget approved by executive Paul Gongaware. (LATimes)

Hollander said she used the term draft because the contract was not fully executed. Fully executed means all partied signed the contract. Hollander said that if all the terms of the contract were met and remained consistent, Dr. Murray would be paid retroactively from May 1, 09 (ABC7)

Hollander called the doctor’s contract with AEG a “draft” because, although it was signed by Murray, neither Jackson nor AEG had signed it.

“If Michael Jackson didn’t die and AEG signed, then AEG would owe the money, right?” Brian Panish, the Jackson family’s attorney, asked.

“If all parties signed it would have been a fully executed contract, yes, and I would have to — if the costs were approved — it would be no basis for me to say I’m not going to pay that,” Hollander said. (LATimes)

Hollander: There was $300,000 listed on the budget for Dr. Murray, yes. That budget was approved by Mr. Gongaware. (ABC7)

Panish: For London there was more than 1 million dollars in the budget to pay Dr. Murray, right?
Hollander: I don't recall a figure of $1Million (ABC7)

Brian Panish shows Hollander a large binder with 80 documents she reviewed to refresh her recollection.(ABC7)

Panish: AEG advanced money to MJ, is that right?
Hollander: Yes, it was an advance, recoupable in some capacity (ABC7)

Panish showed email from 5/18/09 from Hollander to Wooley: "Were in process of quickly putting together urgent re-forecast for Mr Anschutz"(ABC7)

On May 18, 2009, Hollander wrote an email to several executives asking for information that would help give AEG owner Philip Anschutz an idea of the upcoming tour profits.

“We are in the process of quickly pulling together an urgent re-forecast for Mr. Anschutz and need the latest and greatest on MJ,” her email read. “I recall that you were working on an update. Is it ready for consumption? I need something by tomorrow at the latest.… Once the numbers are in, I need direction from you with respect to the split between UK and US.”

Panish asked Hollander, “They weren’t asking you how the rehearsals were going, were they?”


“They wanted to know how much money would be made for the U.S. and how much money would be made for the U.K., correct?”

“Yes.” (LATimes)

Panish: Do you know if AEG ever performed a background check on Dr. Murray?
Hollander: I'm not aware of anything in that regard (ABC7)

Hollander said she did not know who negotiated the compensation for Dr. Murray. He was the only doctor budgeted for the tour. Memo: MJ wishes to have permanent physician available on call thru pre-tour/operational period. There are 2 months at $150K newly budgeted. (ABC7)

Hollander: I talked to Mr. Wooley about the inclusion of Dr. Murray in the budget. I talked to Mr. Trell as to the conditions he'd be paid (ABC7) Hollander said she spoke with Woolley about the inclusion of Murray on the budget and to AEG’s in-house attorney Shawn Trell about conditions under which the doctor would be paid. (LATimes)

Panish showed the jury the budget from 5/16/09 for 27 shows:
Management Medical --300,000; 450,000; 750,000
Total: $1.5 Million to pay Dr. Murray (ABC7)

Hollander verified a document created May 16, 2009, that listed dozens of changes to the “This Is It” budget. Murray was listed as item 29.

“MJ wishes to have a permanent physician available on call throughout the pre-tour period on operational period,” the document said. “There are 2 months at $150,000 newly budgeted.” (LATimes)

On April 30, 2009, Panish showed a document with $300,000 budgeted for management medical. (ABC7)

Dr. Emery Brown , Propofol expert from Harvard, is announced as the next witness to be called.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 10:26
Prince Jackson: Movie Time With the Cousins!

Friday, 17/05/2013, 10:49 am

princejackson-2Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Prince Jackson was spotted heading to the movie theaters to catch a showing of the new Star Trek on Thursday afternoon.

The King Of Pop’s son was accompanied by his cousin TJ Jackson with his wife Frances and their kids Royal, Dee Dee, and a baby girl.

Prince and his cousin TJ carried the kids on their shoulders on their walk to the theater. After the theaters, the family was did some shopping at the mall. (Archiv-Version vom 14.06.2013)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 10:48
Prince among men! Junior Jackson takes 'princess' girlfriend Remi Alfalah to slap up Italian meal in Beverly Hills

PUBLISHED: 00:33 GMT, 18 May 2013 | UPDATED: 07:05 GMT, 18 May 2013

Most 16-year-olds probably make do with the bowling alley and two romantic hot dogs.

But Prince Jackson is pop royalty and and because of that, he can offer a better standard of teen date than most.

So far, he's taken his new lady Remi Alfalah to watch The Rolling Stones and on Friday the twosome rolled up to upmarket Italian eaterie, Il Pastaio, in Beverly Hills.

article-0-19D82242000005DC-617 634x416
Young love: Prince Jackson and his new girlfriend Remi Alfalah enjoyed some lunch at Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills this afternoon

The restaurant isn't the cheapest choice for a teenager.

But for lunch you can select pasta or a salad for around twenty dollars, with a smattering of antipasti thrown in without breaking the Jackson bank.

The giddy duo chatted merrily as they waited for their edibles to come and looked relaxed in one another's company.

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What's his secret? At the moment it is a mystery what his girlfriend sees in the young multimillionaire-in-waiting

article-2326459-19D8E980000005DC-846 306
article-2326459-19D8E988000005DC-258 306
Cocky: Smug Prince knew he had her eating out of his hand thanks to his witty dinner table repartee
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Not down and out in Beverly Hills: Prince treated his bella to some tasty pasta for her lunch
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Casual: Prince's friend Remi was very stylishly dressed for a 16-year-old
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Who's that girl? Prince's girlfriend looks a bit like Madonna's daughter, Lourdes

Prince didn't exactly dress up for the afternoon on the town.

The youngster looked presentable though, in brown khaki pants, T-shirt and trainers.

And his girlfriend looked very chic for a youngster in white trousers, white shirt and khaki jacket with a pair of elegant sandals.

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Pretty backdrop: It was quite a grown up setting for the two youngsters
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Low-key: The pair kept themselves to themselves

Later in the day, Prince decided to have a night out with his cousin TJ to see the new Star Trek movie.

He'd changed into an apple green singlet, black shorts and black trainers.

They were joined by other members of the clan to see the hotly tipped scifi move

article-0-19D7F569000005DC-761 634x628
Family affair: Prince Jackson was spotted heading to the movie theaters to catch a showing of the new Star Trek on Thursday afternoon with his cousin TJ Jackson

They were the hottest tickets in town.

But when you are a Prince, or indeed a Princess, doors are always open.

Prince Jackson took his new girlfriend Remi Alfalah to watch the Rolling Stones in Los Angeles on Friday night.

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A Royal night out! Prince Michael Jackson and 'Kuwaiti princess' Remi Alfalah attend the Rolling Stones 50th Anniversary Concert at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on Saturday

Sitting side by side with their eyes firmly on the band, the pair appeared to be enjoying their night out.

Prince wore a T-shirt and a leather jacket, while his 15-year-old girlfriend was in a Rolling Stones shirt.

The teens met at the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California, where they are both juniors.

article-2313104-196EE8A1000005DC-718 634
Pedal to the metal: The couple have enjoyed a series of dates in the past several weeks, including go-kart racing on Tuesday

As the son of Michael Jackson, Prince has impeccable showbiz connections.
But they surely don't leave Remi awestruck.

For she is part of the Kumati royal family, despite her American upbringing.

Prior to dating Remi, Prince was romantically linked to another classmate, Niki Berger, as recently as February.

The young heartbreaker, who recently joined Entertainment Tonight as a correspondent, has been spotted driving his new flame around town in his Ford Raptor truck.

Like any other teen romance, they have also enjoyed trips to the bowling alley, go-karting and dinner.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 11:11
Michael Jackson manager's e-mails found, could be key in AEG trial

By Alan Duke, CNN
May 18, 2013 -- Updated 0229 GMT (1029 HKT)


* Frank DiLeo's laptop couldn't be found after Jackson's lawyers subpoenaed it
* AEG's lawyers represented DiLeo's estate in the fight to stop the subpoena
* Another lawyer kept a copy of the manager's e-mail file
* Jackson lawyers argue AEG forced Michael Jackson to take DiLeo as his manager

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A cache of e-mails believed lost when Michael Jackson's last manager's laptop disappeared could become key evidence in the wrongful death trial against AEG Live.

Lawyers for Michael Jackson's mother and three children don't know what they'll find in Frank DiLeo's e-mails, but they are hoping it will support their contention that DiLeo was beholden to the concert promoter and not to Jackson.

Jackson changed managers twice in the last three months of his life. In late March 2009, he hired Leonard Rowe -- one of his father's friends -- to replace Tohme Tohme, the manager who initially negotiated the deal with AEG for his "This Is It" tour.

Jackson lawyers argue that AEG Live forced Jackson to take DiLeo, who had worked for him off and on for decades, as his manager in May 2009 because they did not want to work with Rowe.

Their contention is part of their larger argument that AEG Live executives were liable for Jackson's death because they hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

AEG counters that it was Jackson who chose and hired Murray, not them. AEG lawyers argue that Jackson was responsible for his own death and that drug addiction led to his bad decisions.

The coroner ruled his death, which came near the end of preparations for a series of comeback concerts, was caused by an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol that Murray was using to treat Jackson's insomnia.

AEG Live contends its executives had no way of knowing the doctor was using propofol in the privacy of Jackson's bedroom.

The Jacksons are seeking billions of dollars in damages, equal to what Michael Jackson might have earned if he had not died on June 25, 2009. The Los Angeles trial began three weeks ago and is expected to continue into July.

The lawsuit contends AEG Live ignored warning signs about Jackson's health in his last weeks, and instead of getting him help they pressured Jackson and Murray to have him at rehearsals. DiLeo would have been part of that pressure, they contend.

"Get him a bucket of chicken," DiLeo said on June 19, 2009, in reply to concerns about Jackson's weight loss, makeup artist Karen Faye testified last week. "It was such a cold response, it broke my heart," Faye said through tears.

The next day -- June 20, 2009 -- DiLeo left a voice mail on Murray's cell phone. "I'm sure you're aware he had an episode last night. He's sick. Today's Saturday. Tomorrow, I'm on my way back. I'm not going to continue my trip. I think you need to get a blood test on him. We got to see what he's doing?"

DiLeo's e-mails were recovered after what the judge called "a lot of red tape and kind of cloudiness," that included the AEG's lawyers also representing the estate of DiLeo, who died in 2011, in fighting the Jacksons' subpoena for them.

"Because (DiLeo's widow) didn't have litigation counsel, we're representing her for the limited purposes of responding to that subpoena," AEG's lead lawyer, Marvin Putnam, told the judge.

Soon after an Ohio court ordered DiLeo's estate to give his laptop and e-mails to the Jackson lawyers, the AEG lawyers -- in their other capacity representing the DiLeo estate -- reported that they could not locate the computer or e-mails.

Jackson lawyers, however, learned that the DiLeo estate's previous lawyer -- Pennsylvania lawyer David Regoli -- kept a copy of the e-mail files. For the past several weeks, however, the AEG lawyers argued he had no authority to provide them to the Jacksons' lawyers for use in the case against AEG.

But in a phone call to the court this week, Regoli said he advised DiLeo's widow, Linda DiLeo, that "in my opinion, it was a conflict" for AEG's lawyers -- from the Los Angeles firm O'Melveny and Myers -- to represent her in the matter.

"She said that she never signed anything with O'Melveny and Myers to authorize them to represent her, and as of this moment they are not representing her anymore," Regoli said.

Linda DiLeo then rehired Regoli, which allows him to send the e-mails on to the Jacksons -- after removing any that are personal or not relevant to the case.

"I think I can give the court my assurances that I'll go through the documents that I have and I'll go through the e-mails, and anything that is related to the subpoena, I would obviously turn over," Regoli said.

As for the missing laptop, there was a simple explanation. Linda DiLeo "had told me her daughter had given it to a friend who needed a computer," Regoli said. "It wasn't a very new computer."

While the Jackson lawyers wanted to explore how AEG's lawyers came to represent the DiLeo estate in Ohio, the judge declined exploring the matter.

"All we know right now they're not representing her, and that's enough for us," Judge Yvette Palazuelos said.

The trial's fourth week starts Monday morning with AEG's chief counsel, Shawn Trell, on the witness stand. Jackson lawyers are expected to grill him about the contract negotiations with Michael Jackson and Murray.


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18.05.2013 um 11:21
Key Witness in Wade's
Molestation Lawsuit

MJ'S ehemalige Hausangestellte
wichtigste Zeugin in Wade's

5/18/2013 1:00 AM PDT


The Neverland housekeeper who graphically described seeing Wade Robson naked in a shower with Michael Jackson ... will play a huge role in whether Robson wins a cent from MJ's Estate in his new civil lawsuit, TMZ has learned.

Sources close to the case tell us Wade's lawyers are dissecting Blanca Francia's testimony during Jackson's 2005 molestation trial.

During the trial, Francia -- who worked at Neverland in the late '80s -- testified she witnessed Jackson showering naked with a 7 or 8-year-old Wade.

We obtained a transcript of the testimony in which Francia describes seeing Michael's underwear on the floor outside the shower, as well as Wade's child-sized neon green underwear.

She said she couldn't see what Michael was doing exactly because the shower door was fogged up, but said she heard him laughing.

Ultimately, Francia's testimony wasn't enough to sway the jury -- MJ was acquitted -- partly because Wade himself also testified, but insisted Michael never touched him.

TMZ broke the story ... Wade is planning to argue that MJ's companies -- MJJ Productions and MJJ Ventures -- had a duty to protect him because they were involved in recruiting him from Australia to work with Michael.

According to sources, Wade wants to use Blanca's testimony to show Michael abused him as a child. We're told Wade's lawyers are also trying to contact her to see if she will cooperate in the new case.


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18.05.2013 um 11:27

5/17/2013 4:40 PM PDT


Wade Robson surfaced in Hawaii with his wife and son on Friday ... sportin' an Aloha shirt and some flip flops following his "Michael Jackson molested me as a kid" media blitz.

We broke the story ... Wade recently sold his Santa Monica condo and skipped town to live with his wife and kid in her hometown on the island.

Wade shouldn't get too comfortable though ... he's gonna have to fly back to L.A. at some point to follow up on his claim against the Michael Jackson Estate.

In the meantime, it's 80 degrees in Hawaii right now ... with a slight chance of awesome.



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18.05.2013 um 11:33
I Hope to Inspire OTHER Molestation Victims to Come Forward

5/17/2013 9:55 AM PDT

Wade Robson says he feels LIBERATED after opening up about the alleged sex abuse at the hands of Michael Jackson on national TV ... and says he hopes he inspires other people to "speak their truth."

Robson had just landed at LAX yesterday after his big tell-all interview with Matt Lauer on the "Today" show -- and said he has no regrets about going public with his MJ accusations.

While Wade's story is under fire -- considering he so vehemently DEFENDED Michael during the 2005 molestation trial -- the dance choreographer says he hopes his decision to come forward will be viewed as inspirational.

"If my coming forward and speaking the truth can help, honestly, one [person] to gain courage to speak their truth and begin the healing process then that would really be more than I could ask."

TMZ broke the story ... Wade is going after the Michael Jackson Estate in court, claiming MJ sexually abused him as a child. Wade said he waited so long to take action because he didn't realize he was being abused until recently.


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18.05.2013 um 11:54
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...
Eintrag #1929 . User: Hope now
I just got off the phone with my friend and she said that the interview with Wade was on a local LA TV show. She said it was a 10-minute segment and his wife along with his son joined him. My friend stated that interviewer really hit him with tough questions, but he refused to answer them by saying, "I plead the 5th" other than that he pretty much said the same things he did with ML.

The interview appeared to be a last minute thing because she said he was wearing the same clothes he had on from the today show.

Ich habe gerade mit meiner Freundin telefoniert und sie sagte mir, dass das Interview mit Wade auf einer lokalen LA TV-Show lief. Sie sagte, es war ein 10-Minuten-Segment und seine Frau zusammen mit seinem Sohn gesellten sich zu ihm. Meine Freundin erklärte, dass der Interviewer ihn wirklich mit schwierigen Fragen getroffen hat, aber er weigerte sich auf diese zu antworten, mit den Worten: "Ich verweigere die Aussage." mit Ausnahme, dass er so ziemlich das gleiche gesagt hat, was er mit ML getan hat.

Das Interview schien eine Last-Minute Sache zu sein, denn sie sagte, er trug die gleiche Kleidung, die er auf der heutigen "today" Show trug.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 12:07
Son Of MJ Maid Who Claimed ‘King Of Pop’ Fondled Him Says He’s ‘Not Following’ Latest Molestation Case
Hot Deals

Posted on May 17, 2013 @ 3:15AM | By Dylan Howard

The son of Michael Jackson‘s former personal maid — who told a 2005 trial that Jackson had tickled and fondled him as a boy — tells that he purposefully isn’t following the latest molestation scandal surrounding the singer.

Jason Francia says he’s shut all news about the King Of Pop out of his life, after he previously claimed Jackson molested him on three occasions beginning when he was just seven.

“I haven’t followed anything regarding MJ,” Francia tells Radar exclusively.

In fact, Jason reveals he only learned about Wade Robson‘s court claims when he was approached for comment by media outlets.

Robson, who staunchly defended Jackson in all of his criminal investigations since 1993, reversed his position in April, asking a Los Angeles probate court to allow him to file a late creditor’s claim against the Jackson estate.

In a sit-down interview with Matt Lauer on TODAY, Robson called Jackson, who died in 2009 at age 50, a “pedophile and a child sexual abuser.”

“This is the first i’m hearing about all of this,” admitted Jason, when asked if Robson’s 2013 position vindicated his prior testimony that Jackson had molested him and that of his mother, Blanca, who alleged she saw the pop star showering and laughing with a young boy at Neverland Ranch — with their underwear lying outside the shower door.

“I haven’t followed these news (stories) at all; that’s what i get for not following news on the MJ stuff.”

Jason and his mom reached an out-of-court financial settlement with Jackson in which the entertainer denied wrongdoing.


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18.05.2013 um 12:09
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 7h
@sanemjfan did you see that radaronline reached out to Jason Francia? He says he doesn't follow mj stories
4:15 AM - 18 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 12:18
KT ‏@caramelicedtea 2h
@Ivy_4MJ @sanemjfan info about Jason Francia for people to share/post in comments
Retweetet von sanemjfan
9:46 AM - 18 Mai 13

Info about Jason Francia

While Blanca Francia falsely accused Jackson of being inappropriate with Wade Robson, her son, Jason too made allegations against the star: he claimed Jackson inappropriately tickled him three times during the period his mother was employed by the entertainer.

When the police first interviewed Jason Francia in 1993, the only boy claiming abuse by Jackson was the original accuser, Jordan Chandler. The police interviewed dozens of children but could not find any other child willing to corroborate the Chandlers' claims, despite the investigators engaging in questionable methods [link]. This is how they got to Blanca Francia’s then 13-year-old son, Jason, on November 4, 1993 and then again on March 24, 1994. It was the police who initiated the contact, Blanca and Jason Francia never turned to authorities.

To the police, Jason Francia initially denied that Jackson had ever done anything inappropriate to him. He said: "I’ll just say this out flat. I don’t remember him trying anything with me except for the tickling" [6]. When the police pressured him to “remember” wrongdoings by Jackson, he maintained: "If I don’t remember, I don’t remember" [6].

At Jackson’s 2005 trial, Jason claimed that he initially denied impropriety because of embarrassment. However, audio tapes and the police transcripts of his 1993-94 interviews reveal how investigators pressured and lead him to create allegations against the star. In a Motion in 2005, Jackson’s defense classified these interviews as “textbook examples of improperly suggestive interrogations” [7].

A paper written by Kenneth E. Blackstone, a member of the American College of Forensic Examiners International and an expert of sexual offense investigation presents what interviewing methods can make a child’s testimony tainted and unreliable and lead to false allegations: . On page 11-12 of his paper he gives a list of nine factors which raise suspicion of an improper interrogation that can lead to false allegations. At least 7-8 of those nine factors can be observed in the interrogations of Jason Francia.

For example, on November 4, 1993, in a police interview, Francia told investigators he did not remember Jackson ever putting his hand anywhere that made him feel uncomfortable. Detective Vincent Neglia was not satisfied with that answer and made it very clear what answer he would be satisfied with, by suggesting to the boy that his memories were wrong and blatantly suggesting what he should “remember”:

Det. Neglia: Okay, but what I am getting at is that maybe I am not being obvious enough. What I am saying is maybe he put his hands someplace on you where he shouldn’t have. Maybe he put his hands on you someplace that made you feel uncomfortable. And that’s why you are not remembering. It's like there is a little bit of "Oh, I can't remember that guy's name and I don't remember his last name, and I just don' remember that. No I don't want to remember that, no I can't remember." It’s a little of bit of a different kind of not remembering, one is because you are choosing not to, and one is that you just can’t call back the uh, the event. And I think of what you doing is tickling and all this stuff, is trying forcing yourself not to remember. And you also kind of got to the one where you're saying that fourth time at the party you said something like, "That was the time." What time was it Jason: What was the time?“ [7]

At other times during the interviews investigators lied to the boy and said that other boys, such as Macaulay Culkin, had been molested by Jackson and the only way they could rescue them was if Jason said incriminating things about Jackson.

“Det. Neglia: I realize how hard this is. I realize how painful it is to think of these things you tried so hard not to think about but you are doing fine. And you are also helping the kid that he is bothering now.
Jason Francia: What do you mean he’s bothering?
Det. Birchim: He’s doing the same thing.
Jason Francia: Macaulay Culkin.
Det. Neglia: Only he’s getting a lot more into it. Like your mother pulled you out of there. Macaulay’s mother is not going to pull him out of there. They are feeding him.
Det. Birchim: He’s doing worse stuff.
Det. Neglia: It’s much worse with him.” [7]

They claimed Corey Feldman had drug problems because Jackson molested him:

“Det. Neglia: He’s a junkie now, he gets arrested, he doesn’t act or anything. He gets high. He packs his nose with cocaine and he’s going to die by the time he is 22 years old.
Jason Francia: How old is he?
Det. Neglia: About 21. But that’s the kind of life he is living, and it’s got to do with being exposed to people like this, and having nobody to protect them and to take them out.
Det. Birchim: Like you had your mom.
Det. Neglia: Like your mom pulled you out, and you’re, you’re candid, and you’re (sic) honesty with us is going to help us. To pull the next kid out, it might even be too late for Macauly (sic) already. But these kids that he’s traveling with are on tour right now. Maybe we can pull them out of it… “ [7]

Both Culkin and Feldman always stated very firmly to authorities and the public alike that Jackson never molested them and never touched them in an inappropriate way.

The investigators referred to Jackson as a “molester”[6] in their interviews with Francia, even though they did not have any evidence against him. They also used derogatory profanity against Jackson, for example, saying: “he makes great music, he’s a great guy, bullshit" [6]. At one point, after the investigators told Francia what they thought Jackson did to him, the boy said "Well, I’ll have to work on that" [6]. In one of the interviews Francia said: “They [the interrogators] made me come out with a lot more stuff I didn’t want to say. They kept pushing. I wanted to get up and hit them in the head” [6]. In the second interview, on March 24, 1994 Francia indicated he was aware of the fact that another boy (Jordan Chandler) had sued Jackson for money [6].

In his 1993-94 interviews, after initially denying any wrongdoing by Jackson, Jason Francia gave in to the pressure. Case in point, in 2005, while under cross-examination by Jackson’s lawyer, Thomas Mesereau, he admitted that he said things in those interviews because he “was trying to figure out how to get out of there” [6]:

Q. Remember telling the police, “You guys are pushy”?

A. Yeah. I remember telling the police that.

Q. Okay. And after they kept pushing you, you finally said, “You know, I think he did tickle me,”right?

A. No.

Q. Do you remember that? Do you remember at first saying you didn’t know, and then after --

A. Yeah, I remember saying at first, “I don’t know.”

Q. And after telling the police, “You guys are pushy,” you eventually finally said, “Yes, he tickled me,” right?

A. I believe that’s how it went.

Q. Okay. You kind of went back and forth during the interview, didn’t you? One second you’d say, “He tickled me,” and the next second you’d say you’re not sure, right?

A. I was trying to figure out how to get out of there.

Q. I understand. And you remember exactly how you felt in 1993 during the interview, right?

A. The feeling of, yeah, crying and crappiness. [6]

It was also revealed that after the police’s first interrogation of Jason Francia in 1993 he was sent to therapy to a counselor called Mike Craft, and District Attorney, Thomas Sneddon was present at least one time in Craft’s office while Jason was there, though Jason could not tell what communication went on between the two men and why Sneddon was there at all. According to an article in the USA Today on February 7, 1994, the therapist Jason Francia was sent to was arranged and paid by the county sheriff’s office after the mother of the boy expressed concern about the fact that sheriff deputies met and called her son while she was not present [9].

How much the prosecution trusted the story they managed to pressure out of Jason Francia is indicated by the fact that they never filed charges against Jackson based on Jason Francia’s claims, although they were obviously desperate to find another alleged victim besides Jordan Chandler.

However, Jason’s mother, Blanca Francia, taking a page out of the Chandlers’ playbook: hired civil lawyers and at the end of 1994 threatened Jackson with a civil lawsuit. With the Chandler case behind him and a plan to release a new album in 1995, Jackson settled with the Francias out of court. As testified to during Jackson’s 2005 trial, two settlements were signed with the Francias – one with Blanca and another one with Jason Francia. Reportedly Jackson paid them $2.4 million.

It must be noted that only a criminal trial can send a perpetrator to jail; a civil trial can only result in a monetary award, so, like the Chandler settlement, this was not a case of Jackson buying his way out of a criminal indictment. [You can read more about the Chandler settlement here LINK.] Two Grand Juries had already decided in April 1994 not to indict Jackson. However, a civil trial could have resulted in a long, drawn out court process with lots of negative publicity for Jackson, which, regardless of the lack of credibility of the allegations and the outcome, would have affected Jackson’s ability to promote a new album. The language in both the settlements with Blanca and with Jason Francia emphasized that there was no admission of any wrongdoing on Jackson’s part. The fact that both Jason and Blanca Francia were called to testify at Jackson’s 2005 trial is a clear indication that such settlements of civil lawsuits do not and cannot prohibit anyone testifying at a criminal court.

During Jackson’s 2005 trial, Jason alleged the first act of impropriety occurred in 1987, at Jackson’s Century City condo, in Los Angeles, when Jason was about seven years old. According to his story, while his mother was cleaning the condo, he and Jackson watched cartoons on the television and Jackson supposedly started to tickle him which resulted in a “tickle contest” between the two. Jason claimed that while tickling him Jackson’s hand moved down to his crotch and he touched his genital area above his clothes.

A second act of impropriety was described, similar to the first one, occurring in the same place, again while watching cartoons, one and a half years later, this time when Jason was about eight, eight and a half years old. Jason again claimed, while watching cartoons, Jackson moved behind him and began “spooning” him. Jason claimed he started to tickle him and while doing so Jackson again touched his genitalia above his clothes. He claimed the contact with his genital area lasted at least about four, five minutes.

A third act of impropriety was claimed to have happened at Neverland in the arcade when Jason was about ten and a half years old. He claimed while playing a video game, Jackson again started to tickle him and somehow they ended up on the couch in a “spooning” position. Jason claimed that this time Jackson put his hand in his shorts and touched his testicles. He alleged this lasted about three to four minutes. At this point Jason felt the need to emphasize to the jury: “It took a lot of counseling to get over, just to let you know.” [6]

Jason further alleged that every time Jackson tickled him, the star put a hundred dollar bill in his pants. Jason claimed he never told his mother about the alleged abuse: "I don’t even think to this day she knows"[6], he said on the stand in 2005, even though his mother hired civil lawyers and threatened to sue Jackson over the allegations in 1994.

During the 2005 trial, Jason's Francia's testimony was not considered credible by the jury, and the improper police interrogations those led to his allegations were not the only reason. Other than the alleged impropriety, Jason Francia did not seem to know or remember anything on the stand and was caught in several contradictions and lies. At the very least, this young man seemed to have an extremely bad, unreliable and ever-changing memory.

At age of 24, he sat on the stand and claimed he did not know if he ever signed a settlement with Jackson. He claimed he had not heared about the payment his mother received from Hard Copy until two days before his testimony and that he never discussed it with his mother.

At first, he claimed he never told his mother he was improperly touched, but then admitted he did, claiming he was "mistaken" earlier. He claimed he never told the lawyers who represented him in 1994, Terry Cannon and Kris Kallman, that he was improperly touched, but later on in the testimony he said he did not know if he ever told them, and even later he said he did tell them.

In one of the 1993-94 interrogations Francia claimed that during a tickling episode he blacked-out and because of that he did not remember anything besides the tickling. In 2005, when Mesereau asked him if he had a black-out how could he have told the police that his mother was not in the room, he answered: “I blocked it out. I didn’t blank it out” [6]. Please note, Jackson’s condo was a small apartment and the alleged inappropriateness occurred while Blanca Francia was present, cleaning up and able to walk in on them at any time.

When the police asked Jason in 1993-94 if anything inappropriate had ever happened to him at Neverland he said "I was around too many people" and when they pressured him about the third account of tickling in the arcade, the incident where he now alleged Jackson put his hand in his pants - at the time initially Jason said he did not know if Jackson touched him inappropriately while tickling him. In actuality, he said he was not sure if Jackson even tickled him [6].

Mesereau pointed out that in an interview with the police in October, 2004 Jason claimed that this third tickling incident lasted more than ten seconds but he did not remember how long. At the trial, only a couple of months later, Jason suddenly remembered that it lasted for three to four minutes.

As for the money Jason allegedly received from Jackson after alleged acts of improper touching, when Jason Francia was initially interviewed by the police in 1993-94, he claimed that Jackson promised him money each time he read a book or achieved a good grade, because Francia had difficulties in school and with learning (in 2005 on the stand he admitted he still had problems with reading). This story later somehow evolved into Jackson putting money in his pants after each tickling.

During the trial, when asked if Attorney, Terry Cannon still represented him, Jason said “I don’t think so, no”[6] but later said he did not know if Cannon represented him. Mesereau reminded him that Cannon was present at a meeting Jason had with the prosecutors on December 6, 2004. At that meeting Jason did not want the interview to be tape-recorded. When Mesereau asked him why, at first he claimed to not remember that he made that request. Then when presented with documents that showed he indeed did, he could not testify what his reason was: “I don’t know”[6] and “Tape-recording is weird. I don’t know. No, I don’t” [6]. Documents also showed that he requested Cannon to be present at the interview but Jason said he did not remember why Cannon was there and whether he asked him to be there or not.

During the trial, when asked whether any criminal charges had ever been filed against Jackson based on his claims (there had never been), Jason answered: “I don’t know much. I don’t watch the news.” [6]

Mesereau asked Jason about another meeting with prosecutors held on November 19, 2004 when his mother was interviewed in the DA’s office. Again, Jason first claimed to not know anything about it: “I don’t know. Me and my mother don’t talk about that stuff much.” [6] However, when Mesereau pointed out to him that he was present at that meeting, Francia all of a sudden remembered: “Now I remember, yes.” [6] In actuality, not only was Jason present, but he too was interviewed by the prosecutors and he asked that the interview not be tape-recorded on that occasion as well. Again, Francia did not remember any of this: he did not remember that an interview by the prosecutors that lasted for about an hour, took place at all, although it happened only a couple of months before his testimony at Jackson’s trial!

So not surprisingly, Jason Francia did not make a good impression on the jury at Jackson’s trial. Jury Foreman, Paul Rodriguez told Nancy Grace in an interview after the verdict.

GRACE: Mr. Rodriguez, did you believe the boy that came in that is now a youth minister* that stated Jackson molested him in the past?

RODRIGUEZ: Well, we got a little problem with that because he had no idea where some of his money came from, and he didn’t want to talk to his mother. And so those kind of things that we kind of didn’t focus on, but it did keep — we kept that in the back of our minds.

GRACE: So would it be safe to say you did not believe him?

RODRIGUEZ: Yes, we had a hard time believing him. …[8]


GRACE: Yes. What about the one kid that became a youth minister*, who stated plainly Jackson molested his — fondled his genitals?

RODRIGUEZ: Again, like you said earlier, you know, about his scenario or his testimony, it was hard to buy the whole story, when he acted like he knew nothing about it. I mean, he acted so much like the mother of the other accuser, you know, he just didn’t seem that credible. He didn’t seem to convince us, like we wanted to be convinced. And he just — he was leaving too many little loopholes in his statements. [8]

(* The prosecution and the media constantly tried to make Jason Francia look more credible by emphasizing that he used to be a youth minister.)

It is very telling that Rodriguez put Francia’s testimony on par with that of “the mother of the other accuser”, Janet Arvizo, which was widely regarded, even by pro-prosecution journalists, as a disastrous testimony for the prosecution.


[1] Blanca Francia’s testimony at Michael Jackson’s 2005 trial (April 5, 2005)

[2] Lisa Campbell – The King of Pop’s Darkest Hour (Branden Publishing Company Inc., Boston, 1994)

[3] Wade Robson’s testimony at Michael Jackson’s 2005 trial (May 5, 2005)

[4] Michael Jackson: The Making Of A Myth - Part 1

[5] British GQ Magazine (May 2006)

[6] Jason Francia’s testimony at Michael Jackson’s 2005 trial (April 4-5, 2005)

[7] Supplemental Brief In Support Of Opposition To District Attorney's Motion For Admission Of Alleged Prior Offenses (March 25, 2005)

[8] Nancy Grace’s interview with jury foreman, Paul Rodriguez (, June 13, 2005)

[9] Officials desperate to nail Michael Jackson (USA Today, February 7, 1994)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 21:36
Quelle: MJJC . Eintrag #15 . User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 13 – May 17 2013 – Summary

Katherine, Rebbie and Trent Jackson are in court.

Jackson attorney Brian Panish has decided not to call Dr. Emery Brown a propofol expert. (AP) Panish told ABC7 he thought Dr. Brown's testimony wasn't going to add anything new to the jury. (ABC7)

There’s no witness available now to testify in the morning session, so Jackson attorney Panish plays video deposition of Marty Hom, defense expert witness. (AP & ABC7)

Marty Hom Video Depostion

Marty Hom has been in the music industry 25-30 years. (ABC7) Hom is a tour manager who’s worked with the Eagles, Bette Midler, Alicia Keys, Janet Jackson and other big-name acts. (AP).

The artist is usually who hires and pays him, Hom said. He gets a check from the artist. Hom doesn't know if MJ was paying Gongaware. Hom said his role changes from one tour to the next. He has to adapt quickly to the artist's need, since they are just very different. (ABC7)

Live Nation and AEG Live are the biggest companies in the business, Hom said. He's been friends with Randy Phillips for probably 10 years. Hom said he worked with Phillips and AEG Live once in the Bette Midler Tour in Las Vegas. Hom has no social relationship with Phillips. (ABC7) Hom said he knows AEG executives Paul Gongaware and Randy Phillips, who he called a friend. Hom said he and Phillips weren’t close -- they didn’t visit each others’ homes or otherwise socialize. (AP)

The music business in general is very small, Hom said, and Randy Philips used to manage a former client of his,Lionel Richie. Hom said he's never worked w/ Paul Gongaware. He knows him for many years, ran into each other all the time. He considers Gongaware a friend (ABC7)

“This business is a very, very small business. I probably know most of the people in this business,” Hom said during his deposition. (AP)

Jacksons attorney Kevin Boyle asked if Hom's friendship with Phillips and Gongaware, defendants in the case, would sway his testimony. Hom said he worked w/ Janet Jackson and met Mrs. Jackson as well. "I probably know everyone in the business, this is a very small business" (ABC7) He was questioned by plaintiff’s attorney Kevin Boyle, who asked Hom given his ties to AEG how he could convince the jury he was objective. Hom said he’s worked with Janet Jackson, and had met Katherine Jackson on a few occasions. (AP)

This is Hom’s first case serving as an expert witness. (AP) Hom said defendant's attorney called him asking if he'd be interested in being an expert witness in this case. Hom thought about it, agreed. Hom told the atty he didn't know what an expert witness makes. He was told they make between $400 - $500 an hour. They settled on $500/hour. (ABC7)

Hom: They just wanted me to testify in general scope on what I do for living. I think they were looking for someone who knew the tour biz (ABC7).

Hom said he's seen artists travel w/ physical therapists, masseuses, cooks, but he's not been on tour where artist takes doctor on the road. Hom said he hired doctors in individual cities when artist was ill, wanted B12 shots, crew was sick. Hom said the tour paid the doctor.(ABC7) Boyle asked Hom whether he’d ever hired a doctor to go on tour. Hom said no. He hires local doctors if an artist is sick or needs treatment. Marty Hom said he’d never worked on a tour in which the artist or artists’ brought along a doctor. (AP) Hom said he knew the Rolling Stones have physician on tour, Blink-182 also had doctors on tour, but he didn't know what their agreements are (ABC7)

"The doctor should look for the best interest of the artist," Hom opined, "I'd never put artist on stage if it wasn't for his best interest" (ABC7)

Boyle asked if Hom knew Kenny Ortega. Hom said yes. Boyle asked if Ortega would ever falsely sound alarm about artist health. Hom said no (ABC7)

Hom said it was not appropriate for the tour manager or promoter to inject themselves into the doctor-patient relationship. (LAtimes) Hom said he never injected himself in doctor-patient relationship. He said he didn't believe it was appropriate 4 concert promoters to do it. Hom: Is it appropriate? I don't know, but it's a question I have to ask for best interest of the show. I think it's a legitimate question. (ABC7)

Hom said he didn't see a problem asking the doctor questions. It's up to the physician to set the limits, he opined.(ABC7) Asked if it would be OK for someone to speak to the performer's doctor without the artist present, he answered, "I thought it was the doctor's responsibility to say no." (LATimes)

He said he knew of no instance where a promoter or producer had a private conversation with the artist's doctor.(LATimes)
Hom said he needs to know if artist can perform and/or for how long he needs to be on leave. That's why he'd ask doctor status of the artist. Hom said he would ask the doctor questions to determine what kind of condition the artist/dancer would be and his capability to do the tour (ABC7)

He testified that when performers were ill, "my natural instinct is to go to that doctor and ask him, 'Is that dancer going or musician going to be able to make that show in a week?”(LATimes)

He said he’d never gotten involved in a doctor-patient relationship. He said he does ask doctors about prognosis for injured artists. He said it’s a legitimate question to ask “How long is that musician going to be sick?” and similar questions for the sake of the tour. (AP)
Hom said it was proper for AEG lawyers to inquire of Murray whether Jackson would be able to perform all of the scheduled shows in London. (CNS)

He’s also worked with AEG on a couple occasions, including the Alicia Keys tour. He was approached about working on the Rolling Stones tour. (AP) Timm Wooley contacted Hom earlier this year to ask if he would be willing to be the tour manager for the Rolling Stones show. Hom said he was pretty busy this year, but since it's the Rolling Stones, he would like to throw his resume in the pot. Hom said AEG ended up hiring someone else to be Rolling Stones' tour manager. (ABC7)

Hom said that Dr. Murray asking for $5 million raised a red flag. "It's outrageous." (ABC7 &AP)

Hom said he's never seen a draft agreement between promoter/producer and a doctor. He's been in the business for 30 years. (ABC7)
Hom said he wasn't aware of promoter/producing ever paying artist personal manager. Plaintiff says they have evidence AEG paid MJ's manager (ABC7) (Panish said outside court that he will later introduce evidence that AEG was paying Jackson's managers, which could be a conflict of interest. – LATimes)

Boyle: Would you ever hire a doctor to give an opiate-dependent artist Demerol?
Hom: No

Boyle: Would you hire a doctor to be feeding the chemical dependency of the artist?
Hom: I would not (ABC7)

Hom also said he would never tell a director he had checked out a doctor if he hadn’t, a reference to claims by the Jackson family about an AEG executive (LATimes)

Hom said he had no opinion whether the defendants hired Dr. Murray. Hom never talked with Phillips, Gongaware or Wooley about MJ.(ABC7) Marty Hom said he had never talked to Gongaware and Phillips about Michael Jackson. (AP)

Plaintiff’s attorney Kevin Boyle asked Hom several questions about whether he wanted to work with AEG Live in the future. Hom said yes. (AP) Hom said he'd like to work with AEG Live in the future, not for them. He said the promoters don't have any saying on who hires him. Hom said he works for an artist, he's hired and paid by the artist, promoters have no say on his contract. (ABC7) Hom noted that AEG and Live Nation are the two biggest concert promoters. He wants to keep working with both of them, he said. (AP)

Julie Hollander Testimony

Katherine and Rebbie Jackson was not present for the afternoon session.

Jackson Direct

Plaintiff’s attorney Brian Panish walked her through "This Is It" concert budgets, both those generated before and after MJ’s death. The documents show that AEG budgeted to pay Murray for his work with Jackson as “preproduction cost.” Murray was never paid. (AP)

Panish showed Hollander a document from April 30, 2009. It shows management medical for $300,000. Hollander said her job was to facilitate payments and sometimes she approved payment as well. (ABC7)

Panish asked Hollander if people worked for AEG without fully executed contracts. She said yes, they may start work in general terms. Standard company police is that no payments are made without fully executed contract, Hollander said. The contract could get executed later. (ABC7)

"People commence work before their contract is executed, yes" Hollander said. (ABC7)

Panish said people did the work before MJ died, but got paid after he died. Hollander said she didn't recall specifics. Hollander said there were people who had contracts renegotiated after MJ's death. Hollander said AEG renegotiated contracts after MJ died to mitigate the burden on MJ's Estate. (ABC7)

Panish shows email from 7/10/09 asking Hollander to sign a tour contract so vendor could get paid. Hollander signed it after MJ had died. Panish shows email from 8/4/09 showing another vendor who negotiated contract after MJ died and got paid for prior services. (ABC7)

Panish also displayed several emails about how other vendors were paid, including makeup/hairstylist Karen Faye. The emails show some vendors were complaining about that they weren’t being paid after Jackson’s death. Hollander said many were paid. (AP)

One of the emails was regarding $11,500 that Karen Faye charged AEG for wigs she purchased for Jackson. After he died, AEG stopped a payment. Faye was upset that they rescinded the payment and was threatening to go to AEG Live CEO Randy Phillips. (AP)

Email from 6/30/09 from Randy Phillips to Holland: "This is from Karen Faye who did MJ's hair and makeup. She bought three wigs for use in the tour and one of them is going to be used for his final rest.” (ABC7) He was copied in on a message. “Pay it immediately,” Phillips wrote in an email. “Do not stiff any vendors.” (AP)

The amount for the wigs was $11,500, which Hollander said it's a nominal amount, thus there's no need for contract. (ABC7)

From time to time, Mr. Gongaware asked Hollander to expedite payment, she testified. He's an impatient person, vendors are important to him(ABC7)

As to Tohme Tohme, Hollander knows who he is, but is aware that at some point he was released from duties as MJ's manager. Hollander says she knew Tohme was terminated before MJ died, therefore had no legal power to sign on his behalf. (ABC7)

Panish said $36 million was spent in MJ's project. He asked if Hollander knew AEG filed claim against Lloyds of London 2 collect insurance. Hollander said she knew it through the press. She doesn't have recollection of specifically providing information for an insurance claim. (ABC7)

Panish shows Pre-Tour Cost Projection from 5/20/09 where AEG was to pay Dr. Murray $300,000. It was pursuant to the contract, Panish said. Budget prepared by Wooley, approved by Gongaware showed "Management Medical" and amounts to be paid to Dr. Murray are listed "Per Contract" (ABC7)

On 6/18/09, Hollander received email from Brigitte Segal, who worked on the tour for the estimated cost 4 some living arrangements in London. AEG pays for entertainment arcade & bowling alley because of precondition in terms of what MJ needed at the house as and part of the bargain. AEG pays for 3 of the local houses: Bush, Faye and Murray (wardrobe dresser, make-up/hair & personal physician). Pays for additional furniture, staffing, security, nanny, food. (ABC7)

Gongaware response on June 19, 2009: "I agree with Timm's allocation and the charges. Approved" (ABC7)

Hollander said AEG had to pay those costs pursuant to the terms of the contract for the tour, as advance payment. (ABC7)

Panish shows a pre-production budget vs what was paid. Dr. Murray still appears budgeted on 7/1/09 for $300,000. Hollander said she did not see a contract with Dr. Murray signed by AEG. Panish: If the $300,000 was supposed to be advance for MJ to be repaid, it would be under category "Artist's Advances". Hollander agreed. (ABc7) There was $300k listed for Murray under “preproduction costs” in “This Is It” budgets. It wasn't listed under terms MJ was supposed to pay. (AP)

Panish: Dr. Murray was supposed to be paid $150,000 per month, correct?
Hollander: Yes, according to the un-executed contract (ABC7)

Brian Panish ended his direct examination of Hollander by playing testimony from her deposition about 20 tours she’d handled finances for. (AP) Hollander said that "This Is It" tour was the first time she saw the situation where AEG Live hired a physician for the tour. It was also the first time she saw AEG Live pay for an artist's personal physician, Hollander said. (ABC7) Hollander said “This Is It” was the first time she’d seen costs for an artists’ physician included in a tour budget. (AP)

AEG Cross

AEG attorney Jessica Stebbins Bina started her questioning of Julie Hollander. Her early questions focused on money advanced to Jackson. Hollander told Stebbins Bina that it was her first time testifying and that’s why she was so nervous answering questions. (AP)

Hollander explained what advance meant, it was like cash advance and, depending on the contract, it would be paid back by the artist. Hollander testified that MJ was responsible for 100% of the production costs should the concert not go forward. But if the tour went forward, MJ was responsible for repayment of 95% of the costs and AEG would pay 5%. (ABC7)

Hollander said that if something is on the budget, it means it was planned to be paid. But things changed very often. (ABC7)

In the "This Is It" tour, Hollander said she had contracts with staging, lighting, choreographers, sound equipment, etc. She testified that only the contract that had been drafted for Dr. Murray required Michael Jackson's signature. (ABC7)

"My understanding was that Mr. Jackson had asked to include Dr. Murray in the tour personnel," Hollander explained. "Mr. Murray was requested by the artist, and that was my understanding," explained Hollander. (ABC7)

"I was instructed that no payments were to be made until MJ signed the contract," Hollander said, due to the personal nature of the services (ABC7) Hollander told jurors she was instructed not to pay Murray until Jackson signed the physician’s contract. (AP)

Hollander: Tour manager maintains the budget, negotiates some of the vendor's contract, may be involved in mitigating tax exposure. "My role (in TII tour) was to make sure the items created were in line with the budget made," Hollander described. (ABC7)

Hollander said she never saw a version of Dr. Murray's contract signed by AEG or MJ. AEG never paid Dr. Murray, Hollander said. (ABc7)

Before court adjourned, Hollander made the point that a budget is a guide for a concert tour. “A budget is just a tool,” Hollander said. She said sometimes an executed contract differs from the budget. In that case, the contract’s terms dictate the payments, Hollander said. (AP)


Hollander resumes testimony Monday morning, then AEG's general counsel Shawn Trell takes the stand.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 21:53
Quelle: Jackson.CH - Schweizer MJ Forum


17. MAI 2013

Nachdem am Mittwoch keine Zeugenbefragungen stattfanden, riefen gestern die Jackson Anwälte ihre nächste Zeugin in den Zeugenstand: Julie Hollander, (Finanz-)Controller bei AEG Live. Sie bestätigte, dass AEG im Jahre 2009 ein Budget über USD 300’000 für zwei Monate (Mai und Juni) Pflege von Michael Jackson durch Dr. Conrad Murray vorsah. Das Budget wurde von Paul Gongaware, co-CEO von AEG Live, bewilligt.

Julie Hollander war verantwortlich für die Rechnungsbücher und das allgemeine Konto für alle Transaktionen im Zusammenhang mit den “This Is It” Shows. Jedoch, so Hollander, war Timm Woolley, ein AEG Executive, für das Budget selbst und die Sicherstellung, dass die Leute bezahlt wurden, zuständig. Hollander sagte aus, dass Woolley sie informiert hatte, dass Conrad Murray “auf Wunsch des Künstlers angestellt” worden sei. Den Vertrag zwischen Conrad Murray und AEG bezeichnete die Zeugin als Entwurf, da nur Conrad Murray ihn Zeitpunkt unterzeichnet hatte und weder Michael Jackson noch AEG den Vertrag gegengezeichnet hatten. “Wenn Michael Jackson nicht gestorben wäre und AEG unterzeichnet hätte, würde AEG [Murray] das Geld schulden, richtig”, fragte Brian Panish, der Jackson Anwalt, die Zeugin. Ja, so Hollander, wenn alle Vertragsparteien unterzeichnet hätten, wäre es ein rechtsgültiger Vertrag gewesen, der die Rechtsgrundlage für die Lohnzahlungen gewesen wäre.

Als nächstes wurde sie zu einem Dokument befragt, das am 16. Mai 2009 erstellt worden war und das Dutzende von Änderungen in Bezug auf das “This Is It” Budget aufwies. Punkt Nr. 29 auf jener Liste war Conrad Murray. Kommentar zu diesem Punkt war: “MJ wünscht während der Zeit vor Tourbeginn einen permanenten Arzt zur Verfügung zu haben. Entsprechend wurden neu zwei Monate zu USD 150’000 budgetiert.” Gestützt auf diese Änderung sprach Hollander mit Woolley und AEGs Unternehmsanwalt Shawn Trell betreffend die Bedingungen, unter denen der Arzt bezahlt werden sollte. Zwei Tage später, am 18. Mai 2009, schrieb Hollander eine E-Mail an verschiedene Direktoren von AEG, um Informationen zu erhalten, die Philip Anschutz, dem Eigentümer von AEG, dazu dienen sollten, sich ein Bild über die bevorstehenden Gewinne im Rahmen der “This Is It” Shows zu machen. In der E-Mail heisst es: “Wir sind dabei, rasch eine dringende aktualisierte Vorhersage für Herrn Anschutz zusammen zu stellen und benötigen dafür ‘the latest and greatest’ [das Neuste und Beste] von MJ. Ich mag mich erinnern, dass ihr an einem Update gearbeitet habt. Ist der schon parat? Ich brauche etwas spätestens bis morgen… Sobald ich die Zahlen habe, brauche ich eure Anweisung, wie diese zwischen England und USA aufgeteilt werden sollen.” Gestützt darauf fragte Brian Panish Hollander: “Niemand fragte nach, wie die Proben verliefen, richtig?” Nein, so Hollander. “Die wollten wissen, wieviel Geld sie für die USA und England verdienen würden, richtig?” Ja, antwortete Hollander.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 22:08
Ivy ‏@Ivy_4MJ 5h
TMZ is reporting Wade is planning to use MJ's maid Blanca Francia as key witness. MJ fans all around the world laugh & say "you are toast"
4:35 PM - 18 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 22:30
na da bin ich ja mal gespannt, was in diesen E-Mails von Dileo steht. Wenn die die erst auswerten, wird es noch länger dauern, als vorhergesagt. Aber die Mails werden bestimmt doch mehr Einblick geben.
Trotzdem kann man doch feststellen, daß dieser ganze Prozess für die "Katz" ist. Die widersprechen sich alle und deshalb ist das für mich ein riesengroßer Zirkus.
Allein die Karen Faye widerspricht sich bzw. ist sie eine Drama-Queen. Am Ende schieben sie dem Dileo alles in die Schuhe, weil der sich auch nicht mehr äußern kann.
Mir ist nach wie vor schleierhaft, wieso die wichtigsten Zeugen hier keine Aussage machen bzw. gar nicht als Zeugen aufgeführt sind. Ich will die Grace und den Murray und der soll unter Eid aussagen. Obwohl, das hat ja bei denen auch keine Bedeutung.
Also hat der Murray gar kein Geld von AEG erhalten, weil Michael den Vertrag nicht unterschrieben hatte.
Da habe ich ja wieder den Verdacht, daß Michael nicht unterschreiben wollte und es deshalb zum Streit kam, der Murray hat für mich noch mehr Dreck am Stecken. Es ging schließlich auch bei ihm nur ums Geld und ich wette, die Tour stand auf der Kippe und genau darüber haben die vor Michaels Tod gestritten.
Michael hat gewußt, daß er die Konzerte nicht macht, das ist meine Überzeugung 100 %.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.05.2013 um 22:42
Mich ärgert, daß alle Jacksons wieder verdächtig still sind.

ℳմz♪ʞғact๏rƴ₮ωσ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO 15h
Jackson family talk when they need to shut the F up & remain silent when they reeealy need to speak up! Gezus!!!

Passt doch, oder?

Die lassen das zu, was da jetzt passiert, statt mal ein Statement abzugeben, shame on Jacksons.

Aber was will man von denen erwarten, die sitzen jetzt jeden Tag im Gerichtssaal herum, weil sie auch blos Geld haben wollen, wie alle anderen. Shame.
