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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 20:58
How sweet! Prince Jackson goes from royal treatment to normal teen date as he takes girlfriend Remi Alfalah out for ice cream

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 02:06 GMT, 2 June 2013 | UPDATED: 18:34 GMT, 2 June 2013

Prince Jackson went from giving his teenage girlfriend the lavish royal treatment to simple ice cream on Saturday at the mall.

The 16-year-old son of Michael Jackson has recently taken sweetheart Remi Alfalah, also 16, to watch The Rolling Stones in concert, and to meals at celebrity hotspots Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills and Madeo in West Hollywood.

But the youngsters took it down a notch during a visit to the popular outdoor shopping centre The Grove in Los Angeles.

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Regular date: Prince Jackson took girlfriend Remi Alfalah to a normal teenage outing on Saturday as they went to The Grove outdoor shopping mall and enjoyed some ice cream

Prince and Remi, who is reportedly a Kuwaiti princess, looked like your average teenagers as they walked together enjoying their frozen desserts.

The shaggy-haired Prince had on a typically casual outfit and opted for khaki green cargo shorts, a white Gracie Jiu-Jitsu T-shirt and hiking shoes.

Remi dressed comfortably in black leggings, a white T-shirt with black print and black ankle boots.

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Follow the leader: Remi was a couple steps ahead of Prince at The Grove

She also had a small black handbag hanging from her hip, sported dark sunglasses and had a black leather jacket.

Prince went for the cone option with his ice cream, while Remi opted for the cup.

The teens met at the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California, where they are both juniors.

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Teenage romance: Prince and Remi have been spotted out and about a lot together lately
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Outdoor mall: Prince and Remi joined the crowd at the outdoor mall

Prince was romantically linked to another classmate as recently as February, but has been spotted frequently driving Remi around town in his Ford Raptor truck.

The son of the late King of Pop earlier this year joined Entertainment Tonight as a correspondent and also made his acting debut last month in the season finale of Beverly Hills 90210.

Like other teen romances, Prince and Remi also have enjoyed trips to the bowling alley and go-karting.

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Cone or cup?: Prince answered the eternal question with a cone, while Remi went with a cup
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Sharing a laugh: Prince and Remi look relaxed in each other's company as they browsed the outdoor shops
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Literary lovers: The young couple picked up some reading material from Barnes & Noble book store

The young couple got into the swing of summer on a hot Saturday afternoon as they wandered around the popular outdoor shopping centre in West Hollywood.

They are heading into the long summer break, but the high school students still made the time to shop for books at Barnes & Noble, carrying a big bag full of their purchases.

Both attend Buckley private school in Sherman Oaks, California, where they are wrapping up junior year.

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Summer loving: The cute pair dug into frozen treats from Haagen-Dazs ice cream
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Martial arts: Prince wore a T-shirt from famed fitness academy Gracie Jiu-Jitsu


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 21:06
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 14. Teil

1. Juni 2013

Und weiter ging’s gestern mit Paul Gongawares Befragung durch Jackson Anwalt Brian Panish. Scheinbar gibt es jedoch nicht viel Neues zum Fall selbst zu berichten. Wahrscheinlich hatte der Co-CEO von AEG wie bereits die ganze Woche über mit akuten Gedächtnisproblemen zu kämpfen. Zwei Themen, die von der LA Times aufgegriffen wurden vom gestrigen Prozesstag: die ominöse Geschichte betreffend die Anzahl der “This Is It” Konzerte sowie die nicht minder ominösen äusseren Umstände betreffend Michael Jacksons Ankündigung der London Konzerte im März 2009.

Gongaware sagte, der Grund, weshalb London für die “This Is It” Shows ausgewählt wurde, war, weil Michael dort sehr beliebt war. Während einer anderen Tour hatte er im Wembley Stadium 10 Konzerte à 75’000 Plätze ausverkauft gehabt. Ursprünglich waren 10 Shows geplant gewesen. Die Anzahl wurde dann aufgrund der riesigen Nachfrage zunächst auf 31 Shows erhöht, weil Michael Jackson Princes O2-Rekord von 21 Konzerten übertreffen wollte, und am Ende sogar auf 50 Konzerte erhöht, so Gongaware. Der Co-CEO hatte sich sogar gewünscht, dass Michael Jackson noch mehr Shows geben würde. Das ist ja nun alles nicht neu für uns. Leider wurden (noch) keine weiteren Informationen zu diesem Thema gegeben. Gerichtsprotokolle sind auch noch nicht verfügbar. Sobald wir mehr erfahren, informieren wir Euch selbstverständlich. Der Vertrag zwischen MJ und AEG insbesondere betreffend das umstrittene Thema der Anzahl der Shows wird sicherlich noch Gegenstand des Prozesses und eingehend behandelt werden. Im Moment ist uns auch nicht bekannt, ob Gongawares Befragung nächste Woche fortgesetzt wird. Ich vermute es mal.

Zurück zum Freitag. Ihr mögt Euch eventuell noch an die E-Mail von Randy Phillips an Paul Gongaware erinnern betreffend Michaels Auftritt für die Ankündigung der “This Is It” Shows in London Anfang März 2009. Wenn nicht, hier nochmals, was CEO Randy Phillips an dem Tag an Gongaware schrieb: “MJ ist betrunken und niedergeschlagen und und hat sich in seinem Zimmer eingeschlossen. Ich versuche, ihn auszunüchtern. Ich hab ihn so laut angeschrien, dass die Wände gezittert haben. Er ist ein emotional gelähmtes Wrack, voll von Selbsthass und Zweifel, nun da es Showtime ist”. Und was hatte Gongaware dazu zu sagen, als er damit im Zeugenstand von Brian Panish konfrontiert wurde? Ja, er habe sich geärgert, als Michael zwei Stunden zu spät kam, aber er war nicht wirklich überrascht. Michael hatte solche Auftritte nicht gemocht und Pünktlichkeit sei nicht seine Stärke gewesen. Aber als Michael Gongaware vor der Pressekonferenz hinter der Bühne sah, “kam er auf mich zu und umarmte mich und sagte, ‘Stell sicher, dass der Teleprompter grosse Buchstaben hat. Ich habe meine Brille nicht dabei’.” Michael Jackson habe weder nach Alkohol gerochen noch erschien er betrunken. “Es ging ihm gut. Ich glaube, er war aufgeregt”, so Gongaware. Auch AEG Anwalt Marvin Putnam — der, erinnert Ihr Euch noch, ja der Meinung ist, die Jackson Anwälte hätten bis anhin keinerlei relevante Beweise für ihren Fall aufzeigen können — meinte in einem früheren Interview mit The Times dazu, dass Randy Phillips in seiner E-Mail übertrieben hatte und dass Michael Jackson einfach nur nervös war.

Für wie blöd halten diese Leute uns alle eigentlich? Oder vorsichtiger gesagt: irgend jemand sagt hier nicht die Wahrheit. Ich bin ja schon gespannt, was Randy Phillips uns dann erzählen wird. Brian Panish wird ihn sicherlich auch noch zu dieser und diversen anderen E-Mails, an die sich Gongaware gar nicht mehr oder nur sehr langsam und mühsam wieder erinnern konnte, befragen.


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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 21:59
So wie ich es heute in einer Sendung verstanden habe, kommt die Paris nach Malle und macht dort so eine Wette, wahrscheinlich befragt der Lanz sie dann noch bissel.
Latunta wird sie doch nicht begleiten, die macht doch ihre "dumme" Sendung. Aber vielleicht kommt der TJ mit, ich denke aber, daß wir den Wiesner zu Gesicht bekommen. Der ist auf jeden Fall da involviert. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, denn der Joe ist ja auch hier irgendwo unterwegs.

Was Jermaine Jacksun betrifft:
Das ist sicher so ein Projekt, wie dieses Museum in Gary :D - "Unvollendet"
Aber da fällt mir ein, hatte nicht der Jermaine mal eine Halle in Texas besichtigt? Da wollte er doch auch irgendetwas eröffnen mit Jackson-Exponaten. Meine Vermutung ist, daß es sich um geklaute Stücke aus Michaels Hinterlassenschaft handelt. TT ist ja schließlich auch mit im Spiel, der hat Neverland ausgeräumt und in diese Halle von dem Livington (oder wie der hieß) getragen. Na da wird einiges für Jermaine abgefallen sein und natürlich auch für die vielen anderen "Familienmitglieder". Ja und dort im Nahen Osten kommt ja eh kaum einer hin und überprüft das. Ich hoffe, es ist eines von den Jacksons ungelegten Eiern.
Man kann sich nur wundern! Ich hoffe wirklich, daß die langsam mal alle boykottiert werden.
Habe zu diesem Bericht bei TMZ diesen Kommentar gefunden, der hat zwar nichts mit Jermaine zu tun, aber mit dieser anderen falschen Schlange aus der Familie, schau mal:

Kommentar Nr.7

That's some funny ass ****!...LaToya looks like an ASIAN ASS FOOL! LaZoya is the phoniest & most fake creep wannabe in California. She's not only UGLY but DUMB. (I'm a Black woman)

Read more:

OMG, die Kommentare, ich komme vor Lachen nicht in den Schlaf.

3x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 22:15
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:So wie ich es heute in einer Sendung verstanden habe, kommt die Paris nach Malle und macht dort so eine Wette, wahrscheinlich befragt der Lanz sie dann noch bissel.
Latunta wird sie doch nicht begleiten, die macht doch ihre "dumme" Sendung. Aber vielleicht kommt der TJ mit, ich denke aber, daß wir den Wiesner zu Gesicht bekommen. Der ist auf jeden Fall da involviert. Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten, denn der Joe ist ja auch hier irgendwo unterwegs.
ja, die Gäste auf dem Sofa, sind doch gleichzeitig "Pate" für einen "Wett-Kandidaten" ... vielleicht hat ja auch das Thema der Wette, etwas mit Michael Jackson zu tun ...
wir werden es bald erfahren ... hahaha
ja, als "Betreuer" könnte der grauhaarige Mann aus Rodgau, mal wieder in Erscheinung treten ... der muß sich doch den Jacksons gegenüber immer unentbehrlich zeigen ... :)
genau, es gibt aber auch noch andere Begleitmöglichkeiten ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 22:19
Vielleicht erzählt sie auch von ihrem Filmprojekt (was wahrscheinlich auch eine Ente ist)

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 22:39
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Vielleicht erzählt sie auch von ihrem Filmprojekt (was wahrscheinlich auch eine Ente ist)
ja, vielleicht ... nach einem Programmhinweis soll sie ja angeblich über ihre Erfahrungen als Schauspielerin berichten ... hääää, na mit großen Erfahrungen kann sie da doch gar nicht aufwarten ...
denn bisher ist sie NUR die Tochter von Michael Jackson und darüber könnte sie dann ihre Erfahrungen zum Besten geben ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 22:47
hahaha, Erfahrungen als Schauspielerin! Vielleicht hat sie ja doch heimlich einen Film gedreht und sie macht jetzt die Ankündigung :D :D :D
Ja eigentlich hat sie gar nichts getan, es ist einfach ungerecht den anderen Jugendlichen gegenüber, daß sie so bevorzugt wird, da kann sie auch völlig talentfrei sein, sie wird auf jeden Fall gepampert!!!
Normalerweise kommt man ja nur in so eine Sendung, wenn man prominent ist und irgendetwas geleistet hat, was uns gefallen hat oder gefallen würde. Es ist seeeeehr stark übertrieben, die dahin einzuladen.
Wir werden sehen, vielleicht will der Lanz tatsächlich bissel über Neverland schwätzen, weil er doch dort war und es ihm dort gefallen hat. Das wäre für mich jetzt das einzig versöhnliche zu diesem Auftritt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 22:49
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Das ist sicher so ein Projekt, wie dieses Museum in Gary :D - "Unvollendet"
Aber da fällt mir ein, hatte nicht der Jermaine mal eine Halle in Texas besichtigt? Da wollte er doch auch irgendetwas eröffnen mit Jackson-Exponaten.
Wollte Jermaine nicht ein Restaurant eröffnen ???? habe den Bericht bisher nicht finden können ...
Jermaine hat wie immer ne große Klappe, mehr nicht ... :) :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.06.2013 um 22:54
Ja ein Restaurant wollte er in LA eröffnen und zwar mit Michael-Erinnerungsstücken, dann wurde er in Texas, kann auch Memphis gewesen sein, gesichtet. Da hat er nach einer Halle gesucht, wo er ausstellen kann, tja und jetzt geht's nach Übersee, Tohme wird ihm sicher dabei hilfreich zur Seite stehen!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 08:10
bei LSA "entdeckt" ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 08:17
Quelle: MJJC ~ Eintrag #23 ~ User: Ivy

Jacksons vs AEG - Day 21 – May 31 2013 – Summary

Katherine and Rebbie Jackson are at court.

Paul Gongaware

AEG Cross

Putnam asked Gongaware if he had any understanding as to why MJ was taking painkiller. Gongaware: Before 3rd leg of Dangerous tour started, he had scalp surgery, hit nerve or something it was very painful; was treated for that . "When he did the Pepsi commercial, his hair was burn at the top," Gongaware explained, saying they did surgery so hair would look natural. "I didn't know it was an addiction," Gongaware said, and that he learned MJ had drug problems after Mexico City. (ABC7)

Gongaware did a Rod Stewart tour in North America after Dangerous tour. He next worked with Michael in the "HIStory" tour in 1996/97. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he did not have a general concern with MJ having a drug addiction. After shows ended in Hawaii, Michael had lost $27 million, was in debt $11 million to lighting and sound, Gongaware testified. He switched managers to fixed things up in yhe second half of the tour, Gongaware explained. Gongaware said he had to cut lot of expenses. They wanted to give Michael the same show, but he said there was so much excess to be trimmed. Second half of the tour, Gongaware was the tour executive and he worked directly for MJ. It netted $14 million, $11 million paid vendors. We got the tour to break even, Gongaware testified, saying he worked closely with Jackson on the second half of the tour.(ABC7)

Putnam: Was there an ongoing concern Mr. Jackson was having problems with painkillers during the HIStory tour? Gongaware: No, not at all . Gongaware said he didn't see anything that would suggest Michael was addicted to painkillers. The exec testified MJ didn't have doctor traveling with him on the second half of the tour and there was no tour doctor with the tour. Putnam: How was MJ on the HIStory tour? Gongaware: Great! He was sensational! Gongaware said MJ only missed one show on HIStory tour when Princess Diana died. "He went to bed, knew about the accident.". MJ was told Diana was going to be okay and next morning he learned she died, Gongaware described. "That affected him greatly." Gongaware said he missed shows in Dangerous tour but not in HIStory tour. Putnam asked if there were signs MJ was using painkillers during HIStory tour. "No indication at all. I didn't think he was," Gongaware said. Gongaware said he would certainly notice if there was any problem during that tour. Gongaware said when he went on tour with MJ in HIStory, he wasn't on any drug. (ABC7) Gongaware also said he didn’t recall a doctor being on that tour, despite doctors being present on “Dangerous” tour. (AP)

Gongaware said HIStory tour was pretty smooth. It ended in 1997. Right after, Gongaware said Michael called him as asked him to work for him. "He liked my work, he liked what I did," Gongaware said, adding that MJ wanted him to be his business manager. Gongaware said he didn't accept the offer and decided to go out on his own to promote concerts. He was tempted, Gongaware said, but he had lined up what he wanted to do. He worked with Yani next. (ABC7) Instead, Gongaware went on tour with Yanni. “It was tempting, but I wanted to do other things. I wanted to be out on my own,” he said. (AP)

AEG defense attorney Marvin Putnam then asked Gongaware to describe the founding of his company, and its purchase by AEG. Gongaware had co-founded a new version of a company called Concerts West. After it was sold, it became AEG Live. (AP) Gongaware and his partner, John Meglen, created Concerts West in the late 90s. Concerts West started out with concerts of Andrea Bocceli, Mariah Carrey, Eagles and Millennium at Staples Center. AEG acquired the assets of Concerts West around 2000, Gongaware said, and Concerts West became AEG Live. Randy Phillips is AEG's CEO.Gongaware said he made a deal that requires him to work only half time starting this year. (ABC7)

Putnam then asked Gongaware about plaintiffs’ contention that AEG was desperate for “This Is It” because it wanted to pass rival Live Nation. “It’s so much bigger,” AEG Live exec Paul Gongaware said of Live Nation. “It is so much more complicated.” He said that Live Nation has to find artists to fill the many venues it owns, and that AEG Live doesn’t have that issue. (AP) Gongaware said AEG Live is the second largest concert promoter company. Live Nation is the first. "Our philosophy is different," Gongaware said, adding they choose what they want to do, whereas Live Nation has to meet their quota. Putnam: Wounded you like to be number 1? Gongaware: No. It's so much bigger, it gets so much more complex. I'm happy being a good number 2 (ABC7)

Next time Gongaware worked with MJ was in "This Is It" tour. Peter Lopez, MJ's attorney, called Gongaware's partner in 2007, asked to meet. From 97 to 2009, MJ did not do any touring, only a couple of shows. Gongaware said he went to Vegas to meet with Michael in 2007. The meeting was to discuss how AEG did tours, didn't talk about MJ touring. They met again in 2008 also in Vegas. "Paul Gongaware! I knew that if you came, things were going to be ok," Michael said about him. (ABC7) Gongaware said Jackson remembered him and told him re: “HIStory” tour, “Whenever I saw you, I knew things were going to be OK.” (AP)

Putnam asked about Gongaware’s use of the term “Mikey” to describe Jackson. Gongaware said he used it with Jackson. He described Jackson as getting in playful moods, and that’s when he would call Jackson “Mikey.” Said he wasn’t mocking him. (AP) Mikey was not meant as insult, Gongaware said. He was not trying to mock him, would use Mikey in person with MJ. (ABC7)

Putnam: Did he seem thin in 07? Gongaware: Yes, he was always thin
Putnam: Did he seem to have a problem with painkillers? Gongaware: No P: Did he seem to be under the influence? G: No (ABC7)

Gongaware said MJ was alert, engaged, interested on what was going on in the meeting in 2007. He wanted to do a King Tut mini-movie. The next meeting with MJ was in NY. Gongaware didn't remember what they discussed. Sometime in 08, they began discussion of MJ going back on tour. Dr. Tohme, MJ's manager, approached AEG. Randy Phillips was primarily the one involved in the discussions with Dr. Tohme and Peter Lopez regarding the comeback tour. The meeting in 2008 began with discussion of a possible MJ exhibit at the Hilton in Las Vegas. (ABC7)

Colony Capital is an investment company that bought the note of Neverland, Gongaware said. By 'note' he meant the 'mortgage'. Neverland was MJ's residence in Santa Barbara, Gongaware explained. "They (Colony) were trying to figure out what to do with Neverland." (ABC7)

Gongaware talked about being at MJ's house at Carolwood when the singer signed the contract with AEG for the "This Is It" tour. Michael read everything in the contract, Gongaware said. He remembered MJ being engaged, alert and paying attention. "He was good." "I felt great about it," Gongaware said. "It was a MJ tour, it was a great thing." Gongaware said he watched Michael pretty carefully in the meetings, he knew MJ went to rehab, but he didn't see any signs of drug problems. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he was aware of the physical exam done on Jackson after the signing of the tour.Email on 2/11/09 from Bob Taylor to Gongaware: Thanks Paul. I now have the medical and blood reports. Look good. I now need more info of what is available. This will help with the presentation to the insurers. Another request from insurance broker: I would like to offer insurers a medical update say every 21 days. Response from Gongaware: I'm not ready to put anything in writing. Gongaware said it was because he didn't have the answers. Gongaware said he did not have concerns with MJ abusing prescription drugs. "It just confirmed what I believed, that he was fine. He wasn't doing any drugs," Gongaware said about the results of Mj's physical exam. (ABC7) A February 2009 email between him and the insurance broker showed that insurers wanted med checkups on Jackson every 21 days. The broker also wanted details on the concert set, dates, and other details that Gongaware said weren't decided on yet. “The back to back shows WILL be a problem,” the broker wrote Gongaware. Suggested adding them in after Jackson started performing shows. (AP)

AEG produced/promoted TII tour. "We needed to front all the money," Gongaware said. "He didn't have the money, so he needed us to do it." Tohme, MJ's manager, told AEG about needing the money. Gongaware said Tohme emphasized several times that Michael needed to make money.Gongaware said MJ and Ortega figured out the creative elements they wanted and Gongaware had to figure out how to make those them happen. Gongaware said the initial phase of rehearsal was done at Center Staging in Burbank, but venue didn't have room for production elements. They moved rehearsals to The Forum, which didn't have high ceiling to hang the lights. Then they moved to Staples Center. (ABC7)

After the morning break, Gongaware said MJ chose "This Is It" tour as the name because it was going to be his last. Gongaware said they weren't sure how MJ tour would do. "Because of the kid thing, we wanted 2 go 2 the strongest market and that as London". Gongaware: You never know what kind of business a tour will do. We had no idea the demand, we wanted to make sure it was successful. Initially, they had 31 shows scheduled. Gongaware said Prince had done 21 shows at the O2 arena, and Michael wanted to do 10 more. "You didn't know what the ticket sales would be," Gongaware said. So they announced only 10 shows to test the waters. "Demand was there obviously in the presale," Gongaware said. He talked to Tohme, asked for more than 50 shows. Tohme said MJ would do 50. (ABC7)

On March 5, 2009, MJ held a press conference in front of O2 arena and announced the comeback tour. Gongaware was present. MJ was not on time, late a couple of hours. Gongaware said it didn't surprise him since MJ didn't like to do those things (press conference) Gongaware was a little annoyed but not surprised, he testified, "MJ came up to me, gave me big hug, whispered in my ear 'make sure the TelePrompTer has big words, I don't have my glasses'" Gongaware said. Putnam: Did he seem inebriated? Gongaware: No P: Drunk? G: No P: Smelled like alcohol? G: No. Gongaware thought the presser was great. "The reaction of the press was really good, I think people liked he was returning." Gongaware said they asked people to register on a website and only people registered could get into the presale to purchase tickets. He said that based on the response, they knew the tour was going to be a major successful. (ABC7)

Gongaware said he was annoyed but not surprised when Jackson showed up a couple hours late.

“Michael really doesn’t like to do those things," Gongaware testified. "His schedules don’t always run like clockwork."

The tour announcement took place at the O2. When Jackson saw Gongaware backstage, "he came up to me and gave me a big hug and said, 'Make sure the teleprompter has big words. I don’t have my glasses.'”

Gongaware said Jackson did not smell of alcohol or appear drunk.

“He was good," the AEG executive testified. "I think he was excited." (LATimes)

One day after that, Gongaware said MJ called him to discuss the tour. He said Michael chose Kenny Ortega to direct the show. MJ liked special effects, Gongaware said. He put together presentation for Michael with latest effects and made MJ promise he would show up. Demonstration was on 3/16/09 at Sony Studios. It had 3D on LED that was never done before, pyro and new type of flame. Putnam showed clip of TII documentary where they ave the pyro effects that were going to be used. "Jackson loved it," Gongaware said, adding MJ didn't seem to be bothered with pyro usage. Gongaware said there was a pretty cool water fountain effect shown and not used. "It was messy," he described. In the demonstratiin, MJ was great, Gongaware said. "He was really engaged, as he saw all the effects he got really excited." Gongaware said he had no concern MJ had drug problems, didn't seem slow or lethargic in March of 2009. A meeting was scheduled for March 17, 09. Gongaware emailed MJ's assistant that only MJ and Kenny Ortega should be in that meeting. MJ and Ortega were the creative forces and needed to find the show's path before including everyone else, Gongaware explained. (ABC7)

Regarding Kenny Ortega watching out for MJ's health, Gongaware said no one at AEG asked him to do that. Gongaware thought Ortega watched MJ out because they were friends and worked together. (ABC7)


Gongaware will join The Rolling Stones tour this weekend, but will return on Monday to resume testifying.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 10:13
AEG exec: I didn't know Michael Jackson abused drugs

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 4:01 AM EDT, Mon June 3, 2013


* AEG LIve Co-CEO Paul Gongaware faces more grilling in Michael Jackson death trial
* Gongaware worked closely with Jackson on "HIStory" tour
* He was the top producer of Jackson's comeback tour
* Jackson lawyers say Gongaware was aware of Jackson drug use

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson traveled with what amounted to a mini-clinic and an anesthesiologist who used a surgical anesthetic to put the singer to sleep after shows during his "HIStory" tour, sources close to Jackson told CNN just days after his death. (Anm. )

But Paul Gongaware testified Friday that he never saw indications Jackson used drugs or traveled with a doctor when he managed that tour in 1996 and 1997.

What Gongaware knew -- or didn't know -- about Jackson's drug use is a key issue as the Jackson wrongful death trial enters its sixth week Monday in Los Angeles.

The co-CEO of AEG Live -- the concert promotion company being sued by Jackson's mother and children -- returns for a fifth day of testimony Monday.

The Jackson family contends AEG Live is liable in Jackson's 2009 death because it negligently hired, retained or supervised Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.

Gongaware was the top producer of Jackson's comeback concerts when the singer died of an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol. It was Gongaware who negotiated the deal to pay Dr. Murray $150,000 a month to be Jackson's physician for the "This Is It" tour.

Jackson lawyers argue that Gongaware should have known the hazards of hiring the doctor because of his personal experience with Jackson -- and his work with other artists, including on Elvis Presley's last tour.

AEG Live lawyers contend their executives had no way of knowing that Murray was using propofol to treat Jackson's insomnia because the singer was very good at keeping his "deepest, darkest secret."

"AEG knew nothing about this decade-long propofol use," AEG Live lawyer Marvin Putnam said in his opening statements. "They were a concert promoter. How could they know?"

Gongaware, under questioning by his own lawyer Friday, testified that he only became aware that Jackson was addicted to painkillers when the singer made a public announcement after his "Dangerous" tour abruptly ended so he could enter rehab in 1993.

He was a manager for the "Dangerous" tour, but only handled logistics and didn't travel with Jackson then, he said.

His job on the second half of the "HIStory" tour, however, carried more responsibilities and he worked closely with Jackson, he said.

Gongaware testified that he saw "no indication at all" that Jackson was using drugs during that tour. "I would be certain to notice it if that was the case."

Did Jackson have a doctor treating him during the "HIStory" tour, his lawyer asked.

"Not that I know of," he answered.

In fact, Jackson was "sensational" on stage, performing 10 to 12 shows a month, he said. Unlike in the "Dangerous" tour, he never canceled a show because of his health.

"He only missed one," he said. "That was when Princess Diana died. He heard about the accident, went to bed, woke up, found she passed away and it affected him deeply."

But an interview that Jackson gave to Barbara Walters weeks after Diana's death could help Jackson lawyers refute Gongaware's claim that no doctor traveled with the singer during the tour.

Walters asked Jackson about how he learned the news that his friend, the princess, had died.

"I woke up and my doctor gave me the news, and I fell back down in grief and I started to cry," Jackson said. "That's why the inner pain, the pain in my stomach and in my chest, so I said 'I cannot handle this. It's too much.'"

Jackson's statement that a doctor was at his bedside when he woke up the day of a scheduled "HIStory" show in Belgium is not the only evidence he did have a physician on the tour.

Dr. Neil Ratner, an anesthesiologist from New York, has acknowledged that he traveled with Jackson during part of the tour. He was at Munich, Germany, in July 1997 when a stage collapsed and Jackson suffered a back injury. It was two months before Diana's death.

Dr. Ratner declined to talk about his treatment of Jackson when CNN's Dr. Sanjay Gupta confronted him outside his Woodstock, New York, home in July 2009, although he did confirm that Jackson had trouble sleeping.

"It's really something I don't want to talk about right now," he told Dr. Gupta.

A source who was close to Michael Jackson told Gupta in 2009 that when Jackson had trouble sleeping that Dr. Ratner helped "take him down" and "bring him back up."

Ratner, who was convicted of insurance fraud and stripped of his license to practice medicine for three years in 2002, is on the witness list for the trial and has been questioned in a deposition by each side.

Debbie Rowe -- Jackson's former wife and the mother of his two oldest children -- will testify that she assisted in administering propofol to Jackson in the 1990s when she was a nurse, AEG Live's Putnam said on the opening day of the trial.

"She saw several doctors put Mr. Jackson to sleep in hotel rooms while on tour," Putnam said, including in Munich, London, Paris.

But Gongaware and others did not know, he said.

"The truth is Mr. Jackson fooled everyone," Putnam said about Jackson's propofol use. "He kept those who might have helped him at a distance and no one knew his deepest, darkest secret."

Jackson's ability to keep his private side private meant AEG executives could not see any red flags warning of Jackson's destruction, Putnam said.

"They didn't see this coming," he said. "They had no idea."

Putnam said Jackson family members -- including Janet and her famous siblings -- will testify about their failed attempts at intervention and their lack of knowledge about what was happening.

"If they didn't know what was going on, how could someone else think there was even a problem," he said.

But Jackson lawyers will argue that Gongaware, who closely watched expenses on the "HIStory" tour because it was losing money at one point, would have noticed spending on hotel rooms and fees for a doctor traveling with the tour.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 16:25
na prima, wie die immer alle sich widersprechen. Das kann man doch vergessen! Außerdem hat das ja wohl nichts mit der Anklage zu tun, oder? Es geht nach wie vor nur um Murray und warum wird da Michael durch den Dreck gezogen?
Es kann auch keiner den anderen vorwerfen, sich zu widersprechen. Das machen ja beide Seiten.
Die Jacksons behaupten, Michael war Drogensüchtig und AEG hätte nichts davon gewußt???
Na wir alle haben das ja auch nicht gewußt.
Aber die Jacksons haben doch in allen Interviews das Gegenteil behauptet, keiner hat was davon gewußt. Deshalb, ich plädiere dafür, alle, auch die Leute von AEG, in einen Sack zu stecken und in die Wüste in Jermain´s neues "Hotel" zu stecken. de6fab lol


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 19:04
CEO of Concert Promoter Admits He Paid Michael Jackson’s Doctor

Posted June 3, 2013 in Personal Injury by Aaron Kase

AEG Live CEO Paul Gongaware dropped a bombshell last week in the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial when he admitted that he wrote an email indicating that his promotion company was paying for the performer’s doctor.

The message, written to a tour director, read, ”We want to remind [Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray] that it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him.”

The Jackson family is litigating with AEG over whether the promoters put undue pressure on Murray to keep the singer in performance shape. Jackson passed away in 2009 after the doctor gave him an overdose of the anesthetic he used to sleep at night, for which Murray was convicted of manslaughter in 2011.

During the trial, AEG has consistently maintained that Jackson picked Murray to be his doctor and the company would merely be fronting his salary out of Jackson’s expected take for the planned “This Is It” tour extravaganza.

A Smoking Gun

Gongaware spent much of the week asserting that he didn’t recall writing any of the messages that came from his email account, but finally under questioning conceded that he wrote what the Jackson family considers the smoking gun in the trial.

The admission could potentially sink AEG’s entire defense. “This past week, it appears to me that the testimony and email presented by the Jackson family attorneys strongly suggest that AEG did in fact control Dr. Murray’s actions,” says Lisa M. Wilson, a partner with Los Angeles-area personal injury firm Jackson & Wilson. “That’s going to be tough for the defense to get around.”

The promotion company might have already blown its credibility with seemingly deceptive tactics. “Sure, AEG may argue that Gongaware was incorrect and didn’t know all the facts when he wrote this email, but as the Co-CEO of the company, such an argument may not be too persuasive to the jury,” Wilson says. “I say this after learning that it was reported that several jurors laughed when Gongaware, while testifying under oath, repeatedly stated that he ‘didn’t recall’ writing the emails he was being shown. Trust and credibility are key to winning trials and the laughing response by some of the jurors would seem to indicate doubt and mistrust about Gongaware’s testimony.”

Elvis Has Left the Building

Also last week Gongaware flip-flopped over the cause of Elvis Presley’s death. Gongaware had been Elvis’ promoter in 1977 and sent out an email after Jackson’s overdose that read “I was working on the Elvis tour when he died so I kind of knew what to expect. Still quite a shock.”

When initially asked last week, the promoter said that Elvis died of a drug overdose. Later when asked by his own attorney, he revised his statement and claimed it was heart failure. The public won’t know for sure what killed the King until his autopsy is unsealed in 2027, but it is widely thought that he had a heart arrhythmia brought on by excessive drug use.

Gongaware claimed on the stand that the email referred to the trauma of concert employees losing their jobs because the famous singers’ respective tours were cancelled once they died.

It’s unclear how relevant the jury will find the Elvis testimony. “By itself, it doesn’t seem to bear much relevance to the facts in Jackson’s case,” says Wilson. “However, when considered with the previous testimony elicited from Gongaware, Jacksons’ attorneys may be able to sell the jury on the idea that this is a promoter who is willing to do whatever is necessary to ensure that the show goes on.”

“It isn’t much of a stretch to believe that that could reasonably include making doctors (like Murray), and prescription medication available to keep the entertainer performing, whatever the cost, and whatever the risk,” the attorney says.

Gongaware’s testimony is expected to continue on Monday.

Testimony from AEG Live executive Gongaware on his interactions with Jackson and his negotiations with the singer’s doctor dominated the fifth week of a civil case against the company filed by the superstar’s mother, Katherine. On Tuesday, May 28, 2013, Gongaware reluctantly acknowledged that he negotiated the $150,000 per month rate that Jackson’s doctor expected to be paid to serve on the “This Is It” tour.


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03.06.2013 um 21:00
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 48m
There was a lot of questioning this morning about Gongaware's first call with Murray, discussion of $5 million fee.
8:07 PM - 3 Jun 13

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 50m
Jury also shown footage of Jackson trying out a cherry picker that would hoist him over the “This Is It” crowd.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 50m
... Jackson emerging from a figure wrapped in LED screens projecting various images. Gongaware said he called figure "Moon Man."

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 51m
Several clips from “This Is It” film were shown this morning. Included a clip showing proposed show opening. This was to feature ... (cont)

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 51m
Gongaware: “When it was kind of game time, he was going to show up,” he said of Jackson's London shows.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 52m
For instance, Gongaware cited an outdoor concert in Bangkok in in high heat, humidity. “He nailed it,” he said of Jackson.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 52m
Gongaware testified he had no doubts about Jackson’s fitness to perform the “This Is It” shows. He cited previous successes by Jackson.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 52m
Gongaware said there wasn’t a requirement for Jackson to rehearse. Said he’s never seen a requirement for musicial artist to rehearse.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 52m
Gongaware email: “Figure it out so it looks like he’s not working so much.” He told jury Jackson was comfortable with the show schedule.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 52m
He wanted the calendar to be changed so that it reflected Jackson's show dates and off days differently.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 53m
The jury was shown an email in which Gongaware worked with a staffer to create a calendar to show Jackson. He wanted colors changed.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 53m
Gongaware said this wasn’t a rigorous schedule since there would be no traveling. On “HIStory” tour, he said they did 10-12 shows per month

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 53m
In Jan. and February of 2010, there were 10 shows planned per month. Three were planned in March 2010. No back-to-back shows.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 54m
In July 2009 there were 8 shows scheduled, 10 in August and 9 in September. Then they’d take rest of ’09 off.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 54m
First questions of the day centered on “This Is It” scheduling. Jury was shown calendar of all 50 show dates.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 54m
Gongaware is being questioned by defense attorney Marvin Putnam. He told him his testimony “shouldn’t be too much longer.” 2 days, he said.

Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 54m
We’re no a break in Katherine Jackson vs AEG Live trial. Executive Paul Gongaware resumed testifying this morning.
8:01 PM - 3 Jun 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 21:08
La Toya Jackson And RuPaul Collaborate On Dance Song (VIDEO)

By OWN Posted: 06/03/2013 10:03 am EDT | Updated: 06/03/2013 11:32 am EDT

As a part of music's most famous family, La Toya Jackson has seen her fair share of recording booths -- but she's never experienced a recording session quite like this one with drag superstar/singer/actor RuPaul.

La Toya teamed up with RuPaul for her new European-inspired dance song, "Feel Like Dancing." In this clip from "Life With La Toya," the two head into the studio to record the number after finalizing the upbeat track and writing the lyrics.

It's not the smoothest start, but once La Toya and RuPaul get settled in, the recording session takes off. Raps La Toya, "I don't care what they say about me. 'Life With La Toya,' that's who I be. Got a problem with all my cash? Then tell 'em, RuPaul..."

"Y'all can kiss her ass!" RuPaul finishes.

Toss in a few funny outtakes, some bubbles and the duo's own dance moves, and it's a recording session to remember.

"This was exactly -- I mean exactly -- what I was looking for," La Toya says after the song is recorded. "That's my kind of song."

"Life With La Toya" airs Saturdays at 9:30 p.m. ET on OWN.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 21:14
3. Juni 2013 16:43

Prince Michael Jackson hat mit Remi Alfalah seine Prinzessin gefunden

Teenagerliebe: Prince Michael Jackson kann kaum verbergen wie verknallt er in Remi Alfalah ist

Prince Michael Jacksons (16) erste Teenager-Liebe ist Remi Alfalah (15), eine waschechte Prinzessin aus Kuwait.

Während seine Schwester Paris (15) bei der gemeinsamen leiblichen Mutter Debbie Rowe derzeit das Leben als Cowgirl entdeckt, erlebt ihr großer Bruder seine erste große Liebe.

Das Paar passt wie Topf und Deckel: Während Prince Michael den Adel nur im Namen trägt, handelt es sich bei seiner Angebeteten um eine echte Prinzessin aus Kuwait.

In den letzten Wochen verbrachten die beiden Teenies ziemlich viel Zeit zusammen, gingen zu einem Konzert der Rolling Stones, fuhren gemeinsam Kart und wurden nun beim Lunch im South Beverly Grill in Beverly Hills gesichtet. Die Sache scheint also so langsam ernst zu werden – obwohl bis auf ein paar schüchterne Schmachtblicke seitens Prince Michael noch keine eindeutigen Annäherungen erkennbar waren.

Remis Wurzeln münden zwar in der kuwaitischen Königsfamilie, aufgewachsen ist die Blaublüterin allerdings in den USA. Wie es sich für eine Teenagerliebe gehört, lernten sich Prince Michael und Remi in der Schule kennen. Genauer gesagt auf der Buckley School im kalifornischen Sherman Oaks, wo sich schon Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton und Nicole Richie in die ersten Jungs verliebten.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 21:18
Trügt der Schein?
Paris Jackson postet glückliche Bilder auf Twitter

Montag, 03. Juni 2013 | 10:30 Uhr | Kerstin

Michael Jackson (✝50) wollte seine Tochter Paris Jackson (15) stets vor der Öffentlichkeit schützen, doch nun inszeniert sie sich selbst fast täglich im Internet. Vor vier Jahren starb ihr Vater und ein unbeschwertes Leben führt die 15-Jährige nicht gerade. Derzeit verbringt sie sehr viel Zeit bei ihrer Mutter Debbie Rowe (54) in Palmdale, Kalifornien. Auf einer Ranch mit Westernpferden kann sie sich zurück ziehen. Hier kuschelt sie mit Tieren, fährt Skateboard und spielt Schlagzeug. Auf den Fotos wirkt die Tochter des King of Pop gelöst und glücklich und lässt ihre Twitter-Fans daran teilhaben. Doch das ist nicht selbstverständlich. Lange Zeit hatte sie überhaupt keinen Kontakt zu ihrer Mutter. Debbie Rowe war von 1996 bis 1999 mit Michael Jackson verheiratet und hatte bei der Scheidung das Sorgerecht für Paris und ihren Bruder Prince Jackson (16) komplett abgegeben. Erst nach dem Tod von Michael näherten sich Mutter und Tochter wieder an. Auch einen Großteil des Sommers will Paris nun auf der Farm verbringen.

Auch ihre öffentlichen Auftritte haben sich verändert. Früher trug sie immer Masken in der Öffentlichkeit, weil Michael Jackson sie so vor neugierigen Blicken schützen wollte. Nun bewegt sie sich frei und postet jeden Tag ein Foto auf Twitter. Auf den Fotos stechen vor allem ihre eisblauen Augen heraus, für die sie viele Komplimente bekommt. Doch auch wenn alles so gelöst wirkt und Paris glücklich scheint, hat sie noch mit einigen Geschehnissen aus ihrer Kindheit zu kämpfen: Der frühe Tod ihres Vater und auch der neue Zivilprozess um seinen Tod nehmen sie mit. Erst vor zwei Wochen tauchten Fotos im Internet auf, bei denen auf Paris Unterarm viele kleine Narben deutlich zu erkennen sind. Das deutet darauf hin, dass sich die 16-Jährige selbst verletzt. Es bleibt zu hoffen, dass ihr der wiedergewonnene Kontakt mit ihrer Mutter Geborgenheit gibt und auch die Prozesse irgendwann ein Ende finden.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 21:22
Michael Jackson: Tochter Paris geht unter die Schmink-Gurus auf Youtube (VIDEO)

von Jana Peters | am 03.06.2013

Was Michael Jackson wohl dazu sagen würde, wenn er wüsste, dass seine Tochter Paris jetzt unter die Schmink-Gurus gegangen ist? Sie jedenfalls hat jetzt ihr erstes Video veröffentlicht, in dem sie sich schminkt und Tipps zu Make-Up gibt. Auf das Selbstbewusstsein von Tochter Paris wäre Michael Jackson bestimmt stolz!

Ob Michael Jackson wohl stolz auf Tochter Paris wäre? Die gehört jetzt zur großen Menge der Make-Up-Gurus, die auf YouTube ihr Können zum Besten geben. Diese häufig selbst ernannten Schmink-Profis zeigen in ihren Videos alles vom perfekten Lidstrich bis hin zum Promi-Look-Alike-Make-Up. Paris Jackson ist in ihrem neuen Video auf jeden Fall sehr natürlich. Mit Selbstbewusstsein und unglaublich ruhig schminkt sich die Tochter vor laufender Kamera.

Wie ein ganz normales Mädchen

Michael Jacksons Tochter schminkt sich auf YouTube - kann das gut gehen? Ja! Paris Jackson ist nicht nur sehr selbstsicher, sie wirkt auch unglaublich sympathisch, während sie zeigt, wie sie ihren Eyeliner aufträgt. ist nach diesem souveränen Internet-Auftritt der Ansicht: Wenn alle Stricke reißen, kann Paris immer noch als Sprecherin arbeiten. Tatsächlich ist sie in diesem Video vor allem sehr persönlich, redet und singt vor sich hin und beschwert sich wie jedes normale Mädchen in ihrem Alter über ihr “rosanes Gesicht”. Sie ist geradezu schüchtern, als sie ihr ungeschminktes Gesicht zeigt. Eins ist sicher: Abgehoben ist Michael Jacksons Tochter nicht.

Falls ihr euch nach Paris Jacksons Vorbild schminken wollt:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.06.2013 um 21:28
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 54s
Putnam: Was this a rigorous schedule? Gongaware: No, not at all
9:26 PM - 3 Jun 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
Gongaware said the O2 Arena had previous commitment in Oct-Dec of 2009 and they could not have the MJ's concerts.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 1m
There would be no shows in October, November and December, resuming with 10 shows in January, 10 in February and three in March.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
After changing 4 show dates Gongaware said MJ was comfortable with it. He would do 8 shows in July, 10 in August, 9 in September.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
"No, I was trying to make it clear, trying to get it just the way I wanted it," Gongaware responded.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
As to the email about changing coloring on calendar so it didn't look MJ was working too hard Putnam asked if he was trying to fool MJ

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 2m
Bugzee, the tour manager, had big calendar on the walls, Gongaware explained, saying they changed the dates of the shows four times.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 3m
Putnam asked Gongaware if MJ was comfortable with all the show dates. "Yes, I went through all of the dates with him," Gongaware said.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
There were no members of the Jackson family in the courtroom this morning.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
AEG's attorney Marvin Putnam is doing the questioning. He's expected to last until tomorrow, at least.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 5m
Hello from the courthouse in downtown LA. Day 22 of Jackson family vs AEG trial under way. AEG's exec Paul Gongaware on the stand again.
9:19 PM - 3 Jun 13
