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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 08:53

c51d5c5c0b8bcf5e8587a570be3c934c normal Paris Jacksoη‏@ParisJackson
why are people so mean
warum sind Menschen so gemein
1:17 AM - 31 Mai 13

eine der vielen Antworten

24ba7f677fb109aff037b883edeeea2b normal Courtney Love Cobain ‏@COURTNEY 7h (Verifizierter Account)
@ParisJackson there will always be mean people in this world, but they'll never outnumber the good ones. keep your chin up xc
@ ParisJackson da wird es immer gemeine Menschen in dieser Welt geben, aber sie werden niemals die Guten überwiegen. Verliere nicht Deinen Mut xc
1:20 AM - 31 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 09:20
Michael Jackson Case: AEG Never Paid Conrad Murray, He was Jackson’s Employee

05/30/13 4:47pm Roger Friedman

The Michael Jackson trial goes on in Los Angeles, and some people are twisting what’s going on with the testimony. To clarify; AEG Live never paid Conrad Murray to be Michael’s doctor or anything. Emails from AEG may indicate, rhetorically, that “we’re paying him.” But AEG never paid him. Or hired him. AEG was giving Michael Jackson the money to pay Dr. Murray. But Michael had been paying him already. He was Jackson’s doctor.

There’s no smoking gun unless there’s a check made out to Murray from AEG or a receipt that Murray has from them. Promoter Paul Gongaware may be shaky on the stand. But his testimony is not going to win the case or lose it.

The headlines coming out of the trial can be misleading. All the back and forth about Jackson’s health and his disposition to working, etc are irrelevant at this point. All that matters now is establishing who was responsible for Dr. Murray, the man who presided over Michael’s death. Whether Michael was thin or eating or tired or sleeping all day or not rehearsing on schedule–none of that is pertinent to this case.

Who hired Conrad Murray? From the beginning it was clear that Michael Jackson hired him, chose him, approved of him, and wanted AEG to provide him with the funds to keep him doing his bidding. The rest of it can be written about or debated for years to come. But it won’t bring the Jackson family the millions and billions they expect to reap from this case.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 09:35
Stacy Brown hat seinen Account geschützt ... man kann keinen Tweet mehr von ihm "Retweeten" ...

Stacy Brown ‏@StacyBrownMedia 19h
Source: Wade Robson not asking for much money in sex abuse claims against Michael Jackson | Fox News via @fox411

Fox News
Source: Wade Robson not asking for much money in sex abuse claims...

An insider also noted that, while the documents are sealed, Robson has not asked for any specific monetary damages. (Archiv-Version vom 31.05.2013)
2:04 PM - 30 Mai 13


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31.05.2013 um 16:09
Quelle: Jackson.CH ~ Schweizer MJ Forum ...

The Jacksons vs. AEG Live – Zeugen der Jacksons, 12. Teil

30. Mai 2013

Und weiter ging’s gestern mit der Befragung von AEGs co-CEO Paul Gongaware durch Brian Panish, dem Anwalt der Jacksons. “Wir wollen [Conrad Murray] daran erinnern, dass AEG und nicht Michael Jackson sein Gehalt zahlen. Wir wollen, dass er versteht, was wir von ihm erwarten”, so Gongaware in einer E-Mail am 14. Juni 2009, 11 Tage vor Michael Jacksons Tod. Und was hatte Gongaware im Zeugenstand dazu zu sagen? “Ich verstehe das nicht, denn wir haben sein Gehalt nicht gezahlt”. Warum er das dann geschrieben hatte, fragte ihn Brian Panish (berechtigerweise). “Ich habe keine Ahnung”, so Gongaware. “Ich bearbeitete hunderte E-Mails pro Tag. Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass vier Jahre später Anwälte alles auseinander nehmen, wäre ich wohl vorsichtiger gewesen in der Wahl meiner Wort”, versuchte sich Gongaware später herauszuwinden.

Betreffend Michael Jacksons Gesundheit sagte Gongaware aus, dass er versuchte, einen Ernährungsberater und Physiotherapeuten zu finden, als Kenny Ortega sich Sorgen um Michaels Gesundheit gemacht hatte. Ortegas E-Mail Antwort darauf lautete: “Super. Keine Minute zu früh. Retten wir diesen Kerl!” Gongaware sagte aber auch aus, dass er sich nie Sorgen gemacht hatte um Michael Jackson. “Ich wusste, dass wenn die Saalbeleuchtung [vor dem Konzertanfang] ausgeht, er voll da sein und loslegen würde”.

In einer weiteren E-Mail vom 5. Mai 2009 an die Assistentin von Tim Leiweke, dem damaligen CEO der Muttergesellschaft von AEG Live, schrieb Gongaware, dass er ihr nicht sagen könnte, wann die “This Is It” Konzerttour in London eröffnet würde, da Michael Jackson nicht zu den Proben erschien. “Bete für mich”, so Gongaware in der E-Mail weiter. “Dies ist ein Alptraum. Es ist kein Zufall, dass ich jede Nacht Alpträume habe. Kalten Schweissausbruch dazu. Das Leben hat mal so viel Spass gemacht…” Als Gongaware im Zeugenstand mit dieser Aussage konfrontiert wurde, meinte er lediglich, dass er in der E-Mail nur gewitzelt hatte.

Was hat Gongaware oben gesagt, als er sich wieder einmal versuchte herauszuwinden? “Wenn ich gewusst hätte, dass vier Jahre später Anwälte alles auseinander nehmen, wäre ich wohl vorsichtiger gewesen in der Wahl meiner Worte”. Und dies gilt für jede E-Mail, die Sie in diesem Fall geschrieben haben, Mr. Gongaware? Mir kommt da gerade ein schönes und treffendes englisches Sprichwort in den Sinn: If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck, then it probably is a duck. [Wenn es wie eine Ente ausschaut, wie eine Ente schwimmt und wie eine Ente quakt, dann ist es wahrscheinlich eine Ente.]


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31.05.2013 um 16:18
Doctor told AEG that Michael Jackson was a drug addict, lawyer says

Arzt erzählte AEG, dass Michael Jackson Medikamentenabhängig war, sagt Anwalt

By Jeff Gottlieb
May 31, 2013, 5:35 a.m.

The attorney for Michael Jackson’s family in its wrongful-death lawsuit said Thursday a doctor testified in a deposition that he injected Jackson with morphine while the singer was touring Asia and that he told a current AEG executive Jackson was a drug addict.

According to Brian Panish, the attorney for Jackson’s mother and three children, Dr. Stuart Finklestein said that while the Dangerous tour was in Bangkok, Thailand, in 1993 he couldn’t give Jackson an injection of morphine in his buttocks because there was too much scar tissue from previous shots. Instead, according to Panish, Finklestein said he gave the singer an IV drip of the drug for 24 hours.

Paul Gongaware, now co-chief executive of AEG Live/Concerts West was manager of the worldwide tour.

Finklestein "told Gongaware that it was his opinion [Jackson] had an opiate addiction,” Panish said.

Gongaware testified Thursday that he did know then that Jackson had problems with drugs or painkillers until the singer made a public announcement. Jackson cut the tour short in Mexico City when Elizabeth Taylor flew down to accompany him to a rehab facility in London.

“Everyone knew Michael had a problem,” Jackson’s longtime makeup artist and hairstylist, who was on the tour, testified earlier in the trial.

Gongaware testified that Jackson was scheduled to give two shows in Bangkok but that the second was canceled. He said Jackson performed the first concert in 100-degree heat with 100% humidity.

Gongaware said that another doctor was on the Dangerous tour to treat Jackson, and that Finklestein treated the band and crew. He said Finklestein told him he treated Jackson twice.

Gongaware has testified that Finklestein is his regular doctor.

A deposition is given under oath, just like testimony in a courtroom.

Panish, who spoke outside the courtroom, also said that Gongaware warned Finklestein, “Don’t be a Dr. Nick,” a reference to a doctor who supplied Elvis Presley with prescription drugs that led to his death.

“He’s telling him, 'Don’t kill him,’” Panish said.

Finklestein is expected to testify is the case.

In an email to The Times, AEG attorney Marvin S. Putnam blasted the Jacksons' attorneys, saying that "throughout this trial, they have shown that their search is for something else entirely, and certainly not the truth."

He went on to say that shortly before the third leg of the tour, Jackson underwent painful scalp surgery after suffering severe burns while filming a Pepsi commercial.

"Mr. Gongaware was aware that because of that surgery, Michael Jackson received pain medication at times during the tour. Mr. Gongaware never learned Mr. Jackson developed any problems with that medication until after the tour ended, when Mr. Gongaware -- like the rest of the world -- heard Mr. Jackson's public announcement that he was entering rehab."

The Jacksons are suing AEG, Gongaware and AEG Live Chief Executive and President Randy Phillips, saying they negligently hired and supervised Conrad Murray, the physician who gave the singer a fatal dose of the anesthetic propofol.

The defendants say that Jackson hired Murray and that any payments the company was supposed to give him were advances to Jackson.

Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter.,0,1986803.story


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31.05.2013 um 16:31
What killed Elvis? It's a question at Michael Jackson's death trial

By Alan Duke, CNN
updated 6:52 AM EDT, Fri May 31, 2013

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* AEG Live Co-CEO promoted last tours of Elvis and Michael Jackson
* Jackson lawyers say his experience with Elvis should've prepared him for MJ
* AEG's lawyer works to rehab witness after repeated "I don't recall" answers
* Paul Gongaware wrote 'smoking gun' e-mail

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Elvis Presley's death became a controversy at the Michael Jackson wrongful death trial as a man who promoted both artists' last tours testified.

AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware testified Wednesday that Presley died of a drug overdose, but when his own lawyer questioned him Thursday he changed his testimony to say Elvis died of a heart ailment.

Presley collapsed in the bathroom of his Memphis, Tennessee, mansion -- Graceland -- on August 16, 1977, at the age of 42. While his death was ruled the result of an irregular heartbeat, the autopsy report was sealed amid accusations that abuse of prescription drugs caused the problem.

How Presley died is relevant because Jackson lawyers argue Gongaware's experience as Elvis's promoter should have made him more aware of drug abuse by artists, including Michael Jackson.

He was in charge of producing Jackson's "This Is It" concert when Jackson died on June 25, 2009, at the age of 50. The coroner ruled his death was caused by a fatal combination of sedatives and the surgical anesthetic propofol.

Dr. Conrad Murray told investigators he gave Jackson nightly infusions of propofol to treat his insomnia. He was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, sentenced to four years in prison.

Jackson's mother and children are suing AEG Live, contending the concert promoter is liable in his death because it negligently hired, retained or supervised Dr. Murray.

AEG Live lawyers argue their executives had no way of knowing -- or reason to suspect -- that Jackson was abusing drugs as he prepared for the "This Is It" concerts they were promoting and producing.

"I had no idea" Jackson was using propofol in the weeks before his death, Gongaware testified.

Although he worked advance promotion on Elvis Presley's last tours -- under the direction of Presley manager Colonel Tom Parker -- Gongaware testified he never met Presley.

"Did you understand he had a problem with drugs?" AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam asked.

"I understood that later," Gongaware said. "There was a period of time when we didn't work. I didn't understand at the time, but I learned that it was a drug problem and the Colonel said he couldn't work."

Jackson lawyer Brian Panish confronted Gongaware with two e-mails he sent two weeks after Jackson's death in response to condolence messages from friends. They both read: "I was working on the Elvis tour when he died so I kind of knew what to expect. Still quite a shock."

But under questioning from Putnam, Gongaware said he didn't mean that he expected Jackson to die like Elvis. He was referring to the trauma of people losing their jobs because a tour is canceled, he said.

'I don't recall'

AEG's lawyer tried to rehabilitate Gongaware's credibility with jurors, who sometimes laughed at his repetition of "I don't recall" several dozen times under questioning by Panish.

After the jury left the courtroom Wednesday, Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelas commented on the number of "I don't recall" responses. "We've had a lot of that," she said. "How much more of that?"

"Why could you not recall e-mails?" Putnam asked him Thursday.

"I had not reviewed them and had not seen them in years," Gongaware answered.

Some of the e-mails were new to him because he was so busy putting Jackson's tour together that he never read them, he said. "Mostly, it was just a time factor if it was something that didn't have to do with me."

Outside of court, Panish suggested it was Putnam's job as Gongaware's lawyer to prepare him by having him review e-mails before questioning.

CNN exclusively obtained video of Gongaware's deposition recorded in December and played this week for jurors.

Gongaware struggled in the deposition when Panish asked him about the e-mail Jackson lawyers call their "smoking gun" -- because it contradicts AEG's argument that they never hired or supervised Dr. Murray.

They say Gongaware's e-mail, sent 11 days before Jackson's death, shows AEG Live executives used Murray's fear of losing his lucrative job as Jackson's personal physician to pressure him to have Jackson ready for rehearsals despite his fragile health.

It was Gongaware's reply to an e-mail from show director Kenny Ortega expressing concerns that Murray had kept Jackson from a rehearsal the day before. Ortega also raised his own concerns about Jackson's health.

"We want to remind (Murray) that it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him," Gongaware wrote. But in his video deposition he said he could not remember writing it.

After conceding that he wrote it, Gongaware then seemed unable to explain what he meant by the e-mail.

"He needs cheeseburgers"

AEG Live's production manager for Jackson's tour e-mailed Gongaware 10 days before Jackson's death that perhaps what the singer needed to turn around his deteriorating health was to be feed some junk food: "He needs some cheeseburgers with a bunch of Wisconsin cheesehead bowlers... and a couple of brats and beers. Jeez."

John "Bugzee" Houghdahl wrote a more serious assessment of Jackson's condition four days later: "I have watched him deteriorate in front of my eyes over the last 8 weeks. He was able to do multiple 360 spins back in April. He'd fall on his ass if he tried now."

Gongaware testified that he disagreed with Houghdahl's opinion, saying he had no "particular concern" about Jackson's health and ability to perform.

MJ looked 'Skeletal'

AEG Live President Randy Phillips sent Gongaware an e-mail after Jackson's death to make sure he did not use certain rehearsal video in the "This Is It" documentary because it made Jackson look too thin:

"Make sure we take out the shots of MJ in that red leather jacket at the soundstage where the mini-movies were being filmed. He looked way too thin and skeletal."

Gongaware testified that he did not know why Phillips would ask that. "We didn't keep anything out based on what Randy wanted."

Another e-mail suggested Gongaware was concerned that musicians, dancers and singers who worked on the show might tell interviewers after Jackson's death that he was unhealthy at rehearsals.

"The only thing we ask is that they keep it positive and stress that MJ was active, engaged, and not the emaciated person some want to paint him as being," he wrote in an e-mail approving their interviews.

Gongaware is expected to remain on the witness stand through Monday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 16:35
bei LSA "entdeckt"

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 16:37
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson 6m
last day of school today..... final exams next week..... #soclose #freedom #theexcitementisreal 🙊😁💕
4:28 PM - 31 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 16:41
Prince Michael Jackson Takes Girlfriend Out To A Pricey Dinner At Madeo!

Posted on May 31st, 2013 at 6:15 am

FFN Jackson Prince MAL 053013 51116063

Little Prince Charming!

Prince Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson’s son, treated his real-life princess girlfriend, Remi Alfalah, to an Italian dinner at super expensive LA hot spot Madeo on Thursday night.

The young love birds left separately to tame the swarms of paparazzi. But it must be safe to say now that the two are officially an item after they’ve been spotted out together several different times including bowling and various dinner dates.


FFN Jackson Prince MAL 053013 51116060


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 16:50
Prince Jackson, amoureux galant : Enième virée romantique avec sa princesse...
News publiée Aujourd'hui, Le Vendredi 31 Mai 2013 à 13:56



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 17:16
auf den Seiten von habe ich auch etwas von Joe Jackson "entdeckt" ...
in Monaco betreibt Joe Werbung für das "Stinkewasser" und für eine MJ Kreditkarte ...
ob er da wohl die Zustimmung vom MJ Estate hat ?????

Michael Jakson : Son père Joe joue les VRP de luxe à Monaco
News publiée Le Mardi 28 Mai 2013 à 18:16

Exklusiv - Joe Jackson promotet am 27. Mai 2013 in Monaco eine Kreditkarte mit Michael Jackson drauf.
Exklusiv - Joe Jackson macht in Monaco am 27. Mai 2013 Reklame für Michael Jackson Produkte.
1140507-joseph-jackson-julian-rouas-et-s (Archiv-Version vom 17.06.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 17:17
Michael Jackson's father denied entry at Cannes Film Festival

Published Sunday, May 26 2013, 04:38 BST | By Sam Rigby |


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 17:35
bei TMZ Live, Harvey Levin & Co. war Joe Jackson vs. Wade Robson ein Thema ...
(28:00) Joe Jackson seems unaffected by the cease and desist order sent by Michael Jackson accuser Wade Robson.
Joe Jackson fühlt sich von der Unterlassungsverfügung, die ihm vom Michael Jackson Ankläger Wade Robson gesendet wurde, nicht betroffen zu sein.

aus dem Beitrag #432 - User: Dancer - übernommen ...

Ab 29:45 min.: Joe lässt sich nicht einschüchtern.

Er kenne seinen Sohn. Es sei ihm egal, wenn er verklagt werde. Klagen könne man wegen allem möglichen, aber klagen und gewinnen seien zwei verschiedene Dinge.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 17:40
ein interessanter Thread beim MJJackson Forever Forum ...

"Timeline mit EMails" ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 18:09
Anthony McCartney ‏@mccartneyAP 29m
Anyone catch a picture of the plane and banner flying over Downtown LA this morning? Was it a Jackson vs AEG message? #DTLA
5:35 PM - 31 Mai 13

einige Antworten:

@mccartneyAP this is the pic of the plane =
BLmsdRhCIAIvoJX.jpg large
5:39 PM - 31 Mai 13

Poet - Janette Marie ‏@mjsonly 19m
@mccartneyAP another one today - there was one yesterday

Hollywood Reporter
Plane Flies Near AEG Live Office With Message: 'Follow the $ to...

A small plane was circling around Miracle Mile area office buildings in Los Angeles on Thursday with a banner that read "Follow The $ To Michael Jackson's Death." The timing of the flight arrives as...
michael jackson plane l
5:47 PM - 31 Mai 13 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 18:13
ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
You now have the complete text of the announcement. Paul Gongaware back on the stand. Details of his testimony coming as soon as we can.
6:07 PM - 31 Mai 13

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 4m
Good morning from the courthouse in downtown LA. Apologies for not tweeting entire MJ message yesterday, but we reached twitter limit! ;)

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 6m
Cont'd: I know I can overcome the problem and will be stronger from the experience.

ABC7 Court News ‏@ABC7Courts 9m
Cont'd: in order to regain my health. I realize that completing the tour is no longer possible and I must cancel the remaining dates.
6:01 PM - 31 Mai 13


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 18:21
Prince Jackson continues giving girlfriend royal treatment with dinner at A-list Hollywood restaurant

By Daily Mail Reporter
PUBLISHED: 15:28 GMT, 31 May 2013 | UPDATED: 15:46 GMT, 31 May 2013

Prince Jackson knows how to treat his girlfriend like royalty.

The 16-year-old son of Michael Jackson has taken teenage sweetheart Remi Alfalah to watch The Rolling Stones in concert and to lunch at trendy Il Pastaio in Beverly Hills.

He kept the winning streak going on Thursday night with a dinner date at Madeo restaurant in West Hollywood, another favourite among celebrities.

The Italian eatery has become a place to be seen with recent patrons such as Lindsay Lohan, Bruce Willis, Chris Pine, Emma Roberts, Paris Hilton and Avril Lavigne.

Prince kept it low-key casual for his dinner date and wore a blue T-shirt, black shorts, white socks and black Nike trainers.

Remi dressed up for the occasion in a little black dress that she wore with her hair up and a pair of gold gladiator-style sandals.

The teens met at the Buckley School in Sherman Oaks, California, where they are both juniors.

Prior to dating Remi, Prince was romantically linked to another classmate, Niki Berger, as recently as February.

He's been spotted driving Remi around town in his Ford Raptor truck.

Prince recently joined Entertainment Tonight as a correspondent.

The son of the King of Pop also made his acting debut earlier this month in the season finale of Beverly Hills 90210.

Like any other teen romance, Prince and Remi also have enjoyed trips to the bowling alley, go-karting and other dinner dates.

ähnlicher Bericht:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 18:24
Paris Jackson doing her makeup
PARISJACKSONWORLD * Veröffentlicht am 31.05.2013

Paris: "so for those always asking me about my makeup and eyeliner , here (: feel free to skip past my stupid comments , distractions , and random singing x [seriously skip past it]"

☆☆☆☆☆ Paris Jackson Russian Fan-Club ☆☆☆☆☆

Instagram: parisjacksonworld


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 19:34


Die Stars der Show aus Palma
Von Pamela Anderson bis Stefan Raab - diese Stars sind am 8. Juni bei Sommer-Wetten, dass..? dabei!
und voraussichtlich auch Paris Jackson ... :)

pariszdf zpsce71d7a4
Bild 4/10
Auch Paris Jackson, die Tochter des "King of Pop" Michael, hat bereits Erfahrung als Schauspielerin. Ob sie auf diesem Weg voranschreiten möchte, wird sie Markus Lanz sicher in Palma verraten. (Archiv-Version vom 20.05.2013)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.05.2013 um 20:17
Sommer-“Wetten, dass..?“ mit Paris Jackson

Gästeliste für Show auf Mallorca komplett
Geschrieben am: 31. Mai 2013


Heute wurden die letzten Gäste bekanntgegeben, die bei der Sommerausgabe von „Wetten, dass..?“ dabei sein werden. Zu ihnen gehört auch Paris Jackson, die Tochter des verstorbenen Michael Jackson!

In der Beschreibung vom ZDF heißt es: „Auch Paris Jackson, die Tochter des „King of Pop“ Michael, hat bereits Erfahrung als Schauspielerin. Ob sie auf diesem Weg voranschreiten möchte, wird sie Markus Lanz sicher in Palma verraten.“

Dass Paris, die sich sonst eher aus dem Rampenlicht fernhält, bei so eine großen Show zu Gast ist, ist sicherlich eine Überraschung.

Neben Paris wird auch Schauspieler und Frauenschwarm Gerard Butler zu Gast in der Stierkampfarena von Palma de Mallorca sein, genau wie Pamela Anderson. Weitere Gäste von Markus Lanz findet ihr auf Promicabana.

Wer keine Karten für die Show am 8. Juni bekommen hat, kann sich die Stars live im Fernsehen anschauen.
