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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.02.2013 um 19:41
aus dem - Eintrag #292 - User: BlaueBlume übernommen >

am 05.03.2013 findet das Konzert "The Jacksons - The Unity Tour" in München statt ... es wurden Karten zum Schnäppchenpreis von 19,90 EUR angeboten ... vielleicht bekommt man da noch welche ... :D :D

konzertmnchen zpse712a41b

s. a.


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28.02.2013 um 19:46
The Jacksons Unity Tour Band Introduction at Stockholm Waterfront
Youtube: The Jacksons Unity Tour Band Introduction at Stockholm Waterfront
The Jacksons Unity Tour Band Introduction at Stockholm Waterfront
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jacksonsource . Veröffentlicht am 26.02.2013

Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon aka The Jacksons introduce their band during the Unity Tour concert at Stockholm Waterfront in Sweden on February 22nd, 2013. Filmed by Janneke van der Linden for Jackson Source.


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01.03.2013 um 18:54
The Jacksons write songs for One Direction

The Jacksons schreiben Songs für One Direction

March 1, 2013, 7:51 AM EST

The Jacksons are eyeing a collaboration with One Direction after writing a collection of songs for the boy band.

Michael Jackson's brothers are currently on tour in the U.K., and Jackie Jackson reveals they are keen to team up with Britain's top pop group.

Bing: The Jacksons reunite for 'Unity Tour'

"Those boys remind me of ourselves so much when we were younger," he told U.K. newspaper the Daily Star. "I got some songs for them to record too so we'll be in touch (with them) real soon."

The Jacksons are currently working on a new album, and singing sister Janet looks set to feature on the release.

"The rest of the family are involved, too," Jackie Jackson said. "There will be some collaborations. Janet will be on the record, too, and our youngest brother Randy will return in the future as well."


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01.03.2013 um 19:29
das Interesse der Medien, ist auch bezogen auf Paris, "ungebrochen" ... :D

Paris Jackson Reveals Surprising New Look

By Raechal Leone Shewfelt | omg! – 6 hours ago

This time last year, Paris Jackson looked like a sweet little girl with long, straight brown hair and piercing blue eyes.

Flash forward to Wednesday, and the late Michael Jackson's 14-year-old daughter still has the same pretty peepers, but that's about all that's stayed the same!

620-ParisJackson-022813-jpg 003756 zpsad
Paris Jackson shows off her rock 'n' roll look. (Twitter)

The aspiring actress posted pics on Twitter of her new look, which featured an edgy cropped cut dyed black, a chopped up Pink Floyd T-shirt, and body art on her back. Perhaps she finally got that tattoo commemorating her dad’s birthday that she mentioned on Twitter back in August? In another shot, she offered a close-up view of a thick earring that makes us cringe to think about how it felt when it was pierced. This was not one of those free piercings at the mall!

The transformation into this more rock 'n' roll version of Paris began last October when she posted photos of a shorter, darker 'do not quite as textured as the latest.

Think she's taking her cues from Miley Cyrus?

If that's true, let's hope Paris stays away from Annie Leibovitz photo shoots for a few more years!

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
finally!!<33 =
BEAaCQnCAAAuilEjpglarge zpsa8f70eea
06:24 - 26. Feb. 2013

ähnliche Berichte:,,20678405,00.html


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01.03.2013 um 19:45
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb am 26.02.2013:Die schreibt nichts zu diesem Aufstieg von ihrem Bruder. Es könnte auch Eifersucht sein, will sie doch Schauspielerin werden!
dazu hat natürlich wie immer der National Enquirer "Insiderwissen" ...
den Artikel kann man leider nur über Proxy aufrufen ... :(


Published on: February 28, 2013

MICHAEL JACKSON’s son Prince has launched a showbiz career that has his younger sister PARIS green with envy and battling her family, say insiders.

paris stry 5 zpsb0006992Original anzeigen (0,4 MB)

Sources tell The ENQUIRER that Paris, 14, is furious her grandmother Katherine allowed her 16-year-old brother to become a correspondent for “Entertainment Tonight” while throwing cold water on her Hol­lywood dreams.

“It’s so unfair, Grandma!” the teen complained, according to a family friend.

“Paris wants to audition for movies and follow in her late father’s footsteps with a re­cording deal, and Katherine keeps telling her, ‘Honey, you’re too young. Enjoy your school years.’”

But the feisty youngster points out that her dad was singing by age 5 and having hits by 10.

Paris’ hands are tied since her dad, who died in 2009, left all three of his kids including his youngest son, 11-year-old Blan­ket, in Katherine’s care.

To make matters worse, Paris is also blaming her super­star aunt Janet for influencing Kath­erine’s decisions.

But both Katherine and Janet agree that while Prince has demonstrated his maturity, Paris still behaves like a child, said the friend.

Now, the source notes, the des­perate teen is beginning to act out, recently chopping off her long brunette locks and wearing heavy Goth-style eyeliner.

“THAT’S JUST ANOTHER SIGN TO Katherine, and the whole family, that Paris needs to grow up some before tackling a show business career,” said the source. “Katherine saw how the entertainment industry turned (her son) Michael from a sweet little boy into a tragic figure – and she wants a better life for Paris. Her heart is in the right place.”


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01.03.2013 um 20:04

MJZunge zpseef4fbbb


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.03.2013 um 20:15
Michael Jackson Thriller Live 2014

thriller-live-2014-tickets zps3e1dd83f

Der King of Pop kehrt mit dem Erfolgsmusical Michael Jackson Thriller Live 2014 zurück in die deutschen Arenen. Ab März 2014 ist das Michael Jackson Musical “Thriller Live” in Berlin, Bielefeld, Essen, Mannheim und Frankfurt zu sehen. Weltweit ließen sich bereits 2,5 Millionen Zuschauer in über 30 Ländern von der Live-Show mitreißen.

Bei der Thriller Live Tour 2014 feiert das Publikum das Phänomen Michael Jackson. Die Show macht seine größten Hits und seinen unnachahmlichen Tanzstil live auf der Bühne erlebbar. Die Original-Show aus dem Londoner West End, dem Ort seiner Uraufführung, macht im Frühjahr 2014 wieder in Deutschland Station. Durch die talentierten Sänger und Tänzer wird die Show für die Zuschauer zu einem unvergesslichen Erlebnis.

Alle Termine der Thriller Live 2014 Shows in Deutschland:

14.03.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Berlin, Admiralspalast – Theater
15.03.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Berlin, Admiralspalast – Theater
16.03.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Berlin, Admiralspalast – Theater
19.03.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Bielefeld, Stadthalle Bielefeld
20.03.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Essen, Colosseum Theater Essen
21.03.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Essen, Colosseum Theater Essen
22.03.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Essen, Colosseum Theater Essen
23.03.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Essen, Colosseum Theater Esse
10.04.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Mannheim, Rosengarten Mozartsaal
11.04.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Mannheim, Rosengarten Mozartsaal
15.04.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Frankfurt a.M., Alte Oper Frankfurt
16.04.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Frankfurt a.M., Alte Oper Frankfurt
17.04.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Frankfurt a.M., Alte Oper Frankfurt
18.04.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Frankfurt a.M., Alte Oper Frankfurt
19.04.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Frankfurt a.M., Alte Oper Frankfurt
20.04.2014 Michael Jackson Thriller Frankfurt a.M., Alte Oper Frankfurt

Von den Hits der “Jackson 5″ über Chartstürmer und Songs wie “Bad” bis zu den Liedern des erfolgreichen Albums “Thriller” vereint das Jacksons-Musical die mehr als vierzig jährige Karriere in einer einzigartigen Show. Neben spektakulären Musikern und Sängern überzeugen das Publikum vor allen die Tänzer, die nicht nur den Moonwalk scheinbar perfekt beherrschen.

Nach ausverkauften Gastspielen in Wien, Beijing, Paris und anderen internationalen Metropolen kehrt die Michael Jackson Thriller Live Tour 2014 ab dem 14. März nach Deutschland zurück. Thriller 2014 Tickets für die Auftritte in Berlin, Bielefeld, Essen, Mannheim und Frankfurt können Anhänger der Pop-Legende ab sofort im Online-VVK reservieren.


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01.03.2013 um 20:29
MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
Rembert Explains the '80s: Michael Jackson at the 1988 Grammy Awards #MJNews
19:18 - 1. Mär. 2013


s. a.

das bei MJJC im Thread enthaltene Video Michael Jackson | Grammy Awards 1988 Performance [HD] ist leider nur über Proxy zu genießen ...

daher dann dieses Video >

Michael Jackson Live at 1988 Grammy Awards
MichaelJacksonHiDeph . Hochgeladen am 18.05.2011

First performed is "The Way You Make Me Feel" featuring Tatiana Thumbtzen. Next is a mind blowing performance of ''Man In The Mirror".


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.03.2013 um 23:00
Michael Jackson ''Man In The Mirror'' Live At 1988 Grammy awards
MichaelJacksonHiDeph . Hochgeladen am 19.05.2011

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.03.2013 um 23:37
ein Richter hat in dem Klageverfahren KF gegen AEG bis auf einen, alle anderen Klagepunkte, abgewiesen ... der Prozess wird am 02. April 2013 beginnen ...
aus dem Eintrag #576 . User: ivy rose

Detailed story


— Mar. 1 8:09 PM EST

Calif. A judge ruled Thursday, Feb. 28, 2013 that Katherine Jackson's lawsuit against AEG Live can continue on a single claim of negligent hiring and supervision of the doctor convicted of involuntary manslaughter in her son Michael's June 2009 death. (AP Photo/Matt Sayles, File)

LOS ANGELES (AP) — A judge has dismissed all but one count in a civil lawsuit by Michael Jackson's mother against concert giant AEG Live, which hired a doctor who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in the singer's death.

Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos' ruling Thursday means that Katherine Jackson will have a trial on her claim that AEG negligently hired and supervised former cardiologist Conrad Murray. The ruling dismisses claims that AEG could be held liable for Murray's conduct and breached its duty to properly care for the pop superstar.

AEG Live was promoting a series of comeback concerts by Michael Jackson in London titled "This Is It." Jackson died in June 2009 while in final preparations for the shows after Murray administered a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol in the singer's bedroom.

Katherine Jackson's attorney Kevin Boyle was not immediately available for comment but argued at a hearing Monday that AEG controlled Murray's actions and failed to properly investigate him before agreeing to pay him to work as the singer's physician.

He cited Murray's debt problems as a red flag that AEG should have spotted and contends the company created a serious conflict between his responsibility to Jackson and his own financial well-being.

Jackson died at age 50 before a contract that would have paid Murray $150,000 a month was finalized.

AEG attorney Marvin Putnam has said Murray was not employed by the promoter and he expects the company to win at trial. He said Katherine Jackson's lawyers will be unable to prove that AEG should have foreseen that Murray was a danger to the "Thriller" singer.

A trial is scheduled to begin April 2.

s. a.
Beitrag #620 . User: Lena > Übersetzung rose


Murrays Vertrag, der aber von MJ nie unterschrieben wurde ... aus dem Eintrag #599 . User:ivy

CM - AEG Agreement by Ivy (Archiv-Version vom 09.03.2013) <iframe class="scribd_iframe_embed" src="" data-auto-height="false" data-aspect-ratio="0.770780856423174" scrolling="no" id="doc_99351" width="100%" height="600" frameborder="0"></iframe>

Eintrag #600 . User: ivy rose
This contract is not going to help Katherine at all.

"independent contractor" (mentioned a lot of times)
"At the artist's (MJ) request , producer (AEG) has agreed to retain the services of Murray".
"Murray represents he's a licensed cardiologist"
"Murray will provide general medical care"
"such services will be administered professionally and with the greatest degree of care to be expected"
"adhere to all laws, policies, rules, regulations applicable to the services provided"
"obtain, maintain, comply with all licenses"
"present within 2 weeks proof of all licenses"

- by producer for breach of contract after giving a written notice and no changes after 5 days
- if the concert series are cancelled or postponed
- if Michael for whatever reason says he no longer wants murray
- if Murray fails to have all the licenses
- if murray cannot show proof he's licensed to practice medicine at US and UK
s. a.
Eintrag #622 . User: Lena > Übersetzung rose


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.03.2013 um 23:52
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i think it's safe to say my hair is bipolar lol
BEUeZmACUAA7Kh8jpglarge zpsc85f98be
03:55 - 2. Mär. 2013 ·


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.03.2013 um 01:16
Konzert in Glasgow ... Jermaine "schmückt" sich auf der Bühne mit einem Kilt ... :D :D

Tartan special

Friday 1 March 2013

JERMAINE Jackson sported a dapper kilt as he and the other three remaining Jacksons took to the stage in Glasgow.

20385823 zpsfd4b1ae2

They were performing at the SECC as part of The Jacksons' Unity Tour – their first since 1984.

Songs like Can You Feel It revealed early reminders that Jackie, Tito, Jermaine and Marlon, who now have a combined age of 233, can cut it without their late brother Michael.

Before the tour started, Jackie Jackson talked of wanting to honour their catalogue and their brother with integrity.

Their last show in the UK is at London's Hammersmith Apollo on Sunday.

Gig review: The Jacksons - Glasgow SECC

Published on Friday 1 March 2013 17:56

879222479 zpsaa0988db

t has been almost 30 years since the Jackson brothers last undertook a concert tour – then they called it Victory; now it’s a show of Unity.

The Jacksons - Glasgow SECC

* * * *

The message is clear: they may be a significant man down, but their brother Michael is with them in spirit – and on screen, in photos and footage from the family archive, and all over the setlist, which included some selections from his solo career.

Though Tito, Jackie, Marlon and Jermaine, the latter looking fine in a kilt, may have been eclipsed in pop culture by their superstar sibling, these four are old pros, more than capable of delivering a slick non-stop showbiz performance which was unabashed in its nostalgia, but also unbeatable as a party soundtrack, expertly rendered by their super-tight band from the moment they struck up the irresistible rhythm of Can You Feel It?

Individual vocals were not always as clear as they might be, and Jermaine’s preacher screams were somewhat geriatric, but the infectious material always won through in the end. The brothers even busted out the old moves for a medley of the early effervescent pop hits, culminating in a delightful reworking of I’ll Be There (because no one hits those notes like MJ).

They could easily have devoted more time to this at the expense of Jermaine’s 80s funk solo spot but if the purpose of the show was to celebrate the diversity of the Jackson legacy, there were no quibbles with the sweet Philly soul of Man Of War, the soft, sublime Show You The Way To Go, the tender requiem of MJ’s Gone Too Soon, which gave the audience space to pay their own tributes, and the supremely funky finale of Wanna Be Startin’ Something, Don’t Stop ‘Til You Get Enough and an extended James Brown-referencing rendition of Shake Your Body (Down To The Ground).

s. a. (Archiv-Version vom 04.03.2013)


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03.03.2013 um 01:47

tumblr mfjn66i9sW1r0g2nso1 500 zps3d3243


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.03.2013 um 08:25
03.03.13, 06:02 . Meldungen

In Kürze I

Jackson-Mutter verklagt Konzertveranstalter

Der Tod von Michael Jackson beschäftigt erneut ein amerikanisches Gericht. Eine Richterin ließ die Zivilklage von Jacksons Mutter Katherine gegen den Konzertveranstalter AEG Live zu. Dieser soll nach Jacksons Ansicht fahrlässig einen Arzt engagiert und dann nicht ausreichend überwacht hatte. Der Kardiologe Conrad Murray wurde später wegen einer Mitschuld am Tod des Sängers zu vier Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt. Jackson starb während der letzten Vorbereitungen für die Shows im Juni 2009, nachdem ihm Murray das Narkosemittel Propofol verabreicht hatte.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.03.2013 um 08:34
Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
…yeahh i couldn't resist 😍💙 [ ]
Ja, ich konnte nicht widerstehen
BEZtsXRCcAEAkAj zps06667ed2
04:20 - 3. Mär 2013


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.03.2013 um 08:44 (Archiv-Version vom 09.05.2019)

Stacy Brown ‏@StacyBrownMedia
More on the wild and ever krazy world of the Jacksons in Sunday's #nypost.
21:37 - 2. Mär. 2013
Duru ‏@Deveena8
@StacyBrownMedia I hope you don't call him Jacko again. Because that is disrespectful. MJ &his kids are human beings & should be respected.
05:03 - 3. Mär. 2013


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.03.2013 um 10:55
Bad > Awards & Special Performances > The 30th Grammy Awards
Michael performes "The Way You Make Me Feel" and "Man In The Mirror"
March 2, 1988 at the Radio City Music Hall in New York City, NY

mj1988 zps1900c1fa
MJ198802 zpsf7697401
MJ198803 zps5971fe8f
MJ198804 zps942483cf


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03.03.2013 um 10:57

MJ198805 zpsfd687f11
MJ198806 zpsd6ff53a5


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.03.2013 um 11:30
La Toya wins tug o’ wards
$eizes careers of Jacko’s kids

Last Updated: 3:47 AM, March 3, 2013
Posted: 12:50 AM, March 3, 2013


La Toya Jackson was noticeably quiet when the Jackson family feud erupted in public last summer.

But while her siblings battled executors over Michael Jackson’s $2 billion estate, and her niece Paris battled Aunt Janet in the driveway, estranged La Toya, 56, slyly moved in on the heirs to the fortune.

She gathered Jacko’s three children and took sanctuary in the family’s Calabasas, Calif., mansion with Prince, 16, Paris, 15, and Blanket, 10.

The get-togethers included “lots of ice cream and cookies,” said a family insider.

“They needed comfort with everyone showing their wild side, so they watched television together, they listened to music and they talked about what Mike would want. Mostly, it was Toya doing all the talking.”

Before long, the gold-digging diva had signed all three of his kids to her Ja-Tail Enterprises talent agency, which boasts no other clients.

Prince recently signed with “Entertainment Tonight” through Ja-Tail to be a correspondent. La Toya, who has named her two poodles after Prince and Paris, stood with a watchful eye in the “ET” studios last week as Prince made his debut.

La Toya also signed Prince to appear on the CW’s remake of “Beverly Hills 90210.”

Paris inked a movie deal that will have her shooting later this year in London.

The coup de grâce for La Toya, who gets a standard 15 percent commission on each deal, would be a reality TV show deal she’s negotiating. Insiders said bidding has approached $10 million.

OWN, Oprah Winfrey’s network, is thought to be the front-runner to land the series that would feature Jacko’s children, La Toya and cameos by family matriarch Katherine.

“Toya’s working it. It’s because [Katherine] can’t say no to her,” one person close to the family said.

She was able to use the sympathy card because most of her siblings were legally barred from the mansion following the videotaped fight between Paris and her aunt Janet, the failed coup on Jacko’s will and the alleged kidnapping of Katherine.

“She pounced while everyone else was making a lot of useless noise. It was her smoke screen, and she got it done,” the insider said.

“She told them how she knew [Michael] better than anybody else, and she knew he’d want them to follow their dreams; and because they were his children, they could be media and entertainment moguls.

“She had a blueprint. She sold it, and they bought it.”

It was La Toya who prompted Paris to speak publicly for the first time at Jacko’s memorial, proclaiming him “the best daddy ever.” The speech ended with Paris in La Toya’s arms.

The fifth of nine children, La Toya has long been considered as wacko as Jacko.

She twice posed for Playboy, ran a psychic hot line, and publicly accused her famous brother of being a pedophile.

She accused patriarch Joseph Jackson of child abuse, and alleged her ex-husband, the late businessman Jack Gordon, tried to pimp her out for $100,000 to boxer Mike Tyson for a night.

Since Jacko’s 2009 death, his big sister has claimed Jacko’s pet chimp Bubbles has spoken to her and that a psychic contacted the “Thriller” singer on her behalf.

One potential hang up to the OWN deal is Paris’s refusal to do a reality show, but insiders caution not to underestimate Latoya’s power of persuasion.

“Prince wasn’t exactly eager to do ET, but could you tell? When the money is on the line, Toya is going to cash in. I wouldn’t bet against her,” the insider said.

Latoya also doesn’t have to worry about potential backlash from cousin T.J., who shares guardianship of the children with Katherine.

“The guardianship really comes down to what [Katherine] will or won’t approve and TJ only steps in when [Katherine] can’t or refuses to make a decision,” a family member said. “Toya is smart, she has her mother eating out of her hand.”

Stacy Brown is a reporter and longtime friend of the Jackson family.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.03.2013 um 08:14
Alleged 'smoking gun' e-mail revealed in Michael Jackson death suit

By Alan Duke, CNN
March 4, 2013 -- Updated 0112 GMT (0912 HKT)


* Michael Jackson's mom and kids accuse AEG Live of pressuring Dr. Conrad Murray
* A "smoking gun" e-mail ties AEG Live to Murray, Jackson attorney says
* Concert promoter AEG Live argues it did not hire or supervise Murray
* Murray is serving a prison sentence for Jackson's 2009 death

Los Angeles (CNN) -- A "smoking gun" e-mail allegedly connecting a concert promoter to Michael Jackson's death was revealed this week as a judge unsealed documents in the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Jackson's mother and children.

The trial next month in Los Angeles could shed new light on the pop icon's last days as Dr. Conrad Murray, who did not testify at his own involuntary manslaughter trial, and Jackson's oldest son Prince, 16, are on the witness list.

Jackson died two weeks before his "This Is It" comeback concerts, organized by AEG Live, were to have debuted in London in the summer of 2009. E-mails suggested that the promoter was worried about Jackson's missed rehearsals and they sought Murray's help in getting him ready.

Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson and their grandmother, Katherine Jackson, contend that AEG Live's pressure on Murray to have Michael Jackson ready for daily rehearsals despite his fragile health led to his death from an overdose of surgical anesthetic.

The judge ruled Wednesday that Jackson lawyers have shown enough evidence that AEG Live hired and supervised Murray to warrant a jury trial. She also ruled there was evidence to support the Jacksons' claim that AEG Live executives could have foreseen that Murray would use dangerous drugs in treating the pop icon.

"Now that the court has ruled that there is evidence that it was foreseeable that AEG's actions resulted in Michael Jackson's death, the Jackson family feels vindicated from the public smear campaign that AEG has waged against them," Jackson lawyer Kevin Boyle said Sunday. "The truth about what happened to Michael, which AEG has tried to keep hidden from the public since the day Michael died, is finally emerging. We look forward to the trial where the rest of the story will come to light."

A cornerstone of the Jacksons' case is an e-mail AEG Live Co-CEO Paul Gongaware wrote 11 days before Jackson's June 25, 2009, death. The e-mail to show director Kenny Ortega addressed concerns that Murray had kept Jackson from a rehearsal the day before: "We want to remind (Murray) that it is AEG, not MJ, who is paying his salary. We want to remind him what is expected of him."

Jackson lawyers, calling it a "smoking gun," argue the e-mail is evidence that AEG Live used Murray's fear of losing his $150,000-a-month job as Jackson's personal physician to pressure him to have Jackson ready for rehearsals despite his fragile health.

Ortega, who had worked closely with Jackson on previous tours, sounded a loud warning about his health after Jackson showed up for a rehearsal shivering just over a week before his death. He wrote in an e-mail to AEG Live President Randy Phillips: "It is like there are two people there. One (deep inside) trying to hold on to what he was and still can be and not wanting us to quit him, the other in this weakened and troubled state. I believe we need professional guidance in this matter."

Phillips responded with a glowing endorsement of Murray: "This doctor is extremely successful (we check everyone out) and does not need this gig so he is totally unbiased and ethical."

Jackson lawyers point to another e-mail exchange as evidence that Phillips was directly involved with pressuring Murray to have Jackson at rehearsals. The e-mail was sent by AEG Live tour accountant Timm Woolley to an insurance broker two days before Jackson died: "Randy Phillips and Dr. Murray are responsible for MJ rehearsal and attendance schedule."

Murray told investigators two days after Jackson's death that he used the surgical anesthetic propofol every night for two months to help him rest for rehearsals. It was a procedure Jackson demanded, he said. The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson had died from an overdose of propofol in combination with sedatives. Murray is serving a prison sentence for his involuntary manslaughter conviction.

AEG Live argues it has no liability in Jackson's death because Murray was not its employee. AEG lawyer Marvin Putnam did not respond Sunday to CNN calls for comment, but he did give a short statement last year: "Defendants did not hire Dr. Murray nor were they responsible for the death of Michael Jackson."

The lawsuit seeks a judgment against AEG Live equal to the money Jackson would have earned over the course of his remaining lifetime if he had not died in 2009. If AEG Live is found liable, it could cost the company several billion dollars, according to estimates of Jackson's income potential. AEG Live is a subsidiary of AEG, a global entertainment company that is now for sale with an $8 billion asking price.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Yvette Palazuelos, in her ruling rejecting AEG Live's request to have the case thrown out, said she agreed that the Jackson lawyers provided evidence that AEG Live didn't do "a sufficient background check of Dr. Murray, which would have established that Murray was deeply in debt."

Jackson's previous relationship with Murray, who treated him and his children for minor illnesses in Las Vegas, did not relieve AEG Live of liability, "although the fact may be relevant in determining proportional liability and damages," she said.

While the AEG Live lawyers argued the company could not have foreseen that Murray might use dangerous drugs on Jackson in preparation for the tour, Palazuelos said there was evidence that Gongaware had "previous tour experiences" with Jackson in which "tour doctors" gave "large amounts of drugs/controlled substances to him." Gongaware testified in Murray's trial that he worked as tour manager for Jackson's "Dangerous" and "History" tours before joining AEG Live.

The judge cited "Gongaware's general knowledge of the ethical issues surrounding 'tour doctors' and the practice of administering drugs to performing artists."

"There is a triable issue of fact as to whether it was foreseeable that such a physician under strong financial pressure may compromise his Hippocratic Oath and do what was known by AEG Live's executives to be an unfortunate practice in the entertainment industry for financial gain," the judge wrote.
