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Freuds geheime Briefe
04.02.2018 um 17:54Ok, man muss auf Englisch suchen. Die Briefverschlusssache wurde schon in den 1980er Jahren diskutiert:Narrenschiffer schrieb:Weil's irgendwer irgendwann mal in einen Wikipedia-Artikel reingeschrieben hat, ohne einen Beleg anzuführen. Mittlerweile ist es da aber draußen, da es offensichtlicher Schwachsinn ist.
Aber die Copy/Paste-Nachplapperei im internationalen Trollnetzwerk ist nicht so leicht zu entfernen.
Many Documents Are SealedWie der aktuelle Stand nach 33 Jahren ist, kann ich nicht sagen.
Most of the sealed documents are not scheduled to be opened until after the year 2000, although some major documents were released just this year. One letter by Joseph Breuer, Freud's early collaborator, was scheduled to be sealed for another 117 years - until 2102.
''There are probably some documents that are an embarrassment to the received image of Freud as a theoretician, therapist and man,'' said Peter Swales, a Freud scholar who has been at the forefront of those critical of the archives' restrictions. ''It's a case in point of how the Freudian orthodoxy has intervened to control history's view of the great man.''
Some point to the recently published letters of Freud to his friend Fliess as evidence of past expurgations. The publication of the full text of letters revealed that an earlier version, whose editors included his daughter Anna, had omitted important episodes - such as the disastrous treatment by Freud and Fliess of Emma Eckstein - which reflected poorly on Freud.
''The public impression has been that there was a cover-up to protect Freud,'' said Alexander Grinstein, president of the archives. ''But there was none; these restrictions are to protect his relatives and patients, and their families.'' Any new guidelines for raising the restrictions would have to consider such issues as protecting the confidentiality of patients, and consideration for the feelings of relatives of those mentioned.''
''I favor doing away with the restrictions entirely,'' said Sophie Freud (formerly Lowenstein), Sigmund Freud's granddaughter and a professor at the Simmons College School of Social Work who was interviewed for the archives. ''I suppose my interview with Dr. Eissler is now restricted, but the restrictions serve no purpose.''