JFK - Attentataufdeckung
29.11.2020 um 14:28@Nemon
Als Marinesekretär stand Korth dem Marinenachrichtendienst ONI vor.
Soweit ich mich erinnere, hatte Oswald während seiner Zeit in New Orleans ein Postfach im Gebäude, in dem der ONI seine Büros hatte. Und...
Wie man den Quellen entnehmen kann, sind eine Menge ONI-Akten immer noch unter Verschluss.
Die Beziehung zwischen Oswalds Stiefvater Edwin Ekdahl und Fred Korth war enger, als allgemein bekannt:

Vielleicht war die Rolle Korths wie es Lees Mutter behauptete in Oswalds Leben größer als bisher angenommen?

Die Spur hätte auch zu Fred Korth und Oswalds Stiefvater Edwin Ekdahl geführt. War es manchmal nicht auch so, dass Geheimdienstagenten aus dem Militär rekrutiert wurden, offiziell einen "discharge" bekamen und offiziell "Zivilisten" wurden, in Wirklichkeit aber nun für einen Geheimdienst arbeiteten?Nemon schrieb: Er hat ja unter anderem Connally direkt angeschrieben.According to his mother’s Warren Commission testimony, Lee Oswald became quite upset when his “honorable” Marines discharge status had been changed to “dishonorable,” ostensibly because of his attempted Soviet defection. She said, “He loved the Marines, and as far as he was concerned, he served his country 3 years. And it (the dishonorable discharge) was a stigma to me and his children, and he wanted to right the wrong.” 4 Both Lee and Marguerite expended considerable effort in contacting military officials concerning this situation. Lee felt so strongly about this situation that he contacted former Secretary of Navy, John Connally. Connally’s response to Oswald was found among his belongings, and, essentially, informed Oswald that his inquiry would handed to new Naval Secretary, Fred Korth. (Incidentally, in 1948, Korth had acted as a divorce attorney on behalf of Edwin Ekdahl concerning his divorce proceedings with Marguerite Oswald.)5 One letter concerning this predicament that was found among Oswald’s possessions must have been especially painful: a March 7, 1962 statement from Brigadier General Rathvon McClure Thompkins in response to his earlier inquiries. The letter gives a brief description of the hearings held, in absentia, concerning Oswald’s discharge.Quelle: https://debunked.wordpress.com/the-possessions-of-lee-harvey-oswald-correspondence/
Als Marinesekretär stand Korth dem Marinenachrichtendienst ONI vor.
“Oswald was a Marine before he defected to the Soviet Union and the board said a former naval intelligence specialist recalled how ONI conducted a post-defection investigation that produced at least a dozen reports about Oswald that crossed his desk. The specialist, Frank Reeves, said ‘the primary concern of the reports he read on Oswald was to ascertain what damage had been done to the national security by Oswald's defection.’ The board said it was unable to locate any such documents. Apparently the only ONI document on Oswald that the board mentioned was a Sept. 21, 1964, affidavit in the files of then-ONI Director Rufus Taylor, declaring that ONI ‘never utilized Lee Harvey Oswald as an agent or an informant.’”https://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2019/05/oni-and-assassination-of-president.html
But according to ARRB records, their official contact with ONI had reported to them that she had located defector records, reviewed them page by page and placed them in a special box marked for the ARRB, but the ONI officer was replaced, reprimanded and the records never released to the Review Board.
When the CIA director Richard Helms was asked by the HSCA about their interests in Oswald after his defection, Helms said that, “It would have been considered a Navy matter,” and recommended they talk to Rufus Taylor, who just happened to have died two weeks previous.
In the Final Report of the Assassinations Records Review Board it is noted “for the record” that ONI couldn’t locate any documents whatsoever of Admiral Taylor when he was director and that: “ONI stated that it conducted an extensive review of ONI records held at the Federal Records Centers throughout the country. ONI did not identify any additional assassination records. ONI was unable to find any relevant files for the Director of ONI from 1959 to 1964. ONI also acknowledged that there were additional ONI records that were not reviewed for assassination records, but these records would be reviewed under Executive Order 12958 requiring declassification of government records. The Office of Naval Intelligence submitted its Final Declaration of Compliance dated May 18, 1998.”
Korth was also involved in Oswald’s employment at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall in Dallas, Texas. Let’s consider the following. When Robert L. Stovall (the President of Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall) testified before the Warren Commission, he claimed (in so many words) that in order for the firm to do classified/confidential work for any “federal agency,” it must be “cleared through” by the “Navy Bureau Material” (see here). Stovall also told the Commission that he had served in the U. S. Navy. According to the late researcher John Judge, approval by the ONI was necessary in order to obtain employment at Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall (see here).http://jfkthelonegunmanmyth.blogspot.com/2016/08/oswald-fred-korth-and-office-of-naval.html
Soweit ich mich erinnere, hatte Oswald während seiner Zeit in New Orleans ein Postfach im Gebäude, in dem der ONI seine Büros hatte. Und...
It is also significant that it appears that the ONI had two official offices in Dallas, one at 1114 Commerce Street (Rm. 204) and the other at the Post Office Annex , one possibly a regular ONI office while the other for the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (CIS). It’s possible a third Dallas office is referred to in records as the “Dallas Field Office.” (See: Lankford)https://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2013/12/oliver-stones-mercedes-and-oni-files.html
Wie man den Quellen entnehmen kann, sind eine Menge ONI-Akten immer noch unter Verschluss.
Die Beziehung zwischen Oswalds Stiefvater Edwin Ekdahl und Fred Korth war enger, als allgemein bekannt:

Vielleicht war die Rolle Korths wie es Lees Mutter behauptete in Oswalds Leben größer als bisher angenommen?
