@Nemon @EdgarH @monstra @Cpt.Germanica @noway TSBD-Manager Truly und der Polizist Baker mussten nach eigenen angaben die Treppe nehmen, weil die Fahrstühle nicht zu betätigen waren.
Aus einem WC-Memorandum:
Truly claims that he looked up the shaft and saw that both elevators were together on the same floor.
As part of this picture we should also remember that approximately 15 minutes before the assassination Jarman and Norman took the west elevator up to the fifth floor.
Truly and Baker started climbing the stairs no more than two or three minutes after the assassination. (Mr. Belin timed it at less than two minutes.) At each landing Truly and Baker looked to see whether an elevator was present and they did not see one. They certainly would have noticed the west elevator because this was most directly in line with their vision at each landing.
It was only when they reached the fifth floor that they saw an elevator, but, surprisingly enough, it was the east elevator which they saw. The west elevator was not present on the fifth floor where Truly thought he had seen it from below, and where it could have been expected to be found since Jarman and Norman had taken it there to have their lunch
https://reopenkennedycase.forumotion.net/t516-the-mystery-of-the-west-elevator#5130Es besteht die Möglichkeit, dass ein Täter den Aufzug benutzt haben könnte, als Baker und Truly die Treppe raufrannten.
Andere Möglichkeit:
The second possible assumption is that the elevator was not on the fifth floor at all, but was on the sixth floor with the gate open at the time that Truly rang for it on the first floor. This would mean that someone on the sixth floor would have had to close the gate and take the
elevator down-- either directly to the fifth floor where Truly saw it after he was on the roof, or to some lower floor and then back up to the fifth floor. In either case, it would mean that someone got on the west elevator on the sixth floor just a very short time after Oswald left the floor via the stairway. Significantly, none of the investigations appears to have turned up anyone who admits to being on the west elevator at this time.
Truly thinks that Dougherty was working there at this time. I know that Messrs. Ball and Belin plan to question Dougherty, who would have to explain why he was up there working so soon after the shots were fired. A previous memorandum on Dougherty, written by Mr. Eisenberg, raises questions about Dougherty which should be looked into on the next trip to Dallas.
If Oswald was not acting alone, it is very likely that an employee of the TSBD building was his accomplice. It is also possible that an employee of the TSBD might have information and for some reason be afraid to come forward.
Wenn man von Oswald als Schützen ausgeht- wer könnte ein Komplize gewesen sein? Buell Frazier? Oswald soll in den Tagen vor dem Attentat auf Schießplätzen gesehen worden sein, manchmal in Begleitung eines "Frazier von Irving, Texas".
Ich möchte nochmal auf einen Widerspruch zwischen Buell Wesley Fraziers Angabe, Oswald freitags nach der Arbeit im Auto nach Hause und montags wieder zur Arbeit im TSBD mitgenommen zu haben.
Mindestens zwei Aussagen von Kollegen vor dem HSCA legen nahe, dass Frazier dies häufiger tat als behauptet:
Edward Shields: "Everyday that he worked there..."
Junior Jarman: "always"
Original anzeigen (0,1 MB)Quelle
https://22novembernetwork.wordpress.com/2014/12/05/excuse-me-mr-frazier-by-rob-clark/http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26248-unanswered-questions-for-buell-frazier/Soweit ich weiß, sind die Ergebnisse seines Lügendetektortests noch immer nicht zugänglich.