JFK - Attentataufdeckung
26.11.2020 um 23:28knackundback schrieb:S M Holland sagt ja auch, dass es aussah, als ob der Präsident sich in der Kurve aufrichtete und der Wagen kurz anhielt. Vielleicht wurden Kennedy oder der Secret Service stutzig, als sie merkten, dass der Wagen nicht geradeaus fuhr, wie ursprünglich geplant.Der Wagenkolonne fuhr das sogenannte Pilot Car voraus- es soll vor dem TSBD gehalten haben. Vielleicht wurde das herausgeschnitten?
(1) The pilot car. This is usually a local law enforcement car driven and manned by local officers. It precedes the main party over the route by approximately one-quarter mile. Its function is to alert the local officers along the route that the presidential motorcade is coming and to check ahead for any signs of trouble, disturbance or other complications. Occassionally it drops back to help with crowds. It is in radio communication with the lead car and other Dallas cars and stations.......
But members of the unit were participating in the security of the President as members of the Dallas Police Department, there were two members of the 488th in the pilot car of the motorcade.http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2011/01/pilot-car.html
While most of the descriptions of the motorcade mention only the Lead Car, driven by DPD Chief Curry, and including Secret Service officers, in front of the Lead Car there was a Pilot Car, driven by 488th member Capt. Lumpkin.
According to Peter Dale Scott's Dallas COPA (2010) address, this car pulled to the side of the road in front of the TSBD and Capt. Lumpkin talked briefly to one of the three police officers assigned to traffic duty at that intersection (Huston & Elm), sixty feet below the Sixth Floor Sniper's window. Except there is no mention of this stop or what was conveyed to the cops in the official report
Dass JFK sich "aufgerichtet" haben , ja "aufgestanden" sein soll, kenne ich von einem Zeugen. David Lifton schreibt dazu:
7. On the front dashboard was a button that would operate a one-half horsepower motor —installed sometime prior to Dallas— and which could raise the rear seat by about 10 inches. (I have obtained official documents about this).http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/12956-john-connally-and-doug-thompson/?do=findComment&comment=432576
8. A small (but significant) number of Dealey Plaza eyewitnesses said that they thought that— during the shooting—President Kennedy “rose up” or (momentarily) stood up. (But, IMHO, that is not quite what happened; what happened is that the seat was raised, via the electric motor, activated by the push of the button). That operated an electric motor and the associated apparatus, installed in the trunk. After JFK was shot, the rear seat was immediately lowered (from its raised position) to its “lower” position.