@delta.m @noway @behind_eyes @BruiserBrody @Groucho @sunlay @Africanus @Nemon @Nikto @Aniara Vor kurzem veröffentlichte Dokumente belegen, dass das FBI schon am Tag des Attentats auf David Ferrie und seine Verbindung mit Oswald aufmerksam gemacht wurde,
offenbar noch vor Jim Garrison.
https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-articles/the-fbi-knew-about-david-ferrie-on-11-22-638:45 AM Bill Manning, States Item, advised it was their understanding although they had no source for this that David Ferrie flew to Dallas on the day the president was assassinated, 11/22/63.
http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26080-the-fbi-knew-about-david-ferrie-on-112263/?do=findComment&comment=407377David Ferrie arbeitete 1963 eng mit Guy Banister und den Anti-Castro-Kubanern zusammen.
Wikipedia: Guy Banister#Private investigation, Cuba, Oswald, MarcelloDas Interessante ist, dass Ferrie nach dem Attentat ein Verhalten an den Tag legte, das man als
consiousness of guilt bezeichnen könnte:
Martin's accusations soon got back to Ferrie, who contacted several of his former Civil Air Patrol associates. Former cadet Roy McCoy told the FBI that "Ferrie had come by looking for photographs of the cadets to see if Oswald was pictured in any photos of Ferrie's squadron."[19]
Jack Martin also told bail bondsman Hardy Davis that he had heard on television that Ferrie's New Orleans library card had been found in Oswald's possession when he was arrested in Dallas. Davis reported this to Ferrie's employer, the lawyer G. Wray Gill.[20] (In fact, no such library card was found among Oswald's possessions.)[21] Ferrie subsequently visited both Oswald’s former New Orleans landlady and a former neighbor about this report.[2 Ferrie was able to produce his library card for FBI agents who interviewed him on November 27, 1963.[23]
Wikipedia: David Ferrie#Allegations of involvement in the Kennedy assassinationFerrie machte sich nach dem Attentat Sorgen, ob objektive Beweise wie Fotos oder Dokumenten ihn direkt mit Oswald in Verbindung bringen könnten...
Wenn man das mit den Aussagen Eugene Dinkins, der das Attentat aussagte und Guy Banister schon 1963, 3 Jahre bevor Jim Garrison Banister als Verdächtigen für sich entdeckte, als Beteiligten am Komplott gegen JFK nannte, kann wohl nicht mehr von Zufall ausgehen.
In den neuen Akten wird auch Forrest Sorrells, Leiter des USSS-Büros in Dallas, erwähnt. Er und der FBI-Agent James Hosty müssen vor dem Attentat von Oswald gewusst haben.
Sorrells war auch in die Vorbereitungen für den Präsidentenbesuch involviert.Wikipedia: James P. Hostyhttp://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26077-who-has-researched-forrest-sorrels-deeply/?do=findComment&comment=407356Sorrells soll JFK gegenüber feindselig eingestellt sein- und könnte folglich ein Motiv gehabt haben, bei der Sabotage Sicherheitsvorkehrungen in Dallas und anschließenden Vertuschung mitgewirkt zu haben
http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/topic/26077-who-has-researched-forrest-sorrels-deeply/?do=findComment&comment=4073961/ He claimed he was in the TSBD at 12:50 after returning from Parkland hospital, He is also recorded as being at the rear entrance of the TSBD at the aforementioned time and pointing out that the rear exit(s) are unguarded!...
2/ Furthermore he is credited with finding two star government witnesses to have seen gunfire from the snipers nest.
3/ And for being present at the interrogations of Lee Harvey Oswald.
In Vince Palamara’s Survivor’s Guilt Sorrels is credited with having Roy Truly draw up an employee manifest only to discover that Oswald was the ‘only’ employee missing (page 305).
We know that nothing is further removed from the truth regarding the missing employee Lee Harvey Oswald, other individuals were missing at that time and the list is way incomplete.