noway schrieb:Das ist fast wie der Ausweis von Atta :D
Fehlt nur noch: "Die Beweise sind in der Garage. Setzen Sie sich doch, der Kaffee ist gleich fertig. Möchten sie auch noch ein Stuck Kuchen?"
Groucho schrieb:Na klar, der Präsident kommt nach Dallas und Oswald weiß von nichts.........
Aniara schrieb:Das nenne ich mal ein gutes Pseudo-Alibi! Tue ich mal so, als wüsste ich von nichts.
off-peak schrieb:Klar. Er nahm sein Gewehr immer zur Arbeit mit, weil er in seinen Pausen und nach Feierabend schon mal gerne auf Tauben schoss. Als er erfuhr, dass der Präsident genau an seinem Fenster vorbei fahren würde, fand er dieses Ziel verständlicherweise dann auch weitaus attraktiver.Ja, so wird es wohl gewesen sein. Ergibt Sinn.
Roy Truly vor der Warren Commission:
Mr. BELIN. Now I want to take you to the morning of November 22d. First let me ask you when you first heard your employees discussing the fact that the motorcade would be going by the Texas School Book Depository? Was that first on the morning of November 22d that you heard that, or at any prior date?
Mr. TRULY. I don't recall. I don't recall hearing any particular discussion about him coming by. No, sir; I don't. war dejenige, der Oswald einstellte, dem Gebäude an der Dealey Plaza zuteilte, die Geschichte mit der Begegnung beim Soda-Automaten im ersten Stock in die Welt setzte und "zufällig" der Polizei meldete, dass LHO fehlte, obwohl er, wie er zugab, wusste, dass andere Angestellte auch abwesend waren... tat so, als wüsste er nichts davon, dass der Präsident am TSBD vorbeifahren würde. Dass er Oswald der Polizei meldete, kam einfach so,,,
Ergeben Fraziers Aussagen Sinn?
Frazier ist in der offiziellen Version jemand, der von Oswald bezüglich des Gewehrs in der Papiertüte angelogen wurde. Umso erstaunlicher seine Aussage vor dem HSCA:
FRAZIER: No, I didn't know that he'd been caught. But I will tell you this. I knew that he had the rifle.
FRAZIER: He did. And I said to myself, I said, 'Oh, my God.' That was the first thing right there on the [Depository] steps.
Oswald soll Schießplätze in Begelitung eines Mannes namens "Frazier" besucht haben
The statements that Mr. Slack gives, states that he was at the rifle range November 9th, 10th, and 17th. Again, he mentions that Oswald is not alone at the rifle range when he sees him. In some of his statements, Mr. Slack mentions that Oswald was being driven to the rifle range by a man named “Frazier”. The Warren Commission decides that this does not fit their story too well, and they decide to leave out these witnesses in the final report.
In den letzten Jahren vertrat Frazier die Meinung, dass das Gewehr zu lang für die Papiertüte gewesen sei...
Wichtige Fragen, die Frazier beantworten müsste:
Eddie Shields was part of the skeleton crew, 3 or 4 guys, who worked down at the Houston Street warehouse, beside the employee parking lot. Shields told the HSCA that he recalled, on the morning of November 22nd, that once you'd parked your car, somebody hollered out at you, "Where's your rider?" And that you answered, "I dropped him off at the building."
How do you explain this? Did you or did you not drop Oswald off at the Book Depository that morning, before you parked your car?
- Were you the one who actually brought a long package into the Book Depository that morning?
- Did you bring in your Enfield rifle to work that morning?
- Shields stated that he thought Oswald rode with you to work every day. James Jarman also told the HSCA that you always brought Oswald to work. Did you ever pick Oswald up at his rooming house? Swing by Oak Cliff on your way to the Depository?
Did Oswald stay in Irving with his wife Marina more than just on weekends?
-You told HSCA investigators Jack Moriarty and Maxwell Day that you were "very good friends" with two of the lead escort motorcyclists in the motorcade. How did you get to such good friends in such a short time, seeing as you had only moved up from Huntsville at the beginning of September?
While you were on the front steps, watching the motorcade approaching, these lead escorts- as they rounded that hairpin turn onto Elm Street- they made their motorcycles backfire? You could hear them go "pop- pop", vaguely like the sound of gunfire?
Do you think they were just clowning around? Or might there have been something more sinister to it?
- From the front landing, when the shooting started, did it seem that any shots came from the Dal-Tex Building, or any of the other buildings on Houston Street?
- After the shooting, you said you went down to the curb in front of the steps? And you noticed a military person you had seen the day before? Was he in uniform, or in plainclothes?
And he was shouting at some cop that he'd just had his wallet stolen? Don't you think he was trying to divert the policeman's attention?
And did it seem to you, when the President was shot, that the military person knew it was coming?
And you remarked to the HSCA investigators, that the assassination- the whole operation- it seemed like a military experience?
- You spent the last 10 minutes of your lunch break in the basement. Was anybody else down there at this time, about 12:35- 12:45?
The power went out on the passenger elevator, in the front of the building, about 12:40. And shortly thereafter it went out on the freight elevators. How do you explain this?
The 440-Volt electrical box that controlled the elevators was down in the basement. Did you or did you not shut off the power to those elevators?
Who told you to shut them off? Whose orders were you following?
- Your stepfather, David Williams, was an alcoholic. He was abusive to you at times, while you were growing up? He was a big reason why you left Huntsville?
At the end of October, shortly after he & your mom came up for a stay at the Randle home in Irving, he had another heart attack and had to be hospitalized? So he had already been in the hospital about a month by the time of the assassination?
You had already visited him there, before November 22nd? And you had no particularly compelling family reason for seeing him there, on November 22nd? Isn't that right?
Because once you were dismissed from work that afternoon, around 1:30, you went straight home to your sister's, to Linnie Mae Randle's home, didn't you? You didn't go to the hospital until around 5 o'clock, isn't that right?
Will you tell us what you did with yourself, what you and your sister did, that afternoon of November 22nd?
Did anyone phone you with some information? About Oswald supposedly carrying a paper package to your house that morning? That you were supposedly now eyewitnesses to?
- You were kept past midnight at the Dallas police station on the 22nd. They gave you a polygraph exam? Was it just the examiner in the room? Do you recall whether other detectives were present?
They showed you a bag, made from heavy brown paper? And you told them you'd never seen it before? That the bag Oswald had brought to work was made of crinkly brown paper?
So why did you testify to the Warren Commission that the bag Oswald brought in was like the heavy-duty bags you'd find in a grocery store?
Do you recall any further questions from that polygraph exam? Any idea why the Dallas police would keep those test results hidden?
Did you pass the test?
- During your HSCA interview, you told the investigators that you were put in a police line-up with Oswald. About what time of night did this take place? Was it before or after you were called back to the station to take a polygraph?
You told the HSCA that Oswald remarked then that he "owned Dallas." That he said to you, "You drove the car." Do you remember anything else about what went on during that line-up?
- What can you tell us about Jack Dougherty? Was he a bit of a mental case? A big guy with the brains of a brontosaurus?
Did he seem like he'd do anything for Roy Truly? That Truly was his puppet-master?
Did he act like he knew something about the assassination, that nobody else knew?
What do you think he knew? What do you think he might have done that day?