JFK - Attentataufdeckung
16.11.2020 um 18:25@Cpt.Germanica
Interessant ist auch, dass LHO zu einem Zeitpunkt vom TSBD eingestellt wurde, als dort eigentlich Flaute war und eigentlich zusätzliche Mitarbeiter eigentlich nicht erforderlich waren. Buell Wesley Frazier und Lee Harvey wurden in genau jener Zeit eingestellt.
Frazier nahm Oswald morgens zur Arbeit im Auto mit und war die Quelle der Gardinenstangenschichte. Später würde er behaupten, dass die Tüte, die Lee mit sich führte, zu kurz für die Mannlicher Carcano gewesen sei.
Frazier sagte aber auch vor dem HSCA: "I knew he had the rifle". Zeugen wollen Oswald auf einem Schießplatz gesehen haben- in Begleitung eines jungen Mannes namens Frazier.
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.496)
Es gibt einige Widersprüche und Lücken:https://gregrparker.com/wp-content/plugins/pdf-poster/pdfjs/web/viewer.php?file=https://gregrparker.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/OSWALDS-JOB-THE-SETUP-VERSION-2-1.pdf&download=true&print=false&openfile=false
Frazier wohnte damals bei seiner Schwester Linnie Mae Randle, einer Nachbarin Ruth Paines.https://gregrparker.com/wp-content/plugins/pdf-poster/pdfjs/web/viewer.php?file=https://gregrparker.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/OSWALDS-JOB-THE-SETUP-VERSION-2-1.pdf&download=true&print=false&openfile=false
Ich habe eine Website mit Quellen zu JFKs Wahlkampftour 1960 in Texas 1960 entdeckt-.Groucho schrieb am 12.11.2020:Wenn es für dich kein Zufall ist, kann es ja nur Absicht sein?
Wie aber kann es Absicht sein, wenn man zu dem Zeitpunkt noch gar nicht wusste, dass die Route dort vorbei führen sollte?
So Rayburn gamely followed Kennedy through the plaza named for Morning News founder G.B. Dealey and through the heart of the Dallas business district. He watched the crowd grow in size and enthusiasm until the spectators at Akard and Commerce brought the procession to a near stop.http://res.dallasnews.com/interactives/2013_October/JFK1960/#.X7KpqWhKjIW
Interessant ist auch, dass LHO zu einem Zeitpunkt vom TSBD eingestellt wurde, als dort eigentlich Flaute war und eigentlich zusätzliche Mitarbeiter eigentlich nicht erforderlich waren. Buell Wesley Frazier und Lee Harvey wurden in genau jener Zeit eingestellt.
Frazier nahm Oswald morgens zur Arbeit im Auto mit und war die Quelle der Gardinenstangenschichte. Später würde er behaupten, dass die Tüte, die Lee mit sich führte, zu kurz für die Mannlicher Carcano gewesen sei.
Frazier sagte aber auch vor dem HSCA: "I knew he had the rifle". Zeugen wollen Oswald auf einem Schießplatz gesehen haben- in Begleitung eines jungen Mannes namens Frazier.
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.496)
Es gibt einige Widersprüche und Lücken:
If Buell Wesley Frazier ever grants another interview,he too could straighten a few things out. He should be asked to confirm whether it was the Manning Employment Service on Shady Grove Road that was responsible for his job reference and eventual placement at the book depository. If so, who was it who directed him towards that employmentagency? If Frazier's placement at the book depository was such an innocent event,why is there no clear public record of the employment agency he used? The Warren Commission and the FBI should have provided documented evidence of the employment agency Frazier used as well as statements from the employees and owner of the agency involved.It is all but certain that Frazier got his job through the Manning Employment Service. More than likely the use of this agency by the Texas School Book Depository was an abnormal event not in keeping with their regular practices. The Warren Commission would have had a hard time explaining why superintendent Roy Truly suddenly decided to use the Manning Employment Service of Irving, Texas in the hiring of Buell Wesley Frazier.
Frazier wohnte damals bei seiner Schwester Linnie Mae Randle, einer Nachbarin Ruth Paines.
That two employees of Jack Ruby lived close to Ruth Paine's house where Oswald was visiting Marina is odd to begin with. That the nephew ofhomicide detective Elmer Boyd was living next door to them is simply bizarre. It is telling that Bill Morse, the nephew of Detective Elmer Boyd, was never interviewed.
Detective Elmer Boyd was involved in many aspects of the Kennedy assassination. He sat in on at least six of the inadequately recorded interrogations of Oswald at police headquarters. Detective Boyd claimed to have found five .38 pistol cartridges on Oswald some two hours after Oswald had been taken into custody. This,even thoughOswald had been frisked by police when he was apprehended at the Texas Theatre. In his Warren Commission testimony Detective Boyd stated that he was in Irving, Texas with his in-laws on the day Jack Ruby gunned down Lee Harvey Oswald. He failed to mention that his nephew also lived in Irving, next door to two employees of Jack Ruby, and a short distance from the house Oswald visited in the five weeks leading up to the assassination. It must have slipped his mind...
More recently he has made comments about it. With regards to his partner, Richard Sims, he recounted how, "Sims knew Ruby very well from years working in Dallas' vice squad" (Tyler Morning Telegraph Nov 22, 2014). Boyd also stated, with a slight grin, that Jack Ruby, "wasn't a big Mafia thing like they made him out to be" (WSAV 3 television). It seems that Elmer Boyd and his partner Richard Sims knew Jack Ruby quite well.