Aniara schrieb:AHA! Sie wurde also lediglich von ihren damaligen Arbeitgebern zum Stillschweigen gezwungen und von keinen Regierungsleuten.
das schließt sich ja gegenseitig nicht aus- sie kann sowohl von Beamten als auch von ihrer Arbeitgeberin gedrängt worden sein, zu schweigen.
@Africanus @JamieStarr Zur Kongopolitik:
In his book JFK: Ordeal in Africa, Richard Mahoney noted that Kennedy considered Gullion his most trusted third world ambassador. He sent Gullion into the Congo in 1961 because that African nation had become “a testing ground of the views shared by Kennedy and Gullion on the purpose of American power in the Third World. As Kennedy remarked over the phone one day, if the U.S. could support the process of change – ‘allow each country to find its own way’ – it could prevent the spread of the Cold War and improve its own security.”90
In the Congo, Gullion also represented Kennedy’s support of a UN policy forged by the late Dag Hammarskjöld. Kennedy and Gullion promoted Hammarskjöld’s vision of a united, independent Congo, to the dismay of multinational corporations working ceaselessly to carve up the country and control its rich resources.91 After Kennedy’s death, the corporations would succeed in controlling the Congo with the complicity of local kingpins. While JFK was alive, a Kennedy-Hammarskjöld-UN vision kept the Congo together and independent.
Seventeen years after JFK’s death, Gullion said, “Kennedy, I think, risked a great deal in backing this operation [of UN forces in the Congo], backing this whole thing.”92 The risk came from within his own government. Kennedy rejected his State Department’s and Joint Chiefs’ proposals for “direct U.S. military intervention in the Congo in September 1961 and December 1962.”93 Kennedy had again feared he was being entrapped by his advisers, as in the Bay of Pigs, Laos, and Vietnam, in an ever-deepening U.S. military involvement. His Congo policy was also being subverted by the CIA, which had been arming the Congo’s secessionist regime in Katanga in order to promote Belgian mining interests. “This [CIA] practice,” wrote Richard Mahoney, “was expressly contrary to U.S. policy and in direct violation of the UN Security Council resolutions.”94 Kennedy’s policy, carried out by Gullion, was to support the UN peacekeeping operation. The president often quoted the statement his UN ambassador Adlai Stevenson made to the Security Council, that the only way to keep the Cold War out of the Congo was to keep the UN in the Congo.95 But the CIA wanted the Cold War in the Congo.
Richard D. Mahoney, JFK: Ordeal in Africa (New York: Oxford University Press, 1983), p. 108.
Ibid., pp. 114, 246-48.
Herbert S. Parmet interview of Edmund Gullion, August 18, 1980, cited in Herbert S. Parmet, JFK: The Presidency of John F. Kennedy (New York: Dial Press, 1983), p. 320.
Mahoney, JFK: Ordeal in Africa, p. 246.
Ibid., p. 81.
Ibid., p. 246.
der Kongo besitzt eines der größten Uranvorkommen, was im Kalten Krieg eine große Rolle gespielt hat versuchte zusammen mit UN-Generalsekretär eine neue Kongo-Politik zu entwickeln, die das Land aus dem Kalten Krieg raushalten sollte IndonesienpolitikDag Hammarskjöld und John F Kennedy haben auch zusammen an einer neuen Indonesienpolitik gearbeitet, die mit der der Eisenhower-Regierung brach und die dann nach dem Tod der beiden nicht weiterverfolgt wurde gibt da auch Parallelen zum Congo
Wikipedia: CIA activities in IndonesiaDas gipfelte 1965 im Sturz Sukarnos und Massakern an Zivilisten, dem mehrere 10000 zum Opfer fielen
Wikipedia: Indonesian mass killings of 1965–1966Zur Algerienpolitik:Einige französische Generäle bildeten die Untergrundorganisation OAS, um die Unabhängigkeit Algeriens zu verhindern. Dabei verübten sie neben Anschlägen auch einen Putschversuch sowie Attentate auf DeGaulle
Wikipedia: Algerienkrieg#Referendum und Putsch der GeneräleWikipedia: Organisation de l’armée secrèteDer Widerstand gegen DeGaulle wurde indirekt von der CIA und Allen Dulles unterstützt. Es gab im außenpolitischen Establishment offenbar den Konsens, antikoloniale Bewegungen in Afrika und anderswo zu bekämpfen.
Und wie im Kongo spielte der Kalte Krieg sowie Rohstoffe eine wichtige Rolle:
Dulles et al feared an independent Algeria would go Communist, giving the Soviets a base in Africa.
And there was another reason to hang onto Algeria: its natural resources. According to the US Energy Information Administration, it is “the leading natural gas producer in Africa, the second-largest natural gas supplier to Europe outside of the region, and is among the top three oil producers in Africa.” Banisters Netzwerk reichte, wie wir wissen, bis in die OAS, die gegen die Unabhängigeit Algeriens und der JFKs Unterstützung der Unabhängigkeit ein Dorn im Auge war.
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.330)In den Akten Jim Garrisons findet sich eine Verbindung zur Firma Freeport Sulphur, die ihre kubanischen Nickelerzminen durch Castros Verstaatlichungen verlor und deren Projekt, in Indonesien eine Rohstoffmine zu eröffnen, durch Sukarno und JFK durchkreuzt wurden spielte natürlich auch im Kontext eine wichtige Rolle, das wusste auh Warren-Kommission-Mitglied Allen Dulles und sein langjähriger Familienfreund George DeMohreschildt war mit Oswald befreundet
Wikipedia: George de MohrenschildtÜber DeMohrenschildts Freund Jack Crichton habe ich schon geschrieben
Beitrag von bredulino (Seite 1.229)Und auch seine Kongo-Interessen
Ganis says that, “One last facet of the Congo saga that is a unique and important link connecting Otto Skorzeny to the CIA efforts in the country is a private psychological warfare group formed in the wake of Lumumba’s death. This was a pressure group aligned with conservative elements within the United States government supporting an independent Katanga, called ‘The Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters.’ The committee was a small, but powerful lobby directed at garnering U.S. public support for the breakaway province in the Congo. It appeared on the scene in the fall of 1961, months after Skorzeny’s jaunt down to the Congo to conduct his Lumumba assassination assessment, but well within the CIA’s continued period of covert action in the country. That interest actually never abated, and the Congo Crisis went on for years. Skorzeny is directly linked to The Committee for Aid to Katanga Freedom Fighters and, from all available evidence in the Skorzeny papers, was a hidden advisor to the group. His principal contact to the group was one of his main business partners, Cliford Forster, the well seasoned veteran of the psychological warfare and political operations such as those in France in 1949 involving Paix et Liberte. Forster will also support a similar pressure group for the French Algerian crisis.”
As Ganis points our, “Significantly, a member of the Katanga committee was Dallas, Texas oil executive, and U.S. Army Reserve intelligence officer, Colonel Jack Crichton. Crichton also knew Skorzeny from the Delta oil drilling project in Spain beginning in 1953 and continuing through 1963. Crichton’s involvement with the Congo pressure group brings him even deeper into the covert operations of the Skorzeny network.[/u] Bemühungen, die Katanga-Provinz im Kongo zu halten, stand Crichtons Interessen im Weg:
On February 2nd, Kennedy approved a new Congo policy which was pretty much a brisk departure from the previous administration. The new policy consisted of close cooperation with the UN to bring all opposing armies, including the Belgians, under control. In addition, the recommendation was to have the country neutralized and not subject to any East-West competition. Thirdly, all political prisoners should be freed. (Not knowing Lumumba was dead, this recommendation was aimed at him without naming him specifically.) Fourth, the secession of Katanga should be opposed. To further dramatize his split with Eisenhower and Nixon, Kennedy invited Lumumba's staunch friend Nkrumah to Washington for an official visit. Even further, when Nehru of India asked Kennedy to promise to commit US forces to the UN military effort and to use diplomatic pressure to expel the Belgians, Kennedy agreed. But although his policies were an improvement, Kennedy made a tactical error in keeping Timberlake in place.