JFK - Attentataufdeckung
16.03.2018 um 05:36hast du so ein schwaches Gedächtnis?OpLibelle schrieb:Nehmen wir an, ich glaube es. Und nun?
Gibt es irgendwo auch nur den Hauch einer Relevanz oder irgendeinen Silberstreifen am entfernten Horizont, dass dies irgendeine Bedeutung bzgl. der Ermordung von JFK hat?
1. Walkers Netzwerk umfasste auch Oswalds und Rubys Umfeld, Oswald operierte in New Orleans mit Banisters Büro als BasisOpLibelle schrieb:Und Walker war in Texas gut vernetzt. Warum sollte er nicht auf inoffziellen Wege in Erfahrung gebracht haben, was die Behörden schnell über Oswald herausgefunden hatten?
2. Walker hatte VOR den Behörden Informationen über Oswald, sogar sehr persönliche- was die offizielle Theorie eines "Lone Nut" ins Wanken bringt
3. Walker soll selbst verdächtige Äußerungen hinsichtlich der Ermordung JFKs gemacht haben, auch in seinem Anti-Castro-Umfeld sind Äußerungen doumentiert:
Inspector Kelley of the Secret Service interviewed Father Walter McChann on April 30, 1964. Fr McChann had been chaplain of the Dallas Cuban Catholic Committee since 1961, and the following year, had been given the responsibility of running the resettlement office. The main focus of this work was in assisting the exiles in finding jobs, and in providing relief in the interim. McChann was interviewed as this work brought him into regular contact with Sylvia Odio. A report on the interview was sent to the Warren Commission on May 5, 1964, and was entered into the records as Commission Exhibit 2943.Silvia Odio wird hier auch erwähnt- sie will eine interessant Begegnung mit Oswald gehabt haben:
The part of the report of interest here goes as follows: He [McChann] first made contact with Heitman [Dallas FBI] when it came to his attention that one of these Cuban refugees was extorting money from some other Cubans, was making false promises to the Cubans, was a disruptive influence in the Cuban community and was considered by Father McChann to be a "political Cuban" rather than a Cuban who was interested in receiving assistance from the Committee. He could not recall the name of this Cuban but he believes the Cuban is still employed at Parkland Hospital. Mrs Connell was interviewed by the FBI on Nov 29, 1963. This report is contained in Commission Exhibit 3108. Connell had been a volunteer with the Cuban Catholic Committee, and had befriended Sylvia Odio as a result.
Although she did not mention the Parkland Cuban, she did pass on the information that General Edwin Walker and Colonel [Robert] Castorr had been "trying to arouse the feelings of Cuban refugees in Dallas against the Kennedy administration policies." Harold Weisberg picked up on these leads in the 1960s. He had been rightly appalled that McChann, Connell and Castorr were all passed over as witnesses by the Warren Commission, and that seemingly no effort had been expended in finding out who the Parkland Cuban was. [1] In finally interviewing the wife of Colonel Castorr, Weisberg fell short of finding out his identity, but was told that this Cuban was sent back to Miami after the assassination. [2] The Warren Commission, the FBI and the Secret Service were not alone however, in ignoring information about this Cuban. The Dallas Police also ignored information regarding him, despite that information being provided by the wife of one of their own.
Buried in the Dallas assassination archives is the original of a memo from OA Jones to Chief Stevenson and Captain Fritz. The date is listed as "unknown". A copy of this however, is also in the archives, and it gives the date as Nov 22, 1963. [3] The text of the Memo is reproduced here:
To: Chief Stevenson
Captain FritzSubject: Informaion on threats against President KennedyThe wife of Detective RE Abbott said that a former employee at Parkland Hospital was heard by Mrs Johnson on the admission desk and a orderly named HOSEY saying that President Kennedy would be killed. The former employee was a Cuban.
His name can be furnished by Mr Morgan, who is Mrs Abbott's supervisor.
OA Jones Captain of Police

The Odio Incident
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John Martino war an den CIA-Mafia-Operationen gegen Castro beteiligt und verfügte Vowissen über das Attentat
Martino war ein enger Freund von Felipe Vidal Santiago, der für Walker eine wichtige Informationsquelle war
Vidal became a close friend of John Martino. He also worked closely with Roy Hargraves and carried out a series of raids on Cuba in the 1960s. This involved a plan to to create a war with Cuba by simulating an attack on Guantanamo Naval Base... Larry Hancock argues in his book, Someone Would Have Talked, that Vidal traveled to Dallas on several occasions between 31st October and 21st November 1963 in order to raise funds for the anti-Castro exiles. This included meeting Edwin Walker. On his return to Miami he "reportedly stated that Walker had no further interest in Cuban affairs." However, Gerry Hemming has claimed that Vidal obtained money from H. L. Hunt, who had been largely responsible for funding Walker's campaign for governor in Texas. Clint Murchison and Gordon McLendon have also been suggested as possible contributors to Vidal's operation.http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKsantiago.htm
Dick Russell later interviewed William Bishop who confirmed that he was aware of the plot to kill John F. Kennedy. He claimed the plot included people such as Tony Varona and Roland Masferrer. "By 1963, the Cuban element - see, Kennedy had gone to Miami, to the Orange Bowl down there, and made this statement that the brigade's flag would fly over Cuba and all this crap. That was a stopgap. The exiles for a time believed him. Then shortly after that, a presidential executive order came out that no military-style incursions into Cuba based from the United States would be tolerated. The end result was complete distrust and dislike for Kennedy and his administration by the Cuban exiles. You take Tony Varona and Rolando Masferrer to name but two - and there were many, many more - when serious talk began to happen about the possibility of assassinating Kennedy."
Martino was involved with a Mafia-owned hotel in Cuba prior to Castro's revolution. He was then arrested and jailed by the revolutionaries. Once he was released in 1962 he began to speak out against Castro, joined up with some para-military types like Felipe Vidal Santiago and Gerry Hemming, and was also a speaker on the John Birch Society circuit. He died in 1975. But before he passed away he spoke about what he had heard of the plot to kill Kennedy to a couple of friends and to his wife. One of the friends, Fred Claasen, went to the House Select Committee on Assassinations. According to Hancock, the HSCA did only a perfunctory investigation of the claims. Later on, in Vanity Fair, (December of 1994) Anthony Summers fleshed out the story more fully.https://kennedysandking.com/john-f-kennedy-reviews/hancock-larry-someone-would-have-talked