Was geschah mit Flug MH370?
03.12.2021 um 18:38Zumindest hätten die Chinesen dann die Black Box und es vor der Welt verschwiegen, was dann weitere Fragen nach dem Warum aufwerfen würde.
towfish (plural towfishes)Quelle: https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/towfish
An object towed behind a vessel in the water, carrying sonar equipment.
April 14, 2016Quelle: https://www.offshore-energy.biz/remora-iii-rov-to-recover-another-towfish-lost-in-mh370-search/
Dong Hai Jiu 101 departed for the MH370 search area on April 11, carrying Phoenix International’s Remora III remotely operated vehicle (ROV) which will be used in the recovery of the lost SLH‑ProSAS‑60 tow system.
Namely, on March 21, the failure of a tow cable connector resulted in the loss of the SLH‑ProSAS‑60 towfish and the attached depressor. Another towfish was lost earlier this year after it hit a mud volcano.
Das belegt auch nicht, dass die Chinesen was verloren haben, sondern nur, dass sie westliches Equipment an Bord genommen haben um den Westlern zu helfen, deren verlorenes Material wiederzufinden.Zz-Jones schrieb:April 14, 2016
Dong Hai Jiu 101 departed for the MH370 search area on April 11, carrying Phoenix International’s Remora III remotely operated vehicle (ROV) which will be used in the recovery of the lost SLH‑ProSAS‑60 tow system.
Namely, on March 21, the failure of a tow cable connector resulted in the loss of the SLH‑ProSAS‑60 towfish and the attached depressor. Another towfish was lost earlier this year after it hit a mud volcano.
On 21 March, the failure of a tow cable connector resulted in the loss of the SLH-ProSAS-60 towfish and the attached depressor. The two items were connected by 50 metres of synthetic tow rope. The torpedo-shaped depressor weighs up to 800 kilograms and acts to keep the slightly positively-buoyant towfish at the right depth as it is towed through the water.Quelle: https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://www.atsb.gov.au/media/5770144/mh370-operational-search-update-13-april-2016.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwir_qaEscj0AhXF_7sIHTpRC14QFnoECAUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw0jFJExJmzYsmXKdjGejg7w
Phoenix International’s Remora III remotely-operated vehicle (ROV) was flown in from the United States of America and mobilised on the Dong Hai Jiu 101 for use in the location and recovery of the lost towfish and depressor. The Remora III has been used in other recovery operations, including Air France Flight 447.
It has a maximum operating depth of 6,000 meters and is equipped with a sonar which will be used to detect the towfish and depressor.
It was found Monday in “good condition” and was winched onto the deck of the Dong Hai Jiu 101Quelle: https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/missing-jet/mh370-searchers-find-lost-towfish-scanner-12-000-feet-under-n558996
For the second time a “towfish” – an underwater sonar vehicle pulled behind a search ship – had been lost to the ocean floor during the search. Options to recover it are being considered.Quelle: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2016/mar/24/mh370-debris-found-in-mozambique-almost-certainly-from-missing-plane
The towfish was lost on 21 March after a tow cable connecting it to the Dong Hai Jiu 101 search ship failed, the JACC said.
The Chinese-flagged ship is en route to Western Australia’s Fremantle port while a team assesses recovery options for the sonar device.
On 21 March 2016, the failure of a tow cable connector resulted in the loss of the SLH‑ProSAS‑60 towfishQuelle: https://www.hydro-international.com/content/news/mh370-search-to-recover-towfish
Vielleicht ist es ja auch andersherum. Möglicherweise ist die Absturzstelle jetzt *zufällig* dort, wo damals die Dong Hai war. ;)jerrylee2016 schrieb:Das ist aus dem Twitter Account von Richard Cole und zeigt den Suchverlauf der Dong Hai. Hier sieht man, dass das Schiff direkt an der von Godfrey angegeben Absturzstelle war.