@NaturellIch hoffe du kannst gut mit Kritik umgehen, denn ich finde, dass deine Beitraege nichts mit der Vernunft und der Realitaet zu tun haben. Du hast auch mit der Objektivitaet, ganz sicher nichts am Hut. Du bist ein verblendeter Opfer deiner Erfahrung, denn Erfahrung kann irreleiten. Rationalitaet ist wichtig, um naeher an der Wahrheit zu gelangen. Dazu gehoeren eben auch Fakten. In den 70er waren die Fakten:
1 toter Israeli = 100 tote Palaestinenser
Eigentlich spielt es fuer einen vernuenftigen Menschen keine Rolle, ob man jetzt rational arbeitet oder empirisch denkt und fuehlt. Warum? Liest man alle Nachrichten, die in den letzten paar Tagen in den Medien erschienen sind, so wir man klar, dass die Palaestinenser die wirklichen Opfer sind und die Israelis die Taeter.
Gazan resident Muhammad Abu Shabab appealed to the Palestinian Ministry of Health to put pressure on Israel to allow the import of Galactomin 19 infant formula for his 4-month-old nephew.http://www.maannews.net/eng/ViewDetails.aspx?ID=250695 (Archiv-Version vom 13.08.2013)______________________________________________________________
This highway has told the whole story. They pave a road, expropriate Palestinian land and the High Court of Justice approves the expropriation, in its words, "provided that it is done for the sake of the local population."
Afterwards they prevent the "local population" from using the road, and finally they build a wall with drawings of creeks and meadows so we don't see and don't know that we are driving on an apartheid road, that we are traveling on the axis of evil. http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1138665.html (Archiv-Version vom 31.12.2009)______________________________________________________________
The French campaigners are part of a larger group of no less than 1,300 activists traveling to Egypt from 42 countries in order to take part in the Gaza Freedom March. Egyptian authorities previously said that none of them would be allowed to carry out the march or enter the Palestinian enclave through its borders.Quelle: latetimeblog
In an unprecedented move, the Palestinian Authority prosecutor-general on Monday issued an arrest warrant against the chairman of the Palestinian Journalists Syndicate, Naim Toubassi, on charges of financial corruption and slander.http://www.jpost.com/servlet/Satellite?cid=1261364529354&pagename=JPost%2FJPArticle%2FShowFull______________________________________________________________
In a short film by Medical Aid for Palestinians, Wafa al-Radia tells how she and her sister were attacked by an Israeli drone last year during the Gaza conflicthttp://www.guardian.co.uk/world/video/2009/dec/28/drone-attack-pregnant-woman______________________________________________________________
Amid the endless, horrifying statistics a few stand out: of Gaza's 640 schools, 18 were completely destroyed and 280 damaged in Israeli attacks. Two-hundred-and-fifty students and 15 teachers were killed. Of 122 health facilities assessed by the World Health Organization, 48 percent were damaged or destroyed. Ninety percent of households in Gaza still experience power cuts for four to eight hours per day due to Israeli attacks on the power grid and degradation caused by the blockade. Forty-six percent of Gaza's once productive agricultural land is out of use due to Israeli damage to farms and Israeli-declared free fire zones. Gaza's exports of more than 130,000 tons per year of tomatoes, flowers, strawberries and other fruit have fallen to zero.http://electronicintifada.net/v2/article10969.shtml?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+electronicIntifadaPalestine+(Electronic+Intifada+%3A+Palestine+News)______________________________________________________________
The second crucial context for Operation Cast Lead is the overarching political strategy behind Israel's collective punishment of Palestinians in Gaza. For the humanitarian catastrophe documented in numerous reports by the UN and NGOs is not, of course, a 'natural disaster' but a deliberate, political policy.
Another key Israeli goal, evident in both the ongoing blockade as well as the brutal military assault of Operation Cast Lead, is to punish the civilian population in the hope of turning them against Hamas.http://english.aljazeera.net/focus/gazaoneyearon/2009/12/20091217144217514772.html______________________________________________________________
Our kids can’t live with Arabs"
Dozens of parents and their disabled children protested Thursday opposite the Welfare Ministry in Jerusalem over plans to house their children in a hostel located in an Arab neighborhood. http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3824939,00.html______________________________________________________________
About 200 teens soon to be drafted into the Israeli army sent a letter to the defense minister saying their loyalty to the Torah comes before military orders.http://jta.org/news/article/2009/12/24/1009895/pre-draft-teens-pledge-loyalty-to-torah-not-army (Archiv-Version vom 27.12.2009)______________________________________________________________
@kickboxer85http://globalnewsblog.com/blog/2009/12/29/lebanon-crisis-monitor-lebanon-opens-fire-at-israeli-jet-fighters-peoples-daily/Nicht persoehnlich nehmen, aber die lebanesische Armee hat nix drauf^^