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Donald Trump: 45. & 47. Präsident der USA
30.10.2020 um 16:53Erst lässt er sie erfrieren und dann kocht er sie.
Oh man. 🙄
Der Virus fühlt sich bei Trumps Veranstaltungen such pudelwohl.
At least a dozen people who were overcome by heat during Donald Trump’s rally in Tampa, Florida Thursday, were taken to a local hospital, authorities reported.Quelle:
Although 17 people needed medical attention, some were treated at the scene, fire department officials told NBC News. One person who was transported to an area hospital had fainted and another suffered a seizure. Details of other conditions were not immediately determined.
A fire truck sprayed water into the air to rain down on rallygoers and keep them cool. At one point, Trump asked the crowd if the spray was coming from “friend or foe,” adding: “If they’re foe, let’s take care of those sons of bitches.”
Oh man. 🙄
Der Virus fühlt sich bei Trumps Veranstaltungen such pudelwohl.
Two people who attended one of President Donald Trump's recent rallies in North Carolina have tested positive for the coronavirus.Quelle: (Archiv-Version vom 01.11.2020)
The Gaston County Health & Human Services Department said in a statement Thursday that there have been two positive Covid-19 cases "involving individuals attending the recent campaign rally in Gastonia."
The department stressed that the cases are "not thought to be an indication of spread from the rally at this time, but rather two independent cases among individuals who were in attendance." The event took place at Gaston Municipal Airport on October 21.
A CNN investigation of 17 Trump campaign rallies finds that 14 of the host counties -- 82% of them -- had an increased rate of new Covid-19 cases one month after the rally.Quelle:
The 17 rallies occurred between August 17 and September 26. CNN evaluated the rate of new daily cases per 100,000 residents at four weeks before the rally, on the rally date, and four weeks after the rally at the county level and at the state level.