Fedaykin schrieb:Brasilien benutzt im überigen auch Hormone.
Da wären wir wieder beim Thema.
Ractopamin ist eines dieser Hormone, das auch in Brasilien gerne benutzt wird. Ractopamin lässt Mastschweine und Rinder schneller Fleisch ansetzen, und Kühe geben durch das Medikament mehr Milch. Je nach gemästeter Tierart steigt die Produktivität der Betriebe durch den Zusatzstoff um bis zu 38 Prozent. Die meisten Staaten der Welt untersagen den Einsatz solcher Wachstumshormone, darunter China, Russland, Indien und die Türkei.
http://www.zeit.de/wirtschaft/2014-01/fleischatlas-hormonfleisch-freihandel Standards noch unterhalb Russland und China..wurmt dich das nicht?
Ractopamine is banned from food production in at least 160 countries around the world, including countries across Europe, Russia, mainland China and Republic of China (Taiwan), due to its suspected health effects. Since 1998, more than 1,700 people have reportedly been "poisoned" from eating pigs fed the drug. If imported meat is found to contain traces of the drug, it is turned away, while fines and imprisonment result for its use in banned countries.
"Nebenwirkungen"..kann zum Tod führen-Reductions in reproductive function
-Birth defects (Canadian researchers(5) found that, in rats, the drug produced a variety of birth defects, including cleft palate, protruding tongue, short limbs, missing or fused digits, open eyelids, jaw abnormalities, limb abnormalities, and enlarged heart)
-Increase of mastitis in dairy herds
-Increased disability and death
In both pigs and cattle, FDA reports(6) links the drug to: excessive hunger, anorexia, bloat, respiratory- and hoof problems, lameness, stiffness, stress and aggression,
and—again—death. In fact, of all reported side effects, death topped the list as the most reported problem associated with ractopamine...http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/12/24/ractopamine-beta-agonist-drug.aspx