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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 18:28
Paris hat diese Bilder bei Instagram eingestellt ...

Paris: when i get high i get high on speed , top fuel funny car's a drug for me . my heart , #KickstartMyHeart!! 5h

d14b6298de1211e1ae9122000a1e8b03 7

Paris: nice eric ! @onelovecandyman 6h

7143c69cde0811e1920522000a1cdf49 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 18:37
Janet Jackson Vows To Go On Fighting Michael's Estate Executors

Posted on Aug 04, 2012 @ 07:08AM

janet-jackson 0

By Radar Staff

If you though the Jackson family feud was settling down...Janet just threw a match on the fire.

In an extraordinary development in an already extraordinary story, Janet has issued a statement through her famous attorney vowing to fight on against the people running her brother Michael's estate.

Blair G. Brown, a partner in the Washington, DC firm Zuckerman Spaeder, issued a statement Friday saying he was representing Janet, Randy and Rebbie in their effort to get the current executors removed from Michael's estate and the will ruled as invalid.

Posting the statement on Janet's official website, Brown insists the singer and her siblings have nothing to gain financially if they are successful in ousting John Branca and John McClain as the Estate's executors and Howard Weitzman as the Estate's attorney.

He claims it is only those three who stand to lose financially if Michael's will is ruled invalid.

"Janet, Randy and Rebbie will continue to press forward in their search for the truth in order to carry out the wishes of their brother Michael," Brown writes.

As previously reported, on Wednesday, Jermaine Jackson has pulled out of the battle against the executors. Tito, who signed the open letter from the siblings that started this fight in mid-July, backed away within days of making the letter public.

But Janet, Randy and Rebbie don't have a legal leg to stand on, the Estate's attorney Howard Weitzman told us when the family feud first exploded. "Any doubts about the validity of Michael's will and his selection of executors were thoroughly and completely debunked two years ago when a challenge was rejected by the Los Angeles Superior Court, the California Court of Appeals, and finally, the California Supreme Court. Under the supervision of Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff, Co-Executors John Branca and John McClain have diligently carried out their fiduciary duties as well as their obligation to Michael to make sure that his Estate benefits the only family members he named in his will - his mother and his three children," Weitzman said.

"We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael's family whom he chose to leave out of his will. We are especially disheartened that they come at a time when remarkable progress has been made to secure the financial future of his children by turning around the Estate's finances as well as during a time when so many of Michael's fans are enjoying his artistry through exciting new projects launched by his Estate."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 18:57
twitterjanet04082012 (Archiv-Version vom 24.09.2012) --> vgl. Beitrag von heute um 08:06h

Antworten zu dem o. Tweet >

@JanetJackson It's over. MJ fans do not support you or any of your siblings. We are here for Michael and his children.
Es ist vorbei. MJ Fans unterstützen nicht Sie oder auch einen von Ihren Geschwistern. Wir sind für Michael und seine Kinder.
frei übersetzt


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 19:04
Kritik an Jackos Nachlassverwalter

Samstag, 04.08.2012 | 1 Stunde

Los Angeles - Drei Geschwister des verstorbenen Popstars Michael Jackson haben den Nachlassverwaltern vorgeworfen, der Familie zu schaden

Durch einen Anwalt erklärten Janet, Randy und Rebbie Jackson am Freitagabend (Ortszeit), zuletzt ergangene Entscheidungen würden nicht nur „wichtige Familienbeziehungen“ beschädigen, sondern auch „Katherine Jackson von jedem isolieren, der die Gültigkeit von Michaels letzten Willen infrage stellt“.

Am Donnerstag hatte ein Richter die vorläufige Vormundschaft für Michael Jacksons drei Kinder seinem Neffen TJ Jackson und seiner Mutter Katherine Jackson zugesprochen. Janet, Randy und Rebbie Jackson kritisierten, dass sie derzeit weder zu ihrer 82-jährigen Mutter Katherine noch den Jackson-Kindern vorgelassen würden.

ähnlicher Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 19:32
ein Bild von Paris, auf der Instagram Seite von Eric Nash ~ onelovecandyman
[vgl. Bildeinstellung von heute um 18:28h]

onelovecandyman My qute friend Paris ;.) 5d

85f7cac6dac911e1880f22000a1cbf36 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 19:57
Michael Jackson's mother reveals 'disappearance' details

By Alan Duke, CNN
August 3, 2012 -- Updated 2048 GMT (0448 HKT)

Katherine Jackson said she was unable to know that her granddaughter was posting desperate tweets for help in finding her


* "I trusted people to be honest with me," Katherine Jackson says
* A doctor told her to fly, not ride in RV, to New Mexico, Michael Jackson's mother says
* The plane landed in Tucson, not Albuquerque, she says
* Her cell phone and iPad were taken and her hotel TV and phone disabled, she says

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's mother confirmed details previously reported by CNN that suggest she was tricked into flying to an Arizona spa instead of attending a concert by her sons in New Mexico last month, court documents reveal.

Katherine Jackson's cell phone and iPad were taken from her at the spa and the TV and phone in her room were disabled, preventing her from calling home or knowing about the public controversy about her disappearance, Jackson said in a sworn statement filed in court Thursday.

The 82-year-old Jackson family matriarch was out of touch with Prince, Paris and Blanket Jackson for 10 days, leading to a missing-person report and the suspension of her guardianship of Michael Jackson's children, whom she has raised since their father's death three years ago.

"At the time, I trusted people to be honest with me," Jackson said. "While I was away, I had no reason to question whether the people whom I placed the trust would inform me that Prince, Paris and Blanket were trying to reach me."

Those people included four of her children -- Janet, Jermaine, Randy and Rebbie Jackson -- according to her lawyers and others involved in the events. Her other children, including La Toya, Tito, Marlon and Jackie, have said they did not know where their mother was taken.

A judge restored her as guardian in a hearing Thursday, based partly on her sworn statement explaining why she was out of contact, a description that mirrors what CNN reported after her nephew filed a missing-person report on July 21.

The drama began on July 14, a day before she was to leave in an RV to see the Jackson's "Unity" show in Albuquerque on the next Tuesday, she said.

Katherine Jackson resumes guardianship of grandkids

"A doctor was brought to my home stating that he had been in contact with my longtime personal physician and was coming to check on me because my personal physician was unavailable," Jackson said. "The doctor advised that it was better for me to fly and not drive to New Mexico. Believing that the doctor was sent at the request of my longtime personal physician, I followed what I understood to be doctor's orders and boarded a flight as opposed to driving in the motor home."

The doctor, identified as Dr. Allan Metzger, was not sent by Jackson's personal physician, Jackson lawyer Sandra Ribera told CNN.

"We came to find out that the doctor has no association with Dr. Metzger," she said.

Metzger's previous connection to the Jackson family included his treatment of Michael Jackson over nearly two decades for insomnia, according to his testimony last year at Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial. A call to Metzger's Beverly Hills, California, office went unreturned Friday.

Instead of landing in New Mexico, the plane went to Tucson and Katherine Jackson was driven to the Miraval Spa, according to her affidavit.

"Based on what I believed to be the orders of the office of my longtime personal physician, my phone was taken away," Jackson said. Her iPad was also taken, she said.

"While there was a telephone in my room, the telephone was not functioning and I could not dial out," she said. "In addition, there was no picture on the television in my room. Despite repeated requests to those with me to have it fixed, the television was never fixed."

Without a TV, phone or iPad, she was unaware that her granddaughter was posting desperate pleas on her Twitter account for help in finding her.

Paris Jackson, 14, tweeted on July 22, "yes, my grandmother is missing" and "i haven't spoken with her in a week i want her home now." Hours earlier, nephew Trent Jackson filed a missing-person report for his aunt.

Katherine Jackson said she did have one clue something was amiss, though: "One morning I woke up to the sound of the television," she said. "While there was no picture, I heard a broadcast that stated I was missing."

"When I asked about Prince, Paris and Blanket, I was informed by those who I was with that they had been in contact with others concerning the well-being of my grandchildren," Jackson said. "I was never informed that Prince, Paris, Blanket and TJ were trying to reach me."

If she had known, she said, "I would never have gone for such a long period of time without communicating with them."

Executives at the Miraval Resort, where Jackson stayed, did not immediately respond to CNN calls for comment about their role in the events.

When Katherine Jackson returned home early July 26, she learned the details of what was happening at home and in the worldwide news media from Prince, Paris and Blanket.

"Although I am happy my grandma was returned, after speaking with her I realized how misguided and how badly she was lied to," Prince Jackson tweeted that morning. "I'm really angry and hurt."

Katherine Jackson is planning another trip this month, but the children will go with her, she said in her statement.

The family will travel to Gary, Indiana, for a celebration of Michael Jackson's 54th birthday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 21:04
hier wird evtl. etwas klarer, warum Randy, Janet und Rebbie so hartnäckig sind und Branca & Co. "weghaben" wollen ... und warum das Testament natürlich ungültig sein muss ... :)

aus dem Beitrag von der MJJC übernommen
Beitrag # 4389 .. User: Ivy .. Danke
If Michael is determined to die without a valid will - intestate- according to California law the executor order is spouse, kids, parents, siblings and any other relative based on closeness.

Given that MJ doesn't have a spouse and as his kids are minors, automatically Joe & Katherine and then Michael's siblings become the first in line to become Executors. That's the exact reason why the judge appointed Katherine as a temporary executor on June 29 before any will has ever surfaced. Not because she was valid heir to the Estate (only heirs are MJ's kids in the case of dying without a will), just because she was legally the first in line to become an Executor.

furthermore in their only legit legal attempts - Katherine challenging the executors - the goal had always been appointing a Jackson as third Executor, they never mentioned an unrelated third party.
Falls es bestimmt gewesen wäre, dass Michael, ohne ein gültiges Testament gestorben wäre - nicht testamentarisch übereinstimmend geregelt - sind nach kalifornischem Recht Nachlassvollstrecker in der Reihenfolge, Ehepartner, Kinder, Eltern, Geschwister und andere Verwandte, bezogen auf Verbundenheit.

Angesichts der Tatsache, dass MJ keine Ehepartnerin hatte und weil seine Kinder Minderjährig sind, würden es automatisch Joe & Katherine sein und dann wären Michaels Geschwister in erster Linie Nachlassvollstrecker geworden. Das ist genau der Grund, warum der Richter am 29. Juni Katherine als temporären Vollstrecker ernannt hatte, bevor jemals das Testament aufgetaucht ist. Nicht, weil sie Erbberechtigt war, an dem Nachlass ( Erben sind NUR MJ's Kinder, im Falle des Sterbens OHNE Testament), sondern weil sie von Rechts wegen in erster Linie steht, um als Testamentsvollstrecker ernannt zu werden.

Weiterhin in ihrem gültigen rechtmäßigen Bestrebungen - Katherines Infragestellung der Vollstrecker - war immer schon die Ernennung eines Jackson das Ziel, als dritter Vollstrecker, sie erwähnten nie eine unabhängige dritte Person.
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 21:13

Sie traut den Vermögensverwaltern nicht

Janet Jackson sorgt sich um Kinder von Bruder Michael
4. August 2012 | 20:15 Uhr |


Bisher war Janet Jackson eher wortkarg, wenn es um öffentliche Statements ging, die ihre Mutter Katherine Jackson oder andere Familienmitglieder betrafen.

Dabei gehörte sie zu den „Hauptbeschuldigten“ im Plan Katherine nach Arizona zu bringen, ihr somit das Sorgerecht für die MJ-Kinder zu entziehen und dadurch an das Erbe des King of Pop zu kommen.

Nun meldet sich die Musikerin über ihren Anwalt zu Wort und klagt über ihre Sorgen bezüglich der Vermögensverwalter von Michael Jackson Erbe.

Sie befürchtet, dass diese nicht das Beste für Paris (14), Prince (15) und Blanket (10) wollen, ganz im Gegensatz zu den meisten ihrer Familienmitglieder.
>>Seit dem Verlust von Michael, war und ist das Hauptanliegen von Janet, Randy und Rebbie die Sicherheit und das Wohlergehen von Michaels Kindern, ihrer Mutter Katherine Jackson und der ganzen Familie. Leider sind diese Leute, durch die Aktionen der Vermögensverwalter von Michaels Nachlass, ihrem Anwalt und denen die angestellt sind, um seinen Anordnungen Folge zu leisten, zu Schaden gekommen.<<
Dabei fällt auf, dass Janet ihren Bruder Jermaine Jackson mit keinem Wort erwähnt! Ob sie sich mittlerweile von ihm abgewandt hat? Noch vor wenigen Tagen waren sie gemeinsam in Arizona, um bei ihrer Mutter zu sein.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 21:36
Janet Jackson decries 'negative media campaign' against family

August 4, 2012 | 8:04 am


Janet Jackson and two of her siblings decried a "media campaign" against the family that they claim is being waged by the men who control the estate of Michael Jackson.

A statement issued Friday on behalf of Janet Jackson, her brother Randy and sister Rebbie accused the executors of trying to divide the family and distract from questions about the legitimacy of Michael Jackson’s will.

“The negative media campaign generated by the executors and their agents has been relentless,” wrote Blair G. Brown, a Washington attorney for Janet Jackson.

Allegations that the siblings were holding their 82-year-old mother against her will in Arizona made international headlines last week and resulted in a new custody arrangement in which the family matriarch shares guardianship of Michael Jackson’s three children.

In the statement, Brown disputed reports that the siblings were trying to enlist their mother in a battle over the will for their own financial benefit.

“They stand to gain nothing financially by a finding that the will is invalid,” Brown wrote. “What will be that the executors will be replaced and the estate and the guardianship will be managed in a manner that is in the best interest of the children, which is what Michael wanted.”

The 2002 will accepted by a probate judge after Michael Jackson’s death three years ago gave music industry veterans John Branca and John McClain control of an estate with an estimated worth of $1 billion.

The court-approved compensation plan gives the executors a 10% cut of some earnings.
The siblings have said the will was faked and cited evidence that Michael Jackson was out of town on the day the will indicates he signed the document in Los Angeles.

A spokesman for the estate said Friday evening that the legal window for challenging the will has closed, but that two prior wills also named Branca executor and gave no power to Jackson’s siblings.

In his statement, Brown accused the executors of barring the three siblings from visiting their mother at the Calabasas home where she lives with her grandchildren.

"The effect...not only is to damage fundamental family relationships, it is also to isolate Katherine Jackson from anyone questioning the validity of the will,” Brown wrote.

The executors’ spokesman said Katherine Jackson and the children’s newly appointed co-guardian, Tito Joe “T.J.” Jackson, have the final say in who is allowed at the residence.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 21:57
noch einige Bilder vom Shopping (am 29.07.2012) bei "Barnes & Noble", einem Bücherladen ... :)

373829 435263599858465 246779794 n
551009 435263626525129 1884463664 n
528479 435263639858461 1061697759 n
552152 435263679858457 1419352657 n


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 22:04

580876 4370973556493 1109850917 n

MJ und Karen Faye


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 23:12
da Video ist leider nur mit Proxy anzuschauen ... :)

Michael Jackson Money Lyrics
Youtube: Michael Jackson Money Lyrics
Michael Jackson Money Lyrics
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.08.2012 um 07:55

On August 1st, Perry Sanders has joined Katherine's legal team in AEG lawsuit. He had applied on June 26. Enjoy conspiracy theorists :)
Am 1. August ist Perry Sanders Katherines juristischem Team im AEG Rechtsstreit beigetreten. Er war am 26. Juni eingesetzt. Viel Spaß Verschwörungstheoretiker :)
frei übersetzt


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.08.2012 um 08:11



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.08.2012 um 08:39
Paris: yiiiihaaa 11h

8ab71256de6611e1822f22000a1e89bd 7A

Paris und Madina

tumblr m88z2s6yPl1ra9t87o1 1280Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

tumblr m89hxfqVNK1ro5a7xo1 400


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.08.2012 um 08:50
ϟ ℳմz♪ʞFactorƴ₮ωσ ϟ ‏@MUZIKfactoryTWO

Jackson Family vs MJ Estate: Sifting thru Lies, Games & Madness
7:14 PM - 4 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.08.2012 um 09:22
den Tweet vom 03.08.2012 von Paris hatte ich bereits am 03.08.2012 um 10:10h eingestellt
MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach! (Seite 920)

aber ich finde diese Antwort sehr treffend ... :)


@ParisJackson "Money doesn’t change people, it merely unmasks them" - Henry Ford
@ParisJackson "Geld verändert nicht die Menschen, es entlarvt sie lediglich" - Henry Ford


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.08.2012 um 09:37
ohhh, Blanket ist aber müde, bei diesem Event ... ;) sein Blick scheint zu verraten "na, hat das etwa jemand gesehen ???" ... :)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.08.2012 um 09:43
Taj Jackson, ein Cousin von Paris, hat heute Geburtstag ... ebenfalls Happy Birthday Taj ... :D

TJ Jackson ‏@tjjackson

Happy birthday to my big brother @tajjackson3. I admire your calmness and tranquility. Thanks for being you. Your lil bro. I love you!
4:10 AM - 5 Aug 12

Taj Jackson ‏@tajjackson3

Thank you everyone for your birthday messages. They meant a lot to me. :-)
2:01 AM - 5 Aug 12

Taryll Jackson ‏@tarylljackson

happy birthday to @tajjackson3 U are everything a big brother should be. love you. #brotherhood
8:37 PM - 4 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

05.08.2012 um 09:55
Cam25 ‏@Dangerous_Inc

#MichaelJackson #SmoothCriminal #ThisIsIt
4:41 PM - 4 Aug 12
