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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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02.08.2012 um 22:12
Ivy ‏@Ivy_MJJC
And Randy replied through X17.
10:08 PM - 2 Aug 1
***** ‏@x17online
X17 EXCLUSIVE - Katherine Jackson And Michael's Children Are Being Used As Pawns To Validate Fraudulent Will, Fa...
Retweetet von Ivy
9:55 PM - 2 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.08.2012 um 22:23
X17 EXCLUSIVE - Katherine Jackson
And Michael's Children Are Being
Used As Pawns To Validate
Fraudulent Will, Family Source Claims

Posted on Thu Aug 2, 2012 12:45 PM PDT

x1702082012Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Katherine Jackson, as well as Paris, Prince and Blanket Jackson, are being used as "pawns" to cover up the fact that Michael Jackson's will is fraudulent, according to a Jackson family source.

Contrary to various online reports, Katherine's children stress they are not after the money in Michael's estate.

Our source adds:

"Everyone knows that even if Michael didn't have a will written up, his children would be given the money from the estate by default. His siblings obviously aren't after his fortune because they were never set to earn it in the first place. It's about revealing the truth and who's behind the fake document."

Family members believe the temporary guardianship situation was created by the estate executors as a diversion from the investigation into the validity of the will. This morning, Katherine was reinstated as guardian of Michael's three children with her grandson TJ serving as co-guardian until the next court hearing on August 22.

The source goes on to say:

"Interesting how only those children who are removing their name from the letter, like Jermaine recently did, are being allowed to see their mother. The rest have been banned from seeing her or even speaking to her on the phone."

The letter that's being referred to is the one sent from Michael's siblings to John Branca and John McClain ... asking them to resign as co-executors of the King of Pop's estate because they've "failed to perform" their duties.

We've reached out to both Branca and McClain for comment, but have yet to hear back.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.08.2012 um 22:29 (Archiv-Version vom 08.09.2011)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.08.2012 um 22:53
twittergeraldorivera (Archiv-Version vom 08.08.2012)


Geraldo Rivera ‏@GeraldoRivera
The object of plot obviously Michael's ever growing pot of gold But grabbing grandma was so ham-handed it could result in criminal charges
Das Objekt der Handlung ist offensichtlich Michaels ständig wachsender Topf voll Gold. Aber Oma zu greifen, war so ungeschickt, es könnten strafrechtliche Konsequenzen bei herauskommen
Retweetet von Ivy
9:22 PM - 2 Aug 12

Geraldo Rivera ‏@GeraldoRivera
It appears there was an attempted palace coup in the Jackson family. Janet was apparent ring leader, the brothers her alleged accomplices.
Es scheint, dass es dort eine versuchte Palastrevolution in der Familie Jackson gab. Janet war offensichtlich, Rädelsführer, die Brüder ihre angeblichen Komplizen.
9:19 PM - 2 Aug 12

frei übersrtzt


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02.08.2012 um 23:04
Katherine Jackson als Vormund für Enkel bestätigt

2. Aug. 2012, 22:54

Los Angeles - Ein Richter in Los Angeles hat die Mutter von Popstar Michael Jackson als Vormund für ihre drei Enkel bestätigt. Katherine Jackson leiste «wunderbare Arbeit», bescheinigte Richter Mitchell Beckloff laut «Los Angeles Times» der 82-Jährigen. Nach einem bitteren Familienstreit hatte der Richter in der vorigen Woche einen Cousin der drei Jackson-Kinder vorübergehend als Vormund eingesetzt. Er soll sich mit Katherine Jackson zukünftig die Aufgaben teilen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 07:09
Katherine Jackson resumes guardianship of Michael Jackson's children

By Alan Duke, CNN
August 2, 2012 -- Updated 1953 GMT (0353 HKT)

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* Diana Ross visits Michael Jackson's kids and approves guardianship plan, lawyer says
* Pop star's mother was suspended as guardian because she was out of communication
* Judge restored her as permanent guardian during hearing Thursday
* The children's cousin T.J. Jackson is named co-guardian

(CNN) -- A judge restored Katherine Jackson as permanent guardian of Michael Jackson's children and approved a plan to add their cousin T.J. Jackson as co-guardian during a hearing Thursday.

"It's clear to me that the children are well-cared-for by Mrs. Jackson," Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Mitchell Beckloff said. "It's clear to me that they love her very much and they have substantial significant relations with T.J. Jackson and love him very much."

The decision comes in a hearing eight days after the same court suspended the family matriarch as guardian because she had been gone and out of communications with the three children for 10 days.

Read more: Jermaine Jackson offers 'olive branch' in family feud

T.J. Jackson, the 34-year-old son of Jackson 5 original Tito Jackson, was appointed temporary guardian last week. A hearing August 22 will determine if he will remain as a co-guardian with his grandmother. The judge said he is already inclined to grant it.

The initial report suggests there are "things about T.J. Jackson that the kids can relate to," Beckloff said.

T.J. Jackson has been caring for the children in the past whenever their grandmother was away, her lawyer said.

A court investigator interviewed Katherine Jackson and the children -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- on Friday, he said.

"The kids seem to be doing very, very well," Beckloff said. "All of the controversy caused me great concern."

Diana Ross, whom Michael Jackson named as a backup guardian in his will, visited with the children Wednesday and agreed with the plan, according to the lawyer who represents the children. It was a private meeting at their home, another lawyer said.

The co-guardianship arrangement, which is supported by the three children, [ ] codifies "the very thing that's been in place since Michael's death," Katherine Jackson lawyer Perry Sanders said after the hearing.

Complete coverage of the Jackson family [ (Archiv-Version vom 09.09.2022)]


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 07:28
Katherine Jackson reinstated as guardian of Michael's children

A judge says the probate court found the matriarch was doing 'a wonderful job' raising the kids. She says she didn't know of her alleged kidnapping until an inoperable TV at a Tucson spa sprang to life.

Katherine Jackson, with her son Jermaine, is shown last year. In a court declaration she described a coordinated effort to isolate her last month at a Tucson spa. (Irfan Khan, Los Angeles Times / November 29, 2011)

By Harriet Ryan, Los Angeles Times
August 3, 2012

Michael Jackson's elderly mother learned that she had been reported missing when a broken television in her room at an Arizona spa suddenly powered on and began broadcasting a story about her alleged kidnapping, according to court documents filed Thursday.

Katherine Jackson wrote that her companions at the isolated resort — a group identified in other court filings as including her children Janet and Jermaine — never told her that her grandchildren were trying to reach her.

Her cellphone was taken when she arrived at the Tucson spa, her room phone didn't work and "when one of the people with me asked if I could communicate with my iPad and I replied yes, my iPad was also taken away," she wrote in the signed declaration.

It was only when an inoperable TV in her room — a set she repeatedly asked be fixed — sprang to life one morning that she found out she had become international news.

"While there was no picture, I heard a broadcast that stated I was missing," she wrote.

The matriarch's account of the trip that sparked a very public family feud came in filings seeking her reinstatement as guardian for her late son's three children. Judge Mitchell Beckloff, who had stripped her of guardianship last week amid the kidnapping allegations, reappointed her at a Los Angeles County Superior Court hearing Thursday.

The judge said an investigation by the probate court found that Katherine Jackson was doing "a wonderful job" raising Prince, 15; Paris, 14; and Blanket, 10.

"It's clear to me the children are well cared for by Mrs. Jackson. It is clear to me they love her very much," he said.

The cousin tapped as temporary guardian will stay on as co-guardian at the request of Katherine Jackson and the children. Tito Joe "T.J." Jackson, 34, has helped raise the three since their father's 2009 death, and Beckloff said that given his background — he is the son of the Jackson Five's Tito — he can "relate" to the children.

Diana Ross, named in Jackson's will as a backup guardian, met with the children Wednesday and approves of the arrangement, their attorney said.

Katherine Jackson's attorneys declined to elaborate on the filings, saying relatives were trying to move past the "chaos." In an ABC News interview Katherine Jackson denied being kidnapped, but in her court declaration she described a coordinated effort to isolate her in Arizona.

She wrote that on July 14, "a doctor was brought to my home stating that he had been in contact with my longtime personal physician and was coming to check on me because my personal physician was unavailable."

That person, she said, suggested she fly rather than be driven to New Mexico, where her sons were performing in concert. T.J. Jackson said in a previous declaration that the doctor was an impostor brought in by one of his aunts to induce her to take the flight.

Katherine Jackson wrote that at the Arizona spa, she was reassured that the children were well and was not told that Paris Jackson had taken to Twitter demanding her return.

"At the time, I trusted the people I was with to be honest with me," she said.

One of her attorneys, Perry R. Sanders Jr., wrote that he flew to Tucson in an attempt to speak with her July 25 and met with Janet and Jermaine Jackson but was not allowed to see his client. The following day, her lawyers went to court and she subsequently returned to California.

Janet Jackson's publicist said the singer's only comment would be on Twitter, thanking fans for "knowing fact from fiction."

A representative for Jermaine Jackson did not return a message seeking comment. In a statement Wednesday, Jermaine Jackson wrote that "there was never a malicious attempt to 'block' the kids from talking to her. We were simply worried that a call home would ... increase pressure on Mother — and pressure was what a doctor said she didn't need."

He wrote that in an attempt at family peace, he was withdrawing his support for a letter by some of his siblings demanding the resignation of the executors of Michael Jackson's estate. In their filings, Katherine Jackson's lawyers noted speculation about a plot to "gain control over Mrs. Jackson as a means to get at funds" belonging to the music idol's children and expressed confidence in the new guardianship arrangement in preventing misconduct.

"T.J. will be able to insure that no outside forces try to divert the family allowance," the lawyers wrote.,0,3917308.story

ähnliche Berichte


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 07:44
Jackson Family Plans To Celebrate Michael's Birthday In Gary

on August 2, 2012 5:00 PM

2012 8 2 michael jackson

The Jackson family, including Michael Jackson's three children, are convening in Gary, Ind., to celebrate the King of Pop's birthday with the "Goin’ Back to Indiana: Can You Feel It Tribute Concert." Michael's mother Katherine Jackson partnered with Gary Mayor Karen Freeman-Wilson to announce the four-day birthday celebration, which they hope will become an annual event.

It kicks off with a candlelight tribute ceremony on Aug. 29, Michael's 54th birthday, with a musical tribute by The Gratitude Project. Sorry, we couldn't find info on what that is, but they do have an "original composition “Dear Michael” dedicated to Mrs. Jackson & the Jackson family." On Thursday Michael's children Prince, Paris and Blanket will attend a minor league baseball game: The Gary SouthShore RailCats vs. the St. Paul Saints. Michael's kids will receive honorary team uniforms and throw out the first pitch.

Then on Friday, Aug. 31, Katherine Jackson will be recognized by the City of Gary and the Chamber of Commerce at a special dinner. Then Saturday, Sept. 1 is a big night with the West Side Theatre Guild under the direction of Mark Spencer will host the official "Goin’ Back to Indiana: Can You Feel It Tribute Concert." Tickets for matinee and evening performances are on sale. Can't make it to Gary? Well, the event will also be streaming live online.

And that, my friends, is how Gary will cash in on Michael Jackson's death.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 07:51
der kleine Makaveli schaut neugierig durchs Fenster ... :)

Paris: creep. 6h
0d13ae80dcf511e191d612313804ede0 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 07:59
MJJJusticeProject ‏@MJJJusticePrjct
WE are witnessing an end to an era of abuse of Michael Jackson and his legacy. His children are changing the (cont)
Retweetet von Ivy
10:59 PM - 2 Aug 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 08:04
Diana Ross Had 'Thoughtful & Pleasant Meeting' With Michael Jackson's Children

Posted on Aug 02, 2012 @ 08:00AM


By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Diana Ross, named as alternate guardian in Michael Jackson's will to his three children, met with Prince, Paris, Blanket, and Katherine Jackson Wednesday at their mansion in Calabasas, Calif. and had a very "thoughtful and pleasant meeting" with them, is exclusively reporting.

"Ms. Ross met with Katherine, and the children yesterday. It was a very thoughtful and pleasant meeting. Ms. Ross had no issues with signing off on the proposed new custody agreement," Katherine Jackson's lawyer, Perry Sanders, told exclusively.

As we previously reported, Katherine was reinstated as temporary co-guardian of Michael's three children during a brief court hearing on Thursday morning.

Ross "wanted to meet with the children in person, as well as Katherine Jackson, to be sure that this was really the best thing for everyone involved. If Diana needed to step in, she would. Diana just believes that the children are better off with their grandmother and cousin, TJ Jackson, at this point. Diana made sure that all of the children, especially Paris, had her personal cell phone number, so that they could reach her anytime," an insider told us.

"Diana has no qualms whatsoever about the new custody agreement; she only wants what is best for the children. Diana knows that the children are old enough to decide who they want to live with and she defers to what they want. While Diana hasn't been a big part of their lives because she lives on the East Coast, she is very fond of them," a source close to the situation previously told us.

Judge Mitchell Beckloff is expected to formally sign off on the custody agreement on Wednesday, August 22, which will permanently give co-guardianship of the kids to Katherine and TJ Jackson.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 08:18
Source: Jackson Family 'Postpones' Annual 'Family Day'

By Hollie McKay
Published August 02, 2012

072412 al jacksons 640

For decades, the extended Jackson family has held an annual “Family Day” usually in the late summer, during which all the relatives reunite, cook, play card games and make an effort to limit the fighting and play nice.

Sources tell that the event was long-scheduled for this Wednesday, and the family fought hard to go ahead with the reunion, but at the last minute, they had no choice but to “postpone.”

“The Jackson’s really pushed hard for Family Day to happen and Katherine was really holding out for it because she wanted things to die down,” an insider told FOX411’s Pop Tarts. “But it got too complicated with certain members being banned from the Calabasas house, although they still wanted to go anyway and thumb it to the estate, but in the end they had to postpone. No new date has been set.”

Despite the hoopla that has surrounded the Jackson family over the last couple of weeks – from mother Katherine being reported as missing and losing her guardianship over Michael’s three children, to several siblings reportedly getting into a altercation requiring police interference at the Calabasas home, to the latest news that several members of the family have been barred from that family home – the famous feuding family still trying to forge ahead with some sort of unity.

There was even talk of the Family Day – which typically draws up to 100 Jackson relatives – going down at Neverland Ranch, although that would require cutting through a significant amount of red tape to ascertain permission. Speaking of the famous sprawling Santa Barbara digs Michael Jackson once called home, we’re also told that MJ’s eldest son, Prince, has for a long time held a strong desire to buy the ranch back outright. But as for Family Day, it is likely that if all goes to plan that the kids will still attend for Katherine’s sake.

“They have gone on occasion before with Michael, and usually stayed close by his side,” continued our source. “But Michael only ever went when he was at a low point.”

But now, it’s the siblings that are trying to cool things off and rise from one of the biggest low points within the Jackson clan.

“The plan they hatched last week clearly backfired and fans have turned against the family. The fan backlash has been devastating, and that bothers them more than any media report or bad publicity,” explained our source.

And given the plethora of tweets that have come out against the family over the past few days, the term “backlash” may just be an understatement.

“The other not as famous Jackson’s are some money hungry idiots,” tweeted one, another said that “watching Michael’s siblings fight, literally, his children for his money is disgusting,” while another called them all a “sad media circus” and another noted that the family “is self-destructing because now that Michael is gone, money is running on empty.”

“They are keenly aware of public perception and now want to put on their best front,” said the insider, adding that Janet has now returned to Atlanta, Tito has gone off to Tokyo to perform with his blues band and that Jermaine “has crawled under a rock for now.”

Incidentally, Jermaine has called for peace within the family, and rescinded his support for the controversial letter alleging that the estate executors were taking advantage of his mother and that MJ’s will was a fraud. It was that letter that reportedly launched the lengthy family saga.

“Mistakes have been made and irrational things have been said on both sides in a highly-charged emotional environment,” he wrote Wednesday in a statement on Twitter. “It is time for us all to draw a line in the sand and move towards peace, co-operation, love and healing. I truly hope that we can find it in our hearts to do so. Because above and beyond anything else, what matters … is family.”

Reps for Katherine Jackson did not respond to a request for comment.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 08:37
und auch Janet bedankt sich ... :)


Thank u for knowing fact from fiction. Thank u for all of ur support. I luv u all.
Ich Danke Euch, für das Erkennen der Fakten von Fiktionen. Vielen Dank für all Eure Unterstützung. Ich liebe Euch alle.

ein paar der Antworten >


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 08:45
jen hutton heger ‏@jenheger

Michael Jackson's Former Doctor, Arnold Klein, Evicted From Home | Radar Online
Retweetet von Ivy
11:02 PM - 2 Aug 12

Michael Jackson's Former Doctor, Arnold Klein, Evicted From Home

Posted on Aug 02, 2012 @ 10:00AM


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 08:55
Jackson-Mutter behält das Sorgerecht für seine Kinder

03.08.2012 08:11 Uhr

Michael Jacksons Mutter Katherine behält das Sorgerecht für die drei Kinder des verstorbenen Popstars. Die Anwälte der 82-Jährigen und ihres 34-jährigen Neffen TJ legten bei Gericht in Los Angeles eine gemeinsame Erklärung vor, in der sie ein ständiges gemeinsames Sorgerecht für Prince Michael, Paris und Blanket beantragen. Damit zogen sie einen Schlussstrich unter eine Episode der Ungewissheit. Am 22. August wird ein verlässlicher juristischer Bescheid erwartet.

TJ, Sohn von Michael Jacksons Bruder Tito, hatte in der vergangenen Woche vorerst das Sorgerecht über die drei minderjährigen Kinder des Popstars zugesprochen bekommen. Hintergrund war ein längerer Erholungsurlaub von Katherine, in dem sie offenbar auch telefonisch nicht zu erreichen war.

"Ich bin - und war stets - meinem Enkel (TJ) sehr nahe und habe mich auf ihn bei der Erziehung von Prince, Paris und Blanket seit dem Tod ihres Vaters verlassen", heißt es in einer Ehrenerklärung der alten Dame, die dem Richter Mitchell Beckloff vorgelegt wurde. TJ sei schon seit geraumer Zeit als inoffizieller Vormund der drei Teenager aufgetreten.

Die Anwältin Margaret Lodise, die von den Behörden mit der Beaufsichtigung der Erziehung von Michael Jacksons Kindern beauftragt wurde, teilte mit, im Falle einer Verhinderung von Katherine stehe die Disco-Diva Diana Ross als Vormund für die Jackson-Kinder bereit. TJs Anwalt Charles Schultz stellte klar, sein Mandant habe keinesfalls die Absicht, seine Großmutter aus der Erziehung der Jackson-Kinder zu verdrängen.

Michael Jackson war im Juni 2009 an einer Überdosis des Betäubungsmittels Propofol gestorben. Die Jacksons sind seit seinem Tod über das Erbe zerstritten. Der "King of Pop" hatte in dem Testament sein gesamtes Vermögen seiner Mutter und seinen drei Kindern vermacht. Sein Vater, seine Brüder und Schwestern jedoch gingen leer aus.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 09:09
vielleicht gibt es ja bald das "Paris Jackson" Parfüm ... :D :D :D


i just made my own bottle of perfume out of rose petals and other drops of perfume .. it smells pretty
Ich habe gerade meine eigene Flasche Parfüm aus Rosenblättern und anderen Tropfen Parfüm gemacht .. es riecht ganz schön

einige Antworten >


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 09:44
das dem Bericht von CNN eingefügte Video bei YouTube ...

Jermaine Jackson gives statement on feud
Youtube: Jermaine Jackson gives statement on feud
Jermaine Jackson gives statement on feud
Externer Inhalt
Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.
Veröffentlicht am 01.08.2012 von HLN

Jermaine Jackson issued a new statement on the Jackson family feud, as Janet Jackson demanded TMZ retract an article.
nochmals ein identisches Video
Jackson family 'fued' over?
Veröffentlicht am 01.08.2012 von CNNInternational

Jermaine Jackson issued a new statement on the Jackson family feud, as Janet Jackson demanded TMZ retract an article.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 09:55
Paris scheint traurig zu sein ... :( aber sie scheint sich auch sehr einsam zu fühlen ... :(


take away this never ending sorrow.. take this lonely feeling from my soul
Nimm diesen nie endenden Kummer weg .. Nimm dieses Gefühl der Einsamkeit, von meiner Seele

aus dem Song-Text "Much Too Soon" vom MJ ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 10:10
ja, Paris ... oft sind es die "Reichen und Schönen", die versuchen, das Glück und die Zufriedenheit zu finden, aber man kann das alles nicht wirklich kaufen ... egal wie viel Geld man hat ... ;)

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson

i'm tired of people thinking money is everything
Ich bin es überdrüssig, wenn Menschen denken, Geld sei alles
9:56 AM - 3 Aug 12
frei übersetzt


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 10:45
Katherine Jackson: No Television, Cell Phone & iPad Taken Away While At Spa Last Week!

Posted on Aug 02, 2012 @ 01:00PM


By Jen Heger - Radar Assistant Managing Editor

Katherine Jackson has submitted a sworn declaration that says she had no cell phone, no working television or telephone in her room at the Miraval spa, and had her iPad taken away, is reporting.

The papers also state she had no idea that Prince, Paris, and Blanket had been trying to reach her.

DOCUMENTS: Read The Katherine Jackson's Declaration (Archiv-Version vom 12.08.2012)

The Jackson family matriarch says a doctor was brought to the house on July 14, 2012, and "stating he had been in contact with my longtime personal physician and was coming to check on me because my personal physician was unavailable. The doctor advised that it was better for me to fly and not drive to New Mexico. Believing that the doctor was sent at the request of my longtime personal physician, I followed what I understood to be a doctor's orders and boarded a flight as opposed to driving in the motorhome."

Katherine says upon arrival at Miraval Spa in Tucson, Ariz. her cell phone was taken away, and "when one of the people asked if I could communicate with my iPad and I replied yes, my iPad was taken away. While there was a telephone in my room, the telephone was not functioning and I could not dial out. In addition, there was no picture on the television in my room.

"Despite repeated requests to those with me to have it fixed, the television was never fixed. One morning I woke up to the sound of the television. While there was no picture, I heard a broadcast that stated I was missing. I was also never told that my attorney, Perry Sanders, Jr. had flown to Tucson in an attempt to meet with me in person in attempts to find out what was going on."

Jermaine, Janet, Rebbie, and Randy Jackson were staying with their mother at the Miraval Spa.

"I was never informed that Prince, Blanket, and TJ were trying to reach me. Had I known that fact, and if I had been provided with the means to contact Prince, Paris, Blanket and TJ, I would never have gone for such a long period of time without communicating with them.

"While I was away, I had no reason to question whether the people with whom I placed trust would inform me that Prince, Paris, and Blanket were trying to reach me. The day before I was brought home from Tucson, I was finally permitted to use the phone to speak with Prince, Paris, Blanket and TJ."

Michael's mom supports her grandson, TJ, being named as co-guardian of the children, and asked the judge for permission to take the kids to Gary, Indiana, for a birthday celebration for the late King of Pop.

"TJ and I along with Prince, Paris, and Blanket are planning to travel out of California toward the end of August for a family function that will include a celebration involving the memory of my grandchildren's father, and my son, Michael. It is important that security planning and travel arrangements for the trip are made soon so that the trip can go forward."

The judge signed off on allowing the kids to travel outside the state of California, as long as Katherine and TJ Jackson both agree. The duo are expected to be appointed permanent guardians of the children on August 22.
