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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.05.2012 um 10:34

Michael Jackson Site

Robin Gibb on Michael Jackson #RIPRobinGibb #RIPMJ
(In Photo: Maurice Gibb, Michael Jackson, Barry Gibb and Robin Gibb)

"We’ve not only lost a great friend in Michael but also lost a wonderful sensitive human being. The Bee Gees heard music with the same ears. Michael had a great voice and millions of people yet to be born will sing his songs. This tragedy should teach us a lesson to value and praise those gifts while we still have them in the world. If even a small portion of the praise that is bestowed on Michael Jackson now in death was given to him last year in life, he might well still be with us. That is the sad truth. One consolation is that he will triumph by his legacy."



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.05.2012 um 10:40
Michael Jackson: 'Bad 25' Jubiläums-Edition erscheint im September

Von Oliver 27. Mai 2012, 22:29

25 Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung von Michael Jacksons „Bad“ wird via Epic / Legacy Recordings in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Michael Jackson Estate die Jubiläums-Edition „Bad 25“ erscheinen. Die Collection soll am 14. September 2012 veröffentlicht werden und drei CDs, zwei Sammler-Booklets und die erste autorisierte DVD-Veröffentlichung eines Konzerts der „Bad Tour“ beinhalten.

Das Konzert zeigt Michael Jacksons Konzert vom 16. Juli 1988 im Wembley-Stadion. Dies war einer von mehreren Gigs, die im Wembley-Stadion hintereinander stattfanden und mehr als eine halbe Million Besucher anlockten.

Die CDs beinhalten das remasterte „Bad“-Album, eine enthält außerdem bisher unveröffentlichtes Material, welches in Michael Jacksons persönlichem Studio in Hayvenhurst aufgenommen wurde. Darunter auch Demoversionen von Songs des Albums als auch Demos von anderen Titeln, die nicht auf der finalen Version von „Bad“ gelangen konnten. Eine weitere CD enthält Aufnahmen aus einem Audio-Truck vom 16. Juli in Wembley.äums-Edition-erscheint-im-September


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.05.2012 um 13:06
die Jackson Family ist doch "weit verzweigt" ... ob sie tatsächlich eine Kusine
von Paris & Co. ist???

aus dem Eintrag #7779 (Archiv-Version vom 01.06.2012)
Awww, Paris posted this on her Instagram 10 mins ago.
ymcmb_breezy shout out to the most beautiful girl i knowww<3 my cousin @mixedchiccc_
af9a32f6a88811e18cf91231380fd29b 6!/MixedChiccc (Archiv-Version vom 28.05.2012)

Caylaa B. Jacksonn™ ‏@MixedChiccc
@ParisJackson text me please I don't have your number anymore baybeh

1:50 AM - 28 Mai 12

Caylaa B. Jacksonn™ ‏@MixedChiccc
Everyone go follow my beautiful TALENTED little cousin ms. Jackson 😁❤ she has a big heart and a beautiful sm

8:04 AM - 28 Mai 12

bc5834f0a88a11e1a8761231381b4856 7

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.05.2012 um 13:31
Cayla Bryanna Jackson is Joes brothers grandaughter.She's 15 shes awesome and this is for
like this page if ur a jackson fan
Cayla Bryanna Jackson ist die Enkeltochter von Joes Bruder, sie ist 15

65448 162694047107668 868338 n

Bilder aus der "Google-Suche" zu "Cayla.Jackson™"

tumblr llii0aiAIZ1qeczuwo1 500 thumb
3003599627 1 3 A6mHiL0lOriginal anzeigen (0,6 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.05.2012 um 19:31
damit man nicht auf dumme Gedanken kommt ... natürlich wird der Leichnam von Elvis Presley nicht angeboten ...aber für ganz "Beschränkte", erwähnt man es doch gleich lieber noch "zusätzlich" ...
:D :D :D


Elvis Presleys Grabstätte wird versteigert

Elvis Presleys vorletzte Ruhestätte kommt schon bald unter den Hammer. Der Leichnam der Musiklegende wird jedoch nicht angeboten.

Die Grabstätte von Elvis Presley wird versteigert

Laut "Huffington Post" kommt die vorletzte Ruhestätte des "King of Rock'n'Roll" unter den Hammer. Demnach wird das Auktionshaus "Julien's Auctions" ab dem 23. Juni die Gruft auf dem Forest Hill Friedhof in Memphis, Tennessee, in einer Versteigerung zum Verkauf anbieten.

Dort wurde Elvis Presley 1977 beigesetzt. Der Leichnam der Musiklegende wird bei der Auktion jedoch nicht mit angeboten, da dieser zwei Monate nach seiner Beerdigung auf sein Anwesen "Graceland" überführt wurde. Die Grabstätte im aus Granit und Marmor gefertigten Mausoleum auf dem Forest Hill Friedhof stand seither leer.

Neben Elvis' Gruft wird "Julien's Auctions" außerdem einen Teil von Michael Jacksons Kostümkollektion an den Mann bringen, wie vor kurzem bekannt wurde.

Nach einer Tournee um die Welt, bei der Stücke wie die berühmten paillettenbesetzten Handschuhe des verstorbenen Stars sowie eine rote Jacke, die Jackson Anfang der 90er-Jahre während seiner "Dangerous Tour" trug, ausgestellt werden, sollen sie Ende des Jahres den Besitzer wechseln. Ein Großteil der Einnahmen wird dabei an den guten Zweck gehen.

ein ähnlicher Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.05.2012 um 22:37

tumblr lz58l1qwKP1qgwqrto1 500


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 00:46!/MJ1stbabymoma (Archiv-Version vom 29.05.2012)

Debbie Rowe ‏@MJ1stbabymoma
THE TRUTH ABOUT @lisapresley lying ass right here>>

8:05 AM - 19 Mai 12

The Truth About Lisa Marie Presley Relationship With Michael Jackson



Debbie Rowe ‏@MJ1stbabymoma
You and ur family @ParisJackson

6:24 AM - 19 Mai 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 00:55
479705 385090788203837 2039876581 n

Debbie und MJ heiraten ...

552874 385090681537181 338642212848695 1
418118 338656629513920 338642212848695 9


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 07:55

5/28/2012 8:00 AM


Elvis fans can die happy ... literally ... 'cause the The King's original crypt is going up for auction and will will be one lucky bidder's permanent resting ground.

Darren Julien of Julien's Auctions in Beverly Hills is set to offer up the iconic singer's tomb -- located at the Forest Hill Cemetery in Memphis, Tennessee -- on June 23 as part of his "Music Icons" auction.

Following his death on August 16, 1977, Elvis rested in the tomb for two months, alongside his mother Gladys. Both were then later re-buried at his Graceland home.

The tomb, which has remained empty ever since, will hit the auction block on June 23. The winner will receive the crypt, opening and closing of the vault for burial, a memorialization inscription and use of the chapel for a committal service.

Fun Fact: Julien's Auctions also sold Michael Jackson's "Thriller" jacket, Marilyn Monroe's "River of No Return Dress", and a jacket worn by John Lennon ... all went for $240k - $1.8 million.

ein ähnlicher Bericht:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 10:16
nun kann man die Auktion
Sports Legends and Music Icons 06/23/2012 10:00 AM PDT
wieder aufrufen ...

ab Lot # 804/Seite 33 bis Lot # 938/Seite 38 werden Michael Jacksons "Exponate" angeboten ...|utmccn=(organic)|utmcmd=organic|utmctr=juliens%20auktion&__utmv=-&__utmk=13958583




MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 10:25
Lot 796A of 948:

Starting: $100,000

On August 18, 1977 Elvis Presley’s funeral was held at Graceland with 200 close friends and family members. After the funeral, there was a procession to Forest Hill Cemetery where Elvis was entombed in a private mausoleum crypt. Elvis’ father, Vernon Presley, wanted to inter Elvis and his wife, Gladys Presley, at Graceland but needed time to get permission from the state of Tennessee for their burial on private grounds. While waiting for burial permits Gladys Presley was dis-interred and also laid to rest in the mausoleum vault with Elvis. Within two months both Elvis and his mother were moved to their permanent graves in the meditation garden on the grounds of Graceland.
This original crypt has remained empty with a statue of Elvis commemorating his time there and as a visiting place for those coming to remember The King. Offered here is the opportunity to purchase the crypt for burial. The crypt lies within the granite and marble mausoleum of the Forest Hill Cemetery. This lot includes: the crypt where Elvis was once entombed; opening and closing of the vault and crypt for burial; memorialization inscription; and use of a small chapel for a committal service. Transportation and funeral home charges are not included.
Forest Hill Cemetery began in the late 1800s and is located in the heart of Memphis, Tennessee on Elvis Presley Boulevard. It was one of the first cemeteries in Memphis to welcome everyone, regardless of their religious affiliation or ethnic background. The owners of Forest Hill will work with the buyer of this lot to accommodate their desired use of the crypt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 12:28
Gespächsverlauf zu
Eine weitere arbeitsreiche Woche, heute beginnend mit einem Interview mit der BILD-Zeitung über die deutsche Version meines Buches. Hallo Deutschland, Gute Nacht Welt;)!/jermjackson5 (Archiv-Version vom 29.05.2012)

Jermaine Jackson ‏@jermjackson5
Another busy week, starting with interview today with BILD newspaper for my book's German release. Hello Germany, G'night world ; )

10:52 AM - 29 Mai 12 via Twitter for BlackBerry®


*Sunny*BeLIEve* ‏@SunnyBeLIEve
@jermjackson5 Welcome to germany:))

11:09 AM - 29 Mai 12


Jo (LunaJo) ‏@LunaJo67
@jermjackson5 Euh, Germany is not the only country awake right now :). We're awake in Holland as well!

11:04 AM - 29 Mai 12


Tina ‏@Cinder4587
@jermjackson5 mit der BILDZEITUNG??????? ach du grüne neune :)))

10:59 AM - 29 Mai 12


LilTray96 ‏@LilTray96
@jermjackson5 I miss Michael But Really weird things been happening

10:58 AM - 29 Mai 12


marbina ‏@marbina64
@jermjackson5 ...greetings from germany..:-))...OMG !!!...not BILD...oh no !

10:58 AM - 29 Mai 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 14:00!/michaeljackson (Archiv-Version vom 29.05.2012)

Michael Jackson ‏@MichaelJackson
Photo of the day: MJ during the filming of "Scream"!

6:28 PM - 25 Mai 12

Photo of the Day

MJ during the filming of “Scream”!

5-25 (Archiv-Version vom 29.05.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 14:12
4h Cam25 ‏@Dangerous_Inc A letter to MichaelJackson's hand picked director of (cont)

9:59 AM - 29 Mai 12

Cam (@Dangerous_Inc)
Posted Tuesday 29th May 2012 from Twitlonger

A letter to MichaelJackson's hand picked director of the Bad Tour circa. 1988:



I very, very seldom write letters but in this moving occasion I couldn't help myself. I want to thank you for putting the effort forward to capture the magic and excitment of the people of the world. What you do is a very personal and powerful medium to me. It is the out of stopping time, to preserve a moment that the naked eye cannot hold, to capture truth, spontaneous truth the depths of excitment in human spirit. All else will be forgotten but not the film. Generations from now will experience the excitment you've captured , it truly is a time capsule. I will not be totally satisfied until I know you are at the right angle at the right time to capture a crescendo of emotions that happens so quickly, so spontaneously ->


What you have done was good, but I want the best, the whole picture, cause and effect. I want crowd reaction, wide lens shots, depths of emotion, timing. I know we can do it. It is my dream and goal to capture truth. We should dedicate ourselves to this. The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication. There is no other way to perfection than dedicator perseverance. Just tell us what you need to make it happen. Take the leadership to direct the other cameramen. I enjoy working with you that is witty. I asked you to come, you have a gentle spirit that's very likable. Maybe I look at the world through rose colored glasses but I love people all over the world. That is why stories of racism really disturb me. You hurt my heart and soul when you told me of your boyhood in tears. Because in truth I believe all men are created equal. I was taught that and will always believe it.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 14:16!/Dangerous_Inc (Archiv-Version vom 29.05.2012)

Cam25 ‏@Dangerous_Inc
Lyrics for #MichaelJackson's T.S., about Tom Sneddon, later changed to D.S. (Dom Sheldon) to avoid legal trouble.

3:27 AM - 29 Mai 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 14:20
Lot 938 of 948:


A page of Michael Jackson handwritten working lyrics for the song "Morphine." In part, "He hot shit/ go dig your ditch/ baby/ He got jacked baby/ he kicked the back baby." The lyrics, written on lined paper, include a number of crossed-out lyrics and revisions. This page includes some elements that are seen on the final version of the song, which is included on Blood On the Dance Floor : HIStory In the Mix and features guitarist Slash.
11 by 9 inches


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.05.2012 um 16:30
Kulturnachtsteigt am 7. Juli

VS-SCHWENNINGEN / sbo Die siebte lange Schwenninger Kulturnacht steigt am Samstag, 7. Juli. Eintrittsbändel für das Fest am Neckarursprung sind jetzt im Vorverkauf erhältlich. Mit dem orangefarbenen Band am Handgelenk eröffnet sich den Besuchern wieder ein facettenreiches Programm.

Der Startschuss fällt um 18 Uhr auf dem Muslenplatz mit der Musical-Show „Black or White“: Die aufwendig inszenierte Hommage an Michael Jackson präsentiert Hits von „Billie Jean“ über „Thriller“ bis „Smooth Criminal“, authentische Kostüme, Originalchoreografien und ein Double, das dem „King of Pop“ in Bewegung und Gesang atemberaubend nahe kommt.

Mehrere hundert Mitwirkende verwandeln Straßen, Plätze, Bühnen und Gebäude in der Innenstadt und im Neckarpark in eine große Flanier- und Erlebnismeile.

(Erschienen: 29.05.2012 12:55),-Kulturnachtsteigt-am-7-Juli-_arid,5261136.html


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.05.2012 um 07:43!/Dangerous_Inc (Archiv-Version vom 30.05.2012)

Cam25 ‏@Dangerous_Inc
@LisaPresely May I ask if you're attempting to pull that letter from the auction or leaving it?

7:39 AM - 30 Mai 12
Cam25 ‏@Dangerous_Inc
#MichaelJackson's desperate letter to Lisa Marie goes on sale -_-

6:06 AM - 30 Mai 12

'I haven’t slept in four days': Michael Jackson’s desperate letter to Lisa Marie goes on sale (and you can buy Whitney Houston’s passport too)
PUBLISHED: 01:08 GMT, 30 May 2012 | UPDATED: 01:09 GMT, 30 May 2012

It has long been known Michael Jackson was leading a traumatic existence before his premature death.
But a newly letter to his former wife Lisa Marie Presley casts even more light on how he was struggling with the pressures of being one of the world's best known celebrities.
The fragile Prince of Pop revealed he had not slept for days and needed to 'take care of my health first' in the document, which has been put up for auction.

article-2151888-135BD230000005DC-281 468
Close: Michael Jackson's personal letter to former wife Lisa Marie Presley is being auctioned

In a schoolchild-style scrawl, he wrote: 'I truly need this rest. I haven't slept literally in four days now.

'I need to be away from phones and business people. I must take care of my health first.'
He also told his the lover that he was 'crazy' for her, and signed off under his pet name Turd.
Readers are given a sense of the warmth between the pair during their marriage, which lasted from 1994to 1996, from the letter.

article-2151888-135B3AB5000005DC-98 468x
This is it: The document is expected to fetch a pretty penny

The highly personal message is predicted to fetch up to $1,200 when it goes under the hammer at the Julien's Auctions sale in Beverly Hills next month.

It is one of a host of fascinating items that are up for sale during the two day celebrity memorabilia extravaganza.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.05.2012 um 07:49!/MJJCommunity (Archiv-Version vom 30.05.2012)

MJJCommunity ‏@MJJCommunity
A Newly Letter From Michael (NEW) to Lisa Marie Is Being Auctioned #MJNews

4:39 AM - 30 Mai 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.05.2012 um 07:58
der Gesprächsverlauf von Jermaine Jackson ist sehr umfangreich ... daher bei Interesse bei Twitter zu verfolgen ...!/jermjackson5 (Archiv-Version vom 30.05.2012)

Jermaine Jackson ‏@jermjackson5
@seekingtruthMJ I've used the most reliable method to get my truth out there: I've written a book in my words
(Gespräch zeigen)
8:19 PM - 29 Mai 12

11h Jermaine Jackson ‏@jermjackson5
Getting truth sometimes involves risk @DTB3. All interviews promote the bigger truth: the book
(Gespräch zeigen)
8:16 PM - 29 Mai 12

Jermaine Jackson ‏@jermjackson5
Tabloid newspapers = mass market. I want to debunk all lies/myths about Michael to biggest audience. Avoiding tabloids is not the answer
8:10 PM - 29 Mai

Jermaine Jackson ‏@jermjackson5
Read your comments re BILD. I hear your concerns. But truth can't win the battle without first confronting the myths and myth-makers
7:47 PM - 29 Mai
