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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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30.07.2012 um 04:45
Why Janet Jackson became embroiled in family feud involving Michael's kids


Last Updated: 10:11 AM, July 29, 2012

Posted: 12:33 AM, July 29, 2012

Even the most dysfunctional families have their sane one, and in the famously chaotic Jackson clan, that member has always been Janet.

Until now.

This past week, the family feuded publicly over the late Michael’s estate, with his children taking to Twitter to accuse their Aunt Janet and others of kidnapping their grandmother and legal guardian, Katherine, in order to wrest away control of the King of Pop’s fortune.

At the public memorial service for Michael on July 7, 2009, it was Janet who soothed an emotional Paris, then just 11 years old, as she tearfully remembered her father as “the best daddy,” and it was into Janet’s arms she flew after emotionally collapsing.

Nearly three years to the day, things are quite different. Last Monday, 14-year-old Paris Jackson not only defied her 46-year-old Aunt Janet but also defied the way the Jackson family has traditionally operated: Instead of keeping this latest family feud private, Paris, frantic over her relatives’ refusal to let her speak to her grandma, took to Twitter and declared matriarch Katherine missing.

The national media were quick to go on red alert, and Janet was caught on camera confronting her niece in the driveway of Katherine’s estate.

“You’re a spoiled little bitch!” Janet yelled.

“This is our house,” Paris shot back. “Not the Jackson family house. Get the f--k out!”

On Thursday, Paris’ brother Prince Michael, 15, posted a text message he’d sent to several relatives, including his famous aunt, listed in his iPhone simply as “Janet Jackson.”

“This is enough,” it read, “so I am texting you for the simple fact that WE DEMAND TO SPEAK TO MY GRANDMA NOW!!!”

Janet’s reply was terse: “Don’t let them pls.”

What’s happened to Janet Jackson? How is it that the seemingly calmest, most soft-spoken sibling could be so vicious to her niece and nephews?

Why would a woman who launched her solo career by publicly emancipating herself from her overbearing family — her 1986 breakthrough album was called “Control” — allow herself to become enmeshed in such an ugly family feud? And why would Janet — the only one of 10 Jackson siblings to have a career nearly as successful as Michael’s — allow her image to be tarnished this way?

One Jackson family member tells The Post the answer is simple: It’s all about money. She’s got some; Michael’s estate has more — Billboard recently estimated its net worth at $1 billion — and her siblings have none. She lives in fear of supporting them.

“Janet’s last three tours have failed to sell tickets, and she’s cut each of them short,” the sibling says. “She hasn’t had a hit record in more than a decade, and she no longer has a recording contract.”

This family member says that Janet’s net worth is estimated at $100 million but that “she only has money going out and nothing new coming in.”

Janet hasn’t had a hit song since 2001’s “Someone to Call My Lover,” and the last time she had any cultural relevance was in February 2004, after Justin Timberlake exposed her breast during their Super Bowl performance.

She’s starred in a couple of Tyler Perry films, but lately her brand has been defined by her yo-yo dieting (she’s a spokeswoman for Nutrisystem) and struggles with self-actualization. Her 2011 self-help book, “True You: A Journey to Finding and Loving Yourself,” was a best seller, ironic given that she hasn’t been able to detach fully from her destructive family — especially older brother Randy, whom she is said to worship.

“Janet has nothing to do,” her sibling says. “And she is devoted to any cause Randy takes up.”

It was Randy, says this sibling, who hatched the plan to remove Katherine from the Jackson home, challenge Michael’s will, remove the children from Katherine’s legal custody and ultimately gain control of the estate.

“Randy thought that if they were to publicly show that [Katherine] was no longer capable of caring for the children and no longer able to handle the day-to-day responsibilities of the house, then Randy could take her position.”

Randy, now 50, enlisted his sister Rebbie, 62, brothers Jermaine, 58, and Tito, 60, and Janet, the sibling says. The coup’s ultimate aim: to overthrow Michael’s estate executors, John Branca and John McClain.

With that, Randy would control the $70,000 monthly allowance Katherine gets from the estate and the $100,000 the children get.

About two weeks ago, Randy pushed the button on the plan.

Four of the Jackson siblings — Jermaine, Tito, Jackie and Marlon — were doing a concert in New Mexico. Randy coordinated with Katherine’s assistant, Janice Smith, to have the 82-year-old matriarch ready for “a long vacation.”

A doctor hired by the siblings was brought in to visit with Katherine and promptly told her she needed rest, the family member says. The siblings kept her isolated from outside contact, busying her with games of Uno while Jermaine issued statements that his mother had suffered a series of strokes and needed rest.

Janet’s relationship with each of her siblings, and her parents, is complicated.

When she was a little girl, she has said, her brothers teased her mercilessly about her weight and her looks, calling her “Slaughter Hog,” “Cow” and “Pig.” Even now, she has said, they still call her “Dunk” — short for “Donkey.”

The teasing got so bad, she said, that she’d bang her head against the wall. She was often left at home while her dad went on tour with her famous brothers in The Jackson 5. She was 6 or 7, she has said, when her father, Joe, told her to never call him “Dad.”

“I will never forget that,” she has said. “I used to hurt so badly that I’d ask God, ‘Why? What have I done to deserve this?’ ”

Janet had no friends and, instead, talked to the family dogs. She was pushed into acting by her parents, and in 1977, when she was 10 years old, Janet was cast on the sitcom “Good Times.” One year later, producers bound her breasts, and her mother was taking her to get colonics.

When Janet was 16, her father got her a record deal, and her first two albums — 1982’s “Janet Jackson” and 1984’s “Dream Street” — were overseen by her father and brothers.

When Janet hit 18, she rebelled, eloping with singer James DeBarge. By 1985, the marriage was over, but it helped Janet escape her parents and siblings.

Janet found Jimmy Jam and Terry Lewis — the duo who would produce her blockbuster third album, “Control” — through McClain, an executive at A&M and the man now executing her brother’s will.

One can only wonder what the Janet of 1986 — scared, free, struggling to carve her own persona — would make of today’s Janet, back in league with her tormenters against McClain.

And yet, not all is well with her siblings. Janet has fought viciously with La Toya, Jermaine and Jackie.

In 2001, Janet bought a Las Vegas home for her mother with the stipulation that family patriarch Joe Jackson never be allowed to live there, according to Rebbie Jackson.

“She never forgave Joseph for what he did to us when we were children. She doesn’t deal with him at all,” Rebbie said.

While Janet has helped pay bills for her mother in the past and paid her brother Marlon’s mortgage for a full year and moved him to Atlanta, she has mostly been careful about helping her siblings with their cash problems.

“They need to get jobs if they think I’m going to do what Michael did for them. They are grown-ass men. I’m not giving them nothing,” Janet said, according to this family member.

While Janet’s relationship with Michael appeared close, the siblings were one another’s biggest rivals. Michael even once asked Janet to stop using her surname when she performed.

It wasn’t until after repeated pleas from Katherine Jackson that Janet went to a Santa Maria, Calif., courthouse to show support for Michael during his child-molestation trial in 2005.

While Janet’s fortune remains stable, she fears for her security should she find herself supporting eight siblings and their families.

While Michael was in hiding in Bahrain following his acquittal, Janet started paying Katherine’s bills and giving her siblings money. But she has begun to cut them off.

Randy and Jermaine, who have children by the same woman, had previously requested that the estate pay their back child support, something Branca ultimately approved. Randy once owed as much as $150,000 to his ex.

Since Michael’s death in 2009, Branca and McClain have worked miracles to alleviate the $500 million debt left by the legend. The estate owns a share in Sony/ATV music publishing, which contains all of Jackson’s hits and the prized Beatles catalog. It is said to be worth upward of $2 billion. The bulk of it will go to Jackson’s three children: Paris, Prince Michael and 10-year-old Blanket.

If Janet doesn’t support her brothers, the estate could.

“It is a fact that the primary reason Janet got involved in Randy’s plan,” says a sibling, “is because she wants to see her brothers control Michael’s money so they won’t come to her anymore.”

After Prince tweeted that his late father had warned him about “certain people,” the family member said one of those people was Janet. Often calling her “evil, selfish and cheap,” Michael warned his children that Janet wouldn’t be the best of aunts.

Last week, California Judge Mitchell Beckloff appointed Tito’s son, TJ Jackson, guardian of Prince, Paris and Blanket.

TJ’s mother, Dee Dee Jackson, was murdered in 1994 by a man she’d begun dating after divorcing Tito. Michael took TJ and TJ’s two brothers under his wing. He was part of the Michael Jackson-inspired music group 3T.

As such, TJ is inclined to take the side of Jackson’s kids in disputes and said either Rebbie or Janet had a fake doctor persuade Katherine to leave California.

“I am taking actions that I have deemed appropriate to protect Michael’s children,” TJ said in court.

Janet, it’s clear, will no longer be a part of their lives, and this thwarted plan has eroded her power.

The three children have been reunited with their grandmother and have vowed to stay as far as possible from their aunts and uncles. Janet’s efforts to give her brothers a financial parachute has backfired.

“[The children] will probably never let this go,” says one sibling. “They certainly won’t forget it. And the ones the family members tried to paint as bad guys are the very ones those children will always see as protectors.”

Stacy Brown is a reporter and longtime friend of the Jackson family.

Additional reporting by Maureen Callahan (Archiv-Version vom 31.07.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 05:21
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Hat sich eigentlich schon mal jemand von der Vierer-Gruppe zu den Vorfällen und dem veröffentlichenten Brief von Randy und dem Twitter - Eintrag von Prince geäußert?
nochmals zu einem Teil deines Posts ...

der Exklusiv-Bericht bei der New York Post ist vielleicht ein Anfang ...
diesen Bericht hat Stacy Brown geschrieben, der eine enge Verbindung zu Rebbie hat ... über Rebbies Motivation sich bei der Aktion "Randy" zu beteiligen, geht aber nichts aus dem Bericht hervor ...
dafür über Janet um so mehr ...

es werden bestimmt noch andere Exklusiv-Berichte folgen ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 08:54
X17 EXCLUSIVE - Randy Jackson: John Branca, John McClain And Howard Weitzman "Are Trying To Take My Mother's Life"

Posted on Fri Jul 27, 2012 11:35 AM PDT

x17randy27072012Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Randy Jackson has just issued the below statement to X17online:

When TJ asked my mother if he should ask for temporary guardianship, my Mother told TJ NO – twice.

- The Estate denied Rebbie, Janet and Jermaine access to the house when they returned to home to Calabasas with a letter written by Howard Weitzman, attorney for the Estate, who is not a resident of the home.

- The Estate is trying to isolate my Mother from her family JUST LIKE THEY DID TO MICHAEL, in order to propagate their lies, financial agendas and to protect a fraudulent will.

- The same people that are trying to manipulate my mother are the same people that were involved with my brother when he died.

- In order to obtain temporary guardianship, TJ lied to the court. Rebbie, Janet, Jermaine and I would never harm our mother and we are doing our best to protect her and the Estate knows that. I want to know why Perry Sanders would consider a negotiation based on lies.

- It is clear that anyone who stands up against the Executors of the Estate - John Branca, John McClain and their attorney Howard Weitzman - is denied access to my mother.

- It is my fear and belief, that they are trying to take my mother’s life.

John Branca, John McClain and Howard Weitzman have yet to issue a statement. Calls for comment have not been returned.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 09:08
Paris zwitschert wieder ein Zitat ...


a jug fills drop by drop —buddha
ein Krug füllt sich, Tropfen für Tropfen —Buddha


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 09:30
neue Bilder von Paris bei Instergram ....

dieses Bild wurde von Spencer Malnik bei Intergram eingestellt
spencernicolee: @thatjacksonchickk girlfriend 7h
b2e40064d9d811e1985822000a1d011d 7

Paris: \m/ swag us out tho @spencernicolee 7h
ae50b326d9d811e1829522000a1e88aa 7

Paris: use the force , luke #StarWars 11h
4db2b918d9bc11e18b0122000a1e8b96 7A


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 09:59

my brain is hanging upside down… i need something to slow me down
mein Hirn fällt aus dem Kopf ... Ich brauche etwas, um es zu bremsen
frei übersetzt

und auch Courtney Love Cobain schickt einen Tweet an Paris



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 10:03
The Jacksons Part 4
Youtube: The Jacksons Part 4
The Jacksons Part 4
Externer Inhalt
Durch das Abspielen werden Daten an Youtube übermittelt und ggf. Cookies gesetzt.
Veröffentlicht am 28.07.2012 von MildredDavisLloyd

July 27, 2012. Jermaine Jackson sings in tribute to Michael Jackson. Michael's children Blanket, Prince, and Paris were seated right in front of me. TJ Jackson was there with his son to the left of Blanket.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 10:16
Paris Jackson Defends Justin Bieber in Teen Twitter War

07/29/12 11:44pm Roger Friedman

Fresh from her success as war correspondent in her own home, 14 year old Paris Jackson–star of the summer, by far–has taken on a new cause. She’s defending Justin Bieber on Twitter from an attack by much older–yes, 26– actor and singer Drake Bell. Who is Drake Bell? For those of us over 21, he’s the biggest Nickelodeon star ever, from their series “Drake and Josh.” (Josh Peck, 25, was the very good star of a movie no one saw but I liked called “The Wackness.”)

Anyway, Drake Bell posted a questionable picture of Bieber tonight, thus inciting little Justin’s fans. Paris, not watching the Olympics (she Tweeted earlier that she didn’t care for them) came quickly to Bieber’s defense. What you might not know is that Bieber lives in the same gated community in Calabasas. Paris doesn’t want her neighbor attacked. (Yes Justin has left Canada for more privileged environs. Thank YouTube for that.)

So now it’s war. Paris having just won a war, is on a roll.

The Bell-Beiber conflict began about a week ago. The Bieb’s fans have been attacking Bell ever since. Bell wrote: “I haven’t listened to much Justin Bieber but his songs must be
full of hate and rage because that’s what his believers are filled with..”

Today he Tweeted: I don’t “Hate” @justinbieber!! I just think his fans are repulsive. Not a huge fan of that style of music…big deal…I don’t like popradio”

And he put up this picture. Paris didn’t like that. “If u wanna compare the amount of fans or amount of TALENT even between u & Justin you know u would lose right? know ur place” She later added: “just like he stated his opinion , i stated mine …although posting a hate picture isn’t really an opinion but oh well”

Me, I don’t careabout Justin Bieber, I don’t know who Drake Bell is, and I wish Paris would watch the Olympics. But it’s Sunday night, and more importantly, the Yankees are taking it on the chin tonight from the Red Sox.

I’m sure this tempest in a teapot will go on for a while. But here’s my question. If Justin Bieber has so many fans, how come they haven’t bought his album or singles?



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 10:21
Conrad Murray seeks new test in Michael Jackson's death

By Alan Duke, CNN
July 30, 2012 -- Updated 0742 GMT (1542 HKT)


* Murray lawyers want test of propofol bottle prosecutors say contained fatal dose
* If residue has no lidocaine, it disproves prosecution theory of how Michael Jackson died, lawyers say
* The defense theory is that a desperate Jackson self-injected the drug that killed him
* Murray is serving a four-year prison sentence for last year's involuntary manslaughter conviction

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Conrad Murray wants a key piece of evidence tested which his lawyers argue could prove Michael Jackson injected himself with the drug that killed him.

Murray, who is serving a four-year prison sentence, is appealing last year's involuntary manslaughter conviction in Jackson's 2009 death.

A motion filed Monday by his lawyers asked an appeals court to order a test of the residue in a 100 milliliter bottle of propofol that prosecutors say contained the fatal dose of surgical anesthetic.

If it contains 10% lidocaine, then it would support prosecution expert Dr. Steven Shafer's theory that Murray rigged up an IV drip using the bottle and then left the room, Murray's motion said.

Shafer testified that lidocaine, which was found in Jackson's blood after his death, was mixed with propofol to ease the sting of the drug as it entered a vein in Jackson's leg.

"However, if the residue is 100% propofol, it would absolutely refute Shafer's final contention that was used to prove an IV propofol infusion," the motion said.

The defense theory was that a desperate Jackson, fearing that his comeback concerts could be canceled unless he found elusive sleep, self-administered propofol that Murray was trying to wean him off of. It contends that Jackson also swallowed eight lorazepam tablets while Murray was not watching.

Two requests by Murray's lawyers to have the bottle tested after the trial were rejected by the trial judge, who ruled they should have asked for testing before the trial.

Murray's lawyers argued the residue in the bottle, which the prosecution never tested, became relevant only at the end of the prosecution's case" when Shafer "remodeled" his theory about how Jackson died.

"Dr. Shafer made a striking change in his rebuttal testimony, which occurred during the final minutes of the evidentiary portion of the trial," Murray lawyer Valerie Wass said.

Murray told police he stopped using IV infusions of propofol to help Jackson sleep three days before his death, and that he only injected a small dose the morning he died.

"The amount of propofol Murray claims he gave Jackson does in fact comport with the amount of propofol found in Jackson's blood at autopsy." Murray lawyer J. Michael Flanagan said. "There was no propofol infusion on the morning of Jackson's death. The analysis of the residue in Exhibit 30 will prove the truth once and for all."

The motion asks the appeals court to order the Los Angeles County Coroner to either test the residue or hand it over to a private lab for testing.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 10:32
keine neuen Tweets von den "Jackson Brothers" bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt ... :)

die werden bestimmt das Tourende, der "The Jacksons Unity Tour 2012" feiern ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 11:06
Tweets auf der Twitter Seite von Randy Jackson jr. ... dem Sohn von Randy Jackson und ein Cousin von Paris, Prince und Blanket ... :)


People are like music. Some speak the truth while others are just noise..
Die Menschen sind wie Musik. Einige sprechen die Wahrheit, während andere nur Lärm sind ..

@randyjacksonjr which is your family? hmm some are noise while the only one who spoke the truth is dead.
@ randyjacksonjr Welches ist Deine Familie? hmm manche sind Lärm, während der einzige, der die Wahrheit sagte, tot ist.

frei übersetzt


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 11:25
Taryll Jackson, der Bruder von TJ, tweetet:


@eonline Tanay Jackson is NOT related to us. Please clear up any confusion you may have caused. Thank You.
@ eonline Tanay Jackson steht nicht in Beziehung zu uns. Bitte klären Sie jegliche Verwechslung auf, die durch Sie ausgelöst sein könnte. Vielen Dank.

frei übersetzt


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 12:03
Paris hat wohl eine lange "Videofilm" Nacht ... Harry Potter scheint nach wie vor
ihr "Favorit" zu sein ... :)




MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 12:24
Janet Jackson, Others Family Members Barred from Mom’s California Home

MJNA Staff July 29, 2012

article-2180489-143B8ABF000005DC-803 306

(Roland Martin Reports) - The executors of Michael Jackson’s estate have barred a number of the late singer’s siblings, including Janet Jackson, from the California home where their mother, Katherine, is raising the late singers three children.

The details of who is and isn’t allowed onto the Calabas, California is detailed in an email obtained by CNN’s Roland S. Martin.

Howard Weitzman, who represents John McClain and John Branca, sent the email Wednesday to Charles Schultz, an attorney for Mrs. Jackson.

Weitzman writes that after the drama over the last two weeks, which including allegations that Katherine Jackson had gone missing for 10 days and was unable to reach Paris, Prince and Blanket Jackson, which led to her having to share guardianship of the children with another grandchild, TJ Jackson, it is necessary to bar certain family and friends from the property.

“Given the circumstances of the last two weeks, and in order to protect the children and Mrs. Jackson, the Executors believe that it would not be appropriate to allow the following individuals to enter the residence or its grounds and we instruct the security to preclude the following from entering the residence or the grounds: Randy Jackson and any of his children, Janet Jackson, Rebbie Jackson and any of her children, Jermaine Jackson, his wife and any of his children, Janice Smith, or anyone else who was involved in the recent events that led to Mrs. Jackson’s separation from and inability to communicate with Michael’s children, or any agents or representatives of any of these individuals,” Weitzman wrote.

“There will be no other security or drivers allowed on the property except those employed by the Estate of Michael Jackson. Joe Jackson is precluded from entering the property. Howard Mann who is in litigation against the Estate and is working with the Jackson siblings that wrote the “letter” should also not be allowed on the premises.”

The “letter” Weitzman is referring to is the one signed by Randy, Janet, Jermaine, Rebbie and Tito Jackson, alleging that the 2002 will authorizing Branca and McClain to be the executors of estate is fraudulent. Tito later apologized for signing the letter.

“Of course, Paris, Prince and Blanket, T.J. and his brothers, Tito, Marlon, Jackie and their spouses, current security (hired by the Estate), staff (per T.J.), Meg Lodise, Michael Kane, Sandra Ribera, Parry Sanders, Trent Jackson, you (Charles Shultz) and anyone else authorized by T.J. (other than the Excluded Individuals listed above), may enter and remain on the premises,” Weitzman wrote.

Weitzman’s email does not mention Michael’s sister, LaToya, and whether she can visit the property. She has publicly called on her family to stop the infighting.

According to a Jackson family source, the estate is allowed to make such demands because it pays the monthly lease payment on the Calabas home. Katherine Jackson controls the $70,000 monthly stipend the estate allocates to each Jackson child – a total of $210,000 – any way she sees fit, including school costs and other expenses.

Katherine Jackson is currently in the process of trying to purchase the home so the estate won’t be able to dictate such terms, the source said.

Weitzman writes that if law enforcement needs to be made of the letter, Schultz, T.J. Jackson or anyone else is authorized to show it to them.

“It is imperative to the Estate that from this point forward a safe and appropriate environment be provided for Michael Jackson’s children and his mother as well,” Weitzman wrote. (Archiv-Version vom 01.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 12:58
FaIrIeFlOwEr, heute um 12.24:

“Given the circumstances of the last two weeks, and in order to protect the children and Mrs. Jackson, the Executors believe that it would not be appropriate to allow the following individuals to enter the residence or its grounds and we instruct the security to preclude the following from entering the residence or the grounds: Randy Jackson and any of his children, Janet Jackson, Rebbie Jackson and any of her children, Jermaine Jackson, his wife and any of his children, Janice Smith, or anyone else who was involved in the recent events that led to Mrs. Jackson’s separation from and inability to communicate with Michael’s children, or any agents or representatives of any of these individuals,” Weitzman wrote.

"Randy Jackson and ANY of his children"
Rebbie Jackson and ANY of her children"
Jermaine Jackson, his wife and ANY of their children".........

Glaubt jemand ernsthaft, Rechtsanwalt Weitzman würde sich so schwammig und bliebig ausdrücken????

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 13:22
Zitat von HalinaHalina schrieb:Glaubt jemand ernsthaft, Rechtsanwalt Weitzman würde sich so schwammig und bliebig ausdrücken????
diese "Reglementierungen" sollen aus einem Schreiben, genauer aus einer eMail, vom RA Weitzman sein, bisher haben diese Worte eh noch keine große Bedeutung ... mir ist es im Moment egal, ob er sich so ausgedrückt hat, hätte oder nicht .... denn um solche "Anordnungen" durchzusetzen, bedarf es einer behördlichen Verfügung, eines richterlichen Beschlusses ... :)

ich denke, auf die bzw. den darf man dann gespannt sein ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 13:47
Naja, es steht dort in diesem Roland Martin Report haber als Zitat gekennzeichnet, mit An- und Abführungsstrichen....

warum interpretierst Du, dass diese Worte eh noch keine große Bedeutung haben? Wegen eines Gerichtsbeschlusses?
Da wird sich der entscheidende Richter aber schwer tun.... den die "any children" haben sich außer dem Nachgeplärre der Ergüsse ihrer Väter eigentlich nichts zu Schulden kommen lassen (und von Halima hab ich in dieser Sache auch nichts gehört).
Erinnert mich ein wenig an Sippenhaft, dieser Rundumschlag..... wenn er denn wahr sein sollte...

Aber es stellt sich doch auch überhaupt die Frage, WER HAT DENN ÜBERHAUPT DAS HAUSRECHT?
Vermutlich eher Katherine als die Executoren, meine ich....

Um es klar zu sagen: Ich würd's begrüßen, wenn PPB deren Anwesenheit nicht mehr ertragen müsste!
Nur weiß ich eben bei diesem Report von Roland Martin nicht, was Dichtung und was Wahrheit ist...

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 14:54
Zitat von HalinaHalina schrieb:warum interpretierst Du, dass diese Worte eh noch keine große Bedeutung haben?
diese "Reglementierungen" sollen angeblich von Weitzman per eMail an den RA Charles Shultz, dem Anwalt von TJ gegangen sein ... da diese Anordnungen aber viel zu weitgreifend sind, könnten sie m. E.
nicht bindend von einem Anwalt ausgesprochen werden ... daher sind sie im Moment also nicht von großer Bedeutung ...
Zitat von HalinaHalina schrieb:Da wird sich der entscheidende Richter aber schwer tun.... den die "any children" haben sich außer dem Nachgeplärre der Ergüsse ihrer Väter eigentlich nichts zu Schulden kommen lassen (und von Halima hab ich in dieser Sache auch nichts gehört).
Erinnert mich ein wenig an Sippenhaft, dieser Rundumschlag..... wenn er denn wahr sein sollte...
ja, genau, darum geht es ... es wird bestimmt keinen richterlicher Beschluss in der Form geben, wie es in dem Schreiben aufgeführt wurde bzw. beantragt werden soll ... und die Gründe hast du ja aufgeführt ...
und auch aus diesem Grund sind diese "Worte" im Moment ohne Bedeutung ...

entscheidend ist dann der Beschluss, der das "Hausrecht" regelt ...
Zitat von HalinaHalina schrieb:Aber es stellt sich doch auch überhaupt die Frage, WER HAT DENN ÜBERHAUPT DAS HAUSRECHT?
Vermutlich eher Katherine als die Executoren, meine ich....
Katherine lebt in einem gemieteten Haus ... es könnte sein, dass nicht sie als Mieter anzusehen ist, sondern der Estate hat im Namen der Kinder dieses Haus angemietet ... die Miete wird ja auch aus dem Nachlass gezahlt ... vielleicht kann Katherine ein eingeschränktes Hausrecht ausüben ...
aber nach diesen Vorfällen steht die Sicherheit der Kinder im Vordergrund, da hat sie m. E. kein Mitspracherecht mehr ... :)
Zitat von HalinaHalina schrieb:Um es klar zu sagen: Ich würd's begrüßen, wenn PPB deren Anwesenheit nicht mehr ertragen müsste!
Es wird sich nicht immer vermeiden lassen, dass sich die Familienmitglieder über den Weg laufen ... denn es ist und bleibt nunmal Familie ...
Zitat von HalinaHalina schrieb:Nur weiß ich eben bei diesem Report von Roland Martin nicht, was Dichtung und was Wahrheit ist...
das wird man spätestens dann wissen, wenn es einen richterlichen Beschluss gibt ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.07.2012 um 15:09
Michael Jackson Family Feud: Lessons for Wills and Trusts

July 30, 2012

VIDEO im Bericht

Do the latest squabbles of the Jackson family — over Michael Jackson's will and estate — offer any lessons for other people drafting wills or setting up estates? Yes, although as estate attorney Donald David says wryly, "This is not your average American family."

Five of the Jacksons, in a letter to the estate's executors, have called the will of the late pop star "fake, flawed and fraudulent." They claim its signature is false: That though the document gives Michael's location on the day he signed as Los Angeles, they know him to have been in New York. They accuse the two executors of everything from coercing family matriarch Katherine Jackson, to mishandling business deals, to getting too juicy a cut for themselves from those same deals.

In a letter of their own, executors John Branca and John McClain dismiss the claims of fraud as "stale Internet conspiracy theories." They say they find the family's accusations particularly disheartening, since they come at the very time the two have made "remarkable progress" turning around the estate, which was $500 million in the red at the time of the pop king's death but three years later showed a $475 million profit.

Big as the numbers are, and exotic as the Jackson family story may be, some experts say the dispute has lessons to teach ordinary folks.

"What do the estate planning mistakes of Michael Jackson, Heath Ledger, Princess Di and other well known celebrities have to do with you? Everything! " says the website of attorneys Daniel and Andy Mayoras, authors of "Trial & Heirs: Famous Fortune Fights.'' Errors of the rich and famous, they contend, can show families across America how to avoid similar pitfalls.

Pitfalls such as what? Such as not acting fast enough (if you're the beneficiary), when you think there's something fishy about a will.

In California and other states, say the Mayoras, heirs have only 90 days after a will goes into probate to challenge its validity. The Jacksons failed to meet that deadline. Thus Michael's will became not just valid after that, but, in the law's eyes, valid beyond challenge. "You want to bring your challenge right up front," advises Andy.

Is there nothing, at this point, that the Jacksons can do? Not much, says Danielle Mayoras. They could try, she says, to allege a very high level of fraud called "fraudulent concealment." But to succeed with that, they'd have to prove that reason they made no challenge earlier was because, say, the estate deliberately concealed the existence of a later version of the will.

A second Jackson lesson: Have your will updated regularly -- every 2 or 3 years — so that it can realistically addresses present circumstances.

Michael Jackson made out his will in 2002, the Mayoras say, but he did not update it before he died in 2009. He appointed as his children's guardian his mother, Katherine Jackson (now 82), with Diana Ross as her backup.

"Normally we advise people with small children to really think hard about who they want as guardian," says Andy. You want somebody who's up to the task of rearing small children. For an 82-year-old, he says, that task has to be stressful and demanding.

Katherine, it has been speculated, may have suffered a stroke before or during a recent stay in Arizona.

Does all this mean Michael erred in his will by appointing her his children's guardian? Not necessarily, thinks Donald David. He agrees the choice of someone so old was "a bit unusual." But, he adds, "It's premature for us to say there is a problem. Right now nobody knows what happened in Arizona."

He calls the late singer, whom he met once in a deposition, "one of the smartest businessmen I've ever dealt with" and someone more than capable of making sound choices. Of Michael's choice of Katherine, he says, "Perhaps he felt she was the best person. Perhaps he felt others might not be as protective or might be more interested in what they could get for themselves."

Lesson three: Jackson's trust.

If you're setting up a trust, as Michael Jackson did to provide for his mother (among others), is it better to give your trustees detailed instructions how you want them to execute your wishes, or is it better to speak in generalities? Jackson's trust, according to David and the Mayoras, says only that the monies are to be spent on Katherine's care and well-being, without providing more specifics.

David thinks that's fine. "It's good to be general," he says. In his view, it's a mistake to craft instructions for your trustees that are "so long and convoluted that they try to be a road map." Does "care and well-being" mean she has to have a car and chauffeur? Does it mean she must live in nothing smaller than a 1-bedroom apartment? That's best left up, he says, to the interpretation of the trustees you've picked -- who, in this case, are Branca and McClain. Further, to create "an artificially restrictive structure" is to invite litigation.

The Mayoras, in Jackson's case, disagree. Jackson's trust document, only 22 pages long, does not comport, they say, with the size or complexity of the singer's estate. "The entire document," they write, "is far from the quality one would expect from any experienced estate planning attorney." By comparison, they point to the far more substantial and detailed document they say was created for the actress Farrah Fawcett, who died the same day as Jackson.

s. a. diesen Bericht ...

Michael Jackson's Mother and Children Attend Jackson Brothers' Concert

By NICK WATT (@nickwattabc)
July 30, 2012
