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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 14:21
Tweets von Jaafar Jackson, einem Sohn von Jermaine Jackson ... :)


In this world, those who seek the truth will also find trouble.
In dieser Welt werden diejenigen, die die Wahrheit suchen, auch den Ärger finden.
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 15:02
von der MJJC übernommen ... Eintrag # 3643 .. User: Ivy .. Danke :)
I don't see double standards here because you have many direct sources here if you remove all the media.
Ich sehe nicht, dass hier mit zweierlei Maß gemessen wurde, weil Du hier viele direkte Quellen hast, wenn Du alle Medien entfernst.

Fact: Katherine left the house for attending concerts, she ended up in AZ in a spa.

Fact: Multiple Jacksons ( confirmed by Paris, Prince, TJ, Marlon etc) did not know Katherine's exact location or how to reach to her.

Fact: Katherine has not talked to children for 10 days. It might be doctor's orders, some people cutting her communications or she's willingly not communicating with anyone.

Fact: When children wanted to talk to Katherine, their request was denied (Prince's text message screenshot)

Fact: Multiple Jackson siblings came to the Calabasas residence and a disturbance happened. cops called, police report is filed, TJ requested a ban list.

Fact: Unknown security people came to the house (TJ's court filing)

Fact: A judge was highly disturbed by all of these so he ordered an independent investigation into the matter.

So in short it's one thing media fabricates stories for sales and money but it's a whole different case when you have direct sources, lawyers, court filing, police reports telling you a story with established facts.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 15:39
Jackson's estate limits access to home shared by late singer's mom, kids, amid family feud

Associated PressBy The Associated Press | Associated Press – 9 hrs ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Michael Jackson's estate has acknowledged it has limited some relatives' access to the home shared by the singer's mother and children in the wake of a family feud that turned into a driveway argument last week.

The estate's statement released Monday afternoon does not specify which members of Jackson's family are no longer allowed at the home and says the list is subject to change. The statement says an approved guest list was requested by an attorney for TJ Jackson, the son of Tito Jackson who was appointed temporary guardian of the children last week.

"It is imperative to the estate that from this point forward a safe and appropriate environment be provided for Michael Jackson's children and his mother," the statement reads. The children and Katherine Jackson live in a gated community in suburban Calabasas that is more private than the family's longtime home in Encino, which is on a public street.

The statement was issued in response to an online report by journalist Roland Martin that Jackson's siblings Randy, Janet and Jermaine have been blocked from visiting the home. The trio was present in a July 23 scuffle that the Los Angeles Sheriff's Department is still investigating as a possible battery.

The Jackson siblings followed a vehicle carrying Jackson's children, Prince, Paris and Blanket, through security gates and "ambushed" the children and their caretakers, an attorney for family matriarch Katherine Jackson said last week. The elder Jackson was out of contact with the children for roughly 10 days while at an Arizona spa, which prompted a missing person's report and concerns about her health.

TJ Jackson, the late singer's nephew, plans to become a co-guardian in an agreement reached last week after Katherine Jackson returned to the home.

Katherine Jackson's attorney Perry Sanders Jr. said last week that TJ Jackson would take over day-to-day operations and staff oversight at the Calabasas home. The move will free Katherine Jackson to focus on the upbringing of the children, who range in ages from 10 to 15, Sanders said.

Siblings Randy, Janet, Rebbie and Jermaine Jackson have signed a letter calling on the executors of Jackson's estate to resign. Randy Jackson has accused the executors, attorney John Branca and music executive John McClain, of trying to isolate Katherine Jackson from relatives who are critical of them.

"It is my fear and belief, that they are trying to take my mother's life," Randy Jackson wrote last week.

Randy Jackson has also claimed his brother's will is a fake, a claim the estate denies. (Archiv-Version vom 03.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 16:00
das neuste Avatar "Bildchen" von Paris bei Instagram ...



Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
my new necklace<3 #harrypotter
b8d58078da1011e18dc022000a1cdd2b 7
5:02 AM - 30 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 16:06
Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #1

Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #2


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 16:20
Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #3

Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #4

Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #5


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 16:26
Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #6 (Video: Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #6)

Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #7 (Video: Paris Jackson on Tinychat ~ 30 July 2012 #7)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 18:13
Oma Katherine ist sauer Steckt Randy hinter der Jackson-Verschwörung?

31.07.2012 — 17:36 Uhr


Tagelang herrschte Chaos bei den Jacksons, jetzt spricht die Familienchefin ein Machtwort. Oma Katherine (82) übernimmt wieder die Kontrolle.

Was Katherine Jackson besonders wütend macht: Ihr eigener Sohn, Randy (50), soll der Strippenzieher im Familienkrieg sein. Er soll hinter dem Brief an die Nachlassverwalter von Michael Jacksons Erbe stecken, mit dem der Streit begonnen hat.

„Katherine war nicht bewusst, dass Randy seine Geschwister überredete, den Brief an die Nachlassverwalter zu formulieren, in dem ihr sofortiger Rücktritt gefordert wurde“, zitiert „RadarOnline“ einen Nahestehenden der Familie.

Und weiter: „Jetzt ist Katherine seit einigen Tagen wieder zu Hause und hat verstanden, dass Randy dahintersteckt und ist sehr wütend.“

Einige der Jacko-Geschwister hatten versucht, das Testament des toten King of Pop, Michael Jackson, anzufechten. Nachdem Katherine Jackson für einige Tage untergetaucht war, wurde das Sorgerecht für Jackos drei Kinder Paris, Prince und Blanket auf ihren Enkel TJ Jackson übertragen. Inzwischen haben sich Katherine und ihr Enkel geeinigt, das Sorgerecht zu teilen.

Ihr Machtwort: Katherine Jackson hat von ihren Enkeln verlangt, Privatangelegenheiten künftig hinter verschlossenen Türen zu regeln, so wie sie es seit Jahrzehnten macht.

Außerdem wurde einigen ihrer Kinder und Familienangehörigen Hausverbot für das Anwesen im kalifornischen Calabasas erteilt, in dem sie und Jackos Kids leben.

Damit endlich wieder etwas Ruhe in ihr Leben kehrt ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 18:19

31. Juli 2012, 13:44 Uhr

Urteil zum Tod von Michael Jackson

Murray erhebt Einspruch

Michael Jacksons Tod schien aufgeklärt: Sein Leibarzt, Dr. Conrad Murray, wurde zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt. Der beteuert aber weiterhin seine Unschuld.

Conrad Murray31072012
Dr. Conrad Murray wurde im Fall des Todes von Michael Jackson zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt

Dr. Conrad Murray, ehemaliger Leibarzt von Michael Jackson, legt Berufung ein. Der Mediziner wurde Ende November 2011 für die fahrlässige Tötung Michael Jacksons zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt, pocht allerdings weiter auf seine Unschuld. Murray besteht darauf, dass er dem King of Pop nicht die Überdosis Propofol verabreicht habe, die im Juni 2009 zu dessen Tod geführt hatte. Um seine Behauptung zu belegen, fordert er nun die forensische Untersuchung der Flasche, die die fatale Dosis des starken Schmerzmittels enthielt. Murrays Forderung nach dem Test, bei dem nach Spuren von Lidocain gesucht werden soll, wurde vom Richter bereits zwei Mal ausgeschlagen.

Die Verteidiger des Arztes behaupten laut CNN, dass nur das Vorhandensein von Lidocain in der Propofol-Flasche Murrays Schuld bestätigen könne. Die Staatsanwaltschaft hatte ihre Argumentation nämlich darauf basiert, dass Murray die tödliche Dosis Propofol via Infusion mit einer geringen Menge des Lokalanästhetikums verabreicht hatte, um die Wirkung - wenn auch erfolglos - abzuschwächen. Sollte in der Flasche reines Propofol gefunden werden, könne das belegen, dass Michael Jackson sich die tödliche Dosis selbst verabreicht habe, so Murrays Verteidigung.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 18:29
July 31, 2012 11:45 AM

Michael Jackson's longtime costumer unveils book

LOS ANGELES — The zipper-covered "Beat It" jacket. The military-inspired coats with their epaulets, crests and insignias. And, of course, that glittery glove.

Michael Jackson's fashion sense was as singular as his musical style and dance moves. Millions imitated his pegged pants and penny loafers, a fedora cocked just so.

Jackson's longtime costumer reveals the secrets behind the King of Pop's meticulously crafted, regal rock-star look — and an intimate glimpse into the man himself — in a colorful new book from Insight Editions, "The King of Style: Dressing Michael Jackson."

"When you worked with him, you couldn't wait to get there and you didn't want to leave when you got done," said author/costume designer Michael Bush, who with his late partner, Dennis Tompkins, dressed Jackson for more than a generation. "It was hard to imagine anyone that projected fashion and style any better."

What most people don't know about Jackson, Bush said, is he was a joker — a playful prankster who loved to laugh and often teased those closest to him the most.

Bush tells of meeting Jackson for the first time in 1983, when both men were 25. The King of Pop hadn't retained a costumer yet, and Bush was up for consideration. Jackson had been holed up for hours in his trailer on the set of "Captain EO." Bush could hear a monkey squealing as he approached. It was dark inside and "like 120 degrees." Jackson was snacking.

Eager to please as he prepped the pop star's clothes, Bush felt something hit him gently in the head. A cherry stem. A few seconds later, it happened again. When it happened a third time, Bush lobbed a cherry at the rising superstar. Jackson tossed a handful back, and thus began a close professional and personal relationship that spanned the remainder of Jackson's life.

"I think he wanted someone he could play with. He just wanted to see, 'Am I going to have fun with this person?'" said Bush, now 54, an almost sheepish, informally trained clothier from Ohio who learned his craft from his mom and grandmother, who made wedding gowns, prom dresses and quilts.

"And I laughed every day until he died."

Bush wouldn't discuss the time Jackson wore pajama bottoms to court during his child-molestation trial in 2005, but relished in other details of the entertainer's unique approach to his performance attire.

"Michael's concept was, 'I want the fashion designers in the world, the big conglomerates, I want them to copy me. I don't want to wear what's out there. I want to push my individuality, and being that my music is me, my look should be me,'" Bush said in an interview at a warehouse in Los Angeles, racks of glittery history behind him.

Jackson's stage costumes were designed to display his dance moves, so Bush and Tompkins, who died last December, were treated to regular private dance recitals to inform their work. Jackson danced five or six hours a day whether he was on tour or not, Bush said: "He traveled with a hardwood floor in a road case."

All that dancing, such as during the 1987 "Bad" world tour, meant Jackson could drop so much weight during a concert that the costumes for his closing numbers had to be smaller than the ones for the show openers.

"Michael was usually a 28-inch waist, but by the midpoint of the show, when he was ready to perform his magic act of choice, right before 'Beat It,' he'd already lost five pounds of water, and his waist dropped to 27 and a quarter," Bush writes in "The King of Style." ''If we didn't have clothes hanging on the rack in the right order that were getting progressively smaller, we'd risk him putting on a pair of pants that would fall to his ankles with each rhythmic move of his body And there is no magic in that!"

The King of Pop preferred China silk, silk charmeuse and stretchy fabrics. "Spandex made Michael feel sleek and secure and worked for his dance style," Bush writes.

Then there were the military jackets, the rhinestone-encrusted interpretations of British war uniforms like the one Jackson wore at the 1984 Grammy Awards, when he raked in a record eight awards for "Thriller."

Jackson had a childlike fascination with rhinestones, Bush said.

"Sometimes I'd drive three hours to retrieve loose rhinestones straight from the factory, just because looking at them in that raw form pleased Michael to no end. Every time I opened the swatch of white felt that encased the rhinestones, he'd gasp," he writes. "He'd take them from me and delicately move them around with his fingertips and whisper... 'Can you imagine being a pirate opening a treasure chest? And seeing all the glitter inside? What a fascinating life, to be a pirate like that.'"

Bush and Tompkins worked with Jackson until the pop star's death in June 2009. Though they weren't in charge of the costumes for the ill-fated "This Is It" comeback tour, Jackson's longtime costume designers created ensembles for seven songs, including a reprise of his "Billie Jean" outfit with its loafers and spangled socks. There was also a burgundy and gold monogrammed top with a Chinese collar and bell sleeves, and a pair of black bedazzled shin guards.

Bush declined to share any details about Jackson's health or demeanor in his final days. He did say, though, that the King of Pop had always hoped his costumes would be celebrated in books and museums, and Bush is humbled by making that dream a reality. The costumer will exhibit some of Jackson's performance outfits in South America, Europe and Asia before releasing his book on Oct. 30. Many of the costumes will be sold at auction in December, with a portion of the proceeds benefiting the Recording Academy's MusiCares charity. (Archiv-Version vom 04.08.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 18:48

Evidence is sparse that Michael Jackson’s will is a fake

by Kevin Noble Maillard | July 31, 2012 at 10:31 AM

Is Michael Jackson’s will valid? It depends on who you ask. Janet, Randy, Rebbie, and Jermaine Jackson argue that the executors of their late brother’s estate falsified the will. Their primary argument centers on the discrepancy between the date of the will’s execution and Jackson’s location at that time it was signed. The will was executed on July 7, 2002 in Los Angeles, the same weekend that Michael Jackson was reportedly in New York City. Randy Jackson observed in an interview on Politics Nation with Al Sharpton on MSNBC that Michael “cannot be in two places at one time.”

RELATED: Randy Jackson goes on Twitter rant, says MJ estate is trying to kill Katherine Jackson

Even Al Sharpton attested to Michael’s location. “He was in fact in Harlem with me that weekend. That Saturday he was there,” Sharpton concurred on his show. “That Sunday we were out together, and that Monday, he was with Johnny Cochran and I.”

The siblings strongly argue that the conflict of Michael’s location and the stated place of execution proves that the will is false. They claim they are not interested in money, but rather in the proper administration of the estate. In his MSNBC interview, Randy Jackson said that the executors are “using the children to try and put pressure on my mom to try and come out and get her to say things in their favor to kind of clean up their image. They know that they’ve been caught. They know that they falsified a document. And they know that there are questions we want answered.”

Yet, executors John Branca and John McClain insist that their actions are in alignment with Michael’s testamentary intent and his children’s beneficiary interests. In other words, they are just doing their job to see that Michael Jackson’s will is carried out. They have a special duty to serve the interests of the people named in Michael Jackson’s will (which was accepted as valid by the courts): Katherine, Prince, Paris, and Blanket Jackson.

RELATED: LaToya Jackson urges her family to stop feuding in public

In many will contests, family members feel entitled to object to the distribution of the estate. Siblings, also known as collateral heirs, often object when disinherited. In reality, not even children are entitled to distribution, as the selection of beneficiaries is entirely left up to the testator. The only person entitled to a minimum share is a surviving spouse, which Jackson did not have. So, the Jackson siblings have no claim on Michael’s estate on the basis of kinship ties.

In addition, no part of Jackson’s will or family trust includes his brothers and sisters. His will makes no mention of his siblings, and neither does his trust—two different documents, both signed on different dates. Michael’s will is actually very short, and only names his executors, beneficiaries, and intention to create a trust. The will directs his executors to “pour” all of his property into the trust, which is a separate written document that goes into much greater detail about distribution. Like the will, the trust—which is uncontested—leaves nothing to his siblings.

The Jackson siblings may have standing to object to the will as blood relatives, yet their brother had no intention of an estate plan that included them. Because there are two documents that fail to mention the siblings, the validity scale tips in favor of Michael Jackson’s executors, because all of Jackson’s actions show that he wanted to provide only for his mother and children.

The siblings are placing a lot of weight on the will’s signature to prove or disprove validity, which is unlikely to be the sole factor of consideration. In order to assess the validity of a will, courts look to extrinsic evidence. This allows a court to resolve any ambiguities, like a flawed description, an incorrect address, or a questionable signature. There would have to be much more extrinsic evidence demonstrating that the current will did not represent the interests of the testator than just the location question.

RELATED: Michael Jackson’s children don’t need a ‘Maury’-style paternity test

The trust instrument, dated March 2002, coincides with the intent of the will, dated July 2002. Seven years passed between the execution of the will and Jackson’s death. The named beneficiaries—Michael’s Jackson’s children—are the unsurprising recipients of the testator’s bounty in both the will and the trust documents. Right now, the extrinsic evidence in the form of the trust puts more weight in favor of the will being authentic.

The siblings may argue that the executors replaced Michael’s interests with their own in a falsified version of the will, but they lack sufficient evidence to prove that Michael wanted anything other than to leave everything to his kids with his mother to guide them. His brother’s intent is clear, even if the nature of the signature is ambiguous.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 19:15
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Murray erhebt Einspruch
Kann er ja, aber Erfolg hat er sicher nicht. Der kann sich drehen und wenden, er ist trotzdem schuldig und er soll da bleiben, wo er ist. - Meine Meinung.
Der ist genauso uneinsichtig wie Randy, da muß man sich wirklich fragen, wieso immer Michael als
"Wacko Jacko" beschimpft wurde? Randy is the wacko jacko and public enemy.

Hallo und schreib mal was!

6x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 19:24
von der MJJC übernommen ... Eintrag # 3697 .. User: Ivy ... Danke
Actually to me the obsession about the will was quite surprising.

If you looked over the will and the trust even briefly you would know that the main document is the Trust and not the will. I remember reading in the court documents that the mention of the Trust going back to 1995.

When you look to trust and the will you have 2 different documents signed at two different dates and both having the same intent (to provide for MJ's kids and mother) and both names Branca & McClain as co-trustees and co-executors respectively. If the media stories are true and if there are an older will & trust (dated 1997) it will make it almost impossible to invalidate the will & trust.
Eigentlich war für mich die Besessenheit über das Testament ziemlich überraschend.

Wenn Sie den Trust und das Testament ansehen, auch nur kurz, könnten Sie erkennen, dass das Hauptdokument der Trust und nicht das Testament ist. Ich erinnere mich, dass in den Gerichtsakten gelesen zuhaben, dass die Nennungen auf den Trust bis 1995 zurückgehen.

Wenn man sich den Trust ansieht und das Testament, dann haben Sie 2 verschiedene Dokumente, die an zwei unterschiedlichen Terminen unterschrieben worden sind und beide mit der gleichen Absicht
( MJ`s Kinder und Mutter zu versorgen) und jeweils beide Namen Branca & McClain als Co-Treuhänder und Co-Testamentsvollstrecker. Wenn die Medien-Geschichten wahr sind, und wenn es ein älteres Testament & Trust (datiert 1997) gibt, wird es fast unmöglich sein, das Testament und den Trust für ungültig zu erklären.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 19:26

Niedlich, das Walross :) :)

hier eines in "Freiheit"..

800px Noaa walrus22


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 19:29
gell und das tanzt zu Michael-Musik, bzw. das wälzt sich dazu.

ach ja, hab vergessen, der Arnie ist auch wacko. :D

Mein Gott, ist das vielleicht doch das Karma??? So viele, die es da trifft.

Michael hat gewußt, daß es Ärger wegen des Testaments gibt, das ist seine späte Rache für seine gierigen Geschwister. :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 19:31
Hab schon solche "Dicken" am kalifornischen Strand rumliegen sehen und die tun niemanden was, man konnte richtig nah rangehen.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 19:32
Prince II Geburtsurkunde - Keine Mutter Listed
Wir haben die Geburtsurkunde für erhaltene Michael Jackson 's jüngster Sohn - was nur zeigt das Kind mit einem Elternteil als ... Michael Jackson. Auf der doc, Prince Michael Jackson II 's Vater als MJ aufgeführt ist -. aber der Raum, in dem die Mutter von Prinz soll benannt werden wird, wurde leer gelassen Wie wir bereits heute Morgen berichtet, Michael ist nicht der biologische Vater seiner drei Kinder. In Prince Michael der Fall, die Leihmutter wusste nie, sie trug Michaels Baby -., Die konzipiert wurde in vitro und das ist interessant ... Katherine Jackson offenbar nicht weiß, Prince Michael Geburtsdatum. Gestern, in den Vormundschaft Papiere, aufgeführt als sie seine DOB 1/21/02. Die Geburtsurkunde, sagt er am 2/21/02 geboren wurde, einen Monat später.

Damit dürfte wohl klar sein, woher dieses Datum aus TJ Vormundschaftsantrag stammt, genau aus der Geburtsurkunde abgeschrieben! :)

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 19:40
warum ist das Geburtsdatum jetzt interessant? Hab ich was verpasst?

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

31.07.2012 um 19:41
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Kann er ja, aber Erfolg hat er sicher nicht. Der kann sich drehen und wenden, er ist trotzdem schuldig und er soll da bleiben, wo er ist. - Meine Meinung.
ja, es ist doch alles gelaufen ... Murray vergisst, dass er wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt wurde ...
dabei war es u. a. auch unerheblich, ob sich MJ selbst Propofol verabreicht hätte ... Murray hätte den "Patienten" z. B. NIE OHNE Aufsicht lassen dürfen ... ja, poor CONRAD MURRAY
Zitat von SylvinaSylvina schrieb:Der ist genauso uneinsichtig wie Randy, da muß man sich wirklich fragen, wieso immer Michael als "Wacko Jacko" beschimpft wurde? Randy is the wacko jacko and public enemy.
stimmt, Randy und Murray scheinen beide von ihren "idiotischen" Gedanken, regelrecht besessen zu sein ...
scheinen die Medien noch nicht drauf gekommen zu sein, dass Randy eine "Wacko Jacko" ist ... :)
