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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 11:05
Vormundschaft für Jackos Kinder

Oma Jackson hat Kontrolle
über die Familie zurück

Die 82-Jährige und ihr Neffe TJ einigen sich

Katherine Jackson (82). Ein Richter in Los Angeles hat die Mutter von Popstar Michael Jackson als Vormund für ihre drei Enkel bestätigt

03.08.2012 — 10:42 Uhr

Katherine Jackson (82) hat die Kontrolle über ihre Familie zurück – die Großmutter behält das Sorgerecht für Prince (15), Paris (14) und Blanket (10), die Kinder des 2009 gestorbenen Michael Jackson (50).

Die Anwälte der 82-Jährigen und ihres Neffen TJ (34) legten in Los Angeles eine Erklärung vor, in der sie ein ständiges gemeinsames Sorgerecht für die Kinder beantragen. Damit zogen sie einen Schlussstrich unter eine Episode der Ungewissheit. Am 22. August wird ein verlässlicher juristischer Bescheid erwartet.
Der Familiendisput: Die Geschwister des 2009 gestorbenen Michael Jackson hatten den Rücktritt der Nachlassverwalter gefordert und ihre Mutter von Kalifornien nach Arizona mitgenommen, ohne Hinweis an die von ihr betreuten Enkel Prince, Paris und Blanket. Dann wurde TJ Jackson, ein älterer Cousin von Michael Jacksons Kindern, vorübergehend als Vormund eingesetzt.
„Ich bin – und war stets – meinem Enkel (TJ) sehr nahe und habe mich auf ihn bei der Erziehung von Prince, Paris und Blanket seit dem Tod ihres Vaters verlassen”, heißt es in einer Ehrenerklärung der alten Dame, die dem Richter Mitchell Beckloff vorgelegt wurde. TJ sei schon seit geraumer Zeit als inoffizieller Vormund der drei Teenager aufgetreten.

Nach einem bitteren Familienstreit wurde TJ Jackson (34), ein Cousin von Prince, Paris und Blanket, vorübergehend als Vormund eingesetzt. Nun teilt er sich das Sorgerecht mit Katherine Jackson

Nun soll sich der Sohn von Michaels Bruder Tito zukünftig die Aufgaben mit Katherine teilen. Eine Untersuchung des Falls habe gezeigt, dass die Kinder ihre Großmutter „sehr lieben” und bestens von ihr versorgt werden, sagte Richter Beckloff bei der Anhörung am Donnerstag. Außerdem leiste Katherine Jackson „wunderbare Arbeit”.

TJs Anwalt Charles Schultz stellte klar, sein Mandant habe keinesfalls die Absicht, seine Großmutter aus der Erziehung der Jackson-Kinder zu verdrängen.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Michael Jackson war im Juni 2009 an einer Überdosis des Betäubungsmittels Propofol gestorben. Die Jacksons sind seit seinem Tod über das Erbe zerstritten. Der „King of Pop” hatte in dem Testament sein gesamtes Vermögen seiner Mutter und seinen drei Kindern vermacht. Sein Vater, seine Brüder und Schwestern jedoch gingen leer aus.


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03.08.2012 um 11:49

frei übersetzt
watching a documentary about Tupac… wow he's amazing #myultimateidol
schaue einen Dokumentarfilm über Tupac an .. wow er ist erstaunlich # myultimateidol= # mein ultimatives Idol

my life is brilliant , my love is pure .. i saw an angel , of that i'm sure
Mein Leben ist großartig, meine Liebe ist echt .. ich sah einen Engel, deswegen bin ich sicher

aus dem Song "You're Beautiful" ... JAMES BLUNT LYRICS


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 12:03 (Archiv-Version vom 07.01.2012)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.08.2012 um 12:27
LaToya Jackson bekommt eigene Reality-Show

3. August 2012, 11:33 Uhr

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New York - LaToya Jackson (56) bekommt ihre eigene Reality-Show: «Life With La Toya» soll sich um Familie, Freunde und Karriere der Schwester von Popstar Michael Jackson drehen, wie das US-Filmfachblatt «The Hollywood Reporter» berichtete.

Die Serie wird auf dem Kanal OWN von Talk-Diva Oprah Winfrey (58) ausgestrahlt und ist für das kommende Jahr geplant.

Die Sängerin LaToya Jackson ist nicht die Einzige in der Familie mit einer eigenen Show, auch einige ihrer Brüder waren bereits in dem Reality-Format «The Jacksons: A Family Dynasty» porträtiert worden. (Archiv-Version vom 07.08.2012)


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03.08.2012 um 12:38
neue Bilder, von Paris bei Instagram eingestellt ... :)

Paris: #tbt i miss my homies @hmilton4 4h
6cc010d8dd3311e1b8031231380702ee 7

Paris: bandanas rock \m/ 6h
d5563884dd2411e1b55e22000a1e9610 7A


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04.08.2012 um 07:34

And another important thing to remember is that as Janet, Randy and Rebbie aren't beneficiaries they can't challenge the will
Und noch eine wichtige Sache zum Erinnern, ist diese, weil Janet, Randy und Rebbie nicht Begünstigte sind, können sie das Testament nicht anfechten

Important question to ask is this "Who will replace the executors?" If the goal is to replace them, it's still a financial gain
Wichtige Frage, die zu stellen ist, ist diese: "Wer wird die Testamentsvollstrecker ersetzen?" Wenn das Ziel ist, sie zu ersetzen, ist es weiterhin ein finanzieller Gewinn
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04.08.2012 um 07:45

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04.08.2012 um 07:58
na ja, nicht so richtig ... :D

Janet Jackson Breaks Silence On Family Feud

Janet Jackson bricht Schweigen über Familienfehde

Posted on August 3rd, 2012 at 5:01 pm


Janet Jackson is finally breaking her silence on the Jackson Family Feud through her attorney, RumorFix has learned exclusively.

In a statement for Janet, Randy Jackson and Rebbie Jackson, attorney Blair Brown reveals that the three Jackson are continuing their quest to contest the will of Michael Jackson and the attorney claims, “They stand to gain nothing financially by finding that the will is invalid.”

The statement makes it clear that Michael’s children, Paris, Blanket and Prince Michael, are and will continue to be the beneficiaries of Michael’s estate. The siblings have a problem with the executors of the estate — John Branca and John McClain and the estate’s attorney Howard Weitzman.

Brown blasts the executors for “the negative media campaign,” which she calls “relentless.”

The statement goes on to say, “In recent weeks, the media has received preposterous reports — all now proven to be false — of a purported kidnapping of Katherine Jackson and of physical and verbal abuse of a child.”

It concludes, “Janet, Randy and Rebbie will continue to press forward in their search for the truth in order to carry out the wishes of their brother Michael.”

Tito and Jermaine pulled out of the battle in the last few weeks.

ähnlicher Bericht


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04.08.2012 um 08:06

STATEMENT von BLAIR G. BROWN im Auftrag von JANET JACKSON, RANDY JACKSON & REBBIE JACKSON (Archiv-Version vom 24.09.2012)

134403831523032STATEMENTOriginal anzeigen (0,4 MB)

das sind die Anwälte bzw. die Anwaltskanzlei, die Janet, Rebbie und Randy vertreten ... (Archiv-Version vom 15.11.2012)


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04.08.2012 um 08:35
von der MJJC aus dem Eintrag # 4242 .. User: Ivy .. übernommen ...
I followed AEG lawsuit very closely, Estate's only involvement was to object to the subpeona's sent to Michael's doctors based on doctor-patient confidentiality. Estate actually filed a motion against AEG's requests.

They lost their motion as the judge determined the medical records to be relevant to the case. Estate's only involvement is about Michael's medical records. The doctors are sending their medical records to Estate, Estate redacts any private and irrelevant info on them and then turns them to AEG.

So the only thing Estate is trying to protect is Michael's medical records.
Also das einzige, was der Estate zu schützen versuchen wird, sind Michaels medizinische Aufzeichnungen.

Furthermore there's a signed confidentiality agreement between Katherine and AEG. Katherine's lawyers can protect any sensitive information by marking it as "confidential".


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 08:39
von der MJJC aus dem Eintrag # 42417 .. User: Ivy .. übernommen ...

Joe Jackson had a 71 page objection filed , his claims was
- Michael wasn't in LA, he was in NY therefore he couldn't have signed the will
- Branca was fired in 2003
- Branca was fired for embazzlement - Interfor investigation
- Branca has conflict of interest as
---- he previously handled Sony/ ATV licensing deals
---- he had 5% of Sony/ATV and later sold it to Michael
---- he was a trustee of Sony/ATV trust
---- he didn't got conflict of waiver for everything and the ones he got he "duped" Michael to get it
- Branca withheld Siegel's resignation and Branca didn't resign and returned the documents as he was told
- Branca's Estate plan was negligent
- when Branca was rehired in 2009 he didn't disclose all of the above things to Michael
I would expect the same / similar arguments this time as well.

And did anyone realize how many times McClain is mentioned ?


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04.08.2012 um 08:47
Family feud over Michael Jackson's estate escalates

Familienfehde über Michael Jacksons Nachlass eskaliert

August 3, 2012 | 10:18 pm


Janet Jackson and two of her siblings ramped up their feud with the men who control the estate of Michael Jackson on Friday night.

A statement issued on behalf of Janet Jackson, her brother Randy and sister Rebbie accused the executors of trying to divide the family and distract from questions about the legitimacy of Michael Jackson’s will.

“The negative media campaign generated by the executors and their agents has been relentless,” wrote Blair G. Brown, a Washington, D.C., attorney for Janet Jackson.

Allegations that the siblings were holding their 82-year-old mother against her will in Arizona made international headlines last week and resulted in a new custody arrangement in which the family matriarch shares guardianship of Michael Jackson’s three children.

In the statement, Brown disputed reports that the siblings were trying to enlist their mother in a battle over the will for their own financial benefit.

“They stand to gain nothing financially by a finding that the will is invalid,” Brown wrote. “What will be that the executors will be replaced and the estate and the guardianship will be managed in a manner that is in the best interest of the children, which is what Michael wanted.”

The 2002 will accepted by a probate judge after Michael Jackson’s death three years ago gave music industry veterans John Branca and John McClain control of an estate with an estimated worth of $1 billion.

The court-approved compensation plan gives the executors a 10% cut of some earnings.
The siblings have said the will was faked and cited evidence that Michael Jackson was out of town on the day the will indicates he signed the document in Los Angeles.

A spokesman for the estate said Friday evening that the legal window for challenging the will has closed, but that two prior wills also named Branca executor and gave no power to Jackson’s siblings.

In his statement, Brown accused the executors of barring the three siblings from visiting their mother at the Calabasas home where she lives with her grandchildren.

"The effect...not only is to damage fundamental family relationships, it is also to isolate Katherine Jackson from anyone questioning the validity of the will,” Brown wrote.

The executors’ spokesman said Katherine Jackson and the children’s newly appointed co-guardian, Tito Joe “T.J.” Jackson, have the final say in who is allowed at the residence.


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04.08.2012 um 08:54
Five Things You Don't Know About TJ Jackson

Fünf Dinge, die Sie nicht über TJ Jackson wissen

August 03, 2012

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Most people know very little about the 34-year-old son of Michael Jackson's brother Tito -- TJ -- who was just appointed joint guardian of the pop superstar's three children along with MJ's mother, Katherine. Here are five things you don't know about TJ Jackson, who was said to be one of Michael's favorite nephews.

1. Born Tito Joe Jackson on July 16, 1978 -- he was named after his father and grandfather.

2. He is married and has three children, a boy and two girls.

3. In 1994, six years after his parents divorced, his mother Dolores drowned in her home swimming pool. Her boyfriend was later convicted of causing the drowning and was sentenced to 15 years in prison.

4. Formed the R&B group 3T in 1989 with his two brothers, Toriano Adaryll "Taj" and Taryll Adren. The band's last album was released in 2005, but they performed together at a Michael Jackson tribute concert in October 2011.

5. Was reportedly the childhood sweetheart of Kim Kardashian. "We became extra close when my mom passed away," TJ told People magazine in 1995. "She dropped everything to be with me."


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04.08.2012 um 09:13
Janet Jackson's Attorney Slams "Relentless" Negative Press, Insists Michael's Siblings Don't Want Money

von Natalie Finn 3. August 2012 - 18:40

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Michael Jackson's kids are back under their grandma's care—as well as that of their cousin.

So, what else needs discussing?!

Right...There's still Rebbie, Randy and Janet Jackson's insistence that their late brother's will is a fake.

Barred from visiting mother Katherine Jackson's home earlier this week, Janet, Rebbie and Randy are continuing in their crusade to have the executors of Michael's estate, John McClain and John Branca, resign.

"The negative media campaign generated by the executors and their agents has been relentless," Janet Jackson's attorney, Blair G. Brown, said on behalf of the singer, her sister and her brother. "In recent weeks, the media has received preposterous reports—all now proven to be false—of a purported kidnapping of Katherine Jackson and of physical and verbal abuse of a child. The executors and their agents also recently issued a notice barring Janet, Randy and Rebbie from visiting their 82-year-old mother and Michael's children. The effect of that notice not only is to damage fundamental family relationships, it is also to isolate Katherine Jackson from questioning the validity of Michael's will."

TMZ had reported—and has since retracted—that Janet slapped 14-year-old niece Paris Jackson during a visit to the family home while Katherine was away last week in Arizona.

Katherine issued a statement last Wednesday calling the kidnapping rumor "stupid" and saying she had gone away to rest and had given up her phone on arrival. She called news that her grandson T.J., the 34-year-old son of Tito Jackson, had obtained temporary custody of Paris and her siblings in her absence "devastating."

In her petition to be reinstated as guardian, however, Katherine's attorneys stated that no one had informed the family matriarch that her grandchildren were trying to reach her—otherwise, they added, Katherine definitely would have made contact.

Janet's attorney, meanwhile, suggests that no one wants to confront the actual issue at hand—that Michael's will is "invalid."

"The executors have never explained how Michael could have signed his will in California on a date that irrefutable evidence establishes he was in New York," Brown wrote.

Randy Jackson previously said on the Rev. Al Sharpton's MSNBC show that Michael was with him in New York when the will was supposedly signed.

A spokesman for Branca and McClain has denied from the start the claim that the will was fraudulent.

"It is important to stress," Brown continued, "that Janet, Randy and Rebbie have questioned the validity of the will with no financial motive whatsoever—they stand to gain nothing financially by a finding that the will is invalid. That point is worth repeating—they stand to gain nothing financially by a finding that the will is invalid.

"Michael's children will be the beneficiaries of Michael's estate. What will be gained by a finding of invalidity is that the executors will be replaced and the estate and the guardianship will be managed in a manner that is in the best interests of the children, which is what Michael wanted. The individuals who have the most to lose by a finding that the will is invalid are, of course, the executors and those on the executors' payroll."

"Janet, Randy and Rebbie will continue to press forward in their search for the truth in order to carry out the wishes of their brother Michael," Brown concluded.


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04.08.2012 um 09:38
Paris: you ain't nothing but a hound dog 1h
8f34f9e0ddfa11e181ca12313b027e41 7
0a091318ddf611e18bf022000a1d035d 7A


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 09:56
Jacksons say estate executors harming the family

Jacksons sagen, Nachlassverwalter schaden der Familie

By SANDY COHEN | The Associated Press
August 3, 2012 Updated: August 3, 2012 | 10:25 pm

LOS ANGELES, Calif. – Janet, Randy and Rebbie Jackson say the executors of Michael Jackson’s will are causing harm by damaging “fundamental family relationships” and isolating matriarch Katherine Jackson “from anyone questioning the validity of Michael’s will.”

The Jackson siblings released a statement late Friday through an attorney amid a fight over their brother’s will with the executors of his estate.

On Thursday a judge named TJ Jackson, a cousin to Michael Jackson’s three children, as co-guardian with Katherine Jackson, who was named their sole caretaker in the disputed will.

Janet, Randy and Rebbie Jackson accuse the executors of a “relentless” negative media campaign and say they have been barred from visiting their 82-year-old mother or Jackson’s children.

“The effect of that notice not only is to damage fundamental family relationships, it is also to isolate Katherine Jackson from anyone questioning the validity of Michael’s will,” reads the statement by Janet Jackson’s attorney, Blair G. Brown, released on behalf of Janet, Randy and Rebbie Jackson.

They say they will continue to contest Michael Jackson’s will because “the executors have never explained how Michael could have signed his will in California on a date that irrefutable evidence establishes that he was in New York.”

Representatives for the executors of the will did not immediately respond to calls and emails requesting comment. However, representatives for executors John Branca and John McClain released a statement some weeks ago saying, “Any doubts about the validity of Michael’s will and his selection of Executors were thoroughly and completely debunked two years ago when a challenge was rejected by the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the California Court of Appeals and, finally, the California Supreme Court.”

Janet, Randy and Rebbie Jackson say they will continue to contest Michael Jackson’s will, adding, “they stand nothing to gain financially by a finding that the will is invalid.”

“The individuals who have the most to lose by a finding that the will is invalid are, of course, the executors and those on the executors’ payroll.”

The siblings say they will “press forward in their search for the truth in order to carry out the wishes of their brother Michael.”


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04.08.2012 um 11:42

#NamesIWouldNameMyChild michael II
# Namen, die ich meinem Kind geben würde .. Michael II
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 13:47

After reading Janet's statement - To Janet, Rebbie and Randy -

ANSWER: Michael's fanbase are not a bunch of dumb asses, who rely on the media spin of x17.

1. Read your mother's statement whereby she clearly says she was bamboozled by a dr, YOU hired, taken to a resort that YOU chose and was kept in the dark because her phone, ipad and tv were removed by YOUR orders. How can this be Estates fault?

2. Michael's trust MIRRORS the 02 Will.. AND the 97 Will .. how you going to get around that?

3. Michael had 7 years to write a codicil that would revoke the O2 Will and the same amount of time to change his Trust. The man had smarts, so pls do tell us why he didn't do that?

4. By Ca law- MJ's estate is NOT obligated to respond to NON-heirs- So was that the real intent of the "rest and relaxation" for her "mini-stroke" amended by Jermaine to "high blood pressure" ? Was it a reprogramming of sorts to get your mother to contest the Will again? it's better if you just come out and be truthful because up to now, things have not faired well for you. Only three of you fighting now .. Why?

5. Are Jackie, Marlon, Tito and now Jermaine on the Estate payroll? because they are no longer backing this oh so obvious attack on Michael's children as direct heirs.

6. READ the Probate court's finding in regards to MJ's Will, and i say AGAIN, MJ's Estate is not obligated to respond to NON-heirs

7. At some point, a defamation lawsuit is in order and maybe what you are pushing for so you can blame the Estate for victimizing Michael's siblings in their time of grief. It is all too clear that Branca holds the health of your aging mother in more esteem that you do. Otherwise he'd already fired off cease and desist slander and defamation lawsuit.

8. Court docs show that In your time of grief you filed a petition to state that your brother died intestate the very same morning that you had already scheduled a meeting with John Branca to read MJ's 02 Wil? Please don't be disingenious.

9. Add a Med Board investigation and legal reprimand to Dr. Metzger for LYING to a patient, involving himself in these shenanigans under false pretences

10. Investigation into how much the Miravel Resort is culpable should also be on the agenda.

11. Can MJ's sibling benefit from the Will being invalidated? OH YES,
If they try to say the 02 is fake.. next they'll say the 02 Trust is Fake, so on and so forth until they say MJ died without a Will at all.

THINK "line of succession". and yeah, the part about making sure the kids wealth will be properly managed?

by WHOM pray tell? Some dumb cluck who doesn't know how the Jackson have operated over the past 45 yrs??? Who can be manipulated to do their bidding? yeah. that's right.

12.You may want Branca gone becasue he knows too much . this public fight was started by you and with this statement you are continuing to make it publc.

13. We are Michael's fans and we won't sit idly by while we watch his siblings attempt a coup of his Estate.

14. Stop this nonsense, and act like loving aunts and uncle of three children who have experienced enough grief in their short lifetimes.. This is NOT ABOUT YOU.

*waiting for JB's next move"
*Alan Duke exclusive"
*or Heger's, whoever comes first*


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 14:18
Die Entscheidung zum Sorgerecht.

"LOS ANGELES. Die Entscheidung eines Richters in Los Angeles schafft fürs Erste Klarheit in einem bizarren Sorgerechtsstreit im Jackson-Clan, in dem es letztlich um das Vermögen des King of Pop geht. Mitchell Beckloff hat die Mutter von Popstar Michael Jackson als Vormund für ihre drei Enkel bestätigt. Katherine Jackson, 82, leiste "wunderbare Arbeit", bescheinigte der Jurist der Großmutter von Prince, 15, Paris, 14, und Blanket, 10. Eine Untersuchung des Falls hätte gezeigt, dass die Kinder sie "sehr lieben" und bestens von ihr versorgt werden, sagte Beckloff bei der Anhörung.

Der Richter verfügte des Weiteren, dass der in der vorigen Woche als inoffizieller Vormund eingesetzte TJ Jackson, 35, nun Katherine bei der Erziehung der Minderjährigen beistehen soll. Ihr Cousin soll ihnen besonders nahestehen. Auch Richter Beckloff wies auf die besondere Verbindung zwischen TJ und den drei Kindern hin, die Erbe des Vermögens des King of Pop werden. "Sie haben eine tiefe Beziehung zu TJ Jackson und lieben ihn sehr", begründete er seine Entscheidung. TJs Anwalt Charles Schultz sagte nach der Gerichtsentscheidung: "TJ hat sich diesen Kindern seit Michaels Tod sehr gewidmet, und er hatte schon vorher zu ihnen Kontakt." Er stellte klar, dass sein Mandant nicht die Absicht habe, seine Großmutter aus der Erziehung zu verdrängen. Am 22. August wird ein verlässlicher juristischer Bescheid erwartet.

In einer Erklärung der alten Dame, die dem Richter vorgelegt wurde, schreibt Katherine: "Ich bin - und war stets - meinem Enkel (TJ) sehr nahe und habe mich auf ihn bei der Erziehung von Prince, Paris und Blanket seit dem Tod ihres Vaters verlassen." Auch Perry Sanders, Katherines Anwalt, ist zufrieden mit der Entscheidung. "TJ ist sehr respektvoll gegenüber seiner Großmutter, und sie haben alle gut miteinander gearbeitet."

Doch was passiert, wenn Großmutter Jackson im Krankenhaus liegt oder anderweitig verhindert ist? In einem solchen Fall steht Sängerin Diana Ross als Vormund bereit, teilte die Anwältin Margaret Lodise mit, die von den Behörden mit der Beaufsichtigung der Erziehung von Michael Jacksons Kindern beauftragt wurde.

TJ Jackson, Lieblingsneffe des 2009 verstorbenen Popstars, ist der Sohn von Michaels Bruder Tito, der Mitglied der Jackson 5 war. Bislang ist TJ in der Öffentlichkeit nicht groß hervorgetreten. Laut Anwalt Schultz hat TJ Ähnliches mitgemacht wie die Jackson-Kinder: "Er hat früh in seinem Leben eine nahe Verwandte verloren, und sie können sich damit identifizieren." TJs Mutter Dolores ertrank 1994, sechs Jahre nach der Scheidung von Tito, in ihrem Swimmingpool. Ihr Freund wurde später zu 15 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt, weil er ihren Tod herbeigeführt haben soll.

Die Streitigkeiten um das Sorgerecht hatten vorher tagelang für Schlagzeilen gesorgt. Es geht, wie so häufig, ums Geld. Nach dem Testament von Michael Jackson wurde sein Vermögen unter der Mutter, seinen drei Kindern und wohltätigen Organisationen aufgeteilt. Die Kinder können aber mit 21 Jahren erstmals Ansprüche geltend machen. Mit 30 Jahren erhalten sie Zugriff auf ein Drittel des ihnen zustehenden Vermögens, mit 35 Jahren auf die Hälfte, mit 40 Jahren schließlich volle Verfügungsgewalt über ihr gesamtes Erbteil. Die Geschwister und der Vater gingen leer aus.

Die Vormundschaft für seine Kinder hatte Jackson seiner Mutter übertragen, die aber kürzlich als vermisst gemeldet wurde. Richter Beckloff setzte daraufhin TJ als Vormund ein. Nach ihrer Rückkehr aus Arizona, wo sie sich angeblich bei ihren Kindern erholt habe, erklärte Katherine Jackson, sie sei dort praktisch von der Außenwelt abgeschnitten gewesen und ihr sei nicht bekannt gewesen, dass sie vermisst gemeldet wurde."


einstandsbeitrag ;-)

keep michaeling :-)

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.08.2012 um 18:20
Zitat von beseeingyoubeseeingyou schrieb:Der Richter verfügte des Weiteren, dass der in der vorigen Woche als inoffizieller Vormund eingesetzte TJ Jackson, 35, nun Katherine bei der Erziehung der Minderjährigen beistehen soll.
die "Schreiber" vom Abendblatt haben sich geirrt bzw. eine falsche Formulierung aus ähnlichen Berichten übernommen ...
Der Richter hatte TJ am 25.07.2012 die temporäre Vormundschaft übertragen ... daher war TJ in der vorherigen Woche, nicht als inoffizieller Vermund eingesetzt worden ...

Katherine soll wieder als Vermund für Prince, Paris und Blanket eingesetzt worden sein ... aber erst am 22.08.2012 wird erwartet, dass Richter Beckloff dem Beschluss einer permanenten gemeinsamen Vormundschaft stattgibt ... so habe ich es verstanden ... :)
