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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 22:13
na, diese Streitigkeiten sind doch nicht neu ... sie scheinen alle paar Wochen immer wieder mal in verschiedenen Versionen den Weg in die Medien zu finden ... :D :D


Seit dem Tod ihres Vaters Michael Jackson (†50) sind drei Jahre vergangen und die kleine Paris (14) ist regelrecht [Verlinkter Artikel ist nicht vorhanden]. Langsam aber sicher weiß der Teenager ziemlich genau, was er will und das ist offenbar eine Filmkarriere.

Und Paris wagt nun tatsächlich ihre ersten Schritte in das Schauspiel-Geschäft. Sie wollte es unbedingt und ergatterte sich so offenbar ihre erste Film-Rolle. Sie wird in dem Streifen „Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys“, der für 2014 geplant ist, mitspielen. Paris' Ambitionen stoßen in ihrer Familie aber nicht nur auf Gegenliebe. Wie Us Weekly erfuhr, ist ihre Tante Janet (46) richtig wütend darüber, dass ihre junge Nichte das Rollenangebot tatsächlich angenommen hat.

„Sie denkt, dass es gegen Michaels Wunsch verstößt, seine Kinder aus dem Rampenlicht zu halten, bis sie 18 Jahre alt sind“, erklärte ein Insider, „Janet denkt, Paris sollte es lieber genießen, ein Kind zu sein und vielleicht auf's College gehen.“ Doch wie Teenager eben so sind, hat auch Paris ihren eigenen Kopf und will unbedingt jetzt schon mit der Schauspielerei beginnen. Sie hoffe auf weitere Rollen, weswegen der Haussegen bei den Jacksons gerade mächtig schief hänge, berichtete die Quelle.

Dagegen versuche Janet, die ja selbst genug Erfahrung damit hat, was es heißt, jung berühmt zu werden, der 14-Jährigen klarzumachen: „Du bist nur einmal ein Kind.“ Recht hat sie, aber Paris sieht das ja offenbar anders. Mal sehen, wie der Familienstreit ausgeht.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 22:37
Text frei übersetzt ... :)

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i will defend my beloved family member with all i have , even if it means from other family members .
Ich werde mein geliebtes Familienmitglied mit all meiner Kraft verteidigen, sogar wenn es sein muß, vor anderen Familienmitgliedern.
10:05 PM - 18 Jul 12
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
if you guys know anything about who started this lie , i would really appreciate it if you told me , i'd like to know who made up the rumor…
Leute, falls ihr etwas darüber wisst, wer der Autor dieser Lügen ist, wäre ich wirklich dankbar dafür, wenn ihr es mir erzählt, ich würde gerne wissen, wer das Gerücht in die Welt gesetzt hat ...
9:55 PM - 18 Jul 12
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson
i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened , she is completely fine .
Ich werde jetzt das klarstellen, dass das was über meine Großmutter gesagt wurde, ein Gerücht ist und dass nichts passiert ist, sie ist völlig in "Ordnung".
9:49 PM - 18 Jul 12


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 22:52
tja, und die Jack$ons haben ihren "respektvollen" brief offenbar als rundbrief an diverse medien versandt - wollten sich wohl nicht nur darauf verlassen, dass einer vom anderen abschreibt - dann hätte es ja "zu lange" gedauert, bis es ALLLE wissen.... und Branca + McClain werden ihn vermutlich als letzte bekommen haben, standen ja ganz unten im brief, ganz klein geschrieben :)....

Michael Jackson's siblings attack estate executors
Los Angeles (CNN) -- Janet Jackson and four of her siblings sent a scathing letter to the men who control Michael Jackson's estate, accusing them of fraud and of abusing their mother.

"THIS HAS TO STOP NOW: NO MORE!!" the Jackson siblings wrote in the letter obtained by CNN.

Relations between the Jackson family and executors John Branca and John McClain have been strained for most of the three years since Michael Jackson's sudden death from an overdose of an anesthetic used as a sleep aid.

The letter mostly repeats allegations made by family members, but it also threatens new legal action against Branca, an entertainment lawyer, and McClain, a music executive, who worked with Jackson at several points in his career.

"We know there is most certainly a conspiracy surrounding our brother's death and now coarse manipulation and fear are being used to cover it up," they wrote. "Your heartless pursuit of wealth, fame and power is at the expense of our family, whose deepest desire it to give to the world a gift of hope, love and unity through our music."

It was signed by Janet, Jermaine, Tito, Randy and Rebbie Jackson. Jackie, Marlon and La Toya Jackson did not sign it, nor did parents Joe and Katherine Jackson.

"We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain members of Michael's family whom he chose to leave out of his will," estate spokesman Jim Bates said in a statement to CNN. "We are especially disheartened that they come at a time when remarkable progress has been made to secure the financial future of his children by turning around the Estate's finances as well as during a time when so many of Michael's fans, old and new, are enjoying his artistry through exciting new projects."
The will, which was validated in probate court in the months after Jackson's June 25, 2009, death, put all of Jackson's assets into a trust that benefited his mother, Katherine; his children, Prince, Paris and Blanket; and charities. Branca and McClain were named as executors.

The signature page indicated that Michael Jackson signed the will in Los Angeles on July 7, 2002, on which date the Jacksons say he was in New York.

The siblings' letter charged that "without question, it's Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent."

"According to what is witnessed in the document, it is impossible and illogical that he could have been in two places at one time," the letter said. "We have evidence that undoubtedly supports and proves that Michael was absolutely not in Los Angeles, California, on the date his signature reflected in the will at hand."

They also questioned why their brother would name as executors someone he disliked.

"Our brother told us, in no uncertain terms and without hesitation in the months prior to his death, that he despised both of you and that he did not want either of you to have anything to do with his life or estate for that matter," the letter said. "We know that and you know that."

Courts have already settled the matter, the estate spokesman said.

"Any doubts about the validity of Michael's will and his selection of Executors were thoroughly and completely debunked two years ago when a challenge was rejected by the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the California Court of Appeals and, finally, the California Supreme Court," Bates said.

The Jackson brothers and sisters also accuse Branca and McClain of abusing their 82-year-old mother through lies and manipulations.

"Your actions are affecting her health, and on top of that, we've just found out she recently had a mini-stroke. Please understand, she's not equipped to handle the stress load you are putting on her," her children said. "She feels, as she has said, 'I'm stuck in the middle.' She too knows and acknowledges the will was forged. She wants to do the right thing, and move in the direction of justice for her son and family, yet she fears the POWERS THAT BE."

Katherine Jackson's lawyer Perry Sanders disputed that she was in poor health.

"Mrs. Jackson is extremely lucid and does a great job caring for Michael's children," Sanders said Wednesday.

The siblings also attacked Sanders, Katherine Jackson's manager Lowell Henry and adviser Trent Jackson for discouraging her from joining their challenge of the will's validity.

"Instead, her so-called advisers are convincing her to let them negotiate 'deals' with Branca and McClain on her behalf, or is it on the behalf of all of you," they wrote. "Her advisors' loyalty seems to be skewed by the percentage you offer them, preventing them from advising her properly."

Sanders responded that he's always been available "to speak with or meet with any of Mrs. Jackson's children to answer any questions they might have. It is unfortunate that they haven't taken me up on the offer."

"Anyone who actually knows me knows my only loyalty in this matter is to Mrs. Jackson, and the public record of my success for her speaks for itself," Sanders said. He pointed to success in paying off her $14 million civil court judgment to a South Korean company, convincing the estate not to sell the family's Hayvenhurst mansion and "helping get her family allowance increased almost tenfold, to name a few."

The siblings' letter told the executors they've "dishonored everything our brother stood for."

"Your greed and hasty business decisions have shown that you have no regard for the preservation of his legacy, nor the quality of work that he exemplified, they said. "You have disrespected our parents and family too many times. We do not respect you as executors, and we don't respect the projects and choices you've made, nor do we appreciate the public perception that the Jackson family is behind all of this, exploiting Michael our brother for financial gain, when it's the two of you and your affiliates who do so."

Finally, the five Jacksons wrote that they would "take every appropriate action to seek justice and to see to it that the truth be known."

"Be informed, we are considering retaining a law firm, Baker Hostetler, who have advised us on the potential criminal misconduct in your actions. We will hand this over to proper authorities," they wrote.

Bates said the executors "have diligently carried out their fiduciary duties as well as their obligation to Michael to make sure that his Estate benefits the only family members he named in his will, his mother and his three children."
scheint so, als wäre Katherine's anwalt Sanders über diese ganze aktion so gar nicht "amused".... was aber auch kein wunder ist....

aber erinnert das nicht an seinen vorgänger, Mr. Streisand ?.... auch da gab einen hick-hack wegen Katherine's unterschrift auf einem dokument, in dem es ebenfalls um die diskreditierung von Branca + McClain ging.... klingelt es bei dem einen oder anderen ?.... Streisand versuchte seinerzeit zu retten, was noch zu retten war, und statt ihm dankbar zu sein, hat Katherine (oder ihre "berater") Streisand medienwirksam entlassen - und für Streisand kam dann Sanders ins boot (das hoffentlich bald dem untergang geweiht ist)....

12.04.2012 - Katherine Jackson: The Declaration is a FRAUD!

12.04.2011 - MJ Estate -- Katherine's Accusations Are 'Pathetic'

12.04.2011 - Katherine Jackson -- MJ's Executor STOLE From Him

14.04.2011 - Katherine Jackson Fires Her Lawyer

und "zufälle" gibt es !!!... am 17.02.2011 erschien seinerzeit DIESER bericht:

MJ Estate Made $310 MILLION Since Michael Died


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 23:04
zu Paris' tweets:

man sollte diese ganze "bande" vierteilen !!!!.... somit hat nun auch Paris (nach Sanders) bestätigt, dass es eine unverfrorene lüge war/ist, Katherine hätte einen "kleinen schlaganfall" erlitten....

schrecken die denn wirklich vor gar nichts mehr zurück ???.... offenbar nicht.....

mann, armes mädel (und ihre geschwister)..... WIEDER einmal werden die kinder in die machenschaften dieser "ach so einigen familie" hineingezogen.... aber DAS, was da JETZT läuft, ist wirklich der gipfel !!!!....

sorry, aber bevor die kinder noch ernsthaften schaden nehmen - wenn das mal nicht längst geschehen ist - sollte sich m.M.n. nun wirklich auch mal das jugendamt einschalten....

selbst wenn Katherine mit diesem brief vielleicht tatsächlich nichts zu tun hat (so sieht es langsam beinahe aus) - sie scheint auf jeden fall dem ganzen in keiner form mehr gewachsen zu sein und es sollte wohl vorrangig um das wohl dieser 3 kinder gehen.....

langsam fehlen mir echt die worte, und das will was heißen :(.....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 23:32
Paris twitterte an Randy...

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson@randyjackson8 hello dear FAMILY member i don't appreciate you telling everyone things that aren't true thank you very much

hallo, liebes familienmitglied.... ich habe kein verständnis dafür, dass du überall diese unwahren geschichten rumerzählst.... ich danke dir sehr dafür....

man wundert sich bereits, dass alle großen medien über diese geschichte berichten, nur nicht TMZ.... es wurde der verdacht geäußert, dass Harry Levin, der ja erst kürzlich als erster über den erfolg des estate berichtet hatte, diesen "köder" der Jack$on geschwister wohl nicht schlucken wollte :)....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

18.07.2012 um 23:56
boah - respekt vor Paris, auch wenn sie mir gerade so leid tut wie selten zuvor :(..... man kann nur hoffen, dass "onkel" Randy möglichst nicht in der nähe der kinder ist.... wer weiß, was dem armen mädel sonst blüht, nachdem sie "onkel" Randy und all die anderen unterzeichner dieses geschmieres der lügen entlarvt hat :( :(....

Oubah ‏@oubah76 @ParisJackson @randyjackson8 Keep your family affairs out of twitter and have some respect for your uncle.

Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson @oubah76 maybe he should have respect for his mother.

ich würde mal vermuten, dass wir in der nächsten zeit erst mal nichts mehr weiter von Paris auf twitter lesen werden.... nach diesen öffentlichen statements von ihr wird sie wohl (wieder einmal) internet-verbot bekommen.... aber natürlich nur, um sie vor angriffen anderer "vögel" (twitterer) zu "schützen"....

TMZ soll dieses geschmiere doch auch erhalten haben, dort war man aber - man höre und staune - offenbar sofort so misstrauisch, dass irgendwer von TMZ jemanden aus dem näheren umfeld von Katherine kontaktierte.... und der leugnete/stritt ab, dass Katherine einen schlaganfall gehabt hätte....

schau, schau - da war TMZ offenbar ausnahmenweise und als einzige schlauer als alle anderen.....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:10
Paris Jacksoη ‏@ParisJackson @oubah76 maybe he should have respect for his mother.
diesen Tweet gibt es aber nicht, auf dem verifizierten Account von Paris ...

habe diese Tweets bei gefunden ... die sind auch nicht bei
img 4510

sucht man aber gerade diesen Tweet, den o. g., dann erscheint

Entschuldige, diese Seite existiert nicht mehr!

da scheint sich jemand ein Späßchen gemacht zu haben ... :)

2x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:18
Paris mit Michaela Blanks

flash & batman

ed727762d0fd11e1abd612313810100a 7


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:19
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:da scheint sich jemand ein Späßchen gemacht zu haben ... :)
ich hatte die von mir eingestellten wieder von der MJJC übernommen, kenne doch die ganzen accounts nicht :) - genau so, wie sie dort gepostet waren.... vielleicht ist ja auch die "zensur" von Paris schon in vollem gange und es wurde einiges wieder gelöscht ?.....
post 200 + 201 + 210

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:28
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:genau so, wie sie dort gepostet waren.... vielleicht ist ja auch die "zensur" von Paris schon in vollem gange und es wurde einiges wieder gelöscht ?.....
nein, es wurde da das ganze Konto gelöscht ... und wie du selbst feststellen kannst, ist der verifizierte Account von Paris weiterhin existent ... (Archiv-Version vom 09.11.2012)

es gibt aber noch andere Paris Jackson Konten, die auf den ersten Blick genau so aussehen, wie der von Paris ... da fehlt nur das verifiziert Zeichen ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:36

bei MJJC war nur der text eingestellt.... woher soll ich denn wissen, ob verifiziert oder nicht und wie viele accounts Paris hat ? - bin doch absoluter twitter-fool :)....

da bleibt nur eines: FaIrIeFlOwEr, bitte übernehmen sie :) :) :)....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:50

so, mir reicht's erstmal - ich verabschiede mich für heute (oder morgen, weil ist ja schon wieder weit nach mitternacht) :)....

wünsche dir ein gut's nächtle, und schlaf gut :)....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:53
dieses Thema hat aber TMZ übernommen ... :)

Paris Jackson
My Uncle Randy's a
Big, Fat LIAR

7/18/2012 3:15 PM


Michael Jackson's only daughter is going to war with one of her famous uncles ... claiming Randy Jackson is spreading dangerous lies about the family ... and she's calling him out in public.

It's all over a letter that supposedly "leaked" to the Internet this week ... in which Randy, along with Jermaine, Janet, Tito and Rebbie demand John Branca and John McClain resign from their positions as the executors of the Michael Jackson Estate, effective immediately.

In the sharply-pointed letter, the family claims Branca and McClain have "failed" in their duties ... taken advantage of the family ... and have stressed out Katherine Jackson so much, that she recently suffered a "mini-stroke."

Randy went to Twitter and verified the authenticity of the letter Tuesday night ... but the very next day, Paris called BS on her uncle.

In fact, the 14-year-old went to her own Twitter page ... and wrote, "i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened , she is completely fine."

She added, "i'd like to know who made up the rumor… i will defend my beloved family member with all i have , even if it means from other family members.”

Minutes later, Paris sent a new message directed to Randy -- which said, "@randyjackson8 hello dear FAMILY member i don't appreciate you telling everyone things that aren't true thank you very much."

When one of her followers suggested Paris should have respect for Randy ... she replied, "Maybe he should have respect for his mother."

Paris has since deleted the tweets.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:54

Danke, wünsche Dir auch eine gute Nacht, schlaf schön ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 00:58

das von TMZ wollte ich auch gerade noch einstellen.... bin wohl aber schon im halbschlaf, und du warst schneller :)....

mensch, Paris, mädel - bitte halt die füße still !!! :(....

da bekommt man es ja langsam wirklich mit der angst, denn das werden Randy und auch der rest der familie doch nicht ungestraft durchgehen lassen....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 01:10
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:diesen Tweet gibt es aber nicht, auf dem verifizierten Account von Paris
ätsch, gab es aber :) :) :)....
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:When one of her followers suggested Paris should have respect for Randy ... she replied, "Maybe he should have respect for his mother."

Paris has since deleted the tweets.
jetzt bin ich aber wirklich wech :)....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 01:33
Michael Jackson - Paris Jackson: 'My Grandmother Has Not Had A Stroke'

18 July 2012 22:17

Michael Jackson's daughter has blasted sick rumours suggesting her grandmother Katherine has suffered a stroke, insisting the matriarch is "completely fine".

Reports surfaced on on Wednesday afternoon (18Jul12) alleging the Thriller hitmaker's beloved mum had been hospitalised. The claims spread across the Internet within minutes, prompting concerned fans around the world to send their prayers to the 82 year old and her family.

But teenager Paris Jackson has slammed the rumours and is reaching out to her Twitter followers in an effort to track down the source of the lies.

In a series of posts, she writes, "i am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor (sic) and nothing has happened, she is completely fine. if you guys know anything about who started this lie, i would really appreciate it if you told me, i'd like to know who made up the rumor."

The news comes hours after Randy Jackson confirmed he and his siblings, including Jermaine and Janet, have written a letter contesting the authenticity of the superstar's will. The Jacksons have accused John Branca and John MCClain of faking the icon's legal documents prior to the singer's death in June, 2009.

Lawyers for the pair have lashed out at the family members, branding their allegations "false and defamatory", and it appears Paris is standing by Branca and MCClain.

Responding to Randy's tweet confirming the family is challenging the administrators, Michael's second child tweets, "@randyjackson8 hello dear Family member i don't appreciate you telling everyone things that aren't true thank you very much".

The teen removed the post minutes later and replaced it with: "i will defend my beloved family member with all i have, even if it means from other family members."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 08:16
Paris Jackson is Right: Michael Jackson’s Mother Hasn’t Had a Stroke

Paris Jackson hat Recht: Michael Jacksons Mutter hatte keinen Schlaganfall gehabt

07/19/12 1:36am Roger Friedman


Paris Jackson, 14, is right in her Tweets (see the accompanying item next). Sources tell me her grandmother, Katherine Jackson, has not had any kind of stroke. But a war is raging within the Jackson family concerning the wrongful death lawsuit against AEG Live. Depositions are being taken now, and the AEG lawyers are apparently being very aggressive with the family.

“Mrs. Jackson would probably like to call the whole thing off,” says my source. “But the kids are desperate. They see it slipping away from them.” Janet Jackson, I’m told, was pressured into signing a very vitriolic letter sent to Michael’s executors. “The whole thing is really Jermaine and Randy,” says my source.

What’s happened now is that the letter (see the previous item) has caused a rift between the siblings who signed it–Randy, Jermaine, Rebbie, Janet and Tito–and the people who live in Katherine Jackson’s home–Michael’s kids. Paris Jackson Tweeted that her uncle Randy was a “liar” according to reports. Randy responded on his Twitter feed: “The letter is authentic.” And: “We ask that everyone respects that this is a serious matter that will be handled by the proper authorities.”

But Randy and Jermaine — whose children are cousins and half-siblings to each other–may have made a very risky mistake here. In the process of trying to overturn Michael’s will, or get part of a settlement from AEG Live, they’ve alienated Michael’s children if they’ve lied about their mother’s health. There will be no going back from that.

The lawsuit against AEGLive contends that the company shouldn’t have hired Dr. Conrad Murray, and that they’re somehow responsible for his negligence. In fact, it was Michael who insisted that AEGLive hire Murray, who didn’t work long enough even to get paid.

Meanwhile, Janet Jackson reportedly told Prevention magazine that she’s lectured Paris about being part of a planned animated movie. Janet needn’t worry. So far, the movie that was announced has no funding. There are no plans for it go forward.

s. a. Michael Jackson’s Family At War With His Estate, Executors


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 08:26
Michael Jackson's "Fake, Flawed" Will—The Battle Rages

"Fake, fehlerhaftes" Testament - Der Streit tobt

18. Juli 2012 - 18:25

Some of Michael Jackson's family are telling the executors of his estate to beat it.

Siblings Janet, Jermaine, Rebbie, Tito and Randy fired off an angry letter to John Branca and John McClain, the two men overseeing the late King of Pop's estate, accusing them of fraud when it comes to their brother's will, saying "without question, it's Fake, Flawed and Fraudulent."

"THIS HAS TO STOP NOW: NO MORE!!" Michael's brothers and sisters wrote in the letter obtained by E! News. "Your heartless pursuit of wealth, fame and power is at the expense of our family, whose deepest desire is to give the world a gift of hope, love and unity through our music."

However, a statement sent to E! News from estate spokesman Jim Bates dismisses such a claim.

"Any doubts about the validity of Michael's will and his selection of executors were thoroughly and completely debunked two years ago when a challenge was rejected by the Los Angeles County Superior Court, the California Court of Appeals and, finally, the California Supreme Court," reads the statement, which reiterates that the only family members named in the will were Michael's mother and his three children.

"We are saddened that false and defamatory accusations grounded in stale Internet conspiracy theories are now being made by certain member of Michael's family whom he chose to leave out of his will," the statement adds. "We are especially disheartened that they come at a time when remarkable progress has been made to secure the financial future of his children by turning around the Estate's finances as well as during a time when so many of Michael's fans, old and new, are enjoying his artistry through exciting projects."

E! News reached out to the siblings who signed the letter, but has yet to hear back from them.

Michael's daughter, Paris Jackson, tweeted this afternoon: "i will defend my beloved family member with all i have , even if it means from other family this point i dont care what people call me or if they think i'm a bad person… if it means sticking up for my grandmother i will do it."

—Reporting by Claudia Rosenbaum


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.07.2012 um 08:39
'My uncle is a liar!' Angry Paris Jackson calls her Uncle Randy out in public for saying her beloved grandmother suffered a 'mini stroke'

By Linda Massarella
PUBLISHED: 01:17 GMT, 19 July 2012 | UPDATED: 03:02 GMT, 19 July 2012

Paris Jackson may only be 14, but the teenager knows how to speak her mind.

Michael Jackson's only daughter today tweeted angry rants about one of her famous uncles, saying, 'I will defend my beloved family members with all I have, even if it means from other family members.'

The high school sophomore was referring to a letter in which Randy, along with famous siblings Jermaine, Janet, Tito and Rebbie demand the resignation of John Branca and John McClain from their positions as executors of the Michael Jackson estate.

article-0-1179F5C3000005DC-237 634x709
'It's not true!' Paris Jackson warned her Uncle Randy to stop saying her 82-year-old grandmother and caretaker, Katherine Jackson, suffered a stroke

katherinerandyOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

In the letter, the family claims Branca and Mclain have taken such advantage of the family that stressed out Katherine Jackson suffered a 'mini-stroke' as a result.

Katherine, 82, has been caring for the late singer's three children since Michael died three years ago at the age of 50.

Paris may fear that if authorities believe Katherine is ill and feeble, she and her brothers, Prince and Blanket, could be removed from her care.

Nonetheless, Randy went to Twitter last night and verified the letter was true - which immediately got Paris' blood racing.

'I am going to clarify right now that what has been said about my grandmother is a rumor and nothing has happened, she is completely fine,' Paris tweeted.

article-0-141E11AF000005DC-875 634x476
Grandma defender: Paris is all fired up about rumours her caretaker grandma is ill

She added, 'I'd like to know who made up the rumor… i will defend my beloved family member with all i have, even if it means from other family members.'

Minutes later, Paris sent a new message directed to Randy -- which said, '@randyjackson8 hello dear FAMILY member i don't appreciate you telling everyone things that aren't true thank you very much.' That message was later deleted from her account.

When one of her followers suggested Paris should have respect for Randy ... she replied, 'Maybe he should have respect for his mother.'

article-0-034D11FA0000044D-265 634x874Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Covering up: Michael Jackson, seen here in May, 2005, famously threw a covering over his daughter's head whenever they were in public so she could not be identified

ein ähnlicher Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 01.08.2012)
