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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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22.10.2011 um 20:50
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Er habe auch das Gerücht gehört, dass Jackson Murray verboten habe, viele Apparate in der Villa in den Holmby Hills aufzustellen. „Michael wollte nicht wie in einem Krankenhaus leben“, sagt Hampton, dem Murray angeblich auch von der Dickköpfigkeit des Stars berichtete.
Aaaaa ja smilie girl 151 verstehe ich warum Murray keine Geräte hatte ..... ist ja auch logisch^^ ... :D :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.10.2011 um 20:55
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 verstehe ich warum Murray keine Geräte hatte ..... ist ja auch logisch^^ ...

genau, weil MJ es nicht wollte ^^ und es kam aus der Gerüchteküche ... ist auch logisch ^^ :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.10.2011 um 21:59
Expert: Conrad Murray violated Hippocratic oath when treating Michael Jackson

Cindy Adams, Crime Examiner
October 22, 2011 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates.

Los Angeles, Calif. - Dr. Steven Shafer resumed his testimony Thursday at Dr. Conrad Murray's manslaughter trial, saying the physician violated the Hippocratic oath when sedating Michael Jackson with the powerful anesthetic propofol.

Shafer further told the jury the Hippocratic oath has held doctors to high standards since ancient times. According to the Los Angeles Times, he quoted the oath saying, “'In every house where I come, I will enter only for the good of my patients.'”

Murray, 58, who was hired to care for Jackson during his concert tour, 'This Is It,' is accused of administering a lethal dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol to the singer on June 25, 2009. Murray's defense attorneys claim that although he may have given the singer the drug, it was not enough to kill him.

Shafer, a propofol expert and a professor at Columbia University, testified that instead of honoring his role as a physician, Murray gave in to Jackson's wishes rather than telling him no regarding the use of the surgical sedative.

“Saying yes is not what doctors do,” he said. “A competent doctor would know you do not do this.”

He also noted he has never seen a case like this before and told jurors, “We are in a pharmacological never-never land here, something that was done to Michael Jackson and no one else in history to my knowledge.”

Shafer also said Murray's lack of record-keeping regarding Jackson's care violated the singer's rights, noting, “He has a right to know what was done to him... With no medical record, the family has been denied that right.”

Murray has pleaded not guilty to the involuntary manslaughter of Jackson. He admits giving the singer propofol, however, his attorneys argue the amount Murray administered was not enough to kill Jackson.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.10.2011 um 22:18

ich verabschiede mich dann mal ... 599221299967321winkies 002 noch einen schönen Abend ...
schlaf und träume nachher schön ... bis morgen ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

22.10.2011 um 22:28

Danke wünsch ich dir auch :D :D xpmhuil64e4


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 08:49

* NEW: Defense anesthesiology expert faces a contempt of court hearing
* NEW: Dr. Steven Shafer says Michael Jackson could have turned the fatal IV drip on himself
* NEW: If Jackson infused himself with propofol, Dr. Conrad Murray's still guilty, Shafer says
* Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial could to go the jury the end of next week

* NEU: Verteidigungs-Anästhesie-Experte steht vor einem Verstoß der GerichtsVerhandlung
* NEU: Dr. Steven Shafer sagt, dass Michael Jackson selbst am todbringenden InfusionsTropf gedreht haben könnte
* NEU: Auch wenn Jackson sich mit Propofol selbst infundierte, ist Dr. Conrad Murray immer noch schuldig, sagt Shafer
* Murrays Prozess wegen fahrlässiger Tötung könnte am Ende der nächsten Woche an die Jury gehen

Murray defense cross-examines propofol expert

Murrays Verteidigung nimmt Propofol-Experten ins Kreuzverhör

By Alan Duke, CNN
October 22, 2011 -- Updated 0043 GMT (0843 HKT)

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Dr. Conrad Murray's defense team challenged the motives and methods of the prosecution's anesthesiology expert Friday, while the judge threatened to hold the defense propofol expert in contempt for comments he made about the prosecution.

Dr. Steven Shafer, the last prosecution witness, will still be on the witness stand when the trial resumes Monday.

Shafer testified Thursday that the "only scenario" to explain Michael Jackson's death was that he overdosed on propofol infused through an IV drip set up by Dr. Murray.

Prosecutors argue that Murray's reckless use of the surgical anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep led to his death, while the defense contends Jackson self-administered the fatal dose, along with sedatives, without Murray knowing.

Shafer, in his testimony Thursday, said the level of propofol in Jackson's blood taken during his autopsy could not have been from either Murray or Jackson injecting the drug, but only from an IV system that was still flowing when his heart stopped.

Prosecutors, however, opened the door for one scenario in which Jackson, not Murray, could have triggered the overdose.

"Can you rule out the possibility that Michael Jackson manipulated something to cause it to flow?" Deputy District Attorney David Walgren asked Friday.

"That's a possibility," Shafer said. But that is assuming Murray set up the drip and left Jackson's side, he said.

Would Shafer's opinion that Murray was responsible for Jackson's death change if he knew Jackson turned the drip on?

"No, if Michael Jackson had reached up, seen the roller clamp and opened it himself, this is a foreseeable consequence of setting up an essentially dangerous way of giving drugs," Shafer said. "It doesn't change things at all. It would still be considered abandonment."

Lead defense lawyer Ed Chernoff decided to conduct Shafer's cross-examination instead of leaving it to Michael Flanagan, the defense team's most knowledgeable lawyer about propofol.

Toxicology studies of drugs in Jackson's blood and computer models Shafer used to analyze how he died were overshadowed Friday when Chernoff focused on the personal and professional rivalry between Shafer and Dr. Paul White, the defense expert.

The experts first met in 1978 when White was an assistant professor at Stanford University and Shafer was a medical student. They became friends and co-authored research papers, but this trial appears to have changed their friendship.

Chernoff accused Shafer of wanting to "shove it down his (White's) professional throat" in a question stricken from the record by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor.

White was lectured by Judge Pastor about comments about Shafer attributed to him in an online blog.

White admitted Friday that he told a reporter that he had changed his opinion of Shafer after hearing his testimony Thursday. "I was his teacher when he was a medical student," E! News Online quoted White as saying. "The truth will come out. It always does."

White denied calling Shafer "a scumbag," as the website quoted him as saying.

Pastor, who imposed a gag order on all parties in the trial, set a contempt of court hearing for White next month.

"You are not in any way shape or form, to comment on your views regarding the state of the evidence, witnesses or your views as to any counsel in this case," Pastor said.

Chernoff cross-examined Shafer about the assumptions he used to reconstruct an IV drip system he believed Murray set up next to Jackson's bed. Shafer demonstrated the system in his testimony Thursday.

Shafer testified that he did not think it was significant that investigators never found a key component of the tubing in the system. "It's so easy to remove," Shafer said.

Murray appeared visibly shaken by Shafer's testimony Thursday, especially when he demonstrated his version of the IV drip.

Jackson died because Murray failed to notice that his patient had stopped breathing while he was hooked up to an IV drip of propofol, Shafer testified. The doctor should have realized Jackson had stopped breathing about 11:45 a.m. on June 25, 2009, he said.

"When you're there, you see it, you know it," Shafer said.

Phone records and testimony showed that Murray was on the phone with one of his clinics, a patient, and then a girlfriend about the time that Shafer calculated the oxygen in Jackson's lungs became depleted, causing his heart to stop beating.

"Had Conrad Murray been with Michael Jackson during this period of time, he would have seen the slowed breathing and the compromise in the flow of air into Michael Jackson's lungs, and he could have easily turned off the propofol infusion," Shafer said

Murray, accused of involuntary manslaughter, could have then easily cleared Jackson's airways and restored his breathing by lifting his chin, he said.

Earlier testimony from paramedics and emergency room doctors said Jackson was clinically dead by the time an ambulance arrived at the pop icon's Los Angeles home nearly a half-hour after Murray realized there was a problem.

The last three prosecution experts, all medical experts, focused the Murray trial on the science surrounding Jackson's death, a contrast to earlier testimony from Murray's girlfriends and Jackson employees.

Shafer demonstrated how he believed Murray set up the propofol infusion by hanging a 100-milliliter vial from a stand with tubing attached that would have led to a catheter port in Jackson's left leg.

"This is the only scenario that I could generate" that would produce the high level of propofol found in Jackson's blood during his autopsy, Shafer said.

"This fits all of the data in this case, and I am not aware of any data that is inconsistent with this explanation," he said.

The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's death was caused by a combination of sedatives with the propofol, which Murray admitted in a police interview that he used to help Jackson sleep.

The defense contends that Jackson swallowed eight lorazepam tablets, a claim based on testing of lorazepam levels in Jackson's stomach contents. Shafer discredited the defense lab tests, saying a new test showed the equivalent of only "1/43rd of a tablet" of the sedative in the stomach.

The level of lorazepam in Jackson's blood was far higher than what would be expected based on the dosages Dr. Murray told detectives he gave Jackson in the hours before his death, Shafer said.

Murray said he gave Jackson a total of 4 milligrams of lorazepam in two separate doses starting 10 hours before his death. Toxicology results indicated that Jackson was given 40 milligrams -- not four -- in a series of 10 doses, he said.

Shafer testified Wednesday that Jackson would be alive now but for 17 "egregious deviations" by Murray from the standard of care required of physicians.

Murray's use of propofol almost every night for two months to help Jackson sleep was so unusual, there is no documentation on the dangers, Shafer said.

"We are in pharmacological never-neverland here," Shafer said, "something that's only been done to Michael Jackson."

The trial is expected to conclude with the start of jury deliberations possible as soon as the end of next week.

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23.10.2011 um 09:06
'Possibility' Michael Jackson caused own death

Published Sunday, October 23, 2011

A medical expert has told jurors it is a "possibility" Michael Jackson could have caused his own death.

Anesthesiologist Dr. Steven Shafer was spending his fourth day on the witness stand on Friday in the trial of the late singer's personal physician Dr. Conrad Murray, who has been charged with involuntary manslaughter of the pop star after he was accused of giving the 'Thriller' hitmaker an overdose of Propofol while trying to help him sleep.

When asked whether Michael could have caused his own death by removing a clamp on an intravenous line of Propofol, Shafer replied: "That's a possibility."

But the medical expert said that hasn't changed his opinion that Murray was culpable in the singer's death.

Coroner's officials have determined the singer died from acute Propofol intoxication and also noted there was anti-anxiety drug lorazepam in Michael's system in June 2009.

Shafer explained there is no way to determine whether Murray or the singer were responsible for starting the flow of the drug that dripped into Michael's veins.

Murray's lawyers claim Michael woke up when the physician left the room and gave himself the drug, but Shafer said this possible outcome was "in no way exculpatory" because Murray would've had to set up the procedure.

Defence lawyer Ed Chernoff began cross-examining Shafer by attacking the conclusions he has reached in court during his testimony.

Chernoff said to him: "You understand that everything you said in the last three days was your opinion."

And Shafer replied: "I stated my name, which I think was a matter of fact."

The defence lawyers are expected to bring forward Murray's case following Shafer's testimony.

Murray - who denies involuntary manslaughter - faces up to four years in prison if he is found guilty.


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23.10.2011 um 09:14
Michael Jackson trial: Conrad Murray defense challenges propofol expert

Cindy Adams, Crime Examiner
October 23, 2011 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates.

amd steve-shafer-cross-examined
On Oct. 21, 2011, Dr. Steven Shafer took the stand at Dr. Conrad Murray's manslaughter trial and was challenged by the physician's defense team. Credits: (Getty Images)

Los Angeles, Calif. - Dr. Steven Shafer returned to the stand on the fifteenth day of Dr. Conrad Murray manslaughter trial and was challenged by the physician's legal counsel regarding the manner in which Michael Jackson obtained a lethal dose of propofol.

Friday was Shafer's fourth day testifying about Murray and his treatment of the King of Pop. He told the jury over the past several days that the physician's care of Jackson was “egregious,” saying Murray violated the Hippocratic oath when it came to treating the singer.

“You understand that everything that you said in the last two days was your opinion, you do understand that, right?” attorney Ed Chernoff asked Shafer during cross-examination.

Chernoff also challenged Shafer regarding his prior testimony that Murray likely cut open a saline IV bag and placed a propofol bottle in it. The defense lawyer suggested that Shafer may have gotten the idea based on the prior testimony of Alberto Alvarez, a bodyguard who told the jury he found the makeshift propofol drip.

In addition, Shafer, a Columbia University professor and propofol expert, admitted he had never seen anyone use such a technique to administer the powerful anesthetic.

Murray, 58, who was hired to care for Jackson during his concert tour, 'This Is It,' is accused of administering a lethal dose of the powerful anesthetic propofol to the singer on June 25, 2009. Murray's defense attorneys claim that although he may have given the singer the drug, it was not enough to kill him.


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23.10.2011 um 09:46
Toll, dass Paris nun wieder ein ganz "normales" Leben leben kann ... diese glücklichen Momente soll sie auskosten, denn sie darf sie haben ... zur weiteren Entwicklung wäre es schädlich, wenn sich Paris in ihrer Trauer verschließen würde ... schließlich ist ihr Vater bereits seit dem 25.06.2009 verstorben und auch wenn es hart klingt, das Leben geht weiter !!!!!!

und mit dem laufenden Prozess müssen die Kids wahrlich auch nur soweit belastet werden, wie es ihnen "zuträglich" wäre/ist ... :)

Einfach mal Teenager sein

Sie entdecken den Alltag für sich: Die Jackson-Kinder werden langsam erwachsen.

Paris Jackson im Rockfieber: Sie genoss das Konzert sichtlich.Fotos: AP, Reuters

Los Angeles – Es war ein bewegender Moment, an den man sich auch noch in Jahren erinnern wird. Bei der Trauerfeier für den verstorbenen King of Pop, Michael Jackson, bekam die Weltöffentlichkeit 2009 erstmals dessen drei Kinder zu sehen und Tochter Paris rührte mit ihrer Rede („Daddy war der beste Vater“) die Zuschauer zu Tränen.

Seitdem sind zwei Jahre ins Land gezogen – Jahre, in denen aus den scheuen Kindern von einst ganz normale Teenager wurden. Die Zeit der Verhüllung und des Lebens im Abseits ist nämlich ein und für alle Mal vorbei. Dafür sorgt Oma Katherine, bei welcher der heute 14-jährige Michael Jackson junior, die 13-jährige Paris Michael Katherine Jackson und der neunjährige Prince Michael Joseph Jackson II. (genannt Blanket) leben.

Statt Privatlehrer besuchen die Kinder eine öffentliche Schule und dürfen sich auch mit Freunden treffen – natürlich aber stets mit einem Bodyguard an der Seite.

Trotz des Wissens, dass die drei was Besonderes sind und wohl ihr ganzes Leben im Rampenlicht stehen werden, ist das Trio scheinbar am Boden geblieben. So war die Freude groß, als sie kürzlich in einem deutschen Vergnügungspark mit der Achterbahn fahren konnten. Für Paris ebenfalls eine Achterbahnfahrt: Sie durfte jetzt gemeinsam mit Freunden das Konzert von Sänger Chris Brown im Rahmen seiner F.A.M.E.-Tour besuchen. Bereits vor dem Konzert war sie in Partylaune und twitterte: „CB Konzert heute Abend. Wer ist schon aufgeregt?“ Beim Konzert selbst benahm sie sich dann wie ein normaler Teenager: Ob sie Brown Herzchen schickte, tanzte oder Fotos machte – nichts hätte sie von anderen Fans unterschieden. Einzige Ausnahme: Sie durfte später Brown persönlich treffen.

Eine willkommene Ablenkung: Der Prozess gegen Conrad Murray, den Leibarzt ihres Vaters, läuft nämlich immer noch. Stets werden dabei neue Details aus der Todesnacht bekannt – und viele werden noch folgen. Bis dato waren nämlich nur Zeugen der Anklage geladen – jetzt kommen jene der Verteidigung zum Zug und die haben wohl auch noch viel Dramatisches zu erzählen. (TT,


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 10:43
23. Oktober 2011 09:19; Akt: 23.10.2011 10:22 Print

Team Murray schlägt zurück

Die Verteidiger des Arztes von Michael Jackson haben einen wichtigen Zeugen in die Zange genommen. Der Narkose-Experte, der Jacksons Arzt die Schuld an dessen Tod gibt, wurde einem scharfen Kreuzverhör unterzogen.

Weitere bange Momente für Dr. Conrad Murray am 21. Oktober 2011.

Die Verteidiger des wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagten Herzspezialisten Conrad Murray griffen am 21. Oktober (Ortszeit) die Aussage des renommierten Anästhesisten Steven Shafer an. Shafer hatte zu Protokoll gegeben, Murray habe seinem Patienten eine tödliche Menge des Narkosemittels Propofol intravenös verabreicht.

Shafer hatte am Donnerstag vor den Geschworenen in Los Angeles einen Tropf aufgebaut, um darzustellen, wie Jackson aus seiner Sicht in Murrays Obhut ums Leben gekommen sei. Als letzter und wichtigster medizinischer Zeuge der Anklage hatte Shafer dem Mediziner zahlreiche gravierende Fehler im Umgang mit Propofol vorgehalten.

Duell der Experten

Die Verteidigung will kommende Woche einen langjährigen Kollegen Shafers in den Zeugenstand holen, der eine andere Erklärung für Jacksons Tod vertritt. Gerichtsbeobachter erwarten ein spannendes Duell der beiden Experten.

In dem Ende September begonnenen Prozess sind 33 Zeugen für die Anklage zu Wort gekommen. Nach US-Medienberichten wollen Murrays Anwälte rund 15 Zeugen anbringen.

Jackson war am 25. Juni 2009 an einer akuten Vergiftung mit dem starken Betäubungsmittel Propofol gestorben. Die Staatsanwaltschaft will beweisen, dass der Leibarzt abgelenkt war und grob fahrlässig mit dem Sänger umging.

Die Verteidigung will dagegen zeigen, dass Jackson etliche Mittel ohne Wissen seines Arztes eingenommen und sich damit versehentlich selbst getötet hat. Im Falle eines Schuldspruchs drohen dem 58 Jahre alten Herzspezialisten bis zu vier Jahre Haft.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 10:53
Was soll den dieser Quatsch ... Michael Jacksons Lieblings-Pyjama und das Bett, in dem er während seines fünfmonatigen Aufenthalts in Irland schlief, sollen
im nächsten Monat bei einer Auktion "unter den Hammer" gehen .... na, da werden die "Schlüpper" doch bald folgen :D :D

Jacko's bed and pyjamas part of unique auction

Sunday October 23 2011

MICHAEL Jackson's favourite silk pyjamas and the bed he slept on during his five-month Irish sojourn are going under the hammer at an auction next month.

Other items linked to the tragic pop star from his time at Cooltore House in the midlands will also be sold.

Jackson and his children, Blanket, Paris and Prince Michael, found sanctuary in the heart of Westmeath.

And according to those who knew him best, the months he spent in his Irish retreat were among the happiest days of his life. He fell in love with Ireland so much that he planned to buy an Irish retreat -- Bishopstown House, not far from where he recorded some 60 songs at Grouse Lodge recording studios.

Auctioneer Damien Matthews said the sale of many contents of Cooltore House on November 6 is being held on behalf of the owners and other interested parties.

"The link with Michael Jackson is bound to arouse interest from all over the world. Michael said of Cooltore House when leaving: 'This is the only place we've ever felt like a real family.' He lived there with no security or entourage, just his three children and their tutor."

The sale is being held to raise funds to update the interior of the mansion and refurbish it.

The contents -- some of which has been in storage since Jackson's departure -- will include, not just the fine antique and contemporary furniture, by Ralph Lauren and Nina Campbell, that you might expect to find in the residence of a legendary entertainer, but also personal items particular to Mr Jackson, such as his favourite silk pyjamas, which were given to the owners on his departure.

The nightwear is listed with an estimate of between €3,000 and €5,000. The bed -- a solid carved mahogany four poster bed in the American federal style -- has an estimate of between €5,000 and €8,000 and there are other items of Jackson memorabilia going under the hammer.

Dr Conrad Murray, Jackson's personal doctor, is currently being tried in a California court for charges relating to the singer's death in 2009, just as he was to embark on a worldwide comeback tour.

- JEROME REILLY (Archiv-Version vom 25.10.2011)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 12:17
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Was soll den dieser Quatsch ... Michael Jacksons Lieblings-Pyjama und das Bett, in dem er während seines fünfmonatigen Aufenthalts in Irland schlief, sollen
im nächsten Monat bei einer Auktion "unter den Hammer" gehen .... na, da werden die "Schlüpper" doch bald folgen :D :D
a010 au backe da tut mir das Bett jetzt schon Leid^^ und der Pyjama erst recht d020 ......


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 13:02
La Toya Jackson seit Tribute-Konzert im Bett


La Toya Jackson hat sich eine böse Grippe eingefangen - seit dem Tribute-Konzert für ihren Bruder Michael liegt die Sängerin im Bett. Gemeinsam mit Stars wie Christina Aguilera und Cee Lo Green stand La Toya beim "Michael Forever - The Tribute Concert" am 8. Oktober auf der Bühne im walisischen Cardiff. Kurz danach düste sie zurück in die USA, brachte sich aber wohl eine Grippe mit. Selbst zum Prozess gegen den Leibarzt ihres Bruders, Dr. Conrad Murray, kommt sie nicht aus dem Haus. In einer Reihe von Twitter-Nachrichten gab La Toya Jackson bekannt: "Immer noch krank mit dieser schrecklichen Erkältung/Grippe. Frage mich, ob ich mal zum Arzt gehen sollte. Will aber keine Antibiotika. Bleibt gesund!" Und weiter: "Habe das Haus seit Rückkehr nicht verlassen. Habe Angst andere anzustecken. Schmerzen! Husten! Triefende Nase! Entzündeter Hals! Danke Mutter & Vater, dass ihr jeden Tag nach Gericht anruft!" (Archiv-Version vom 23.10.2011)

Tja da geht es ihr wie vielen anderen auch .. s010


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 17:38
der Bericht wurde bereits heute um 08:49 eingestellt ... :D

teilweise Übersetzung wurde vom mjackson Forum übernommen
Eintrag # 107 von KatharineJ
Danke rose


* NEW: Defense anesthesiology expert faces a contempt of court hearing
* NEW: Dr. Steven Shafer says Michael Jackson could have turned the fatal IV drip on himself
* NEW: If Jackson infused himself with propofol, Dr. Conrad Murray's still guilty, Shafer says
* Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial could to go the jury the end of next week

* NEU: Verteidigungs-Anästhesie-Experte steht vor einem Verstoß der GerichtsVerhandlung
* NEU: Dr. Steven Shafer sagt, dass Michael Jackson selbst am todbringenden InfusionsTropf gedreht haben könnte
* NEU: Auch wenn Jackson sich mit Propofol selbst infundierte, ist Dr. Conrad Murray immer noch schuldig, sagt Shafer
* Murrays Prozess wegen fahrlässiger Tötung könnte am Ende der nächsten Woche an die Jury gehen

Murray defense cross-examines propofol expert

Murrays Verteidigung nimmt Propofol-Experten ins Kreuzverhör.

By Alan Duke, CNN
October 22, 2011 -- Updated 0043 GMT (0843 HKT)

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Dr. Conrad Murray's defense team challenged the motives and methods of the prosecution's anesthesiology expert Friday, while the judge threatened to hold the defense propofol expert in contempt for comments he made about the prosecution.
Dr. Conrad Murrays Verteidiger-Team forderte am Freitag die Motive und Methoden vom Anästhesiologie Experten der Staatsanwaltschaft heraus, während der Richter drohte innezuhalten, den Propofol -Experten der Verteidigung zu verachten für Kommentare, die er wegen der Anklagebehörde gemacht hat.

Dr. Steven Shafer, the last prosecution witness, will still be on the witness stand when the trial resumes Monday.
Dr. Steven Shafer, der letzte Zeuge der Anklage, wird immer noch im Zeugenstand sein, wenn die Verhandlung am Montag wieder aufgenommen wird.

Shafer testified Thursday that the "only scenario" to explain Michael Jackson's death was that he overdosed on propofol infused through an IV drip set up by Dr. Murray.
Shafer bezeugte Donnerstag, dass das "einzige Szenario" war, um Michael Jacksons Tod zu erklären, dass er überdosiert mit Propofol infundiert wurde, über einen Infusions-Tropf, gesetzt von Dr. Murray.

Prosecutors argue that Murray's reckless use of the surgical anesthetic propofol to help Jackson sleep led to his death, while the defense contends Jackson self-administered the fatal dose, along with sedatives, without Murray knowing.
Die Staatsanwälte argumentieren, dass Murrays rücksichtsloser Gebrauch des OP-Narkosemittels Propofol, das Jackson zum Schlaf verhelfen sollte, zu seinem Tod führte, während die Verteidigung streitet, dass Jackson sich die todbringende Dosis selbst verabreicht habe, zusammen mit Sedativa, ohne Murrays Kenntnis.

Shafer, in his testimony Thursday, said the level of propofol in Jackson's blood taken during his autopsy could not have been from either Murray or Jackson injecting the drug, but only from an IV system that was still flowing when his heart stopped.
Shafer sagte, in seiner Zeugenaussage am Donnerstag, dass die Ebene von Propofol in Jacksons Blut, das während seiner Autopsie entnommen wurde, weder von Murrays oder Jacksons Injektion des Medikaments gewesen sein könnte, doch nur von einem IV-System, das immer noch floss, als sein Herz stillstand.

Prosecutors, however, opened the door for one scenario in which Jackson, not Murray, could have triggered the overdose.
Staatsanwälte, öffneten allerdings die Tür für ein Szenario, in welchem Jackson, nicht Murray, die Überdosierung ausgelöst haben könnte.

"Can you rule out the possibility that Michael Jackson manipulated something to cause it to flow?" Deputy District Attorney David Walgren asked Friday.
"Könnten Sie die Möglichkeit ausschließen, dass Michael Jackson etwas manipulierte, um zu bewirken, dass es fließt?” fragte der stellvertretende Staatsanwalt David Walgren am Freitag.

"That's a possibility," Shafer said. But that is assuming Murray set up the drip and left Jackson's side, he said.
"Das ist eine Möglichkeit", sagte Shafer. Aber natürlich nur unter der Annahme, dass Murray den Tropf setzte und Jacksons “Seite“ verlassen hatte, sagte er.

Would Shafer's opinion that Murray was responsible for Jackson's death change if he knew Jackson turned the drip on?
Würde sich Shafers Meinung, dass Murray für Jacksons Tod verantwortlich war, ändern, falls er wüsste, dass Jackson den Tropf weiterdrehte?

"No, if Michael Jackson had reached up, seen the roller clamp and opened it himself, this is a foreseeable consequence of setting up an essentially dangerous way of giving drugs," Shafer said. "It doesn't change things at all. It would still be considered abandonment."
"Nein, falls Michael Jackson es erreicht hätte, sehend die Rollenklemme und sie selbst öffnend, dies ist eine vorhersehbare Folge beim Einsatz einer wesentlich gefährlichen Möglichkeit, bei der Verabreichung von Medikamenten ", sagte Shafer. "Es ändert die Dinge überhaupt nicht. Es würde immer noch eine wohlüberlegte Aufgabe sein."

Lead defense lawyer Ed Chernoff decided to conduct Shafer's cross-examination instead of leaving it to Michael Flanagan, the defense team's most knowledgeable lawyer about propofol.
Leitender Verteidiger Ed Chernoff hat beschlossen, Shafers Kreuzverhör durchzuführen, anstatt es Michael Flanagan zu überlassen, dem erfahrensten Anwalt des Verteidigung Teams bezüglich Propofol.

Toxicology studies of drugs in Jackson's blood and computer models Shafer used to analyze how he died were overshadowed Friday when Chernoff focused on the personal and professional rivalry between Shafer and Dr. Paul White, the defense expert.
Toxikologische Untersuchungen von Medikamenten in Jacksons Blut und Computer-Modelle, die Shafer verwendet hat, um zu analysieren, wie er (anm. MJ) starb, waren am Freitag überschattet, als Chernoff sich auf die persönliche und berufliche Rivalität zwischen Shafer und Dr. Paul White konzentrierte, dem Experten der Verteidigung.

The experts first met in 1978 when White was an assistant professor at Stanford University and Shafer was a medical student. They became friends and co-authored research papers, but this trial appears to have changed their friendship.
Die Experten trafen sich erstmals im Jahr 1978, als White ein Professoren Assistent an der Stanford University war und Shafer ein Medizinstudent war. Sie wurden Freunde und Co-Autoren von Schriftstücken, der Forschungsarbeiten, aber dieser Prozess scheint ihre Freundschaft verändert zu haben.

Chernoff accused Shafer of wanting to "shove it down his (White's) professional throat" in a question stricken from the record by Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor.
Chernoff beschuldigt Shafer, mangel an "seiner (Whites) professionellen Entscheidung unterstellt zu haben " in einer ergriffenen Frage an Richter Michael Pastor aus dem Verzeichnis des Los Angeles County Superior Court

White was lectured by Judge Pastor about comments about Shafer attributed to him in an online blog.
White hat nach Richter Pastor vorgetragen, bezüglich Kommentaren wegen Shafer, die auf ihn zurückzuführen sind, in einem Online-Blog.

White admitted Friday that he told a reporter that he had changed his opinion of Shafer after hearing his testimony Thursday. "I was his teacher when he was a medical student," E! News Online quoted White as saying. "The truth will come out. It always does."
White hat am Freitag eingestanden, dass er einem Reporter erzählte, dass er seine Meinung über Shafer, nach dem Anhören seiner Aussage am Donnerstag, geändert hat. "Ich war sein Lehrer, während er ein Medizinstudent war," E! News Online zitiert White mit den Worten. "Die Wahrheit wird herauskommen. Sie tut es immer."

White denied calling Shafer "a scumbag," as the website quoted him as saying.
White bestritt, Shafer "einen Drecksack" genannt zu haben, wie die Website ihn wie es heißt zitierte.

Pastor, who imposed a gag order on all parties in the trial, set a contempt of court hearing for White next month.
Pastor, der ein Schweigen verhängt hatte, befahl allen Parteien in dem Fall, dass gegen White eine Missachtung der Gerichts-Anhörung nächsten Monat festesetzt wird.

"You are not in any way shape or form, to comment on your views regarding the state of the evidence, witnesses or your views as to any counsel in this case," Pastor said.
"Ihnen ist nicht erlaubt, in irgendeiner Weise oder Form, über Ihre Ansichten bezüglich dem Stand der Beweise, Zeugen oder Ihren Ansichten, über jeden Anwalt in diesem Fall, zu kommentieren" sagte Pastor .

Chernoff cross-examined Shafer about the assumptions he used to reconstruct an IV drip system he believed Murray set up next to Jackson's bed. Shafer demonstrated the system in his testimony Thursday.
Kreuzverhör Chernoff / Shafer über die Voraussetzungen, dass er zum nachvollziehen ein IV-Tropf-System verwendete, von dem er glaubte, dass Murray es neben Jacksons Bett errichtete. In seiner Aussage am Donnerstag demonstrierte Shafer das System.

Shafer testified that he did not think it was significant that investigators never found a key component of the tubing in the system. "It's so easy to remove," Shafer said.

Shafer bezeugte, dass er nicht glaube, dass es bezeichnend wäre, dass die Ermittler nie eine wichtige Komponente des Schlauches in dem System gefunden haben. "Es ist so leicht zu entfernen", sagte Shafer.

Murray appeared visibly shaken by Shafer's testimony Thursday, especially when he demonstrated his version of the IV drip.
Murray schien am Donnerstag sichtlich erschüttert von Shafers Aussage zu sein, besonders als er seine Version von dem IV Tropf demonstrierte.

Jackson died because Murray failed to notice that his patient had stopped breathing while he was hooked up to an IV drip of propofol, Shafer testified. The doctor should have realized Jackson had stopped breathing about 11:45 a.m. on June 25, 2009, he said.
Jackson starb, weil Murray nicht bemerkte, dass sein Patient aufgehört hatte zu atmen, während er einen Tropf von Propofol angeschlossen hatte, bezeugte Shafer. Der Arzt sollte erkannt haben, dass Jackson etwa um 11:45 Uhr am 25. Juni 2009 aufgehört hatte zu atmen, sagte er.

"When you're there, you see it, you know it," Shafer said.
"Wenn du dort bist, siehst du es, du weißt es", sagte Shafer

Phone records and testimony showed that Murray was on the phone with one of his clinics, a patient, and then a girlfriend about the time that Shafer calculated the oxygen in Jackson's lungs became depleted, causing his heart to stop beating.
Telefon Aufzeichnungen und Aussagen zeigten, dass Murray am Telefonieren war, mit einem seiner Kliniken, einem Patienten und dann einer Freundin, zu der Zeit, zu jener Shafer berechnete, dass der Sauerstoff in die Jacksons Lungen verbraucht war, wodurch sein Herz aufgehört hat zu schlagen.

"Had Conrad Murray been with Michael Jackson during this period of time, he would have seen the slowed breathing and the compromise in the flow of air into Michael Jackson's lungs, and he could have easily turned off the propofol infusion," Shafer said
"Wäre Conrad Murray während dieser Zeit bei Michael Jackson gewesen, hätte er die verlangsamte Atmung und den Kompromiss in dem Luftstrom von Michael Jacksons Lunge gesehen und er hätte einfach die Propofol-Infusion ausschalten können", sagte Shafer

Murray, accused of involuntary manslaughter, could have then easily cleared Jackson's airways and restored his breathing by lifting his chin, he said.
Murray, der fahrlässigen Tötung beschuldigt, hätte es dann leicht gehabt, Jacksons Atemwege zu reinigen und seine Atmung durch Heben seines Kinns wiederherzustellen, sagte er.

Earlier testimony from paramedics and emergency room doctors said Jackson was clinically dead by the time an ambulance arrived at the pop icon's Los Angeles home nearly a half-hour after Murray realized there was a problem.
Frühere Aussagen von Sanitätern und Ärzten der Notaufnahme, sagen, dass Jackson klinisch Tod war, zu der Zeit, als ein Krankenwagen das Haus der Pop-Ikone in Los Angeles erreichte, fast eine halbe Stunde nachdem Murray erkannte, dass es dort ein Problem gab.

The last three prosecution experts, all medical experts, focused the Murray trial on the science surrounding Jackson's death, a contrast to earlier testimony from Murray's girlfriends and Jackson employees.
Die letzten drei Experten der Staatsanwaltschaft, alles medizinische Experten, konzentrierten den Murray Fall über die Wissenschaft, rund um Jacksons Tod, im Gegensatz zu früheren Aussagen von Murrays Freundinnen und Beschäftigen von Jackson.

Shafer demonstrated how he believed Murray set up the propofol infusion by hanging a 100-milliliter vial from a stand with tubing attached that would have led to a catheter port in Jackson's left leg.
Shafer zeigte, wie er glaube, dass Murray die Propofol Infusion einrichtete, durch Aufhängen eines
100-Milliliter-Fläschchens auf einem Ständer, mit Schlauch befestigt, dieser würde zu einem Katheter-Port in Jacksons linkes Bein geführt haben.

"This is the only scenario that I could generate" that would produce the high level of propofol found in Jackson's blood during his autopsy, Shafer said.
"Dies ist das einzige Szenario, dass ich generieren konnte", dass würde den hohen Level von Propofol in Jacksons Blut produzieren, das während seiner Autopsie gefunden wurde, sagte Shafer.

"This fits all of the data in this case, and I am not aware of any data that is inconsistent with this explanation," he said.
"Dabei passen alle Daten in diesem Fall, und ich bin mir nicht bewusst, ob einige Daten, derart widersprechend sind, mit dieser Erklärung ", sagte er.

The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's death was caused by a combination of sedatives with the propofol, which Murray admitted in a police interview that he used to help Jackson sleep.
Die Los Angeles County Gerichtsmedizin entschied, dass Jacksons Tod durch eine Kombination von Sedativa mit dem Propofol verursacht wurde, das Murray in einer polizeilichen Vernehmung zugegeben hatte, welches er verwendete, um Jackson zu helfen zu schlafen.

The defense contends that Jackson swallowed eight lorazepam tablets, a claim based on testing of lorazepam levels in Jackson's stomach contents. Shafer discredited the defense lab tests, saying a new test showed the equivalent of only "1/43rd of a tablet" of the sedative in the stomach.
Die Verteidigung macht geltend, dass Jackson acht Lorazepam Tabletten schluckte, eine Behauptung, die auf Prüfung der Lorazepam Ebene in Jacksons Mageninhalt basiert. Shafer diskreditiert Labor Tests der Verteidigung, sagt dass neue Tests zeigen, dass das Äquivalent nur "1/43 rd.von einer Tablette" seien, von dem Beruhigungsmittel im Magen.

The level of lorazepam in Jackson's blood was far higher than what would be expected based on the dosages Dr. Murray told detectives he gave Jackson in the hours before his death, Shafer said.
Der Level von Lorazepam in Jacksons Blut war weit höher, als das, was zu erwarten war, basierend auf der Grundlage der Dosierungen, die Dr. Murray den Ermittlern erzählte, die er Jackson in den Stunden vor seinem Tod gab, sagte Shafer.

Murray said he gave Jackson a total of 4 milligrams of lorazepam in two separate doses starting 10 hours before his death. Toxicology results indicated that Jackson was given 40 milligrams -- not four -- in a series of 10 doses, he said.
Murray sagte, er gab Jackson insgesamt 4 Milligramm Lorazepam in zwei getrennten Dosen beginnend 10 Stunden vor seinem Tod. Toxikologische Ergebnisse zeigten, dass Jackson 40 Milligramm gegeben wurden - nicht vier - in einer Reihe von 10 Dosen, sagte er.

Shafer testified Wednesday that Jackson would be alive now but for 17 "egregious deviations" by Murray from the standard of care required of physicians.
Shafer sagte am Mittwoch aus, dass Jackson jetzt noch leben könnte, nur wegen 17 "ungeheuerlicher Abweichungen" von Murray vom vorgeschriebenen Sorgfaltsmaßstab der Ärzte.

Murray's use of propofol almost every night for two months to help Jackson sleep was so unusual, there is no documentation on the dangers, Shafer said.
Murrays Einsatz von Propofol fast jede Nacht über zwei Monate, um Jackson zum Schlaf zu verhelfen, war so ungewöhnlich, dass es über die Gefahren keine Dokumentation gibt, sagte Shafer.

"We are in pharmacological never-neverland here," Shafer said, "something that's only been done to Michael Jackson."
"Wir sind hier im pharmakologischen Never-Neverland", Shafer sagte, "etwas, was nur für Michael Jackson getan wurde."

The trial is expected to conclude with the start of jury deliberations possible as soon as the end of next week.
Es wird erwartet den Fall abzuschließen, mit dem Beginn der Jury, mögliche Ausführungen, baldmöglichst am Ende der nächsten Woche.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 18:47
habe von einem anderen "Ersteller" den vollständigen 15. Verhandlungstag vom Conrad Murray Prozess entdeckt ... :D

Part 201 (START OF DAY 15) - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

Part 202 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

Part 203 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

Part 204 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

Part 205 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 18:48
Part 206 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

Part 207 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

Part 208 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

Part 209 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4

Part 210 Day 15 - DR Steven Shafer.mp4


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 18:49
Part 211 (END OF DAY 15) - DR Steven Shafer.mp4
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Multipart Series on the trial of Dr Conrad Murray

DR. Steven Shafer take's the stand.

This is in respect to the fair use law.

The video is from public domain about a public figure and is used to promote information,education and encourage debates on the use of medical equipment along with the proceedures applied in the court system.

This video is NOT sourced from CNN or AP in any form including Audio or Video.

More on the way...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 20:55
After an emotional start, science takes over trial

AP Special Correspondent

Published: October 23rd, 2011 10:24 AM
Last Modified: October 23rd, 2011 10:24 AM

Dr. Conrad Murray sits in a courtroom during his involuntary manslaughter trial in Los Angeles, Friday, Oct. 21, 2011. Murray has pleaded not guilty and faces four years in prison and the loss of his medical license if convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Michael Jackson's death.

LOS ANGELES - While the defense was on the verge of its counter attack in the trial of Michael Jackson's doctor, the prosecution dramatically shifted the focus from personalities to science - its most powerful weapon in the courtroom battle..

Its star witness, a scientist with a reassuring witness box manner, had jurors on their feet straining for a better view of his show-and-tell demonstration. It was the closest they would come to seeing a purported re-enactment of how the King of Pop died.

Dr. Conrad Murray, charged with causing Jackson's death, watched intently as Dr. Steven Shafer closed the case against him holding a bottle of propofol, an IV bag and a tube carrying the milky white liquid downward.

That was how it happened on June 25, 2009, said Shafer. He was certain.

On Monday, a defense attorney will try to shake his testimony and later a fellow scientist billed as "the father of propofol," will offer another theory. Whether Dr. Paul White can absolve Murray of blame for the singer's death remains to be seen. But the defense is just beginning.

"He will have to stand firm on the fact that reasonable minds can differ," said Marcellus McRae, a former federal prosecutor and trial attorney who has been following the case closely. "He will have to change the landscape here and show some reasonable doubt. The question is will this be enough."

Murray, a Houston based cardiologist, has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

McRae said calling Shafer as the final prosecution witness was a master stroke.

"Brick by evidentiary brick, Shafer has built a wall of scientific reasons for the jury to conclude that Dr. Murray was criminally negligent," he said. "It allows the prosecution to tell the jury that their case is built on science rather than shifting theories."

In addition to making the science understandable, Shafer offered some colloquial phrases that may resonate with jurors including the words "crazy" and "clueless."

He called Murray's unorthodox use of propofol as entering "a pharmacological never-never land "and said the doctor was "clueless" when it came to helping his dying patient. And he denounced a defense theory that Jackson could have awoken from sedation and given himself the drugs that killed him during a few minutes that he was left alone by Murray.

"People don't just wake up from anesthesia hell-bent to pick up a syringe and pump it into the IV," Shafer said, reminding the jury that the procedure was complicated. "It's a crazy scenario."

Shafer stood in the well of the courtroom with an IV pole, a bag of saline solution and a bottle of propofol, showing how the drug could have run quickly into Jackson's veins while his doctor was out of the bedroom.

He drew a scene in which Murray, lacking the proper equipment to measure doses, left Jackson on an IV drip of the powerful anesthetic flowing quickly under the pull of gravity into the sleeping singer. It was the explanation, he said, of how Jackson died of a propofol overdose with no one present to see that he had stopped breathing.

"This fits all of the data in this case and I am not aware of a single piece of data that is inconsistent with this explanation," Shafer said.

In early cross-examination, defense attorney Ed Chernoff asked Shafer if that wasn't "a bold statement."

"It's an honest statement," he replied.

Shafer's mathematical calculations projected on a large screen concluded that Murray had not given his patient the minimal 25 milligrams he claimed, but had started a vastly larger infusion of a 100 milliliter bottle, containing 1,000 milligrams of the drug.

No, Shafer said, Jackson had not given himself an additional infusion of propofol.

"He can't give himself an injection if he's asleep," he said.

Shafer was the prosecution's closer. An anesthesiology professor and researcher at Columbia University Medical School, he wrote the package insert instructing doctors how to use propofol.

He listed 17 "egregious" violations of the standard of care by Murray, chief among them leaving his anesthetized patient alone and failing to call 9-1-1 when he found Jackson not breathing. .

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren concluded a key day of Shafer's examination by asking: "Would it be your opinion that Conrad Murray is directly responsible for the death of Michael Jackson for his egregious violations and abandonment of Michael Jackson?"

Shafer replied, "Absolutely."

Just giving Jackson the anesthetic as a sleep aid in a home setting was unconscionable, Shafer testified. It is intended for surgery in hospitals where resuscitation equipment is available.

"We are in pharmacological never-never land here, something that was done to Michael Jackson and no one else in history to my knowledge," he told jurors.

Gray haired and amiable, Shafer entranced jurors with his easy manner, speaking directly to them as he made molecules understandable and led them through complicated graphs projected on a courtroom screen. When Chernoff accused him of trying to send a message to jurors, he responded calmly, "I'm trying to make it easy for the jury. These are complex graphs and I'm trying to explain to the jury a very complex pharmacology. There is no other agenda as you're suggesting."

McRae gave Walgren and co-prosecutor Deborah Brazil high marks.

"Good trial lawyers know that you have to persuade on the law, persuade on a factual level and then persuade on a moral and common sense level," he said. "Even though you're not going to hear an instruction about morality, the jury has to feel they're making the right decision on a gut level."

"I think the prosecutors here have done a very effective job of hitting the human element, the moral element and now the factual element." he said.

A parade of 32 witnesses had testified before Shafer took the stand and stole the show. They included Jackson's household personnel, security guards, paramedics and a business associate. Jurors heard about the legendary singer's final day on earth - singing and dancing at a rehearsal for his comeback concert, reveling in the adulation of fans who showered him with gifts. And then a night of horror, chasing the most elusive treasure he craved - sleep.

Most dramatic were two recordings - one of the heavily drugged singer dreaming aloud to his doctor about future triumphs and then the doctor himself being interviewed by police two days after the death that shook the world of pop culture.

All of it told a compelling story structured by prosecutors Walgren and Brazil to prove that Murray, who had been hired by Jackson for $150,000 a month as his personal physician, was responsible for his famous patient's death.

With the trial winding down, they brought on the experts, a coroner and two doctors who evaluated Murray's conduct for the California Medical Board.

Dr. Nathan Kamangar, described Murray's conduct as "unethical, disturbing and beyond comprehension."

Dr. Alon Steinberg enumerated deviations from the standard of care, and said, "If all of these deviations didn't happen, Michael Jackson might have been alive."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 21:11
ein gleichlautender Bericht, wie der vorgenannte, findet man unter


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.10.2011 um 21:17
Conrad Murray trial: Dr. White talked to media, will attend contempt hearing

Katrina K Wheeler, Jackson Family Examiner
October 23, 2011 - Like this? Subscribe to get instant updates

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The Conrad Murray trial is entering its fifth week tomorrow, and the defense team is expected to begin its case, after Dr. Shafer is finished testifying. The defense will call Dr. White to the stand to discuss propofol. However, this past week, Dr. White had been generating a lot of attention in the media, since he apparently spoke to the media. Judge Pastor issued a gag order, prohibiting anyone from either side to discuss the case or the specifics of the trial with the media. Judge Pastor will be holding a hearing in November, and Dr. White must attend.

As the LA Times reports, Dr. Paul White will be attending a contempt of court hearing in November. Headlines were made in the media when it was reported that Dr. White made a statement to the media -- specifically E! Online. Judge Pastor heard about this and asked White about it. The judge, according to the report, then said that Dr. White is to attend a contempt of court hearing in November. As the report states, Dr. White allegedly told E! Online of Dr. Steven Shafer (witness for prosecution), "I am going to take the high road, not the low road with him. I was his teacher when he was a medical student. The truth will come out. It always does." Judge Pastor told Dr. White: "You have no business making any of those comments." The hearing is scheduled for November 16.

What do you think of the fact that Dr. White spoke to media? Have you been tuning in to watch the trial? Will you be watching the trial this week, and until a verdict has been reached?

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