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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 08:40
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:nicht böse sein, aber ich muss die idee, die videos zu den zeugenvernehmungen von Dr. White einzustellen, leider aufgeben :(
Das werde ich dann für dich übernehmen. :)

Leider auch nur mehrteilig.

Youtube: Dr. White - Anästhesist im Ruhestand - Part 1 / Prozeß Dr. Murray
Dr. White - Anästhesist im Ruhestand - Part 1 / Prozeß Dr. Murray
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Youtube: Dr. White - Anästhesist im Ruhestand - Part 2 / Prozeß Dr. Murray
Dr. White - Anästhesist im Ruhestand - Part 2 / Prozeß Dr. Murray
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 08:50
habe auch die verschiedenen im Bericht angebenen "Verlinkungen" aufgeführt ... die entsprechenden Links findet man am "Schluss" des Berichts ... :D

Michael Jackson's doctor likely to be paroled in 2 years

Michael Jacksons Arzt wird wahrscheinlich in 2 Jahren auf Bewährung entlassen werden

November 8, 2011 | Ryan Gabrielson

EesrPP murray.reuters A

Dr. Conrad Murray’s conviction on involuntary manslaughter charges for his role in Michael Jackson's death likely will bring him years in prison.

Two years, that is, based on sentencing guidelines set out in state penal code and the formula the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation uses to calculate prisoner release.

Involuntary manslaughter is the lowest of murder charges. The crime is gross negligence or misconduct that causes death “in an unlawful manner,” according to Penal Code Section 192. The code states that this felony conviction can bring a prison term of two to four years, though Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor could sentence Murray to probation only.

The jury convicted Murray of administering to Jackson a lethal dose of propofol, a powerful and fast-acting anesthetic. The drug caused cardiac arrest and killed the singer on June 25, 2009.

Pastor can consider many factors as he weighs how to sentence Murray on Nov. 29. For involuntary manslaughter cases, judges often consider the convict’s history, said Peter Goodman, a San Francisco criminal defense attorney. In the case of physicians, the question becomes whether they have a record of complaints with state medical boards.

Records from the Medical Board of California show no disciplinary actions prior to Jackson’s death.

There have been multiple reprimands and restrictions on his ability to practice in the two years since. Regulators in Texas and Nevada, where Murray also has medical licenses, have prohibited him from administering anesthetics.

Prior to his sentencing, Murray will undergo an examination by the Los Angeles County probation department, and the findings might influence the judge’s decision.

Judges “rely heavily on probation for that kind of insight into the defendant,” Goodman said. “They also look for remorse. Is the person cognizant of the impact of the jury verdict, and do they accept any responsibility for what they did?”

The parole formula that California’s corrections department uses includes time served and other credits to determine the earliest and latest possible release dates for prisoners.

Under the worst-case scenario for Murray, the judge could sentence him to the maximum of four years in state prison.

The doctor was transferred to Los Angeles County jail on Monday, immediately after the verdict came down. If the judge allows the county jail time as credit for time served, Murray will subtract 23 days from his 1,460-day maximum sentence. It is unclear now what other credits he might earn before entering prison.

Therefore, Murray’s latest parole date is Nov. 6, 2015. But it’s unlikely he’ll be in a cell that long.

If Murray exhibits good behavior, he will get “incarceration credit” that cuts his prison sentence in half. Under the penal code, every six months served without an infraction earns Murray six months off his term. His 1,437-day sentence then becomes 718 days, according to California Watch’s calculation on the state corrections department worksheet.

His earliest parole date is Nov. 18, 2013. That would have him out of prison more than a week before Thanksgiving. (Archiv-Version vom 10.11.2011)

that causes death
fast-acting anesthetic
Medical Board of California
the penal code


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 08:54
Lies erst, dann Urteile!!! Du wirst sehr erstaunt sein!

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 08:55
Zitat von MerchandisingMerchandising schrieb:Lies erst, dann Urteile!!! Du wirst sehr erstaunt sein!
Hast du es schon gelesen ????


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:01
Zitat von Benny007Benny007 schrieb:und nach alledem moag i jetzt nimmer :( ..... bis später noch mal....
ja, verstehe ich doch zu gut ... mein PC spielt manchmal auch nicht so mit mir, wie ich es mir wünsche ...
bis später dann ... :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:10
Sehr viele Warheiten, dass wird einige Menschen sehr, sehr sehr aufschrecken!!!

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:10
Michael Jackson's last words to Conrad Murray: 'Let me have some milk'

November 09, 2011 5:27PM

* Documentary to reveal King of Pop's last words
* Jackson referred to anesthetic propofol as "milk"

W6DeFX 536538-jacko-and-dr-murray
Dr Conrad Murray said Michael Jackson looked as "hysterical" as he did in Thriller in the hours before he died. Picture: File

A SOON-to-be-aired NBC documentary on Michael Jackson's death will reveal that the pop idol's last words to his physician Conrad Murray were a plea to "Let me have some milk," according to reports today.

In the documentary, to be aired Friday on NBC in the US and on Channel 4 in the UK, Murray says Jackson's last words before he died on June 25, 2009, were, "Let me have some milk" - the phrase the singer used when he wanted the white-coloured anesthetic propofol.

"He was pleading, and begging me, to please, please, let him have some milk," Murray says in the documentary.

"That was the only thing that would work. He really could not sleep. Have you ever seen the Thriller image when he was made up? He looked that hysterical."

On Monday, after nine hours of deliberation following a six-week trial, a 12-person jury found Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's death.

Murray faces up to four years in prison for the felony conviction when he is sentenced on November 29.

Murray's legal team gave an NBC access to their client in the two years leading up to the manslaughter trial, MSNBC reported.

His recollection of Jackson's last words were recorded for the documentary on October 30, several days prior to the conclusion of his trial.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:11
Zitat von MerchandisingMerchandising schrieb:Sehr viele Warheiten, dass wird einige Menschen sehr, sehr sehr aufschrecken!!!
damit hast du aber nicht meine Frage beantwortet ... ;)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:21
Jermaine Jackson: 'We are still looking for answers'

Jermaine Jackson: "Wir sind noch auf der Suche nach Antworten"

9 November 2011 Last updated at 06:29 GMT

N2c5ap bbc video 09.11.2011
VIDEO im Bericht

The family of Michael Jackson say they want to know more about the circumstances surrounding the pop star's death.

The singer's personal physician Dr Conrad Murray has been convicted of involuntary manslaughter and faces a possible four years in jail.

But Jermaine Jackson, Michael's brother, says there are still unanswered questions which the family will pursue in civil court actions.

Peter Bowes met Jermaine Jackson and asked for his reaction to the guilty verdict against Dr Murray.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:36
Michael Jackson family's civil trial blames AEG in singer's death

Michael Jacksons Familie beschuldigt im Zivilprozess AEG an des Sängers Tod

Mother and children allege that the entertainment giant heartlessly pressured the star to deliver a comeback tour he was in no shape to take on.

By Victoria Kim and Harriet Ryan, Los Angeles Times
November 9, 2011

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Dr. Conrad Murray is handcuffed after being convicted in Michael Jackson's death. (Al Seib, Los Angeles Times / Pool / November 7, 2011)

With the conviction this week of Michael Jackson's doctor on an involuntary manslaughter charge, the question of blame in the pop star's death shifts to a new and much wealthier defendant: Los Angeles entertainment behemoth Anschutz Entertainment Group.

The conclusion of the criminal case sets the stage for proceedings in civil court, where the pop star's mother and children are pressing a wrongful death suit against the corporation and its concert subsidiary, AEG Live, the promoter of Jackson's doomed comeback attempt.

The civil case, set for trial in September, pits the singer's three children and elderly mother against one of the city's most important companies at a time when AEG is pitching controversial plans for a downtown football stadium.

FULL COVERAGE: The trial of Dr. Conrad Murray

The case involves many of the same issues as the criminal trial: propofol, Jackson's performance anxiety and the medical choices of Dr. Conrad Murray.

But the proceedings are expected to delve into areas the criminal judge barred as irrelevant to Murray's role, including Jackson's finances and years of drug problems.

"The conviction of Dr. Murray is just the beginning of bringing forth the truth on what happened to Michael Jackson," said Brian Panish, an attorney for the Jackson family. "Forces much larger than Dr. Murray were involved in this tragedy."

Lawyers for the Jacksons, who are seeking an unspecified amount of money, have portrayed AEG in court papers as a heartless, bottom-line-driven business that contributed to the singer's death by pressuring him to prepare for performances he wasn't physically capable of pulling off. That pressure, they have written, pushed him toward Murray and the nightly use of propofol, a surgical anesthetic, for his insomnia.

"AEG said that if they called off the Tour, there would be lawsuits and Jackson's career would be over. They said Jackson must work with Murray," the Jacksons' lawyers wrote in a complaint last year.

AEG has denied the allegations in court filings, with its lawyers saying the company "in no way actually controlled" the singer.

"Michael Jackson was not helpless or incompetent; he lived in his own home, negotiated his own contracts, engaged his own attorneys, and cared for his own family," lawyers for the company wrote. "He at all times retained the option of refusing Dr. Murray's services, or of canceling his agreement with AEG."

The company's concern with the civil matter was on display at Murray's trial. The lead attorney for AEG in the wrongful death suit, Marvin Putnam, sat in the well of the court facing the witness box as three company officials testified.

Each of them told jurors that the company had no indication that Murray was anything but a competent physician, with his famous patient's best interests at heart.

"Dr. Murray told me repeatedly that Michael Jackson was perfectly healthy, in excellent condition," said Kathy Jorrie, a lawyer who helped draft Murray's $150,000-a-month contract.

Murray is not named in the suit filed by Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren, although he is named in a separate claim by the singer's father.

A lawyer for Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren said the choice not to sue the doctor reflected the family's belief that AEG bore primary responsibility.

"We believe the evidence shows that there is much more involvement from AEG, and that Murray's a minor player," Panish said.

Other legal experts saw a different calculus.

"He's got no money," said Loyola Law School professor Stan Goldman of the heavily indebted physician. It was smart strategy, he said, to keep Murray away from civil jurors: "Keep the focus on the deep pockets."

It was AEG Live's substantial resources that made the deal attractive to the financially troubled Jackson in the first place, and it is the dynamic between the rich company and the cash-strapped performer that is at the heart of the suit. The company advanced Jackson money against future concert earnings to cover every aspect of his life and had the right to seize his assets if he failed to perform at 50 London shows.

In court papers, Katherine Jackson's lawyers have said the relationship created a legal duty on the part of AEG "to treat him safely and to not put him in harm's way." They said AEG breached those duties by contracting with Murray, who they allege went along with their only interest: ensuring that Jackson could perform.

During the criminal trial, AEG officials testified that Murray was Jackson's choice and that they had wanted to hire a British doctor.

"He was very firm. He said no, I need my own physician and I need him 24-seven," said Randy Phillips, chief executive of AEG Live.

Murray worked for Jackson for two months but was never paid by AEG because the singer hadn't yet signed the contract, a point that Jorrie, the contract lawyer, noted several times in her testimony.

The civil case is expected to yield far more details about Jackson's problems than the criminal trial did.

"Generally in civil court, the range of issues to be decided is far broader than they ever are in a criminal case; and that means a lot more evidence comes in," said David M. Ring, a Los Angeles lawyer who has sued on behalf of plaintiffs in wrongful death cases. "Instead of just looking in the closet, you are looking in the whole house."

Katherine Jackson's lawyer said he expected that civil jurors would learn vastly more about the singer's relationship with AEG than their criminal-case counterparts did. The case file already includes a copy of Jackson's contract with the promoter, a document kept out of the manslaughter case. Details about Jackson's long-standing financial problems — another subject prohibited in criminal court — would be central to the case against AEG.

Putnam and AEG declined to comment. To defend itself, the company could present unflattering information about Jackson's substance abuse, his seeking of propofol from various physicians dating to the 1990s and his often rocky relationship with his family. None of those topics were allowed at the criminal trial.

Although the suit is still in its early stages, both sides have claimed some victories. Earlier this year, a judge threw out some portions of the Jacksons' suit, including allegations of fraud and negligent infliction of emotional distress on the singer's children. Superior Court Judge Yvette M. Palazuelos ruled that the remainder of the claims — including breach of contract and negligence in hiring Murray — could go forward on the theory that Jackson "was particularly vulnerable and dependent" on AEG.,0,4239071.story?page=1

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:37
Zitat von MerchandisingMerchandising schrieb:Lies erst, dann Urteile!!! Du wirst sehr erstaunt sein!
Zitat von MerchandisingMerchandising schrieb:Sehr viele Warheiten, dass wird einige Menschen sehr, sehr sehr aufschrecken!!!
Sorry, aber du machst nur Werbung für dieses Buch! Es haben schon viele Menschen über MJ geschrieben, ob man dem allen Glauben schenken soll, ist sehr fraglich. Der Herr Wiesner reiht sich nur zu den anderen ein, und ich glaube kaum das der so was "aufschreckendes" zu berichten hat.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:45
Wärter lassen Jackson-Arzt nicht aus den Augen
Ein Tag nach dem Schuldspruch wird der Leibarzt von Michael Jackson im Gefängnis auf "suicide watch" gesetzt. Gleichzeitig spült eine erste TV-Dokumentation unappetitliche Details vom Prozess an die Oberfläche. Murray sei finanziell am Verkauf des Films beteiligt, heißt es. Von Frank Siering, Los Angeles
Conrad Murray maxsize 420 280

Seit Montagnachmittag sitzt Dr. Conrad Murray im LA County Gefängnis. Vor seiner Zelle wacht seit gestern eine Krankenschwester. Michael Jacksons ehemaliger Leibarzt sei suizidgefährdet, vermeldet die "Los Angeles Times".

Die Aktion sei eine reine Vorsichtsmaßnahme. Der sechswöchige Prozess, der Schuldspruch und der plötzliche Freiheitsentzug hätten den 58-jährigen Kardiologen doch wesentlich härter getroffen, als zunächst vermutet.

Einer der Murray-Anwälte bestätigte auf Anfrage den "suicide watch". Der ehemalige Leibarzt von Michael Jackson habe aber bisher nicht angedroht, sich das Leben nehmen zu wollen. Das Sheriff-Department bestätigt diese Einschätzung. Berichte zu Murrays Gemütszustand seien stark übertrieben, er sei nicht suizidgefährdet, hieß es.
Der "Michael-Jackson-Mörder"

Fest steht allerdings, dass Murray als sogenannter "keep away inmate" eingstuft ist. Dahinter verbergen sich besondere Sicherheitsmaßnahmen im Umgang mit Murray. Er sitzt in einer Einzelzelle. Und der Arzt, dem mit dem Schuldspruch im Jackson-Fall automatisch die Lizenz entzogen worden war, darf noch nicht einmal mehr alleine zur Toilette gehen.

"Ein 'keep away' ist meist ein Häftling, der von anderen Insassen bedroht wird", klärt Joe Pertel, Strafverteidiger in Santa Monica, auf. Und tatsächlich: Nach diversen Berichten aus Kreisen des Sheriff-Departments gilt Murray unter den Gefängnisinsassen nach dem Schuldspruch nur noch als "Michael-Jackson-Mörder".

Murray muss noch bis zum 29. November auf die Verkündung des Strafmaßes warten. Die maximale Strafe für fahrlässige Tötung beläuft sich in diesem Fall auf vier Jahre Haft. Dank eines neuen Gesetzes in Kalifornien ist es allerdings wahrscheinlich, dass Murray die meiste Zeit seiner Strafe unter Hausarrest verbringen wird. Murrays Anwälte haben angekündigt, gegen das Urteil in die Berufung gehen zu wollen.
Doku in der Mache

Gleichzeitig stößt eine andere Entwicklung im Fall Murray auf allgemeine Verwunderung. Seit einiger Zeit schon shoppt die Produktionsfirma Zodiak Rights für eine Doku-Serie kreuz und quer durch Hollywood. Der Titel der Dokumentation: "Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship".

Das Doku-Drama schmückt sich mit "Behind the Scenes"-Material vom Murray-Prozess. Das Kuriose an dieser Dokumentation: Sowohl die Verteidiger als auch Murray selbst tauchen darin nicht nur in sehr intimen Aufnahmen auf, es ist ganz offensichtlich, dass die Kameras von allen Parteien herzlich eingeladen waren.

In einer Szene wird deutlich, was auch im Prozess an diversen Stellen von Beobachtern angesprochen worden ist: Die drei Anwälte von Murray waren sich längst nicht immer einig und stritten schon in der Vorbereitung heftigst um die taktische Marschroute im Prozess.
Murray war maßgeblich involviert

Zodiak Rights gibt zu, dass die Senderechte für diese Dokumentation weltweit angeboten und zum Teil auch schon verkauft worden sind. In den USA wird demnach der Sender NBC den Film zeigen.

Noch ist unklar, wieviel Geld Murray für die Dokumentation erhalten hat. Fest steht nur, dass er maßgeblich in den Deal mit Zodiak involviert war. Und das schon seit 2009. In dem Jahr, in dem der King of Pop an einer Überdosis Propofol unter Aufsicht von Dr. Conrad Murray starb.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:46
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Mother and children allege that the entertainment giant heartlessly pressured the star to deliver a comeback tour he was in no shape to take on.
Und die Familie wusste das doch! Wenn sie MJ selbst als "nicht fähig" ein Konzert zu machen, beurteilen, warum hat die Familie nicht im Vorfeld was dagegen unternommen? Das die ganzen Produzenten/Veranstalter sich nicht viel Gedanken machen, ob der "Star" nun dazu wirklich in der Lage ist, ist doch klar. Das ist das Musikgeschäft und das müssten die Jackson's mitlerweile schon kennen.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 09:50
Jackson's Dad Says 'There's More' as Conrad Murray Civil Case Looms

Jacksons Dad sagt "Da gibt es mehr", als Conrad Murray, Zivilprozess zeigt es

Nov. 8, 2011

TpXZGy abcnews murray 08.11.2011
Conrad Murray has been found guilty in his involuntary manslaughter trial in the death of singer Michael Jackson at the Los Angeles Superior Court in downtown Los Angeles, Nov. 7, 2011. (ABC News)

K9LrRG abcnews video 08.11.2011Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
VIDEO im Bericht

Now that a criminal jury has found Dr. Conrad Murray's guilty of involuntary manslaughter, his case will head for civil court where Murray could be found liable for medical malpractice.

The Jackson family is ready for the next chapter. On his way out of Monday's court hearing when Murray receive his guilty verdict, family patriarch Joe Jackson told the crowd of media and fans, "There's more."

Civil suits against Murray and AEG Live LLC, the firm behind Jackon's "This Is It" tour, have already been filed. Joe Jackson, Michael Jackson's father, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against Murray in November 2010. Katherine Jackson, the pop star's mother, filed a wrongful death lawsuit against AEG in September 2010.

Sources familiar with planning told that it's likely the two suits will be joined together and focus on Murray's action. Sources said that the civil case will attempt to answer whether or not AEG knew that propofol, the drug that was determined to have killed Michael Jackson, was being used in an outpatient basis and whether AEG knew administering propofol that way was a risky enterprise.

But it's unlikely the law suits will ask Murray to pay damages. Sources said that considering AEG's resources and Murray's lack thereof, the entertainment firm would be held accountable.

In a civil case, a judge or jury only has to find that there is more than a 50 percent probability that the defendant was negligent, whereas the standard in a criminal case is beyond a reasonable doubt.

"His conviction can be used in a civil case as conclusive proof," legal expert Dana Cole told

Statements Murray made to the police and other evidence excluded from the criminal trial would also more than likely be admissible in a civil case.

A civil suit may bring comfort to Jackson fans and his heirs, since even the manslaughter conviction may not bring them the result they were hoping for -- that Murray spend time behind bars. On Monday, a judge remanded Murray to jail pending his Nov. 29 sentencing. Murray was cuffed and taken into custody after Monday's hearing finished.

Murray could be sentenced to up to four years in prison. But with the recent change in California law, which transfers all non-violent inmates to county jail, he's unlikely to do any time in state prison, Chicago-based attorney Kelly A. Saindon said. Moreover, with the realities of jail overcrowding in California, he's more than likely to get a sentence of house arrest for up to a year, she said.

"I have a feeling that's what will happen. I don't think he will serve a day behind bars," Saindon said.

For Jackson's heirs, that reality could be fueling their civil battle against Murray. "I wouldn't think it's for the money, though money always makes people feel vindicated to some extent," Saindon said. "This is their way of exacting revenge."

Cole doubts Murray would return to the courtroom after his ordeal in the criminal case. If he's got malpractice insurance, more than likely he will try to settle any civil suits.

As for his medical license, if convicted, Murray will most certainly lose his legal right to practice. In 20 years of practicing medicine, he's never had his license suspended or a malpractice claim filed against him.

"The medical board can ... suspend or revoke his license and they'll have all the evidence before them," a job made easier with his conviction, Saindon said.

The trial and the ensuing publicity have dealt "an unmitigated blow to his career," Cole said. "He probably was decent a physician who cared for his patients, as they testified. Whether he can bounce back, it will be an uphill battle."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 10:00
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Einer der Murray-Anwälte bestätigte auf Anfrage den "suicide watch". Der ehemalige Leibarzt von Michael Jackson habe aber bisher nicht angedroht, sich das Leben nehmen zu wollen. Das Sheriff-Department bestätigt diese Einschätzung. Berichte zu Murrays Gemütszustand seien stark übertrieben, er sei nicht suizidgefährdet, hieß es.
Poor Murray. Was soll das jetzt? Eine kleine Schauspieleinlage um zu zeigen, wie ungerecht er doch behandelt wurde? Zumal er doch sowieso, laut neuen kalifornischen Recht, in Hausarrest kommt. Da soll er sich mal nicht beklagen, andere trifft es viel härter^^
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Noch ist unklar, wieviel Geld Murray für die Dokumentation erhalten hat. Fest steht nur, dass er maßgeblich in den Deal mit Zodiak involviert war. Und das schon seit 2009. In dem Jahr, in dem der King of Pop an einer Überdosis Propofol unter Aufsicht von Dr. Conrad Murray starb.
Na, da hat Murray ja schon mal fleißg vorgearbeitet, um auch noch daraus Kapital zu schlagen...."poor Murray". Der Satz gefällt mir irgendwie. :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 10:00
Jacko-Arzt wird rund um die Uhr bewacht

09.11.2011 — 00:21 Uhr

wR4IYA murray 4h343.bild
Dr. Conrad Murray (58) während der Urteilsverkündung

Geschockt hört Dr. Conrad Murray (58) das Urteil. Guilty! Schuldig! Verantwortlich für den Tod von Pop-Ikone Michael Jackson († 50)! Jackos Leibarzt drohen vier Jahre Haft. Für den Pfuscher-Doc eine Horror-Vorstellung!


Jetzt wird der prominenteste Knacki der USA rund um die Uhr bewacht!

Minuten nach dem Urteil wurde Murray in Handschellen in den Medizinflügel des „County Men´s Central Jail“ von Los Angeles gebracht.

Seine erste Haftmahlzeit: Sandwich, Fruchtpunsch und Kekse. Er sitzt in einer Einzelzelle, hat keinen Kontakt zu den 5 000 Mithäftlingen. Wärter begleiten ihn sogar zur Dusche.

Das Strafmaß für Murray will Richter Pastor am 29. November verkünden.

Hoffnung für den Doc: Selbst wenn die Höchststrafe von vier Jahren verhängt wird, könnte er wegen des Platzmangels in Kaliforniens Gefängnissen nach wenigen Monaten frei sein.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 10:14
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Und die Familie wusste das doch! Wenn sie MJ selbst als "nicht fähig" ein Konzert zu machen, beurteilen, warum hat die Familie nicht im Vorfeld was dagegen unternommen? Das die ganzen Produzenten/Veranstalter sich nicht viel Gedanken machen, ob der "Star" nun dazu wirklich in der Lage ist, ist doch klar. Das ist das Musikgeschäft und das müssten die Jackson's mitlerweile schon kennen.
na klar, war sich die Familie bewusst, dass es für MJ fast unmöglich werden könnte, diese vielen Konzerte zu geben ... aber MJ war ein 50jähriger Mann, der sich nicht unbedingt etwas von seiner Familie und auch anderen Menschen aus seinem engeren Umfeld, vorschreiben ließ ... ich denke solche Gespräche könnte er bereits im Keime erstickt haben, dass wird er sich nicht angehört haben ...
nur dann, wenn er es wollte, denn dann, hätte er ja wohl auch seinen Dad zu Rate gezogen ...

so "außenstehend" ist es doch schwer zu beurteilen, was haben/wollten die Jacksons wirklich tun, um Michael Jackson zu unterstützen ... da fehlt uns sehr viel "Background" ...

ja, das Showbiz ist ein Haifischbecken, da wird kein "Kuschelkurs" gefahren ... :)

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 10:21

aus dem Eintrag von heute um 09:45h
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Einer der Murray-Anwälte bestätigte auf Anfrage den "suicide watch". Der ehemalige Leibarzt von Michael Jackson habe aber bisher nicht angedroht, sich das Leben nehmen zu wollen. Das Sheriff-Department bestätigt diese Einschätzung. Berichte zu Murrays Gemütszustand seien stark übertrieben, er sei nicht suizidgefährdet, hieß es.
das denke ich auch ... da übertreiben die Medien mal wieder ... natürlich ist es oftmals schwer, wirklich zu erkennen, ob sich einer das Leben nehmen möchte ... vor allem, wenn KEINE Suizidgedanken geäußert werden ...

aber Murray hat bisher zu keinem Zeitpunkt den Eindruck vermittelt, dass er "das Leben" nicht mehr erträgt ... eher doch das Gegenteil ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 10:28
Murrays Lizenz für Kalifornien

UnS7FO murrays lizenzOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 10:29
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:so "außenstehend" ist es doch schwer zu beurteilen, was haben/wollten die Jacksons wirklich tun, um Michael Jackson zu unterstützen ... da fehlt uns sehr viel "Background" ...

ja, das Showbiz ist ein Haifischbecken, da wird kein "Kuschelkurs" gefahren ... :)
Die Famile hätte also sowieso nichts tun können, und wenn sie es trotzdem tat, dann war es immer noch MJ Entscheidung. Und er wollte ja die Konzerte unbeding, wie man ja mehrmals hören konnte. Also gezwungen wurde er dazu sicherlich nicht. Vielleicht sehr falsch beraten, aber gezwungen wohl nicht.

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