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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 10:37
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Die Famile hätte also sowieso nichts tun können, und wenn sie es trotzdem tat, dann war es immer noch MJ Entscheidung. Und er wollte ja die Konzerte unbeding, wie man ja mehrmals hören konnte. Also gezwungen wurde er dazu sicherlich nicht. Vielleicht sehr falsch beraten, aber gezwungen wohl nicht.
genau, die Jacksons hätten eh nichts ausrichten können, die Entscheidung lag bei MJ ...

ich glaube auch nicht, dass man ihn zu den Konzerten gezwungen hätte ... ich gehe eher davon aus, dass man ihm hinsichtlich seiner "Finanzlage" Märchen erzählt hatte und da schien er wohl absolut keinen Überblick zu haben ... er führte ein sehr "verschwenderisches" Leben, auch wenn er das Geld nicht immer nur für sich und seine Kids verbrauchte ... ich denke auch, es waren viele "falsche" Berater um ihn herum ... wie auch in den vielen Jahren vorher auch ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 10:53
ghost777 schrieb:
Noch ist unklar, wieviel Geld Murray für die Dokumentation erhalten hat. Fest steht nur, dass er maßgeblich in den Deal mit Zodiak involviert war. Und das schon seit 2009. In dem Jahr, in dem der King of Pop an einer Überdosis Propofol unter Aufsicht von Dr. Conrad Murray starb.
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Na, da hat Murray ja schon mal fleißg vorgearbeitet, um auch noch daraus Kapital zu schlagen...."poor Murray". Der Satz gefällt mir irgendwie. :D
ja, das hatten wir auch schon in den anderen, bereits geschlossenen, Threads ... der Titel könnte ja auch lauten "Dr. Conrad Murray, der Mann hinter den Kulissen"

die Idee zur Dokumentation besteht ja schon lange ...

3U8fz5 imdb murray

da wird doch all und jeder aufgeführt, der mal ein Wort von sich gegeben hat, was im TV usw. zu hören war ... hat also nicht allzu viel "Aussagekraft" ...

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 11:11
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ich denke auch, es waren viele "falsche" Berater um ihn herum ... wie auch in den vielen Jahren vorher auch ...
Richtig. Ein allgemeins Problem das wohl MJ immer wieder hatte.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:die Idee zur Dokumentation besteht ja schon lange ...
Ja, gleich nach MJ's tot, wurde da kräftig schon mal darüber nachgedacht, wie man auch daraus noch Kapital schlagen kann. Der Titel könnte auch so heißen: "Murray, der unsichtbare Dritte" :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 11:14
mein Eintrag von gestern um 21:47h, Sorry, ein kleiner "Fehler" ... :D :D

da geht es natürlich nicht nur um die Doku von Murray sondern auch um zu erwartende Interviews usw.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Es wurde eine Petition in´s Leben gerufen, wegen der Doku von Murray
A Petition Against Conrad Murray To Profit from Michael Jacksons' Murder

Boycott Conrad Murray Media Deals (Archiv-Version vom 09.11.2011)


I Pledge to Boycott any
Blood Money Opportunist that tries to capitalize on the Michael Jackson
Homicide and/or Trial!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 11:18
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Der Titel könnte auch so heißen: "Murray, der unsichtbare Dritte" :D
ja, auch gut ... da könnte dann TMZ, gleich mal ein Voting starten ... jqpzyq


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 11:25
NBC, Nine Network, C4 to rush to air Conrad Murray doc

1 day ago by Adam Benzine

HvfBUs Dr-Conrad-MurrayOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

NBC, MSNBC, Australian broadcaster Nine Network and UK net Channel 4 are among the broadcasters that will rush to air a documentary boasting exclusive access to Dr Conrad Murray (pictured), who was today convicted for the involuntary manslaughter of late singer Michael Jackson.

Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship (1 x 50-minutes) and an accompanying exclusive news interview with Murray (1 x 15-minutes) have both been produced by UK indie October Films, in association with What’s It All About? Productions.

The documentary, from director Tom Roberts, promises to explore “the surreal world inhabited by Jackson in the last three months of his life,” while also examining “his fatal friendship with the doctor he handpicked to care for himself and his children.”

The two companies secured exclusive access to Murray in November 2009, prior to him being charged, and “filmed with Dr Murray throughout the intervening two years and have continued to record with him during the trial,” according to Zodiak Rights, which is handling distribution and pre-sales for the project.

Jane Millichip, executive producer for Zodiak Rights, said: “The combination of unique access and first-rate filmmaking make this documentary and news interview truly landmark television. The collaboration of MSNBC, NBC, Nine Network and Channel 4 has been vital in delivering this great piece of television.”

Nine Network in Australia is slated to be first off the block, airing the documentary this coming Thursday (November 10), while MSNBC in the U.S. will air the documentary a day later (November 11), at 10 p.m. EST and again on Sunday (November 13) at 9 p.m. EST. Channel 4 in the UK will also transmit later this week.

Zodiak said it has brought on board more than 10 more international broadcasters who will swiftly follow with their transmissions.

The exclusive news interview with Murray was conducted by UK-based journalist Steve Hewlett on Sunday, October 30, and is billed as the only interview Murray will conduct.

Adam Bullmore, executive producer for October Films, said: “Made with remarkable levels of access and complete editorial independence, we believe this film was the most complete and accurate story of what really happened to Michael Jackson and Conrad Murray on June 25, 2009, and why.”

The news comes after a jury today found the Texas physician, who administered a powerful surgical anesthetic to Michael Jackson hours before his death in 2009, guilty of involuntary manslaughter following a six-week trial. Murray now faces up to four years in prison and the suspension of his medical license.

Tags: Channel 4, Conrad Murray, Dr Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson, Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship, MSNBC, NBC, Nine Network, October Films, Tom Roberts, What’s It All About? Productions, Zodiak Rights


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 11:48
Michael Jackson: angeblich hysterisch

09.11.2011 10:00 Uhr

Erstaunlich: Michael Jackson (+50) soll vor seinem Tod die Kontrolle verloren haben.

Nach der Verurteilung von Dr. Conrad Murray kommen immer neue Gerüchte über den Musiker ('Billy Jean') ans Tageslicht. Der Star starb 2009 an einer Propofol-Vergiftung und der Arzt streitet nach wie vor ab, seinem Patienten die tödliche Dosis des Narkosemedikaments verabreicht zu haben.

Murray arbeitete in den letzten zwei Jahren an einem Dokumentarfilm über seinen berühmten Schützling, bei dem auch die Vorbereitungen auf den Prozess gezeigt werden. Er spricht darin über den Tod des Künstlers und erzählt, wie verzweifelt er nach dem Propofol, das er angeblich seine 'besondere Milch' nannte, verlangt habe um schlafen zu können.

"Er bettelte und jammerte, dass ich ihm doch bitte bitte etwas von seiner Milch geben solle, denn es war das einzige, was ihm half", sagt Murray in dem Film laut dem britischen Blatt 'The Daily Mirror'. "Er konnte einfach nicht schlafen. Haben Sie schon jemals das Bild von ihm in dem Video von 'Thriller' gesehen, wo er so geschminkt war? So hysterisch sah er aus."

'Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship' soll der Dokumentarfilm heißen und am Freitag in den USA ausgestrahlt werden. Murray spricht darin über seine Versuche, den Superstar zu retten und über die Beziehung der beiden.

Der Mediziner wurde am Montag von den Geschworenen schuldig gesprochen und in Handschellen abgeführt. Bis zum 29. November wird er in Untersuchungshaft bleiben - dann hat er den nächsten Gerichtstermin, bei dem die Strafe verkündet wird.

Es drohen dem Mann bis zu vier Jahre Haft, doch die Jackson-Familie findet, das sei noch zu wenig. "Dr. Murray hat mit meinem Bruder Frankenstein-Medizin geübt. Er sollte bis zum Ende seiner Tage im Knast bleiben", wetterte Tito Jackson. "Er sollt Michael zu einer besseren Gesundheit und Sicherheit verhelfen und das tun, was richtig ist. Er folgte nicht dem Gesetz. Ärzte sollen Leben retten, nicht Leben nehmen."

Auch Katherine Jackson möchte den Arzt länger hinter Gittern sehen: "Ich fühle mich emotional ausgeblutet und der Schmerz in mir geht nicht vorbei, weil sie Michael nicht zurück bringen können. Dr. Murray verdient eine längere Strafe. Söhne sollten ihre Eltern begraben, nicht Eltern ihre Söhne. Ich kann Dr. Murray niemals vergeben, was er Michael angetan hat", klagte die Mutter von Michael Jackson.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 11:55
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Murray arbeitete in den letzten zwei Jahren an einem Dokumentarfilm über seinen berühmten Schützling, bei dem auch die Vorbereitungen auf den Prozess gezeigt werden.
Krass 2 Jahre hat er dran gearbeitet an der Doku ......hatte er nicht andere Probleme als die Doku zu drehen..... also ich an seiner Stelle hätte für sowas keine Ruhe oder Lust ghabt....ich würde täglich mit der Angst leben schuldig gesprochen zu werden und 4 Jahre in Bau zu gehen .... aber der Murray scheint ja noch angebrühter und kälter zu sein als ich den bisher eingeschätzt habe

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 12:10
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Sorry, aber du machst nur Werbung für dieses Buch! Es haben schon viele Menschen über MJ geschrieben, ob man dem allen Glauben schenken soll, ist sehr fraglich. Der Herr Wiesner reiht sich nur zu den anderen ein, und ich glaube kaum das der so was "aufschreckendes" zu berichten hat.
Merchandising schrieb:
Lies erst, dann Urteile!!! Du wirst sehr erstaunt sein!

Hast du es schon gelesen ????

Merchandising schrieb:
Sehr viele Warheiten, dass wird einige Menschen sehr, sehr sehr aufschrecken!!!

damit hast du aber nicht meine Frage beantwortet ... ;)
leider ist meine Frage von @Merchandising nicht beantwortet worden ...

Wo sind die Erkenntnisse her, dass @Merchandising sagen kann, es wird einige Menschen "sehr, sehr, sehr" aufschrecken ??? hat er da Insiderwissen ??? :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 12:27
Zitat von FunnyKerstinFunnyKerstin schrieb:Krass 2 Jahre hat er dran gearbeitet an der Doku ......hatte er nicht andere Probleme als die Doku zu drehen..... also ich an seiner Stelle hätte für sowas keine Ruhe oder Lust ghabt....ich würde täglich mit der Angst leben schuldig gesprochen zu werden und 4 Jahre in Bau zu gehen .... aber der Murray scheint ja noch angebrühter und kälter zu sein als ich den bisher eingeschätzt habe
ja, beim Prozess hat Murray von seinem Aussageverweigerungsrecht Gebrauch gemacht -- da gab es ja auch kein Geld für *ganzböseangemerkt* -- bzw. er hätte sich vermutlich selbst mehr geschadet, als dass es ihm geholfen hätte ... im Kreuzverhör wäre er bestimmt von Walgren auseinander genommen worden ... es hätte fatale Folgen für ihn haben können ... und seit 2 Jahren beschäftigt er sich mit einer Dokumentation, um seine Sicht der Dinge darzulegen ... das ist schon sehr krass ...

seit MJs Tod hat Murray doch keine Emotionen gezeigt, es sei denn, da war ne Kamera und die Aufnahmen von Murray sollten ihn als "Gutmensch" zeigen, für den zu erwartenden Prozess ...
neeee, dass waren bestimmt auch Aufnahmen für seine Doku ... :D

und sein "Schnuckelchen" Nicole Alvarez hat doch auch nicht dazu beigetragen, dass man Murray als "Opfer" hätte erkennen können ...

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 13:02
das ist der Quellenbericht vom fan-lexikon .... Eintrag von heute um 11:48h

Michael Jackson doctor Conrad Murray in TV drug plea claim

Michael Jackson Arzt Conrad Murray hält im TV Medikamenten Plädoyer

by Tom Bryant, Daily Mirror 9/11/2011

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Conrad Murray watches Alberto Alvarez, one of Michael Jackson's security guards, testify (Pic: AP)

THE doctor who killed Michael Jackson has finally broken his silence to reveal the singer’s final words in a tell-all TV interview.

Conrad Murray claimed: “He was pleading and begging to please, please let him have some milk because that was the only thing that would work.”

“Milk” is understood to be a reference to the drug propofol, which Jackson overdosed on.

Murray sparked fury by refusing to give evidence at his manslaughter trial to explain how Jackson died.

But the 58-year-old did discuss the superstar’s last moments in an interview to be screened on Channel Four – probably during next week.

Murray also described how Jackson looked before he died, saying: “He really could not sleep.

“Have you ever seen the Thriller image when he was made up? He looked that hysterical.”

It was unclear last night whether the doctor had been paid for the interview, in which he also details what happened after he found Jackson’s lifeless body, describing his CPR efforts and the security guard’s emergency 911 call. Murray also talks about how close he was to Jackson.

An excerpt from the documentary, Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship, was shown on breakfast TV in the US yesterday and it will be screened in full on Friday evening.

Last night Jacko’s brother Tito said Murray should be jailed “for life”.

“Dr Murray was practising Frankenstein medicine on my brother,” said Tito, 58. “He should spend the rest of his life in jail.”

“He was supposed to guide Michael to better health and safety and do what was right for him. He did not follow the law. Doctors are supposed to save lives, not take them.”

Jacko’s mother Katherine, 81, said: “The verdict was bitter sweet.

“I was drained emotionally and the pain and hurt I feel inside has never left as they can not bring Michael back. Dr Murray deserves a longer jail sentence. Sons are supposed to bury their parents, not parents bury their sons. I can never forgive Dr Murray for what he did to Michael.”

Meanwhile, it emerged yesterday how Murray has been placed on suicide watch at Los Angeles County Jail.

The doctor has also been given a single cell “for his own protection”.

A source said: “He’s been deemed a ‘keep away inmate’ and guards have to ensure he has no one near him as they’re worried about reprisals from other prisoners.”

Last night there were conflicting reports about how long Murray, convicted on Monday of involuntary manslaughter, would be sentenced to on November 29.

The maximum sentence is four years. But some legal experts said he could benefit from a new California law that deals with chronic overcrowding in the state’s prison system – and could serve just a few months.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 13:15
Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray odds on to serve time in jail for involuntary manslaughter

Michael Jacksons Arzt Conrad Murray wird sehr wahrscheinlich Zeit im Gefängnis verbüßen, wegen fahrlässiger Tötung

By Derek McGovern 9/11/2011

sEQlH3 michael-jackson-rehearses-at-the-
Michael Jackson rehearses at the Staples Center in Los Angeles on Tuesday, June 23 (Pic:AP Photo/ Kevin Mazur, AEG/Getty Images)

Michael Jackson's doctor Conrad Murray was romancing two cocktail waitresses and a stripper around the time the singer died.

The world-famous performer could not possibly have been getting the attention he craved while that was going on but Tiger said he has forgiven all three.

Murray was this week found guilty of involuntary weirdoslaughter and will learn his sentence later this month. The judge won't read it out, he'll write it in illegible scrawl.

Facing a maximum four years in prison, Murray, who has seven children, is expected to plead for the maximum sentence.

Paddy Power offer 4-5 for Murray to serve time behind bars, which looks a bigger cert than the guilty verdict.

He's 6-1 for a sentence of between three to four years, almost on a par with one of Garth Crooks'.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 13:39
das Wort enablers ist schwer zu übersetzen ... es könnte Ermöglicher, Befähiger, Helfer, Auslöser bedeuten ...
auch in anderen Translater-Foren ist man sich nicht so ganz einig, über die
zutreffendste Übersetzung ... man könnte es aber auch auf den Punkt bringen, dann wäre DEALER, eigentlich das richtige Wort in diesem Zusammenhang ...

Conrad Murray another in a long line of celebrity enablers

Conrad Murray ein anderer, in einer langen Reihe von Prominenten "Helfern"

Michael Jackson's doctor is just like Cathy Smith, who killed John Belushi

Originally Published: Wednesday, November 9 2011, 7:00 AM

ixXOAX murray nydaily news
Dr. Conrad Murray, found guilty on Monday, is just another doctor who couldn't say no to Michael Jackson.

Dr. Conrad Murray and Cathy Smith have a lot in common. He was convicted Monday of involuntary manslaughter; she was found guilty of the same charge in 1986. They both injected drugs into famous people — killing them.

Murray killed Michael Jackson with propofol, and Smith killed John Belushi with cocaine and heroin speedballs. But Smith was a groupie and a drug dealer, making money off drug-addled celebrities and becoming part of their entourage.

Was Murray any different?

For the promise of $150,000 a month and the thrill of treating the King of Pop, Murray gave the 50-year-old Jackson intravenous anesthesia every night for two months. It’s the kind of thing most people only get when they’re about to undergo surgery. And, oops, Murray never got paid. That’s what happens when you kill the guy who signs the checks.

What a fall from grace. Not only was Murray a physician, he was a specialist: a cardiologist who’d trained at the Mayo Clinic. His father, Rawle Andrews, was also a doctor, but Murray never met him until he was 25, since he’d been left back in Grenada as his father practiced in America.

Jackson knew his dad, unfortunately. Joe Jackson, who had the nerve to attend the trial, was a monster, not a father, who mocked and humiliated Michael, and his mother, Katherine, didn’t protect him.

Along with his four brothers, Michael Jackson was turned at the age of 8 into a cash-generating machine. And because his talent was as faceted as a paragon diamond, he bore the brunt of the abuse.

“I didn’t have a childhood,” Jackson slurred in an audiotape played at Murray’s trial. Listen to it on YouTube, and try to fathom how this can be the same man who danced and moonwalked and did vocal percussion even as he sang “Billie Jean” on the show “Motown 25” in 1983.

On the tape, which Murray recorded a month before Jackson died, the Gloved One is stoned out of his mind at 9:30 a.m. He may have been trying to commit pharmaceutical suicide with Murray’s help.

Next, Murray will be stripped of his license to practice medicine. When Jackson asked him for propofol, or “amnesia milk,” Murray should have said one little word, the one that nurse Cherilyn Lee had said to Jackson: “No.” For that, she paid a price. Jackson never asked her back again.

Murray and other Dr. Feelgoods, like the shrink convicted of procuring drugs for Anna Nicole Smith, like whoever has been prescribing “medicine” for Lindsay Lohan, should resist the money and the desire to be groupies.

They should remember their oath as physicians: First, do no harm. (Archiv-Version vom 10.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 14:23
Das 54.885-square-foot ( 1 square foot = 0,0929 m² / also 5.098,8165 ~ 5.099 m²) große Haus steht zum Verkauf, aber NICHT zur Versteigerung. Der Preis wurde nicht bekannt gegeben, aber ähnliche Häuser in der Umgebung sind mit $ 18.000.000 aufgelistet und höher.

Das Haus hat sechs Schlafzimmer und 10 Kamine. Es hat auch einen Weinkeller, Fitness-Center und Ess- und Wohnzimmer.

Bisher konnte das Haus ja nicht verkauft werden ... verständlich, denn es war ja täglich "Besuch" zu erwarten, Fans schreckte auch das fremde Eigentum nicht davon ab, dort zu versuchen, evtl. auch auf das Grundstück zu kommen ... dem wurde ja wohl endlich etwas abgeholfen ...

ja, und nun will man auch noch mit dem Mobiliar "Geld" machen ... na, OK, wer es dann braucht ...
nur weil MJ evtl. dies und jenes mal berührt hatte, zu kaufen, wirklich verstehen muß ich es ja nicht ...

AP Exclusive: Contents of Michael Jackson’s final home to be sold at auction

AP Exklusiv: Hausrat von Michael Jacksons letztem Zuhause, soll auf einer Auktion verkauft werden

By Associated Press, Updated: Wednesday, November 9, 11:19 AM

LOS ANGELES — The bed where Michael Jackson took his last breath is up for sale.

The queen-size piece is among hundreds of items from the Holmby Hills mansion where Jackson spent his final days that are set to hit the auction block next month.

qtfJFo hilmby hills verkaufOriginal anzeigen (0,3 MB)

“We want to preserve the history of these items,” said celebrity auctioneer Darren Julien, president of Julien’s Auctions, which will sell the various antique furnishings, paintings and sculptures that surrounded the King of Pop as he prepared for a series of comeback concerts. The Carolwood Drive home where Jackson lived with his three children from December 2008 until his death on June 25, 2009, is separately up for sale.

A note from one of the children remains on a chalkboard inside the home’s sprawling kitchen, where three barstools were lined up against the center island — a perfect breakfast spot for the kids. “I (heart) Daddy. SMILE, it’s for free,” the chalk note reads in childlike scrawl. The chalkboard will be sold as-is, and is expected to fetch more than $400.

At the very moment on Monday that Dr. Conrad Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson’s death, reporters were eerily taking a private preview tour of the three-story home where the pop star lived and died.

The bedroom shown in evidence photos at Murray’s criminal trial was actually considered a “medication room” by the Jackson team. Murray was found guilty of supplying an insomnia-plagued Jackson with the powerful operating-room anesthetic propofol to help him sleep as he rehearsed for his comeback.

Jackson maintained an adjacent bedroom that he regarded as his inner sanctum — a private place only for him.

It is in this second bedroom that the pop star wrote a message to himself on the mirror of an antique armoire. “TRAIN, perfection, March April. FULL OUT May,” it reads. Jackson was to begin his London concert run in July.

His private bedroom included a bathroom larger than most living rooms and two massive walk-in closets.

Among the items for sale in the medication room, where evidence was collected for Murray’s trial, are upholstered chairs smudged with Jackson’s makeup and Jackson’s death bed, which looks out to an expansive backyard surrounded by tall trees. The yard is anchored by a large swimming pool and a pool house, where the singer’s son Prince carved his name on a beeswax candle.

The medication room, on the top floor, leads to another walk-in closet and bathroom, where Jackson’s makeup still remains on a small silk-covered stool beneath the vanity.

Curving staircases on each side of the mansion’s most famous room lead down to the kitchen and the elegant foyer, where a grand piano sits topped with crystal candlesticks.

The home and its décor, which Jackson leased, are reminiscent of Neverland Ranch, Jackson’s famous estate near Santa Barbara, said Martin J. Nolan, executive director of Julien’s Auctions.

“He loved it because it was like Neverland,” Nolan said. “It was a very happy place where he spent his final days.”

Julien’s Auctions sold collectibles from the Neverland Ranch in April of 2009.

Like Neverland, the Carolwood house features its own movie theater — this one outfitted entirely in burgundy velvet with loveseat-style sofas and a fresco of a cloud-dotted sky on the ceiling.

Katherine Jackson’s attorney, Perry Sanders Jr., said he is aware of the Carolwood auction and has “done everything we can to ascertain that items from this address are not being auctioned using Michael’s name and likeness to enhance the items’ value.”

Built in 2000 and designed by architect Richard Landry, the house at 100 North Carolwood Drive looks like a French chateau and is dominated by 18th and 19th century French décor. The walls are lined with various watercolor and acrylic paintings and sculptures fill nooks in the den and family rooms.

The 54,885-square-foot home is for sale, but not up for auction. The price was not disclosed but similar homes in the area are listed at $18 million and up.

The house has six bedrooms and 10 fireplaces. It also has a wine cellar, fitness center and formal dining and sitting rooms.

Photos of the house and the items available for sale are featured in a limited-edition auction catalog, which is being sold for $100. The catalog and auction are carefully titled “100 North Carolwood Drive” and the words “Michael Jackson” are not mentioned in promotional materials.

Highlights from the sale will be on view at a free exhibition at Julien’s Auctions in Beverly Hills, Calif., beginning Dec. 12. The auction is set for Dec. 17.

Celebrity home tours still regularly pass by the property. On the day of Murray’s conviction, a tour guide could be heard telling passengers, “This is the home of Michael Jackson, where he passed away.”
AP Entertainment Writer Anthony McCartney contributed to this report.

in Verbindung stehende Berichte:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 14:30

Dr. Conrad Murray: Keine Suizidgefahr
Dr. Conrad Murray, der einstige Leibarzt von Michael Jackson steht nicht wegen Selbstmordgefährdung unter Sonderbewachung, wie jetzt bestätigt wurde.
Zuvor hatte es Berichte gegeben, dass Dr. Conrad Murray (58) sorgfältig überwacht würde, für den Fall, dass er versuchen sollte, sich selbst etwas anzutun. Nun allerdings heisst es, dass dies nicht der Wahrheit entspreche. Der Mediziner wurde in die 'Twin Tower Correctional Facility' in Los Angeles überführt, nachdem er der fahrlässigen Tötung von Jackson ('Billy Jean') für schuldig befunden worden war. Obwohl der einstige Vertraute des King of Pop in einem medizinischen Hochsicherheitsflügel des Gefängnisses in Gewahrsam ist, verkündete ein Gesetzeshüter, dass er nicht unter Selbstmordüberwachung stehe. «Es gibt keinen medizinischen Grund dafür», teilte Deputy Jeff Cannon der 'Daily News' mit. «Es ist eine Frage der Einfachheit, bis sie entscheiden, wo sie ihn unterbringen können.
Dr. Conrad Murray befindet sich in einem medizinischen Hochsicherheitsflügel
Es sind dort prozentual mehr Angestellte als Insassen.

Gefahr für die Gesellschaft
Dr. Conrad Murray wurde von Richter Michael Pastor als eine Gefahr für die Gesellschaft bezeichnet und der Rechtssprecher ordnete an, dass der Arzt bis zum 29. November in Untersuchungshaft bleibe. Dann wird er dafür verurteilt, die tödliche Dosis des Narkosemedikaments Propofol verabreicht zu haben, die den Sänger umbrachte. Ausserdem kam ans Licht, dass der Doktor eine Dokumentation über Jackson drehte, seit der Musiker im Juni 2009 verstarb. Der Film trägt den Titel 'Michael Jackson and The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship' und dokumentiert das Leben des Mediziners während der vergangenen beiden Jahre. Dr. Conrad Murray, der nun ein verurteilter Verbrecher ist, drohen bis zu vier Jahre Haft für sein Vergehen.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 14:30
Conrad Murray Juror
The Decision Was Easy

Conrad Murray Juror
Die Entscheidung war einfach

11/9/2011 1:00 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

ENMjvK 1107-conrad-murray-ex

A juror in the Conrad Murray trial tells TMZ ... the decision to find Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter was not difficult, and jurors were all in agreement early on in the deliberation process.

The juror -- who asked not to be identified -- tells us jurors were not conflicted and that "it was a concrete decision."

The juror also said the jurors were unified early on ... long before they ended their 8-plus hours of deliberations.

As for what swayed the jury, the juror did not want to speak for the others but said it was the totality of the evidence. We asked if Murray's 2-hour interview with LAPD detectives was a turning point, but the juror said it wasn't. The juror said the body of evidence -- not one individual item -- was just overwhelming.

The juror is "glad it's over" and is happy to return to "normal life."


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09.11.2011 um 14:40
Michael Jackson's Family Suing Concert Promoter AEG

Michael Jacksons Familie verklagt Concert Promoter AEG

5:07 a.m. PST, November 9, 2011

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Jackson family suing "This Is It" concert promoter AEG (Getty Images)

LOS ANGELES (KTLA) -- The conviction of Dr. Conrad Murray for involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson clears the way for a civil lawsuit by the pop star's family against entertainment giant AEG.

The wrongful death suit is being brought by Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, and his three children.

The family alleges that AEG pressured Jackson to do a comeback tour that he was in no shape to carry out. AEG was supposed to run Jackson's "This Is It" tour.

An attorney for the Jackson family says Dr. Conrad Murray's conviction was just the beginning of bringing forth the truth, and that forces much larger than Murray were involved in Jackson's death.

In court papers, lawyers for the Jacksons have portrayed AEG as a heartless and profit-driven company. They say that pressure from AEG to put on the tour pushed Jackson toward Dr. Murray for nightly doses of the powerful anesthetic propofol for insomnia.

"AEG said that if they called off the Tour, there would be lawsuits and Jackson's career would be over," the family's lawyers said in a complaint last year. "They [AEG] said Jackson must work with Murray."

The Jackson's also claim that AEG's contract with the singer meant the company had a legal duty to "treat him safely and to not put him in harm's way." The family says AEG breached that contract by hiring Murray, who it knew would go along with their sole interest -- making money off the concerts.

The Jacksons are seeking an unspecified amount of money.

AEG has denied the allegations, saying in court filings that it "in no way controlled" Jackson, who they say had the option to terminate Murray's services.

During Murray's criminal trial, three AEG officials took the stand. They each testified that the company had no indication that Murray was anything less than competent as a physician.

One of those witnesses was Kathy Jorrie, the lawyer who helped draft Murray's contract. She said Murray told her repeatedly that Jackson was in perfect health.

The company also claims it was Jackson's choice to hire Murray. They had wanted to hire a British doctor, but Jackson maintained he needed his own doctor, available to him 24-seven, AEG CEO Randy Phillips said.

Earlier this year, a judge threw out parts of the suit, including allegations of fraud an infliction of emotional distress on Jackson's children. But the judge ruled that claims of breach of contract and negligence in hiring Murray could move forward.

The case is set for trial next September.

Jackson's father, Joe Jackson, has filed a separate civil claim against Murray.

Legal experts speculate that the two cases may be combined.

Information from The Los Angeles Times,0,7055280.story (Archiv-Version vom 20.09.2012)


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09.11.2011 um 14:44
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Zuvor hatte es Berichte gegeben, dass Dr. Conrad Murray (58) sorgfältig überwacht würde, für den Fall, dass er versuchen sollte, sich selbst etwas anzutun. Nun allerdings heisst es, dass dies nicht der Wahrheit entspreche.
na, ich bin auch nicht der Meinung, dass Murray suizidgefährdet sei ... da haben wohl die Medien wieder mal "überreagiert" ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.11.2011 um 15:00
Conrad Murray isn't on suicide watch: officials

Conrad Murray wird nicht wegen Selbstmord beobachtet: Bedienstete

By Ben Tracy
November 9, 2011 7:33 AM

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Dr. Conrad Murray listening as guilty verdict was read Monday (Al Seib)

(CBS News) A Los Angeles County Jail spokesperson says there is no truth to reports that Dr. Conrad Murray is on suicide watch as he awaits sentencing after his involuntary manslaughter conviction in the death of Michael Jackson, reports CBS News national correspondent Ben Tracy.

Murray will be spending the next three weeks at the jail in downtown L. A.

He'll reportedly be kept alone, in his own cell.

"Conrad Murray is considered to be a 'keep away' inmate," says CBS News legal analyst Trent Copeland, "and that means he's going to be kept away from the general population. He won't eat with them. He won't visit with them. He won't spend any time on the yard with them. Conrad Murray will be kept in virtual isolation. Really, it's all for his own safety."

Special coverage: The trial of Dr. Conrad Murray;contentBody

Murray will likely lose his medical license, and faces up to four years in prison.

But many legal experts say he'll probably serve far less, and probably in a jail, because California's prisons are so overcrowded.

Pictures: Verdict day for Dr. Conrad Murray;
Pictures: Who's-who in the trial of Dr. Conrad Murray;contentBody
Pictures: Michael Jackson's doctor's trial;contentBody

"It's overcrowded on the state level," Copeland observes. "It's overcrowded on the local level. And on the state level, they can't just release you to the streets, so they release you to the L.A. County facilities. And because L.A. County facilities can't house you, they then release you house arrest, electronic monitoring, and in some instances where it's a low-level crime, they even release you to beach clean-up."

Despite his role in the death of a pop icon, even the prosecution accepts the likely reality of a light sentence.

"It will be very difficult to achieve an appropriate sentence of incarceration for Dr. Conrad Murray," Los Angeles County District Attorney Steve Cooley conceded in a news conference.

However, the judge could opt for the maximum sentence. And he's already shown he intends to be tough on Murray, by immediately sending him to jail. Murray was led from the courtroom in handcuffs after the verdict was announced Monday.

"This is a crime where the end-result was the death of a human being," said Judge Michael Pastor. "That factor demonstrates rather dramatically that the public should be protected."

And while Murray's lawyers plan to appeal the verdict, he also faces civil suits alleging medical malpractice and wrongful death.

© 2011 CBS Interactive Inc. (Archiv-Version vom 10.11.2011)


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09.11.2011 um 15:26!/MJonlineteam

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A Message from John Branca and John McClain, Co-Executors of The Estate of Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson News
A Message from John Branca and John McClain, Co-Executors of The Estate of Michael Jackson

The Estate of Michael Jackson and Michael himself has always believed the jury system works and despite the tragedy that brought about this trial we are in agreement with the jury's verdict. In this case Justice has been served. Michael is missed on a daily basis but his genius and his music will be with us forever. He is "the greatest entertainer that has ever lived"
