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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 20:42
Er wollte nicht sterben!

Jermaine Jackson: Mein Bruder war nicht abhängig!
Donnerstag, 10. November 2011 | 19:17 Uhr | Laura S.

KeaGoI jermaine-jackson-ernst

Pünktlich zur Verurteilung des Michael Jackson-Arztes Conrad Murray (58) trat Jermaine Jackson (56) bei Talkmasterin Ellen DeGeneres (53) auf, um noch einmal allen Skeptikern die Stirn zu bieten. Seit dem tragischen Ableben des King of Pop (†50) im Juni 2009 wurden die mysteriösen Todesumstände immer wieder heiß diskutiert.

Sein Bruder sei weder drogenabhängig noch an einem jähen Lebensende interessiert gewesen, beteuert Jermaine. Der Leibarzt habe ihn falsch behandelt: „Michael wollte einfach nur schlafen, er wollte nicht sterben!“ Jedoch gab der 56-Jährige auch zu, dass sein Bruder einst das Verhalten eines Süchtigen an den Tag gelegt habe. In den frühen 00er Jahren soll er das Mittel Demerol „wegen Schmerzen“ in großen Mengen eingenommen haben. Dies habe er aber überstanden, laut Obduktionsbericht soll es keinerlei Anzeichen einer Sucht in jüngerer Zeit gegeben haben. Michael trage keine Schuld an seinem Tod.

„Er hat dem Arzt vertraut! Die grobe Fahrlässigkeit ist wirklich traurig, denn wir haben eine unglaubliche Person verloren. Den Urteilsspruch zu beobachten und zu hören, bringt Michael nicht zurück. Wir haben einen Bruder verloren.“ Wenn es nach Jermaine ginge, wäre die Strafe härter ausgefallen. „Das Strafmaß war zu locker... ihm Minimum zwei Jahre dafür zu geben, ein Menschenleben zu nehmen.“ Man solle vergessen, dass es sich dabei um Michael Jackson gehandelt habe - „überhaupt irgendjemandes Leben genommen zu haben“, könne mit einer solch geringen Strafe doch nicht sanktioniert werden, findet der ältere Bruder.

Die zahllosen Stimmen, die in den letzten Tagen laut wurden und das Urteil Murray/Jackson aus verschiedensten Blickwinkeln beleuchteten, es für gerechtfertigt oder übertrieben hielten, werden wohl lange nicht verebben. Hier sprach ein trauernder Bruder, dem, wie er sagt, „nichts ausreichen“ würde, um den Tod des Familienmitglieds zu sühnen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 20:50
Jermaine Jackson: "Murray hat nur noch das Geld gesehen"

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Jermaine Jackson ist überzeugt davon, dass Dr. Conrad Murray seine Pflichten als Arzt vernachlässigt hat, weil seine Hauptmotivation Geld war. Der Leibarzt von Michael Jackson wurde diese Woche der fahrlässigen Tötung an dem King of Pop schuldig gesprochen und nun erklärte Jacksons Bruder Jermaine in der britischen Fernsehsendung "Daybreak", was er von Murray hält. "Für einen Arzt hat er ziemlich viel Geld für seine Dienste berechnet. Er hätte Michaels Gesundheit als erste Priorität sehen sollen und nicht das Geld. Michael hat ihm vertraut. Ich glaube, es ging ihm hauptsächlich ums Geld."

Author WENN


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 21:00
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:"I think propofol is not recommended to be given in the home setting," Murray said, "but it is not contraindicated."
Klar, das Murray das sagt, steht auch nirgendswo, dass man es nicht darf, weil keiner ja auf die Idee gekommen wäre, sowas überhaupt zu machen...nur halt Murray. :D
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Under questioning by the "Today" show's Savannah Guthrie, Murray said it was not necessary for him to monitor Jackson because he had given him only a small dose of propofol, and he said that was the reason he didn't mention it to paramedics when they arrived at Jackson's mansion.
Ach, das sieht Dr.Murray so, er brauch den Patienten nicht zu beobachten, weil er ja nur 25mg gegeben hat. Selbst in Dr.Whites Abhandlungen über Propofol steht das aber ganz anders drin. Nicht zu vergessen, die anderen Medikamente die er vorher schon verabreicht hat. Aber das juckt Murray nicht die Bohne, der spritz munter drauf los, trampelt dann weg und überlässt den Pantienen seinem Schicksal :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 21:06
CNN Bericht wurde heute um 14:01h eingestellt ... dieser Bericht, war die Quelle für den nachfolgenden Bericht ...

Prince Jackson Steps Into Public Spotlight

14-Year-Old Son Of Late Pop Icon Says He Wants To Be TV, Movie Actor

By Alan Duke CNN
POSTED: 3:44 am EST November 10, 2011
UPDATED: 6:27 am EST November 10, 2011

vEIloF 29429519 640X480


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 21:34
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Klar, das Murray das sagt, steht auch nirgendswo, dass man es nicht darf, weil keiner ja auf die Idee gekommen wäre, sowas überhaupt zu machen...nur halt Murray. :D
ja, auf diese Ideen sind andere wohl kaum gekommen ... er vergisst nur, dass er auch dann für die häusliche Szenerie, das erforderlich Equipment hätte bereithalten sollen ... das hielt Murray aber nicht für so wichtig ... aber noch besser wäre es gewesen, er hätte von vornherein NEIN gesagt zu diesem Szenario ...
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ach, das sieht Dr.Murray so, er brauch den Patienten nicht zu beobachten, weil er ja nur 25mg gegeben hat. Selbst in Dr.Whites Abhandlungen über Propofol steht das aber ganz anders drin. Nicht zu vergessen, die anderen Medikamente die er vorher schon verabreicht hat. Aber das juckt Murray nicht die Bohne, der spritz munter drauf los, trampelt dann weg und überlässt den Pantienen seinem Schicksal :D
wer soll eigentlich dieses "Gesabbel" glauben, das Murray da von sich gibt ...

Bei seiner Befragung durch Savannah Guthrie, von der "Today" Show, sagte Murray, dass es für ihn nicht notwendig war, Jackson zu überwachen, weil er ihm nur eine kleine Dosis von Propofol gegeben hatte, und er sagte, dass das der Grund sei, warum er es nicht erwähnte, als die Sanitätern in die Jackson-Villa kamen.

er scheint offensichtlich nicht richtig zugehört zu haben, als die Experten im Zeugenstand waren, einschließlich Dr. White ...

da Murray die Standards of Care am Ar... vorbeigehen, ist es gut, dass man ihm die Lizenz
entzogen hat ... er ist wirklich eine Schande, für jeden verantwortungsbewussten Arzt ... :)

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 22:02
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ja, auf diese Ideen sind andere wohl kaum gekommen ... er vergisst nur, dass er auch dann für die häusliche Szenerie, das erforderlich Equipment hätte bereithalten sollen ... das hielt Murray aber nicht für so wichtig ..
Nein, er gab doch nur 25mg, verstehst du das denn nicht? :D Wie aber dann 15,5 Liter Propofol in 10 Wochen zustande kamen, ist völlig nebensächlich. Und monitoring hat Murray nicht nötig, wäre ja noch schöner, den Patienten so zu betüttel. :D
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:er scheint offensichtlich nicht richtig zugehört zu haben, als die Experten im Zeugenstand waren, einschließlich Dr. White ...

da Murray die Standards of Care am Ar... vorbeigehen, ist es gut, dass man ihm die Lizenz
entzogen hat ... er ist wirklich eine Schande, für jeden verantwortungsbewussten Arzt ...
Keine Einsicht hat Murray, deshalb auch eine Gefahr für die Öffentlichkeit, das hat Richter Pastor Michael schon richtig eingeschätzt.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 22:07
ach poor CONRAD MURRAY nein, dich trifft keine Schuld ... Schuld haben neben Michael Jackson, auch viele andere ... der hat dir nicht alles über seine Anamnese erzählt, ja MJ hat gelogen, definitiv ... aber Dr. Murray, hast du je in Erwägung gezogen "auszusteigen" ... einfach NEIN zu sagen zu dieser
Behandlung ??? nein, sonst wäre es ja nicht geschehen, dass MJ nun Tod ist ...
zumindest, wärst du aus dem Schneider ... aber Dr. Murray, das Geld war verlockend, deine "Attraktivität" war gestiegen ... du hast alle Gefahren in "Kauf" genommen, nur wegen deiner persönlichen Annehmlichkeiten ... Dr. Murray, du sagst er wäre dein Freund gewesen ??? warum hast du ihm dann nicht geholfen, seine Sucht los zu werden, und ihm kompetente Fachärzte zur Seite gestellt ... nein, da hattest du Angst, dass dich MJ verbannt, wie so viele andere Menschen aus seinem engeren Umfeld ... aber sich jetzt hinzustellen und allen immer wieder zu sagen, ach ich, der poor CONRAD MURRAY damit wird es nicht besser ..
ich habe in den Wochen des Prozesses nicht einen Funken von "Reue" in deinem Gesicht sehen können, keine Emotionen ... nur an einem Tag, da ging es um dich, da flossen dann fast die Tränen ... ja poor CONRAD MURRAY vielleicht erkennst du es wirklich nicht ... dann nimm psychiatrische Hilfe an ... du wirst meine Zeilen nie lesen, aber ich mußte es einfach "mal los werden" ...

Michael Jackson doctor defends self in NBC interview

Posted by Tracy Scott on November 10, 2011 at 2:30 pm

kfSbYo conradmurrayMJ
Dr. Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson’s personal physician. (AP)

Michael Jackson’s doctor, who refused to testify at his trial, said in an interview broadcast Thursday that the singer lied to him about his medical history and never revealed he had an addiction problem.

“I would hate to put blame on Michael as an individual,” Dr. Conrad Murray told the “Today” show in the interview done days before the doctor’s conviction.

“I only wish maybe in our dealings with each other he would have been more forthcoming and tell me these things about himself,” he said.

Interviewer Savannah Guthrie asked: “Do you think he lied to you?”

“Definitely,” Murray said.

“About what?” she asked.

“Certainly he was deceptive by not showing me his whole medical history, doctors he was seeing, treatments that he might have been receiving.” Murray answered.

“Did you really not know he had an addiction problem?” Guthrie asked.

“Absolutely not,” said Murray. “Did not have a clue.”

Murray was convicted Monday of involuntary manslaughter for supplying the insomnia-plagued Jackson with the powerful operating-room anesthetic propofol to help him sleep as he rehearsed for his big comeback.

During the interview, Murray was shown video of bottles of medications from other physicians arrayed on Jackson’s bedside table, suggesting Murray’s suspicions should have been raised.

“I cannot prevent Michael from seeing other doctors for whatever reason,” the doctor said.

“You must have realized the reason he hired you was to give him this drug, propofol,” Guthrie said.

“No, not at all,” Murray replied. “I met Michael with propofol. This was not something I introduced to Michael.”

Experts testified at Murray’s trial that propofol should not have been administered in Jackson’s home, but the doctor disagreed.

Murray revealed Jackson was under the influence of propofol during a recording found on the doctor’s cell phone. Murray said the recording, in which the heavily drugged Jackson talked in a slurred voice about his goal of building a major children’s hospital, was made by accident.

Murray, 58, described Jackson as “a desperate man, desperate” during his final hours.

Asked by Guthrie how it felt to be blamed for Jackson’s death, he said, “I loved Michael too. I’m as much of a fan as any of the others. To be blamed for his death has not been an easy thing.”

“Are you the cause of Michael Jackson’s death?” Guthrie asked.

“No, I am not,” Murray said.

The interview with the Houston cardiologist was being aired Thursday and Friday. Other excerpts were released Wednesday.

Under questioning by Guthrie, Murray said it was not necessary for him to monitor Jackson in the hours before he died because he had given the pop star only a small dose of propofol. The doctor said that was the reason he didn’t mention to arriving paramedics that Jackson had been given the drug.

Guthrie asked, “Well, you told them about the other drugs, but you didn’t tell them about propofol?”

“Because it had no effect,” Murray said. “It was not an issue.”

The coroner, however, found that Jackson, 50, died of acute propofol intoxication complicated by other sedatives.

During the trial, Murray’s defense tried to show that Jackson gave himself an extra dose of propofol while Murray was out of the room, but prosecution experts said there was no evidence to support what one witness called the crazy theory.

Asked by Guthrie if he became distracted that morning by phone calls, emailing and text messages, Murray said, “No I was not.”

“When I looked at a man who was all night deprived of sleep, who was desperate for sleep and finally is getting some sleep, am I gonna sit over him, sit around him, tug on his feet, do anything unusual to wake him up? No,” Murray said.

“You walked out of the room to talk on the phone?” Guthrie asked.

“Absolutely, I wanted him to rest,” Murray replied.

Other doctors testified at Murray’s trial that leaving a patient alone after administering an anesthetic was an egregious deviation from the standard of care expected of a physician.

In one exchange during the interview, Murray suggested that if he had known Jackson had a problem with addiction to medications he might have acted differently. Experts, however, testified that Murray should have researched Jackson’s medical history before he undertook his treatment for insomnia.

On the day Jackson died, June 25, 2009, Murray said he believed he had weaned the singer from propofol, the drug Jackson called his “milk.”

But when Jackson could not sleep, Murray told “Today,” he gave the entertainer a very small dose of propofol.

In retrospect, he said he probably should have walked away when Jackson asked for propofol. But he said he would have been abandoning a friend.

Meanwhile, the disclosure that MSNBC will air a documentary about Murray brought outrage Wednesday from the executors of Jackson’s estate, who said Murray is getting a prime-time platform to smear Jackson’s reputation without fear of cross-examination.

The executors, John Branca and John McClain, demanded the program entitled “Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship” be cancelled. The network said it had no comment.

Murray is being held in Los Angeles County Jail awaiting sentencing Nov. 29 and could face up to four years in prison and the loss of his medical license.

– Associated Press


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 22:26
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Nein, er gab doch nur 25mg, verstehst du das denn nicht? :D Wie aber dann 15,5 Liter Propofol in 10 Wochen zustande kamen, ist völlig nebensächlich. Und monitoring hat Murray nicht nötig, wäre ja noch schöner, den Patienten so zu betüttel. :D
ach, daran habe ich gar nicht mehr gedacht, richtig Murray gab MJ ja nur 25 mg = 2,5 ml :D ... über die anschließende Infusion schweigen wir uns lieber aus ... na, die 15,5 Liter Propofol brauchte er doch, da zog er immer aus den 100 ml Flaschen ein wenig von ab und da man die geöffneten Flaschen ja nicht aufheben konnte, wurden sie vernichtet ... so einfach ist das ... richtig, wozu den Monitoring, MJ bekam doch nur 25 mg ... :) dass brauchte doch ein Murray nicht ... :)
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Keine Einsicht hat Murray, deshalb auch eine Gefahr für die Öffentlichkeit, das hat Richter Pastor Michael schon richtig eingeschätzt.
ja, das sehe ich genau so ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 22:50
natürlich war MJ kein Engel ... auch er war nicht immer nur der "Gutmensch", den er für die Öffentlichkeit immer darstellen wollte/sollte ... nein, auch MJ war eben NUR ein Mensch ...
und wie man jetzt mitbekommen konnte, auch ein "kranker" Mensch, der Hilfe brauchte, aber nicht die Hilfe von Dr. Murray ... :)

Michael Jackson deceived me, Conrad Murray says

Michael Jackson hat mich betrogen, sagt Conrad Murray

By Alan Duke, CNN
November 10, 2011 -- Updated 2117 GMT (0517 HKT)


* "He was deceptive by not sharing with me his whole medical history," the doctor says
* Slurred speech recording was an accident, Murray tells NBC
* Murray talked to NBC in trial's "waning days"

Story Highlights

* "Er täuschte mich, um mir nicht seine ganze Krankengeschichte mitzuteilen", sagt der Arzt
* lallende Sprach-Aufnahme war ein Missgeschick, erzählt Murray NBC
* Murray sprach mit NBC an den "letzten Tagen" der Verhandlung

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's last words were a plea for more propofol, "because that was the only thing" that would put him to sleep, Dr. Conrad Murray said in an interview aired on NBC's "Today" show Thursday.

Days after Murray declined to testify in his own defense at his involuntary manslaughter trial, he granted an interview with NBC, the same broadcast company that bought a documentary about Murray and Jackson.

NBC has not revealed any financial terms of its deal to secure the exclusive interview with Jackson's doctor, which it said was recorded in the "waning days of the case," despite a judge's order to Murray that he not speak to reporters.

Murray told NBC that he had no regrets about meeting Jackson two years before his death.

"I only wish that maybe in our dealings with each other he was more forthcoming and honest to tell me things about himself," he said.

Jackson, who hired Murray to be his personal physician as he prepared for his comeback tour, lied to him, Murray said.

"Well, certainly he was deceptive by not sharing with me his whole medical history, doctors he was seeing, treatment that he might have been receiving," he said.

He denied knowing that Jackson had an addiction problem, which his defense lawyers said contributed to the pop icon's death. "Absolutely not," he said. "I did not have a clue."

The Los Angeles County coroner ruled that Jackson's June 25, 2009 death was caused by an overdose of the surgical anesthetic propofol combined with two sedatives.

A jury concluded that Murray was criminally responsible for the death, which prosecutors argued was caused by the doctor's reckless use of propofol in his home to treat the singer's insomnia.

In hindsight, Murray said, he knows that he should have refused the job when he realized Jackson was demanding propofol infusions every night. "But if I had walked away, I would have abandoned a friend," he said.

He repeated what he told detectives two days after Jackson's death: He was trying to wean him off propofol in his final days.

"Three days towards his death, he was weaned off and I was extremely happy because I had finally achieved the state I wanted," Murray said. "The state was Michael away from propofol."

His last morning, he said, Jackson was "a desperate man, desperate."

The NBC interview asked about the last thing Murray heard Jackson say.

"It was probably when he was pleading and begging me to please, please let him have some 'milk,' because that was the only thing that would work," he said. Jackson's nickname for propofol was "milk," according to trial testimony.

Murray explained a mystery that arose during his trial: the audio recording of Jackson using slurred speech that investigators found on the doctor's iPhone.

"It was incidentally recorded," Murray said. "It was an accident." He insisted he did not realize the recording existed until he heard it in the prosecutor's opening presentation at the trial.

Jackson was under the influence of propofol at the time, he said.

More segments of the NBC interview will be broadcast Friday morning, including Murray's explanation for why he delayed calling 911 and why he did not tell paramedics and emergency room doctors that he had given Jackson propofol the day he died, the network said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:03
ich habe in den Wochen des Prozesses nicht einen Funken von "Reue" in deinem Gesicht sehen können, keine Emotionen ... nur an einem Tag, da ging es um dich, da flossen dann fast die Tränen ... ja poor CONRAD MURRAY vielleicht erkennst du es wirklich nicht ... dann nimm psychiatrische Hilfe an ..
Nee nee fairie, da flossen nicht FAST die Tränen, sondern da flossen richtig dicke Krokodilstränen. :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:06
vom übernommen # 1 victory
Murray Interview & Documentary Full Transcripts - so you don't have to watch it

Information: NBC USA is airing a 15 minute interview in 2 parts ( Part 1 aired 11-10-2011 and Part 2 to air on 11-11-11 morning) and a 50 minute documentary (to air 11-11-11 night).

Below is the first part of the 15 minute interview.

Conrad Murray - NBC Today Show Interview - Part 1 - Aired 11-10-2011

Savannah: Michael Jackson was one of the most beloved entertainers in this country, around the world. what is like to be blamed for his death ?

Murray: Well I love Michael too. I'm as much of a fan as any of the others. To be blamed for his death has not been an easy thing.

(Voice over) Murray first met Michael Jackson during a house call in Las Vegas at 2006 and then saw him on and off from that point forward.

(Video of TII announcement)

(Voice over) When Jackson agreed to a comeback tour in 2009, he wanted his own full time doctor with him and the concert promoter agreed to hire Jackson's pick Dr. Murray for a salary of $150,000 a month.

Savannah: Do you now wish that you never met Michael Jackson?

Murray: (I don't want to?) put blame on Michael as an individual. I'm not sure I regret that I meet Michael, I only wish maybe in our dealings with each other he was more forthcoming and honest to tell me things about himself.

Savannah: You think he lied to you?

Murray: Definitely.

Savannah: About what?

Murray : Well certainly he was deceptive by not sharing with me his whole medical history, the doctors he was seeing, the treatments he might have been receiving.

(video of Walgren at trial talking about medicines)

(Voice over) In court prosecutors laid out dozens of prescription bottles found in Michael Jackson's home days after his death. A pharmacopia of pain killers, anti depressants and anti anxiety medications.

Savannah: Did you really not know he had an addiction problem?

Murray : Absolutely not. did not have a clue.

Savannah: But wait a minute, you knew he was seeing other doctors. on bedside there are all these prescriptions with other doctors names on it.

Murray : I cannot prevent Michael from seeing other doctor for whatever reason.

Savannah: When he hired you, you must have realized the main reason he hired you was to give him this drug Propofol.

Murray: No. Not at all.

Savannah: But when he hired you full time one of the first actions you took was to start buying Propofol and sending it to California.

Murray : Absolutely that's not correct. First of all I met Michael with Propofol. This was not something that I introduced to Michael.

(voice over) In fact Murray was hired in March 2009 and between April and June of that year prosecutors say he ordered 255 vials of Propofol adding up to more than 4 gallons for Jackson's personal use.

(video of security footage)

(voice over) For 2 months Jackson came home late at night for rehearsals and Dr. Murray's work day began. Setting up Michael with an IV in his bedroom, administering Propofol to help him sleep.

Savannah: To you there's still nothing wrong with giving Propofol in a home setting?

Murray: I think Propofol is not recommended to be given in a home setting but it's not contraindicated.

Savannah: Was it wrong for you to give it in the conditions in which you gave it to Michael Jackson?

Murray: I look at Mike's condition but Michael - not as giving it but trying to find a method to take away something from him that I felt he should not be using on his own.

Savannah: but why didn't you just walk away?

Murray: I should have walked away but if also I walked away I would have abandoned a friend.

(voice over) Dr. Murray claims he was weaning Jackson off the drug.

Savannah: Why should anyone believe that after 60 days of administering Propofol that suddenly in those last few days you decided to stop giving him Propofol? Why should anyone believe that?

Murray: Well I tell you what. That happened. 3 days towards his death he was weaned off and I was success- I was extremely happy. because I finally received the state I wanted. The state was Michael away from Propofol.

(voice over) Whatever his state was that night, at trial one of the most shocking pieces of evidence showed Michael Jackson in early May under the influence of something

(partial audio of May 10 recording)

(voice over) The slurred voice of Michael Jackson 6 weeks before his death in a recording police found out on Conrad Murray's iPhone.

Savannah: What was the purpose of recording him in that state?

Murray : It was incidentally recorded.

Savannah: You mean an accident?

Murray: Yeah it was an accident.

Savannah: When did you find out that it had been recorded?

Murray: In court.

Savannah: During the opening statements?

Murray: H-hmm.

(another part of May 10 recording is played)

Murray : I ask him a question "Are you okay?" , I'm heard saying that to Michael. Then he says yes and then the next thing I heard is that he says "I'm asleep".

Savannah: Was he on Propofol?

Murray : He was.

(footage from TII movie)

(Voice over) Although he desperately wanted that comeback, Michael Jackson's days was numbered and Dr. Murray was the last person to ever to see Michael Jackson alive.

Savannah: How much pressure did you feel to get him to sleep?

Murray : Tremendous, tremendous. It was like nothing that I had ever encountered.

Savannah: You are the last person to see him or talk to him before he died. What was he like in those final hours?

Murray: A desperate man. Desperate.

Savannah : Are you the cause of Michael Jackson's death?

Murray: No. I'm not.

Savannah: Do you remember his final words before he died?

Murray: (thinks for a while) It was probably - I don't know - Probably when he was pleading and begging me to please please let him have some milk because that was the only thing that would work.

Tomorrow he'll answer : why he didn't call 911 right away, why he didn't tell paramedics that he had given Propofol and how long was he really out of the room.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:07

Mal etwas länger ....wenn es interessiert ....

Youtube: Conrad Murray Today Show 11 10
Conrad Murray Today Show 11 10
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:12
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Nee nee fairie, da flossen nicht FAST die Tränen, sondern da flossen richtig dicke Krokodilstränen. :D
Danke, dann schau ich mir gleich, den "theatralischen Auftritt" noch einmal an ... Dr. Murray zeigt Emotionen, als es um ihn selbst ging ... ja, an erster Stelle stand bei Murray nicht der Patient, nein, an erster Stelle stand CONRAD MURRAY ... poor CONRAD MURRAY


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:17
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Mal etwas länger ....wenn es interessiert ....
ahh, Danke ... im Transript steht, was von 15 Minuten ... aber da weiß man nie, ob diese Zeitangabe ohne die Werbung sein soll oder einschließlich ... :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:20

Ich geh dann mal gute-nacht-smilies-0001...... schlaft dann gut :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:21
@ghost777 Danke, das Drama gucke ich mir später mal an. :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:21
Schlaf schön GN8 :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:26

twzbtDH smilie sleep 011 GN8 ... schlaf und träume schön ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 23:29

zitiere mich mal selbst
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:im Transript steht, was von 15 Minuten ... aber da weiß man nie, ob diese Zeitangabe ohne die Werbung sein soll oder einschließlich ... :D
es hat sich geklärt, es ist alles, was auch im Transript steht ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.11.2011 um 00:05
British television airs Conrad Murray documentary

By JILL LAWLESS, Associated Press – 45 minutes ago

LONDON (AP) — A British television channel on Thursday broadcast a documentary about Dr. Conrad Murray that has angered Michael Jackson's family, in which the doctor paints himself as a well-meaning physician entrapped by the needy star.

Murray was convicted Monday of the singer's involuntary manslaughter for supplying Jackson with the powerful operating-room anesthetic propofol.

News that U.S. channel MSNBC plans to show the documentary — titled "Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship" — brought outrage this week from Jackson's family and executors, who said Murray was getting a prime-time platform to smear Jackson's reputation without fear of cross-examination. MSNBC said it plans to air the documentary Friday.

On Twitter, brother Jermaine Jackson branded the documentary "shameless." The singer's executors, John Branca and John McClain, demanded the program be canceled. MSNBC said it had no comment.

Channel 4 broadcast the documentary under the more sensational title "The Man Who Killed Michael Jackson." It was preceded by an interview with Murray, conducted eight days before his conviction, by British journalist Steve Hewlett.

Channel 4 said Murray was not receiving any money from the documentary.

Jackson died on June 25, 2009, aged 50, while he was preparing for a series of comeback concerts.

In the interview with Hewlett, Murray said that on the day Jackson died the singer pleaded for the drug to relieve his insomnia, begging "let me have some milk" — his name for propofol.

The documentary, directed by Tom Roberts, follows Murray over the two years leading up to his conviction, including interviews with the doctor and footage of his legal team preparing their case.

In the film Murray insisted he did not introduce Jackson to propofol and had felt entrapped by the troubled star.

"I went there to take care of a healthy man, who said he was fine, to just keep surveillance in case my kids get sick or I get the flu, help us to choose right, better foods, and wash our hands so we don't get infected," Murray said. "But once I got in there I was entrapped."

Murray said Jackson considered him a friend.

"He felt that I was someone he can trust," said Murray. "He had very close acquaintances, he spoke about Marlon Brando and his son, Fred Astaire and Ginger. But friends he did not have. He said 'of all my life, I have found one friend which is you, Dr. Conrad'."

Producers said they had also sold it to Nine Network in Australia and more than 10 other international broadcasters.

NBC's "Today" has been broadcasting its own interviews with Murray this week.

Murray is being held in Los Angeles County Jail awaiting sentencing Nov. 29 and could face up to four years in prison and the loss of his medical license.

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press.
