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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 10:14
Jackson executors blast MSNBC for airing Conrad Murray documentary

Jackson-Testamentsvollstrecker kritisiert MSNBC wegen der Ausstrahlung der Conrad Murray Dokumentation

By Alan Duke, CNN
November 10, 2011 -- Updated 0027 GMT (0827 HKT)


* MSNBC, NBC and Comcast are "morally culpable" for paying for the documentary, executors say
* Estate executors want to know how much Murray was paid to tell his story
* Katherine Jackson's lawyer vows "most aggressive action possible" to stop Murray from benefiting
* Murray film is the "untold inside story" of Murray's relationship with Jackson, MSNBC says

Story Highlights

* MSNBC, NBC und Comcast sind "moralisch schuldig" für den Dokumentarfilm bezahlt zu haben, sagen Testamentsvollstrecker
* Nachlassverwalter wollen wissen, wie viel Murray gezahlt wurde, um seine Geschichte zu erzählen
* Katherine Jacksons Anwalt schwört, dass "aggressivste Aktionen möglich seien", um Murray am Profitieren zu stoppen
* Murray Films ist die "unerzählte Insider Story" von Murrays Beziehung zu Jackson, sagt MSNBC

Los Angeles (CNN) -- NBC and parent company Comcast are "morally culpable" for paying to air a documentary with inside access to Dr. Conrad Murray, the executors of Michael Jackson's estate said in a letter to the broadcast company Wednesday.

"No sooner was Conrad Murray ordered led away in handcuffs after his conviction on manslaughter charges in the death of Michael Jackson than we discovered your MSNBC network inexplicably will showcase him in prime time Friday night as if he is worthy of celebrity," executors John Branca and John McClain wrote.

"Michael Jackson and The Doctor" is the "untold inside story" in which Murray "breaks his silence to reveal personal details of his relationship with Michael Jackson, Murray's role within the star's family life, the intense pressures that Jackson felt leading up to his tour and the events of the fateful day that led to Jackson's death," MSNBC said in a news release.

A spokesman for the company said "no comment" when asked by CNN to respond to the letter from the estate Wednesday.

The lawyer for Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, told CNN Wednesday that he realized it would be "virtually impossible to stop" Friday night's broadcast.

But "I will take the most aggressive action possible to make sure a convicted felon never profits from the death of Michael Jackson," Perry Sanders said.

The estate executors said by buying the documentary, "MSNBC gives Conrad Murray a platform to shift the blame post-conviction to Michael Jackson, even though a jury considered the evidence and rejected this very argument."

The executors questioned the documentary producers' statement that they only paid Murray $1 for his story, which the executors said left "open the question of whether payments were made to his representatives."

"As the executors for the estate of the victim of Dr. Murray's crime, we would like to know how much money in total was paid for this privileged 'access?' Was it really only $1, or was it more?" the letter asked.

"It doesn't matter to us if it was a production company, Comcast, NBC Universal or MSNBC that paid for 'access' to Dr. Murray because all are morally culpable," the executors wrote. "It is equally irrelevant whether any or all interviews took place before the jury convicted him. These are moral loopholes aimed at excusing a reprehensible program stemming from Michael Jackson's tragic death that will not only be aired, but which is heavily promoted on The Today Show in order to boost ratings a a struggling cable network."

The network said producers worked on the film for two years with exclusive access to Dr. Murray and his lawyers.

"In a series of very personal interviews, Murray discusses in detail Jackson's fragile health and mental state, yet unstoppable dedication to creating a successful world tour," the network said. "The documentary gained access into the closed-door meetings with Dr. Murray's defense team both before and during the trial, giving a look into their strategy and how they pieced the case together."

CNN's Jack Hannah contributed to this report.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 10:32
Man hat wohl bei MSNBC den Titel der Dokumentation geändert bzw. gekürzt ...

nach dem Schreiben des Estate lautete der Titel ursprünglich
"Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship"
zhKCHm estate schreiben doku

aus dem Eintrag von gestern um 20:46h lautet der Titel NUR noch
"Michael Jackson and The Doctor"
Guthrie's interview with Murray will air Thursday and Friday on TODAY. The MSNBC documentary "Michael Jackson and The Doctor" will premiere on MSNBC Friday at 10 p.m. ET.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 10:37
Executors of Michael Jackson estate blast NBC

By LINDA DEUTSCH, AP Special Correspondent – 9 hours ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Executors of Michael Jackson's estate have blasted NBC for plans to air a documentary on the doctor convicted of killing the singer.

In a letter Wednesday to top executives of NBC and Comcast, lawyers John Branca and John McClain expressed outrage that Dr. Conrad Murray is being treated like a celebrity.

They say the documentary entitled "Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship" offers Murray a chance to smear Jackson's reputation and blame him for his own death.

Branca and McClain demanded the network refrain from airing the program Friday night.

NBC said it had no immediate comment.

Murray, a Houston-based cardiologist, was convicted Monday of involuntary manslaughter by a jury that found he was responsible for the pop star's death. He is being held in Los Angeles County Jail.

Copyright © 2011 The Associated Press


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 10:48
Jermaine Jackson Speaks About the Trial
In his first appearance after the verdict was announced, Jermaine Jackson told Ellen about how his family has been affected by the news. He also spoke out about speculation that his brother Michael could have been addicted to the medication that killed him.
eine "grobe" Übersetzung:
Bei seinem ersten Auftritt nach der Urteilsverkündung, wurde angekündigt, dass Jermaine Jackson Ellen darüber erzählt, wie betroffen seine Familie von der Nachricht war. Er sprach sich auch über Spekulationen aus, dass sein Bruder Michael nach Medikamenten hätte süchtig sein können, die ihn getötet haben.

aber er sprach auch über sein vor kurzem veröffentlichtes Buch ... denn das schien ihm sehr wichtig zu sein ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 11:03

es gibt klarsprechende verständliche aussagen von mj (kein so ein halbes narkosegesabbel wie vor gericht) zu seinem gesamten umfeld, auch zu seinen sogenannten jetzigen Freunden und da hören sich die aussagen zu seinen angeblichen freunden aus dem mund von mj ganz, aber ganz anders an!!!!

das wird schon noch spannend!

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 11:08
Hab ich das jetzt richtig gelesen/verstanden..... ???

In der Klage gegen AEG ....wurde Murray nicht mit rein genommen weil die Familie überzeugt ist, dass AEG die Hauptverantwortung trug.

"Wir glauben, dass die Beweise zeigen, dass viel mehr Beteiligung von AEG ausging, und dass Murray ein kleiner Akteur ist."

Michael Jackson family's civil trial blames AEG in singer's death
Mother and children allege that the entertainment giant heartlessly pressured the star to deliver a comeback tour he was in no shape to take on.
With the conviction this week of Michael Jackson's doctor on an involuntary manslaughter charge, the question of blame in the pop star's death shifts to a new and much wealthier defendant: Los Angeles entertainment behemoth Anschutz Entertainment Group.

The conclusion of the criminal case sets the stage for proceedings in civil court, where the pop star's mother and children are pressing a wrongful death suit against the corporation and its concert subsidiary, AEG Live, the promoter of Jackson's doomed comeback attempt.

The civil case, set for trial in September, pits the singer's three children and elderly mother against one of the city's most important companies at a time when AEG is pitching controversial plans for a downtown football stadium.

FULL COVERAGE: The trial of Dr. Conrad Murray

The case involves many of the same issues as the criminal trial: propofol, Jackson's performance anxiety and the medical choices of Dr. Conrad Murray.

But the proceedings are expected to delve into areas the criminal judge barred as irrelevant to Murray's role, including Jackson's finances and years of drug problems.

"The conviction of Dr. Murray is just the beginning of bringing forth the truth on what happened to Michael Jackson," said Brian Panish, an attorney for the Jackson family. "Forces much larger than Dr. Murray were involved in this tragedy."

Lawyers for the Jacksons, who are seeking an unspecified amount of money, have portrayed AEG in court papers as a heartless, bottom-line-driven business that contributed to the singer's death by pressuring him to prepare for performances he wasn't physically capable of pulling off. That pressure, they have written, pushed him toward Murray and the nightly use of propofol, a surgical anesthetic, for his insomnia.

"AEG said that if they called off the Tour, there would be lawsuits and Jackson's career would be over. They said Jackson must work with Murray," the Jacksons' lawyers wrote in a complaint last year.

AEG has denied the allegations in court filings, with its lawyers saying the company "in no way actually controlled" the singer.

"Michael Jackson was not helpless or incompetent; he lived in his own home, negotiated his own contracts, engaged his own attorneys, and cared for his own family," lawyers for the company wrote. "He at all times retained the option of refusing Dr. Murray's services, or of canceling his agreement with AEG."

The company's concern with the civil matter was on display at Murray's trial. The lead attorney for AEG in the wrongful death suit, Marvin Putnam, sat in the well of the court facing the witness box as three company officials testified.

Each of them told jurors that the company had no indication that Murray was anything but a competent physician, with his famous patient's best interests at heart.

"Dr. Murray told me repeatedly that Michael Jackson was perfectly healthy, in excellent condition," said Kathy Jorrie, a lawyer who helped draft Murray's $150,000-a-month contract.

Murray is not named in the suit filed by Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren, although he is named in a separate claim by the singer's father.

A lawyer for Katherine Jackson and her grandchildren said the choice not to sue the doctor reflected the family's belief that AEG bore primary responsibility.

"We believe the evidence shows that there is much more involvement from AEG, and that Murray's a minor player," Panish said.

Other legal experts saw a different calculus.

"He's got no money," said Loyola Law School professor Stan Goldman of the heavily indebted physician. It was smart strategy, he said, to keep Murray away from civil jurors: "Keep the focus on the deep pockets."

It was AEG Live's substantial resources that made the deal attractive to the financially troubled Jackson in the first place, and it is the dynamic between the rich company and the cash-strapped performer that is at the heart of the suit. The company advanced Jackson money against future concert earnings to cover every aspect of his life and had the right to seize his assets if he failed to perform at 50 London shows.

In court papers, Katherine Jackson's lawyers have said the relationship created a legal duty on the part of AEG "to treat him safely and to not put him in harm's way." They said AEG breached those duties by contracting with Murray, who they allege went along with their only interest: ensuring that Jackson could perform.

During the criminal trial, AEG officials testified that Murray was Jackson's choice and that they had wanted to hire a British doctor.

"He was very firm. He said no, I need my own physician and I need him 24-seven," said Randy Phillips, chief executive of AEG Live.

Murray worked for Jackson for two months but was never paid by AEG because the singer hadn't yet signed the contract, a point that Jorrie, the contract lawyer, noted several times in her testimony.

The civil case is expected to yield far more details about Jackson's problems than the criminal trial did.

"Generally in civil court, the range of issues to be decided is far broader than they ever are in a criminal case; and that means a lot more evidence comes in," said David M. Ring, a Los Angeles lawyer who has sued on behalf of plaintiffs in wrongful death cases. "Instead of just looking in the closet, you are looking in the whole house."

Katherine Jackson's lawyer said he expected that civil jurors would learn vastly more about the singer's relationship with AEG than their criminal-case counterparts did. The case file already includes a copy of Jackson's contract with the promoter, a document kept out of the manslaughter case. Details about Jackson's long-standing financial problems — another subject prohibited in criminal court — would be central to the case against AEG.

Putnam and AEG declined to comment. To defend itself, the company could present unflattering information about Jackson's substance abuse, his seeking of propofol from various physicians dating to the 1990s and his often rocky relationship with his family. None of those topics were allowed at the criminal trial.

Although the suit is still in its early stages, both sides have claimed some victories. Earlier this year, a judge threw out some portions of the Jacksons' suit, including allegations of fraud and negligent infliction of emotional distress on the singer's children. Superior Court Judge Yvette M. Palazuelos ruled that the remainder of the claims — including breach of contract and negligence in hiring Murray — could go forward on the theory that Jackson "was particularly vulnerable and dependent" on AEG.,0,4239071.story?page=1

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 11:32
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Und zu welcher Gruppe gehöre ich ? ....
das bleibt dir überlassen, zu welcher Gruppe du dich selbst "zählst" ... denn auch innerhalb dieser Gruppen sind doch wiederum "Spaltungen" möglich ... das ist wie mit den Parteizugehörigkeiten, man muß keiner angehören und hat trotzdem eine Meinung ... die Bezeichnung "Gruppe" steht hier eher für ein Synonym ...
Murray ist schuldig, er war Fahrlässig im Umgang mit den ganzen Medis besonders mit Propofol ....dagegen ist nix zu sagen meiner Meinung nach.

er hat mir auch nicht gezeigt wer wirklich am Tot von MJ verantwortlich ist wurde Nicht geklärt wie und wer MJ diese Überdosis gab ...... tut mir Leid ....schuldig der Fahrlässigkeit ja ......aber auch schuldig weil er es wirklich getan hat (MJ diese hohe Dosis gegeben zu haben) ...
ja, Murray wurden in 17 Punkten des Standards of Care Verstöße vorgeworfen und auch bewiesen ...
diese Verstöße haben auch dazu beigetragen, dass MJ tot ist ...
also Murray ist zu Recht wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt worden ... denn unabhängig von einer Überdosierung des Propofols, haben allein schon die "Verstöße" zum Tod von MJ geführt ...
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Trotzdem hat mir der Prozeß meine Fragen nicht beantwortet...... er hat mir nicht gezeigt was am 25.06 passiert ist ........
diese Antworten konnte/kann der Prozess auch nicht beantworten ... denn es gibt nur zwei Personen, die das könnten und eine davon ist tot ... und Murray hat es vorgezogen von seinem Aussageverweigerungsrecht Gebrauch zu machen ... wobei es überhaupt fraglich wäre, ob man da die Wahrheit erfahren hätte ... in der Befragung vom 27.06.2009 sind auch schon so viele "Lügen" enthalten ... nein, diesem Mann kann ich in keinster Weise Vertrauen ... zuviel spricht
einfach dagegen ... alles was während des Prozesses vorgetragen wurde, hat m. M. ergeben, dass nach menschlichem Ermessen Murray eigentlich nicht nur wegen fahrlässiger Tötung hätte angeklagt werden müssen ... aber dafür reichten leider die Beweise nicht ... daher wurde er nur so angeklagt, wie geschehen .... und die Wahrheit, was da am 25.06.2009 wirklich passiert ist, wird für immer ein Geheimnis bleiben ... das stand aber doch schon vorher fest ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 11:38
Zitat von MerchandisingMerchandising schrieb:es gibt klarsprechende verständliche aussagen von mj (kein so ein halbes narkosegesabbel wie vor gericht) zu seinem gesamten umfeld, auch zu seinen sogenannten jetzigen Freunden und da hören sich die aussagen zu seinen angeblichen freunden aus dem mund von mj ganz, aber ganz anders an!!!!

das wird schon noch spannend!
vielleicht solltest du auch mal auf Fragen eingehen und die BEANTWORTEN, als nebulös irgend etwas in den Raum zu stellen ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 11:46
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:"Wir glauben, dass die Beweise zeigen, dass viel mehr Beteiligung von AEG ausging, und dass Murray ein kleiner Akteur ist."
ja, die Jacksons werden nichts unversucht lassen, um zu Schadensersatzforderungen zu kommen ...
wobei ich mir nicht vorstellen kann, dass es erfolgreich enden könnte ... AEG & Co. haben einfach zu viele Möglichkeiten ihre Macht zu demonstrieren ... aber warten wir es ab ... :)

bei dem "kleinen" Murray ist nicht viel zu holen ... aber der "kleine Akteur" hat einen ganz fatalen Fehler gemacht ... er hätte einfach im richtigen Moment schon NEIN sagen sollen !!!!! dann hätte er jetzt keine Probleme gehabt ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 11:56
November 10, 2011 4:41 AM

Jackson doctor defends himself in NBC interviews

Jackson Arzt verteidigt sich selbst im Interview von NBC

(AP) LOS ANGELES — The doctor convicted of killing Michael Jackson remained silent during his trial, but Conrad Murray defended himself in interviews taped just days before a jury found him guilty of involuntary manslaughter.

Murray defended his use of the surgical anesthetic propofol to put Jackson to sleep in interviews set to air Thursday and Friday on NBC's "Today" show. NBC released excerpts of the interview Wednesday.

"I think propofol is not recommended to be given in the home setting," Murray said, "but it is not contraindicated."

The Houston cardiologist also said Jackson had been using the substance long before the pop star met Murray.

Under questioning by the "Today" show's Savannah Guthrie, Murray said it was not necessary for him to monitor Jackson because he had given him only a small dose of propofol, and he said that was the reason he didn't mention it to paramedics when they arrived at Jackson's mansion.

"That's a very sad reason," he said, "because it was inconsequential — 25 milligrams and the effect's gone. Means nothing."

Guthrie asked, "Well, you told them about the other drugs, but you didn't tell them about propofol?"

"Because it had no effect," Murray said. "It was not an issue."

The coroner would subsequently find that Jackson, 50, died of "acute propofol intoxication" after a huge dose of the drug complicated by other sedatives.

Murray's defense tried to show that Jackson gave himself an extra dose of propofol while Murray was out of the room, but prosecution experts said there was no evidence of that and it was a crazy theory.

Asked by Guthrie if he became distracted by phone calls, emailing and text messages, Murray said, "No I was not."

"When I looked at a man who was all night deprived of sleep, who was desperate for sleep and finally is getting some sleep, am I gonna sit over him, sit around him, tug on his feet, do anything unusual to wake him up? No," Murray said.

"You walked out of the room to talk on the phone?" Guthrie asked.

"Absolutely, I wanted him to rest."

He insisted Jackson was not on an infusion that would stop his breathing and, "I was not supposed to be monitoring him at that time because there was no need for monitoring."

Other doctors testified at Murray's trial that leaving a patient alone after giving him an anesthetic was an egregious deviation from the standard of care expected of a physician.

In one exchange, Murray suggested that had he known that Jackson had a problem with addiction to medications he might have acted differently. Experts testified that he should have researched Jackson's medical history before he undertook his treatment for insomnia.

On the day Jackson died, June 25, 2009, Murray said he believed he had weaned the singer off of propofol, the drug Jackson called his "milk."

But when Jackson could not sleep, Murray told "Today," he gave the entertainer a very small dose of propofol.

In retrospect, he said he probably should have walked away when Jackson asked for propofol. But he said he would have been abandoning a friend.

Meanwhile, the disclosure that MSNBC will air a documentary about Murray brought outrage Wednesday from the executors of Jackson's estate, who said Murray is getting a prime-time platform to smear Jackson's reputation without fear of cross-examination.

The executors, John Branca and John McClain, demanded the program entitled "Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship" be cancelled. The network said it had no comment.

Murray, 58, was hired by Jackson at a promised salary of $150,000 a month to accompany the singer on his "This Is It" concert tour to London.

A jury that heard six weeks of testimony convicted Murray of involuntary manslaughter on Monday. He is now being held in Los Angeles County Jail awaiting sentencing Nov. 29 and could face up to four years in prison.

Defense attorney Ed Chernoff said in an interview aired on KCAL-TV Wednesday that he wasn't surprised by the verdict. "I can't say I was surprised," Chernoff said. "Look, it was a tough case."

Chernoff said earlier this week that the verdict was disappointing and would be appealed.

In a separate interview broadcast Wednesday, one of the jurors said there were contentious moments, including yelling and cajoling, during the two days of deliberations.

Debbie Franklin, 48, told ABC-TV's "Good Morning America" in the first juror interview so far that most of the jurors had decided on guilt Friday, the first day of deliberations.

But, she said "not everyone was convinced that Dr. Murray was solely responsible for Michael Jackson's death."

"Toward the end of the day, we finally took a vote," Franklin said. "It was not unanimous and we talked a little more about it."

The panel decided to think it over during a weekend break.

"It was stressful," said the mother of two, who is a paralegal. She said there was "yelling and we had to keep saying, 'Nobody talk while this person is talking. Raise your hand if you have something to say."

The majority managed on Monday to convince all jurors that Murray was negligent and his mistakes led to Jackson death, Franklin said.

"He had addictions. He asked other doctors to do it (give him the operating room anesthetic propofol). They said no. He was looking for somebody to say yes. And Conrad Murray said yes," she said.

An Associated Press reporter approached Franklin for an interview Wednesday but she refused. She said all jurors had agreed not to speak to the media, but she did not explain why they made that agreement or why she spoke to ABC.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 12:11
Pictured for the first time since Conrad Murray verdict: Michael Jackson's children relax on the football field

By Eleanor Gower
Last updated at 8:50 AM on 10th November 2011

Their father's personal doctor Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter earlier this week.

But Michael Jackson's children Prince, Paris and Blanket are making every attempt to pick up the pieces and carry on with life as normal.

The trio were spotted for the first time since the verdict, delivered by a jury at Los Angeles Superior Court on Monday.

puByUS article-0-0EBB45D200000578-33 468
In action: Prince and Blanket Jackson play a game of American football while watching their sister Paris compete in a game

Prince, 14, Paris, 13, and Blanket, nine, all took to a local football field in the Calabasas area of Los Angeles.

Prince and Blanket threw the ball around while Paris took part in a flag football game for her school.

Prince wore a hooded top, jeans and trainers as he concentrated on catching the ball while Blanket ran on behind him.

x9bozN article-2059561-0EBB4E2B00000578-
Eye on the ball: Paris joined her male team mates for a game of flag football
9O30Y8 article-2059561-0EBB4F3A00000578-
Phew! Despite being the only female member of the team, sporty Paris looked relaxed on the field

Meanwhile sporty Paris competed in a game of flag football.

Wearing a strip of bright orange shirt and black shorts, she seemed relaxed on the field, despite being the only female in an all-male team.

She has become the first female in the history of her private school in Sherman Oaks, California, to join the team.

MAMgzu dailymail 10.11.2011Original anzeigen (0,3 MB)

jfh5mZ article-2059561-0EBB49A600000578-
Ball play: Blanket looked casual in a tracksuit, with his hair pulled into a ponytail as he chatted to a friend wearing an LA Galaxy David Beckham shirt
pdFxJu article-2059561-0EBB484400000578-
Brotherly love: The brothers enjoyed themselves in a break between watching their sister play

The brothers seemed to enjoy their day in the Californian sunshine, with Prince at one point performing press ups on the grass after his workout.

The Jackson family have been under the spotlight this week as Dr Conrad Murray was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter in relation to the King of Pop's death back in 2009.

The Jackson family — father Joe, mother Katherine, and siblings Randy, Jermaine, Rebbie and La Toya were in court to hear the verdict against the 57-year-old physician.

Amtlt1 article-2059561-0EBB46BB00000578-
Verdict: The Jackson family has been under the spotlight over the past six weeks of the Conrad Murray trial
GuxDIb article-2059561-0EBB4DA700000578-
Routine: Prince took the opportunity to do some quick push-ups, as his younger sister packed up to go home

6ATwuf article-2059561-0C4C4999000005DC-
Superstar: Michael Jackson's died back in June 2009

''Michael was looking over us. Absolutely justice was served, LA Toya said after the verdict.

She later added: 'He was in that courtroom and that's why justice was served.'

Her older sister Rebbie added: 'I'm just happy it's over with.

'Nothing will bring him back, but I'm just happy [Murray] was found guilty.'

Michael's mother, Katherine, who has custody of his children, also found relief in the verdict as she and her husband Joe released a statement to TMZ.

'We have been waiting for this moment for a very long time, and we couldn't hold back tears of joy in the courtroom,' they said.

Murray, who has been remanded in custody, will be back in court for sentencing on November 29.

8zBkf2 article-2059561-0EB5C96A00000578-
Guilty as charged: Dr Conrad Murray was handcuffed in a Los Angeles court after being found guilty of involuntary manslaughter


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 12:26
Posted: Thu, Nov. 10, 2011, 3:00 AM

The Michael Jackson we still want back

Den Michael Jackson, den wir noch immer zurück haben wollen

Z11dF1 compitts10xxc 1024
Michael Jackson of the Jackson Five performs at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles at night on Dec. 3, 1984, during their third Victory Tour concert in the area.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who channeled the gods. He invoked them through his feet, moving without friction across a thousand stages. They possessed him though his voice, now rough like bark, now sweet like butter, and brimming always with an emotional depth once thought inaccessible to children.

You felt the gods of soul and of show - James, Jackie, Sammy - moving through him when that first big record hit the streets late in 1969. The glissando splashes down into an urgency of guitar and a wriggling of bass, and in comes the boy, moaning with real need about that girl he wants back.

If you are lucky enough to be old enough to have been there then - not to have listened to a greatest hits CD or watched a YouTube video, but to have been there, buying the albums, staying up for the TV appearances - perhaps you felt a kind of detachment this week from the cheers that went up when the verdict came in. Justice, people called it.

There can be little doubt jurors got it right when they found Dr. Conrad Murray guilty of involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson. In using a dangerous surgical anesthetic to treat Jackson's insomnia - in allowing a drug-addicted patient to dictate the terms of his treatment - Murray transgressed not just law, not just medical ethics, but also common sense and simple decency.

When an addict dies, it is fair to blame the pusher who sold him his final fix. But what do you say of the addict himself, never seeking or accepting help, not grasping the hands of those who reached out?

After all, people pleaded with Jackson; family members tried to stage an intervention. None of them could save him nor induce him to save himself. And that is the lasting tragedy here, the thing that will haunt long after Murray has served his sentence, written his book, and been forgotten.

Jackson lived 40 years in the spotlight, four decades that saw him transfigure himself from a handsome, preternaturally talented adolescent with an irrepressible grin to a parchment-colored wraith with fright-wig hair and a collapsed proboscis.

Over those years, he became famous to a degree for which he was unprepared, a degree for which, arguably, no one could be. And in the darkness beyond the floodlights, Jackson lived a life noteworthy for its bizarreness, its unrestraint, and its detachment from reality.

For the last quarter-century of that life, the outside world received occasional glimpses from within, and the things we saw were troubling. From the Elephant Man's bones to "Jesus juice" to sleepovers with children to drug addiction, we tracked the slow disintegration of what had once seemed a charmed life.

And Murray's fate does not fix or even address the loss you feel if you met Jackson in the last months of the 1960s. It is as if the future betrayed you, as if promise told a lie. Indeed, it is difficult even to believe this moment grew from that one.

Once upon a time, there was a boy who channeled the gods, whose song made you feel young and clean and believe you might stay in that state of grace always. Tomorrow came much too soon.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 12:42
Die Linzenz für Nevada war am 1. Juli abgelaufen. "Edward Cousineau", vom Nevada Medical Board, sagte, dass Murray sie erneuern könnte, aber eine Verurteilung in einer Straftat, könnte in Bezug auf das Praktizieren als Mediziner, ein Grund für eine Ablehnung sein ....

Murray could reapply for his Nevada license

Murray könnte sich um seine Nevada Lizenz erneut bewerben

Posted: Nov. 9, 2011 | 12:29 p.m.

Dr. Conrad Murray's felony conviction for involuntary manslaughter in the death of Michael Jackson could stop him from obtaining a medical license to practice again in Nevada.

Before his arrest in the June 2009 death of the 50-year-old Jackson, Murray operated cardiology practices in California, Texas and Nevada and lived in Las Vegas.

Nevada Medical Board official Edward Cousineau said Wednesday that Murray didn't renew the medical license he obtained in 1999. It expired July 1. Cousineau said Murray could reapply, but a felony conviction relating to the practice of medicine is grounds for denial.

Murray lost his four-bedroom home on a Las Vegas golf course this year to foreclosure.

In a TV interview given before Monday's conviction, the doctor defended his use of the surgical anesthetic propofol to put the entertainer to sleep. He also said that he did not tell paramedics he had administered the drug because the amount he gave Jackson was inconsequential.

He said he did not feel a need to monitor Jackson constantly and acknowledged being on the phone outside the singer's bedroom where he could not see him.

In retrospect, Murray said, he probably should have walked away when Jackson asked for propofol. But he said he would have been abandoning a friend.

NBC released excerpts of the interview set for broadcast on the "Today" show this morning and Friday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 13:00
ein Video habe ich bereits heute um 10:48h eingestellt ...

ob Jermaine noch genau weiß, was er da von sich gibt ??? einmal war MJ süchtig, dann war MJ nicht süchtig ... ja was war er denn nun ????

Jermaine Jackson Tells Ellen: ‘Michael Wasn't An Addict’

Jermaine Jackson erzählt Ellen: "Michael war kein Süchtiger"

Submitted by Celebrity News Wire on November 9, 2011
By Radar Staff

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Jermaine Jackson tells Ellen DeGeneres on Wednesday's edition of Ellen his late brother Michael "wasn’t addicted" to drugs.

The 56-year-old conceded that “there was an addiction to Demerol in 2001 in … the early 2000s, but that was because of pain. Even during the autopsy report, there was no addiction to any of that.

"Michael just wanted to sleep -- he did not want to die.

Jermaine put the blame of Michael’s medical issues squarely on the shoulders of Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of involuntary manslaughter Monday in Jackson‘s June 2009 death at 50. (Murray faces up to four years in prison, as well as losing his medical license, when he is sentenced on November 29.)

"He trusted the doctor and the negligence and everything ... it’s really sad because we lost an incredible person. To see and hear the verdict -- my mother cried, and we consoled her, and the fans were cheering and everything but it’s not bringing Michael back. We lost a brother."

The family has been outspoken in the wake of Murray's conviction: mother Katherine said she can finally "feel better," while father Joe said that "justice was done."

Watch the video on
As for Jermaine, while he was content with the conviction, he said he felt the "the sentencing [maximum] was very soft ... to give him two years for taking a life. Forget about Michael Jackson, but taking anyone’s life.

"But it happens to be my brother who loved the world and loved people and did so much for the world," Jermaine said. "He cared about people, human beings, children."

p1RXNv radaronline video 09.11.2011
VIDEO im Bericht

ein gleichlautender Bericht bei


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10.11.2011 um 13:11
Michael Jackson’s Family Trying to Stop MSNBC Documentary

Michael Jacksons Familie versucht MSNBC Dokumentarsendung zu stoppen

Submitted by Celebrity Dirty Laundry on Nov 9, 2011

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Michael Jackson‘s family and estate are desperate to have MSNBC cancel the airing of a documentary about Dr. Conrad Murray on Friday - ‘Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship.’ The documentary follows the jailed Dr. Murray for five months after MJ’s death under his care in June 2009. The show continues right up through his trial for involuntary manslaughter, which ended with him being found guilty on Monday and immediately taken into custody.

La Toya Jackson who has been trying to find a way to get it stopped, tweeting earlier today: “I’ve been speaking 2 Legal since yes2day 2 C how we can prevent this from being aired.”

Her brother, Jermaine, appears to prefer ignoring the documentary and the attention it will bring to Dr. Murray, who is in custody awaiting sentencing at the end of this month.

He tweeted: “I hear all upset/frustrations re Murray [documentary]. It’s shameless and sickens me too, but I choose not to give it attention/controversy it craves.”

“We’ve bigger battles to fight than against the meaningless words of a liar whose version of events was unanimously rejected by a jury.”

The co-executors of the late ‘Thriller’ star’s estate, John Branca and John McClain, have also sent a letter to a number of TV executives, blasting the decision to air the documentary so soon after the trial and asking them to withdraw it.

An excerpt from the letter reads: “No sooner was Conrad Murray led away in handcuffs after his conviction on manslaughter charges in the death of Michael Jackson then we discovered your MSNBC network inexplicably will show him in prime time Friday night as if he is worthy of celebrity.”

“Since when was Dr. Murray ever Michael Jackson’s friend? Since when does any doctor – let alone any friend – act in such an irresponsible manner in the care and treatment of another human being?”

“MSNBC gives Conrad Murray a platform to shift the blame post-conviction to Michael Jackson, even though a jury considered the evidence and rejected this very argument.”

I don’t believe in censorship – I don’t believe that people need protection from information in any form: art, film, literature, opinions, science, religion, music, documentaries, etc. – if we allow the prevention of the presentation of material that is offensive to some people then we will never get to see anything at all – because everything is offensive to one group or another.

People have minds and can make their own decisions about what they choose see in a free society like our own. I don’t want anybody making those decisions for me, or taking those decisions away from me – thank you very much.

airing of a documentary


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 13:21
Nach Schuldspruch

Riesen-Wirbel um TV-Doku mit Jacko-Leibarzt Murray

10.11.2011 — 12:21 Uhr

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Dr. Conrad Murray ließ sich seit dem Tod seines berühmten Patienten Michael Jackson für eine Dokumentation von Kameras begleiten

Sahnt der Jacko-Arzt jetzt etwa richtig ab?

Kaum hatte das Gericht Michael Jacksons ehemaligen Leibarzt Conrad Murray (58) schuldig gesprochen, gab der Mediziner das Go für eine TV-Dokumentation über seine Rolle im Jacko-Prozess. In diesem Zug sollen umgerechnet 220 000 Euro das Konto wechseln.

Seit dem Tod des Sängers hatte Murray an einer Doku mitgewirkt, ließ sich jeden Prozesstag von einem Kamerateam begleiten, bei den Prozessvorbereitungen filmen und plauderte auch über intime Details aus dem Leben des „King of Pop“. An einer Stelle zitiert er Michael Jackson, der zu ihm gesagt habe: „In meinem ganzen Leben habe ich nur einen Freund gefunden und der sind Sie, Dr. Conrad."

Brisanter Stoff, den sich „NBCUniversal“ angeblich einiges kosten ließ!

Laut der Promi-Seite „Radar Online“ blätterte das Unternehmen, das die Dokumentation „Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship“ auf seinem Sender „MSNBC“ zeigen will, angeblich 300 000 Dollar (umgerechnet rund 220 000 Euro) für die Ausstrahlungsrechte hin. Doch dass Conrad Murray von diesem dicken Batzen etwas zu sehen bekommt, gilt als unwahrscheinlich...

„Der größte Teil des Geldes wird an Dr. Murrays Anwälte gehen“, erklärt ein Insider gegenüber „Radar Online“ die Verteilung der stattlichen Summe. „Das Geld, das dann noch übrig ist, wird an Nicole Alvarez, Dr. Murrays aktuelle Freundin und Mutter ihres gemeinsamen Sohnes, gehen.“

Heißt konkret: „Dr. Murray wird nicht direkt von dem Verkauf der Dokumentation profitieren.“ Doch DAS wollen Jackos Nachlassverwalter nicht so recht glauben...

Wie die „L.A. Times berichtet“, hegen die Repräsentanten der Jackson-Familie ernsthafte Zweifel daran, dass Murray keinerlei Sonderzahlungen erhalten habe und forderten den verantwortlichen Sender am Mittwoch aus moralischen Gründen dazu auf, auf die Ausstrahlung der Dokumentation zu verzichten. Andernfalls stelle man dem Mediziner nach dem Prozess eine Plattform zur Verfügung, seine Schuld auf Michael Jackson abzuwälzen

Aktuell ist unklar, wie der Streit zwischen den Jackson-Vertretern und dem Sender ausgeht. So oder so will sich Jacko-Bruder Jermaine (56) raushalten. Er zwitscherte via „Twitter“: „[Murrays Doku] ist schamlos und macht mich krank, aber ich habe mich dazu entschlossen, ihr nicht die Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken, nach der sie verlangt...“


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 14:01
Prince Jackson steps into public spotlight

Prince Jackson Schritte in das öffentliche Rampenlicht

By Alan Duke, CNN
November 10, 2011 -- Updated 0843 GMT (1643 HKT)


* Prince Jackson shows support for his uncles with jacket endorsement
* The "Thriller" and "Beat It" replicas are "nice to wear to events," Prince says
* Michael Jackson's oldest son wants to be an actor
* Although rich from his father's estate, Prince wants to earn his own money, lawyer says

Story Highlights

* Prince Jackson zeigt seinen Onkeln Zustimmung, bei Auswahl der Jacke
* Der "Thriller" und "Beat It" sind Repliken, die "bei Events angenehm zu tragen sind", sagt Prince
* Michael Jackson ältester Sohn will Schauspieler werden
* Obwohl selbst reich, durch das Estate seines Vaters, möchte Prince, sein eigenes Geld verdienen, sagt Rechtsanwalt

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Michael Jackson's oldest son, Prince, takes another step into the public eye this week with his first commercial endorsement.

Prince Jackson, 14, revealed in an interview that while he can't sing or dance like his father, he wants to be a television and movie actor. He has previously said he wanted to be a director.

While some Jackson fans may object, saying Prince Jackson is too young to be involved in an endorsement, the lawyer for grandmother Katherine Jackson said steps are being taken to "make sure that going forward everything with the children is done by the book."

Prince isn't doing it for the money, but as a favor for his uncles, the four surviving original members of the Jackson 5 group that featured his father.

None of the marketing materials for the jackets includes Prince's name or image, but he did join Jackie, Marlon and Tito Jackson recently when they autographed 1,000 replicas of Michael Jackson's "Beat It" and "Thriller" leather jackets. Jermaine Jackson also signed the jackets, which go on sale Thursday through

The J5 Collection, which is based on the styles of the Jackson 5, will introduce Michael Jackson's style "to a new generation," Prince Jackson told CNN.

He might wear them to "dress up parties," he said. "It's not casual, but it's nice to wear to events."

Prince Jackson, who's about 5-foot-10, is showing signs of a young man who is ready to make his own mark on the world.

Jackson's three children -- Prince, Paris and Blanket -- were famously sheltered from public view until their father's death on June 25th, 2009. It wasn't until the pop icon's memorial service that the world got a close look at them.

Paris, now 13, spoke for her brothers then, saying her "daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine."

Prince Jackson spoke up on the Grammys stage in February 2010 when he accepted his father's lifetime achievement award.

"To all his songs, his message was simple, love," then-12-year-old Prince said. "We will continue to spread his message and help the world."

Since then, Prince talked briefly to Oprah Winfrey when she visited his home last year to interview grandparents Joe and Katherine Jackson.

Prince also walked a red carpet and answered a few questions from reporters during a recent trip to Germany to accept an award to his father.

He smiled broadly and appeared confident on stage at the tribute show to his father in Wales last month when he introduced Beyonce's song.

Prince said he's hoping to travel with Jackie, Tito and Marlon Jackson when they perform shows in Japan next month. The plan is to have Prince introduce his uncles on stage, Marlon Jackson said.

Perry Sanders, the lawyer for Katherine Jackson, said Prince has indicated he is determined to make his own money, even though he will inherit many millions from his father's estate.

Taking care to make the right decisions about what deals to accept and what to reject is crucial to protecting his brand as the eldest son of the King of Pop, he said.

His uncles asked Prince to support the "Thriller" and "Beat It" jacket sales, a line that is authorized by the executors of the Michael Jackson estate.

"These limited quantity collector's items are exact replicas of the iconic originals and were created by the original designer of the jackets," according to a news release.

Michael Jackson debuted the red "Beat It" and red and black "Thriller" jackets, designed by Marc Laurent, in 1983. The Jackson brothers signed 500 of each jacket, which will sell for $2,350.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 14:24
ohhh, Dr. Conrad Murray und Michael Flanagan gehen getrennte Wege ...

Michael Flanagan will sich absolut nicht mit der Berufung befassen. Er wird höchstwahrscheinlich noch bei der Verurteilung zu gegen sein, aber danach, wird seine Arbeit in diesem Fall im Wesentlichen vorbei sein ... "Ed und Michael reden jetzt wohl nicht einmal miteinander und das ist bereits der Status quo, seit den letzten zwei vergangenen Wochen".

Dr. Conrad Murray A Lawyer Amid Internal Bickering

Dr. Conrad Murray kommt ein Rechtsanwalt "abhanden", mitten unter interner Streitereien

Posted on Nov 10, 2011 @ 06:00AM
By Jen Heger

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Dr. Conrad Murray and one of his lawyers, Michael Flanagan have parted ways, is exclusively reporting.

The cardiologist was convicted of involuntary manslaughter on Monday, in connection with the death of his former patient, pop superstar Michael Jackson. Los Angeles Judge Michael Pastor remanded Dr. Murray into custody, citing security concerns, immediately after the jury delivered the verdict.

Ed Chernoff, Dr. Murray's lead attorney, says they plan on appealing the verdict, but they will be doing now without one of their original team.

"Michael [Flanagan] wants absolutely nothing to deal with the appeal. He will most likely be at the sentencing, but after that, his work on the case is essentially over," a source close to the situation tells "Ed and Michael aren't even talking to each other right now, and that has been the status quo for at the past two weeks,".

As previously reported, Chernoff, Dr. Murray's lead attorney, is from Houston, Texas and had been staying with Flanagan to save his client money. However, Ed moved out from Flanagan's posh digs in San Marino, just two weeks into the trial.

"Ed didn't like the way Michael was handling the prosecution witnesses. Ed felt that Michael was too abrasive and caustic with his questioning and that Michael allowed witnesses to clarify points that only helped the prosecution's case. Things were getting very tense and he's moved into a hotel in Santa Monica," an insider told about the sudden move.

Another source of strife between the former legal buddies was Flanagan's decision to order a study be done on Beagle dogs. The beagles were given propofol, to try to back up the defense's claim that Michael Jackson died at his own hand after drinking the powerful anesthetic.

"It just didn't make any sense to Ed that Michael would have a study conducted on the dogs. How are dogs and humans the same, if the defense were going to pursue that theory at trial? The D.A. actually had volunteers, including Dr. Shafer drink propofol, and their test concluded that dying from drinking propofol was nearly impossible," the insider tells

After's exclusive report about the pooches being given propofol, animal rights group PETA demanded a federal investigation.

Read PETA's Letter To The USDA Demanding A Full Investigation

PETA (the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals organization) filed a complaint with the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) alleging "cruel drug toxicity tests on beagles commissioned by the defense team of Dr. Conrad Murray, the physician now on trial for his alleged role in Michael Jackson's death.

"PETA asserts that if attorneys from Flanagan, Unger, Grover & McCool did commission the tests for the drug propofol -- the toxic effects of which have been extensively studied in dogs and humans -- those tests were likely conducted in violation of the federal Animal Welfare Act's prohibition against tests on animals that duplicate previous experiments. PETA has filed a complaint with the State Bar of California as well."

Flanagan's fate was finally sealed however when he decided to go on a media blitz after Dr. Murray was convicted on Monday.

Page Six reported that Flanagan was picked up at the courthouse by a chauffeur to take him on a first class flight to New York City to appear on The Today Show. Flanagan appeared on The Today Show during the third hour, for approximately 30 seconds.

Dr. Murray will be sentenced on Tuesday, November 29.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 14:53
Dr. Conrad Murray hätte merken müssen, dass er einen süchtigen Michael Jackson vor sich hatte ...
wie kann er erwarten, dass MJ im gesagt hätte, dass er süchtig sei, er hat es sich doch selbst nicht eingestanden ... wenn MJ soweit gewesen wäre, dann hätte sich MJ auch helfen lassen ...

also Dr. Murray, so nicht ... die 15,5 Liter Propofol wer hat die bestellt ??? wer hat Abend für Abend MJ mit Propofol versorgt ???

nein, nichts mit poor CONRAD MURRAY

Conrad Murray, du hättest diesen Job gar nicht annehmen dürfen, denn die Anforderungen dürften bekannt gewesen sein ... aber auch wenn sich erst zu einem späteren Zeitpunkt "gezeigt" hatte, um was es bei der "Behandlung" ging, dann hättest du NEIN sagen müssen ...

manche "Fehler", die man begeht, enden fatal ... da hilft auch kein Schönreden mehr ...

Dr. Conrad Murray: 'Michael Jackson Should Have Told Me He Was An Addict'

Dr. Conrad Murray: "Michael Jackson hätte mir sagen müssen, dass er ein Süchtiger war"

by Staff
Published: Nov 10, 2011

Michael Jackson's disgraced doctor Conrad Murray has revealed he would not have left the King of Pop alone in his room with a stock of anaesthetic propofol if his patient had been more forthcoming about his past addictions.

Dr. Murray was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in a Los Angeles court on Monday (07Nov11) after a jury found him guilty of administering the drug that killed Jackson in 2009.

But, in a new interview taped last week (ends04Nov11) that will air as part of U.S. news show Today on Thursday and Friday (10-11Nov11), the physician maintains his famous patient gave himself the anaesthetic while he stepped out of the singer's bedroom to make a series of phone calls - because he could not get enough propofol to help him sleep.

Asked if he thought he was "right" to leave Jackson in a situation where he had the opportunity to inject himself with the anaesthetic by newswoman Savannah Guthrie, Murray says, "That was not a foreseeable situation... Had I known what I know today in retrospect that Mr. Jackson was an addict... Addicts may behave in a way that is unreasonable."

In the interview, taped on 30 October (11), Dr. Murray insists he is not to blame for Jackson's death, stating, "Nothing that I gave Michael should have ended his life."

Murray is currently in custody awaiting sentencing on 29 November (11). He plans to appeal his conviction. (c) WENN


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.11.2011 um 16:11
Michael Jackson & The Doctor: A Fatal Friendship
1m 22s Trailer for forthcoming Conrad Murray documentary.
Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship 2011 Documentary
Youtube: Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship 2011 Documentary
Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship 2011 Documentary
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Michael Jackson and the Doctor: A Fatal Friendship 2011 Documentary

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Conrad Murray Trial - First Juror Speaks Out!
MJ Would 'Absolutely' Be Alive If Not for Conrad Murray, Juror Says.
