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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 10:24
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Jetzt wissen wir .......warum das Bett wieder raus genommen wurde ..... wenn so etwas erzählt würd will das auch keiner mehr ersteigern.
ohh, ich denke, verkauft hätten sie dieses Bett schon, nur nicht unbedingt an "Sammler", die das Ansehen von MJ ehren wollen ... es gibt genug Fetischisten, die an diesem Bett Gefallen gefunden hätten ... nur das wäre dann doch schon die "schmutzig, abartige" Klientel ...:D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 10:35
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:ohh, ich denke, verkauft hätten sie dieses Bett schon, nur nicht unbedingt an "Sammler", die das Ansehen von MJ ehren wollen ... es gibt genug Fetischisten, die an diesem Bett Gefallen gefunden hätten ... nur das wäre dann doch schon die "schmutzig, abartige" Klientel ...:D
Ihhh ja stimmt die gibt es ja auch noch ....hab ich glatt vergessen....bzw verdrängt....

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 10:38
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Unglaublich was sie da sagt ......wenn geht das was an und sie hat nix aber auch nix von MJ`s Seele verstanden .....ich kann das alles gar nicht glauben .....was da so gelabert würd ....
aber sie haben leider sehr viel gesagt ... Chernoff, Flanagan usw. ... auch Dr. White hat bei diesen Aufnahmen "mitgespielt" ... dass haben die doch nicht "umsonst" gemacht ...
wer soll denn das glauben ????

und Murray ganz besonders, hat seine theatralischen Auftritte ... :D

aber sie sind es ... es sind keine Doubles^^, die uns dort etwas vorspielen ... :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 10:43
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Ihhh ja stimmt die gibt es ja auch noch ....hab ich glatt vergessen....bzw verdrängt....
ich glaube, man kann gar nicht so "schmutzig" denken, wie die Realität sein kann ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 10:43
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:und Murray ganz besonders, hat seine theatralischen Auftritte ... :D
Der denkt doch jetzt aber nicht das gut ist für die Strafe die er erwartet .....dann ist er mehr wie doof :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 11:02
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Der denkt doch jetzt aber nicht das gut ist für die Strafe die er erwartet .....dann ist er mehr wie doof :D
Murray sieht sich doch als poor CONRAD MURRAY, der vollkommen unschuldig von MJ in diese Geschichte "gezogen" wurde ... Schuld trägt nicht Conrad Murray, Schuld haben all die anderen, einschließlich MJ, seinem besten Freund, dem er nur helfen wollte ...

ich kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Richter Michael Pastor, nichts von den "Geschehnissen" nach der Verkündung des Ergebnisses der Jury, erfahren hat ...
und so wie Murray seine Versionen in der Doku "vorträgt", ist es wahrlich ein Hohn, ganz gelinde
ausgedrückt ... Murray hat sich mit dieser Doku absolut keinen Gefallen getan ... :D eher, dass genaue Gegenteil ... jeder "verkauft sich eben, so gut er kann ... :D für mehr als doof, fehlen einem schon fast die Worte ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 11:11
Posted: Sun, Nov. 13, 2011, 3:00 AM
More problems in store for Murray

Weitere Probleme für Murray in dieser Lage

By Anthony McCartney

Associated Press

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Conrad Murray , convictedin Michael Jackson's death, faces lawsuits, other issues.

looming for the doctor convicted in Michael Jackson's death. Lawsuits, medical licensing issues and possible payments to Jackson's family await.

Some of the matters have been on hold since Conrad Murray was charged with involuntary manslaughter in February 2010, and the cardiologist's attorneys have so far fended off attempts to end his ability to practice medicine.

Now, with the jury's guilty verdict announced Monday, the efforts to hold Murray accountable in civil courts will speed up and the loss of his medical privileges are all but guaranteed.

The Houston-based physician is being sued by Jackson's father, is embroiled in a fight with the provider of his medical malpractice insurance, and may be ordered to pay restitution to Jackson's family when he is sentenced for involuntary manslaughter on Nov. 29.

But Murray won't go quietly. His civil attorney said that if the lawsuits proceed, they will delve into territory unexplored during the doctor's six-week criminal trial, including possible culpability by other doctors. Murray's team will also look into options for Murray to relinquish his medical license in Texas - with an eye on trying to return to medicine within a year.

Brian Oxman, who represents father Joe Jackson in a wrongful-death suit against Murray, said his civil case "will absolutely focus on what happened before the last few hours of Michael's life."

Murray's attorneys are planning an appeal of his criminal conviction, and he remains jailed without bail until his sentencing. At that hearing, prosecutors could seek restitution for Jackson's family, although his mother and children have received millions in support from the singer's estate.

The prospects of recouping any money from Murray are uncertain. He was never paid for his work with Jackson and is being pursued by creditors. It is unknown how much money Murray has or will receive as a result of a documentary project that was to air Friday night on MSNBC.

The doctor has been fighting with his malpractice insurer, Medicus Insurance Co., in a Houston court since August 2010. Medicus is asking a judge to rule that it is not responsible for paying Murray's legal bills in his fights with various medical boards, Joe Jackson's lawsuit or his criminal defense. The case was on hiatus until after the criminal trial. (Archiv-Version vom 16.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 11:25
How long until The Jackson 3 are starring in their own reality show? The first in-depth account of the bizarre lives of Jacko's oddly conceived children

By Edward Klein

Last updated at 1:05 AM on 13th November 2011

When Dr Conrad Murray was led away in handcuffs last week after being found guilty of causing Michael Jackson’s death, his sister, LaToya, credited the verdict to the spiritual intervention of her dead brother.

‘Michael,’ she said, ‘was looking over us.’

If so, he wasn’t the only member of the Jackson clan who followed the trial from an otherworldly place. His three children – Prince Michael, 14, Paris, 13, and Blanket (aka Prince Michael II), nine – watched the televised verdict from their very own celebrity Shangri-La, an exclusive gated community in Calabasas, California. Their neighbours include Kim Kardashian, Lady Gaga and Michael’s ex-wife, Lisa Marie Presley.

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Confident: Prince and Paris on stage at last month's tribute concert to their father in Cardiff
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Solemn: Blanket 'is so withdrawn' according to sources close to the family

Until now, only sketchy details have been available about the Jackson children, but today, after interviewing several sources close to the Jackson family, The Mail on Sunday can reveal the first detailed picture of their lives.

Within the family, Prince and Paris are now seen as the great hope of carrying on the Jackson entertainment dynasty. There is even talk in Hollywood that they are considering an offer to appear in their own TV reality show.

Given the bizarre nature of their upbringing – they often stumbled upon their father passed out on the bathroom floor or in his bedroom due to his intake of drugs – Prince and Paris appear to be surprisingly normal. But Blanket is a seriously withdrawn child. ‘He is shy, speaks very little and seems to be more shell-shocked than his siblings,’ said a family acquaintance.

When Michael was alive, the children were educated at home. But now the two older ones attend Buckley School – one of the oldest co-educational day schools in Los Angeles, with fees of $33,500 (£21,000) a year. The Jackson children travel to and from the private school in a phalanx of four-wheel-drive vehicles with their bodyguards. Paris plays on the Buckley flag football team – its only female member – and Prince sings in school performances.

‘They’re down-to-earth kids, not full of themselves, not pretentious,’ says Diane Dimond, author of Be Careful Who You Love: Inside The Michael Jackson Case.

‘They don’t wear $500 sneakers and, except for their father’s trial, they don’t watch TV.

‘Of course, a staff of three maids, a full-time chef and a round-the-clock security detail looks after them.’

The children live with their grandmother Katherine in a sprawling, six-bedroom mansion set in 14 acres. It was once owned by Jose and Kitty Menendez, who were famously shot dead in 1989 by their sons at their other residence in Beverly Hills.

Katherine, 81, managed to wrest guardianship of the children when Michael died in June 2009 after a bitter battle that pitted one branch of the Jackson family against the other. At stake was the children’s $300 million (£190 million) trust fund, plus their enormous potential future earnings on the stage as the rightful heirs to the Jackson dynasty.

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Carer: Katherine Jackson, pictured here with her husband Joe, has looked after the children since Michael's death

One faction, made up of siblings Randy, Tito and Janet, argued that the children should be kept away from Katherine and her physically abusive husband Joe and, instead, be placed in the more stable care of Michael’s eldest sister Rebbie.

But a second faction, including siblings Jackie, Jermaine and LaToya, was set against giving the children to Rebbie, in part because her husband, Nathaniel, had publicly accused Michael of being a child molester.

When Michael was alive, the children were kept secluded from the world. When they went out in public, they wore face masks.

Even their births were shrouded in mystery. According to several sources, Prince and Paris were conceived using IVF. It has been claimed that the sperm came not from Michael but from his dermatologist, Dr Arnold Klein. Both bear a remarkable resemblance to Dr Klein.

As for their ‘mother’, Debbie Rowe, a nurse at Dr Klein’s Beverly Hills clinic, it is said that she did not donate her eggs (the donor is unknown) and that she was merely the surrogate.

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After giving birth to Paris, Debbie, now 52, could no longer carry a child, and in 2002 Blanket was adopted under equally secretive circumstances.

At the time, Michael claimed the child was the product of his own sperm and a surrogate mother, who was never publicly named. Few believed that story. There was speculation that the sperm donor was Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin, but he has denied this.

Rowe, who married Michael in 1996 and divorced three years later, has paid little part in the children’s lives. Jackson was granted full custody of Prince Michael and Paris following the divorce and in 2004 she lost a court battle to secure visitation rights.

‘The only mother these children ever knew was Grace Rwaramba, the Rwandan nanny introduced to Michael by his friend Deepak Chopra,’ Stacy Brown, a close Jackson family friend, told me.

‘Michael fired Grace for unknown reasons in 2008, but after he died she turned up again at the Calabasas mansion and resumed child-caring.

‘However, the children had taken a strong dislike to Grace.

‘The older boy, Prince, went to his grandmother and told her that he and Paris didn’t want Grace around any more. In their view, Grace belonged to the inner circle who weren’t able to halt Michael’s drug habit which led to his demise.’

Three months after Michael’s death, Katherine fired Grace and became the sole adult authority over the children. However, she is sometimes forced to share her parental role with her husband, Joe, who spends part of the year in Las Vegas but has the run of the Calabasas mansion when he is in California.

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Normal childhood: The three children attend a private school - but travel there with bodyguards in a fleet of 4X4s

‘Katherine filed twice for divorce from Joe but never went through with it,’ said a knowledgeable source. ‘He has some kind of hold over her even though he has been a child abuser and philanderer. Joe used to receive money from Katherine, who got it directly from Michael.

‘Now she gets $60,000 [£38,000] a month from the executors of Michael’s estate and gives some of that money to Joe. Joe’s relationship with the kids is better than you might expect. Prince and Paris are aware that their grandfather often beat their father before sending him on stage. But they don’t seem to mind having him around.’

Paris recently found herself the victim of a cyber-bully when a Twitter follower began taunting her that Michael was not her biological father. She went to the police, but did not stop tweeting. In one tweet, she boasted about her ‘100% Jackson blood’, in another she referred to herself as a ‘natural Jackson’ who has the love and support of her ‘beloved gramma and cousins’.

Yet despite the damage they suffered from their father’s behaviour in their formative years, it seems the children have never undergone psychotherapy.

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Legend: Sources say the three children are now considering how to continue their father's legacy

‘Over the almost 40 years I knew Michael he grew stranger and scarier,’ said Theresa Gonsalves, 53, who met Jackson when they were teenagers and watched the way he raised his children.

‘I was probably the only person in the world who wasn’t shocked when I saw photos of Michael dangling his son Blanket from the balcony of that Berlin hotel [in 2002]. I had seen Michael flirting with his own death, including the time he showed me how he could hang by one arm from the narrow railing of the balcony of his penthouse apartment in New York.

‘When I last saw him backstage at the American Music Awards show in 2003, I was shocked by his appearance. He looked like death. His eyes were sunken in his head like a corpse and it was obvious he had been crying.

‘Prince and Paris were with him and they seemed to be perfectly normal children, running around and playing, laughing and squealing. They didn’t have veils over their faces and they seemed to have a normal relationship with their father.

‘But to me it was obvious that all the weirdness they grew up with must have had a negative influence on them. Michael had no childhood. He was regimented and made to work incredibly hard to make money. His father Joe was a very scary man and was absolutely abusive. Nobody taught Michael right from wrong – he was just beaten when he didn’t do exactly what Joe wanted.

‘When he had children of his own, he wanted just the opposite of his childhood. So he let them run wild and made their lives like a long visit to Disneyland.

‘He wanted more than anything for them to have the joy and freedom he was denied – they could do more or less anything. But now that they are living with their grandmother, their lives are far more structured and their freedom curtailed.

‘Michael’s death has brought a new-found popularity to the Jacksons and the family is capitalising on every bit of it.

‘But if the media starts to lose interest, the family will come down hard on the children to help the Jacksons recapture the old magic.’


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 11:35
November 9, 2011

Did MJ foreshadow his own death?

Hat MJ seinen eigenen Tod vorausgeahnt?

Posted: 09:15 PM ET

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Michael Jackson is considered one of the greatest songwriters to ever make music. His lyrics were laced with stories of pain, deception by women and pleas for a better world. One subject rarely covered in his catalog was drugs.

That was until 1997 on his remix album, “Blood on the Dance Floor.” “Blood” is widely considered Jackson’s darkest album, and was a change of pace for the artist, following his admission of addiction to pain killers in 1993 and child abuse allegations the same year. The track that best embodies this shift in Jackson’s mood is a song titled “Morphine.”

It’s a haunting song, solely written, composed, and produced by Jackson. The song seems to rebuke untrustworthy handlers and deceptive women at first; but in the hook, Jackson gets to the subject at hand. Singing from the perspective of morphine, Jackson pleads:

Trust in me

Just in me

Put all your trust in me

You're doin' morphine

Jackson then goes a step further as he sings about the drug’s effect. The most jarring section of this song, which is over six minutes long, shifts from a focus on morphine to another highly addictive drug, Demerol.


This won't hurt you

Before I put it in

Close your eyes and count to ten

Don't cry 

I won't convert you

There's no need to dismay

Close your eyes and drift away



Oh God he's taking




Oh God he's taking Demerol

He's tried

Hard to convince her

To be over what he had

Today he wants it twice as bad

Don't cry 

I won't resent you

Yesterday you had his trust

Today he's taking twice as much

The section about Demerol also makes a huge shift in mood. Jackson goes from a hard rock sound to a ballad, as if singing a love song about the drug.

During Jackson’s autopsy in 2009, it was discovered that Jackson had prescription meds in his system. Part of Dr. Conrad Murray’s defense is that Jackson’s insomnia was caused by an addiction to Demerol, and Jackson was so desperate for sleep, he gave himself the anesthetic propofol to get to sleep. During court on Thursday, Dr. Robert Waldman, an addiction specialist for the defense testified, “I believe there’s evidence he [Michael Jackson] was dependent on Demerol.” Waldman also testified that Jackson was given large doses of the drug while being treated by his longtime dermatologist, Dr. Arnold Klein.

Could Jackson have been trying to make his fans aware of a Demerol addiction as far back as 1997? Was this song a cry for help? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. (Archiv-Version vom 13.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 11:49
Frank Cascio, auch "ein guter Freund" von MJ, ist in Plauderlaune ... Cascio sagt, dass Jackson Propofol in 1999 in München nahm ... ja, und nun ???? alles weitere natürlich im neuen Buch ... :D

New Michael Jackson book out

November 13 2011 at 12:23pm

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A personal assistant turned personal manager to Michael Jackson said the King of Pop had been taking propofol as early as 1999, and that the singer was drugged up ahead of his 2001 30th anniversary concerts.

Frank Cascio, who became a family friend to Jackson at age 5 and eventually one of the singer's closest friends and employees, writes in a new book that he first noticed Jackson taking the drug Demerol while accompanying the singer on his “Dangerous” tour in 1993.

He writes in his new book, “My Friend Michael: An Ordinary Friendship with an Extraordinary Man,” that Jackson started the first of two anniversary shows in 2001 an hour late as a result of being drugged up in his dressing room.

“...My naive belief that Michael wouldn't let his medicine interfere with the show blew up in my face,” Cascio writes. “I can't begin to describe my disappointment and panic at this moment.”

The Associated Press purchased an advance copy of the book, which is set for release Nov. 15 by William Morrow, an imprint of News Corp.'s HarperCollins.

Cascio became a friend of Jackson's after his father introduced him to the singer; Cascio's father worked at the Hemsley Palace in Manhattan, managing the hotel's towers and suites, where Jackson stayed. Following that, a five-year-old Cascio and his younger brother Eddie, spent time with Jackson at his Neverland Ranch.

He says Jackson was first introduced to Demerol in 1984 when he burned his head during a Pepsi commercial shoot, and Cascio writes that he first noticed Jackson using the medicine on his “Dangerous” tour.

“Now, on tour, and again in deep physical pain, Michael turned back to those drugs,” he wrote.

Cascio says Jackson also took propofol in 1999 in Munich when the singer was 50 feet (15 meters) in the air and instead of coming down slowly, the platform Jackson was on fell down. Cascio also writes that Jackson had taken Demerol to treat the skin disease vitiligo, and grew worried about his drug use.

“It had become clear to me that Michael's drug use was escalating,” he wrote. Cascio said sometimes he paid doctors in cash “because all of Michael's medical issues had to be kept from the public and their cost off the books.” He also said he had some of the prescriptions written out in his name.

“Over the years, I had grown accustomed to seeing doctors coming and going, particularly in late tours, when Michael was under great stress and needed help falling asleep.”

Cascio said he wanted to seek out help, but didn't know who to turn to. Ahead of Jackson's 2001 anniversary shows, he said he spoke to Janet, Randy and Tito about their brother's drug use. He writes that Jackson's siblings approached him, but the singer “simply pushed them away.”

The pop star's doctor, Conrad Murray, was convicted Monday of involuntary manslaughter for supplying the insomnia-plagued Jackson with the powerful operating-room anesthetic propofol to help him sleep as he rehearsed for his big comeback.

“But in the end, physical and mental anguish prevailed, and Michael died in his endless quest to attain some inner peace,” Cascio writes.

“My Friend Michael” also takes a look at some of Jackson's personal and professional moments, providing a somewhat behind-the-scenes look at the King of Pop's life.

Cascio writes that he and Jackson “had gotten stoned on a few occasions up in the mountains,” and that Jackson would drink wine out of juice bottles and soda cans.

Cascio and the singer grew close, and in 1993 when Jackson had been accused of child molestation charges, he asked the Cascio family to visit him in Israel while he was on tour. He later asked if the young boys could stay on tour with him.

“He went to my father and broke down crying,” Cascio writes. “People might question my parents' judgment in sending two young boys off to spend time alone with a man who had been accused of molesting another boy. But to us, the suggestion that we were in any danger was completely absurd.”

Jackson invited Cascio to work as his personal assistant a year after he graduated high school. He later became his personal manager.

Throughout the book, Cascio writes that Jackson never had sex with children, but had a love for them and wanted to father 10 kids in total.

Cascio says Princess Diana was at the top of Jackson's list of women he wanted to date, and that Jackson made out with one of his fan club members.

“He tended to like tall, slender women whom I'd describe as nerdy in a sexy way,” he writes.

Cascio also said that Jackson used to claim that dancer and rapper Omer Bhatti, long rumoured to be his lovechild by a Norwegian woman, was his son, though Cascio did not believe him. Jackson later admitted that it wasn't true.

“By way of an explanation, Michael gave me the same reason he'd given for his marriages to Lisa Marie and Debbie Rowe. He needed to show the Saudi prince and the rest of the Arab business world that he had a family,” Cascio writes.

When he worked as his personal manager, Cascio said he had to interfere when John McClain, now the co-executor of Jackson's estate, and the director of Jackson's “You Rock My World” music video, wanted the singer “to use makeup to darken Michael's skin for the video” and “to fill in his nose with putty.” Cascio said Jackson locked himself in a bathroom and cried.

“They think I'm ugly?” Jackson asked. “They think I'm a freak, they think I'm a freak, they think I'm a freak.” - Sapa-AP


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 12:09
auch die Medien "verfolgen" Murrays "Worte" genau ... es sind nicht alle so dumm, wie Murray es glaubt und alle einschätzt ... da überschätzt sich der Doc ganz gewaltig ... :D
ja, MJ bettelte um seine "Milch" , die ihn zum Schlafen bringen sollte ... na, nun hat MJ seinen
"ewigen Schlaf" gefunden ... nur in Frieden ruhen, lässt man ihn leider nicht ... :D

Dr. Conrad Murray says MJ begged him for some “milk” to put him to sleep

Dr. Conrad Murray sagt, dass MJ ihn um einige "Milch" anbettelte, die ihn in Schlaf versetzen sollte

Posted on 13 Nov 2011 at 11:03am

Dr. Conrad Murray, who was convicted of Manslaughter for the death of Michael Jackson was interviewed last Friday on MSNBC.

Michael Jackson died in the morning of June 25, 2009.

The title of the special is “Michael Jackson and the doctor: A Fatal Friendship”

Dr. Conrad explained why he did not call 911 right away the morning Michael Jackson died.

He said he is a trained cardiologist and he is capable to do anything that any paramedics can do.

This was the key topic on his trial. But he and his attorney cannot provide evidence to support his explanation on what happened that morning.

Murray believes that if Michael woke up that morning, he could have quit working because it was the result of his ‘own hands.’

Also on the show, Dr. Conrad claimed that he only ‘tip’ Michael Jackson to sleep.

He said that he just gave in to Michael Jackson when he begged that he really needs to sleep.

Murray said, “If I give him just a tiny amount of Propofol..25 milligrams.. slowly infused.. I may just tip him to sleep..and the other medications will now get a chance to work because he had a fair amount of medication on board.”

There was a recorded interview of Murray to the police two days after his death, and he said, he had already pumped MJ with sedatives Valium, Lorazepam, Midazolam, – but Michael still can’t sleep.

The doctor added that it was not the drug Propofol that led to his death but the ‘other’ drugs.

He was also interviewed on the Today Show before the verdict.

Dr. Conrad told NBC that he put MJ to sleep that day, and left the room to talk on the phone because he did not want to wake Michael up.
Dr. Conrad erzählt NBC, dass er an diesem Tag MJ in Schlaf versetzt hatte und den Raum verließ, um zu telefonieren, weil er Michael nicht wecken wollte.

But when he spoke with the cops he said that he left the room to use the bathroom and was gone for only 2 minutes.
Aber als er mit der Polizei sprach, sagte er, dass er den Raum verließ, um das Badezimmer zu benutzen und war nur 2 Minuten weg.

He also said that he regrets Michael Jackson’s passing.

source: TMZ


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 14:17
Zitat von ChefdecuisineChefdecuisine schrieb:PS Die University of Northern Arizona bietet den von ihr angeblich belegten Studiengang nicht an.

Damit ist der Autopsiebericht Makulatur.
Falsch!! :)

kZzAi0 Arizona2

9h9KhR ArizonaOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB) (Archiv-Version vom 29.05.2010)

Damit ist das was du geschrieben hast Makulatur ;)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 15:05
Das ist ein Undergraduate von Chemistry, der in eine ganz andere Richtung führt. Sie bräuchte den Forensics/Criminalistics der Fachrichtung Toxikologie oder Pharmakologie.

Forensic Chemistry wird z. B. bei der Ermittlung v. Schusswaffeneinsatz eingesetzt, Nachweis von Schmauchspuren, weswegen ihr Labor auch nur genau dafür akkreditiert ist. Einen gewöhnlichen Chemiker für Toxikologie im Bereich Pharamakologie einzusetzen ist so sinnvoll wie einen Heizungsinstallateur am PKW-Motor basteln zu lassen.

Kannst ja mal zur Apotheke gehen, und ein Rezept von einem Chemiker vorlegen, statt vom Facharzt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 15:19
Da du aber behauptet hast, sie hätte gelogen, was sie NICHT hat, ist das völlig irrelevant. ;)
Sie hat seit 2001 in dem Bereich Toxikologie gearbeitet und tausende Auswertungen gemacht, von daher wird sie wohl einige Erfahrungen gesammelt haben. :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 15:24
Ihr Beschäftigungsfeld überschneidet sich dort mit dem der Biochemie, wo die molekularen Grundlagen der Vergiftungen aufgeklärt werden. Daher sind auch viele Chemiker und Biochemiker als Toxikologen tätig.

Wikipedia: Toxikologie


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 16:18
die Seite kann nicht mehr kopiert werden, da vermutlich ein Kopierschutz besteht ... :D

p60uMh muzikfactorytwo 10.11.2011

EEq9eu bloodmoney

5tAzM7 mcnbc


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 16:40
It doesn't matter who's wrong or right, apparently

Es ist allem Anschein nach unwichtig, wer Recht hat oder nicht

The Michael Jackson story just gets more ugly after conviction
Posted by Mark C. Brown Thursday, November 10, 2011 11:22:10 AM

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Could the Michael Jackson story get more sordid?

Sadly, yes it can. Convicted killer Conrad Murray refused to take the stand during his trial – but in the off hours was secretly taping interviews with NBC’s “Today Show” for a documentary. Estimates range up to $1 million for the doctor, who will be sentenced later this month for causing Jackson’s death. Predictably, in the interviews, Murray blames Jackson for his own death. Shame on Murray, and shame on NBC and its upcoming documentary on Friday night. One could make a case that these secret interviews tampered with and undermined the justice system, with Murray knowing he was building a nest egg prior to his conviction.

drIk1Y social 10.11.2011
VIDEO im Bericht

Nearly as galling was Jermaine Jackson – who, coincidentally, just wrote his own book about Jackson, released on Sept. 13 – on “Piers Morgan Tonight,” decrying the doctor for making money off of his brother. As the family has sponged off of Jackson for years, Jermaine as best comes off as a disingenuous leech, pissed that someone else figured out how to make an extra buck off the Jackson name before he did. His continued insistence that Murray’s words were “irrevalent”and that it was all about the money could have been turned around directly at him.

Jermaine Jackson: Murray is a liar ~ Jermaine Jackson: Murray ist ein Lügner
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VIDEO im Bericht

Is it over? No. Now the Jackson family goes after promoter AEG Live in a civil suit, because, as one attorney put it, it was smart to “keep the focus on the deep pockets.”

And, of course, Michael Jackson's death bed is up for auction.

There really are no words to describe how sick these people and their actions have become -- all over money. (Archiv-Version vom 14.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 17:08
Michael Jackson
Former Manager Says Propofol Use Began in 1999

Michael Jackson
Ehemaliger Manager sagt, Propofol Gebrauch begann im Jahr 1999

40 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

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Michael Jackson took Propofol as early as 1999, a former manager claims in a new book -- and says Jackson was late to his 30th anniversary concerts because he was drugged up.

Frank Cascio, a former personal assistant to Jackson who eventually became his close friend and manager, writes that he first noticed Jackson taking Demerol in 1993 during his "Dangerous" tour. He says Jackson was first introduced to the drug in 1984, after Jackson burned his head during a Pepsi commercial shoot.

In the book, an advanced copy of which was obtained by the AP, Cascio claims Jackson took Propofol in 1999 after a stage accident in Munich.

Cascio says he spoke to Jackson's siblings about his drug use in 2001 and they tried to approach Jackson about it -- but MJ "simply pushed them away."

Writing about Jackson's death, Cascio says Michael "died in his endless quest to attain some inner peace."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 17:23
Michael Jackson und Freddie Mercury im Duett


Sie sind beide nicht mehr am Leben und doch soll bald ein gemeinsames Duett der beiden Megastars zu hören sein: Michael Jackson und 'Queen'-Frontmann Freddie Mercury haben 1983 gemeinsam Songs aufgenommen.

Während der 'Queen'-Tour vor 27 Jahren sind laut 'Bild in Jacksons Haus in L.A. gemeinsame Aufnahmen von Mercury und Jackson entstanden, von denen nun eines auf der Plattform 'You-tube' bereits zu hören ist. Eine CD soll nächstes Jahr erscheinen. (Archiv-Version vom 14.11.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

13.11.2011 um 17:38
Kriegen die Jackson-Kids eine eigene Reality-Soap?

Sonntag, 13. November 2011, 13:11 Uhr

Los Angeles. Der Jackson-Clan will offenbar aus der eigenen Familie neue Talente heranziehen. Denn nur Janet Jackson ist noch übrig geblieben, die halbwegs erfolgreich die Fahne hochhält. Seit über 40 Jahren schreibt die Großfamilie Showbizgeschichte und nun sollen Michael Jacksons Kinder Karriere in der Branche machen.

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Jedenfalls setzt Joe Jackson große Hoffnungen in Paris (13) und Prince Michael (14) und Blanket (9, aka Prince Michael II), von denen bis heute nicht mal zweifelsfrei klar ist, ob sie auch wirklich die Kinder des King Of Pop sind. Laut mehreren Quellen wurden Prince und Paris mittels künstlichen Befruchtung gezeugt. Und der Spender soll Jacksons Dermatologe Dr. Arnold Klein sein. Beide verfügen nämlich über eine bemerkenswerte Ähnlichkeit mit dem Hausarzt.

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Doch die Kinder wollen davon nichts wissen. Als Paris jüngst von einem Follower auf Twitter verspottet wurde, dass sie nicht die Tochter von Jackson sei, twitterte sie nicht nur zurück, sie sei "hundertprozentig aus Jackson-Blut", sondern rannte auch gleich zur Polizei.

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Kriegen die Jackson-Kids eine eigene Reality-Soap?

Sonntag, 13. November 2011, 13:11 Uhr

Los Angeles. Der Jackson-Clan will offenbar aus der eigenen Familie neue Talente heranziehen. Denn nur Janet Jackson ist noch übrig geblieben, die halbwegs erfolgreich die Fahne hochhält. Seit über 40 Jahren schreibt die Großfamilie Showbizgeschichte und nun sollen Michael Jacksons Kinder Karriere in der Branche machen.

Jedenfalls setzt Joe Jackson große Hoffnungen in Paris (13) und Prince Michael (14) und Blanket (9, aka Prince Michael II), von denen bis heute nicht mal zweifelsfrei klar ist, ob sie auch wirklich die Kinder des King Of Pop sind. Laut mehreren Quellen wurden Prince und Paris mittels künstlichen Befruchtung gezeugt. Und der Spender soll Jacksons Dermatologe Dr. Arnold Klein sein. Beide verfügen nämlich über eine bemerkenswerte Ähnlichkeit mit dem Hausarzt.

Doch die Kinder wollen davon nichts wissen. Als Paris jüngst von einem Follower auf Twitter verspottet wurde, dass sie nicht die Tochter von Jackson sei, twitterte sie nicht nur zurück, sie sei "hundertprozentig aus Jackson-Blut", sondern rannte auch gleich zur Polizei.

Längst hat die Jackson-Dynastie das enorme Potenzial zukünftiger Gewinne durch die rechtmäßigen Erben Blanket, Prince-Michael und Paris erkannt. Auch das ist der Grund, warum die Kinder immer wieder auf Bühnen zu sehen sind.

Schon spekuliert die ‘Daily Mail’, dass es wohl nur noch eine Frage der Zeit ist, bis die ‘Jackson 3′ Darsteller ihrer eigenen Reality-Soap werden könnten. Und offenbar wird auch erwogen ein entsprechendes Angebot in die Tat umzusetzen.

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Theresa Gonsalves (53), die Jackson kennengelernte, als sie Teenager waren, hatte den Star oft getroffen. Sie sagte: "Für mich ist es klar, dass das verrückte Leben um sie herum, mit der sie aufgewachsen sind, einen negativen Einfluss auf sie hat." Und sie fügte hinzu: "Michaels Tod hat den Jacksons eine neue Popularität gegeben und die Familie möchte jedes Stück davon kapitalisieren.

"Aber wenn das Interesse der Medien erlischt, wird die Familie auf die Kinder zurückgreifen, um die alte Magie der Jacksons zurückzuerbobern", sagte Gonsalves.

Und das dürfte spätestens dann passieren, wenn es keine neuen, alten Songs mehr zu veröffentlichen gibt.

Fotos: (Archiv-Version vom 14.11.2011)

