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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 11:11
Man The Hell Up, For God's Sake

sharon-leach w95
Sunday, December 04, 2011

So last Tuesday Michael Jackson's doctor was sentenced to four years maximum in prison. Personally, I think he got off lightly. He's a relatively young man. Four years will blow over fast, but hopefully not before he, once and for all, accepts responsibility for his role in the singer's death. If he's lucky he'll come out wiser and humbler for the experience. At any rate, he'll have the rest of his life to atone, so that there'll maybe come a day when he won't be known as the guy who killed the world's greatest entertainer. Of course, the family and we the fans of MJ have to live with this irrevocable fact: our beloved gloved one, our eternal Peter Pan, will still be dead.

I think the thing that galled anybody who followed the trial was the disgraceful way that the good doctor's team tried to sully Jackson. Michael Jackson, if we're to believe the defence team, was an inveterate pill popper, a junkie, and Dr Murray only accommodated his requests. How vulgar a defence! In which universe was that argument ever going to fly? Primum nil nocere. First, do no harm, Dr Murray. That's one of the first precepts of medical ethics all medical students are taught in medical school. If Michael Jackson had crawled into Dr Murray's office on his hands and bloodied knees, begging for something the doctor knew would be harmful to him, he was obligated to say no, to save Michael from himself.

And, speaking of people getting off easy, also on Tuesday, word came that Norway shooting suspect Anders Breivik, the self-described anti-Islamic zealot, was declared insane. The ruling apparently means that prosecutors considered him psychotic when he gunned down and bombed 77 people, many of them teenagers at a camp, in the usually peaceful Norwegian country, this past July, in what is generally seen as the country's worst peacetime massacre in history.

I find this ruling puzzling. Deluded, yes; insane, I don't think so. I know I'm not a qualified psychiatrist, but wouldn't randomness be the activity associated with the insane? He knew exactly what he was doing. I think 'criminally insane' is a tag mental health workers affix to monsters they don't want to admit roam freely in our midst. The massacre was meticulously plotted and carried out against people he saw as deserving of punishment — and let's face it; it had to be if he could have taken out so many people before being stopped - as the panel of forensic experts had pointed out shortly after the incident. Even a district judge had ruled Breivik was mentally fit to stand trial. Now, this monstrous mass murderer was never going to get the death sentence because Norway abolished the death penalty in 1902. Nor was he ever in danger of languishing in prison for life, since life imprisonment is another concept that doesn't exist in Norway's "non-aggresive" legal system, which considers the idea of punishment barbaric. The maximum term is 21 years. As it stands, however, Breivik, he of the perpetual smirk, may be out shortly; apparently even the most cold-blooded of murderers are fully eligible for parole after just a few years. I don't know; perhaps it's my Jamaican blood-thirstiness or an unhealthy reliance in the God of the Old Testament inculcated in me, but I can't see how this judgement can be seen as just. I'm not usually an agitator for capital punishment because of the attendant room for error in the verdict. But I admit it: I'm not so sure now. In a brutal and savage case like this, when there was never a doubt as to the killer's identity, it's unconscionable that this self-confessed murderer is so cowardly hiding behind a mentally unfit defence. If he was man enough to mastermind the bombing and shooting spree, then he should be man enough to accept responsibility for what he did. After all, it's not as if he'll pay too high a price anyway. Maximum-security prisons, like just-completed Halden Prison, for murders and rapists a few miles from the Swedish border, are reportedly kitted out with IKEA-like furniture, with cells that come with flat-screen TVs, private baths, and inmates able to take cooking classes and work out with personal trainers in the deluxe gym that has a rock-climbing wall. Oh, and there's a professional music studio for prisoners who form groups there and want to rock out. Guards don't even carry guns and often freely mingle with the inmates. Norway apparently thinks that prison is meant to reacclimatise the prisoner to society so that institutionalisation doesn't make him have a freak-out moment like that scene in The Shawshank Redemption where the old man hangs himself, unable to fit back into society after spending so many years locked away.

I find this ruling puzzling. Deluded, yes; insane, I don't think so. I know I'm not a qualified psychiatrist, but wouldn't randomness be the activity associated with the insane? He knew exactly what he was doing. I think 'criminally insane' is a tag mental health workers affix to monsters they don't want to admit roam freely in our midst. The massacre was meticulously plotted and carried out against people he saw as deserving of punishment -- and let's face it; it had to be if he could have taken out so many people before being stopped - as the panel of forensic experts had pointed out shortly after the incident. Even a district judge had ruled Breivik was mentally fit to stand trial. Now, this monstrous mass murderer was never going to get the death sentence because Norway abolished the death penalty in 1902. Nor was he ever in danger of languishing in prison for life, since life imprisonment is another concept that doesn't exist in Norway's "non-aggresive" legal system, which considers the idea of punishment barbaric. The maximum term is 21 years. As it stands, however, Breivik, he of the perpetual smirk, may be out shortly; apparently even the most cold-blooded of murderers are fully eligible for parole after just a few years. I don't know; perhaps it's my Jamaican blood-thirstiness or an unhealthy reliance in the God of the Old Testament inculcated in me, but I can't see how this judgement can be seen as just. I'm not usually an agitator for capital punishment because of the attendant room for error in the verdict. But I admit it: I'm not so sure now. In a brutal and savage case like this, when there was never a doubt as to the killer's identity, it's unconscionable that this self-confessed murderer is so cowardly hiding behind a mentally unfit defence. If he was man enough to mastermind the bombing and shooting spree, then he should be man enough to accept responsibility for what he did. After all, it's not as if he'll pay too high a price anyway. Maximum-security prisons, like just-completed Halden Prison, for murders and rapists a few miles from the Swedish border, are reportedly kitted out with IKEA-like furniture, with cells that come with flat-screen TVs, private baths, and inmates able to take cooking classes and work out with personal trainers in the deluxe gym that has a rock-climbing wall. Oh, and there's a professional music studio for prisoners who form groups there and want to rock out. Guards don't even carry guns and often freely mingle with the inmates. Norway apparently thinks that prison is meant to reacclimatise the prisoner to society so that institutionalisation doesn't make him have a freak-out moment like that scene in The Shawshank Redemption where the old man hangs himself, unable to fit back into society after spending so many years locked away.

If this criminally insane judgement is withheld, it means that Breivik would not even be sent to prison. He'd be indefinitely detained at a psychiatric hospital. Any way you take it, he has an exotic vacation to look forward to. So how about not adding insult to injury and disrespecting the memory of the 77 lost ones and simply owning up to what he did?


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 11:38
Blanket, Paris and Prince smile as stars turn
out for the premiere of the Michael Jackson
Immortal tour

By Holly Thomas
Last updated at 10:08 AM on 4th December 2011

It was naturally an emotional evening for them all.

However there was no doubt that Blanket, Prince, and Paris Jackson were bursting with pride as they arrived at the Cirque Du Soleil Michael Jackson Immortal tour premiere in Las Vegas last night.

The late singer's children smiled as stars turned out to celebrate his legacy at the new tour's opening show at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

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Glad to be there: Prince Jackson, 14, appeared in good spirits as he turned up for the show

Admirably collected, the three stood separately on the red carpet, appearing calm amidst the milieu of famous faces.

Michael's older brother Jackie also showed up with his daughter Brandi, looking cheerful as they stood together on the red carpet.

Hugh Hefner's former girlfriend, model and Peepshow star Holly Madison turned up looking sultry in a black leather dress, which showed off her ample curves.

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Showing their support: Tito and Jackie Jackson posed with Cirque du Soleil performers as they arrived

The blonde posed alongside her Holly's World co-star, singer and tv personality Josh Strickland, who tried out some classic Jackson moves on the red carpet.

A clearly excited Holly tweeted later on: 'The red carpet for Cirque's new Michael Jackson show was insane! Can't wait to see it! Running to do 2 Peepshows now . .

Glee stars Mark Salling and Kevin McHale also showed up, looking thrilled to be present for the landmark performance.

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Coming together: Jackie posed with his daughter Brandi, while Michael Jackson's friend and the show's choreographer Travis Payne also took to the red carpet
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Mark tweeted: 'Being blown away by michael jackson immortal with one my most sawlid homies @therealhaus'

Kevin was likewise overwhelmed, writing on his Twitter page: 'So overwhelming. This MJ memorabilia is so incredible'

The show's choreographer Travis Payne, who has said it 'didn't take me two seconds to say yes' to working on the production, looked confident in a striking black ensemble, posing dramatically for the paparazzi.

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Live and kicking: Producer Berry Gordy- who X Factor judge Louis Walsh embarrassingly referred to as 'dead' on last night's show- was present, alongside director John Landis

Producer Berry Gordy- who X Factor judge Louis Walsh embarrassingly referred to as 'dead' on last night's show- was present, alongside director John Landis.

Pitched as a 'riveting fusion of visuals, dance, music and fantasy', the Immortal tour aims to take the audience on a journey into Michael's creative world, demonstrating how his imagination and artistry intertwined to create a superstar.

The show takes place in a fantastical realm which features Michael's famous 'Giving Tree', which hold the secret of 'his love of music and dance, fairy tale and magic, and the fragile beauty of nature'.

Underpinning the whole performance of course is Jackson's iconic music, tying together the themes of love, peace and unity.

The tour kicks off at the 8,000-capacity Mandalay Bay Events Center, running there until December 27.

Probably the biggest arena production the city has ever seen, the cost of the show surpassed $60 million.

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Getting into the spirit of the occasion: Josh showed off some MJ-style moves

Forty-eight trucks have been hauling the staging and instruments across the country in preparation for the event.

The tour will continue in the US and Canada until late summer 2012.

Explaining the focus of the show, the Immortal arena tour Director Jamie King told the Las Vegas Sun that he wanted to create 'a celebration of Michael's life and his beliefs,' an attempt to 'make you get inside of Michael's head and make you experience the world through his eyes.'

'When I went to Neverland Ranch, Michael’s sanctuary, I was in his bedroom, you looked out and you could see a giant oak tree,' he continued.

'What I remembered about young Michael was, he loved to climb trees. He loved it so much that he would sometimes sleep up in the tree, he would write in that tree. He wrote the ‘Dangerous’ album in that tree. He wrote a lot of poetry there, he painted there and did drawings in that tree as well.'

'It was really the source of his inspiration. When I saw it, I knew I had to make it a central point in this show.'

'His spirit lives on. And he's here with us. Maybe not physically, but certainly his energy, his influence, will never die.'


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 11:55
Traitors! The doctors, the drugs,
the paranoid rages and what
REALLY happened at
Michael Jackson's Neverland

By Frank Cascio
Last updated at 11:13 PM on 3rd December 2011

As I drove along the dark, cobbled streets of Castelbuono, my home town in Sicily, I turned on my phone. Text messages started rolling in, one on top of another. ‘Is it true?’ flashed up. ‘Are you OK?’

But I had no idea what they were talking about. I’d spent the evening with friends and around midnight was heading back to the house I’d rented, following my cousin Dario.

Suddenly Dario’s car screeched to halt. He leapt out and ran towards me, shouting: ‘Michael’s dead! Michael’s dead!’

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Close friends: Michael Jackson and Frank Cascio, who was the King of Pop's personal manager

Dario could only have meant one person: Michael Jackson, who had been the centre of my world – as a friend, as his assistant and then his personal manager – for almost 20 years.

I left my car, dazed and numb, and walked alone through the Italian night. I had been part of Michael’s inner circle and had helped him through his darkest hours. Memories rose up, then melted away again. Moments from the past, some happy, some sad, some triumphant, some disastrous. But the figure who dominated them all was Michael Jackson.

I was four when we first met. My father was general manager at the Helmsley Palace hotel in Manhattan and had struck up a friendship with the star who frequently stayed there. Michael gave me a big smile, took off his sunglasses, and shook my hand. He was 27 and his most recent album, Thriller, was already the best-selling album of all time.

I remember driving a toy limo over his head and down his arms. As we left he told us he would call next time he was in New York. A few weeks later, the doorbell rang at our home in Hawthorne, New Jersey, long after I’d gone to sleep. Michael was paying us a visit, the first of many over the next few years.

Once, I opened my eyes to find a chimpanzee making noises in my face.

Then I realised that Michael and my parents were in the room. The chimp was the legendary Bubbles, Michael’s pet. I think, for the busiest man in entertainment, we represented something that he didn’t have: an ordinary life with an ordinary family.

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The singer and Frank in the mid-1980s. They met when Frank was just four and Michael had released Thriller, already the most successful album of all time

When I was 12, the whole family was invited to visit Neverland. Beautiful music played. There were trees, flowers, fountains, and acres of stunning landscapes. And, of course, the theme park in the garden. Neverland was by far the most magical place I’d ever been. It still is.

The following year, I went to stay with Michael accompanied by my 11-year-old brother Eddie. We were introduced to a lad named Jordy Chandler, who was about my age. Back then, I didn’t notice that Michael’s behaviour wasn’t what people expected to see in an adult. Since we weren’t there with our parents, my brother and I asked Michael if we could stay with him in his room. We all bedded down on the floor.

Michael, Eddie, and I stayed up late that night talking. Michael filled us in on Hollywood gossip, telling us how he’d gone to Eddie Murphy’s house for dinner and an extraordinary tale about how he believed Madonna tried to seduce him.

He put his hands over his face. ‘I was so shy – I didn’t know what to do,’ he confessed.

‘You should have gone for it. I would have done anything for one night with Madonna,’ I told him. I was young, but already girl-crazy.

Michael wasn’t gay. He was definitely interested in women but he was inhibited.

This inhibition was, in part, as a result of Michael performing with the Jacksons from the age of five. Sometimes, after the shows, he and his brother Randy would hide under a bed while their older brothers brought girls back to the room.

When Michael would start giggling, Jermaine would throw him and Randy out. Michael had been exposed to sex at a young age and, as a result, when it came to women it was as if he was frozen in time.

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Best friends: Michael Jackson and Bubbles the chimp

Let me be absolutely clear: odd as it may seem for an adult to have ‘sleepovers’ with a couple of kids, there was nothing sexual about them. Michael was just a kid at heart.

Later, when I was older and joined Michael on tour, fans often visited him in his hotel room. We called the girls fish – because there were lots of fish in the sea – and the most aggressive ones, barracudas.

Michael grew close to some fans and occasionally had girlfriends. We tried to embarrass each other in front of women.

Sometimes we’d be standing in a lift behind an attractive hotel maid, and I’d feel Michael trying to nudge my hand toward the girl’s bottom.

Sometimes Michael invited members of his fan clubs to Neverland. One time I was driving Michael’s Bentley and he was in the back seat, kissing a fan.

‘Easy back there,’ I said.

‘Just keep driving,’ Michael said, in a joking way. ‘Just keep driving.’

Michael tended to like tall, slender women. He knew an Emily, who visited the ranch regularly. She was a nice, cute girl, slender, with brown hair, in her early to mid-30s. It was a romantic relationship and the longest I saw Michael have. Then, in 1993, came the first shock of our friendship.

‘Do you know a guy named Jordy?’ my mother asked me one day.
‘I hung out with him at Neverland,’ I said.

She blurted out: ‘Well, he is accusing Michael of child molestation.’

I was beyond shocked. Later, when I was older, Michael would tell me that Jordy’s father had wanted him to invest in a film he was making. Michael’s advisers were against it. They dismissed Jordy’s father and from this came a resentment, which Michael blamed for the molestation claims.

The accusations were a cause of unrelenting anxiety. He would sometimes say: ‘I don’t think you realise I have the whole world thinking I’m a child molester. You don’t know what it feels like to be falsely accused, to be called “Wacko Jacko”. 

‘Day in and day out, I have to get up on that stage and perform. When I step off that stage, people look at me as if I were a criminal.’

I visited him in Mexico City that same year while he was on tour, and whether from the mental anguish caused by the Chandlers’ accusations or the physical toll of performing so many concerts, Michael was in extreme pain every night.

Michael would sometimes say:
‘I don’t think you realise I have
the whole world thinking
I’m a child molester'

A doctor always came before he went to sleep to give him what he called ‘medicine’.

Only later would I learn that it was Demerol, a strong painkiller that he had first been prescribed after his hair caught fire while shooting a Pepsi commercial in 1984. Now, he had turned back to those drugs. It was the first sign of his fatal dependency.

On one occasion Michael suddenly said: ‘Mommy. I want to go to Disneyland and see Mickey Mouse.’ I was taken aback, confused.

‘Are you OK?’ I asked. He snapped back into reality but didn’t seem to realise what he’d just said. A doctor told me Michael’s lapse was a side effect of his medication.

Under pressure from his insurance company, which would bear the cost of the legal proceedings, and his lawyers, Michael settled the Jordy Chandler case for a reported $30 million. He didn’t want to settle – he was innocent. Michael was never the same afterwards.

In 1999, he invited me to work for him as a personal assistant. I was only 19 but ready to seize the day. I flew out to Seoul to meet him and from then on would be his friend and employee for ten years.

The massive Michael Jackson industry was already in a mess, however. Michael was paying 500 mobile phone bills a month – for people he had never even heard of.

There was another problem: his growing reliance on prescription drugs. Various doctors prescribed a menu of pain medications including Vicodin, Percocet and Xanax. At times Michael would ask me to bring in one doctor, and then, hours later, a second doctor, to give him more of the same medication. Then an anaesthetist started turning up.

I paid the doctors in cash, because Michael’s medical issues had to be kept from the public. One doctor was straightforward with me.

‘What I do,’ he said, ‘is put Michael to sleep for a couple of hours. Then I ease him out of sleep.’

The doctor would set up equipment including an intravenous drip in Michael’s room and would stay with him for about four hours.

I told Michael: ‘You’re taking too much Demerol.’

‘You think I have a problem,’ Michael replied, ‘but I don’t. You have no idea what it’s like to be in this much pain. I have to work tomorrow. If I don’t sleep, how am I going to go to the studio?’

The drugs added to his paranoia. He became convinced that his management company was out to destroy him.

Once, still under the influence of drugs he called them: ‘I’m the biggest artist in the world,’ he began, ‘and you’re treating me like this? You’re purposely trying to sabotage this album. You’re f****** traitors. Stay out of my life.’

Perhaps his paranoia was not entirely misplaced. Early in 2003, Michael mentioned two people who would cause him untold damage.

The first was journalist Martin Bashir, who was filming a documentary about him on the recommendation of Michael’s friend Uri Geller, famous for his psychic ability to bend spoons. The other was Gavin Arvizo, a ten-year-old boy Michael had helped through cancer treatment. The next day Michael introduced me to Bashir and his handshake was weak – never a good sign.

‘We’re going to show Michael in the best light,’ Bashir said. He was polite, but I didn’t trust him.

The documentary, Living With Michael Jackson, was aired in February 2003. I watched the broadcast with dismay as Bashir appeared interested only in the shallower elements of Michael’s life: shopping and plastic surgery. But most damaging was when Bashir asked about his relationships with children.

What Michael didn’t explain was that his suite at Neverland had a family room downstairs and a bedroom upstairs. Michael didn’t explain that people hung out there, and sometimes stayed over. He didn’t explain that he always offered guests his bed, while he slept in the family room.
Michael said: ‘Yes, I share my bed. There is nothing wrong with it.’

When he was ‘sharing’ his bed, it meant he was offering it to whoever wanted to sleep in it. Michael never spoke to Geller again.

Nearly a year later Neverland was raided by police investigating allegations from the Arvizo family that Michael had committed ‘lewd and lascivious acts’ with a minor under the age of 14. They were lying – they were after money. Michael went ballistic. Just before Christmas 2003, Michael was charged with seven counts of child molestation. The Arvizos’s story was that Michael and I had formed a conspiracy in which I helped him gain access to Gavin, then covered it up.

The lawyers banned us from communicating in the run-up to the trial, which began in January 2005 and finished with Michael’s acquittal on all charges in June. After the verdict, Michael called me. I asked him if he was all right.

He replied. ‘We got through this, but it wore me out, Frank. I want to get out of the country. They don’t deserve me. Every one can go f*** themselves. I’m never coming back.’

He did, of course. Michael was determined to get back to performing, and planned This Is It, a gruelling series of 50 concerts at London’s O2 Arena to start in July 2009. He expected to perform with the same energy as before. And once again he turned to the doctors. Propofol, a powerful medical anaesthetic, was not a safe way to find sleep, but it was the only solution he had found.

Knowing Michael as I did, I can say with confidence that as he waited for that last, fatal dose from his personal doctor, Conrad Murray, all he wanted was to be fresh for rehearsal the next day. That day never came.

The prince and the Presley girl

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Odd couple: Michael Jackson with his former wife Lisa Marie Presley

One spring night in 1994, Michael told me he had just married Lisa Marie Presley. I was incredulous. ‘What? We never even knew you were dating anyone!’

He had told us that when the Jackson 5 were performing, Elvis would sometimes drop by at their shows, bringing Lisa with him. Even as kids, it seemed, Michael had a special place for Lisa in his heart. But I hadn’t seen this coming.

At the time, Saudi Arabian billionaire Prince Al-Waleed bin Talal was his business partner in a newly formed company called Kingdom Entertainment.

According to Michael, the prince and his colleagues liked to do business with family men, so he wanted Michael to be married – especially after the Jordy Chandler allegations the previous year. The prince was investing a lot of money, so Michael had married Lisa Marie. Or so Michael’s story went.

Did he love her? Thinking back, I have to say if he was going to marry anyone, she was the one. He adored her and her young children, Benji and Danielle.

I’m sure he opened his heart to her and they certainly slept together as a married couple. But it wasn’t hard to see the issues he’d brought to the marriage, and the trouble he had being a husband. Michael did not like confrontation. ‘She likes to fight,’ he said. ‘When she complains, I start clapping my hands and smiling.’

‘Does that work?’ I asked.

‘Well, it makes her stop, and then I ask her if she’s done arguing.’

The union lasted until the end of 1995. He did not seem entirely heartbroken.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 12:23
Michael Jackson Fan Fest

Sun, Dec 4, 2011 (2:17 a.m.)

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The first day of the Michael Jackson Fan Fest at the Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas, Nevada Saturday, December 3, 2011. The Fan Fest is running in conjunction with the Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour at Mandalay Bay. The Fan Fest is open from 12pm-4pm and 5-9pm on December 4, 9, 10, 11 and from 2pm-6pm on December 6, 7, 13, and 14. STEVE MARCUS

und auch Pearl jr. war bei dem "Fan Fest" ... ob sie dort MJ hinter "den Kulissen" gesucht hat ????

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 12:32
aus einem Bericht >

Die Jackson Five mal nicht auf der Bühne, sondern auf zwei Rädern.
(Foto: "Stars & Bikes: Prominente und ihre Motorräder")


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 12:40
Lionel Richie receives humanitarian award

Rohit Panikker, TNN | Dec 4, 2011, 04.37PM IST

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Lionel Richie

The charity single We Are The Worldcreated a buzz when it released in 1985 and it was picked up yet again for a reboot to raise funds after the devastating Haiti earthquake of 2010.

And for his efforts in co-writing the single with Michael Jackson, singer/composer Lionel Richie will be receiving the Peter J Gomes Humanitarian Award, a prize that will be presented by the Harvard Foundation.

The university will recognize the singer for co-writing 1985 charity single We Are the World, as well as its 2010 re-recording to benefit Haiti and his advocacy and fundraising for the Breast Cancer Research Foundation," said Dr. S. Allen Counter, director of the Harvard Foundation, in a recent statement.

The song, which was the brainchild of American entertainer and social activist Harry Belafonte and originally required Michael Jackson and Lionel Richie to team up with Stevie Wonder to write the song, but Wonder backed out due to a busy schedule, Richie sat along with the King of Pop and producer-composer Quincy Jones to finish the song back in 1985.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 13:30
Michael Jackson Fan Fest 2011 - Fans gifts
Youtube: Michael Jackson Fan Fest 2011 - Fans gifts
Michael Jackson Fan Fest 2011 - Fans gifts
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Some of thousands of Fans' gifts MJ kept over the years


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 13:52
Movie stars, celebs turn out for premiere of Michael Jackson The Immortal Cirque du Soleil show

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Michael Jackson's children
Blanket Jackson

By Allison Walker, Entertainment Reporter
Last Updated: Sunday, December 04, 2011 6:38 AM


In this special On The Town report, huge celebs from Glee, Entourage, and big screen movie stars all made it out to the premiere of Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour in Las Vegas.

The Cirque show is coming to Orlando in February.

If you're one of the lucky or famous ones to attend the world premiere of Michael Jackson THE IMMORTAL World Tour, this is how you make an entrance.

News 13 On Demand's Allison Walker caught up with Michael Jackson's brother on the red carpet.

"I'm very excited. At the same time, I'm touched. There's a little thing going on in there (points to heart.), you know, for the brother thing. My brother - I don't know if people know this about Michael, but my brother actually lived and loved what he did," Tito Jackson said.

Other stars showed up, including some little-known locals!

"I can do it all, you know what I mean. I've watched "This is It" probably 50 times. Literally," said Former Cocoa High School student Carrot Top.

"This next episode, we're doing a couple of Jackson songs. Some Janet Jackson, Jackson Five, and Michael Jackson himself," said Kevin McHale and Harry Shum Jr., from Glee.

"There was no one more compassionate or committed to his work and more professional. He was an amazing force," said Allison Janney from The Help.

"Everyone's saying the show's going to be great. But even if I didn't like the show, I would just close my eyes and listen to the music," said Entourage star Rex Lee.

In speaking with Mike McCready from the band Pearl Jam, he promised to come back to Orlando with the band.

"Oh, we will. I promise you we'll come back. I promise. We have not been to the South for a while. We need to get there. I promise we will do that," McCready said.

The man who directed Michael Jackson's legendary "Thriller" video was on-hand at the premiere.

"Michael's work lends itself to circus, really big time," said John Landis.

"I'm looking forward to seeing the stage here. We actually rehearsed and premiered our Glee tour right here," said Glee star Mark Salling.

Las Vegas performer Criss Angel summed up Michael Jackson and his legacy in one sentence: "MJ was the epitome of entertainment.",-celebs-turn-out-for-premiere-of-Michael-Jackson-The-Immortal-Cirque-du-Soleil-show (Archiv-Version vom 05.12.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 14:20
noch ein paar Bildchen aus den "Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies" ...

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 14:23

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 14:28
Murrays FlanaHicks ... :D :D

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 14:36


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 14:44
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- Justice Served -

Lots of you have seen and used the “Justice4MJ” artwork that I’ve created at the beginning of Murray’s trial, with the red blindfold.. Yesterday, this trial has ended with a Guilty verdict. I think it is now time to free Michael’s eyes of this blindfold. Justice has been served. The war is not over but we’ve won an important battle.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 14:58
Bilder vom "Fan Fest" ...
Lizenzieren : Copyright Alle Rechte vorbehalten von candace suero
Herunterladen : Der Eigentümer verbietet das Herunterladen der Fotos!/MyMjjTribute (Archiv-Version vom 04.12.2011)
MyMjjTribute Soso
Seeing all the pics of this fan fest make me so uncomfortable that I can't even describe w/ words I don't like that.
vor 2 Stunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 17:04
Michael Jackson's Kids
Hit Up Cirque du Soleil Premiere

16 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

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Michael Jackson's three kids -- Paris, Prince and Blanket -- along with a few other family members, attended "Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour by Cirque du Soleil" in Las Vegas last night.

The show starts its tour in Vegas before making its across the U.S. in 2012


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 17:12
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 17:21
Michael Jackson's Kids Enjoy A Night Out In Sin City! (PHOTOS)

Posted 34 min 41 sec ago by GlobalGrind Staff
in Michael Jackson

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Michael Jackson may be gone from earth, but his legacy continues to live on through his art, and his children get to witness it.

Last night, Paris, Prince and Blanket graced the red carpet at the Las Vegas premiere of "Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour by Cirque du Soleil" at the Mandalay Bay Resort & Casino.

PHOTOS: Michael Jackson's Last Press Conference (Archiv-Version vom 01.12.2011)

Sure, they aren't old enough to gamble or indulge in any of Sin City's sins, but the trio seemed to thoroughly enjoy themselves in the company of their cousins from Uncle Tito Jackson, who was also in attendance.

STORY:THRILLER! Michael Jackson's Death Bed For Sale?

Michael's brother Tito, who also had his children in tow, told the press, "I'm very excited. At the same time, I'm touched. There's a little thing going on in there (points to heart.), you know, for the brother thing. My brother - I don't know if people know this about Michael, but my brother actually lived and loved what he did."

We are glad to see the Jackson Family slowly healing the wounds of their loss.

Check out the gallery above for photos of the current generation of Jacksons.

ähnlicher in Verbindung stehender Bericht : (Archiv-Version vom 06.12.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 18:03
MJ almost played Peter Pan

By **
Last Updated: December 4, 2011 11:44am

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Michael Jackson performs at the Tokyo Dome in the opening show of his Japanese tour in this Dec. 12, 1992 file photo. REUTERS/Kimimasa Mayama/Files

Michael Jackson pulled out of playing Peter Pan in Steven Spielberg's 1991 movie Hook because the director's vision for the film didn't match his own.

Spielberg admits Jackson was keen to take on the lead role in the film but baulked at the idea of playing a lawyer who forgot he was the boy who never grew up.

The director tells Entertainment Weekly magazine, "Michael had always wanted to play Peter Pan, but I called Michael and I said, 'This is about a lawyer that is brought back to save his kids and discovers that he was once, when he was younger, Peter Pan.'

"Michael understood at that point it wasn't the same Peter Pan he wanted to make."

The role eventually went to funnyman Robin Williams. (Archiv-Version vom 11.12.2011)



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 19:33
Michael Jacksons Kinder besuchen „The Immortal World Tour“ in Las Vegas

Paris, Prince und Blanket gutgelaunt nach dem Prozess-Ende

4. Dezember 2011 | Erstellt um: 18:28 Uhr |


Die Jackson Kids | PR Photos

Nach dem Ende im Michael Jackson-Prozess und dem Urteil gegen Dr. Conrad Murray, kann die Familie endlich wieder aufatmen. Auch seine Kinder Paris, Prince und Blanket können nun hoffentlich wieder richtig Spaß haben.

Gestern (03. Dezember) liefen die Jackson-Kids neben anderen Familienmitgliedern wie Tito und Brandi über den roten Teppich bei der Las Vegas Premiere der Show „Michael Jackson: The Immortal World Tour by Cirque du Soleil“.

Interviews gab es keine, dafür hat Tito der Presse etwas über seinen Bruder erzählt.

>>Ich freue mich. Zur gleichen Zeit bin ich berührt. Mein Bruder -- ich weiß nicht ob die Leute das über Michael wussten, mein Bruder hat wirklich gelebt und geliebt was er gemacht hat.<<

Weitere Stars des Abends waren Ex-Playboy-Bunny Holly Madison, Justin Long, James Gandolfini und „Glee“-Star Mark Salling. Die „Immortal World Tour“ soll ähnlich einem Rockkonzert sein, mit Musik und Visionen des King Of Pop sowie den bekannten Akrobaten des Cirque du Soleil.

Die Show tourt noch bis 21. August 2012 durch die Lande, besonders durch die USA und Kanada. Erst danach soll es auch nach Europa und den Rest der Welt gehen.

Jetzt aber die Bilder von Paris, Prince und Blanket bei der Premiere. Michael Jackson wäre sicher stolz auf seine Kids, wenn er sehen könnte, wie sie sich gemacht haben.

ähnlicher in Verbindung stehender Bericht:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

04.12.2011 um 19:56
Michael Jackson und Lisa Marie Presley --- Bilder von der Hochzeit ...

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