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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 10:25
Conrad Murray WILL appeal conviction for Michael Jackson death

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 3:37 AM on 3rd December 2011


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03.12.2011 um 10:30
3.12.2011 02.54 Uhr

USA: Michael Jacksons Arzt will Berufung gegen Schuldspruch einlegen

Der frühere Leibarzt des Sängers Michael Jackson will Berufung gegen seinen Schuldspruch einlegen.

Conrad Murray war Anfang Woche von einem Gericht in Los Angeles zu vier Jahren Gefängnis wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt worden.

Murray unterzeichnete ein Dokument, wonach er Einsicht in alle Unterlagen und Protokolle des Falls verlangt.

Die Geschworenen befanden Murray Anfang November für schuldig, Jackson das Narkosemittel Propofol verabreicht zu haben. Eine Überdosis davon führte zum Tod des Popstars am 25. Juni 2009.

Verantwortlich: Nachrichtenredaktion SR DRS, SF Sport
Agenturen: AFP Agence France Presse, Ansa, AP Associated Press, AGP AG für Wirtschaftspublikationen, Deutsche Presse-Agentur DPA, Reuters, SDA Schweizerische Depeschenagentur, SI Sportinformation


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03.12.2011 um 11:13
Michael Jackson doctor files appeals notice in LA

The Associated Press
Posted: 12/02/2011 04:37:57 PM PST
Updated: 12/02/2011 04:38:10 PM PST

LOS ANGELES—The doctor sentenced to four years behind bars for causing Michael Jackson's death has filed a notice that he intends to appeal the conviction.

Conrad Murray signed a one-page document that was filed in Los Angeles on Friday seeking all records and transcripts from the case. The filing does not indicate the basis on which Murray will argue to overturn his conviction or sentence.

The 58-year-old was sentenced Tuesday to four years in jail for his involuntary manslaughter conviction, but the term will be automatically cut in half.

Murray's challenge will be heard by a state appeals court in Los Angeles, assuming he files an opening brief at a later date.

Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor blasted Murray's conduct on Tuesday, calling him a disgrace to the medical profession.


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03.12.2011 um 11:18
Jackson Family
Between Rock & Hard Place
Over MJ Handprints

12/3/2011 12:55 AM PST BY TMZ STAFF

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zur Photo Gallery:

Michael Jackson's family is on the hunt for an incredibly valuable piece of rock -- containing the King of Pop's hand and footprints -- but the guy who currently owns it ain't giving it up without a fight.

MJ left the impressions back in 1984 for a Vegas hotel -- which had commissioned the piece for a "Walk of Fame"-type exhibit in front of the property.

The exhibit never materialized, and the concrete slab ended up gathering dust in the hotel basement -- until it was auctioned off years later ... and a guy named Andy Wilson picked it up for a pretty penny.

Now, the Jackson family has caught wind of the relic -- and they want to reclaim it, insisting the slab is the rightful property of the MJ estate. We're told they're even willing to pay Mr. Wilson $25,000 plus a cut of any merchandising profits they make off the item.

But Andy ain't budging -- telling TMZ, $25,000 just won't do ... and he's willing to wait as long as it takes to get a better deal.

mjtwo.JPG fullOriginal anzeigen (0,1 MB)
mj2.JPG full


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03.12.2011 um 11:22


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03.12.2011 um 11:42
When You Think Of Michael Jackson, What Do You Remember?

Posted: 3/12/11 09:46 GMT
by Caroline Frost

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Michael Jackson is many things to many people. Music maestro, misunderstood, molester - they've all been bandied around. Now, as Dr Conrad Murray files an appeal in a bid to avoid time behind bars for his part in the superstar's death, it seems the dogs are still barking, the circus has not moved on. And I wonder which one of these epithets will prove to be the most enduring.

Creative singlemindedness

Of all the adjectives thrown at him, Jackson was actually musical the longest, since the time his cherubic face first beamed out from the line-up with his brothers. From the outset it was clear that, from the Jackson 5, there would emerge a Michael One - the feet just slightly faster, the voice already distinctive, the charisma to bottle.

Even while audiences jived to I Want You Back and ABC, the seeds of future unrest were being sown. We later heard that, behind the frothy frontier, father Joe was instilling in Michael and his brothers a lack of self-confidence that would pervade their adult lives - it is noteworthy how many of them have dabbled with plastic surgery ever since.

But soon, we were too busy being thrilled by Jackson's solo efforts. His era-defining Thriller was unprecedented in its pure pop ambition. True, it tapped into the advent of music video and everyone under 18 having a television, but universal disco anthems don't come out of nowhere, and their creators don't normally enjoy ever-growing success.

Some, aware of Jackson's youth, lay the credit squarely at producer Quincy Jones's door. But Jones himself told stories of long days spent in the studio, waiting for Jackson to be happy with what they produced.

Private dancer

Then Jones would go home, finally content, only for the phone to ring in the middle of the night and discover that Jackson was back at the mixing desk. This extra effort, Jackson explained, was the difference between being number one for a week and for a year. And thus it proved.

It wasn't just sounds, either. His dancing was phenomenal, even before he debuted his Moonwalk. Jackson didn't invent it, but he practised it, perfected it and, at Motown's 25th anniversary concert in 1983, he unleashed it to stunning effect.

Around the same time came the first wave of communal euphoria that is the appropriate reaction to talent on this scale. As Jackson took his tunes and moves around the world, he was feted like a deity, and we got little portents of the madness that was to follow.

Plastic surgery had yet to rob him of his wholesomeness. His friendships with the likes of Elizabeth Taylor, Brooke Shields, Bubbles, seemed merely the elite fiefdom of the truly famous. Even the more frequently seen masks could be passed off as enigma.

When Jackson married Lisa Marie Presley, it was a bit weird, yes, especially when their embraces were caught on film, but the magical union of two musical dynasties meant we didn't ask too many questions.

It helped then that the music remained excellent, chart-topping, and he could still pull a world-beating performance out of his hat. It was Jackson's contribution that made We Are The World a transcendent pop gem, and he was in A-list demand for duets.

Courting controversy

At some point, though, around this time, the circus became a freak show. Neverland, the idyll to childhood Jackson built for himself in California, went from being a charming and innocent playground to an insidious training camp for we knew not what.

Where previously a menagerie of animals had wandered, there was now police tape and belongings that would be construed evidence in a bewildering catalogue of court cases.

Somewhere along the way, Jackson had his own children in circumstances either purely private or downright questionable, depending on who was speculating. We saw Prince, Paris and Blanket wrapped in shrouds whenever they went out with him in public. Their godfather, British actor Mark Lester, made the point after Jackson's death that this was actually good sense; it meant that, whenever they weren't with their famous father, they could go around completely normally, and unrecognised.

Jackson's good sense was not so apparent, however, when he got carried away by the adulation of waiting crowds and dangled his younger son Blanket (Prince Michael II) from a third-floor balcony.

If this was a terrible mistake, as he later admitted, then his decision to sit down with Princess Diana's interviewer Martin Bashir was a catastrophe. Putting aside the conversations with and about young boys that would land him in court again, for me the shoe dropped when Jackson patiently and unblinkingly explained to Bashir that he had never had any plastic surgery.

This meant that Jackson suffered from either a) a Canute-like arrogance where he truly thought that anything he said would be believed, or b) he was in a state of denial bordering on the pathological. Either way, he had become an unreliable witness. We need our stars to be greater than us, yes, but we also need them to co-exist as one with us, and Jackson in one fell swoop moved himself irreparably beyond reach.

From then on, it became a whirligig of more court cases and exile in the unlikely bookended countries of Bahrain and Ireland, until 2009, when he sought, finally and fatally, refuge from debt, humiliation, anonymity, boredom, creative frustration, in the only home he really knew - the stage.

It was an overreach - in promising an unprecedented 50 London concert dates, Jackson wrote a cheque neither his body nor his fragile mental stage could support.

And it fatally brought him into contact with a doctor who cared less than he did for his well-being. The irony of Dr Murray’s ludicrous daily rate (a reported $160,000 a month) is that, with that dividend, Jackson thought he was buying control.

The truth is he would have been safer, healthier and better-protected if he had been a vagrant on the streets of LA, where the police could have scooped him up and delivered him to an ER department.

Instead he was holed up in his luxurious bunker, with children and hangers-on, in an illusion of power. This was always going to end badly, it was just a case of how and when. Now he is dead, a man sits in jail and there is no more music.

So what do we remember when we think of Michael Jackson? At the moment, it remains a blurry montage of images - masks, courtrooms, chimps, Elizabeth Taylor, the Moonwalk, the nose - but there are no more scandals to feed the machine, and the mists will eventually clear.

When they do, they will reveal a troubled character, a tragic example of how the complications of fame and privilege can undo a most extraordinary talent, and for whom a magical gift for music-making proved to be no buffer when it came to dealing with the everyday world.

A flashback of Michael Jackson's life in pictures... 26 Bilder im Bericht

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(L-R) Jackie Jackson, Marlon Jackson, Randy Jackson, Tito Jackson and Michael Jackson of the Jacksons (aka Jackson Five) pose for a studio group portrait in 1977 in Amsterdam, Netherlands.


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03.12.2011 um 12:14
es wird auch schon spekuliert, dass sich alle anwälte geweigert haben könnten, mit Murray in eine berufung zu gehen, so dass er jetzt quasi gezwungen ist, das alleine in die wege zu leiten und durch zu ziehen..... auch eine möglichkeit, die durchaus in betracht kommen könnte - wir werden sehen ;) ....
also wenn Murray seinen Antrag auf Berufung tatsächlich damit begründet, dass er "durch seine Anwälte, während des Prozesses, schlecht vertreten worden" sei, dann wird es wohl sehr schwer werden, einen Anwalt zu finden, der sich jetzt dafür "einsetzt" ...

ich denke auch, dass Chernoff und FlanaHicks die "Schnauze" voll haben ... und dieser Nareg Gourjian scheint z. Z. wirklich der einzige zu sein, der ihm noch Gehör und Hilfe zuteil werden lässt ...

und sollte dieser Antrag Erfolg haben, dann kommt Gourjian wieder aus der Versenkung, als "Retter" in der Not, weil alles ja seiner "Ideenküche" entsprungen ist ... ansonsten ist Murray eben wieder der "Depp" ... da hat er doch genug Erfahrung sammeln können ... :)
aber wenn er sich darauf einlässt, ist es sein Problem ...

wobei ich aber auch denke, dass Murrays überhebliche Art, vieles zu nicht machen wird ... :D verbunden mit einer völlig falschen Selbst-Wahrnehmung ...
und die konnte man doch auch wieder in seiner Doku bewundern ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 12:20
Jacksons Leibarzt Conrad Murray will Urteil anfechten

Samstag, 3. Dezember 2011, 11:45 Uhr

Los Angeles (Reuters) - Der vor kurzem wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilte ehemalige Leibarzt des verstorbenen US-Sängers Michael Jackson will offenbar Berufung gegen den Schuldspruch einlegen.

Die Anwälte von Conrad Murray bereiteten am Samstag bei Gericht die Dokumente für eine förmliche Anfechtung des Urteils vor. Murray mus vier Jahre ins Gefängnis. Ein Gericht in Los Angeles hatte ihn für den Tod des Popstars verantwortlich gemacht und am Dienstag die Maximalstrafe ohne Bewährung verhängt. Der Popstar wurde im Juni 2009 im Alter von 50 Jahren tot in seiner Villa aufgefunden. Eine Überdosis an Beruhigungsmitteln und Propofol gilt als Ursache für den plötzlichen Tod des "Thriller"-Sängers. Murrays Verteidiger argumentierten, Jackson habe sich die tödliche Dosis selbst verabreicht.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 12:38
California Medical Board
Subpoenas Dr. Arnold Klein,
Michael Jackson's Former Physician

Posted on Dec 02, 2011 @ 01:00PM
By Jen Heger

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The California State Medical Board has formally subpoenaed Michael Jackson's former physician and long time friend, Dr. Arnold Klein to appear at a hearing on December 15, is exclusively reporting.

Dr. Klein's lawyer, Herbert Weinberg, advised the dermatologist on November 30, via letter, that he would no longer be representing him for the California Medical Board proceedings.

The letter states: "Please be advised that our company is withdrawing as your counsel. We urge you to obtain counsel as soon as possible, as you have been subpoenaed to appear before the Medical Board on December 15, 2011. Failure to appear may result in the Medical Board petitioning the administrative courts for suspension of your license to practice."

During Dr. Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial in connection with the death of Michael Jackson, it was revealed that Dr. Klein gave Jackson staggering amounts of the powerful painkiller, Demerol when he would get Botox injections.

Dr. Klein didn't testify during Murray's trial, but Jackson's medical records while under his care were presented by Murray’s defense. Over a three day period in April 2009, Jackson received a whopping 775 milligrams of Demerol.

The California Medical Board wouldn't comment on what Dr. Klein will be questioned about.

Dr. Klein's lawyer, Garo Ghazarian didn't immediately respond to comment.

As previously reported, Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced to four years in jail for the involuntary manslaughter of Jackson, who died of acute Propofol intoxication on June 25, 2009.


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03.12.2011 um 12:43
zu dem vorgenannten Bericht gibt es bei einen Thread ...!/MJJCommunity
MJJCommunity MJJCommunity
People V's Murray California Medical Board Subpoenas Dr. Arnold Klein
vor 8 Stunden


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03.12.2011 um 13:09
diesen Beitrag #2 habe ich von ivy # 2 übernommen ... vielen Dank ...
And now Klein's Facebook posts about this topic. Important parts in bold
Kimberly Wilson: Fraud under the guise of the California Medical Board is criminal
von Arnold W. Klein, Mittwoch, 30. November 2011 um 07:28

Professor of Medicine and Dermatology
Klein Chair in Dermatology UCLA
Consultant to the General and Plastic Surgery Devices Panel of the FDA.

To whom it may concern:
The Cal Med Board is guilty of both fraudulent and criminal acts towards me as well as a significant conflict of interest. The patient described below obtained patient care from me under false pretenses. In fact, the mere suggestion that the provision of medical care is carried out under false pretenses is illegal.

. Today I saw a patient, examined his skin and told him my findings. He claimed that he was a Jewish-Mexican from Culver City. I cannot discuss my findings on his skin exam because this would violate HIPAA. After I examined his skin he presented me with a subpoena from the California Medical Board issued by Kimberly Wilson and paid me with a fraudulent credit card. For Kimberly Wilson to use such criminal and fraudulent means to serve me a subpoena is illegal and I feel she has proved herself unfit to evaluate any aspect of my medical practice or the Jackson Case. Furthermore I cannot discuss findings on this patient it that it would violate HIPAA. In fact this entire occurrence is a total violation of doctor patient confidentiality and was a conflict of interest on the part of the supposed patient who served the paper. As you may not be aware Jason Pfeiffer, Muhammad Khiilji and other individuals who embezzled 20 million dollars from me have now made complaints about my competency as a physician to the board. In response to this The Cal Med Board has called a hearing to which I made my pharmacy Attorney Herb Weinberg aware. Obviously he did not respond to their requests so today the board subjected me to the criminal and fraudulent acts as described above. These acts I feel are a strong indicator of how the medical board plans to handle my case. It should be noted:

1) In 1985 I complained to the Ca Med Board that UCLA Dept of Pathology would not section tissue of an HIV positive patient. The Board did not respond.

2) In 2007 I complained to the Ca Med Board about an unlicensed foreign physician Gottfried Lemperle injecting women’s faces with plexiglass. The Board did not respond.

3) I have notified then Ca Medical Board that both Allergan and Medicis have employed foreign unlicensed physicians without green cards to practice in California. The Board did not respond.

4) Mickey Fine Pharmacy has been guilty of renewing my prescriptions without calling my treating doctors and saying I self-prescribed

5) MF was also guilty of giving out dated narcotics to one of my employees for destruction. Destruction of narcotics can only be performed by two people and this employee was a recovering addict. Subsequently this employee died of a narcotic overdose.

6) The records of Michael Jackson were illegally released violating HIPAA. Again this was reported to the medical board

7) I was not the physician administering Demerol in my office in May 2009 to Mr Jackson. It was Dr.David Rish and Dr.Illya Reyter who should also be called if this investigation involves Mr Jackson.

8) I have been cleared The Coroner in the Jackson case did not find any Demerol in his toxicology analysis which rules out any possible involvement by myself in the death of Michael Jackson.

9) Currently the case against the individuals who embezzled 20 million dollars from me also involves an act of attempted homicide by them against me.

The California Medical Board acts are now criminal,fraudulent and involve obtaining medical care from me under false pretenses and then refusing payment for the same services. Furthermore, I refuse to allow Kimberly Wilson to evaluate me. She is guilty of fraud, criminal action as well as elder abuse and violation of ADA. I strongly feel this hearing is an act of harassment and the lack of Herb Weinberg’s response to my multiple emails (saying he is now employed by Mickey Fine Pharmacy) indicates he is somehow in collusion with Mickey Fine. I refuse to allow these people to sit in judgement of me or my ability to practice medicine. Finally if this investigation involves the treatment of Mr Jackson I demand Dr.David Rish and Dr.Illya Reyter must also be called.AWK

The letter of his lawyer not representing him
Der Brief von seinem Anwalt, der ihn nicht vertritt

zZhkl7 389481 2499577060039 1571307064 3
dieser Beitrag wurde hier bereits am 01.12.2011 um 22:31h eingestellt ...
MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach! (Seite 769)
Arnold W. Klein

The California Medical board: A Novel by Kafka
Thursday, December 1, 2011 at 11:42am


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 14:43
Conrad Murray geht in Berufung

3. Dezember 2011 14:11; Akt.: 3.12.2011 14:11

YiJMmC murray vienna online
Conrad Murray will gegen das Urteil ankämpfen. - © dapd

Der Leibarzt von Michael Jackson (†50) reichte am Freitag die Berufungsunterlagen bei Gericht ein und wählte, sich in Zukunft selbst zu verteidigen anstatt sich von einem Anwalt vertreten zu lassen.

Gibt nicht auf: Dr. Conrad Murray (58) wird das Urteil wegen fahrlässiger Tötung anfechten. Er will sich in Zulunft zudem selbst vertreten.

Trotzdem wird er sich nach wie vor von dem Anwalt Nareg Gourjian beraten lassen, der auch schon im Laufe des langwierigen Prozesses an seiner Seite stand.

“Dieser Fall ist eine wahre Goldmine für einen Anwalt in der Berufung”, erklärte Nareg Gourjian gegenüber ‘TMZ’. “Dr. Murray ist überzeugt, dass das Berufungsgericht ihn freisprechen wird.”

Conrad Murray zu 4 Jahren Haft verurteilt

Am 29. November wurde der Mediziner von Richter Michael Pastor zu vier Jahren Haft im Los Angeles County Jail verurteilt. Der Richter fügte dem Urteil hinzu, dass er den Schuldigen nicht in ein Staatsgefängnis überstellen könne, weil einer neue Regelung der kalifornischen Gesetzgebung dies nicht mehr ermögliche.

Das Strafmaß halbiert sich automatisch und es besteht für Murray die Möglichkeit, die Haft in Hausarrest umzuwandeln, weil er kein Gewaltverbrechen begangen hat.

Er könnte schon in den nächsten Wochen aus dem Gefängnis entlassen werden und es könnte sogar sein, dass Dr. Conrad Murray schon an Weihnachten wieder nach Hause kann, um den Rest seiner Strafe zu Hause abzusitzen.

(Cover Media)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 15:15
noch mal etwas zu den Berufungsgerichten bzw. deren Zuständigkeiten ... vielleicht finde ich noch andere Ausführungen zu den amerikanischen, strafrechtlichen Vorschriften ... :D

aus dem Eintrag vom 30.11.2011 um 11:28h
Beitrag von FaIrIeFlOwEr (Seite 765)

United States Court of Appeals
United States Court of Appeals (Bundesberufungsgericht) ist in den Vereinigten Staaten die Bezeichnung für Appellationsgerichte des Bundes. Organisatorisch befinden sie sich im amerikanischen Bundesgerichtsaufbau zwischen den erstinstanzlichen Bundesgerichten und dem Obersten Gerichtshof.

In den Berufungsgerichten dagegen wird nur geprüft, ob das untergeordnete Gericht bei der Urteilsfindung die rechtlichen Bestimmungen befolgt hat. Daher finden nur selten mündliche Verhandlungen statt, die Richter beurteilen den Fall anhand des Gerichtsprotokolls und der schriftlichen Argumente beider Parteien. Die Bundesberufungsgerichte entscheiden nicht über Schuld oder Unschuld. Wenn ein Angeklagter erstinstanzlich schuldig befunden wird, so bedeutet ein Sieg vor dem Berufungsgericht nicht unbedingt, dass er nun als unschuldig gilt; vielmehr wird lediglich die angefochtene Entscheidung aufgehoben. In Strafsachen obliegt es dann der Staatsanwaltschaft, ob das Verfahren wiederholt wird (Akkusationsprinzip).
Wikipedia: United States Court of Appeals

sowie dem Eintrag vom 30.11.2011 um 11:02h
Beitrag von FaIrIeFlOwEr (Seite 765)
Nach dem Bestrafungsverfahren ist das Urteil vorläufig rechtskräftig. Der Angeklagte hat allerdings die Möglichkeit, Rechtsmittel einzulegen und das Urteil damit anzufechten. Dabei wird der Prozess nicht neu aufgelegt, sondern nur überprüft, ob die Rechte des Angeklagten und anderes geltendes Recht während der Verhandlung beachtet wurden. Das Appellationsgericht kann dann abhängig von den Umständen, das Urteil vollumfänglich bestätigen oder einen vollständig neuen Prozess, eine Wiederholung des Bestrafungsverfahrens oder den Freispruch des Angeklagten anordnen.
Wikipedia: Strafprozessrecht (Vereinigte Staaten)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 19:41
Wie ist das mit Dr. Klein gemeint, der muss vor Gericht???


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 20:20
Paris wird am 08.12.2011 Gast in der Sendung der Ellen Show sein ... und wird u. a. darüber sprechen, dass sie in dem Film "Lunden's Bridge and the Three Keys" mitspielt ...!/sanemjfan (Archiv-Version vom 03.12.2011)
sanemjfan sanemjfan
Here's the link to Ellen website that confirms that Paris will be guest this week!…
vor 1 Stunde

Paris Jackson - Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thursday, December 8, 2011 • 6:00 AM •

tTRfEW paris by ellenA

Her father, Michael, is the legendary pop icon. PARIS JACKSON will talk to Ellen about what life has been like for her and her family in the past few months. She's also starring in the new film, "Lunden's Bridge and the Three Keys." The theme of the movie, saving the planet, is a cause close to both Paris and her father's heart.

Then, the dashing PIERCE BROSNAN is here! He's starring in the thrilling new Stephen King miniseries, "Bag of Bones," and he's here to tell Ellen all about it!

And one of Ellen's closest friends, BETHENNY FRANKEL is returning to our stage with more of her hilarious and insightful brand of recipes, fashion tips and advice!

Plus, it's Day 6 of Ellen's 12 Days of Giveaways! You won't want to miss what the audience is going home with today!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 21:15
Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys (Video: Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys)
The war between the land and the sea. Ancient sea-magic turns a dolphin into a human, an evil spell changes a teenage boy into a dragonfly and a once good and loving jellyfish queen becomes an evil fairy godmother. This modern day adventure forces an unsuspecting family to become the weapon to fight the war which rages on the land and under the sea.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 21:19
58QM3c paris lundons AOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

NvJ02f paris lundonsOriginal anzeigen (0,1 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 21:37
iXKKNO Lundons poster

Type: Live-Action / Digital Animation
Genre: Fantasy / Adventure
Budget: $31 million plus $39 million for Prints and Advertising.
Status: Pre-production to begin May, 2009
Additional: Five films based on five novels.
Story: Ancient sea-magic turns a dolphin into a human, an evil spell changes a teenage boy into a dragonfly and a once good and loving jellyfish queen becomes an evil fairy godmother. This story uses family love and the magic of belief as weapons to fight a war between the land and the sea.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 22:01
F Yeah Jackson Kids♥

A blog dedicated to the lovely Jackson children.

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24eb33o (Archiv-Version vom 19.01.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.12.2011 um 22:58
ein paar Bildchen aus den "Michael Jackson’s Private Home Movies" ...

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