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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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14.12.2011 um 09:22
Berufung: Jackson-Arzt hofft auf Sieg

vor 39 Minuten

Michael Jacksons Leibarzt, Conrad Murray, hofft auf einen Sieg bei seinem Berufungsverfahren.

Los Angeles - Erst vor ein paar Wochen ist frühere Leibarzt von Michael Jackson wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilt worden. Jetzt hofft Conrad Murray auf einen Sieg bei einem Berufungsverfahren.

Der Anwalt des Arztes sagte am Dienstag, Conrad Murray sei trotz hoher Sicherheitsmaßnahmen und Isolation optimistisch. Bei einem Treffen im Gefängnis sei Murray schwer gefesselt gewesen, sein Mandant unterliege offenbar strengeren Vorschriften als andere Insassen. “Ihn wie Hannibal Lecter zu behandeln, ist beleidigend“, sagte Charles Peckham. Ein Polizeisprecher erklärte indes, dies geschehe zu Murrays Schutz. Dieser sei wegen seines Bekanntheitsgrades und seiner Verbindung zu Michael Jackson ein Ziel für Übergriffe.



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14.12.2011 um 09:29
APNewsbreak: Lawyer says Jackson doctor under tight security, calls measures ‘offensive’

By Associated Press, Published: December 13


LOS ANGELES — The doctor convicted of killing Michael Jackson is coping with tight security and isolation and remains optimistic that he will win an upcoming appeal, his civil attorney said Tuesday.

Charles Peckham said sheriff’s deputies appear to be subjecting Conrad Murray to more security than other inmates at Men’s Central Jail and that the physician was left heavily shackled during their jailhouse meeting.

“Treating him like Hannibal Lecter is offensive,” Peckham said, referring to the fictional serial killer from popular books and films. A sheriff’s officials defended the security measures, saying they were for Murray’s safety.

The attorney had to obtain a court order Tuesday to meet with Murray to discuss strategy on a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Jackson’s father. Peckham said despite the judge’s order, he was denied entry to the jail, but officials relented after speaking with the civil trial court handling the case.

He said their initial 30-minute meeting was cut short when the jail was placed in lockdown, but Peckham said the time was enough to upset him and see that Murray’s fortunes had dramatically changed.

“This man who saved lives made a mistake, and they’re going to him pay like a mass-murderer,” Peckham said. The doctor spoke extensively to documentary filmmakers before his conviction, but few details of his life behind bars have been divulged.

Murray “is a real target because of his notoriety and because of the Michael Jackson connection,” sheriff’s spokesman Steve Whitmore said. “We’re just being extra cautious right now.”

He said jail officials will evaluate how to handle Murray’s incarceration, but that he may not serve his whole sentence in isolation from other inmates. He noted that without a recent change in state law, Murray would be serving his term in state prison, not a county lockup.

Peckham said Murray, who has been jailed since a jury convicted him of involuntary manslaughter on Nov. 7, is optimistic that an appellate court will grant an appeal on the case.

Peckham’s visit came hours after the physician, who was never paid the $150,000 a month he expected for serving as Jackson’s personal physician, asked a court to provide a publicly funded attorney to handle his appeal because he is indigent.

J. Michael Flanagan, who was one of Murray’s criminal defense lawyers, agreed with Peckham’s description. He said that when he visited Murray recently, four deputies escorted the physician into the meeting room and shackled him to a table.

“He can’t even scratch his nose,” the attorney said. Flanagan said he saw another inmate who was charged with murder meet with his attorney without the same restrictive measures.

“This is because of his notoriety,” Whitmore said. “It’s not so much the crime itself.”

Peckham said he didn’t “think the sheriff’s department is being anything but professional. I do however believe the amount of security for Dr. Murray is vastly out of proportion with the potential threat.”

He said Murray told him he appreciates the support and prayers he’s received from former patients and friends.

In the early days of his confinement, Murray was classified as suicidal in jail records, according to a probation report. Peckham said he saw no indications that the physician intended to take his own life and that he seemed to be in control of his mental health.

Murray indicated in a two-page court filing Tuesday that he would rely on a court-funded attorney to help craft his appeal. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that felony convicts have a constitutional right to assistance of counsel.

Flanagan and Murray’s other criminal attorneys had sought to present evidence to jurors about Jackson’s finances, details of his deal for a series of comeback concerts, and information about other doctors treating the pop superstar. But the judge refused and ruled the trial would be about Murray’s care of the singer.

The Houston-based doctor had been giving Jackson nightly doses of the powerful anesthetic propofol as a sleep aid. The drug is normally given in hospital settings with extensive monitoring equipment, but testimony showed Murray had only basic equipment and left Jackson’s bedside on the morning of his death.

Pastor has scheduled a hearing for Jan. 23 to decide whether to order Murray to pay any restitution to Jackson’s family or reimburse them for funeral expenses, which totaled more than $1.8 million.

Jackson’s estate estimated the singer would have earned at least $100 million if he had performed his “This Is It” concerts planned for London’s O2 arena.

Murray will lose his medical license as a result of the conviction is upheld.


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14.12.2011 um 09:35
Jacko killer 'treated like Lecter'

(UKPA) – 4 hours ago

The civil lawyer for the doctor convicted of killing Michael Jackson said his client is coping with tight jail security and his isolation, and remains optimistic that he will win an forthcoming appeal.

Charles Peckham said sheriff's deputies appear to be enforcing more security on Conrad Murray than on other prisoners at Los Angeles's main men's jail.

Mr Peckham likened the heavy shackles left on Murray during a meeting on Tuesday as treatment more appropriate for the fictional serial killer Hannibal Lecter.

Murray is expected to serve roughly two years of a four-year sentence for the involuntary manslaughter death of Jackson in June 2009.

Sheriff's spokesman Steve Whitmore said Murray has extra security because of his notoriety and deputies are being "extra cautious" for his safety. "Treating him like Hannibal Lecter is offensive," Mr Peckham said, but sheriff's officials defended the security measures at Men's Central Jail, saying they were for Murray's safety.

The lawyer had to obtain a court order on Tuesday to meet Murray to discuss strategy on a wrongful death lawsuit filed by Jackson's father. Mr Peckham said despite the judge's order, he was denied entry to the jail, but officials relented after speaking with the civil trial court handling the case.

He said their initial 30-minute meeting was cut short when the jail was placed in lockdown, but Mr Peckham said the time was enough to upset him and see that Murray's fortunes had dramatically changed. "This man who saved lives made a mistake, and they're going to make him pay like a mass murderer," he said.

Murray "is a real target because of his notoriety and because of the Michael Jackson connection", Mr Whitmore said. "We're just being extra cautious right now."

He said jail officials will evaluate how to handle Murray's incarceration, but that he may not serve his whole sentence in isolation from other inmates. He noted that without a recent change in state law, Murray would be serving his term in state prison, not a county lock-up.

Mr Peckham said Murray, who has been jailed since a jury convicted him of involuntary manslaughter on November 7, is optimistic that the courts will grant an appeal on the case.

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14.12.2011 um 09:45
Murray seeks public defender for appeal

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

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Dr. Conrad Murray is seen at his involuntary manslaughter trial in downtown Los Angeles on Thursday, Nov. 3, 2011. (KABC Photo)

LOS ANGELES (KABC) -- Dr. Conrad Murray, convicted in the death of Michael Jackson, wants a public defender to handle his appeal.

Murray filed a notice with the court Tuesday saying he doesn't have the money to pay for his own attorney.

The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled that felony convicts have a constitutional right to assistance of counsel.

Murray is fighting last month's manslaughter conviction. He's expected to serve about two years behind bars.

"Dr. Murray created a set of circumstances and became involved in a cycle of horrible medicine. The practice of propofol for medicine madness, which violated his sworn obligation for money," Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said at sentencing.


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14.12.2011 um 10:10
Die Sendung ist nun für den 15.12.2011 angekündigt !!!!!
Paris Jackson - Thursday, December 15, 2011 (Archiv-Version vom 12.12.2011)!/ParisJackson (Archiv-Version vom 14.12.2011)
Paris Jacksoη @ParisJackson 8 Stunden
Had a great time on @TheEllenShow today! :D It'll air on tv on Thursday for those who want to watch <3
aus dem Beitrag vom 12.12.2011 um 21:02h

am 08.12.2011 sollte eigentlich Paris Jackson in der Ellen Show auftreten ...
jetzt wurde ein neuer Sendetermin genannt ... am 14.12.2011 soll es nun soweit sein ... :D

Wednesday, December 14, 2011
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb: Her father, Michael, is the legendary pop icon. PARIS JACKSON will talk to Ellen about what life has been like for her and her family in the past few months. She's also starring in the new film, "Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys." The theme of the movie, saving the planet, is a cause close to both Paris and her father's heart. (Archiv-Version vom 12.12.2011)


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14.12.2011 um 11:22
December 14, 2011 9:04

Conrad Murray admits being too poor to fund a lawyer for Michael Jackson manslaughter appeal

Former doctor calls on the public to help fund his case

Conrad Murray has asked for a publicly-funded lawyer to handle his manslaughter appeal over the death of Michael Jackson after admitting he is too poor to pay for one himself.

The late singer's former doctor, who is currently serving a four-year jail sentence, filed papers to Los Angeles Superior Court yesterday (December 13) saying he was unable to fund his legal help any longer.

The court papers added:

The defendant is indigent and respectfully requests the appointment of counsel on appeal.

Murray said he wished to appeal against both his conviction and his sentence but so far has not filed formal papers with the California appeals court, reports Reuters.

This comes after he filed an appeal earlier this month in which he confirmed he will be representing himself rather than allow a lawyer to defend him. ( (Archiv-Version vom 05.12.2011) )

Following his recent conviction, the doctor was ordered to pay Jackson's three children an amount somewhere in the region of $100 million (£64 million), for their father’s funeral arrangements and loss of earnings for the 'This Is It' concerts which were due to take place the summer after his death in June 2009. (Archiv-Version vom 13.01.2012)

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14.12.2011 um 12:17
Rekordpreise für Liz Taylors Diamanten

14. Dezember 2011 11.16 Uhr, dpa/B.Z.

Der kostbare Schmuck von Elizabeth Taylor wurde versteigert. Er brachte viele Millionen Dollar ein.

Mehrere Millionen brachten die kostbaren Juwelen von Elizabeth Taylor ein: Der Schmuck der Hollywoodlegende hat bei einer Christie's-Auktion in New York Rekordpreise erzielt. 10,5 Millionen Dollar (etwa 8 Millionen Euro) bot ein Käufer über Telefon für ein Rubin- und Diamantenhalsband mit einer Perle, die einst zu den Kronjuwelen des spanischen Königshauses gehört hatte. Das Höchstgebot übertraf den Schätzwert von 2 bis 3 Millionen Dollar um ein Mehrfaches.

Nach Angaben von Experten handelt es sich bei dem Preis, der durch den Kautionszuschlag auf 11,8 Millionen Dollar steigt, um einen der höchsten, die je für ein vergleichbares Schmuckstück gezahlt wurden.

Ein Diamant- und Smaragdhalsband von Bulgari, das Richard Burton seiner Liz 1964 zur Hochzeit geschenkt hatte, erzielte 5,4 Millionen Dollar. Christie's hatte den Wert mit 1 bis 1,5 Millionen angegeben. Von ihrem langjährigen Freund Michael Jackson hatte Taylor einen Diamant- und Saphirring, der jetzt, neun Monate nach ihrem Tod, den Besitzer wechselte. Er wurde für 600.000 Dollar statt der geschätzten 80.000 bis 120.000 Dollar zugeschlagen.

Zuvor waren die Juwelen der einst „schönsten Frau der Welt“ bei Ausstellungen in Moskau, London, Los Angeles, Dubai, Genf, Paris und Hongkong zu sehen. Die Auktion in der Nacht zum Mittwoch war der Auftakt und Höhepunkt einer insgesamt viertägigen Versteigerung von Schmuck, Kleidern und Kunst der gefeierten Filmschauspielerin. Liz Taylor war acht Mal verheiratet und hatte zahlreiche Liebhaber, die sie mit Juwelen verwöhnten.


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14.12.2011 um 13:08
Ellen Degeneres - Paris Jackson Didn't Like 'Stupid' Masks

14 December 2011 11:30:35 AM

paris and prince jackson 1275791

Paris Jackson admits she used to get annoyed when her father Michael would make her wear a mask when she was out in public, but later understood his intentions.

Paris Jackson used to think it was "stupid" when her father Michael made her wear a mask.

The late singer used to make his children, Prince Michael, 14, Paris, 13, and nine-year-old Prince Michael II - also known as 'Blanket' - cover their faces in public to avoid the paparazzi, and although she once was annoyed by it, she then understood his reasoning.

She said: "I'm like, 'This is stupid, why am I wearing a mask?' But I kind of realised the older I got, he only tried to protect us and he'd explain that to us too."

Despite the immense fame which comes from being the daughter of the King of Pop - who died in June 2009 - Paris admits she was not recognised when she first went to a "normal" school.

During an appearance on the 'The Ellen DeGeneres Show', she said: "I do have like a regular childhood. I mean, I'm treated the same. When I came to [my new school] they didn't know who I was. I was like, 'Yes, I have a chance to be normal.' "

However, she does admit she is looking forward to taking on her first acting role in movie series 'Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys', in which she plays the titular Lundon.

She said: "My dad was in the movie 'Moonwalker' and I knew he could sing really well but I didn't know he could act. I saw that and I said, 'Wow, I want to be just like him. I was little. I was younger than 'Blanket'."

Paris also reveals she and her father would do improvised scenes together, and she always took on board any advice he gave her.

She added: "We would do improve together. He would give us little scenarios. He would say, 'OK, in this scene, you're going to cry,' and I would cry on the spot."

Discussing fatherly advice, she added: "He said, 'If I die tomorrow, always remember what I told you.' I took his advice and I remembered everything he told me." (Archiv-Version vom 04.09.2014)

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14.12.2011 um 16:00
Paris Jackson: "Mein Vater hat mir das Schauspielern beigebracht"



Michael Jackson hat mit seinem "Moonwalker"-Film den Anstoß für die Hollywoodkarriere seine Tochter Paris gegeben. Die 13-Jährige übernimmt in dem neuen Fantasyfilm "Lundon's Bridge and The Three Keys" zum ersten Mal eine Filmrolle und verriet jetzt in der Talkshow von Ellen DeGeneres, wie sie auf die Idee dazu gekommen ist. "Ich war noch ganz klein. Und dann habe ich meinen Vater in 'Moonwalker' gesehen. Ich wusste ja, dass er sehr gut singen konnte, aber ich wusste nicht, dass er auch ein so guter Schauspieler war. Ich habe ihn gesehen und gedacht: 'Ich möchte genauso sein wie er.'"

Author WENN


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14.12.2011 um 16:05
Murrays Anwalt: «Sie behandeln ihn wie Hannibal Lecter»

Aktualisiert am 14.12.2011

Der Anwalt des früheren Leibarztes von Michael Jackson kritisiert die Haftbedingungen seines Mandanten. Er unterliegt strengeren Vorschriften als andere Insassen. Murray hoffe nun auf das Berufungsverfahren.

Soll vor Übergriffen geschützt werden: Conrad Murray.

Der jüngst wegen fahrlässiger Tötung verurteilte frühere Leibarzt des verstorbenen Sängers Michael Jackson rechnet mit seinem Sieg bei einem Berufungsverfahren. Der Anwalt des Arztes sagte, Conrad Murray sei trotz hoher Sicherheitsmassnahmen und Isolation optimistisch.

Bei einem Treffen im Gefängnis sei Murray schwer gefesselt gewesen, sein Mandant unterliege offenbar strengeren Vorschriften als andere Insassen. «Ihn wie Hannibal Lecter zu behandeln, ist beleidigend», sagte Charles Peckham. Ein Polizeisprecher erklärte indes, dies geschehe zu Murrays Schutz. Dieser sei wegen seines Bekanntheitsgrades und seiner Verbindung zu Michael Jackson ein Ziel für Übergriffe.


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14.12.2011 um 16:44
Watch Now: Paris Jackson's First Solo Interview

Published 12.14.11

VIDEO im Bericht

Paris Jackson just wrapped up her first solo interview with Ellen DeGeneres -- where she opened up about her acting aspirations, her childhood and wearing masks growing up.

The well-adjusted 13-year-old just landed her first acting gig as the lead in "Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys" -- playing the only human in the animated flick.

"When I was really little. My Dad was in the movie “Moonwalker” and I knew he could sing really well but I didn’t know he could act," Paris tells Ellen. "I saw that and I said, wow, I want to be just like him."

As for constantly wearing masks when she and brothers Prince and Blanket were children, she says she used to think "this is stupid why am I wearing a mask? But I kind of realized the older I got like he [father Michael Jackson] only tried to protect us and he’d explain that to us too."

She also revealed the most memorable thing her father ever told her: "He said, if I die tomorrow always remember what I told you. I took his advice and I remembered everything he told me."

Check out the full interview with Paris when it airs Thursday, December 15.


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14.12.2011 um 17:28
Paris Jackson Hated Michael Jackson’s Obsessive Seclusion

BY Kinsley Goldman on December 14, 2011


Paris Jackson has told Ellen DeGeneres that she was disturbed as a child by lengths that her dad, Michael Jackson, went to in order to protect his children’s privacy. Paris said that she felt it was “stupid” when her father made her wear a mask.

Michael, wanting his children to be spared the over-exposure he suffered as a child superstar, used to make his children, Prince Michael, 14, Paris, 13, and nine-year-old Prince Michael II – also known as ‘Blanket’ – cover their faces in public for protection from the paparazzi.

Of course Michael was not exactly thinking too clearly, was he? With names like Prince Michael and ‘Blanket’ and a dad taking Propofol to get to sleep at night did Michael Jackson think he was doing his best to provide a normal environment?

Paris said: “I’m like, ‘This is stupid, why am I wearing a
mask?’ But I kind of realised the older I got, he only tried
to protect us and he’d explain that to us too.”

On the ‘The Ellen DeGeneres Show’, Paris said: “I do have
like a regular childhood. I mean, I’m treated the same.
When I came to [my new school] they didn’t know who I
was. I was like, ‘Yes, I have a chance to be normal.’'

All that lip service paid to being normal aside, Paris is excited and looking forward to taking on her first acting role in the movie series ‘Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys,’ in which she plays the titular Lundon.

She said: “My dad was in the movie ‘Moonwalker’ and I
knew he could sing really well but I didn’t know he could
act. I saw that and I said, ‘Wow, I want to be just like
him. I was little. I was younger than ‘Blanket.’”

Paris also reveals she and her father would do improvised scenes together, and she always took on board any advice he gave her.

She added: “We would do improve together. He would
give us little scenarios. He would say, ‘OK, in this scene,
you’re going to cry,’ and I would cry on the spot.”

Discussing fatherly advice, she added: “He said, ‘If I die
tomorrow, always remember what I told you.’ I took his
advice and I remembered everything he told me.”

The irony is that now that her Dad is gone, Paris is all over the TV and is becoming a major celeb herself… . Was that Michael’s goal – was that what he would have wanted for her?

What do you think? Please let us know in the comments below.


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14.12.2011 um 17:39
Paris Jackson: Ihr Vater ist ihr großes Vorbild

Von Achim Werbach - Reporter Topmodels & Musik Stars
am 14. Dezember 2011

paris und michael jackson

Paris Jackson wollte immer so sein wie ihr Vater Michael

Lange musste sie ihr Gesicht hinter einer Maske verstecken, doch jetzt geht Paris Jackson, die Tochter des verstorbenen “King of Pop” Michael Jackson, an die Öffentlichkeit. Sie hat nicht nur ihre erste Filmrolle ergattert, sondern sprach im Interview mit Ellen DeGeneres in deren Fernsehshow auch offen über die Beziehung zu ihrem Vater. Als sie ihn als kleines Mädchen zum ersten Mal im Film “Moonwalker” gesehen hat, dachte sie “Wow, ich will so werden wie er”. Damals erkannte sie, dass Michael nicht nur ein toller Sänger, sondern auch ein guter Schauspieler ist.

Heute versteht Paris Jackson auch, warum ihr Vater immer darauf bestand, dass die Gesichter seiner Kinder nicht in der Öffentlichkeit zu sehen sind und es keine Paparazzi-Bilder von ihnen gibt. Auch wenn sie es als Kind blöd fand, weiß Paris heute, dass Michael sie und ihre beiden Brüder nur schützen wollte. Immer bleibt ihr im Gedächtnis, was Michael Jackson einmal zu ihr sagte: “Wenn ich morgen sterben sollte, denke immer daran, was ich dir beigebracht habe”.

in Verbindung stehende Berichte: (Archiv-Version vom 08.01.2012)


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14.12.2011 um 18:06
'The masks were stupid,' admits Paris
as she discusses father Michael Jackson's attempts to protect his children on Ellen

By Nadia Mendoza
Last updated at 4:15 PM on 14th December 2011

The weird and wacky world of showbiz wouldn't be the same without the frequent eccentricities.

But even Paris Jackson has confessed she initially thought wearing masks in public was 'stupid'.

Her father Michael Jackson would frequently cover his children's faces, in a bid to keep Prince Michael, 14, Paris, 13, and nine-year-old Prince Michael II out of the prying eye of the paparazzi lens.

KBHT2B article-2074026-0F2CC2F400000578-
Growing up fast: Paris Jackson says classmates didn't recognise her when she started school as father Michael made them wear masks in public

Despite ridiculing the myriad of disguises on The Ellen DeGeneres Show, the teenager revealed she understood why the King Of Pop had concealed his mini-me's.

Speaking of her early years, Paris said: 'I'm like, "This is stupid, why am I wearing a mask?" But I kind of realised the older I got, he only tried to protect us and he'd explain that to us too.'

9hPjYk article-2074026-0F2CC3B500000578-
'Normal': Paris said she had a chance to be ordinary when she joined The Buckley School

It seems protecting their identity from the public had the desired effect though, and when Paris arrived at The Buckley School - no one knew who she was.

She said: 'I do have a regular childhood. I mean, I'm treated the same. When I came to (my new school) they didn't know who I was. I was like, "Yes, I have a chance to be normal."'

Yet now the rising star is chasing fame and recognition by landing her debut role in a film series.

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Protecting their identity: Michael Jackson would frequently cover his children's faces, as seen here during a trip to London;s Madame Tussauds in 2005

Jackson will play the heroine in fantasy picture Lundon's Bridge And The Three Keys, based on the young adult series by novelist Dennis H. Christen.

She added: 'My dad was in the movie Moonwalker and I knew he could sing really well but I didn't know he could act.

'I saw that and I said, "Wow, I want to be just like him." I was little. I was younger than Blanket (their nickname for sibling Prince Michael II).'

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VIPs: The Jackson children were invited to watch The X Factor USA and later posed with judges Simon Cowell and Paula Abdul

Paris added: 'We would do improvisation together. He would give us little scenarios. He would say, "OK, in this scene, you're going to cry," and I would cry on the spot.'

Giving her seal of approval on the interview, Paris later tweeted: 'Had a great time on @TheEllenShow today! :D It'll air on tv on Thursday for those who want to watch <3'

BwXCPF dailymail video 14.12.2011
VIDEO im Bericht,AAAAAFSL1bg~,CmS1EFtcMWGovGFz9QK5QoNdeeLc1Zro&bctid=1326753146001

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14.12.2011 um 18:13
Paris Jackson on the Ellen Degeneres Show | Extract (Video: Paris Jackson on the Ellen Degeneres Show | Extract)


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14.12.2011 um 18:25
Paris Jackson



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14.12.2011 um 20:25
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Conrad Murray admits being too poor to fund a lawyer for Michael Jackson manslaughter appeal
Ich dachte Murray will sich jetzt selbst verteidigen? Habe das nur von jemanden gehört, stimmt das?

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 20:25
Paris Jackson Shares Her Father's Best Advice to Her

By Tim Nudd
Wednesday December 14, 2011 10:30 AM EST

Paris Jackson (left) and Ellen DeGeneres
Michael Rozman/Warner Bros.

Michael Jackson's advice to his daughter Paris was simple: Never forget.

"He said, 'If I die tomorrow, always remember what I told you.' I took his advice, and I remembered everything he told me," Paris, 13, says in a new interview when asked about the most memorable thing her father ever said to her.

The King of Pop shaped Paris's life in all sorts of fundamental ways, including her desire to go into acting, she reveals in the interview, airing Thursday on The Ellen DeGeneres Show.

"My dad was in the movie Moonwalker, and I knew he could sing really well but I didn't know he could act. I saw that and I said, 'Wow, I want to be just like him,' " says Paris, who has a role in the upcoming fantasy movie Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys.

"We would do improv together," she adds. "He would give us little scenarios. He would go, 'Okay, in this scene you're going to cry,' and I'd cry on the spot."

Paris also talks about wearing a mask as a child, which she admits was a bit weird. "I'm like, 'This is stupid, why am I wearing a mask?' " she says. "But I kind of realized the older I got, like, he only tried to protect us. And he'd explain that to us, too."

Nowadays, she adds, she lives a relatively normal life. "I'm treated the same," she says. "When I came to [her school], they didn't know who I was. I was like, yes, I have a chance to be normal.",,20553527,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 06.01.2012)

Paris Jackson will ihrem Vater Michael nacheifern

Mittwoch, 14.12.2011, 19:58

Paris Jackson, 13-jährige Tochter von Popstar Michael Jackson, will es ihrem Vater nachmachen und Kinostar werden.

Bei einem Auftritt in der Talkshow von Ellen DeGeneres verriet Paris, dass sie mit ihrem Daddy und ihren Geschwistern häufig zu Hause Theater spielten. Sie habe den Sänger in dem Film „Moonwalker“ gesehen und sich dabei gedacht: „Wow, ich möchte genauso sein wie er.“ Die Talkshow von Ellen DeGeneres sollte am Donnerstag im US-Fernsehen ausgestrahlt werden, „“ stellte Auszüge daraus bereits am Mittwoch ins Netz.

Paris hatte kürzlich die Hauptrolle in dem Fantasy-Film „Lundon´s Bridge and the Three Keys“ angenommen. Die Dreharbeiten zu dem Film sollen im Januar beginnen.

Ihr Alltag in der Schule und mit Freunden verlaufe inzwischen recht normal, versicherte die Tochter des 2009 gestorbenen Popstars. Anfangs habe man sie in der Schule gar nicht erkannt. Dass sie als Kind in der Obhut ihres Vaters in der Öffentlichkeit Masken tragen musste, habe sie damals blöd gefunden. „Aber als ich älter war habe ich kapiert, dass er uns nur beschützen wollte“, nahm sie ihren Vater in Schutz.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 20:44
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ich dachte Murray will sich jetzt selbst verteidigen? Habe das nur von jemanden gehört, stimmt das?
so habe ich es auch erst verstanden ... denn Flanagan & Co. hatten ihn jetzt wohl nur noch "beraten" ... nun scheint Charles Peckham Murrays Vertretung übernommen zu haben, der ist Anwalt ... ich denke, den haben sie vielleicht als "Pflichtverteidiger" eingesetzt ...
Charles Peckham is an attorney who is Board Certified in Labor and Employment Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. He received his law degree from South Texas College of Law in 1991. Peckham is currently representing Dr. Conrad Murray in pop start Michael Jackson's wrongful death lawsuit.

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 20:55

dieser Charles Peckham, scheint Murrays Anwalt im Zivilverfahren zu sein ...

aus einem Beitrag vom 12.10.2010 um 01:45h
MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach! (Seite 71)
In neuen rechtlichen Dokumenten -- die TMZ erhalten hat -- fragt Dr. Murray's Anwalt, Charles Peckham, den Richter, ob Behauptungen auszuschließen seien, die Michael Jackson zuzuordnen sind ... dass Katherine Jackson als Bevollmächtigte handelte -- ein Vermittler -- zum Abzweigen des Geldes zur Unterstützung von Joe.
