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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 12:45
Paris Jackson: Michaels Tochter geht ins Filmgeschäft

Von Klara Niederbacher
am 11. Dezember 2011

w2tZ9a Paris-Jackson prominent24Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

Paris Jackson steigt früh ins Schauspiel-Geschäft ein

Der Apfel fällt bekanntlich nicht weit vom Stamm, so scheint es auch bei Michael Jackson und seiner 13-jährigen Tochter Paris Jackson zu sein. Der Sprössling des verstorbenen King of Pop soll wie ihr Vater schon sehr früh ihre Karriere in Angriff nehmen. Wie das Promi-Portal “” berichtet, soll Paris ihre erste Film-Rolle ergattert haben und zwar für den anstehenden Film “Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Kings”. Der Film basiere auf einem Fantasy-Roman für Kinder von Dennis H. Christen.

Der Film soll “” zufolge von Larry und Shawn King produziert werden und die Geschichte eines Delphins erzählen, der sich in einen Menschen verwandelt. Neben dem Delphin verwandelt sich auch ein Junge in eine Libelle und eine Quallen-Königin wird zu einer bösen Fee. Bereits in der Vergangenheit sollen Michael Jacksons Kinder ihren Wunsch, in die Schauspielerei zu gehen, geäußert haben. Laut dem Onlineportal haben die Kinder in einem Interview der Show “Good Morning America” darüber gesprochen. Mal sehen, wie Paris die Schauspielerei gefällt und wie sie sich in “Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Kings” schlagen wird.

VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 06.01.2012)

hier der Bericht von "x17 Online. com" ....

Paris Jackson Lands Her First Feature Film Role

Posted on Fri Dec 9, 2011 12:35 PM PDT

8vahFZ x17 10.12.2011

Paris Jackson is headed for Hollywood!

The 13-year-old daughter of the late Michael Jackson has just landed her very first feature film role in the upcoming fantasy flick, Lundon's Bridge and the Three Kings.

The film, adapted from the children's fantasy novel by Dennis H. Christen Lundon, is being produced by Larry & Shawn King, and centers on a dolphin who turns into a human, and a teenage boy who morphs into a dragonfly, and a jellyfish queen who changes into an evil fairy godmother.

The Jackson kids expressed their desire to enter the acting world during an interview with Good Morning America early this year, where grandma Katherine revealed:

"Paris dresses up like a little waitress or something, and they shoot their little movies."

Paris is set to play the title role of Lundon O'Malley, and N Sync's Joey Fatone and Love Boat alum Ted Lange have also nabbed roles in the upcoming flick, which will donate 50% of all gross revenue profits directly to the U.S. school system.

Michael Jackson would be proud!

Michael Jackson’s children have expressed their desire to act in the past. Prince and Paris have been attending voice and acting lessons, and even auditioned for their school play “Brothers Grimm.”


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 13:06
Michael Jackson - Jackson Brothers Meet Japanese Tsunami Victims

10 December 2011 14:11

Michael Jackson's brothers have visited an orphanage in Tokyo to raise the spirits of children orphaned by the earthquake and tsunami in Japan earlier this year (11).

The Thriller hitmaker's relatives are in the country ahead of two tribute shows in honour of the late King of Pop next week (begs12Dec11).

The concerts will benefit victims of the March (11) double disaster, and Jackie Jackson and his siblings met with young survivors of the tragedies.

In a post on his page on Saturday (10Dec11), he writes, "My brothers and I made rice cakes with the children of the Akabane orphanage, in Tokyo. Many of these children lost their parents in the recent tsunami."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 13:12!/JackieJackson5
Jackie Jackson @JackieJackson5 10 Dez
Many of these children lost their parents in the recent tsunami #JAPAN
Foto anzeigen
11:11, 10. Dez
WdPvx7 468995154

Jackie Jackson Jackie Jackson @JackieJackson5 10 Dez
My brothers and I made rice cakes with the children of the Akabane orphanage, in Tokyo.
Foto anzeigen
11:09, 10. Dez
X11ezQ 468993964
5VVSXE 468993963

Jackie Jackson Jackie Jackson @JackieJackson5 9 Dez
Ready for a brand new day here in Japan! I'm so excited to be here! Konnichi wa!
22:23, 9.. Dez


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 13:15
Jackie and his brothers in Japan

Saturday, 10 December 2011 14:10
5PTrjn jackie-japan

There's no place like a second home: Jackie and his brother Marlon and Tito are in Japan to perform at Michael Jackson Tribute Live concerts being held in Tokyo on December 13 and 14 at Yoyogi National Stadium. The concerts are set to feature performances by the three Jackson brothers, AI, Macy Gray, Crystal Kay, Juju and many more musicians and dancers. On December 10th, the brothers made rice cakes with the children of the Akabane orphanage, of whom many lost their parents in the recent tsunami.

Speaking to The Japan Times from his Los Angeles home just prior to rehearsals for the upcoming shows, Jackie explained that it was only natural to organize the second tribute event (after Cardiff, Wales in October of 2011) in Japan.

"Japan has been very supportive of my family over the years so it feels like a second home to us just as it did for Michael," he said.

Michael Jackson Tribute Live Kay hopes that if the audience is able to take away a message from the tribute event, it will be that "Michael and his music will forever be in our hearts. It's a sentiment shared by Jackie.

"I want the audience to realize the type of person Michael was," Jackie said, referring to his brother's generosity. "We hope they walk away feeling the magic and Michael's presence."

In terms of finding that presence within the show, Jackie is confident.

"We all pretty much know what to do when it comes to Michael's spirit," he said. "He was part of us and was in this group, so his spirit is in the room with us wherever we go. He was with us in Cardiff and he will be with us in Japan. We feel it."

The show also includes a charity element to help raise funds for victims of the Great East Japan Earthquake on March 11. All profits from the merchandise, including T-shirts, towels and gloves, will be donated to projects such as a fund for scholarships for those orphaned by the disaster.

"We were devastated by the tragedy," Jackie said. "I know lots of people lost homes and children were left without parents and family, so we can't wait to go and see the youth centers and hospitals and extend our love to them. Hopefully we can bring some of them to the concert."

"Michael Jackson Tribute Live" will be followed by an after-party at the opulent Shangri-La Hotel in Tokyo, organized by luxury magazine Pavone. Various DJ and live-music performances are planned as well as a mini-exhibition by American Apparel and sponsored booths by Ray Ban and Tom Ford. Tickets are ¥15,000 each and are available only via a fax application from the Pavone website.

"This might be the last tribute show for a while," said Jackie, who then hinted that the family estate may yet also approve one in Los Angeles. He added that the Jacksons are hoping to organize a full East Asia tour further down the line, together with AI, playing throughout Japan and China.

Trying to match the power and emotion of an actual Michael Jackson concert will be quite a feat, especially considering Japan was tagged as the pop star's second home because of the fans here. Endo agrees that it will be difficult to live up to the superstar's reputation, and that he still can't quite put his finger on how to recreate the singer's magic.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 13:19

...mir fällt gerade das Lied "Big in Japan" ein... ;-))

...LOL vielleicht können wir das im 2. Schwanensee-Akt verwenden!...Gaststar ist dann Jackie im rosa Röckchen... ;-)))))))


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 14:26
die Haare, die angeblich von Michael Jackson sein sollen, sind verkauft worden ...
für 10.871 $ ...

The Most Bizarre Use for Michael Jackson’s Old Hair Ever

By Lauri Apple
Dec 10, 2011 5:15 PM


Today the gambling website dropped $10,871 for a sample of entombed pop star Michael Jackson's old hair. Why so much? Because that's the going market rate for the amount of Michael Jackson hair you see in the photo. Also, they saw the hairball's potential—as a roulette ball.

Turning Michael Jackson's old hair into a ball that will roll around on a table, winning and losing people money, is "an appropriately unique way to immortalize a small part of a truly peerless entertainer," states OnlineEtCetera's website. "The ball itself will be made to the highest professional standards [Thank heavens! After Subpar roulette balls will ruin your gambling experience—Ed.], ensuring it will be eligible for use at any licensed casino's roulette table. Indeed, considering Jackson dedicated his life to entertaining millions, the prospect of this very special ball captivating crowds at roulette tables seems like a fitting use for it." You know how hundreds of years ago Catholic people extracted bone fragments from old saints' bodies, cut them into little shapes, inserted them into fancy golden crosses or stuck them on pillow-shaped objects, and turned them into spooky relics? This is just like that.

If you had been lucky enough to win the Michael Jackson hair auction, what would you have done with your prize? Would you have:

■ Baked it into a pie and served the pie to your nemesis?
■ Encased it in acrylic and worn it around your neck?
■ Made a Michael Jackson wig for your hamster?
■ Left it in your shower and pretended like Michael Jackson had showered there?

"[D]espite fierce competition – not to mention a late night/morning – we persevered," OnlineEtCetera's website states. "And this perseverance was duly rewarded, after we emerged from the frantic bidding war successful." Your goals might be finishing your MBA or running that marathon; their goal was to win a hairball. Don't judge.

► [] buys Michael Jackson’s hair

10-12-2011 is delighted to announce that is has acquired some of pop legend Michael Jackson’s hair for $10,871, which will now be transformed into a one-off roulette ball.

ein ähnlich in Verbindung stehender Bericht:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 19:58
Schrecklich die Haare von MJ ...

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 08:30
Michael Jackson fans leave tribute at auction site

By SANDY COHEN, AP Entertainment Writer – 1 hour ago

BEVERLY HILLS, Calif. (AP) — Karen Jackson and Kiki Stafford were moved to tears as they walked among the items that surrounded Michael Jackson in his final days: The Victorian baby grand piano, the wooden armoire where Jackson had written a note to himself on the mirror, the kitchen chalkboard where his children inscribed the message, "I love daddy."

Jackson, 57, and Stafford, 47, were among dozens of Michael Jackson fans who got an early look at items that will be sold at auction from the singer's final home — and left behind tributes to the King of Pop.

Julien's Auctions announced last month that it would sell the contents of the sprawling home where the singer died in 2009. On Sunday, the company invited Jackson fans to preview its exhibit of the home's art and furnishings before it opens to the public Monday. Fans were also invited to leave pictures, cards, flowers, notes and other handmade trinkets that will be delivered to the Jackson family.

"This means a lot, because we don't have a place to go" to leave things for the family, said Christine Tucker, spokeswoman for the Official Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California. About 25 members of the fan club spent the weekend making and delivering glitter-covered cards and handmade Christmas ornaments for the tribute at Julien's Auctions.

"He inspires us to create. We make these beautiful things and we want his kids and his mom to see it," she said.

Karen Jackson stayed up all night working on her creation: A charm-covered chain anchored by a metal "M'' that includes tiny photos of Prince, Paris and Blanket.

"I've been working on this for a year," she said. "I hadn't finished it because I didn't know how to get it to them."

Darren Julien, president of Julien's Auctions, said he sought permission from the Jackson estate to include fans in the auction exhibit, and family matriarch Katherine Jackson requested that he deliver any handmade items from fans to her.

"They put their hearts into it because they want the kids and Mrs. Jackson to see how much love they have for Michael," Julien said. "Michael Jackson has played such an important part in our careers and lives, and this is a fun way to give back. This is Michael's VIP reception."

Julien's Auctions was commissioned to sell the contents of Jackson's Neverland Ranch in April, 2009. The company sold Jackson's "Thriller" jacket for $1.8 million over the summer and his signature spangled glove for $350,000 in 2009.

For the auction of items from Jackson's rented mansion at 100 North Carolwood Drive, Julien's Auctions re-created the home's various rooms inside its Beverly Hills showroom. There's a formal dining room anchored by a long table and 10 carved chairs, an elegant living room with damask sofas, and several bedrooms — including the one where Jackson died.

The headboard of that bed was removed from the auction at his family's request, so fans filled the space where the bed would have been with their tribute.

"Team MJ San Diego loves Michael Jackson," one note spelled out in foil letters. "We miss you," read another. Fans also left flowers and plush toys, drawings and letters.

"I'm glad the headboard's not there," said Stafford, who left behind a poem she'd written about Jackson.

Among the lots available for sale, fans were most interested in photographing the armoire with Jackson's handwritten message (expected to sell for at least $6,000) and the chalkboard note from his children (expected to fetch more than $400).

Other items for sale include carved wooden tables, antique statues and various framed paintings.

Julien said he wanted Jackson's fans to be part of the exhibit "not because they're going to buy anything, but to honor his legacy."

Fans are welcome to add to the tribute throughout the week, he said. The exhibit of items from 100 North Carolwood Drive is free and open to the public. The auction will be held Saturday. (Archiv-Version vom 09.01.2012)

ähnlicher in Verbindung stehender Bericht:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 11:51
Michael Jackson fans Kim Lemieux, left, and Michael Craig hang a poster at a memorial where the headboard of the bed that Jackson was in on the day he died would have been placed in an exhibition at Julien's Auctions during a private preview of contents of 100 North Carolwood Drive, the home where Michael Jackson was living when he died, on Sunday, Dec. 11, 2011 in Beverly Hills, Calif. The carved headboard seen in evidence photos during the criminal trial of Jackson's physician was removed from the auction's lots at the request of Jackson's estate. (AP Photo/Danny Moloshok)
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3lcH3c ALeqM5gSC56ZDjQ-bcOQaYa28yrZqBdCa


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 11:58
Michael Jackson's Bel Air mansion opened to the public

The Bel Air mansion where Michael Jackson’s lifeless body was found after a lethal propofol overdose has been opened to members of the public.

v1EkhR Jackson 2046468b
Pop icon, Michael Jackson Photo: REUTERS

By Amy Willis, Los Angeles
6:00AM GMT 12 Dec 2011

Fans left tributes and messages to the Thriller singer’s children at the gated house, which Jackson rented for $100,000-a-month during rehearsals for his comeback tour.

Hundreds of paintings, ornaments and pieces of furniture from the mansion are to be auctioned this week, including the Queen size bed where the singer's body was found.

The headboard on the bed was removed from the sale at the request of the singer’s family last month.

An ornate mirror with the words “Train, perfection March April Full out May" scrawled in felt pen by the singer, will also be sold. The mirror is part of an armoire and carries an estimated sales price of $6,000-8,000.

Despite only few of the items having a personal connection to the singer and his family, auctioneers are expecting an impressive turn out at the sale on Saturday.

"Even though these weren't items that belonged to him, they were items that surrounded him in the final months of his life. Anything associated with Michael Jackson is highly collectible," said auctioneer Darren Julien.

A pottery rooster holding a chalkboard from the kitchen bears a poignant reminder of Jackson's children Prince, Paris and Blanket. A note from the children in chalk reads "I (heart) Daddy SMILE it's for free". The item is priced at $400-600 but is expected to fetch much more.

Last week, a gambling website bought several clumps of the singer's hair, left in a hotel plughole in the 1980s, for $11,000 and turned it into a roulette ball.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 12:24
Man in the mirror: Art and furnishings from Michael Jackson's final home on display ahead of mass sale (but NOT the bed where he died)

By Daily Mail Reporter
Last updated at 4:34 AM on 12th December 2011

Karen Jackson and Kiki Stafford were moved to tears as they walked among the items that surrounded Michael Jackson in his final days: The Victorian baby grand piano, the wooden armoire where Jackson had written a note to himself on the mirror, the kitchen chalkboard where his children inscribed the message, 'I love daddy.'

Jackson, 57, and Stafford, 47, were among dozens of Michael Jackson fans who got an early look at items that will be sold at auction from the singer’s final home — and left behind tributes to the King of Pop.

Julien’s Auctions announced last month that it would sell the contents of the sprawling home where the singer died in 2009. On Sunday, the company invited Jackson fans to preview its exhibit of the home’s art and furnishings before it opens to the public Monday. Fans were also invited to leave pictures, cards, flowers, notes and other handmade trinkets that will be delivered to the Jackson family.

y3fHqP article-0-0F24D0E400000578-46 634
Man in the mirror: An note from Michale is scrawled on an armoire from the Carrolwood Drive rented home. Inscribed on the glass is 'Train, perfection March April Full out May'

'This means a lot, because we don’t have a place to go' to leave things for the family, said Christine Tucker, spokeswoman for the Official Michael Jackson Fans of Southern California.

reJCuR article-2072982-0F24199500000578-
Tragic death: Michael Jackson, 50, died in Los Angeles on June 25, 2009 after rehearsing for a series of 50 concerts in London

About 25 members of the fan club spent the weekend making and delivering glitter-covered cards and handmade Christmas ornaments for the tribute at Julien’s Auctions.

'He inspires us to create. We make these beautiful things and we want his kids and his mom to see it,' she said.

Karen Jackson stayed up all night working on her creation: A charm-covered chain anchored by a metal 'M’’ that includes tiny photos of Prince, Paris and Blanket.

'I’ve been working on this for a year,' she said. 'I hadn’t finished it because I didn’t know how to get it to them.'

Darren Julien, president of Julien’s Auctions, said he sought permission from the Jackson estate to include fans in the auction exhibit, and family matriarch Katherine Jackson requested that he deliver any handmade items from fans to her.

'They put their hearts into it because they want the kids and Mrs. Jackson to see how much love they have for Michael,' Julien said. 'Michael Jackson has played such an important part in our careers and lives, and this is a fun way to give back. This is Michael’s VIP reception.'

ifpPLa article-0-0F24DC9500000578-113 63
Morbid fascination: Items from the bedroom where Michael Jackson spent his final days. The carved headboard seen in evidence photos during the criminal trial of Jackson's physician was removed from the auction's lots at the request of Jackson's estate

q4xD6j dailymail 12.12.2011Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)
DlyAA9 article-0-0F24DCB500000578-77 634
Flash sale: The contents of 100 North Carolwood Drive will be up for auction at Julien's Auctions in Beverly Hills on Saturday

Julien’s Auctions sold the contents of Jackson’s Neverland Ranch in April, 2009. The company also sold Jackson’s 'Thriller' jacket for $1.8 million over the summer and his signature spangled glove for $350,000 in 2009.

For the auction of items from Jackson’s rented mansion at 100 North Carolwood Drive, Julien’s Auctions re-created the home’s various rooms inside its Beverly Hills showroom. There’s a formal dining room anchored by a long table and 10 carved chairs, an elegant living room with damask sofas, and several bedrooms — including the one where Jackson died.

The headboard of that bed was removed from the auction at his family’s request, so fans filled the space where the bed would have been with their tribute.

bzrcbk article-0-0F24DAF500000578-269 63
Tributes: Michael Jackson fan Christine Tucker lays flowers where the headboard of the bed Jackson died in would have been
aXytfQ dailymail 12.12.2011AOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
AYdPrZ article-0-0F24DC5100000578-28 634
In memory: Fan Patrice McGhee looks at items left in tribute to Michael Jackson on a Christmas tree during a private preview of the house's contents

'Team MJ San Diego loves Michael Jackson,' one note spelled out in foil letters. 'We miss you,' read another. Fans also left flowers and plush toys, drawings and letters.

'I’m glad the headboard’s not there,' said Stafford, who left behind a poem she’d written about Jackson.

Among the lots available for sale, fans were most interested in photographing the armoire with Jackson’s handwritten message (expected to sell for at least $6,000) and the chalkboard note from his children (expected to fetch more than $400).

SPC3fi article-0-0F24D72500000578-625 63
Artistic expression: A slatted wood shower bench with stick figures hand drawn by Michael Jackson on it below a Jackson inscribed Victorian revival style armoire
dreNyw article-0-0F24CE2400000578-824 63
Musical tribute: Michael Jackson fan Kailee Lemieux plays Jackson's song 'You Are Not Alone' on a C. Gunther & Sohne Victorian Baby Grand Piano during a preview

Other items for sale include carved wooden tables, antique statues and various framed paintings.

Julien said he wanted Jackson’s fans to be part of the exhibit 'not because they’re going to buy anything, but to honor his legacy.'

Fans are welcome to add to the tribute throughout the week, he said. The exhibit of items from 100 North Carolwood Drive is free and open to the public. The auction will be held Saturday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 13:19
Feeling lucky? Gambling website buys $11,000 lock of Michael Jackson's hair fished from a shower drain... and plans to make it into a roulette ball

By Paul Thompson
Last updated at 6:31 PM on 11th December 2011

A gambling website plans to turn a clump of Michael Jackson's hair into a roulette ball.

The site paid more than £7,000 (nearly $11,000) for the late singer's hair at an auction.

They said by using the hair in a roulette ball it will immortalize a 'peerless' entertainer.

wyKrBj article-2072798-0EFB726000000578-
Long flowing locks: Discarded hair from Michael Jackson, who died in 2009, fetched nearly $11,000 at auction
dAsYE5 article-2072798-0F24199100000578-
A bargain: This hair was purchased by It was pulled out of a shower drain in a New York hotel after the star's 1980s stay there

The black hair was retrieved from the drain of a shower by a worker at New York's Carlyle Hotel after the King of Pop stayed there some time during the 1980s.

It was offered for sale by auction house, Gotta Have Rock and Roll as part of an online sale of pop memorabilia.

Gaming website made the winning bid.

A company spokesman said: 'The ball itself will be made to the highest professional standards ensuring it will be eligible for use at any licensed casino's roulette table.'


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 14:39
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Schrecklich die Haare von MJ ...
ja, Haare die aus dem Abfluss "gesammelt" worden sind ... :) :) und es finden sich doch immer wieder "Bekloppte", die solche skurrilen Angebote tatsächlich erwerben ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 16:04
Michael Jackson's Children: How Are They Doing?

By Joey Bartolomeo
Monday December 12, 2011 09:30 AM EST


As the two-and-a-half year anniversary of Michael Jackson's death approaches, the pop star's children are keeping busy carrying on his legacy.

Prince, Paris, and Blanket recently attended a taping of The X Factor, checked out the Las Vegas opening of Michael Jackson The Immortal World Tour by Cirque du Soleil and the Michael Jackson Fan Fest memorabilia exhibit. And now Paris, 13, has landed her first acting role in the film Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys.

"They're doing well," their uncle Marlon tells PEOPLE.

Much of the credit for their happiness goes to their grandmother, Katherine, who has been raising the kids since their father's death. "My grandmother is 81, but she’s very hands-on," says their first cousin Genevieve, Randy's daughter.

While they may be mini-celebs with multimillion-dollar trust funds reportedly waiting for them when they turn 30 – their father's estate earned $445 million in the past two years alone, according to Forbes – the kids are leading relatively normal lives.

After years of home-schooling, Prince, 14, and Paris now attend a private school. "They love the social aspect of it," says a family insider, noting Prince is "a great student" and "really popular with the girls." Paris, meanwhile, plays on the boys' flag-football team but isn't dating. Explains the insider: "She's got too many uncles keeping an eye on her."

As for little brother Blanket (real name: Prince Michael II), 9, the shy boy is schooled at their seven-bedroom Calabasas, Calif., home, where he's also been getting an education in the kitchen. "He likes cooking," says the insider. "He'll make cakes and cupcakes. The staff chef helps him."

But the real passion for all three kids is entertainment. While Paris is focused on acting, her brothers are into filmmaking. "Prince and Blanket want to be directors," says Genevieve, a music artist. "They make home movies together and recruit their cousins to act in them.” She adds, "The cousins are all very close.”

Having that bond is how the Jackson 3 remain grounded, says their uncle Jackie. "They stay with the family. That's what it's about. We keep a close watch on them.",,20552767,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 07.01.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 20:00
Paris Jackson Lands Debut Movie Role

By ABC News
Dec 12, 2011 9:21am

oxqI8z gty paris jackson jp 111212 wblog

ABC News’ Bianna Golodryga reports:

Coming soon to a theater near you? Paris Jackson, daughter of the late pop icon Michael Jackson.

Paris, 13, will star in an upcoming live action-animated film called “Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys,” based on the young adult fantasy book series by Dennis H. Christen.

The movie’s official website says Paris will play heroine Lundon O’Malley in the story where “sea magic turns a dolphin into a human, a teenage boy into a dragonfly and a loving jellyfish queen into an evil fairy godmother.”
Nach der offiziellen Website des Films, wird Paris in der Geschichte die Heldin Lundon O'Malley spielen, in welcher "Sea Magic einen Delfin in einen Menschen verwandelt, einen Teenager in eine Libelle und eine liebevolle Quallen Königin in eine böse Fee."

Paris’s castmates in the movie, for which a release date has not been set, will include Larry King and his wife, Shawn King, and Joey Fatone of the pop band N’Sync.

“I Wanna Leave My Footprints On The Sands Of Time. When I Leave This World I’ll Leave No Regrets. I’ll Leave Something For Them Not To Forget,” Paris tweeted yesterday, after news of her acting debut was confirmed.

Paris’s movie debut marks the latest step in her public transformation since the June 2009 death of her father at the age of 50.

The world got their first real glimpse of Paris when she spoke as an 11-year-old at a memorial service for her father one month after his death, tearfully telling the crowd, “Ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine … I just wanted to say I love him so much.”

In the two years since, Paris has taken on a more public role, from accepting the Lifetime Achievement Award on behalf of her father at last year’s Grammy awards to honoring him at the “Michael Forever” tribute concert in England in October.

The 13-year-old, along with siblings Prince and Blanket, has also maintained a more average life under the watchful eye of grandmother, Katherine, posting pictures of herself on Twitter, attending concerts and joining her school’s flag football team.

Even two years after Jackson’s death, Paris and the family continue to attract attention and money, a draw that stands to greatly enhance the success of her “Lundon’s Bridge and the Three Keys” debut.

“This kid can sell hundreds of thousands, possibly millions of dollars worth of tickets on her name alone,” public relations expert Howard Bragman told ABC News. “That’s pretty amazing.”

The film’s producers have pledged that half of the profits from the ultimate finished product will be donated to U.S. schools facing low budgets and program cuts. (Archiv-Version vom 12.12.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 20:15
Hier regelt ein tanzender Nikolaus den Verkehr


Manila - Weihnachtliche Stimmung mitten auf der Hauptverkehrsstraße: Ein tanzender Verkehrspolizist hat genervten Autofahrern eine kleine Freude gemacht.

VIDEO im Bericht

Weihnachtsstimmung kann man an jeden Ort bringen, findet Ramiro Hinojas. Der 46-Jährige arbeitet als Verkehrspolizist in der philippinischen Hauptstadt Manila. Und den gestressten Autofahrern dort will er eine vorweihnachtliche Freude bereiten. Dazu macht er diese Hauptverkehrskreuzung kurzerhand zur Bühne. Ein paar Michael-Jackson-Moves, kombiniert mit ein paar Verkehrs-Handzeichen fertig ist der Freestyle-Weihnachtstanz.

Tanzender Weihnachtsmann dirigiert Verkehr in Manila

(AFP) – Vor 1 Tag

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Verkehrspolizist als Weihnachtsmann in Manila (AFP, Ted Aljibe)

Manila — Im Verkehrschaos der philippinischen Hauptstadt Manila sorgt seit kurzem ein tanzender Weihnachtsmann für Ordnung. Mit weißem Bart und roter Mütze zieht der ungewöhnlich gekleidete Verkehrspolizist auf einer der wichtigsten Kreuzungen der Metropole am Macapagal Boulevard alle Blicke auf sich. Hinter der Verkleidung steckt der 55-jährige Ramiro Hinojas, der mit seiner Tanzshow zu einer lokalen Berühmtheit geworden ist.

"Es macht mich froh, Leute glücklich zu sehen, während sie im Verkehr feststecken, weil ich weiß, dass die Stoßzeiten jeden wahnsinnig machen können", sagte Hinojas der Nachrichtenagentur AFP. Seine extravagante Choreographie aus schwungvollen Handbewegungen und Tanzschritten ist inspiriert von seinem verstorbenen Idol, dem US-Popsänger Michael Jackson. Doch die gute Laune, die der kleingewachsene Mann in dem Verkehrschaos wahrt, ist ganz seine eigene.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 20:35


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

12.12.2011 um 20:51
ich weiß nicht, ob jemand von euch letzte woche auf VOX die Sendung

"Kinderstars - der Fluch des frühen Ruhms"

gesehen hat ?..... neben vielen anderen stars wurde dort auch ein sehr schöner, wenn natürlich auch trauriger bericht über MJ gezeigt..... mittlerweile sind die einzelnen teile dieser sendung bei youtube anzusehen - es lohnt sich, finde ich ;)......!

auf der youtube-seite gibt es vom gleichen user auch die berichte über andere kinderstars, z.B. Christine Kaufmann, Macaulay Culkin, Tatum O'Neal etc..... einfach rechts auf der seite raussuchen und anklicken ;)....
