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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 08:22
Jailed Michael Jackson doctor
Conrad Murray gets a prison
visit from girlfriend Nicole and
mother Milta

By Eleanor Gower and Hugo Daniel
Last updated at 2:52 AM on 9th December 2011

He has been behind bars for 31 days now after being found guilty of the involuntary manslaughter of Michael Jackson.

But Conrad Murray's loneliness may have been eased a little earlier today when he was visited by his girlfriend Nicole Alvarez and mother Milta Rush.

Alvarez, 29, wore a green sweater and checked scarf and chatted on the phone as she arrived at the visiting area at the Men's Central Jail in Los Angeles.

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Visiting hours: Nicole Alvarez and his mother Milta Rush headed to the men's Central Jail in Los Angeles to visit Conrad Murray

She was also spotted chatting to Murray's mother at the gates as they left, with both women looking sombre.

According to TMZ, it's unclear how much time the ladies were allowed to spend with Murray, if any.

Alvarez is the mother of one of Murray's children.

Earlier this month, Murray revealed his intent to appeal against his conviction, after being jailed for four years at the end of November.

Murray, 58, signed a one-page document, filed in Los Angeles on Friday, seeking all records and transcripts from the case.

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Meanwhile, Michael Jackson's former personal chef Douglas Jones has called on fans to forgive Conrad Murray - voicing fears the killer doctor will die behind bars.

Douglas Jones worked for Jackson until two weeks before his death and liaised with Murray on a daily basis.

Now he’s decided to speak out and he believes Murray will struggle to come to terms with his actions and is in grave danger in prison.

He warned: 'Dr Murray dropped the ball in a serious way. It was negligence. It’s now a very heavy burden he will have to live with every single day for the rest of his life and I’m wondering if ultimately he can survive that.

'I think it will be too much for him to deal with. I really pray for that man. If they put him in a major prison population he’s going to be in grave danger. He’s a target.

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Courtroom drama: Dr Murray was sentenced to four years in prison last month after being found guilty of involuntary manslaughter

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Mug shot: Murray has filed his intention to appeal his conviction

'There will be Michael Jackson fans in prison and when he gets out - people who harbour hatred towards him for what happened, people who don’t wish him well.'

However Douglas, a dedicated Christian, also said Murray only had himself to blame - citing his greed.

The 53-year-old said: “From watching the court case it seemed that he was urging Michael to get off the drug but at the same time he was still administering it and giving into his requests – I think that was because of the money factor.

'This man was being paid a huge amount and I’m sure it’s hard to walk away from that.

'If he was really strong in his ethics he would’ve walked away but obviously this man had never earned this kind of money in his life.'

Douglas only worked for Jackson for five weeks, quitting two weeks before the Thriller star died.

In that short space of time he did not have one day off and developed an intense relationship with Murray and the rest of the Jackson staff.

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Led away: Murray blew a kiss to his loved ones in the public gallery after he was led away to start his four year sentence last month
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Visit: Nicole Alvarez, who testified in Murray's trial, was spotted visiting Murray in prison today

Speaking about his first impressions of Murray, Douglas said: 'He was a no-nonsense type. He always looked very serious, like he did in court. But once he warmed up he had a very pleasant demeanour.'

He remembers Murray carrying down empty oxygen tanks from Jackson’s bedroom once but just assumed it was part of the health care he needed.

'However the chef was kept completely in the dark over the nature of Jackson's health problems.

He said: 'I talked to Dr Murray on a daily basis and I would prepare him food as well.

'I knew Michael wasn’t 100 per cent healthy for whatever reason but only based on the fact he was under the care of a doctor. He would often have to rest and Dr Murray would say to the kids not to bother him.'

Yj1Jr1 article-0-0F1BE8CB00000578-787 46Fears: Jackson's former personal chef Douglas Jones has spoken out about his worries for Murray in prison

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Gone too soon: Michael Jackson died back in June 2009

Douglas remembers Jackson would always keep the nervous Murray on his toes.

Whenever Michael wanted something, he just had to focus on it and he would go to him right away. He seemed nervous.

'Murray would speak excitedly about the upcoming This is It tour.

Douglas said: 'He would give me positive feedback from Michael, that he liked the taste of my food and the presentation.

And would ask me "are you going on the tour with us?" and he would say "it’s going to be fun." He seemed to be very excited about it.'

Painting a picture of life at Jackson’s Holmby Hills mansion – Douglas described how piped music would constantly be playing.

He added: 'They would also have the regular radio on too and when Michael’s songs came on the children would get excited and say "that’s dad."'

Speaking about the family’s eating habits, Douglas said: 'Michael would have breakfast by himself in his room. He would always eat it all and thank me when I came to get his tray.'

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Scene of the tragedy: Douglas worked for two weeks at Jackson's Holmby Hills mansion before his death

When Michael was around he would dine with the children Prince, Paris and Blanket and they would often delay dinner to wait for him to come home.

When Douglas started he was briefed the family only ate chicken and fish and organic healthy food and he would shop for ingredients at Whole Foods and Santa Monica fish market.

Douglas described how Jackson used to play with his children in their game arcade room and watch movies with them in their personal cinema where they would feast on popcorn and sweets.

He said: 'His kids were treated like royalty, whatever they wanted they would get and if they didn’t like a member of staff, Michael would get rid of them.

'But they were very well grounded and seemed to be well adjusted. They would always dress very smartly and had an Ivy League look. They had a nanny with them at all times monitoring them.'

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Treated like royalty: Jackson's children Prince, Paris and Blanket were in the audience with Jackson's mother Katherine at the X Factor last week

After watching the Murray case unfold the LA-based chef is also angry with Jackson for his part in his own death.

He said: 'After the court proceeding and discovering how deep he was in to the addiction I became very angry and I was angry at Michael because ultimately he was responsible for his own life.'

He added: 'Many people wanted to help him, especially his family but he wouldn’t let them,' citing a time he arrived at work and Joe Jackson was refused entry to the house.

The chef also said he was not surprised when Jackson died.

'There were so many performance dates added and in my opinion he didn’t seem in any condition to deal with that. It was too much for him.

'He was a very humble and generous person and I am grateful I had a chance to work for him.'


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 08:33
Michael Jackson: Tochter Paris steigt ins Filmgeschäft ein

Freitag, 9. Dezember 2011, 8:12 Uhr

Los Angeles. Paris Jackson wird Filmstar: Die 13-jährige Paris wird laut ‘The Sun’ die Hauptrolle in dem Fantasy-Film ‘Lundon’s Bridge And The Three Keys’ übernehmen – obwohl ihre Großmutter Katherine eigentlich darauf bestanden haben soll, dass das Mädchen bis zu seinem 18. Lebensjahr wartet, bevor es eine Schauspielkarriere in Angriff nimmt.

g6M5s9 Paris Jackson1

Mit dem Argument, dass die Botschaft des Films ihrem verstorbenen Vater gefallen hätte, soll Paris ihre Oma jedoch überzeugt haben.

"Die Liebe ihres Charakters zum eigenen Vater ist der Mittelpunkt der Handlung", verrät ein Insider gegenüber der britischen Zeitung. Diese schreibt zudem, dass die Einnahmen einem guten Zweck zugute kommen und an US-amerikanische Schulen gehen werden.

Dass Paris Jackson schauspielerische Ambition hat, ist schon länger bekannt.Über sie und ihre zwei Brüder Prince (14) und Blanket (9) hieß es im Sommer: "Sie sind jetzt ziemlich glückliche Kinder. Prince und Paris werden noch dieses Jahr auf eine Privatschule gehen. Sie lieben den sozialen Aspekt davon. Paris möchte unbedingt Schauspielerin werden. Sie liebt es, zum Schauspielunterricht zu gehen." (Bang) (Archiv-Version vom 10.01.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 08:58
in dem Bericht von der Dailymail wird Douglas Jones als personal chef im Hause Holmby Hills genannt ... Douglas only worked for Jackson for five weeks, quitting two weeks before the Thriller star died. Douglas hatte nur 5 Wochen für MJ gearbeitet, er hatte zwei Wochen bevor MJ verstorben ist, sein Arbeitsverhältnis beendet ...

Radaronline hatte einen Exklusiv Bericht ... der ist aber bereits aus 2009 -- 08.07.2009 --
im Bericht ist ein Video enthalten ...

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO INTERVIEW: Michael Jackson’s Secret Life. Jacko’s Personal Chef Breaks Silence

Posted on Jul 08, 2009 @ 06:10PM

P3VGE5 radaronline video 08.07.2009
VIDEO im Bericht

What was it like to work for the King Of Pop – to have been inside his inner circle?

Michael Jackson’s one-time personal chef Douglas B. Jones reveals new insight into life with the often elusive and eccentric Michael Jackson, in an exclusive new interview with

Speaking with reporter Rachel Smith, Jones says Jackson specifically wanted an African-American chef. He says the very first time he showed up at Jackson’s rented mansion in Holmby Hills, an exclusive area of Los Angeles, he was told to drive around and come back five minutes later.

A person on Jackson’s team later apologized to Douglas, explaining they had been dealing with Michael’s father, Joe Jackson, who was angry after Michael refused to let his dad entry to the mansion.

Said Douglas: “They said either he shook the gate or hit the gate. I think when he left he was frustrated about something. They didn’t tell me what it was.”

It’s well known that Michael had a difficult relationship with his father Joe, whom Michael has said often beat him as a child and mocked him. Michael left his father nothing in his will.

Jones also describes Michael’s three children -- Prince Michael, Paris Michael Katherine and Prince Michael II (aka Blanket) -- as being “very intelligent... very advanced for their age”. He calls them “very polite” but adds that if the kids didn’t feel comfortable with a member of Michael’s staff, Jackson would fire them.

Douglas says the atmosphere in Michael’s mansion was “very peaceful... very tranquil” and that music was often played in the home.

Watch our entire exclusive interview. (Archiv-Version vom 31.08.2009)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 09:20
der Bericht bei People Magazine ist noch nicht aufrufbar ... :)

Michael Jackson’s Kids In Exclusive People Magazine Feature

Two years after their father’s death, the children are “doing great.”

By N. Jamiyla Chisholm
Posted: 12/09/2011 01:44 AM EST

LgVX8a 101111-celeb-out-about-prince-jacOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)

There was a time not very long ago when the faces of Michael Jackson’s children were unseen. The famous dad did everything he could to protect Prince, Paris and Blanket’s identities; this includes them wearing Mardi Gras masks and silk fabrics over their faces.

In this week’s People Magazine, MJ’s three children are the center of an exclusive story. There are candid pictures of them hanging out in Six Flags Magic Mountain with friends; a portrait of them with their grandmother and guardian Katherine, also Michael’s mother.

Their uncle Jackie tells the magazine “they’re doing great” while a family insider reveals about Prince, “Girls really like him, and he likes girls.” Paris is said like to shop with her aunt Janet and idolizes stars Halle Berry and Jada Pinkett Smith.

Although Mama Katherine is said to be raising the children as Jehovah’s Witnesses, she's also supportive of their creative interestes. Prince and Blanket have expressed interest in directing while Paris wants to act.

They all honor their father in their own ways, especially Blanket, 9, who is said to keep his hair long because his father liked that way. Check out the full article in the magazine on newsstands Friday.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 09:43
MJ hat Peter Pan Rolle abgelehnt

08.12.11 - 20:56

Regisseur Steven Spielberg hat in einem Interview kürzlich gesagt, dass Michael Jackson für die Rolle des Peter Pan in der Verfilmung "Hook" 1991 vorgesehen war, aber es gab kreative Differenzen.

Lange war darüber spekuliert worden, dass MJ die Rolle zwar versprochen wurde, er es aber nicht machen wollte. Spielberg sagte nun, dies sei nicht der Fall gewesen.

Michael freute sich über die Hauptrolle im Film, aber er bekam lediglich eine Rolle eines Anwaltes vorgetragen, der angeblich nie aufwuchs und ein Junge war.

Zu ET Weekly sagte er:

"Michael wollte schon immer Peter Pan spielen, aber ich rief Michael an und sagte, 'Dies ist über einen Anwalt, der nach Neverland zurück gebrachtwird, um seine Kinder zu retten und er entdeckte, dass er einmal war noch jünger als Peter Pan war. "

"Michael verstand es und er fand, dass es nicht der gleiche Peter Pan war, den er spielen wollte."

Die Rolle spielte schließlich Komiker Robin Williams.



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 09:48
weitere Berichte über Paris Jacksons erste "Filmrolle" ... (Archiv-Version vom 16.01.2012) (Archiv-Version vom 09.12.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 14:21
Connecticut Attorney to Represent Michael Jackson's Family

BRIDGEPORT, December, 2011 -- Michael Koskoff, a partner in the Connecticut-based law firm Koskoff , Koskoff & Bieder, has joined the legal team bringing a wrongful death case civil suit for the family of Michael Jackson. The suit is against entertainment giant Anschutz Entertainment Group and its concert promotion subsidiary, AEG Live, for the death of the pop icon.

Koskoff joins a Los Angeles law-firm, Panish, Shea & Boyle, in representing members of Jackson’s family, including his children Michael Joseph Jackson Jr., Paris-Michael Katherine Jackson, and Prince, as well as their legal guardian, grandmother Katherine Jackson (Michael’s mother). Jackson’s father, Joseph, is not represented in the suit.

AEG, a corporation that produces and promotes live entertainment, owns and operates concert venues, clubs, theaters, arenas and stadiums, including the Staples Center in Los Angeles where Michael Jackson had been rehearsing for his worldwide concert tour, “This Is It.”

Rehearsals for Jackson’s long-awaited comeback tour had begun in April of 2009. The legendary singer went into cardiac arrest and died on June 25, 2009.

The suit alleges that AEG had arranged to retain Dr. Conrad Murray, a cardiologist, to serve as Jackson’s personal, on-call physician. Murray, 58, was convicted of involuntary manslaughter in connection with Jackson’s death from a drug overdose. Prosecutors in the criminal case argued that Murray behaved recklessly by using a surgical anesthetic to treat the 50-year-old singer’s insomnia and was therefore criminally negligent in the performer's death.

Murray acknowledged giving Jackson Propofol as a sleep aid, but denied any wrongdoing. The powerful anesthetic is normally administered only in hospital settings.

The Los Angeles County coroner blamed Jackson's death on Propofol intoxication and ruled it a homicide.

More than two years after Jackson died, Murray was sentenced to four years in county jail and was required to pay nominal fines as well.

The civil lawsuit filed by Katherine Jackson accuses AEG of negligence in retaining Murray and forcing Jackson to agree to be under his care or to risk having the tour canceled. The suit also alleges that AEG participated in allowing Murray to act without adhering to proper medical standards.

Koskoff, Koskoff & Bieder, nationally known for personal injury, medical malpractice, product liability, and class actions, concentrates its practice in handling cases for people who suffer serious personal injury or economic harm. Attorneys from KK&B have been responsible for important changes in the conduct of corporate and government defendants. The firm has offices in Bridgeport, Danbury, New Haven, and Stamford.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 14:37

....eben sind mir so die Tränen in die Augen geschossen...mir gefällt der TV-Beitrag (egal wie die Meinung über diverse Bücher und Herren sind..DARUM geht es mir gerade NICHT).

Sondern ich meine die schönen Fotos, die hinterlegte Musik von Michael und ganz besonders den letzten Satz im Beitrag...einfach nur schön und bittersweet...ich liebe diese Aufnahme von Michael als er Lady Di getroffen hat (am Anfang und auch am Ende zu sehen).

Egal was da sonst noch berichtet wird...mir hat es den Tag verschönert...Michael war ein solcher Seelenmensch...always in my heart...forever...

(Ganz am Seitenende kann man den Beitrag öffnen)

Unsterblicher King of Pop (Archiv-Version vom 01.01.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 15:04

zum koch Douglas Jones:

- er hat nur 5 wochen für MJ gearbeitet....

- gibt aber vor, ziemlich detailliert über MJ's gesundheitszustand bescheid zu wissen.... deshalb war er auch kein bisschen überrascht vom plötzlichen tod von MJ.....

- mit Murray war er offenbar so vertraut, dass beide des öfteren "plauderstündchen" über MJ abhielten..... vielleicht hätte er sich lieber aufs kochen konzentrieren sollen?..... und auch zu dem ganzen übrigen personal hatte er in dieser kurzen zeit "intensive beziehungen"..... komisch, Kai Chase scheint nicht so vertraut gewesen zu sein bei dem übrigen personal, denn sie hat nicht einmal Williams angerufen, obwohl Murray sie doch ausdrücklich darum gebeten hatte....

- in den 5 wochen seiner tätigkeit hatte er sogar das privileg, das frühstückstablett aus MJ's privaten räumen im obergeschoss abzuholen..... wow - außer den kindern und bodyguards durfte sonst niemand diese räume betreten.... aber Douglas Jones schon, und das nach nicht einmal 5 wochen....

- der arme Mr. Jones hatte in den 5 wochen seiner anstellung keinen einzigen freien tag.... aber er weiß, dass Murray 5 tage die woche bei MJ im haus war.... kann Mr. Jones nicht zählen oder hat er einen speziellen kalender, auf dem 1 tag fehlt?..... selbst Murray sagte, es waren 6 tage die woche - ein anderes mal waren es bei ihm 30 tage im monat..... in USA scheint jeder einen persönlichen kalender zu haben....

- ach ja, und er weiß, dass die familie und ganz viele andere leute MJ helfen wollten.... war sogar zeuge, als Joe hierbei von einem "mitglied aus MJ's team abgewiesen wurde..... und dieses "team-mitglied" erzahlte Jone schon in den ersten minuten seines betretens des grundstücks die zusammenhänge..... nur WER das war, lässt er bei allen anderen details im dunkeln....

- und wem die kinder nicht klar kamen, der wurde entlassen..... darüber sollte Mr. Jones vielleicht noch mal nachdenken....

- den prozess hat er verfolgt und ist seitdem wütend auf MJ, weil der selbst für sein leben verantwortlich war - dass MJ jetzt tot ist, war also NICHT Murray's schuld.....

- er kannte sogar ganz genau MJ's probenplan und weiß daher, dass man ihm viel zu viele proben aufs auge gedrückt hat - wow !!!!.....

na, für so "schöne" interviews hat es vermutlich nicht nur von den fernsehagenturen geld gegeben..... und ich sehe es schon kommen: es gibt in kürze ein weiteres buch, in dem uns jemand "die wahrheit über MJ" erzählen will..... da freuen wir uns doch alle schon mächtig drauf, oder? :) :)....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

09.12.2011 um 15:52

Dear Michael book rocks with Swarovski-studded Michael Jackson portrait

hmmm, hatte mich gefragt, was einen denn so für diesen "small price" inhaltlich erwartet?..... das hatte sich mir aus dieser beschreibung nicht wirklich eröffnet - bis ich einen kurzen trailer zu dem buch fand.....

darin scheinen wohl fans aus aller welt MJ ihren tribute zu zollen (wenn ich das richtig sehe)....

nicht wundern über diese website - ist in meiner muttersprache :) :) :)......

und hier gibt es sogar eine website zu dem buch mit dem gleichen trailer - ist aber derzeit noch im aufbau..... (Archiv-Version vom 29.03.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.12.2011 um 14:14
der Bericht beim People Magazin ist heute aufrufbar ... vgl. auch Beitrag von gestern um 09:20h

Michael Jackson's Daughter Paris Gets First Movie Role

By Mike Fleeman
Update Friday December 09, 2011 05:25 PM EST
Originally posted Friday December 09, 2011 04:50 PM EST

fKvBOP paris-jackson-1-240
Paris Jackson Jeff Bottari/Getty

Paris Jackson is finally following her father into show business.

The 13-year-old daughter of Michael Jackson will star in the upcoming Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys, a mixed live-action and animation movie, as a girl who survives being brainwashed by a jellyfish queen in the ocean.

Filming begins in January. Three Keys is first in a series of five Lundon O'Malley movies to which she's committed, producer Stephen Sobisky tells PEOPLE.

"She wants to be an actress," says Sobisky. "She wants to take on her dad's legacy and do something good for the world and our product does that."

He says that half the profits from the movie and book versions of the story, featuring Paris on the cover, will be donated to schools.

Paris will appear as a live-action "human character" along with animated characters voiced by Larry King and wife Shawn, Joey Fatone and The Love Boat's Ted Lange.

The release date is not set yet and the filming locations are being kept under wraps.

"She is a sweet, smart girl," says Sobisky. "Our goal is to make sure she has a fun time doing something that keeps her busy. We're a family-driven group. For me, Paris is going to be like one of my children and I'm going to protect just like I do my other three kids. We want her to enjoy this experience.",,20552582,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 14.12.2011)

Sende-Termin "Paris bei der Ellen-Show" wurde noch nicht bekannt gegeben: (Archiv-Version vom 05.12.2011)

es gilt weiterhin :
lundons 08.12.2011

vgl. Eintrag vom 08.12.2011

für heute war ja die Ellen-Show mit Paris Jackson angekündigt ... die findet wohl nicht statt, aber sie ist nunmehr in der Woche vom 12. - 16. Dezember vorgesehen ...
Date TBA Soon = Ankündigung des Datums erfolgt demnächst !!!!


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.12.2011 um 14:24
bei dem vorgenannten Eintrag fehlte noch etwas:

vgl. Eintrag vom 08.12.2011 um 21:06h

siehe auch den Bericht:,,20469114,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 09.01.2012)

ein ähnlicher Bericht Paris Jackson geht unter die Schauspieler
auch bei


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.12.2011 um 20:10
auch Jermaine Jackson will Fragen beantworten ...

MJJC Exclusive Christmas Special Q&A with Jermaine Jackson - Write your questions

MJJC Christmas Special Q&A

I'm happy to announce that Jermaine Jackson has agreed to a Q&A with MJJcommunity as a Christmas Special. So please submit your questions. Question submission will close on December 14, 2011.

There are some rules :
- Questions concerning matters that are in personally private nature and
- Questions about Prince, Paris or Blanket

will NOT be considered.

Also to help with the selection of final questions that will be sent to Jermaine please comment on the questions asked by other members. This way I can determine the most common and most preferred questions.!/jermjackson5
jermjackson5 Jermaine Jackson
Looking forward to it! RT @MJJCommunity MJJC Exclusive Xmas Special Q&A with Jermaine Jackson. Send in your questions
vor 12 Stunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.12.2011 um 20:32

"Greatful that I am a magnet for miracles"
- Michael Jackson


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.12.2011 um 20:55
Michael Jackson’s Daughter Paris Already Being Exploited by “Hollywood”

12/10/11 1:41pm Roger Friedman

JnrQZ8 paris-jackson 07.07.2009

Paris Jackson–if she wanted to be in the movies, you’d think her grandmother would take her to Steven Spielberg or someone reputable or high class in Hollywood. Instead, Paris, who’s 13, is now being exploited for a movie that has no funding, a producer with no production credits, and a cast that includes such sterling movie actors as Larry King, his wife Shawn, and Joey Fatone of NSync. The website for “Lundon’s Bridge” has already been set up with Paris’s picture prominently featured.

And there’s a FUNDRAISING button on the website–the guy, Stephen Sobisky, doesn’t actually have the money to make his three part fantasy adventure. He’s using Paris as bait. And Katherine Jackson, the ill equipped grandma, has no clue. But let’s get this straight. Sobisky is a visual effects supervisor for B movies. He has not produced or directed one major motion picture. As we’ve learned from the recent “Gotti” mess, the rest of this is hogwash. Where are the Jackson kids’ lawyer? Where is a guardian? Sobisky will now fish around the world using Paris Jackson to try and raise money. And the little girl probably thinks this is going to happen, and be a big deal. Oy vey.

And please! “Fifty percent will be donated to schools”–really, what schools? What are they talking about? Fifty percent of what? It’s a shonda, as you say in Yiddish.

PS The book this is all based on, “Lundon’s Bridge.” is such a classic it’s self published by a journeyman Hollywood bit player named Dennis Christen. It’s currently ranked around number 86,000 on with three reviews.

Janet Jackson, call your agents! (Archiv-Version vom 06.12.2011)

in dem Film spielt Paris die Rolle der Lundon O'Malley
vp2I6Y lundons A

das Buch “Lundon’s Bridge” gibt es bereits seit 2006, man kann es bei Amazon gebrauchte Bücher Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys kaufen
und auch das NEUE Buch


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

10.12.2011 um 21:04
Hauptrolle im Fantasystreifen

Paris Jackson: Erster Film mit 13

Michael Jacksons Tochter Paris (13) wird Schauspielerin.

Obwohl Großmutter Katherine Jackson (81) sich gewünscht hat, Paris würde bis zu ihrem 18. Lebensjahr damit warten, hat ihre Enkelin jetzt eine Hauptrolle ergattert.

Wie die „Sun“ berichtet, wird Paris Jackson im Fantasyfilm "Lundon's Bridge And The Three Keys" mitspielen.

Paris Jackson konnte ihre Oma nur überzeugen, die Rolle annehmen zu dürfen, weil Paris versicherte, dass ihrem Vater der Film gefallen hätte.

"Die Liebe ihres Charakters zum eigenen Vater ist der Mittelpunkt der Handlung", weiß ein Insider.

Ihre Gage, die sie mit dem Film macht, möchte Paris Jackson nicht für sich selbst behalten. Sie wird es an amerikanische Schulen spenden.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 08:54
Paris Jackson Lines Up Her Acting Debut: Inevitable or Unbelievable?

9. Dezember 2011 - 13:00 von Natalie Finn


Michael Jackson would be so proud.

Here we thought that Paris Jackson getting verified on Twitter was the big news these days, when it turns out the 13-year-old has landed herself a starring role in a movie!

And what sort of film has the pop icon progeny attached herself to?

C-IT Entertainment is working on getting Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys—based on a young adult fantasy novel of the same name—off the ground, starring Paris as heroine Lundon O'Malley.

The book is the first in a five-part series by Dennis Christen about a young girl who is kidnapped from her rightful place on land by the evil Jellyfish Queen of the Ocean and then becomes the key to stopping once and for all the ongoing battle between creatures of the land and the sea.

Paris would be the human entity in what will otherwise be an animated film, featuring, according to the title's website, the vocal talents of Joey Fatone, Larry King and Larry's wife, Shawn, among others.

The pre-pre-production materials bill the film as "a timeless family adventure" and state that 50 percent of the profits from the ultimate finished product will be donated to schools.

"I Wanna Leave My Footprints On The Sands Of Time. When I Leave This World I'll Leave No Regrets. I'll Leave Something For Them Not To Forget," Paris tweeted yesterday.

What do you think? Was it inevitable that Paris would go into showbiz, or would it be a better idea for her to lie low, at least until she's older?

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 09:09
vieles scheint doch nicht zu stimmen ... da wurde viel Fantasie eingebracht ... denn auch das, kann man doch nicht wirklich "glauben" ...

von red
Sonntag, 11. Dezember 2011

So war der Sänger wirklich

Der Ex-Assistent plaudert über Drogensucht des Stars und dessen sexuelle Neigungen

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Die Nachricht, dass Michael Jackson starb, erschütterte die gesamte Welt. Am 25. Juni 2009 erlag er einer Überdosis Propofol. Die Narkose- und Schlafmittel waren einfach zu viel für seinen Körpfer. Sein Leibarzt, Conrad Murray, wurde nach einem langen Prozess schuldig gesprochen und zu vier Jahren Haft verurteilt. Es gab viele Gerüchte um das Leben des Musikers: Er soll schwul gewesen sein, Kinder missbraucht haben und süchtig nach Medikamenten gewesen sein. Sein früherer Assistent Frank Cascio hat jetzt ein Buch veröffentlicht, mit dem er die Wahrheit ans Licht bringen will und Schluss macht mit den "Lügen und Anschuldigungen".

Frank war bei der ersten Begegnung vier Jahre alt, Michael 27, und dieser hat gerade "Thriller" veröffentlicht. Cascios Vater, Geschäftsführer des Helmsley-Palace-Hotels in Manhattan, stellte die zwei einander vor. "Ich erinnere mich, dass ich ein Spielzeugauto über seinen Kopf und seine Arme fahren ließ. Als wir uns von ihm verabschiedeten, sagte er, er würde uns anrufen, wenn er mal wieder in New York sei", steht im Buch von Frank Cascio. Das war der Beginn einer fast 20 Jahre langen Freundschaft.

Jacko knutschend im Bentley

Sein erster Besuch auf der Neverland-Ranch im Santa Ynez Valley nahe Santa Barbara bleibt für immer unvergessen: "Dort lief wunderschöne Musik. Es gab Bäume, Blumen, Wasserspiele und atemberaubende Landschaften." Er war aber nicht der einzige, der den Star auf seinem Anwesen besuchen durfte: Michael lud manchmal Fans auf seine Neverland-Ranch ein. Einmal fuhr ich Michaels Bentley, er saß auf dem Rücksitz und knutschte rum."

Von wegen schwul!

Also von wegen homosexuell. Denn auch mit diesem Gerücht räumt Frank Cascio ein für alle Mal auf: "Michael war nicht schwul. Er war an Frauen interessiert, aber er war sehr gehemmt." Die Frauen rannten dem Sänger dafür reihenweise hinterher: "Als ich älter war und Michael auf Tour begleitete, nannten wir seine weiblichen Fans Fische. Denn es gab eine Menge Fische im Meer. Die aggressivsten Girls nannten wir Barrakudas." Michael hat also auch Humor besessen.

Seine Drogensucht

Die Medikamentensucht hat bereits in den 80er Jahren begonnen. Ständig nahm Jackson das Schmerzmittel Demerol zu sich, hat es auch oft auf Franks Namen verschreiben lassen. Von Drogen soll er sogar paranoid geworden sein. Er hatte Angst, dass ihn sein Management zerstören will und sprach immer wieder von "Verrätern". Damit seine Alkoholsucht nicht so auffällt, hat er Wein in Saftflaschen und Softdrink-Dosen umgefüllt. Im Buch werden noch weitere Erinnerungen preisgegeben und die Person hinter der Maske gezeigt.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 09:26
Paris Jackson Gets First Movie Role, Takes on ‘Dad’s Legacy’

By IBTimes Staff Reporter | December 10, 2011 10:37 AM EST

Paris Jackson, the daughter of the late Michael Jackson, will star in upcoming movie "Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys," according to People.

This role represents the first movie appearance for the young Jackson, who prior to her father's death led a very sheltered and private life and rarely stepped out in public without covering her face.

"She wants to be an actress. She wants to take on her dad's legacy and do something good for the world and our product does that," Stephen Sobisky, the movie's producer, told People.

AceShowbiz provided the following information about the upcoming movie:

"Ancient sea-magic turns a dolphin into a human, an evil spell changes a teenage boy into a dragonfly and a once good and loving jellyfish queen becomes an evil fairy godmother. This story, filled with adventure after adventure uses family love and the magic of belief as weapons to fight a war between the land and the sea."

Paris Jackson will play the role of someone "who survives being brainwashed by" the evil jellyfish queen, according to People.

Jackson is reportedly committed to five Lundon O'Malley movies in total, which will be part animation and part live-action.

The young Jackson is the daughter of the late entertainment legend Michael Jackson and his wife Debbie Rowe.

Her most notable public appearance so far was at her father's memorial service at the Staples Center in Los Angeles in 2009.

She arguably uttered the most memorable line of the night when she said: "I just wanted to say ever since I was born, Daddy has been the best father you could ever imagine. And I just want to say I love him so much."

Below is the video of Paris Jackson in the memorial service.

VIDEO im Bericht

A Nov. 2011 article from Daily Mail said Paris Jackson "appear(s) to be surprisingly normal," citing sources close to the family. The article also stated that within the Jackson family, Paris and her older brother Prince "are now seen as the great hope of carrying on the Jackson entertainment dynasty."

People,,20552582,00.html (Archiv-Version vom 14.12.2011)
Daily Mail


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

11.12.2011 um 12:28


Bald ein Michael-Jackson-Museum?

Schwer zu beurteilen, was dran ist an Dieter Wiesners "wahrer Geschichte". Fest steht: Zur Jackson-Familie hat er engen Kontakt, vor allem zu Katherine, der Mutter von Michael Jackson. Sie hat ihn auch darin unterstützt, das Buch zu schreiben. Jetzt denken die beiden über ein Museum nach.

Redaktion: sofo
Bild: © picture-alliance/dpa
Letzte Aktualisierung: 9.12.2011, 10:46 Uhr
