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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 20:58
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:so habe ich es auch erst verstanden ... denn Flanagan & Co. hatten ihn jetzt wohl nur noch "beraten" ... nun scheint Charles Peckham Murrays Vertretung übernommen zu haben, der ist Anwalt ... ich denke, den haben sie vielleicht als "Pflichtverteidiger" eingesetzt ...
Ok, danke für die Info. Aber die Berufung ist ja noch nicht durch, somit wird man dann sehen, was am Ende da raus kommt. Würde mich ja totlachen, wenn Murray urplötzlich das Wort ergreift und sich selbst verteidigen will. :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 21:25
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ok, danke für die Info. Aber die Berufung ist ja noch nicht durch, somit wird man dann sehen, was am Ende da raus kommt. Würde mich ja totlachen, wenn Murray urplötzlich das Wort ergreift und sich selbst verteidigen will. :D
dieser Charles Peckham ist NICHT sein Pflichtverteidiger ... er vertritt Murray in den Zivilverfahren ...
vgl. meinen Beitrag von heute um 20:55h ...

also wenn der Antrag auf Berufung eingereicht wird, bin ich aber auf die Begründung gespannt ...
und dann, ob es eine "schnelle" Entscheidung geben sollte oder ob es sich evtl. fast 2 Jahre hinzieht, bis das Berufungsgericht eine Entscheidung trifft ...

hinzukommt, aber da kenne ich mich nicht genau aus, ob Murray das ganze "Berufungs-Verfahren" ohne Anwalt durchziehen kann/darf oder ob er doch noch einen Pflichtverteidiger bekommt ... weil Murray doch kein Geld hat, um einen Anwalt zu bezahlen ...

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 21:31
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:dieser Charles Peckham ist NICHT sein Pflichtverteidiger ... er vertritt Murray in den Zivilverfahren ...
vgl. meinen Beitrag von heute um 20:55h ...
Ja das habe ich schon verstanden, da geht es um eine andere Klage, seitens der Familie Jackson gegen Murray.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:also wenn der Antrag auf Berufung eingereicht wird, bin ich aber auf die Begründung gespannt ...
und dann, ob es eine "schnelle" Entscheidung geben sollte oder ob es sich evtl. fast 2 Jahre hinzieht, bis das Berufungsgericht eine Entscheidung trifft ...
Ich bin auf die Begründung auch gespannt. Könnte mir nur vorstellen, das Murray die Berechnungen der beiden Propofolexperten, in Frage stellen will.
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:hinzukommt, aber da kenne ich mich nicht genau aus, ob Murray das ganze "Berufungs-Verfahren" ohne Anwalt durchziehen kann/darf oder ob er doch noch einen Pflichtverteidiger bekommt ... weil Murray doch kein Geld hat, um einen Anwalt zu bezahlen ...
Soweit ich weiß, kann man sich in Amerika selbst verteidigen, aber sicher bin ich mir nicht.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 21:47
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ich bin auf die Begründung auch gespannt. Könnte mir nur vorstellen, das Murray die Berechnungen der beiden Propofolexperten, in Frage stellen will.
Murray wurde verurteilt, weil er grob fahrlässig den Tod von MJ verursacht hat ... in all den Punkten, in denen er gegen den "Standard of Care" verstoßen hat ...
diese ganzen Berechnungen sind dabei vollkommen nebensächlich ... man hätte sie eigentlich auch gänzlich weglassen können ...

Murray könnte z.B. seine Begründung darauf stützen, dass seine Anwälte ihn nicht "richtig" vertreten haben ... na, bei einer solchen Begründung wird es wohl unmöglich sein, überhaupt noch einen Anwalt
"anzuheuern", der Murrays Vertretung übernimmt ...
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Soweit ich weiß, kann man sich in Amerika selbst verteidigen, aber sicher bin ich mir nicht.
habe da noch nichts drüber gefunden ... versuche da Näheres in Erfahrung zu bringen ...

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 21:51
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:Murray wurde verurteilt, weil er grob fahrlässig den Tod von MJ verursacht hat ... in all den Punkten, in denen er gegen den "Standard of Care" verstoßen hat ...
diese ganzen Berechnungen sind dabei vollkommen nebensächlich ... man hätte sie eigentlich auch gänzlich weglassen können ...
Das ist richtig, aber seine Anwälte stellten ja in den Raum, dass eventuell MJ selbst sich eine Überdosis gegeben haben könnte. Somit wäre Murray's Urteilspruch wohl etwas abgemildert, falls er das irgendwie beweisen könnte.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 22:08
Conrad Murray requests public defender

Conrad Murray verlangt Pflichtverteidiger

By Alan Duke, CNN
December 14, 2011 -- Updated 2013 GMT (0413 HKT)


* Dr. Conrad Murray tells the court he's indigent
* Murray files a petition for an attorney to be appointed for his appeal
* Michael Jackson's doctor is serving a four-year jail sentence
* A jury convicted Murray of involuntary manslaughter in Jackson's 2009 death

Story Highlights

* Dr. Conrad Murray erzählt dem Gericht, dass er mittellos ist
* Murray reicht einen Antrag für einen Anwalt ein, der für seine Einlegung der Berufung eingesetzt werden soll
* Michael Jacksons Arzt verbüßt ​​eine vierjährige Gefängnisstrafe
* Eine Jury verurteilte Murray wegen fahrlässiger Tötung Jacksons Tod in 2009

Los Angeles (CNN) -- Dr. Conrad Murray asked for the court to appoint and pay for an attorney to handle his appeal of last month's involuntary manslaughter conviction in the death of Michael Jackson.

The lawyers whom Murray hired to defend him through his trial are no longer involved in his case, and he told the Los Angeles Superior Court in a filing Tuesday he has no money to retain a new attorney.

"The defendant is indigent and respectfully requests the appointment of counsel on appeal," Murray said in his petition. "The issues on appeal will be determined by the counsel after review of the record."

Murray filed notice that he would appeal his conviction earlier this month, days after he was sentenced to four years in the Los Angeles County Jail.

A jury found Murray guilty of being responsible for Jackson's 2009 death in a trial that ended last month.

The appeal notice was filed "In Pro Per," legalese to indicate he was representing himself at the time. The return address on the document is the jail where Murray has resided since his conviction.

Murray's trial lawyers have complained that a series of pretrial decisions by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor limited their ability to defend the doctor.

Pastor blocked their efforts to introduce evidence and testimony about Jackson's past drug use and his finances.

The defense argued that Jackson's fear of financial ruin if his comeback concerts were canceled led him to self-administer the drugs that killed him in a desperate search for sleep.

The judge did not allow them to call to the stand other doctors they believe would testify they used propofol to put Jackson to sleep for years before his death.

Murray's four-year sentence, unless overturned on appeal, is expected to keep the doctor in jail for only two years since state rules give him credit for two days served for every one day behind bars.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 22:17
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Das ist richtig, aber seine Anwälte stellten ja in den Raum, dass eventuell MJ selbst sich eine Überdosis gegeben haben könnte. Somit wäre Murray's Urteilspruch wohl etwas abgemildert, falls er das irgendwie beweisen könnte.
also wenn ich es richtig in Erinnerung habe, dann hat Richter Pastor der Jury gesagt, dass es bei der Urteilsfindung unerheblich sei, ob sich MJ selbst "getötet" haben könnte ... denn Murray ist wegen fahrlässiger Tötung angeklagt ... und die Jury habe zu entscheiden, ob Murray wegen seiner Verstöße zu verurteilen sei oder nicht ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 22:23
Ich weiß, aber wenn es so ist, dann hätte er wohl kaum Chancen für eine Berufung. Also mit irgendeinem Argument muss er wohl kommen.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 22:23
Conrad Murray: I'm broke and need a court-appointed attorney

December 14, 2011 | 12:08 pm

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Surrounded by a team of lawyers and experts during his closely watched trial, Michael Jackson’s former doctor is on his own for his appeal.

Dr. Conrad Murray filed papers this week in Los Angeles County Superior Court saying he is broke and needs the government to pay for a lawyer to handle the appeal of his involuntary manslaughter conviction.

“The defendant is indigent and respectfully requests the appointment of counsel on appeal,” Murray wrote in a filing Tuesday, listing his address as Men’s Central Jail.

Before his conviction, Murray had at least four attorneys, a jury consultant and medical experts working on his behalf.

How the cash-strapped Murray could afford them remains a mystery, although Jackson’s estate has raised questions about whether a British documentary funded the defense.

The cardiologist is a month into a two-year sentence that could be reduced further by jail officials to ease overcrowding. Even if he serves the entire sentence, he may be released before his appeal is heard.

Before Murray's case can move to the appellate level, the trial court has to certify transcripts of the proceedings and other documents, a process that can take up to 50 days, a court spokeswoman said.

After that, it takes at least a year for the Court of Appeal to rule, said Albert Menaster, head deputy of the L.A. public defender’s appellate branch. In the Murray matter, he said, “that would be borderline impossible because it is a big case.”
“We see in just a run-of-the-mill, regular case that it takes two years,” said Menaster, whose office will not handle Murray’s appeal.

Murray, 58, has reasons to appeal beyond gaining his freedom. His conviction on a felony stemming from medical treatment has cost him his license to practice medicine.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 22:31
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ich weiß, aber wenn es so ist, dann hätte er wohl kaum Chancen für eine Berufung. Also mit irgendeinem Argument muss er wohl kommen.
hat er ja auch m. M. n. gar nicht ... da müsste er schon den Anwälten "Unfähigkeit" nachweisen
können ... oder dem Gericht Verfahrensfehler ... ich bin wirklich gespannt, mit welcher Begründung
unser poor CONRAD MURRAY daher kommen wird ... :)

ich glaube, man kann allem ganz entspannt entgegen sehen ... :)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 22:47
Conrad Murray Under Tight Security: Lawyer

First Posted: 12/14/11 09:48 AM ET Updated: 12/14/11 10:43 AM ET

Conrad Murray says he can't afford legal help, asks for publicly defender lawyer to handle appeal

December 14, 2011 11:10 AM (Archiv-Version vom 14.12.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 23:05
Paris Jackson on Her Father Michael

By The Ellen Show | The Ellen Show – 1 hour 31 minutes ago

Her father, Michael, is the legendary pop icon. Paris Jackson talked to Ellen about what life has been like for her and her family in the past few months. The full interview airs Thursday on Ellen.

Ellen: So you're doing a movie. You're going to be in a movie. Is this something you've known you wanted to do for a while?

Paris: Yeah, I love acting.

Ellen: You love acting? How early on did you know you wanted to act?

Paris: When I was really little. My dad was in the move "Moonwalker," and I knew he could sing really well but I didn't know he could act. I saw that and I said, wow, I want to be just like him.

Ellen: How old were you then?

Paris: I was little. I was younger then Blanket.

Ellen: Really, Did you tell him? Did you tell your Dad that you wanted to act?

Paris: Yeah, we would do improv together. He would give us little scenarios. He would say, 'Okay, in this scene you're going to cry'… and I'd cry on the spot.

Ellen: You could cry on the spot?

Paris: Yes.

Ellen: That's impressive. Then you got way with all kinds of things. Then he didn't know if you were really crying or if you were just acting.

Paris: Apparently, I was "faking" it a lot of the time.

Paris on a 'Chance to Be Normal'

Ellen: How are you enjoying school?

Paris: I love it. It's definitely a different experience.

Ellen: …Do they treat you differently? Do you feel like you have a very regular childhood?

Paris: I do have a regular childhood. I mean, I'm treated the same. When I came to Buckley [her school] they didn't know who I was. I was like, yes, I have a chance to be normal.

Ellen: They didn't know who you were because you used to wear masks all the time. When you would wear the masks, do you remember thinking, because obviously your dad did that to protect you so nobody would know who you are and you could do out and have a regular life… Do you remember wearing a mask and going, 'this is kind of weird'?

Paris: Yeah, I'm like, this is stupid, why am I wearing a mask? But I kind of realized the older I got, he only tried to protect us and he'd explain that to us, too.

Memorable Moments with Michael

Ellen: The most memorable thing that your Dad said to you was…

Paris: He said, 'If I die tomorrow, always remember what I told you.' I took his advice and I remembered everything he told me.

Ellen: That's amazing. (Archiv-Version vom 15.12.2011)

airs Thursday on Ellen (Archiv-Version vom 07.01.2012)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

14.12.2011 um 23:28
hat er ja auch m. M. n. gar nicht ... da müsste er schon den Anwälten "Unfähigkeit" nachweisen
können ... oder dem Gericht Verfahrensfehler ... ich bin wirklich gespannt, mit welcher Begründung
unser poor CONRAD MURRAY daher kommen wird ... :)

ich glaube, man kann allem ganz entspannt entgegen sehen ...
Aber wenn er noch von seinen Anwälten "beraten" wird, dann kann er wohl kaum mit deren Unfähigkeit argumentieren. :D

Ja, ich bin auch gespannt mit was Murray da auffahren will...lassen wir uns überraschen. :D

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.12.2011 um 09:39
Tribute to Michael’s costume designer Dennis Tompkins who died Dec. 2

Added: December 12th, 2011
Author: admin Wesley

L.A.-based costume designers Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins have quietly designed most of Michael Jackson’s personal and concert tour wardrobes, tens of thousands of pieces. On December 2, Dennis Tomkins passed away. Karen Faye (Michael’s make-up artist) tweeted today (10:45 EST): “Yes, again, we loose another friend and great artist. Dennis Thompkins Dec. 2. It was his wish to be discrete and quiet about his passing.”

To honor Tomkins’ wishes we will not publish a photo of him but focus on his work.

OZynMa Tompins-Busch-archives-121211Original anzeigen (0,2 MB)

LA Times article May 24, 2005 (unedited)

They are the men behind the Man in the Mirror. For nearly 20 years, L.A.-based costume designers Michael Bush and Dennis Tompkins have quietly designed most of Michael Jackson’s personal and concert tour wardrobes, tens of thousands of pieces.

They created the war-torn black shirt and pants he wore in the “Man in the Mirror” video and the rhinestone-encrusted American flag jacket he wore during a Washington, D.C., concert to support the victims of Sept. 11. And, since February, they have been outfitting Jackson for what could be his most important performance yet — in a Santa Maria courtroom.

Each day, Bush wakes at 3 a.m. to drive the day’s outfit — typically a colorful print vest and a suit with military details — from his home studio in Los Feliz up the 101 Freeway to Neverland Ranch. There, between 6 and 7 a.m., he dresses Jackson, who always says “Thank you” and gives him a hug, Bush says. The designer returns by midafternoon, in time to help Tompkins put the finishing touches on the next day’s look. Tompkins makes most of Jackson’s costumes with a single fitting. The pair create his courtroom wardrobe using the “Michael mannequin,” built to the singer’s exact dimensions.

Perhaps what they are most proud of is that Jackson has never worn the same thing twice.

“We have two or three tailors around town making jackets because we can’t make them fast enough,” Bush says, sitting in his workroom next to a pair of Jackson’s crystal-covered ankle boots.

They try to get to sleep by 9 p.m., but sometimes they’re up till 11. “And we photograph everything. That, we learned out of fear because we would make something for Michael and he would call us later to ask for a double. Maybe an outfit goes to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland or Madame Tussaud’s in London, and he wants one to keep for himself.”

Jackson, who is facing charges of child molestation, has been criticized in this paper and elsewhere for his flamboyant courtroom attire — reactions the designers say are unfair. “If anybody else wore it, there wouldn’t be any comment,” says the silver-haired Tompkins.

“The other day on TV, Bruce Willis had on a bright orange suit. Robin Williams wears suits with threads hanging off them and red ties. But nobody comments because of who they are. If Michael Jackson showed up at court in a funeral suit, an Armani, people would wonder what he is hiding.”

And the pajamas? “He was in the hospital that day. And what does everyone wear in the hospital? Pajamas,” says Bush. “I understand the judicial pinstripe mentality,” he goes on. “But that is a part of life Michael has never experienced. So we had to figure out how he could still be Michael Jackson and fit into that mold.”

They began this latest wardrobe project as they had the others — with research. “We buy every magazine in the world — men’s, women’s, children’s, interior design, anything with visual images,” Bush says. “Then we all sit spread-eagle on the floor looking for ideas. Dennis gets out his sketchpad and pencil and starts sketching. It’s collaborative. Jackson is very open to suggestions.”

The pop star’s directive is always a demanding one: “This is what the world’s wearing; top it.”

“We started with the white suit, and everyone went crazy,” Bush says, referring to the outfit Jackson wore on the first day of his trial. “So we went to dark suits, the navy blues, the blacks, the gray pinstripes, then we put the red double-breasted blazer on him — well, the world stopped. The red coat got half a page in all the papers.”

The vests that have become conversation pieces during the trial are made from silk from India, jacquards from Europe and faux reptile fabric from … downtown L.A. Some have rhinestones down the front, others brass buttons.

Jackson loves military details, Bush says. “Uniforms demand attention. They have clean lines, and they fit almost like dance clothes. They are like a second skin.”

Jackson is a frequent customer of British Collectibles Ltd., a shop in Santa Monica. “With all the fine enamel work, British medals are almost like jewelry,” says Tompkins. So over the years, the designers too have amassed a large collection of uniforms, helmets and books on military regalia — all in the name of research.

Rather than a political statement, the armbands made from gold wire ribbon and sewn onto the right sleeves of Jackson’s jackets are meant to act as a visual pull, Bush says.

“Showtime” is a word that the designing duo uses often. “When we get together with Michael, it’s showtime,” Bush says, with a glint in his eyes. Apparently some of their ideas are too over the top, even for Jackson. “He’s pulling back and saying ‘No, no, no,’ and we’re going, ‘Yes, yes, yes.’ And then I get to Carpinteria in the morning and wonder if it’s too much. We are used to making dance clothes,” Bush says with a grin.

- end of LA Times article –
Rest in peace Dennis Tompkins.
Thank you for your work and friendship to Michael.

Good Morning America Interviews Michael Jackson's Costume Designers Dennis Tompkins & Michael Bush
Youtube: Good Morning America Interviews Michael Jackson's Costume Designers Dennis Tompkins &  Michael Bush
Good Morning America Interviews Michael Jackson's Costume Designers Dennis Tompkins & Michael Bush
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.12.2011 um 09:41
beim gibt es einen Thread zu dem Thema ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.12.2011 um 10:02
das hat Karen Faye u. a. getwittert ...!/wingheart (Archiv-Version vom 15.12.2011)
Karen Faye @wingheart 13 Dez

Dennis's genius will live on through Michael's history. Art never dies. RT @Randygirl4life: (cont)
Karen Faye (@wingheart)
Posted Tuesday 13th December 2011 from TweetList

Dennis's genius will live on through Michael's history. Art never dies. RT @Randygirl4life: @wingheart I was saddened to hear about the passing of dennis thoughts and prayers are with u


Karen Faye @wingheart 12 Dez

It is not something you "handle", it is a hole in your heart that you learn to live with (cont)
Karen Faye (@wingheart)
Posted Monday 12th December 2011 from TweetList

It is not something you "handle", it is a hole in your heart that you learn to live with forever. I have lost 3 of my dearest friends in a short span of time. RT @Sanasatina87: @wingheart How do you handle the lost of a friend Karen :( ?


Karen Faye @wingheart 12 Dez

Yes, again, we loose another friend and great artist. Dennis Thompkins Dec. 2. It was his wish to be discrete and quiet about his passing.


Karen Faye @wingheart 12 Dez

:( RT @ItsALLforLOVE: @wingheart Condolences on the loss of your friend Dennis. Prayers for his (cont)
Karen Faye (@wingheart)
Posted Monday 12th December 2011 from TweetList

:( RT @ItsALLforLOVE: @wingheart Condolences on the loss of your friend Dennis. Prayers for his family, MLB. I am sure he is continuing to create in heaven w/MJ.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.12.2011 um 10:25
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Aber wenn er noch von seinen Anwälten "beraten" wird, dann kann er wohl kaum mit deren Unfähigkeit argumentieren. :D
Es scheint so zu sein, dass Chernoff, der sein "Hauptanwalt" war, seine "Aufgaben" noch bis zum Tag von Murrays Strafmass-Verkündung "ausgeübt" hat ... Flanagan wohl noch ein paar Tage darüber, lediglich Nareg Gourjian, der erst später zur "Gruppe der Anwälte" gestoßen ist, stand Murray beratend
zur Seite ...
Zitat von CosmicQueenCosmicQueen schrieb:Ja, ich bin auch gespannt mit was Murray da auffahren will...lassen wir uns überraschen. :D
ich auch, aber wie mit so vielen anderen "Sachen", müssen wir uns gedulden und abwarten ...
Überraschung scheint garantiert ... :D :D :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.12.2011 um 10:39
auch im MJJackson-forever Forum wurde es thematisiert ...

Tribute to Michael’s costume designer Dennis Tompkins who died Dec. 2

habe bisher keine "offiziellen" Berichte gefunden ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.12.2011 um 15:24
ein Bild mit Paris und Katherine Jackson sowie Larry und Shawn King ... (Archiv-Version vom 08.02.2012)

x2 9d4bbd1

shawn king | shawnieora
Just finished a Lunden's Bridge production meeting with @parisjackson. Hard work and fun times ahead!
11 hours ago via Echofon


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

15.12.2011 um 15:41
Michael Jackson's daughter tells 'Ellen' about acting dreams

From The Associated Press
Last updated: Thu. Dec. 15, 2011 - 09:21 am EDT

parisnewssentinelAOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
Talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, right, welcomes Paris Jackson, daughter of the late pop star Michael Jackson, during a taping of

LOS ANGELES — Michael Jackson's daughter says she was inspired to be an actress after seeing her father in the film "Moonwalker."

"My dad was in the movie 'Moonwalker' and I knew he could sing really well, but I didn't know he could act," Paris Jackson told talk show host Ellen DeGeneres, according to a transcript of the episode to air Thursday. "I saw that and I said, 'Wow, I want to be just like him.'"

The film featuring Jackson's signature dance move and other videos was released in 1988.

Paris said her father encouraged her and did improvisation sessions to develop her skills. The 13-year-old has been cast alongside Larry King in a film based on a new children's book, "Lundon's Bridge and the Three Keys," which is in early stages of development.

The Internet Movie Database, known as IMDB, shows the film is tentatively scheduled for a 2013 release, although filmmakers have not presented the teen's proposed acting contract to a Los Angeles court as required because she is a minor.

Paris also talked about the lengths that her father took to protect her identity for an episode that will air on Thursday.

She said her father protected her and her two brothers from the media, such as by placing them in masks or dressing them in costumes when they were in public. She said she initially thought wearing the mask was stupid, but later came to realize that it was for her and her brothers' protection.

She said no one recognized her when she began attending school after her father's death in June 2009.

"I was like, yes, I have a chance to be normal," she said.

Jackson's children have since been in the public eye, appearing onstage at their father's televised memorial service, the Grammy Awards and other television appearances.
