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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

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21.10.2011 um 00:45!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 21.10.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Shafer shows how to hang Prop bottle putting it inside cut saline bag & hung on IV stand. Has never seen anyone using Propofol inside a bag
vor 1 Minute

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: The only way you can control the drip speed is the roller clamp in this scenario.
vor 1 Minute


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21.10.2011 um 00:58!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 21.10.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
#MurrayTrial will begin at 12:45pm PT tomorrow due to scheduling issues. Court is adjourned for today
vor 55 Sekunden

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr Shafer: #ConradMurray was responsible for every drip of Propofol in that room
vor 4 Minuten

abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Walgren reminding courtroom of different violations Shafer pointed out throughout his testimony.
vor 23 Sekunden


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 01:05
die Verhandlung ist zu Ende ...

morgen Beginn 12:45 PM = 21:45h bei uns ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 01:06
hab ich mich also nicht verhört .... wieso denn so spät ???


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 01:08

wahrscheinlich wegen der Vorbereitungen der Verteidigung ... aber ich weiß es nicht genau ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 01:08
aso ok danke


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 01:11

People vs. Dr. Conrad Murray
My Patients Fear Propofol

Anesthesiologist -- Dr. Steven Shafer Testifies
Updated 10/20/11 at 9:00 AM

VIDEO im Bericht

Leading Propofol expert Dr. Steven Shafer -- the final witness for the prosecution -- told the jury, Dr. Conrad Murray corrupted his patients ... because now, they're all terrified of Propofol.

He told the jury today -- "I am asked every day I'm in the operating room ... 'Are you going to give me the drug that killed Michael Jackson?'"

In his review of Dr. Murray's conduct, Shafer testified he found 17 "egregious violations" of standard medical care that contributed to the singer's death.

* Last Thursday, Shafer told prosecutors he was hired 20 years ago by the company that produces Propofol to calibrate the correct dosing for the drug.
* Shafer said the exact dosage of Propofol is crucial -- because even a slight discrepancy could be the difference between a patient sleeping for a few minutes, and one sleeping for several hours.
* Jurors then watched a video that showed how Propofol should be used in the OR. The clip showed nurses and doctors successfully reviving a patient -- played by an actor -- suffering from a cardiac arrest. Prosecutors were trying to show the jury Dr. Murray was not equipped to handle an emergency situation when he treated MJ.
* Shafer explained to the jury that Jackson probably died because his tongue blocked the back of his throat ... but could have been saved with a simple chin lift.

* As the video was played, Dr. Shafer gave a blow by blow how Propofol is administered.
* Shafer's key points:
- Infusion of drugs should be done ONLY through a pump to avoid overdosing.
- "Informed consent" is not just a piece of paper but a process in which the doctor informs the patient of all the risks, benefits and alternatives.
- A verbal consent is NOT binding.
- Record keeping is paramount
- If the patient stops breathing, the first thing a doctor should do... call for help.
* Shafer told prosecutors even when administering "a little bit" of Propofol, guidelines should be strictly followed because the worst disasters occur during sedation ... when doctors "cut corners."
* Shafer said Murray's treatment of MJ is both an "egregious" and "unconscionable" violation of standard care.
* He also called 15.5 liters of Propofol Murray bought -- about four gallons worth -- "an extraordinary amount" for one person.
* Shafer said Murray's lack of basic and essential monitoring devices are an egregious violation of care and contributed to MJ's death.
* The fact that Murray never kept any records is "unbelievable," according to Shafer.
* He said Murray "left the steering wheel" when he went to bathroom to relieve his bladder calling the doc "quite clueless."
* Shafer told prosecutors there is practically no research on Propofol use to treat insomnia ... adding, "We're in a pharmacological Never-Never Land."
* He also said, there is absolutely no way Jackson could have caused his own death by swallowing Propofol -- as the defense first claimed -- because 99% of the drug would have been removed by the liver BEFORE going into the bloodstream.
* Shafer bulked at the defense's argument that Jackson may have caused his own death by swallowing 8 pills of Lorazepam ... because the toxicology report showed the amount of Lorazepam found in MJ's stomach was "trivial." According to his calculations, Murray would have had to inject MJ with 10 consecutive shots of 4 mg each to reach the the blood levels in the toxicology report.
* Dr. Shafer debunked another theory by the defense, telling jurors it's unlikely Jackson injected himself with a fatal dose of Propofol because it would have taken him way too long to do it without the doctor noticing ... and even if he did, he would have had to self-inject 6 shots of more than 100 ml. to reach the levels found in his blood after he died.


* Shafer said the only theory that fits is this: Murray started MJ on a 1000 mg Propofol drip at around 9 AM ... which caused the singer to stop breathing around noon.
* He said MJ was still on the drip when he died.
* Shafer then showed to the jury the kind of IV set up Murray used -- specifically intended for a Propofol drip -- but said the fact that Murray didn't use an automated pump the rate of infusion was dangerously high.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 01:18
Michael Jackson didn't drug himself, expert tells trial

by: AP
From: AP
October 21, 2011 9:55AM

Anesthesiology expert Dr Steven Shafer testifies during Dr Conrad Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial in downtown Los Angeles. Picture: Getty Images Getty Images

MICHAEL Jackson was so heavily drugged in the hours before his death that he would have been incapable of self-administering the massive dose of propofol that killed him, a medical expert testified at the trial of Jackson's doctor.

Dr Steven Shafer, who presented a number of possible scenarios for Jackson's overdose, said one posed by Dr Conrad Murray's defence - that the star gave himself the powerful anaesthetic - was "crazy".

"He can't give himself an injection if he's asleep," Shafer told jurors.

Shafer took the jury through a virtual chemistry class with diagrams and formulas projected on a large screen. He indicated the residue of drugs found during Jackson's autopsy suggested Murray gave his patient much larger doses of sedatives than he told police.

He also said Jackson would have been extremely groggy from the drugs administered by IV throughout the night.

Murray told police he was away from Jackson for just two minutes - a period during which the defence says the singer could have grabbed a syringe and given himself additional propofol.

"People don't just wake up from anaesthesia hell bent to pick up a syringe and pump it into the IV," Shafer said, reminding the jury that the procedure was complicated. "It's a crazy scenario."

He also said it was unlikely that Jackson injected himself with a needle because the pop star's veins were too deteriorated and the procedure would have been extremely painful.

Witnesses have said Jackson knew the drug had to be diluted with lidocaine in an IV to prevent burning when it entered the veins.

Shafer, a leading expert on anaesthesiology who teaches at Columbia University Medical School, also rejected the claim that Jackson may have swallowed eight pills of the sedative lorazepam, also known as Ativan, causing his death.

Shafer said the amount of lorazepam found in Jackson's stomach was "trivial" and not linked to oral ingestion. He suggested Dr Murray gave Jackson much more lorazepam by IV infusion than the four milligrams he said he did.

After receiving lorazepam, another sedative known as midazolam (Versed) and propofol, Jackson would have been too groggy to handle the infusion of more anaesthetic through an IV pump, Shafer said.

His opinions set up an expected clash with the views of his colleague, Dr Paul White, who was waiting to testify for the defence. The men have been friends and associates for 30 years.

White, who sat in the courtroom taking notes, has suggested to the defence in a written report that Jackson might have swallowed a vial of propofol, accounting for the high level of the drug in his autopsy.

But the defence announced last week it had abandoned the theory in May after running its own tests that disproved the theory.

Coroner's officials determined Jackson died on June 25, 2009, from acute propofol intoxication, and Murray has acknowledged giving the singer the drug as a sleep aid. The officials cited other sedatives as a contributing factor.

Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Shafer testified yesterday that Murray was directly responsible for Jackson's death, citing what he said were 17 "egregious violations" of the standard of care provided by physicians.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 01:20

gutenachta006 ... schlaf schön


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 01:21
schlaf du auch schön bis nachher wiwi


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 08:53
October 20, 2011

Demo: Dr. Murray's sloppy I.V.

Demo: Dr. Murrays schlampige I.V.

Posted: 10:22 PM ET

In open court Dr. Steven Shafer rigged what he believes is the I.V. setup that Dr. Conrad Murray hooked up to Michael Jackson the day he died. It was a dramatic performance that showed an extreme contrast from Dr. Shafer's video presentation Wednesday that showed the proper way to deliver the anesthetic propofol.

Here's Dr. Shafer's I.V. demonstration here:


VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 23.10.2011)


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21.10.2011 um 08:59
October 20, 2011

Doctor: There's only one way MJ died

Arzt: Es gibt nur einen Weg wie MJ gestorben ist

Posted: 06:33 PM ET


Dr. Steven Shafer testified about what he believes happened on the day Michael Jackson died. He methodically eliminated several scenarios leaving only one possibility: Jackson was hooked up to an I.V. drip of propofol. This constant flow of the drug saturated the pop icon's body, ultimately killing him.

Dr. Murray told police that he only gave Jackson a 25mg dose of propofol. He says he then stepped away from Jackson's bedroom for a couple of minutes to use the restroom. However, phone records indicate that he may have been gone for much longer.

Dr. Shafer says that had Murray been at Jackson's bedside, he would have noticed that - for 45 minutes - Jackson's breathing was slowing down until it stopped.

If Dr. Murray had been watching Jackson, Dr. Shafer says he would have noticed his impaired breathing and could have saved Jackson. All Murray had to do was turn off the propofol drip and perform a chin lift.

Dr. Shafer also demonstrated an I.V. set up with a propofol drip that he believes was used to infuse Jackson.

Murray's lawyers say he never hooked Jackson up to an I.V. drip of propofol the day he died. They will likely argue that Jackson self-administered the lethal dose of propofol through a catheter in his leg. (Archiv-Version vom 23.10.2011)


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21.10.2011 um 09:09
October 20, 2011

Did someone get their feelings hurt?
Posted: 05:39 PM ET


CNN's Alan Duke was reporting from the 12th floor of the courthouse when he heard an argument going on at the elevators behind him. He says the heated words were being exchanged between Dr. Conrad Murray's lead defense attorney, Ed Chernoff, and one of the defense experts, anesthesiologist Dr. Paul White.

He didn't want to go into details but says they were talking about people "taking things personally."

As we all know by now, Dr. White is longtime friends with Dr. Steven Shafer, who has been on the stand all day testifying for the prosecution. Dr. Shafer took a jab at Dr. White's research earlier today, saying how he was "disappointed" that his colleague would suggest Michael Jackson could have died by drinking propofol.

We're not ones to gloat, but we have to say we totally called this one. Will their friendship survive the trial? It'll be interesting to see what Dr. White has to say when he takes the stand next week!

Watch Alan's report here:


VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 23.10.2011)


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21.10.2011 um 09:19
October 20, 2011

Expert: Dr. Murray way off on drug calculations

Experte: Dr. Murray weit weg nach Medikamenten Berechnungen

Posted: 03:56 PM ET

Dr. Conrad Murray told detectives that he only administered a total of 4mg of the sleep medication lorazepam to Michael Jackson the day he died. Dr. Steven Shafer testified that Dr. Murray must be mistaken, because based on the levels of the drug found in Jackson's blood during the autopsy, Jackson had significantly more lorazepam in his system when he died.

Shafer illustrated the only way Jackson's blood would have the level of lorazepan observed at autopsy is if he got 10 consecutive injections at double the rate Murray claims.

Is it possible that Jackson took more of the medication himself? Or did Dr. Murray administer more of the drug than he said he did?

Watch Dr. Shafer walk through his analysis here:


VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 23.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 09:27
aus dem mjackson Forum
Eintrag # 102 User: Lacoeur
vielen Dank

Demonstration von Dr. Shafer anhand der bekannten Daten, wie Propofol als Infusion gegeben worden sein könnte.

In der "Leitung" des Infusionssets vom Infusionsbeutel mit Kochsalzlösung konnte man nur im unteren Bereich Propofol nachweisen.

Dr. Shafer demonstriert, worauf dies seiner Meinung nach zurückzuführen ist:

A= Kochsalzlösung mit Infusionsset (Schläuche etc.) verbunden. Daran die Nadel/Katheter, die in die Vene des Patienten geschoben wurde.

B= In einem leeren, aufgeschlitzten Beutel für Kochsalzlösung eine Propofolflasche. An dieser befindet sich ein Infusionsset, also Schläuche etc..

B wird mit A verbunden und zwar vor dem unteren Bereich des Schlauches des Infusionssets von A.

So läuft B (Propofol) in den unteren Bereich von A und gemeinsam mit A (Kochsalzlösung) in den Patienten. So kann das Propofol auch nur im unteren Bereich von A nachgewiesen werden.

Das Infusionsset B wurde nicht gefunden. Es kann aber so klein zusammengerollt werden, dass es in eine Hand passt ( und so leicht fortgeschafft werden kann)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 09:48
TMZ Live
Dr. Conrad Murray
Hanging by a Thread
TMZ Live-
Dr. Conrad Murray
hängt am seidenen Faden

10/20/2011 11:30 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF

TMZvideoTMZLiveOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
VIDEO im Bericht

Das Verfahren gegen Dr. Conrad Murray ist beeindruckend - aber Harvey und Jason sind nicht überzeugt, dass es "eisenhart" ist ... denn Staatsanwälte verpassten einen entscheidenden Punkt.

(29:51) The prosecution now rests it's case in People vs. Conrad Murray.
(33:10) Harvey tells us what he would do if he was on the prosecution.
(47:57) Harvey gives us an idea as to what the defense might argue.


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21.10.2011 um 10:09
Expert rejects defence hypothesis

Experte weist Verteidigungs Hypothese zurück

(UKPA) – 3 hours ago

ALeqM5g82FtA-jvi G -L4YoYMDTwibOTg
Dr Conrad Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter (AP)

Michael Jackson was so heavily drugged in the hours before his death that he would have been incapable of self-administering the massive dose of propofol that killed him, a medical expert testified at the trial of Jackson's doctor.

Dr Steven Shafer, who presented a number of possible scenarios for Jackson's overdose, said one posed by Dr Conrad Murray's defence - that the star gave himself the powerful anaesthetic - is "crazy".

"He can't give himself an injection if he's asleep," Dr Shafer told jurors.

Dr Shafer took the jury through a virtual chemistry class with diagrams and formulas projected on a large screen. He indicated the residue of drugs found during Jackson's autopsy suggested Murray gave his patient much larger doses of sedatives than he told police. He also said Jackson would have been extremely groggy from the drugs administered by IV throughout the night.

Murray told police he was away from Jackson for just two minutes - a period during which the defence says the singer could have grabbed a syringe and given himself additional propofol.

"People don't just wake up from anaesthesia hell bent to pick up a syringe and pump it into the IV," Dr Shafer said, reminding the jury that the procedure was complicated. "It's a crazy scenario."

He also said it was unlikely that Jackson injected himself with a needle because the pop star's veins were too deteriorated and the procedure would have been extremely painful.

Dr Shafer, a leading expert on anaesthesiology who teaches at Columbia University Medical School, also rejected the claim that Jackson may have swallowed eight pills of the sedative lorazepam, also known as Ativan, causing his death. Dr Shafer said the amount of lorazepam found in Jackson's stomach was "trivial" and not linked to oral ingestion.

His opinions set up an expected clash with the views of his colleague, Dr Paul White, who was waiting to testify for the defence. The men have been friends and associates for 30 years.

Coroner's officials determined Jackson died on June 25, 2009, from acute propofol intoxication, and Murray has acknowledged giving the singer the drug as a sleep aid. The officials cited other sedatives as a contributing factor. Murray has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

Copyright © 2011 The Press Association.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 10:17
Sag mal, murry hat doch auch Zeugen die was gute sagen sollen über ihnen.
Weist du wann die kommen???
Oder kommen die nicht mehr :D?

3x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 10:20
Propofol infusion dominates Jackson doctor's trial

Propofol -Infusion beherrscht Jacksons Arzt-Prozess

By Alex Dobuzinskis

LOS ANGELES | Fri Oct 21, 2011 6:47am IST


(Reuters) - A top medical expert offered damaging testimony against Michael Jackson's former doctor on Thursday, calling one defense theory a "crazy scenario" and offering a dramatic look at how the drug that killed the pop star could have been infused into his body.

The testimony of Dr. Steven Shafer, an expert on the drug propofol that is seen as the chief cause of the singer's death, left defendant Dr. Conrad Murray looking exasperated as he sat in the courtroom.

It came as prosecutors were poised to wrap up their involuntary manslaughter case against Murray.

Murray has admitted that on June 25, 2009 -- the day Jackson died -- he injected the singer with propofol as a sleep aid but has pleaded not guilty to being responsible for his death.

In prior testimony, jurors have heard several doctors slam Murray for administering propofol by himself in a home when the powerful anesthetic is normally used for surgery in a medical facility full of monitoring and emergency equipment.

Shafer demonstrated on Thursday how Murray could have used a clumsy but deadly IV infusion of propofol to administer the drug into a vein in Jackson's leg to help him sleep.

Jurors watched as the pure white propofol Jackson called his "milk" flowed down an IV tube and mixed with saline fluid, then emptied into a bottle that represented the singer's body.

Shafer said it was essential for the anesthetic to drip at a set rate and testified that Murray wrongly did not have a pump to control the flow. "He is responsible for every drop of propofol in that room," Shafer told jurors.

Murray watched, wide-eyed and exasperated. After the demonstration, he slumped to one side of his chair with his hand at his mouth and a resigned look on his face.


Shafer is the final witness called by prosecutors. Murray's defense attorneys are expected to cross-examine him on Friday, then begin calling their own witnesses to the stand.

In his second full day on the stand, Shafer also undercut defense theories that Jackson could have given himself propofol and the anti-anxiety drug lorazepam and caused his own death.

Shafer said the 50-year-old "Thriller" singer would have had to inject himself several times with propofol, each time falling in and out of consciousness, to achieve a cumulative rise of the drug in his bloodstream.

"People don't wake up ... hellbent to give themselves another dose," Shafer said. "It's a crazy scenario."

He used charts to argue the most likely scenario to explain the level of propofol found in Jackson's bloodstream at autopsy is that Murray had him on an intravenous drip of the drug when the singer went into cardiac arrest.

Before that moment, the propofol caused Jackson to stop breathing with Murray failing to keep watch over the singer, Shafer said. He added that had Murray paid attention, he could have saved Jackson.

"He could easily have just turned off the propofol infusion," Shafer said. "... And there would have been no injury to Michael Jackson."

Medical examiners determined Jackson died of an overdose of propofol, with the lorazepam playing a contributing role.

Murray's defense attorneys, in addition to suggesting Jackson "self-administered" more propofol, have argued the singer could have swallowed more lorazepam than the four milligrams Murray said he infused into the singer.

But Shafer also criticized that theory. He said the amount of actual lorazepam found in Jackson's stomach -- as opposed to the harmless, metabolized form of the drug -- was minuscule.

Murray faces a maximum four years in prison if convicted.

(Editing by Jill Serjeant and Bob Tourtellotte) (Archiv-Version vom 23.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

21.10.2011 um 10:26
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Sag mal, murry hat doch auch Zeugen die was gute sagen sollen über ihnen.
Weist du wann die kommen???
Oder kommen die nicht mehr
die Verteidigung hat angegeben, dass sie 15 Zeugen aufrufen werden ... eigentlich sollen die von heute an in den Zeugenstand treten ...

aber heute ist erstmal noch Dr. Shafer dran, der ist Zeuge der Staatsanwaltschaft ... das Kreuzverhör durch die Verteidigung steht ja noch aus ...

also wir müssen abwarten ... :D
