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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 09:48
October 18, 2011

Conrad Murray shows little emotion in court... do jurors notice?

Conrad Murray zeigt kaum Emotionen vor Gericht ... bemerken es die Juroren?

Posted: 08:47 PM ET


You've been following the Conrad Murray trial with us since the beginning and we know you've got a ton of questions! That's why we're bringing them to our panel of experts so we can get you some answers.

Here's a question from Kat in Tennesse: " The one thing that has struck me is Dr. Murray's demeanor in the courtroom. He sits there everyday with no expression on his face, almost like he's bored or detached. He didn't even show emotion when his girlfriends were on the stand. I was wondering how this is going to go for the defense. If I were on the jury, I'd be noticing that."

In Session's Beth Karas: "It's not unusual for attorneys to tell their client, 'Do not emote, just sit there, I don't want you to show anything, people shouldn't be able to read anything on your face.' So maybe they're telling him that. I don’t know if the jurors are going to read anything into that. They're not supposed to."

In Session's Jean Casarez: "Besides the crying in the opening statements, I've seen two things. First, I've seen fear and panic in his eyes when the testimony has been against what he did. I've also seen him come alive with some of the medical testimony. He's a doctor, he loves this stuff. I've seen him be very interested in that expert testimony."

Do you think Murray's demeanor in the courtroom is having an effect on jurors? Tweet us: @HLNtv, Facebook us: or talk to us in the comments section below. (Archiv-Version vom 20.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 09:50

Aus deinem Bericht ...
Zitat von FaIrIeFlOwErFaIrIeFlOwEr schrieb:But Katherine Jackson confirms to CNN's Alan Duke that there have been no talks with prosecutors and she is opposed to Prince being called as a witness.
Also es gab KEINE Gespräche mit der Staatsanwaltschaft wie berichtet wurde und nicht Prince soll als Zeuge aufgerufen werden sondern sie ...... man wat machen denn die Medien mit ihrer schreiberei.....
immer diese Geschichten...smilie wut 090

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 10:02
October 18, 2011

Where did all the Michael Jackson fans go?
Wo sind bloß die ganzen Michael Jackson Fans hin?

Posted: 07:28 PM ET


On Thursday, 53-year-old Michael Rico stood quietly outside the Los Angeles County Courthouse. Though the weather was hot, and court had already begun, Rico calmly remained, holding a signed photo of Jackson and a sign reading, "Soldiers of Love."

"I come here every day to support Michael," said Rico, a Hollywood resident who spent years working security for Jackson. "He was not only a friend, but I'm a fan as well."

Rico comes to the courthouse each day to hold his sign and show his support. He said he feels obligated to defend the late music legend, who he said he saw the day before his death.

"I know for a fact that he got killed by Dr. Murray," Rico said. "All the medicine shows Michael was not able to overdose himself. Conrad Murray gave it to him."

At the close of last week (week three) of the Michael Jackson death trial, in which Dr. Conrad Murray is charged with involuntary manslaughter of the singer, fanfare was sparse, with fewer than 20 vying for seats in the courthouse.

More than 40 sought seats on the first day of the Murray trial, but for the late pop star, a man so often associated with fiercely loyal fans, the turnout pales in comparison to other Jackson-centered events.

Steve Moglia, a freelance audio technician, who worked with "CourtTV" (now "In Session") to cover Jackson's molestation trial, says fan turnout for the 2005 proceedings was overwhelming.

"The streets were packed," said Moglia. "They'd come and go, and you'd have the hardcore ones that were there and then those that would find out he was going to be there and fly in."

According to "In Session" senior field producer Grace Wong, who also covered the 2005 trial for "CourtTV," the number of demonstrators was in the hundreds, particularly near the beginning and end of proceedings.

"It's nothing like the attendance that was at Michael Jackson's trial," Wong said. "You had the length of two city blocks. There was an international presence I have never seen at any other trial."

She said each day when Jackson arrived to court, he was greeted with a roaring crowd of fans holding signs, playing his music and dancing. When he was ultimately acquitted of all charges of child molestation, a fan outside the courthouse released doves in celebration.

"His fans as a group felt misunderstood by society, and he was misunderstood by society," said Mark Somers an "In Session" producer who has covered Jackson since his 2005 trial. "They felt like he was in their corner. It was alright for them to fight for him. He allowed them to feel like they could be themselves in a united front under Michael Jackson."

The 2005 trial was not the only demonstration of Jackson fan loyalty. After his death, supporters gathered in masses at Jackson's home, the hospital where he died and at his star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Fans around the world held candlelight vigils, embraced and sang his songs.

"Clearly these are people who have in some way an emotional connection to Michael," said psychotherapist and author Beatty Cohan. "I think it [his death] was a shock. Maybe for them they needed that kind of closure to go and know and see that it was really all over."

Fans also showed up in droves for the Michael Jackson tribute concert in Wales on October 8, with a turnout of 50,000. On August 29, what would have been the star's 53rd birthday, fan observations included a multi-day celebration in Jackson's hometown of Gary, Indiana, and a flash mob in Hollywood.

"I think what Michael Jackson had with fans over others is they felt a connection with him on a superhuman level," Somers said "They felt the need to protect him even though they didn't know him."

Though fan presence at the trial has dwindled, Cohan said the lower turnout makes sense, considering the trial's somber tone and less controversial nature.

"With the molestation trial it was more of a soap opera," she said. "People were really split with whether or not he did it or whether or not he didn't do it. For people who like to come out and protest or demonstrate the molestation case was much more exciting than this."

Somers agreed, saying during the 2005 trial, fans were more driven to protest what they viewed as unjust allegations.

"They felt the right to stand up for people who are abused by people in positions of authority," Somers said of the mindsets of many Jackson fans.

Beatty adds that the mere absence of Jackson, whose arrivals at the molestation trial incited roars of applause and cheering, contributes to the smaller turnout.

"Michael is dead," she said. "Nobody is gong to see him. He isn't going to be waving to anybody."

While fans may not be present in numbers comparable to past Jackson events, turnout at the tribute concert and celebration of the singer's would-be birthday shows his supporters remain united.

"You still see it today," Wong said. "I see it at this trial. He had this incredible relationship with his fans. They felt that they knew him. They really shared a bond. The fans adored him and he could do nothing wrong." (Archiv-Version vom 20.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 10:16
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Also es gab KEINE Gespräche mit der Staatsanwaltschaft wie berichtet wurde und nicht Prince soll als Zeuge aufgerufen werden sondern sie ...... man wat machen denn die Medien mit ihrer schreiberei..... immer diese Geschichten...smilie wut 090
ja, nach diesem Bericht schon ... es scheint doch den "Absatz" zu steigern, wenn man schreibt, dass Prince evtl. in den Zeugenstand gerufen werden soll ... oder aber vielleicht Katherine Jackson ... :D

die unseriösen Medien schreiben viel, was nicht der Wahrheit entspricht ... und ein reißerischer Titel, bleibt oft in den Köpfen haften, während der nachfolgende Text, oftmals
gar nicht verstanden wird ... s065w


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 10:30
MJ's 13-Year-old Daughter
By Lingerie Football League

37 minutes ago BY TMZ STAFF

Link zum Dokument: (Archiv-Version vom 27.10.2011)

Michael Jackson's 13-year-old football playing daughter is being recruited to be the face of an organization that swears it's helping break down barriers for women ... problem is, it's the Lingerie Football League.

TMZ has learned .. the LFL took notice when Paris Jackson became the first female in her L.A. private school to join the flag football team earlier this month ... and fired off a letter to the MJ Estate in the hopes PJ would be the spokesperson for the league's "youth program."

In the letter, obtained by TMZ, LFL Commissioner Mitchell S. Mortaza acknowledges a "lack of options for competitive female football" ... and says the league will "be introducing youth clinics across the country to introduce the game of football to young ladies at an earlier stage in life."

Mortaza adds, "We ... would like to invite Paris to become the spokesperson for the LFL's youth program and perhaps start training for a future football career in the LFL when she reaches the age of 18."

Mitchell makes a good point about the lack of football options for girls, but is a league that parades adult women around in their underwear really the right fit for mentoring KIDS????

We gotta ask ...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 10:49
dieses Schreiben ging hauptsächlich an John Branca, aber z. Hd. Katherine Jackson (Archiv-Version vom 27.10.2011)

tmzparisfootballAOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)
tmzparisfootballABOriginal anzeigen (0,2 MB)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 11:11
aus dem Schreiben ...
We at the LFL would like to invite Paris to become the spokesperson for the LFL's youth program and perhaps start training for a future football career in the LFL when she reaches the age of 18yr old.
Wir von der LFL möchten Paris einladen, um die Sprecherin des LFL-Jugend Programms zu werden und vielleicht für eine zukünftige Fußball-Karriere in der LFL mit dem Training zu beginnen, wenn sie das Alter von 18 Jahren erreicht hat.

dann hat Paris ja noch ein paar Jahre Zeit, um für sich selbst zu prüfen, ob sie tatsächlich ihre Karriere im Football sieht ... :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 11:18
siehe auch

oder (Archiv-Version vom 03.09.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 11:27
Dr. Conrad Murray
Defense Calls MJ Doctor
It Could Backfire Bigtime

10/19/2011 12:40 AM PDT BY TMZ STAFF


Dr. Conrad Murray's lawyers will call one of Michael Jackson's doctors to the stand, and our sources say it could blow up in their faces.

Dr. David Adams -- a Las Vegas anesthesiologist -- treated MJ on 4 occasions, administering Propofol during dental procedures.

Dr. Murray told cops during his LAPD interview that Dr. Adams was one of the docs who gave MJ Propofol just to sleep ... once putting the singer under for 5 or 6 hours while Murray says he was present.

Link zum Dokument: (Archiv-Version vom 27.10.2011)

Murray also told cops MJ had asked Adams to be his doctor during the "This is It" tour, and Adams wanted between $1.2 and $1.3 million.

We're told the defense will call Dr. Adams to the stand -- possibly as early as today -- to establish that MJ was a hard-core Propofol user and that other doctors, including Adams, were fueling his addiction.

But here's what we know. Sources connected to Dr. Adams tell TMZ ... Adams will make it clear -- he NEVER put Michael under just to help him sleep, although Adams will say he did administer Propofol for legitimate dental procedures.

But even more important ... Adams wants to tell the jury he strongly believes Michael became a victim to Murray's financial greed. Adams will say Murray actually negotiated with him and cut him out of the tour so Murray would be the sole beneficiary of Michael's medical budget.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 13:48
Führender Anästhesie-Experte sagt aus
zuletzt aktualisiert: 19.10.2011 - 13:15

Los Angeles (RPO). Im Prozess gegen den Leibarzt von Michael Jackson wird am (heutigen) Mittwoch ein führender Anästhesie-Experte als Zeuge der Staatsanwaltschaft aussagen. Die Anhörung Dr. Steven Shafers musste um dreieinhalb Tage verschoben.


Grund waren neben persönlichen Gründen auch eine richterliche Anordnung, den Anwälten Conrad Murrays mehr Zeit einzuräumen, um eine gerichtsmedizinische Untersuchung der in Jacksons Leichnam festgestellten Propofol-Werte zu prüfen.

So hatte Staatsanwalt David Walgren am Montag erklärt, die Werte seien niedriger als es die Verteidigung ursprünglich dargestellt hatte. Daraufhin beauftragten Murrays Anwälte ein unabhängiges Labor mit einer Untersuchung. Mit dem Ergebnis sei allerdings erst in einigen Tagen zu rechnen, erklärte Verteidiger Ed Chernoff.

Der Sänger hatte Propofol, das eigentlich nur in Krankenhäusern eingesetzt wird, als Schlafmittel erhalten. Murray wird fahrlässige Tötung vorgeworfen, weil er Jackson im Juni 2009 eine Überdosis des Betäubungsmittels verabreicht haben soll. Er selbst hat sich für nicht schuldig erklärt. So erklärten seine Anwälte, die Wirkung einer Einnahme des Betäubungsmittels sei unbedeutend.

Hingegen hatten die Zeugen der Staatsanwaltschaft Murrays Behandlungsmethoden im Umgang mit Jackson kritisiert und erklärt, der Gebrauch Propofols als Schlafmittel sei nicht vorschriftsmäßig gewesen. Zudem warfen sie Murray vor, bei Jacksons Ableben nicht rechtzeitig den Notarzt alarmiert zu haben.

Murrays Anwälte wollen am Freitag 15 Personen in den Zeugenstand rufen. Dazu gehören neben Privatdetektive auch Randy Phillips, Chef der Konzertagentur AEG Live, die für die geplante Comeback-Tour Jacksons geworben hatte. Zudem soll als Zeuge der Verteidigung Shafers Kollege Dr. Paul White aussagen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 14:00
Testimony to resume in Jackson doctor's trial
By ANTHONY McCARTNEY - AP Entertainment Writer | AP – 3 hrs ago

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The trial of the doctor charged in Michael Jackson's death will resume Wednesday after days of delay, with jurors hearing from a leading expert on the powerful anesthetic that authorities contend killed the King of Pop.

Dr. Steven Shafer's return to the stand on behalf of the prosecution comes after testimony was halted for three and a half court days. Time off was initially given to accommodate the Columbia University professor's schedule, but his father died and the delay was extended.

Shafer is the prosecution's final witness in its case against Dr. Conrad Murray, who has pleaded not guilty to involuntary manslaughter.

A judge canceled testimony Tuesday to give defense attorneys time to research new test results conducted by coroner's officials on the level of the sedative lorazepam in Jackson's body.

Murray's attorneys have claimed that lorazepam levels found in the singer's stomach contents suggested he may have taken several pills in the hours before his death without his doctor's knowledge.

Murray has admitted giving Jackson doses of propofol in the pop superstar's bedroom as a sleep aid. Murray's attorneys have said that the amount of propofol their client gave Jackson on the day of his June 2009 death was too small to cause the icon's sudden death at age 50.

Deputy District Attorney David Walgren said Monday that the new results from the coroner's office show that levels of lorazepam in Jackson's body were lower than the defense claimed and were inconsistent with the theory Murray's attorneys had presented to jurors.

Lead defense attorney Ed Chernoff said Tuesday that he was seeking additional testing from an independent lab to confirm or disprove the coroner's results, but that it would take several days for the defense to get the answers it needs.

Walgren agreed that he would not raise the issue of the new tests until after the defense team presents its case.

Murray's attorneys will begin calling witnesses Friday. They plan to call 15 witnesses, who will include police detectives, character witnesses and Randy Phillips, the head of AEG Live, the promoter of Jackson's planned series of comeback concerts.

Chernoff said many of the witnesses will be brief and the defense should rest its case by Wednesday.

Murray's attorneys are also going to call one of Shafer's colleagues, Dr. Paul White, as an expert to try to counter the prosecution's case.

Prosecution witnesses have repeatedly faulted Murray for his care of Jackson, noting that his use of propofol as a sleep aid was outside the drug's intended use. They have also faulted Murray for not calling 911 sooner, for botching resuscitation efforts and for lying to paramedics and emergency room doctors about the drugs he had given Jackson.

Two expert witnesses, cardiologist Dr. Alon Steinberg and sleep specialist Dr. Nader Kamangar, testified last week that Murray's actions were gross deviations from the standard of care.

Shafer briefly began his testimony Thursday and explained to jurors how he had crafted the warnings and guidelines included with each bottle of propofol — warnings that Walgren said in opening statements Murray had repeatedly ignored.


Anthony McCartney can be reached at (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011) (Archiv-Version vom 22.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 14:15
die Quelle ist der vorgenannte Bericht ... hier dann in Deutsch ... :D

Jackson-Prozess: Anästhesie-Experte sagt aus

Los Angeles - Nachdem sich seine Aussage bereits um drei Tage verzögerte, wird am Mittwoch ein führender Anästhesie-Experte im Prozess gegen den Leibarzt von Michael Jackson aussagen.

Conrad Murray, der Leibarzt von Michael Jackson, vor Gericht.

Dr. Steven Shafers wird als Zeuge der Staatsanwaltschaft aussagen. Die Anhörung musste um dreieinhalb Tage verschoben. Grund waren neben persönlichen Gründen auch eine richterliche Anordnung, den Anwälten Conrad Murrays mehr Zeit einzuräumen, um eine gerichtsmedizinische Untersuchung der in Jacksons Leichnam festgestellten Propofol-Werte zu prüfen. So hatte Staatsanwalt David Walgren am Montag erklärt, die Werte seien niedriger als es die Verteidigung ursprünglich dargestellt hatte. Daraufhin beauftragten Murrays Anwälte ein unabhängiges Labor mit einer Untersuchung. Mit dem Ergebnis sei allerdings erst in einigen Tagen zu rechnen, erklärte Verteidiger Ed Chernoff.

Der Sänger hatte Propofol, das eigentlich nur in Krankenhäusern eingesetzt wird, als Schlafmittel erhalten. Murray wird fahrlässige Tötung vorgeworfen, weil er Jackson im Juni 2009 eine Überdosis des Betäubungsmittels verabreicht haben soll. Er selbst hat sich für nicht schuldig erklärt. So erklärten seine Anwälte, die Wirkung einer Einnahme des Betäubungsmittels sei unbedeutend.

Hingegen hatten die Zeugen der Staatsanwaltschaft Murrays Behandlungsmethoden im Umgang mit Jackson kritisiert und erklärt, der Gebrauch Propofols als Schlafmittel sei nicht vorschriftsmäßig gewesen. Zudem warfen sie Murray vor, bei Jacksons Ableben nicht rechtzeitig den Notarzt alarmiert zu haben.

Murrays Anwälte wollen am Freitag 15 Personen in den Zeugenstand rufen. Dazu gehören neben Privatdetektive auch Randy Phillips, Chef der Konzertagentur AEG Live, die für die geplante Comeback-Tour Jacksons geworben hatte. Zudem soll als Zeuge der Verteidigung Shafers Kollege Dr. Paul White aussagen.

Anthony McCartney / AP


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 14:29
ob Karen Faye tatsächlich als Zeugin, der Verteidigung aussagen muß ????

October 19, 2011

Conrad Murray trial defense witnesses
Conrad Murray Prozess, Zeugen der Verteidigung

Posted: 08:05 AM ET

The state could wrap up its case today... which opens the door for Dr. Conrad Murray's attorneys to begin their defense. Some of their witnesses may include, a police officer who was on the scene the day Michael Jackson died, their OWN propofol expert and one witness who could really shake things up.

Karen Faye was Michael Jackson's longtime makeup artist and one of the few people allowed in his bedroom. She has also said, in pre-trial hearings, that Michael Jackson was not ready to do a show.

"Morning Express with Robin Meade" correspondent Ryan Smith reports from Los Angeles:


VIDEO im Bericht (Archiv-Version vom 20.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 15:30
ein gleichlautender Bericht .... Quelle: AP .... (Archiv-Version vom 22.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 16:42
Michael Jackson mum: 'I didn't like Jackson 5's I Want You Back'
Published Wednesday, Oct 19 2011, 15:25 BST | By Lewis Corner

music jackson 5
Jackson 5
© Rex Features / Globe Photos Inc

Michael Jackson's mother Katherine has claimed that she didn't like one of her son's most popular hits.

Jackson confessed that she wasn't a fan of the Jackson 5's iconic track 'I Want You Back' when she first heard it in the '60s.

The mother of ten children made the revelation in David Gest's documentary Michael Jackson : The Life Of An Icon, reports NME.

She explained: "I didn't like it at all, the song that the children sang were more like soul music and to me 'I Want You Back' didn't sound that way at all.

"The songs that were out at the time didn't sound like that. I guess (Motown head and co-writer) Berry Gordy wanted it to bring out a different style."

Gest's documentary Michael Jackson : The Life Of An Icon will be released on DVD on October 31.

It was recently reported that the Jackson family are organising a Michael Jackson tribute concert to be held in Tokyo, Japan in December.

Watch David Gest introduce an exclusive clip of Michael Jackson : The Life Of An Icon for Digital Spy below:

VIDEO im Bericht


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 17:20

Conrad Murray Trial [LIVE]
It's the Defense's Turn

It's time for the world to see if Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team can make a come back -- after some devastating testimony by the prosecution.

The prosecution's final witness -- Dr. Steven Shafer -- is set to wrap up his testimony today ... but all bets are off after that.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 17:21

Danke t39JFLv smilie frech 030


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 17:43!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Media awaits Jackson family to arrive. #ConradMurraytrial
vor 3 Minuten

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
#MichaelJackson's fans also present outside the courthouse. #ConradMurraytrial
vor 4 Minuten

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Dr. #ConradMurray's supporters present outside the courthouse. #MichaelJackson
vor 5 Minuten

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Last prosecution witness Dr Steven Shafer will take the stand at 8:45am 2 resume direct examination. Prosecution could rest their case today
vor 35 Minuten

ABC7 Murray Trial
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
Good morning from the courthouse in downtown LA. Dense fog this morning but not cold. #ConradMurraytrial to resume in about 45 minutes.
vor 37 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 17:48!/abc7MurrayTrial (Archiv-Version vom 19.10.2011)
abc7MurrayTrial ABC7 Murray Trial
This is our @abc7 Eyewitness News workspace in the media center on the 12th floor of the courthouse.
vor 4 Minuten


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

19.10.2011 um 17:52

na, ob die Staatsanwälte wieder zu spät kommen ... vielleicht klappt es nicht mit den Fahrstühlen ...
hatten wir ja schon ... :D :D :D

oder Murray ist noch nicht da ... :D :D :D
