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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 13:46

Thursday September 1st, 2011 11:04
Murray case judge rejects a load of defence witnesses


The judge hearing the involuntary manslaughter case against Michael Jackson’s personal medic Dr Conrad Murray has rejected over a dozen of the defence’s proposed witnesses. Judge Michael Pastor says plans by the Murray defence to question former associates about the late singer’s financial affairs, personal life and more general aspects of his medical history were “distractions” that would detract from the important facts.

As previously reported, Murray’s defence team are expected to claim that Jackson himself administered the fatal shot of Propofol, and that the singer’s death was not, therefore, due to the medic’s negligence, as the prosecution will claim. It seems increasingly likely that the defence’s argument will also suggest that Jackson didn’t inject the drug in a misjudged attempt to send himself to sleep, but that he actually committed suicide. It’s because of that claim that the defence reckon revelations about the late singer’s financial affairs and other medical problems should be up for discussion during the trial.

Rejected witnesses include Jackson’s long-serving dermatologist Arnold Klein, the one-time nanny of the singer’s children Grace Rwaramba and his friend Susan Etok. Any references to the 2005 trial when Jackson was acquitted of child abuse allegations will also be banned from the Murray hearing, which is due to begin later this month.

Needless to say, the prosecution in the Murray case welcomed Judge Pastor’s decision regarding who will and won’t be allowed to testify, telling reporters that the public had been “concerned about this trial deteriorating into an attack on Michael Jackson”. The defence, while disappointed by the decision, said they would still fight their corner relying on the testimonies several approved doctors and nurses. Attorney Edward Chernoff told reporters: “If we have to go to a tank battle with a switchblade, that is exactly what we’ll do”.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 15:01
Und der nächste :( :( ....a0503

Jonathan Exley verstorben

Am 29.8.2011, als wir Michaels Geburtstag feierten, ist leider Michaels persönlicher Fotograf und Freund
Jonathan Exley verstorben !

Er hatte Michael 15 Jahre lang begleitet und wunderschöne, teils intime Fotos von Michael gemacht, die viele von uns lieben und in ihren Sammlungen haben.

In Liebe und Dankbarkeit!

R.I.P. Jonathan Exley

Danke an


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 15:12
Video - Michael Jacksons (†) 53. Geburtstag
SO feiern Fans und sein Bruder Randy den Jahrestag des King of Pop...

Am Montag wäre der King of Pop Michael Jackson 53 Jahre alt geworden. Hunderte Fans kamen deshalb am Nachmittag mit Blumen auf dem Forest Lawn Friedhof in Los Angeles zusammen, um ihr Idol zu feiern. Mittendrin Jackos selbstverliebter Bruder Randy Jackson, der natürlich die Gunst der Stunde nutzte, um sich selbst in den Mittelpunkt zu drängen...

Fleißig gab er Autogramme und ließ sich mit Fans fotografieren, bevor er wieder in seiner Limo verschwand. Ein ziemlich geschmackloser Auftritt an so einem Tag.

Ein paar Fans sahen das wohl genauso und legten für Michael deshalb in aller Stille auf seinem "Hollywood Stern" auf dem Walk of Fame Blumen und Briefe nieder. Michael hätte sich darüber ganz bestimmt gefreut...


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 18:47
Wie das Konzert in Wals London ist abgesagt????
Ja sie sterben alle nach und nach :(.
Na endlich bist du wieder da , aber ich kann dir leider nicht so ein Süßen Smily schicken wie Ghost ,
aber der macht es ja auch :D .

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 18:47
So hier haben wir schon den Trailer zu “Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon” ...zur Michael Jackson Doku von David Gest.......

Youtube: Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - official trailer launch
Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon - official trailer launch
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MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 18:52
Zitat von ilovemjilovemj schrieb:Wie das Konzert in Wals London ist abgesagt????
Nee glaub nicht .....weiß auch nicht was da gefaselt wurde.....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 18:55
Hi na mal schaun , was noch alles gefaselt wird :D


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 20:37
Ach Gottchen :D :D .......°mal ne Tüte Mitleid rüber flattern lassen^^ ° e025

LaToya Jackson nach Maniküre im Krankenhaus
LaToya Jackson musste nach einer Maniküre mit einem geschwollenen Finger ins Krankenhaus.


LaToya Jackson musste nach einer misslungenen Maniküre ins Krankenhaus.

Die 55-jährige Sängerin ('Heart Don't Lie') und große Schwester des verstorben Michael Jackson wurde gestern, 31. August, aus dem Cedars-Sinai-Krankenhaus in Los Angeles entlassen, nachdem sie mit "brennenden Schmerzen" im geschwollenen Zeigefinger aufgewacht war, an dem angeblich eine Nagelbehandlung Schuld ist. Nun wurde sie an einen Handspezialisten überwiesen, der der Sache auf den Grund gehen soll. Jackson teilt über Twitter mit: "Mein Finger tut immer noch weh, der Doc schickt mich gleich am Morgen zu einem Handspezialisten und gab mir Medikamente (seufz)."

Die Sängerin erklärt, dass sie "extreme Schmerzen" empfand, als sie die infektionsartigen Symptome bemerkte. Jackson hatte sich zuvor die Fingernägel machen lassen, was möglicherweise die Ursache für die Schmerzen sein könnte. "Bin im Cedars-Sinai Krankenhaus. Wachte mit unerträglichen Schmerzen auf! Zeigefinger der linken Hand ist dick geschwollen und brennt wie Feuer", erklärte sie ebenfalls via Twitter. "Habe meine Nägel machen lassen. Frage mich, ob das irgendwas damit zu tun haben könnte? Ich gehöre nicht zu den Leuten, die wegen jeder Kleinigkeit gleich in die Klinik rennen, aber der Schmerz bringt mich um." Sie korrigierte später: "Es handelt sich um meine rechte Hand, nicht die linke. Ich habe so starke Schmerzen, das ich rechts und links nicht mehr auseinander halten kann (seufz)."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 21:44
Scheint eine interessante DVD zu sein ....... :D :D

Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon coming to DVD and Blu-ray this October



MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 22:11

Michael Jackson: Neuer Film über sein Leben
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:Ein neuer Film über Michael Jackson soll die verschiedenen Facetten seiner Persönlichkeit zeigen und wie es seiner Familie 2005 erging, während der Star wegen des Verdachts des Kindesmissbrauchs vor Gericht stand.
Der Streifen mit dem Titel 'Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon', wird unter der Regie von Andrew Eastel verwirklicht und von Jacksons engem Freund David Gest produziert. Dabei wird er Interviews mit 50 seiner engsten Freunde und Familienmitglieder umfassen und Hintergründe zum Gerichtsprozess aufdecken, mit dem der Sänger 2005 aufgrund den Kindesmissbrauchsvorwürfe konfrontiert wurde.

Neben einem seltenen Interview mit seiner ältesten Schwester Rebbie, in dem sie über Jacksons schwierige Beziehung zu seinem Vater Joe spricht, wird der Film auch einen Einblick in die frühen Jahre geben, die er mit den Jackson 5 verbrachte. Zudem erfährt der Zuschauer mehr über seine Karriere als Solo-Künstler, bis hin zu seinem plötzlichen Tod im Juni 2009, der durch eine Propofol-Vergiftung erfolgte.

Seine Mutter Katherine sagt über den Film: "'Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon' ist ein wahrhaft außergewöhnlicher Film, der den wahren Charakter, Esprit und die Empfindsamkeit meines Sohnes einfängt. Produzent David Gest nimmt dich mit auf eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt, die die Menschen zum Weinen bringen wird und ihnen auch zeigt, wer der Mensch hinter der Musik war und ist."

Gest berichtet dazu: "Ich habe versucht, Michael in einem wahrhaft einzigartigen Licht zu zeigen. Ich habe die vergangenen 15 Monate damit verbracht, um die Welt zu reisen und Menschen zu interviewen, die in seinem Leben am wichtigsten waren." Er sei der festen Überzeugung, dass der Film die Zuschauer gleichermaßen unterhalte und ihnen auch etwas beibringe und ihnen so zeige, wer der wahre Michael Jackson war. "Ich hoffe", so führt er aus, "dass dies ein überdauerndes Testament des Mitgefühls und der Liebe wird, die er für alle Menschen empfand. Er war ein sehr komplexes Individuum und dieser Film wird die verschiedenen Aspekte seiner Persönlichkeit widerspiegeln."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

01.09.2011 um 22:42
Dank an Lena :D :D

AEG hat zwischenzeitlich auch seine Antwort auf die LLoyd`s Klage gegeben und widerspricht den Behauptungen von LLoyd`s.

Die Staatsanwaltschaft im Murray-Prozess hat zudem einen Antrag eingereicht, dass die Schlüsseldokumente zu Michael`s Tod erst nach Abschluss des Murray-Prozesses an die Versicherung gegeben werden wegen des hohen Medieninteresse und der Gefahr des Leakens dieser Dokumente.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.09.2011 um 10:22
Michael Jackson's former lawyer backs Murray prosecution

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Dr. Conrad Murray "should be" prosecuted over the death of Michael Jackson so his family can move on, the singer's former defense lawyer Tom Mesereau has claimed.

Mesereau - who defended the late pop legend in his 2005 child molestation case, which ended with Michael being acquitted of all charges - believes the physician should face punishment if the accusation of involuntary manslaughter caused by a Propofol anesthetic overdose is true.

He exclusively told BANG Showbiz: "I have mixed feelings about the trial. On the one hand I'd like to see the Jackson family get justice, I think what the doctor allegedly did was outrageous and based on everything I've heard he acted very recklessly, very foolishly and should have stood up to whoever he had to stand up to and say, 'This is dangerous, this doesn't belong in the home, we don't have proper equipment and we don't have proper help.' That's the way he should have behaved as a medical professional.

"I think he should be prosecuted to help vindicate the family and also to send a message that physicians should not behave this way."

Although he wants to see justice done, Mesereau is not looking forward to Murray's defense lawyers trying to destroy his former client's reputation when the trial starts on September 8.

He added: "I suspect the defense is going to try and dirty up Michael's reputation and I don't look forward to that at all. I don't look forward to seeing autopsy pictures and things like that . I'm glad the District Attorney's office is prosecuting him, but my concerns are the defense lawyers are going to try to devalue Michael and try and throw a lot of dirt at the wall and see what sticks."

Mesereau appears in David Gest's upcoming documentary 'Michael Jackson: The Life of an Icon' - which contains interviews with more than 50 of the King of Pop's closest friends and family members - and he speaks in detail about the 2005 trial.

The 61-year-old attorney insists the film, which is being released on DVD on October 31, is a wonderful tribute to Jackson - who died in June 2009.

He said: "It's a beautiful documentary it's very original, it's very sensitive and it has a number of interviews with some of the old Motown greats about what this child prodigy was like. I haven't seen any other documentary that does it as well as David Gest's documentary. It's beautiful, it's sensitive, it's informative and I think everyone should see it."


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.09.2011 um 21:06
Prosecutors worried about Jackson leaks

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Los Angeles prosecutors want to delay disclosure of coroner and fire department records on Michael Jackson's death to parties in a civil suit to prevent media leaks before the trial of his doctor.

The request came in a brief filed on Wednesday in a suit by Lloyd's of London insurance company, which is challenging a claim for $US17.5 million ($A16.4 million) by concert promoter AEG Live.

The company, which insured Jackson for his ill-fated This Is It concert, says it wasn't told he was taking drugs before his 2009 death.

Prosecutors say release of records including autopsy photos of Jackson would impact the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr Conrad Murray. They say leaks of the materials to media would contaminate prospective jurors with exposure to potentially inadmissible evidence.

Murray's trial starts on September 8.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.09.2011 um 21:16
Prosecutors Want Michael Jackson Medical Records Sealed
By Staff
Sep 2, 2011


Prosecutors working on the upcoming manslaughter trial surrounding MICHAEL JACKSON's death are seeking to keep reports from the coroner and fire officials sealed until after the case goes to court.

The King of Pop's personal physician, Dr. Conrad Murray, is accused of administering the drug that killed Jackson in June, 2009 and jury selection for the trial is due to begin next week (08Sep11).

Bosses at Jackson's concert promoters, AEG Live, are in the midst of a civil suit with executives at Lloyd's of London over the insurance policy for the Thriller hitmaker's doomed This Is It shows, for which the singer had been preparing for at the time of his death.

That suit requires the parties involved to look over official records surrounding the cause of Jackson's passing - but prosecutors fear disclosure of the documents could cause key information to be leaked to the media before Murray's trial is complete.

Los Angeles Deputy District Attorneys David Walgren and Deborah Brazil made the request to keep the records private in court papers filed on Wednesday (31Aug11), expressing that the case had already received "significant, unrelenting media attention".

Jackson had been insured by Lloyd's of London for $17.5 million (£10.9 million) for the concert series. Company officials are fighting a pay out, arguing that the singer did not disclose the full list of drugs that he was taking at the time of his death.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.09.2011 um 23:02
Dieser Richter ist schon Klasse blume1 ....was mich etwas traurig macht das Propofol was da auch gefunden wurde ........crying crying

Aktuell bedeutungslos
Richter schließt in Jackson-Prozess früheren Drogenfund aus
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Atlanta (dapd). Im Prozess gegen Michael Jacksons Arzt Conrad Murray sollen Erkenntnisse aus einem früheren Verfahren gegen den Popstar außen vor bleiben. Richter Michael Pastor wies am Montag einen Antrag der Verteidigung ab, das Ergebnis einer Hausdurchsuchung in Verbindung mit den Vorwürfen der sexuellen Belästigung eines Jugendlichen zuzulassen, wie der US-Nachrichtensender CNN berichtete.
Laut Murrays Anwälten sei 2003 auf Jacksons Neverland Ranch das Narkosemittel Propofol gefunden worden, an dem der Sänger 2009 gestorben war.
Der Richter wies dies jedoch als bedeutungslos für das aktuelle Verfahren zurück, wie CNN berichtete.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

02.09.2011 um 23:12
Michael Jackson’s Neverland Ranch Is Recovering :D :D :D


The King of Pop himself passed away June 25, 2009, leaving behind a plethora of debt and a struggling estate. At the time of his death, it was said that Jackson owned over $400 million—definitely indicating that he was living outside of his means, which is hard to imagine with his incredible success. However, even pop legends can live too extravagantly.

From “Beat It” to “Thriller,” Jackson definitely left his mark on the music industry, plastic surgery and all. He even purchased the Beatles Catalog in 1985 for $45.7 million--a catalog that is said to be worth $400 million. However, at the time of his death the catalog was valued below $500,000. Why? Supposedly our beloved Michael Jackson borrowed up to $300 million by using the catalog as collateral.

In short, upon Jackson’s death his estate was left in financial distress—to say the least.

But where, exactly, does the estate stand now--two years after Jackson’s death?

In January of 2010, Michael Jackson’s estate cried out for help, seeking to hire young professionals that could come in and turn the estate around. Apparently something happened since then because the Michael Jackson estate is alive and flourishing.

Although the estate is still facing various lawsuits, since Jackson’s death the estate has paid off a substantial amount of Jackson’s debt and has made around $310 million.

At this rate, Michael Jackson’s estate is gaining ground and the leadership is definitely working hard to rebuild the reputation of the King of Pop. Who knows, in a few years this estate may surpass the Elvis estate!

In the end, the Michael Jackson estate has some rocky roads ahead with pending lawsuits, but is definitely on better financial ground and has flourished over the last couple of years.

Read more: (Archiv-Version vom 26.09.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2011 um 09:15
Na das hört sich ja nicht berauschend an ..... a0503 a0503

Jackson doctor defense files appeal, seeks delay

Published: Friday, Sep. 2, 2011 - 7:17 pm

LOS ANGELES -- Lawyers for Michael Jackson's doctor filed an emergency 11th hour appeal Friday seeking to overturn a judge's refusal to sequester jurors in Dr. Conrad Murray's upcoming trial.

Attorneys also asked to halt the start of jury selection on Sept. 8 until the issue of sequestration is decided by California's Second District Court of Appeals.

Murray is accused of giving Jackson an overdose of the anesthetic propofol in his home just before the pop star's 2009 death. Jackson was said to be suffering from insomnia and was desperate for sleep.

In a 28-page petition filed just before the long Labor Day weekend, lawyers challenged a recent ruling by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor in which he expressed faith in jurors' ability to ignore publicity about the high profile case.

Attorneys Nareg Gourjian and Edward Chernoff said in their petition that jurors would be poisoned by publicity unless they were placed in a hotel during Murray's trial. They acknowledged that their request was extraordinary, but said Jackson's legacy as one of the biggest celebrities in the world would feed extensive news coverage of the trial.

They predicted that jurors will be inundated with reports in supermarkets, bars, gyms and coffee shops and on the Internet.

"News organizations have planned sets overlooking the courthouse as if they were preparing for the Rose Bowl," the attorneys said in the petition.

A spokeswoman for the district attorney's office said they would have no comment on the petition.

Four pages of the appeal were devoted to the recently concluded Casey Anthony trial in Florida and the CNN commentary of Nancy Grace, who attorneys said campaigned for Anthony's conviction. Defense attorneys predicted similarly opinionated commentary on the Murray trial.

"There is sincere danger that a well-meaning juror will be more impressed with an 'expert' on television than one presented by the parties at trial," the petition said.

Read more:
Die Anwälte haben auch darum gebeten, den Beginn der Auswahl der Geschworenen am 8. September zu stoppen, bis die Frage der Beschlagnahme durch den Zweite Bezirk California Court of Appeals entschieden wird.

1x zitiertmelden

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2011 um 09:22
Oder hier auch zu lesen .....

Jackson doctor defense files appeal, seeks delay

LOS ANGELES — Lawyers for Michael Jackson's doctor filed an emergency 11th hour appeal Friday seeking to overturn a judge's refusal to sequester jurors in Dr. Conrad Murray's upcoming trial.

Attorneys also asked to halt the start of jury selection on Sept. 8 until the issue of sequestration is decided by California's Second District Court of Appeals.

Murray is accused of giving Jackson an overdose of the anesthetic propofol in his home just before the pop star's 2009 death. Jackson was said to be suffering from insomnia and was desperate for sleep.
Zitat von ghost777ghost777 schrieb:In a 28-page petition filed just before the long Labor Day weekend, lawyers challenged a recent ruling by Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor in which he expressed faith in jurors' ability to ignore publicity about the high profile case.
Attorneys Nareg Gourjian and Edward Chernoff said in their petition that jurors would be poisoned by publicity unless they were placed in a hotel during Murray's trial. They acknowledged that their request was extraordinary, but said Jackson's legacy as one of the biggest celebrities in the world would feed extensive news coverage of the trial.

They predicted that jurors will be inundated with reports in supermarkets, bars, gyms and coffee shops and on the Internet.

"News organizations have planned sets overlooking the courthouse as if they were preparing for the Rose Bowl," the attorneys said in the petition.

A spokeswoman for the district attorney's office said they would have no comment on the petition.

Four pages of the appeal were devoted to the recently concluded Casey Anthony trial in Florida and the CNN commentary of Nancy Grace, who attorneys said campaigned for Anthony's conviction. Defense attorneys predicted similarly opinionated commentary on the Murray trial.

"There is sincere danger that a well-meaning juror will be more impressed with an `expert' on television than one presented by the parties at trial," the petition said.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2011 um 09:42
Hmmmm ob nun Fan oder nicht ......oder ob das Tribute gut ist oder nicht .......einige Fans gehen hier wohl zu weit ..............aber lest selbst :( :(

Michael Jackson's Nephew Taj Attacks "Fans" Over Tribute Concert Criticisms

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Michael Jackson’s nephew Taj Jackson is the latest member of the family to become embroiled in the conflict over the Michael Forever Tribute Concert – this time slamming the irate fans who have labelled his grandmother, Katherine Jackson, as greedy.

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Taj (on the left of 3T), real name Toriano Adaryll Jackson II, tweeted an impassioned plea to Jackson fans in the early hours of this morning against his uncle's fans who had made what he saw as personal attacks on members of his family. Clearly unhappy, he messaged and addressed some of his 30,000 Twitter followers and continued to argue with them until he decided to leave – even claiming he deleted some of the fans from his Twitter.

The tweet-tirade kicked-off at around 1:50am this morning, with the message:

“I learned the concept of fans from my uncle [Michael]. Sorry, you cannot call yourself a fan & attack MJ's mother or kids. That is not a fan.”

He received well over 100 re-tweets and replies from fans but, after some irate MJ die-hards disagreed, the tweets began to pour out. You can read the series of messages below.

“A fan can disagree and not like something,” Taj wrote, “but being hateful is not a fan of MJ. It goes against everything he stood for.”

“My uncle LOVED his fans and you guys gave him strength.”

“Maybe I shouldn't use the word "true" fans or "real" fans, I apologize. It just makes me so upset to know what my Grandma goes through.”

“My uncle thought of my Grandma as perfection. He admired her so much. And she loved him unconditionally.”

“Now I read comments like crazy Katherine or Greedy Katherine. or $$$$ Katherine. It is so disappointing.”

“You guys only hear 1/100 of the stuff that goes on around here.”

“I personally had to take a break from the "social" world because everything has been so twisted around.”

“Unfortunately hate and anger makes more noise than LOVE.”

“Sorry.. had to block a few "fans" :-)”

“Guys. You don't have to like me or agree with me. But at least learn the truth about me before you make judgements or call me nasty names.”

“Questioning my loyalty towards MJ. Really?”

“When the first allegations hit. Do you know who were the first people to fly overseas to be with and support MJ.”

Taj then logged off Twitter with the message: “Gotta go guys. LOVE.”

Taj’s old pop group 3T (consisting of him, Taryll Jackson and Tito Joseph Jackson) will be performing at the Michael Forever Tribute Concert, set to take place at Cardiff's Millennium Stadium on Saturday October 8th – and, like the rest of the acts on the bill, the band are expected to be receiving a fee for their appearance.

So, is Taj right to be upset by the way some fans have “attacked” members of his family over the controversial tribute concert? Or are the fans simply thinking of Michael when perhaps certain members of the family aren’t? Tell us what you think in the comment section below. (Archiv-Version vom 06.08.2014)

Oje manche Kommentare sind auch häftig ..............


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

03.09.2011 um 14:28
:D :D :D :D

Joseph Jackson – Celebrity Judge


Joseph Jackson has confirmed his participation on the Hit Series Model Latina Las Vegas. He will appear as the celebrity judge on Season 4 set for September 3rd 2011.

“I have always been captivated by the Latino Entertainment and I am honored that they reached out to me to participate. I look forward to a great show on September 3rd” (Archiv-Version vom 08.03.2012)
