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23.746 Beiträge ▪ Schlüsselwörter: Mord, Michael Jackson, Verurteilung ▪ Abonnieren: Feed E-Mail

MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.08.2011 um 08:20
Los Angeles judge says he won’t sequester jury in upcoming Michael Jackson manslaughter trial

Michael Jackson Doctor.JPEG-0011b

Kurze Zusammenfassung danke an Lena :D

Die Staatsanwaltschaft hat einen Antrag gestellt, dass 26 Zeugen ausgeschlossen werden, darunter Gesundheitsberater und ein Polzeidedetiv der in Jackson`s 2003-Anklage wegen Kindesbelästigung beteiligt war. Jackson wurde freigesprochen und die Staatsanwaltschhaft sagt das die Zeugenausagen "irrelevant und hoch entzündlich sind. Der derzeitige Fall solle sich auf die medizin. Behandlung von Murray an MJ beschränken. Der Fall soll nicht in unfaire Attakcken gegen das verstorbene Opfer gewandelt werden." Sie beantragen beim Gericht jeglichen Bezug zum Kindesbelästigungfall auszuschließen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.08.2011 um 10:23
Aha :D jetzt ist ja alles klar :D :D .....wenn es in der Zeitung steht .....

Ex Schwiegermuttiiiiiiii bricht ihr schweigen ..... Janet`s heimlicher Sohn ist Omer Bhatti^^ smiley3197


Janet Jackson's Secret Son Exposed by First Husband's Mother

220px-Janet Jackson 4

MediaTakeOut claims that Janet Jackson has a secret son with her first husband, James DeBarge! This is yet another astonishing claim from the tabloid site, and their source is the leading tabloid paper, The National Enquirer.

According to MediaTakeOut, James DeBarge's 75-year-old mother, Ettelene, recently stated that one of the children, Omer Bhatti, who has been spotted around Michael Jackson through the years is the child. There had been speculations about whether or not Michael had secretly fathered him, but Ettelene claims Omer is Janet's secret son.

Ettelene stated, "[Omer Bhatti] is my grandson! He looks just like James did when he was young... Omer is Janet's son... James told me that he got Janet pregnant in 1984... Janet and I spent time together back then. It was obvious to me she was pregnant. Janet gave birth overseas, and her family arranged to have Janet give the child to a family in Norway."

Wow, talk about an explosive claim! Making such a statement could potentially get Ettelene DeBarge sued by Janet Jackson's camp. Surely, Janet doesn't find the story amusing, and if it is false, she must be livid. Could Ettelene's shocking claims about a secret son be true? And how will Jackson publicly address them?


Omer Bhatti, Janet Jackson Bizarre Report Hits Enquirer


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.08.2011 um 12:24
Suche mal weiter nach so einen schönen Stinkefinger... :D.JA Blanket ganz bestimmt nicht ,
aber die Großen ehr denke ich.
Na jetzt ist Janet schon Mutti, na alles klar was die so alles aus den ... holen.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.08.2011 um 18:06

Michael Jackson: Auch Ne-Yo tritt bei Tribut-Show auf

Los Angeles. Ne-Yo wird beim Tribut-Konzert für Michael Jackson auftreten. Der Sänger (‘So Sick’) schrieb für den King of Pop Songs, bevor dieser im Juni 2009 verstorben ist. Zu Ehren Jacksons wird er an der Seite von Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Smokey Robinson, Leona Lewis und Craig David bei dem Konzert am 8. Oktober in Cardiff in Wales auf der Bühne stehen.

Bei der Show, die weltweit übertragen und von der Familie des King of Pops unterstützt wird, soll jeder Künstler einen Jackson-Song performen.


"Mit Dankbarkeit gebe ich der Veranstaltung meinen ganzen Segen und meine volle Unterstützung, da ich denke, dass dies das einzige offizielle Michael Jackson-Tribut-Konzert ist", erklärt Katherine Jackson, die Mutter des Sängers. Weiter freut sie sich:
"Ich werde auch dabei sein, mit allen Mitgliedern der Familie, die Zeit finden. Ich bin mir sicher, dass diese Veranstaltung groß genug werden wird und genug Talent und Ideenreichtum liefert, um Michaels Leben angemessen feiern zu können ."
Die Mutter des Jackson-Clan ist sich zudem sicher, dass das Konzert ein voller Erfolg werden wird. "Es soll das größte und beste Konzert der Welt der nächsten Jahre werden. So hätte Michael es auch gewollt und so wird es auch sicher kommen. Ich sehe euch am 8. Oktober 2011!" (Bang)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

26.08.2011 um 19:23
Ohne Worte ....hau

Der King of Pop auf der Couch
Shmuley Boteach: "Die Michael Jackson Tapes", Hannibal Verlag, Innsbruck 2011, 303 Seiten

Shmuley Boteach hat in seinem Buch "Die Michael Jackson Tapes" 30 Stunden Mitschnitte verarbeitet, die er als Therapeut in Gesprächen mit dem "King of Pop" aufgezeichnet hat. Weil der Patient den empfohlenen Weg des Therapeuten nicht mitgehen wollte, erscheint das Buch des 44-jährigen US-Rabbis wie eine Art Abrechnung mit Michael Jackson.
Dies ist keine neue Biografie des King of Pop, keine neue Todes-Theorie. Sondern: Im Original drei Monate nach Michael Jacksons Tod vor zwei Jahren erschienen, basiert das Buch auf 30 Stunden Gesprächs-Mitschnitten zwischen August 2000 und April 2001. Gespräche aus einer Zeit, als Jackson einen neuen Karriereschub versuchte.

Warum hat Shmuley Boteach mit der Veröffentlichung gewartet, bis nach Jacksons Ableben das größte öffentliche Interesse da war? Warum macht Boteach, Jacksons damaliger Therapeut, die "intimen Gespräche" überhaupt öffentlich? Nach eigenem Bekunden wollte er den Kindesmissbrauchsprozess 2005 nicht beeinflussen. Und Jackson habe sogar auf einer Veröffentlichung bestanden.

Man kann Shmuley Boteach nicht von vornherein unehrenhaft nennen. Sicher ein Medienprofi und Selbstdarsteller, gehört der 44-Jährige zu den einflussreichen US-Rabbis. Er war elf Jahre in Oxford tätig, schreibt regelmäßig für Radio, Fernsehen und "Wall Street Journal" und ist Autor von bisher 21 Büchern. Im berühmtesten geht es um "Kosher Sex". Auch deswegen ist er bei orthodoxen Juden nicht besonders beliebt.

Wohl aber in der US-Showbranche. Und so wurde er zum Freund von Michael Jackson, sollte und wollte ihn öffentlich rehabilitieren - eine Art spirituelle PR-Connection. Boteach empfahl Michael Jackson "eine moralische Runderneuerung" - und beschreibt ihn zunächst wohlwollend als sanft, klug, zutiefst vergeistigt,
nach dem Bruch der Verbindung aber kritischer als gestörten Egomanen mit "Messias-Komplex", als "leere Hülle eines Menschen" mit fehlender Selbstreflexion.
Geredet haben sie über Genozide und Urknalltheorie, über verkorkste Frauengeschichten und verquaste Kinderliebe, viel über Glauben und Religionen. Kurzum: Es geht um Gott und die Welt aus der Sicht eines moralisierenden Medienrabbis und eines "enorm talentierten Jungen mit einer sanften Seele", wie Paul McCartney den King of Pop posthum nannte. Wir erfahren, dass Jackson auf der Bühne "pure göttliche Energie, sein Licht" wahrnahm. Und dass er ernsthaft glaubte, er hätte Hitler innerhalb einer Stunde heilen können.

Futter für Fans und Regenbogenpresse liefern eher die kurzen Beschreibungen von Romanzen: Die mit Brooke Shields und Tatum O'Neal seien nie über romantische Spielchen hinausgegangen. Die mit Madonna auch nicht, weil sich die beiden uneins waren über den Ort für ein Date: Er schlug Disneyland vor, sie einen Strip-Club.
Boteachs Buch mutiert irgendwann zur Abrechnung, weil der Patient den empfohlenen Weg des Therapeuten nicht mitgehen wollte. Mit zum Teil kruden Schlussfolgerungen: "Aus Peter Pan wurde Peter Porn."
Viele Fragen des Therapeuten sind länger als die Antworten, allzu viel Neues erfahren wir nicht. Die Sprache zweier Erleuchteter trieft vor typisch US-amerikanischem Pathos. Das scheint auch durch die Übersetzung hindurch, die sich ansonsten durch kurze Erklärungen kultureller Unterschiede hervorzutun versteht.

Boteachs starker moralischer Ansatz gipfelt in der These, die US-Gesellschaft könnte an dieser Form von Heldenverehrung zugrunde gehen, denn "der Hofnarr ist zum König geworden". Wer möchte darüber nachdenken? Die nächsten Könige sind in der Popwelt längst da. (Archiv-Version vom 01.10.2011)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2011 um 13:46
Jackson family talks about Michael, plans for park, museum

GARY — With a massive RV tucked behind her former tiny home, Katherine Jackson, mother of the late Michael Jackson, remembered her son as a generous child who was born to entertain.

Katherine Jackson joined husband Joe Jackson, other family members, and business associates in an impromptu press conference to kick off the four-day Legends Festival honoring Michael Jackson before what would have been his 53rd birthday Monday.

Katherine Jackson remembered Michael Jackson as a happy, generous child and her five sons as they were becoming pop star sensations The Jackson 5.

“There’s a lot of memories that stand out in my mind from when we were here, like when the boys used to practice all the time,” Katherine Jackson said about her sons’ group The Jackson 5. “I remember Michael was so happy when he was young, and he used to take all his money and buy candy for all the kids in the neighborhood.

“I’m here because I love (Michael Jackson).”

Jackson said she would leave town before Monday, because she does not celebrate birthdays due to her religious beliefs. Jackson also said she wanted to return to California before her grandchildren start the school year.

Joe Jackson told the small crowd of plans under way by the Jackson Family Heritage Foundation, including investing in Happy Land, a massive entertainment center in Vietnam that will include a Michael Jackson tribute area.

Phan Thi Phuong Thao, chairwoman of Khang Tong, the Vietnamese company building the complex, flanked Katherine Jackson during the conference.

While city officials several weeks ago complained nothing had moved forward on the entertainment complex that was planned for the Glen Park neighborhood, Simon Sahouri, the man charged with bringing a Michael Jackson museum and entertainment arts complex to Gary, dismissed concerns by some city officials he may not be the man for the job.

Sahouri insisted he has secured the not-for-profit status city officials require before giving away acres of land to the project.

“I don’t like to submit bits and pieces of the project,” Sahouri said of the complex when asked if it was still in the works. “It is going to be for real, 100 percent.”

In the spring, the city’s Board of Public Works and Safety again extended a deadline for Sahouri to provide proof the foundation has the proper tax status. Instead, city attorneys received a photocopy of paperwork for a not-for-profit foundation with a different name.

Sahouri also said he was confident the city’s next mayor will back him up.

“I believe in everybody in the city of Gary, Indiana, that this is going to happen.”

Joe and Katherine Jackson appear together during a press conference to kick off the Legend's Weekend celebrating Michael Jackson's birthday at his childhood home in Gary, Ind. Thursday August 25, 2011. At right is Phan Thi Phuong Thao of the Khang Thong Group in Vietnam, where she is also developing Happyland, a five star resort hotel. | Stephanie Dowell~Sun-Times Media

Joe Jackson leads his grandson Blanket towards fans at 2300 Jackson Street in Gary Friday evening as the Legend's Weekend festivities begin. The Legend's Weekend celebrating the birthday of Michael Jackson opened Friday in Gary. | Jeffrey D. Nicholls~Sun-Times Media

Michael Jackson's daughter Paris stands by her grandmother Katherine as she listens to one of the performers at the Legend's Weekend at 2300 Jackson Street in Gary Friday evening. The Legend's Weekend celebrating the birthday of Michael Jackson opened Friday in Gary. | Jeffrey D. Nicholls~Sun-Times Media

Michael Jackson's mother Katherine waves to fans while signing autographs in front of the family home at 2300 Jackson Street in Gary Friday evening. The Legend's Weekend celebrating the birthday of Michael Jackson opened Friday in Gary. | Jeffrey D. Nicholls~Sun-Times Media (Archiv-Version vom 07.08.2014)


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2011 um 19:30
Hmmm diese Samantha De Gosson weiß wirklich immer gut bescheid ...

My Notes From Inside the Court Room, Aug. 25th, 2011.
von Samantha De Gosson, Freitag, 26. August 2011 um 21:49

Thursday, August 25th, 2011.

Court hearing began 15 minutes late with the Prosecution being scolded for showing up late. The excuse given was too much traffic in the elevators.

The purpose of this hearing was to rule on the motion for Jury Sequestration filed by the Defense.

Before ruling on the motion the Judge asked for the Defense's and Prosecutions' arguments on the matter.

Defense's argument argument was that this case might be one of the most publicised case ever and therefor called for sequestration and that despite the "hassle" it would be for the jurors this was the only way for Murray to have a fair trial.

The Prosecution's argument was that sequestration was not necessary and that there had to be a level of trust granted to the jurors. "Should they be treated like citizens doing their duty or should they be treated like inmates, isolated form everything"?

The judge then made his ruling" Notice of Motion for Sequestration DENIED.

He argued that jurors are told what is expected from them as jurors and citizens. Even if there sometimes are instances of juror misconduct, regardless of whether they are part of publicized cases or not. The judge carried on by saying that based on his experience, jurors want to do the right thing and also have lives. He would be providing admonitions with the strongest words about their responsabilties and that any disobedience would not only have an adverse effect on Justice but that it would lead to contempt of court and result in fines and possibly incarceration.

The judge added that that information will be out there but that he has faith the jurors will follow the high-road and that despite sequestration being a legal tool he didn't find it to be an answer because previously sequestred jurors have indicated it being so cruel that it interfered with their fair assessement on the trials, and that the issue of cost he previously mentioned was not an over-riding conideration.

Jurors will not be free roaming during the trial and will stay in juror rooms during breaks. Anyone who tries to get in the way of the trial in the court room and inside the court house will do so at their own risk. It will not be tolerated.

After the ruling and the Judge's speech, the Defense tried to argue again by saying that the Kasey Anthony trial was affected by TV commentators talking about the trial (the jurors were not sequestred) and that therefor the decisions to let cameras in the court room should be revised.

The judge answered by saying he refused to go back on his decision to let cameras into the court room and that he could not help the fact that reporters had the right to free speech eventhough sometimes they "speak from body parts other than their mouth".

Other issues raised during this court hearing: Jury questionnaires to be addressed in chambers. Proposed questionaires are being worked on and are needed ASAP.

The judge said he was also surprised that no other formal written motions had been addressed by either parties only one month before the start of trial.

Prosecution answered that a "lLmit of propsed witness list" motion had been filed earlier in the morning.

Prosecution and Defense also had given eachother further discovery right before the beginning of the hearing which included new Forensic Toxicology Reports.

Defense said they wanted to request a new Urine Analysis from samples taken from Carolwood (450ml found in jar and recovered by the coroner) and from the Autopsy despite the previously released Toxicology report.

The Defense argued that they wanted a new analysis done because of new recent scientific findings on the oral ingestion of Propofol.

The hearing ended with proposed start and end dates for the trial. The trial date which is supposed to start on the 23rd of September might start on the 26th depending on a Jewish holiday jurors might want to observe.

Other dates during the trial duration also include other Jewish holidays and Columbus day which the court observes.

Approx. trial duration 4-5 weeks according to Defense and Prosecution. Judge thinks it might be much less...

Samantha de Gosson

Iwie interessant was sie da schreibt.....


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

27.08.2011 um 21:38
Dr. Conrad Murray
Judge Made an 'Error'
By Not Sequestering Jury


Conrad Murray thinks Judge Michael Pastor made a mistake when he ruled against sequestering the jury in the upcoming Michael Jackson manslaughter trial ... but he said he's doing the best he can and that God will see him through this.

God ... and a jury of his peers.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.08.2011 um 09:08
Michael Jackson's kids meet fans in Gary, Ind.

August 27, 2011 (GARY, Ind.) (WLS) -- As Gary, Ind., celebrates what would have been Michael Jackson's 53rd birthday, his children got a glimpse of what their father's childhood was like.

The Jackson siblings made a rare public appearance in Gary this weekend with their grandmother Katherine Jackson and other relatives for the city's celebration of their father. Jackson's official birthday is Monday.

"We adjusted over the past years. And I think that coming here, seeing our dad's old house, and all the fans coming out, I think it is really sweet they did that," said Paris Jackson, Michael Jackson's daughter.

It wasn't long ago that the world watched as Prince, 14, Paris, 13, and Blanket, 9, bid farewell to their father. On Saturday night, the children posed for pictures and signed autographs for fans during the town's three-day celebration.

"It's good to see the place where our dad grew up," said Blanket Jackson, Michael Jackson's son.

Michael Jackson's childhood home at 2300 Jackson remains a beehive of activity as throngs of fans pay tribute at the legend's stage.

"I am happy for this type of a thing not only going on here, but going on all over the world," said Joe Jackson, Michael Jackson's father.

The Jackson family says seeing the community and fans from everywhere honoring Michael makes them feel wonderful as they vow to keep his music and his legacy.

When asked how she wants her father to be remembered, Paris Jackson said: "As one of the greatest and nicest guys ever."

Video im Bericht ......auch Blanket redet ......seh ich zum ersten Mal der kleene
knuffig :D zachi


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

28.08.2011 um 17:12
Na ich finde im Video, weis Paris schon wer sie ist, und der Blanket na der Amre der wuste jetzt nicht so wie er sagen sollte. :(


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.08.2011 um 19:36
smilie geb 049

t4hmIKR 3ff6afa8f57c9bf56a2c54990f768918


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.08.2011 um 20:13
Michael Jackson's Birthday
Katherine Attends Celebration


Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine Jackson, was among those gathered yesterday at the Jackson family home in Gary, IN to celebrate Michael's birthday.

He would have been 53 today.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.08.2011 um 21:54
Michael Jackson: Murray will Drogen- Abhängigkeit nachweisen lassen
Los Angeles. Die Awälte von Conrad Murray (58), Leibarzt von Michael Jackson, wollen offenbar vor Gericht nachweisen, dass der verstorbene Pop-Star ein Drogenabhängiger war. Deshalb sollen Jacksons engsten Mitarbeiter vor Gericht erscheinen, heißt es in neuesten Berichten.

Offenbar beabsichtige man, die Mitglieder des innersten Zirkels um den King Of Pop als Zeugen zu laden.


Enge Mitarbeiter und Freunde sollen laut der ‘Los Angeles Times’ bezeugen, dass der Sänger ein verzweifelter Drogenabhängiger war, der ständig "auf der Jagd" nach jener Droge gewesen sei, die ihn auch umgebracht habe.

Den Papieren, die beim Gericht in Los Angeles eingereicht wurden, sei ferner zu entnehmen, dass eine Reihe von Jacksons Vertrauten vorgeladen werden sollen, darunter langjährige Freunde, Apotheker und sogar das Kindermädchen seiner drei Kinder, Grace Rwaramba.

Sie war zwei Monate nach dem Tod des Sängers im Juni 2009 von der Jackson-Familie gefeuert worden, nachdem sie sich über Jacksons Drogenkonsum beschwert hatte.

Heute wäre Michael Jackson übrigens 53 Jahre alt geworden. Deswegen sind dessen Kinder in Begleitung seines Vaters nach Gary im US-Staat Indiana gereist, um das Haus zu bersichtigen, in dem Jackson als Kind lebte.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.08.2011 um 22:10
APNewsBreak: Janet Jackson won't attend tribute

(AP) LOS ANGELES — Janet Jackson said Monday she won't attend a planned tribute concert for her older brother Michael in Wales because the show coincides with the trial of a doctor charged in the King of Pop's death.

The singer's one-sentence statement to The Associated Press does not criticize the show, as her brothers Jermaine and Randy have done, but cites the court case as her reason for not attending.

"Because of the trial, the timing of this tribute to our brother would be too difficult for me," her statement reads.

Her statement was released on what would have been her brother's 53rd birthday.

Organizers of "Michael Forever — The Tribute Concert" have struggled to line up top-name acts and have been criticized by fans and the late singer's estate for multiple reasons, including its costly tickets, timing and remote location.

The show is scheduled for Oct. 8 in Cardiff, Wales, and the singer's mother, Katherine, and some of her children are scheduled to attend.

Christina Aguilera, Smokey Robinson, and Cee Lo Green are the top-names listed as performers so far. Organizers had to rescind an offer to the band Kiss after fans and Michael Jackson's estate noted that singer-bassist Gene Simmons had harshly criticized the pop singer over the years.

Opening statements in the involuntary manslaughter trial of Dr. Conrad Murray are scheduled to begin on Sept. 27. Murray, who has pleaded not guilty, could face up to four years in prison if convicted.

Authorities allege he gave Michael Jackson a lethal dose of the anesthetic propofol and other sedatives in the bedroom of his rented mansion on June 25, 2009.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

29.08.2011 um 22:15
Janet Jackson does not have a secret son


By Roger Friedman I got a kick out of the National Enquirer cover story this week. Janet Jackson’s ex mother in law says that Janet and her son, James, are the parents of Michael Jackson barnicle Omer Bhatti. I don’t know the mechanics of these things: does the Enquirer go to these people and pay them to make up stories? It’s all a lot of fun, I guess. Omer Bhatti, of course, has actual parents in Norway. Their names are Riz and Pia Bhatti.

I’ve written about this a lot over the years. When Omer was 12, they dressed him up a like a mini Michael and brought him to Tunis, where Michael was performing in 1996. Omer did a little moonwalking in the lobby and Michael invited him to his suite. He liked the kid so much that he added the Bhattis to his tour. Then Riz and Pia went to work for him at Neverland.

Over the years, Omer stayed at Neverland even after his parents returned to Norway. When he joined them at home, Omer became a Michael Jackson imitator and made money from it. He let people think he was Michael’s kid. Jackson liked to tell intimates that Omer was his secret illegitimate son; none of it was true. It was just Michael’s fantasy and it was sad.

As far as Janet Jackson goes, I do feel bad for her. For years a persistent rumor circulated that she had a secret child that been raised by her sister, Rebbie. Now it’s this thing. Janet has no children, and I’m sure it’s frustrating to keep reading these crazy stories. Omer Bhatti quite likes it, though, because it perpetuates his connection to Michael Jackson. (Archiv-Version vom 16.09.2011)


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30.08.2011 um 07:09
Murray scheint so gar keinen guten Start zu haben ....... :) reiben

Michael Jackson
Molestation Talk
Banned from Manslaughter Trial


A judge has ruled that witnesses will NOT be allowed to discuss Michael Jackson's child molestation case during Dr. Conrad Murray's manslaughter trial.

L.A. County Superior Court Judge Michael Pastor said any testimony relating to the molestation case is irrelevant -- and would be distracting and misleading to the jury.

The judge also banned Arnie Klein from testifying -- after prosecutors argued the defense would try to blame the dermatologist for the death ... and take away attention from the man on the hot seat -- Dr. Murray.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.08.2011 um 07:18
Michael Jackson's children and mother Katherine gather his boyhood home to commemorate his 53rd birthday

Read more:


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.08.2011 um 07:27
Jackson molestation evidence ruled irrelevant to Conrad Murray trial

Danke Lena :D ...für die kleine Übersetzung :)

Im Prozess darf nichts vom 2003 er-Fall (Kindesbelästigungsanklage) verwendet werden, es dürfen auch keine Aussagen verwendet werden, die sich mit der Medikamentengabe in 2003 oder einem evtl. Besitz auf Neverland befassen, da es für 2009 irrelevant ist. Dr. Klein und seine Assistenten sind nicht als Zeugen zugelassen, allerdings dürfen seine Behandlungspapiere verwendet werden.
John Branca wird nicht als Zeuge zugelassen, da die finanziellen Verhältnisse für den Fall irrelevant sind.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.08.2011 um 18:06
LOOOOOOOOOOOOOL......... da soll eine PK egeben werden für/mit den Fans ... und keiner der betr. Fanclubs wurde von GLE kontaktiert smilie girl 101

Global Live Events Fail to Contact Any of the 35 Fan Forums Ahead of Proposed Press Conference

070611 js michael jackson

Last week Juliette Harris, a spokeswoman for under-fire GLE, spoke to the BBC in an attempt to reassure fans that the concert would be going ahead – and that the promoting company would take on the disgruntled MJ supporters who heavily oppose the concert. But, the move unsurprisingly looks like it was a simple PR stunt as none of the 35 different clubs that addressed the company with an open letter were contacted.

A post on the Michael Forever Facebook page by ‘Mjsim Fansforum’ reads: “All users: We confirmed that none of the 35 fansclub in signing the letter of protest to the Michael Forever , was contacted by Global Live on the conference scheduled for today.”

It was naturally followed by a swarm of comments from more unhappy Facebook users, including Jeffery Glenn, who commented ‘It’s a disgrace. End this fiasco now.’

Among the fans who won’t be attending, the youngest member of the Jackson family, Janet, released a simple one-sentence statement revealing that she won’t be appearing at the concert.

“Because of the trial,” Janet wrote, “the timing of this tribute to our brother would be too difficult for me.”

This comes ahead of news that one of GLE’s “two or three major artists” which it had promised fans turned out to be 31 year-old R&B/pop singer Ne-Yo – another mediocre addition to a mediocre line-up.

What do you think of the failed press-conference? Is Ne-Yo big enough to be considered a “major artist”? Tell us what you think in the comments section.


MJ~Leben u. Sterben~u das Geschehen danach!

30.08.2011 um 18:23
