Amanda Knox
24.02.2015 um 23:10@pfiffi
erst gab es doch noch die satanischen Riten ! nicht vergessen ! erst danach kamen die Sexspiele.
erst gab es doch noch die satanischen Riten ! nicht vergessen ! erst danach kamen die Sexspiele.
Autsch!chelsi schrieb:Und nun ein Beispiel, wie man uns unter Mithilfe der Medien und Amandas Agentur Gogarty Marriott manipulieren kann.
Auch wenn ich mich wiederhole- der Artikel ist (leider) gut.
Before doing so, however, I must make one point very simply: Rudy Guede is a convicted liar and killer. He is in prison, where he belongs. I take pains to point this out because, frequently, those who dare highlight the bias against Guede are immediately branded as his supporter.Es ist doch faszinierend, dass Leute bereit sind, die Beweise gegen Guede, entweder komplett zu ignorieren, oder seine Beteiligung (100%) an dem Mord an Meredith Kercher gegen 0% herunterzuspielen... und Berichte, dass es einen Täter und Beweise gegen ihn gibt als "unfair demonization" deklarieren...
However, my absolute belief in his guilt has no bearing on an untold and hugely important fact: Guede has been unfairly demonized in the press for nearly seven years.
Okay.Siegfrieden schrieb:@alle
Mäßigt euch, bevor hier dicht gemacht wird bzw. lasst euch nicht durch einzelne runterziehen. Auf diesem Halbsatz-Niveau macht eine Diskussion keinen Sinn mehr.
Mein Posteingang zeigt keinen. Schick noch mal. Oder besser: Stell ihn hier ein. Haben alle was davon.chelsi schrieb:ich hab dir den Link doch geschickt, was war daran jetzt wieder verkehrt? Lesen mußt Du ihn schon selber.
The murder of meredith kerchief- sorry, ihr mögt die Seite nicht, es gibt aber etliche andere Seiten die den gleichen Inhalt bringen.Gibt es darunter eine seriöse? Ich meine eine, die sich nicht auf Themurderof... bezieht?
Ausreden, Ausreden, Ausreden, das kennen wir ja schon.chelsi schrieb:ach Quiron, mach Dir mal keine Sorgen um mich. Ich schreib jetzt gerade mit Pfiffi. Daher kann ich Deine Anfragen gerade nicht beantworten.
Vor vier jahren also hat er der Polizei gesagt, sie sei nicht mit ihm gewesen. dennchelsi schrieb:At the conclusion of the appeal in October 2011, Sollecito finally confirmed Knox's alibi, and in his final spontaneous statement explicitly asserted that Amanda Knox was at his apartment on the night of the murder. Four years after telling the police that she was not with him, and had gone out alone, and also that she had asked him to lie for her, Raffaele came full circle and now told the court that Amanda Knox could not have murdered Meredith Kercher, because she was at his apartment the entire night.
Aha (übrigens: das Gerichtsprotokoll fehlt immer noch!)chelsi schrieb:Amanda and I went into town at around 6 pm, but I don't remember what we did. We stayed there until around 8.30 pm or 9 pm. At 9 pm I went home alone and Amanda said that she was going to Le Chic because she wanted to meet some friends. We said goodbye. I went home, I rolled myself a spliff and made some dinner, but I do not remember what I ate. At about 11 pm per his usual custom my father called the house and Amanda had not yet returned. I spent the next two hours on the computer until Amanda arrived at 1 am[6][7]
He went to say that the following morning when Amanda left to have a shower, she asked to borrow some plastic bags to put dirty clothing in.[8] He also made it clear that he had lied in his earlier statement at Amanda's request.
In my previous statement I told a load of rubbish because Amanda had convinced me of her version of the facts and I didn't think about the inconsistencies[9][10]
Raffaele also stated that they slept until about 10:30 am when Knox left to have a shower, and he then went back to sleep.[11][12]
This statement caused Amanda Knox to change her story, and claim that she was at the cottage when the murder happened. Knox also falsely accused an innocent man in that statement.[13]
Zur Klärung, wieder mal ein Wort, an dem sich die ganze Sache aufhängt, Staatsanwalt Giuliano Mignini hat in seinem Schlussplädoyer (Archiv-Version vom 01.03.2015) vor Richter Micheli folgendes gesagt:Nscho-Tschi schrieb:erst gab es doch noch die satanischen Riten ! nicht vergessen ! erst danach kamen die Sexspiele.
pag. 46 partendo dalla riga 12: “E va sottolineato che, in ogni caso, per soggetti morbosamente attratti dalla commissione di sesso e di violenza, è tutt’altro che inverosimile la connessione di tale progetto alla tradizione di Halloween, perché se è vero che la notte tra il 31 ottobre e il primo novembre era passata (e Meredith l’aveva trascorsa con le sue amiche connazionali), è altrettanto vero che, alle 21 circa del primo novembre e per le successive tre ore, si fosse ancora nella giornata di Ognissanti e che quello che non si fosse potuto realizzare nella notte di vigilia della Festività dei Santi, si potesse realizzare nella notte di passaggio da quest’ultima alla Festività dei Defunti.”Das Wort an dem sich die ganze Diskussion aufhängt ist "satanisch", dieses Wort hat Staatsanwalt Mignini nicht benutzt, er bringt den Mord allerdings in den Zusammenhang mit "Halloween" (ist das nicht 'ne Metal Band? ;-) ) , Samhain und Allerheiligen und Allerseelen. Wortklauberei :-(
pag. 49 partendo dal rigo 17: “Inoltre, i tre e soprattutto Sollecito, erano tutti dipendenti dalle suggestioni “culturali” erotico – omicide di cui si è parlato e quella notte era ancora la giornata della Festività dei Santi, “erede” cattolica del capodanno celtico Samhain, con tutte le implicazioni che hanno il loro punto centrale nella vigilia della Festa, cioè nella notte tra il 31 ottobre e il primo novembre.”