9/11 Allgemein
31.08.2015 um 06:41...und hier nochmal sehr genau energetische Berechnungen, abseits von, offensichtlichen Wahrnehmungen.
wieso hat der Professor das nicht NIST erklärt ? Hätten sie sich das ganze "progressiv collaps"-Dings doch sparen können...Balthasar70 schrieb:According to his “back–of-an-envelope calculation,” a fully-laden Boeing 767 or 757 jet aircraft would have the impact of approximately one kiloton of TNT when running into the side of a building. That is equal to roughly 1/20th of the energy in the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima.
“It’s a staggering amount of energy,” Block said. “The simple calculation shows that any aircraft fully fueled is essentially a giant flying bomb.”
:D :D :D ja - das klappt auch - haben auch ein paar Schüler gemacht - sogar mit bewegter Einsturzgraphik:Balthasar70 schrieb:http://www.911myths.com/WTCREPORT.pdf
ich erwarte von dir auch nicht, dass du belegst, dass jede Nonsense-VT die bzgl. 9/11 zu finden ist, unsinnig ist.Balthasar70 schrieb:@ER_win
....schade, dass Du auf die Energiewerte aus. Der Studie nicht eingehst, sondern nur Deine "offensichtliche Wahrnehmung" mit kleinen Rhetorischen Spielchen gegen Kritik immunisierst.
Balthasar70 schrieb:Absoluter Hoehepunkt ist aber die Schuelerberechnung, wenn sie bei der Impulserhaltung mal kurz die Gravitationskraefte weglassen.
du sagtest ja schon, dass dir das techn. Verständnis fehlt. Was ziehst denn dann für Strohmann-Schlüsse aus einer Grafik ?! Das ist doch nur für den Aufprall - du musst dir schon das Programm angucken, da simulieren sie sogar den Freifall eines Körpers neben der Einsturz-Simulation des Gebäudes. Klick halt auf den o.a. Link, dann siehst du im Programmkopf die Gravitationskonstante für die Berechnung - menno, was'n Kindergarten...Balthasar70 schrieb:@ER_win
...die Erklaerung des Impuslerhaltungssatzes in der Ebene ohne Bechleunigungskraefte ist einfach nur doof und manipulativ in dem Zusammenhang.
ja - JEDES Modell ist vereinfacht !Balthasar70 schrieb:@ER_win
Ja das berechnete Modell war vereinfacht.
Wie oft denn noch.
Prof. Dr.-Ing., P.E. Uwe Starossek (TUHH), Germany---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Uwe Starossek
Prof. Dr.-Ing., P.E.
Structural Analysis and Steel Structures Institute
Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), Germany
E-mail: starossek@tuhh.de
In terms of tragedy and losses the above mentioned cases of failure were far exceeded by the collapse on September 11th, 2001 of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The impact of the airplane and the subsequent fire initiated local failures in the area of impact. The ensuing loss in vertical bearing capacity was limited to a few stories but extended over the complete cross section of the respective tower [9, 10]. The upper part of the structure started to move downwards and accumulated kinetic energy. The subsequent collision with the lower part of the structure, which was still intact, caused enormous impact forces which were far beyond the reserve capacities
of the structure. This, in turn, led to the complete loss of vertical bearing capacity in the area of the impact. Failure progressed in this manner and led to a total collapse.
This is a blog dedicated to all the engineers that have spoken out about what happend on 9/11 but were quotemined by the "truthmovement". I have also added Engineers that just commented on the events that day. I will be updating this blog reguraliry.
Ja - ist doch völlig korrekt. Genau das gleiche argumentiere ich auch ...Balthasar70 schrieb:In terms of tragedy and losses the above mentioned cases of failure were far exceeded by the collapse on September 11th, 2001 of the twin towers of the World Trade Center. The impact of the airplane and the subsequent fire initiated local failures in the area of impact. The ensuing loss in vertical bearing capacity was limited to a few stories but extended over the complete cross section of the respective tower [9, 10]. The upper part of the structure started to move downwards and accumulated kinetic energy. The subsequent collision with the lower part of the structure, which was still intact, caused enormous impact forces which were far beyond the reserve capacities
of the structure. This, in turn, led to the complete loss of vertical bearing capacity in the area of the impact. Failure progressed in this manner and led to a total collapse.
also salopp übersetzt: Das Gegenteil von dem was Bazant/Seffen annehmen, dürfte der Fall sein: ein wesentlicher Teil der kinetischen Energie geht bei der Zerstörung der Böden drauf. Und das ist NUR EIN Aspekt, der von Bazant/Seffen vernachlässigt wird, wie ja zB. Seffen selbst schreibt.ER_win schrieb:Thus, the assumption that the falling structure behaves like a rigid body cushioned by
plastically buckling columns in the vicinity of the impact surface is only correct when the
floor deformations are negligible. In fact, as will be demonstrated, the opposite may be the
case: a significant part of the kinetic energy may be dissipated in the floors.
Architects and Engineers
I guess a lot of you have heard about the website ae911truth where a group of individuals claim that what happened to WTC 1, 2 and 7 could not have happened. This is just a claim, because they have nothing to show for their allegation that it could not have happened the way it did. You won't find any calculations that show how the NIST Report is wrong. On this site, you will find many structural engineers - those who actually know what they are talking about - explaining why the towers collapsed the way they did. So feel free to look at all the information I have gathered about the research done on the collapse on the towers. The research has been published in numerous engineering magazines and all over the internet on engineering sites (See the links on the right side of this site).
Only a handful of architects and engineers question the NIST Report, but they have never come up with an alternative. Although at first blush it may seem impressive that these people don't believe the NIST Report, remember that there are 123,000 members of ASCE(American Society of Civil Engineers) who do not question the NIST Report. There are also 80,000 members of AIA(American Institute of Architects) who do not question the NIST Report.
Although their field of expertise is not related to the construction of buildings - they don't seem to have a problem with that over at AE911truth - there are also 120,000 members of ASME(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) who do not question the NIST report. There are also 370,000 members of IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) who do not question the NIST report. There are also 40,000 members of AIChE(American Institute of Chemical Engineers) who do not question the NIST Report. There are also 35,000 members of AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics) who do not question the NIST report. So who would you rather believe?
Ich hab' doch wem anderen schon den Tipp gegeben - husch-husch - wende die übliche Debunker-Methode an und such auf Debunkerseiten etwas "Glauben-Bewahrendes". Das ist doch die Standard-Vorgehensweise bei "VT-Spinnern" ...Balthasar70 schrieb:...das es unsinnig vereinfacht war ist eine reine Behauptung von Dir, für den Zweck für den es damals gerechnet wurde war es vollkommen ausreichend.
Doch genau damit fing unser Gespräch an.ER_win schrieb:Um den Einschlag und das initiale Versagen geht es doch gar nicht.