Dr. Frank Greening ist fast so weit, die vermeintliche VT zu akzeptieren.
Es sind nur noch ein paar Des-Info-Listen-Punkte, in denen er sich verfangen hat, was ihn davon abhält. Da sieht man mal wieder, wie effektiv diese Punkte wirken.
Extrahandfeste Beweise für eine VT notwendig:
I believe that to reach such a conclusion requires extraordinary proof.http://www.gatecreepers.com/entries/exclusive-debunking-myths-on-conspiracy-theorie/#Myth_.232:_Extraordinary_claims_require_ (Archiv-Version vom 17.02.2009)9/11 ist eh viel zu complex:
But 9/11 is a much more complex 8. Erkläre, das Verbrechen sei zu komplex um jemals die Wahrheit herausfinden zu können.
9/11 WTC1 & WTC2 (Seite 8)Umständehalber Leugnen
First of all, we really don't have certified nano-thermite standards for comparison. And neither can anyone explain how such an unconventional material was used in the Twin Towers or indeed elsewhere in the WTC Complex.There's a term for this kind of denial: circumstantial denial. Claim that it was not possible to set the charges, claim that someone would had blow the whistle, claim that it needs much too long to preparate the charges, claim that the specific explosive we've found in the dust doesn't exist and so on.
In the reality, because we've found traces of nano-thermate, we are sure to say it was a controlled demolition.
There are other issues as well, the molten metal, first brought up by Garrick Utley on CNN, later dismissed by NIST and others, but did in fact really exist.
The circumstances need to be re-viewed. They can not be used to rule out controlled demolition from the start. Especially since the WTC 7 demolition indeed did have all the commons of controlled demolitions. Visit the Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth and learn some.
Man braucht keine Referenzproben, um zu erkennen, dass die rot/grauen Chips hochenergetisches Material auf Nano-Basis sind. Im Übrigen habe ich Dr. G per Mail die gleiche Wahrscheinlichkeitsfrage gestellt wie euch hier vorgestern und gestern. Mal sehen ob er antwortet.
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