Groucho schrieb:Die Ärzte sind sich einig, dass die Rückenwunde eine Eintrittswunde ist.
Und deine stereotype Antwort hat auch nach dem 10x nichts mit dem Schusskanal zu tun.
Es ist ungefähr so, wie wenn man jemanden fragt, wie es sein kann, daß es im Hochsommer schneit und derjenige stur darauf antwortet: "Die Experten haben einhellig festgestellt, daß das Jahr aus 12 Monaten besteht!"
Dr. Finck hat sich genauso gewunden in seiner Zeugenbefragung durch Oser, nach einer Ewigkeit der Dummstellerei erst antwortet Finck endlich auf die Frage.
Mr Oser :
Did you have an occasion to dissect the track of that particular bullet in the victim as it lay on the autopsy table?Col. Finck :
I did not dissect the track in the neck.Nun stellt Oser eine ganz simple Frage:
Warum wurde der Schusskanal nicht seziert?Mr Oser :
Why?Offensichtlich ist es Finck äußerst unangenehm, darauf zu antworten. In Folge antwortet er immer gleich, bis er irgendwann mit der Wahrheit rausrückt, nachdem der Richter ein Machtwort spricht.
Col. Finck :
This leads us into the disclosure of medical records.
Mr Oser :
Your Honor, I would like an answer from the Colonel and I would ask The Court so to direct.
Judge :
That is correct, you should answer, Doctor.
Col. Finck :
We didn’t remove the organs of the neck.
Mr Oser :
Why not, Doctor?
Col. Finck :
For the reason that we were told to examine the head wounds and that the —
Mr Oser :
Are you saying someone told you not to dissect the track?
Judge :
Let him finish his answer.
Col. Finck :
I was told that the family wanted an examination of the head, as I recall, the head and the chest, but the prosectors in this autopsy didn’t remove the organs of the neck, to my recollection.
Mr Oser :
You have said that they did not. I want to know why didn’t you as an autopsy pathologist attempt to ascertain the track through the body which you had on the autopsy table in trying to ascertain the cause or causes of death? Why?
Col. Finck :
I had the cause of death.
Mr Oser :
Why did you not trace the track of the wound?
Col. Finck :
As I recall I didn’t remove these organs from the neck.
Mr Oser :
I didn’t hear you.
Col. Finck :
I examined the wounds but I didn’t remove the organs of the neck.
Mr Oser :
You said you didn’t do this; I am asking you why didn’t [you] do this as a pathologist?
Col. Finck :
From what I recall I looked at the trachea, there was a tracheotomy wound the best I can remember, but I didn’t dissect or remove these organs.
Mr Oser :
Your Honor, I would ask Your Honor to direct the witness to answer my question. I will ask you the question one more time: Why did you not dissect the track of the bullet wound that you have described today and you saw at the time of the autopsy at the time you examined the body? Why? I ask you to answer that question.
Und nun endlich rückt er mit der Wahrheit raus ... Was für eine schwere Geburt!!Col. Finck :
As I recall I was told not to, but I don’t remember by whom.
Mr Oser :
You were told not to but you don’t remember by whom?
Col. Finck :
Mr Oser :
Could it have been one of the Admirals or one of the Generals in the room?
Col. Finck :
I don’t recall.
Mr Oser :
Do you have any particular reason why you cannot recall at this time?
Col. Finck :
Because we were told to examine the head and the chest cavity, and that doesn’t include the removal of the organs of the neck.
Mr Oser :
You are one of the three autopsy specialists and pathologists at the time, and you saw what you described as an entrance wound in the neck area of the President of the United States who had just been assassinated, and you were only interested in the other wound but not interested in the track through his neck, is that what you are telling me?
Col. Finck :
I was interested in the track and I had observed the conditions of bruising between the point of entry in the back of the neck and the point of exit at the front of the neck, which is entirely compatible with the bullet path.
Mr Oser :
But you were told not to go into the area of the neck, is that your testimony?
Col. Finck :
From what I recall, yes, but I don’t remember by whom.