JFK - Attentataufdeckung
02.09.2019 um 06:32Schade. Du machst das genaue Gegenteil dessen, was du dir eigentlich vorgenommen hattest, nämlich bei einem Punkt zu bleiben und ihn abzuarbeiten.Nemon schrieb:Schade. Aber ich habe, wie gesagt, auch anderes zu tun.
Warum so persönlich? Dein Argument war, dass jeder einfach gemacht hätte was er wollte- was ein gewisse Orientierungslosigkeit, ein Durcheinander impliziert, in dem man auch gegeneinander arbeitete.Nemon schrieb:Du brauchtest doch eh nur einen Stichwortgeber, um zum x-ten Male deine Version von ... irgendwas ... zu posten.
Das Problem ist, dass bei JFKs Leiche von Anfang bis Ende eine "Marschrichtung" erkennbar ist, angefangen von LBJs Entscheidung, mit der AF1 zu fliegen und vor allem auf die Leiche zu warten ("the BODY"), über den Funkverkehr bis zu den Särgen in Bethesda.
Egal wie man es drehen will, der Leichnam war zu Beginn der offiziellen Autopsie nicht mehr im Originalzustand. Wenn es "eine Autopsie vor der Autopsie gab", sprechen die Aussagen immer noch für Eingriffe vor der Ankunft in Bethesda.
Das größte Problem ist aber, dass Humes und Co diese "Autopsie vor der Autopsie" verschwiegen- und sogar darüber logen.
Nehmen wir die 17 cm und was Boswell dazu sagte:
Now if one measures from the lowest point that that could have been for the exit to have been four centimeters above the ridge backwards, he said 17 centimeters missing. Now I have talked to Dr. Boswell about this, and you put a centimeter ruler back there, 17 centimeters back of this point puts you spot on the external occipital protuberance. I can demonstrate it with a ruler, if anybody cares to see it, but I have done it many times.
Now if, in fact, the entrance wound and a defect was that much higher, this distance from here to that exit point is only about 12 to 13 centimeters. So he basically has biangulated the wound to this low point, but the photographs are missing that would help establish that it was there, and since that was a contemporaneously prepared diagram --
Now the confusing thing here is that in the autopsy report it describes the defect as being 13 centimeters, not 17 centimeters. Well, Dr. Boswell told the House Select Committee on Assassinations, told Harrison Livingstone and told me on the phone on March 30th of this year that it was 17 centimeters when the body arrived, and then he found or got -- they got a bone fragment in, and he put the bone fragment back in place, and with the bone fragment the defect was, in fact, then 13 centimeters.
Now to illustrate what I am talking about, here is a photograph. These are the diagrams from the Warren Commission, and they are in color, very nice ones. Here is the way that they diagramed that. This is 13 centimeters across here but, in fact, when the body first arrived, according to what he told me on the phone, and I have a recorded conversation of this, this fragment of bone was not there. This fragment of bone was absent and, in fact, there was a hole extending all the way from the entrance point forward 17 centimeters which would have to place the wound, the defect, quite low in the rear of the skull, placing some forensic problems for the reconstruction of the shooting.
Dr. Michael Baden asked Boswell about the diagram for the HSCA:https://www.history-matters.com/essays/jfkmed/How5Investigations/How5InvestigationsGotItWrong_6.htm
Baden: “Could you explain the diagram on the back [of Boswell’s face sheet]?”
Boswell: “Well, this was an attempt to illustrate the magnitude of the [skull] wound again. And as you can see it’s 10 centimeters from right to left, 17 centimeters from posterior to anterior.”[359]
The problem with Boswell’s testimony is the same problem with his face sheet diagram: it says JFK’s gaping skull wound measured 17-cm. while the autopsy report said it was 13-cm.
How did a 17-cm skull defect on the night of the autopsy shrink in the autopsy report? Boswell told the HSCA, [360] the ARRB, and one of the authors (Aguilar, in a recorded call)[361] that it all had to do with the aforementioned beveled bone fragment. The skull defect started out at 17-cm., but after the fragment was replaced into the backside of JFK’s skull, the remaining gap then measured “only” 13-cm., the dimension cited in the autopsy report. Given that the larger number was taken down at the time of the autopsy, it carries even greater weight as evidence than the smaller figure in the autopsy report. And believing it doesn’t require the leap of faith one needs to believe that two bone fragments shared a beveled bullet hole. Or that nonspecialists properly oriented two bits of bone and so proved a bullet had passed between them in a certain direction. All one has to believe is that the pathologists knew how to use a ruler.
Lange bevor die Ermittlungen abgeschlossen waren, sogar bevor eine Autopsie überhaupt durchgeführt wurde, hatte die neue Regierung schon entschieden, dass es ein Einzeltäter war und an der Leiche, an den Wunden und am Gehirn herumgepfuscht.
Was würdest du denken, wenn so etwas in einer Banananrepublik passieren würde?
Sei doch einfach dankbar für die zusätzlichen Infos ("Danke! Das wusste ich noch nicht!").Nemon schrieb:Du brauchtest doch eh nur einen Stichwortgeber, um zum x-ten Male deine Version von ... irgendwas ... zu posten.